Dribbler on the Roof | Supa Strikas | Season 3 Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoons for Kids!

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thanks again for choosing the brock rockinghauer off-season training audio course it's day three and you've been busting a gut right well i hope you got lots of guys because today we're gonna bust another one 10 mile run one mile swim the bicycle establishing apps blocks pushing squads let nothing stand in the way of the biggest event of your chosen profession super league trophy here we come incredible awesome no wait the glamour the glory those fancy little chocolates on your pillow this is sky ball the world's highest soccer tournaments [Music] is a unique tournament on top of my new hotel for the first time [Music] sultan's gonna have their gimmicks i think i'll stick to real socks and taking on sultans in the first ever skyball ultimate fives is you may be the champions super strikers but in skyball ultimate fives i make all the rules super league is all that matters sky ball looks awesome but it's just another one of sheik's amusements hey gutibo dude the big kahuna himself requested a top-flight attacking team and imagine staying in the world's most expensive hotel playing soccer on top of the world's tallest building overlook overlooking epic desert views through four glass walls and my favorite having the winner judged by public vote it's football dudes but not as we know it sounds like a crazy reality show to me so you finished day three right of course you did you wouldn't let old brock down would you day four remember the rock and roll creed ah we've managed to get your attention away from your self-help tape brock happens to be sport's biggest motivational coach talking about big irene i have to vertigo just looking up yeah only a few hundred people will get to see the game live but they're expecting a tv audience to rival that of a super league final let's get up there i want to see what we're dealing with my dear super strikers are you ready to live like you have never lived before are you ready to play like you have never played before let's get out of this desert wind oh very nice wow la mirage that's french for the mirage boasts the world's most expensive decor vases from ming dynasty china faberge eggs from russia shetland bonus from shetland i suppose no expense smeared ah expense has definitely been spared at the souvenir shop and in the spirit of la mirage a memento of ultimate fives for each participant no ways soccer balls covered in gold take them they're yours cool both teams will be staying at la mirage for the next 48 hours until the tournament is over what did i say reality show i have a full agenda for you first things first let's get you settled in [Music] i wonder which floor will be on the views must be pretty awesome in the world's tallest building the sky's the limit [Music] and coordination everything's on schedule shake marketing the new tv ad is ready to broadcast jake whether our satellites say conditions for the game will be perfect shape beats writing script for the event or right on schedule shake by the way you rock security no one's going anywhere without us knowing shake good the stage is set for a fantastic event and the sultan's win yum yum yum beautiful presentation oh that's amazing wow what a spread are you enjoying your meal shakes these ingredients come from all over but it looks like sultans are eating lean very lean what's actually going on here no rooftop training yet and now he's stuffing us with fancy food the winner works for david hasselblad shakes yes shake what time can we get onto the rooftop pitch tomorrow morning hmm you'll have to ask the owner of the hotel aren't you the owner yes but it would be unfair on the sultan so maybe ask their coach but you're their coach as well of course of course but the shake would never allow but you're the shake there are so many amazing things to do in the hotel hot truck spa treatments on floor eight shopping in the concourse bingo on floor five no you don't like bingo buffalo wing oh too many buffalo wings day four remember the rock and roll creed from day one our rolling rock gathers no moss are you rolling guy or are you standing there with a cup of coffee in your one hand and a half-eaten rusk in the other well let's rock and roll guy yeah if the shake isn't gonna give us what we need i'm gonna make my own four-walled pitch people try to bring you down tell you how to live tell you where you can go and where you can't go tell you what you can say what you can't say well here's some advice keep it down out there it's not like i need my beauty sleep or anything just saying whoa merciless on the main i'm just trying to get in some training watch songs and set the record straight when they beat super strikers you think they forget we thrashed them four to one last season yeah but with this voting thing it's a whole different ball game shakes man a fancy hotel is no place to be practicing sure captain [Music] hey guys you're not perhaps heading up to the rooftop pitch are you no no no no one's allowed up there so where are you going down like it's not just their soccer they've been practicing typical i can't believe you won't just ask someone hubert we don't need help i'll get us there ursula that's what you said ten minutes ago captain's log stardate 2132.5 i've noticed jake you should see this he's heading for the roof just like you said he's persistent that's for sure but don't worry measures