Supa Strikas | Live and Kicking! | Full Episodes | Soccer Cartoons for Kids

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sir sir you can't park here why not is this not a reasonable place to park reasonable you're parked on the lawn sorry i can't be late for my big moment well folks we've had plenty of worthy winners but now it's time for the number one prize the big fish the crown jewel the golden food and just in time for my award nice of you to join us el matador yeah only two hours late award ceremonies are so boring yep keep telling yourself that shakes it'll make it easier for you when i win the golden boot and the nominees are oh here's my moment rihanna from barca fc el matador from invincible united ships [Music] and the winner is [Music] and the winner is [Applause] yes i'm the greatest dude you didn't win what huh [Music] well done my friend but i'm not gonna make it this easy for you next year wouldn't expect any less dude once again your team carries you to the trophy well maybe you should try to pass to your team once in a while it really helps win those trophies please look at them if it was just you versus me i win every time it either isn't the biggest cheat award cause then you would win every time wow guys first super strikers won the league last season and now this i couldn't have done it without my team you hear that ah he couldn't have done it without me well anyway thanks everyone looking forward to an even bigger challenge next season [Applause] why wait till next season shakes mr shakes what's this dear shakes miss ultivo invites you to her private island for a soccer challenge like no other oh come on you get the golden boot and the fancy golden letter no fair mr matador now that's more like it dear el matador your car has been towed [Applause] you really thinking of going to that island shakes ma well it would be nice to do something different but you're going to miss out on the end of season barbecue at dancing hosta's house relaxing in the sun listening to groovy tunes and chowing down as much delicious grub as we can fit in our bellies it is important to take a break mom don't worry i'll be fine what's that scarra [Music] payback [Music] we'll be landing shortly welcome to el pibo's island whoa [Music] hi shakes ah hell matador what are you doing here my invite must have got lost in the post very funny shakes shakes hey guys hey hey what's happening dude well well well it's mr golden boot himself i see you about your babysitter the only thing i sit on is chairs and sometimes the ground when there are no chairs available so what's this all about i don't know haven't seen anyone since we got here huh probably trying to sell us [Music] the challenge of a lifetime an idyllic tropical island converted into the ultimate testing ground for the ultimate footballers dribbling balance stamina this is your chance to test your skills against your greatest opponents then the last two standing will face off in the ultimate soccer showdown and why should we play in your little tournament yeah what's in it for us a chance to find out which of you is truly the greatest player of your generation but if any of you aren't feeling up to the challenge my planes are available to take you home yeah why don't you losers go home and have a skinny frappa dappuccino i'll stay here and win not a chance skara oh you gotta stay shakes i'm gonna show everyone why i should have won the golden boot all right let's do this i'm so sorry el matador my tournament is for award winners only cruel fate why do you hate me why don't you just go and relax in the vip lounge there's a complimentary gift bag gift bag eh it will be mine for the rest of you destiny awaits [Music] good luck i'll see you at the finish line if you survive that long ready for some good old holiday fun hey shakes yeah just wish i brought my swimming trunks ah it's good to take a break from football ma so here's the game plan norcha watch the rear rumpus sizzling captain cool joe keep working them wings gotcha brother twisting tiger make some space into symptoms already on it el matador you el matador where's el matador probably running late again uh guys you've got to see this this is the biggest tv i have ever seen in my whole life it's a beautiful day klaus man why don't you come outside but the television has 3d um outside is 3d yeah but does outside have a built-in karaoke function from do not trip or slip or fumble when you rumble in the jungle i'll survey puny manchild super strikers may have finished top of the log but you know nothing of jungle combat this pathetic island is like under 13 training at iron tank whoa intense bros yeah looks dangerous racial [Music] [Music] guys the lord super strike is finished top of the log yeah we get it no the law ah come on [Music] no golden boot no golden ticket and now i can't even find the vip lounge [Music] this sucks [Music] station one almost through the rumble in the jungle excellent station two the pillar thriller is uh