have already been put in place [Music] bingo the bingo is on the helipad uh i can help you out there [Music] i guess this is a pretty awesome place to play soccer well no one said i can't train here [Music] wow okay the conditions are unbelievable wait till i tell coach [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing coach uh the wind i i was just trying to shake is absolutely furious vip guests can't land because you're on the helipad and now you just kick his priceless gift off the side of the building wait how did we get it you didn't want to play the gimmicky skyball tournament well you just got your wish you're benched so [Music] shakes benched super striker's coach has described his star striker as unruly ahead of the team's showcase against sultan dude wasn't into it right that doesn't mean we don't need him for the game don't worry the shake doesn't have anything that'll stop roster and the boys welcome to the tournament everyone's been waiting for without even realizing it today sultan's take soccer to a whole new level four glass balls at the very top of the world's highest hotel lava raj keep your eyes on the screen and your bones in your hands for the first time [Music] hey you stealing my style nothing in the rules about wearing glasses el matador oh yes that's because there are no rules only votes [Applause] yesterday's news and today's most likely winners we practiced this a thousand times we know the plan right of course we do now and we're off everyone is totally excited about this new form of the game well not everyone would you believe who's on the bench maybe he can still help depends does he get a vote huh well i wouldn't be voting for super strikers right now myself i'm not used to marking a whole wall i'm not used to feeling this uncool why are sultan suddenly so much better than us whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no one's allowed [Music] i was right the shake has been playing us from the start all but the sultan's got to stay on one of the top floors and that they practiced up here and the deliberately got me busted so i couldn't play i wonder what else he has in store for us rasta has it covered the altitude is working against us we need to use the walls too [Music] that's it use the walls to make the pace impossible for them like one giant game of pinball [Music] and the results are showing watch out sultans come on guys we can do this welcome to the party shakes man [Music] [Applause] [Music] t minus one minute great work let's get ready people switch to infrared watch me really use the all [Music] nominal this is why they're the league champs they learn so fast mac the opposition just can't keep up yeah guys come on the visors okay you weren't stealing my style were you the shake has been playing us it's time you got out there okay shakes yes 175 scorstein one is to go um what are you looking for now we never found the bingo lounge so we invented our own game lift bingo we ride a lift all day and use the floors people choose to play bingo i'll take the stairs hey where are the red guys it's a matador versus the world out there all seems a little unfair right the contract brenda we can't say anything bad about the sultan's the chico la marrage i miss the super league hey no respect [Music] um this is soccer not the circus well it's getting votes max half time what can super strikers do in the break besides cleaning the sand out to rise put these on my room account come on come on yes you pay for the holiday sh cheeks from super strikers yeah i'm a i'm a big fan shakes really i mean i have like all the dvds of super striker's matches thanks uh maybe you heard of me guy sure brock rockinghauer excuse me brock rockinghauer motivational trainer forward slash life coach i'm a big fan too really well won't you need some like brock awesomeness up there hoo-ha crazy eyes tiger power no thanks dustier than my record collection up here man come on it's not that bad stop me stop me can't our only sub has disappeared we were doing well beating these guys at this style of soccer but with no vision shakes said the shake had something planned to throw us off i should have guessed it would be something this over the top nothing a few advisers can't solve welcome back shakesma coach i'm sorry i i really messed up a lot of keep prepare for yourself the vote is massively in sultan's favor thanks to their performance since the sandstorm but suddenly super strikers are looking prepared for the conditions but are they prepared enough [Music] good luck muchacho but don't get too attached to it it's trademarked [Music] super strikers are finding their feet up there but there is still a massive shortfall how are they going to force a massive jump in votes done it's up to the rest of the world now i guess [Music] feels like we've reached the stalemate time is running down and the vote is running away from super strikers can they do something that will send their vote off the charts ah i wish i'd got some time to practice up here hey send it my way i think i can do something that will rock the boat whatever they do now mac it's too little too late here we go brenda [Music] i don't think that's gonna help super striker sports unlikely max [Music] course you can that was like the best move i ever saw and besides all my moves of course how many balls did you have to kick off the roof to perfect admire well actually the only one but a really expensive one very impressive super strikers but time's up and sultan's demolished you on votes um the game is over but the voting isn't but what's the uh ruling on that one oh there are no rules [Laughter] fun anyone's game let's do it again next season fantastic don't mess with my boys okay just means you'll lose oh well i guess it's back to my diamond encrusted gold-plated drawing board someone gave me the diamond they crushed [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] as you have just witnessed i urigary invited every player in japan to attack nakama yet not a single one of those weak fools could breach our new defensive technique jerk nothing can stand up to nakama's discipline devotion and dedication the super league is as good as ours you think uragid is up to something when isn't he uragiri has used dirty tactics in the past but this time he has something much more dangerous the perfect defense [Music] [Applause] [Music] discipline devotion dedication and frizzy hair coach i hate training in the rain when are we going to practice some attacking moves [Applause] yeah super strikers are all about the flare and style not this time [Music] the only way we're going to beat nakama is by matching their discipline that means training information eating information [Music] and don't forget partying information hey guys where do you think you're going there's a totally epic underground mall like right beneath us it's the best shops a three-story arcade and most importantly the world's best hair salon [Music] this rain is killing my style the only place you're going is back to your rooms but i promised my nintendo i'd get her present in tokyo do you think uragiri lets nakama go out the night before a game i don't think so i know this is tough guys but we just gotta trust coach he is totally focused on beating the karma rasta is right man coach is totally focused on the comma maybe a little too focused [Music] yes yes perfect nico don't sneak up on me like that what are you doing you know i want to beat super strikers with hard work and only hard work this time i don't need to cheat our defense is impenetrable then what are you doing writing a condolence letter to coach dear coach second place isn't so bad unless there are only two teams you suck love origini so what do you think do not underestimate super strikers they are a worthy adversary ah they do not have the discipline to crack out defensive might that's why i have to find other ways to keep myself busy or would you prefer it if i came up with an evil scheme no no this is a a bit better i suppose now if you'll excuse me i have some important business to attend to i've got a big surprise for coach [Music] and hilda please forgive me huh who's there [Music] where are you guys going we're we're sleepwalking oh right [Music] all right you busted us but i need a break from coach's training even formation sleep in formation too much information information we just going to go to the mall for like an hour no big deal i'm sorry guys but we must stay in formation so i'll have to come with you [Music] a perfect surprise for coach the toilet trophy for when we beat super strikers oh no worry about him so jealous if they see me the surprise will be ruined oh wow this place is amazing what's really amazing is my hair check it out that monster mask looks just like uragiri it's definitely as ugly as him and hilda will love it don't you think she has enough presents nein all i got here is this inflatable cheese some board games a mall map these camera sunglasses and these cool light up shoelaces for myself that's the most useless junk i've ever seen no it isn't shh keep it down guys we don't want anyone recognizing us yeah if coach hears we snuck out we are dead oh it's gone you snooze you lose yeah i'll show you what happens when you make fun of origin hey look everyone it's super strikers look is it really them it is them which wrapped maybe not map says you sure it's either that or face coach when he sees us all over tomorrow's newspapers and i thought the toilet trophy would make coach man just wait till he finds out about this yes yes perfect [Music] maybe i need a little break [Music] whoa what is this place oh this is crazy wait oh this gives me a great idea this is going to make the best holiday video where are we klaus pass me the map okay this isn't a map it's snakes and ladders but they look so similar man the snakes and ladders made more sense than this i just wanted my hair to look good for the game and now we may not even get there oh we should have listened to coach [Music] i've heard the ball rats but that's ridiculous sleep well you're gonna need it [Music] huh um i need some sleep too until i never get to see her presents laos that's it the inflatable cheese now just put the corn then why did i pick dismissed cheese all that's left of him is his stupid shoelaces now matador he's still wearing them oh right hey klaus looks like that junky bot wasn't totally useless after all we made it oh oh but we're not the only ones ground pigeons i hate brown pigeons stay chilled they won't bother us unless we give them a reason get back jesus over here [Music] drop the cheese next time coach makes a curfew remind me to listen to him yes the shopping is way too dangerous these days i'm so tired at least no one noticed we and i want to keep it that way huh hey my holiday video yeah the only evidence of our little shopping trip now come on if we don't get some sleep nakama will end us then coach will end us for real ah sleep rise and shine super strikers it's time to show nakama what you're made of [Music] an epic backdrop for an epic game of football nakama's defense has been tighter than a jar of pickles but if anyone can get it open it's super strike us aye but the men in red will need to be on top for them to win this one could still play them after they disobeyed his borders but an undisciplined fool unless he doesn't know tokyo is an expensive city super strikers and your little shopping trip just cost you dearly [Applause] and we're off oh well someone should tell shakespeare pass the ball man [Applause] what are you playing at origi why don't you open the message and find out [Applause] [Music] forget it i'm not falling for your treats but your players shut it the only thing i'm interested in is cracking your defense [Applause] nakama steel possession and super striker get it back nakama take it again and strikers return the favor the camera super strikers the camera super strikers hey i feel like i'm commentating tennis here brenda why are they so tired already they have too many extra curricular activities scott what would you know only what i saw in the message why don't you take a look yourself not gonna happen [Applause] it's been a tightly contested game so far [Applause] running us into the ground and it's all my fault strikers are trying to match nakama at their own game but it's just not working unless the forwards help out in defense coach's men are gonna be completely overrun shakes el matador klaus didn't you listen to a word i said in trading where's the discipline super strikers are getting mold out there and you were in the mall last night what are you on about origi first check the message then we can talk shop like which shop i saw your players in i'm good at this you wanna do what if it carries on like this we're gonna lose big time but coach is acting all crazy who knows what he'll do to us if you tell him i'm sorry guys but i've gotta do this the game depends on it [Applause] coach what is it shanks well uh i i wanted to tell you how good you're looking is that a new suit did you get the hell that's not it i was gonna say that how wonderful it is to be in a team like super strikers oh it makes me so proud no i enough sit down and keep quiet something went very wrong out there and i know whose fault it is so close after you shakes close el matador and i are too tired to stick to the strategy because we were out all night [Music] well that explains what uragiri was on about before a big game what were you thinking man totally not cool dudes but it wasn't our fault yeah we were only going to go out for an hour but then we got chased by crazy fans into these huge underground tunnels floated down the river on inflatable cheese and got attacked by sewer rats [Music] uh that's the worst excuse i ever heard yeah about as bad as your guy's performance real funny guys i have the proof but i have to take ant hilda something well what do you know they're telling the truth what you did was reckless irresponsible and completely unprofessional and what's more it's my fault i was so focused on uragiri's strategy i couldn't see that playing so defensively isn't the super striker's way maybe if i had trusted our natural attacking style you wouldn't have done this right now all we need to focus on is winning this game right coach yeah sure come on guys let's get out there and win this game the super striker's way hmm could it be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shot stopper has single-handedly kept his team in the game coach i got you a present in the mall you'll never guess who i saw there oh [Music] come on guys this is our chance to make things right now that's more like it from superstickers great interplay by the front three will this attack break the deadlock shakes must score shut the door in his face not even the mighty super strikers are a match for nakama's defense and it looks like coach is making a substitution doesn't surprise me brenda shakes klaus and el matador have been way off the pace today sorry coach the substitutes will do a better job yeah we'll just sit on the bench where it's nice and dry i'm not subbing you because i need you guys for my brand new game plan it's weird it's risky it's totally local it's perfect we're almost at full time and unbelievably the scores are still level but it's not over yet mac the last few minutes are always the hardest [Applause] and super strikers launch one final attack it looks more like interpretive dance to me whatever it is it's working nakama don't seem to know how to defend against this erratic movement [Music] stop the new fool where's that famous nakama discipline uragiri [Music] i can't keep this up much longer then let's finish it now [Music] i can't do it i'm too tired [Applause] how did you crack my ultimate defense i learned a new technique you've probably never heard of it it's pretty underground [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well done guys you did us proud relax and enjoy yourselves but not too much too late coach i'll never get this out of my hair [Music] [Applause] [Music] within the last 10 minutes and if super strikers can maintain this score line they'll have booked a place in the super league final but i you will have a mountain to climb if they want to make the final from here get on with it doofus time's a ticket come on dancing attack attack what are you talking about friend all we need is the draw but dancing rest is the captain of my fantasy team spends up if roster scores i go top of my fantasy league yeah but if he plays it safe super strikers go to the top of the real league [Applause] don't have all day knuckleheads tackling your own teammate never seen that technique before brenda this is a real opportunity for invincible united skull i'm open [Music] but the chance they were wide open what are you gonna do about what that's it scarra i'm taking your captain's armband for good a month before the final please you'll never find someone to replace me i already have scarra i already have and when super strikers playing this well you almost have to pity whoever faces them in the final but things aren't looking so rosy for their local rivals out of form and out of a captain with only five games left in the season who's gonna lead invincible united over the finish line we now cross live to the vice he's been called a born leader a shepherd of lost soccer souls he's a man destined to truly unite this great club presenting douma [Music] thank you thank you i am proud to be the new invincible united captain invincible united already has the league's best players my mission is to help them achieve the glory they deserve so what do you say guys are you ready to turn our season around [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the super league [Applause] so why is he getting all the glory you got lucky you puny little man boy no need for hard feelings uber your men played well yeah forever i'm looking forward to watching super striker's crush [Applause] yes as douma remembered his appointment at refab tonight yes re fab eh looks like mr perfect has a little problem yes [Music] i'm taking the fantasy league this season can't believe you made duma your captain in reality i'm super strikers for life but in fantasy league i'm all about the points are you so rich it physically hurts is fame weighing you down and giving you a backy then you need resound the health spa so exclusive we have to wipe your memory after your treatment hey wait a second that doctor is the guy who's always with doom but what would duma need with a fancy spa doctor sounds like a real mystery i know what you're thinking and forget about it you heard the ad refab is for the rich and famous only i know someone rich and famous no no no get away from me not that please anything for that the things i do for football you'll feel like a new person very soon yes good zuma [Music] behavioral reconstruction ward sounds serious [Music] tony how does this make you feel angry betrayed spike would you like some strude [Applause] [Music] what is this place [Music] who are you really mr duma lifetime ban complete personality upgrade warning do not expose distress dumas ticking time bomb this isn't the aromatherapy room cut the act shakes scarra and hand over dumas file no ways the whole world's gonna find out about duma not before he injures half your team in the final give it to me and he won't even make the game why should i trust you you think i'm gonna let dumas steal my team i am invincible united i don't know maybe you're the perfect match [Music] the soothing pan pipes what are you doing here this is a restricted area i got this relationship snooping into my fire i'm not a patient restrain him i just no stop it go with me come on [Music] oh look at this brenda coach is bringing on his secret super substitutes benzer oh mac i love spencer he's the how long was i asleep all night what wait you were up all night it's the super league final fantasy points count double i had to get my team perfect hey look huh it's too much that reminds me i still need to decide whether to make rasta or duma my captain never mind that friend shakes should have been out of there ages ago i gotta go look for him but how are you gonna get in huh i have a plan no i really really like the current me like anyone can hear me on the contrary i hear every lost soul you wanted to undo all the hard work our friend duma has done to heal himself heal himself the rest of the league is going to need healing unless we stop him i put too much hard work into this to let you ruin everything well you can't just leave me here wouldn't dream of it now what personality would you like superhero tv marketer or dance theater enthusiast dance theater what kind of sicko are you i know how about a little combo [Music] [Music] we don't want you undoing your treatment now after all the fun is only just beginning welcome to the new [Applause] the super league final is upon us and so is domania i can see why the man's a complete legend and his team loves him just as much as the fans so get out there and remember no matter what happens i'm proud of each and every one of them very inspiring captain so tell me does our game plan involve attacking our coach fly kicking an opposition fan oh my personal favorite shoving a refs whistle up his nose i know who you really are and unless you give me the captaincy back vince will too scarra scaroscara i used to be just like you angry threatened but my doctor at refab helped me find a better way yeah you can reminisce while you pack your bags alone you'll only ever be the bad boy captain of the league's dirtiest team but with all the cameras on me everyone will think invincible united has really changed leaving you to do whatever you want together you can finally get your hands on that super league trophy together we can destroy super strikers now that's inspiring captain hello it is me international soccer star el matador you don't look anything like el matador why do you think i'm here i need professional help [Music] okay okay go through the waiting room [Music] well it's been all invincible united so far who would have thought it me as soon as i saw that shake his name wasn't on a starting lineup a very strange decision from super strikers why does he always do this [Applause] hello matador geez how long was i out for shakes it's me spencer snap out of it he took it i gotta get to the game the guys are in danger what are you talking about i'll explain in the way we gotta hurry but shakes oh you were hooked up to this crazy machine don't worry spins i'm fine [Music] almost at the end of the first half and super strikers have hardly had a kick and it's been all thanks to that man invincible united's inspirational captain and all round nice guys [Applause] what are we going to do i don't know brother with doom in charge invincible united really are invincible and united fear not for i am here where have you been uncovering a dark secret the real duma was a violent brute who was banned from the super league for life but he's undergone a personality altering procedure making him mr nice guy but the treatment's a sham duma is still evil and only i can stop him thanks shakes that was very dramatic so how do we stop him shakes with the all-new high-tech dfab audio vial in duba's assistance bag one listen and douma will return to normal that's right how much would you expect us to win by with this amazing new innovation two to one three to one right listen shakes our first priority is the game if we can expose duma that's an added bonus got you captain this calls for a celebration a one and a step and two and jump to the back guys i think shakes got a dose of crazy personality treatment really what makes you think that we can't put them on the field like this don't worry guys i can do this jazz hands not a chance coach you know as well as i do that we need shakes out there he can make the difference even if he isn't quite himself understatement of the century captain but you're right i'll give him 15 minutes but if his condition hasn't improved i'm taking him off the players are coming on for the second half and shanks has decided to join the party so duma was a bad guy all along ugh i can't believe i almost chose him as my fantasy captain almost don't worry spenza there's only one man i'd choose for the super league final [Music] hey i'm free did you hear that folks call now and you'll get superstar l matador absolutely free uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i must score it's my destiny the rep stops play so the medics can see to automatic ending maybe they should check shakes his head while they're out there he's been acting crazy since he came on all right guys this is our chance to get the default vial that creepy guy doesn't take his eyes off it we're gonna need a distraction something big something over the top something completely crazy what i don't know how you escaped shut your butthole dirtbag good boy well i have a deal for you and it goes a little something like this a one and a two and a one two three four [Music] how many times do i have to tell you to save the dance theater for after the game [Applause] but the charleston it is my [Applause] [Music] [Music] all favorite that's enough if you want to see more you come watch us after the game all right great bye all right we got the d-fab vile now we just got to find a way to make duma listen to it there's been a change of plan shakes now yeah you need to d5 more than anyone me but there's nothing wrong with me is there what did i do let's just say you're going to love the match highlights but what about douma it's just like shake said man stress duma out and his real personality will break through and how are we going to do that without the default vial by unleashing the full power of the super strikers [Music] [Applause] [Music] now this is more like it from super striping [Music] [Applause] don't just stand there you idiot do something what what a chance i don't believe it and neither can the fans mack huh you pathetic idiots look what you made me do super strikers take the free kick quickly [Applause] the men in red are back in it all right guys this is it the moment we've been fighting for all seasons let's get our name on that trophy hey duma this is all shakespeare he's the one that wants to tell the world your secret yes yes i'll destroy him beautiful move by super strikers [Music] [Music] what a dramatic goal mac but at what cost brendan [Applause] but it's less of a happy ending for douma what happened to him this is what i think of your card now put on your earphones and come back to refund huh [Applause] what a weird dude i now present to you the super league champions super strikers [Applause] but wait that's not all gotcha that wasn't funny uh let's hope next season is a bit easier than this one was eh [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 1,927,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supa strikas, super strikas, super strikers, supa strikas season 6, super estrikas, super strikers in english, supa strikas in english, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons, football, soccer, soccer anime, anime, cartoon anime, supa strikas in hindi, super striker, kids tv series, kids tv shows, american soccer, football compilations, soccer goals, best football team, shakes, funny cartoon, Compilation, Animation, Classic Cartoon, super league, supa league
Id: fpPdWJo0iHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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