ready for action uh those challenges are nothing compared to finding the vip lounge more like very impossible to find lounge [Music] [Laughter] scarra you jerk why did you take out luquido yeah most dishonorable you losers can hold hands and sing kumbaya but i'm here to win uh guys we've got a problem a big problem keep the ball up on the pillar thriller and try not to fall the drop's quite a killer [Music] did you guys hear that you're what exactly that's a long way down [Music] hey over here you ready to join the team just pass it chuck dough [Music] yeah yeah we've been over this i'm a bad bad boy now which one of you losers should i take out next bingo [Music] nice [Music] ah scarra sad to see you eliminated our audience was loving your rivalry with shakes audience what audience [Music] you were on my brand new reality show standing by soccer island killer thriller scarra fails shakes prevails there are four superstars left but only two will make it to the volcano showdown and only one will be crowned this whole thing is fake i prefer the term scripted reality now why don't you catch the rest of the show in the vip lounge and watch shakes win yeah right i've had enough of loser island dudes that looks so good oh yum i can't wait not so fast just a few more minutes man i want this meat cooked to perfection guys you gotta come see this hey klaus how many times we got to tell you we're not gonna listen to you seeing karaoke no you guys really gotta come see this [Music] shakes is on tv his big secret elite tournament is a celebrity reality show reality tv is so lame it's all fake you know totally scripted come on guys the barbecue waits for no one who is in hot enough form to make it to the volcano in flamo an epic final showdown above scorching lava could watch for a few minutes is this the vip lounge couches seem comfy not sure about the weird decor though but no gift bag [Music] huh please oh please uh i'll never find the vip lounge why even bothering they won't let you in you didn't win an award ah yeah except for the super league trophy heard of that one whatever huh what do we have here time to give you losers a dose of real reality let's punt this party [Music] hmm you guys suck miss altivo we found the source of the interference auxiliary control room three scara i'll call security no i have a better idea if there's one thing the audience loves more than a hero it's a bad bad villain volcano soccer here we come you know i'm not going easy on you my friend wouldn't expect any less dude shakes and rihanno head for the final challenge but they don't know that an evil force is at work what sclera dude told you it's all fake why would skara be in the control room if i can't win no one will some holiday this turned out to be a shake don't worry i got you dude i don't think so my friend looks like i let you off easy again no i guess this means shakes has wanted all right i'll admit it this is kind of cool for reality tv kind of cool that's the most insane thing i've ever seen wow it's like i can actually smell the smoke from the volcano oh no man the barbecue okay are we done here el tivo rihanno's out i'm the only one left huh the game's changed shakes how did you get back into the tournament oh wait let me guess you cheated pity there's no ref for you to winch to no teammates to carry you and no super league rules to hide behind now we'll see who's really the best he's a natural audience is waiting let's get the ball rolling time to lose shakes [Music] let's get cracking shall we you lose shakes no matter how many trophies you win you'll always know that one-on-one i'm the king huh [Music] now the whole world's gonna see who deserves the golden boot what are you talking about gee you're slow none of this is real you're on reality tv shakes but not for much longer [Music] your ratings are about to take a dive still no vip room i just can't win el matador wins how did he get up there i don't know miss ultibo he's supposed to be in the vip room they fought through the jungle balanced above the abyss held their nerve in the murky depths and battled it out above a fiery volcano but only one player had the skill bravery and stamina to become the first ever champion of soccer island i always knew i had it in me what is soccer island all that planning all that hard work you can't control everything miss altivo it is reality tv you're fired you idiot you let him win he's not even supposed to be here why don't you complain to the ref all right there isn't one i'm glad you're all right man me too my friend so what do you think of soccer island well it's not every day i get to play on top of a people make me want to puke i'm going to the vip lounge this is a great honor now where's my gift bag i won but he didn't even have a golden ticket what did i say fake maybe it's meant to be a twist ending yeah the twist is we just wasted our afternoon at least we still have the delicious food reality tv sucks told you totally sucks dudes [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] tuned into football 360 news story of the day super striker's ace goal scorer shakes returns to training after he's a rift all right i'm ready [Music] we totally have to have our star striker back dude but el matador didn't go anywhere thanks guys i can't wait to score some goals it's been way too long uh you do know who we're facing next right [Music] hmm well you don't need to worry about getting injured again shakes presenting the ultimate in soccer safety equipment an airbag for your shins i need someone to kick me hmm i'll do it klaus see i am completely a ninja what do you got for me coach chase we need to test your match readiness before you rejoin the first team match readiness test initiated you're sure we aren't being a little tough on the guy coach if he can't take this there's no way he'll handle iron tank [Music] match readiness rating 25 [Music] 50 percent [Music] the moment of truth [Music] his physical injury is healed but the emotional scar remains you got to be kidding me coach you honestly expect me to just sit and watch while the guys battle iron tank of course not i have an important solo mission for you [Music] super strikers we write to you in a time of desperate need only you can help us open our brand new mall it doesn't have to be a mall opening movie premieres theme parks old age homes take your pick i don't want to make celebrity appearances i want to take on uber you're not ready pick any event you want go anywhere in the world but get your mind off iron tank [Music] [Music] how many times do i have to tell you not to play video games on the status of your tracking screen get back to virtue lazy dumps now what is it you want to show me super strikers have left for the fortress stadium but shakes is heading for china hmm suspicious keep me informed of all his movements well sure beats a mall opening chicks welcome to the yellow emperor's palace official home of the history of football museum uh thanks sorry tour guide mode force of habit i'm shing come on let me show you around the museum features soccer from throughout history that's mob football from 16th century england any number of players no rules invincible united are playing in the wrong century [Music] the ancient greek game of episkiros was more like modern soccer with one big exception players could use their hands yeah and they didn't wear pants this is all very impressive but why'd you guys need me here you're gonna be the guest of honor at the unveiling of our new exhibit you get to cut the ribbon all part of the service when you call soccer stars for hire [Music] so can i get a sneak peek sorry no one's allowed to see the exhibit before the grand unveiling but i suppose i can make an exception for shakes from super strikers [Music] what is that football's oldest known predecessor kuju players had to keep control of a ball while fighting a crazy kung fu attacks this tapestry tells the legend of a teenager who single-handedly defeated a whole team of soldiers man this is too cool you ain't seen nothing yet come on [Music] to the yellow emperor's training arena wow [Music] kuju was the super league of ancient china and the emperor wanted to make sure his team was the best so he built this place sounds like coach i could show you some kuju moves if you want you know to use against uber if he tries to injure you again thanks but uh coach dropped me for the iron tank game no ways he doesn't think i'm ready to face uber well what better way to prove that you are than busting out some cujo moves no offense but if i was going up against iron tank i'd need to learn from a master you know long beard flowing robes in riddles does speak [Music] [Music] you're looking at her status report thor is about to break the club record not the game shakes sir shakes is under the history of football museum i knew he was up to something iron tank get ready to die all right then show me some of these kuju moves master look around you shakes everything you need to learn is here [Music] what are you doing [Music] come on pick up the pace if you can't dodge me how you gonna dodge a whole team of muscle breaks [Music] oh [Music] now you're getting it [Music] i'm tank i'm guessing they're not here for the museum tour [Music] sorry shakes training is cancelled what are you doing here i was thundering's the same about you shakes but now i see what you're up to you plan to use this fighting football against us uber you stalker creep i'm not even playing against you coach left me off the team yeah sure you can't lie to a master strategist like me i know your every move before you make it you didn't see that move coming master strategist oh get her she will [Music] leave her out of this or what yeah i saw coach was right i'm not ready a teenager defeated a whole team of soldiers [Music] faster faster iron tank will try to break your rhythm and dent your confidence uh coach that's not the only thing they'll try to break and dent that's why you need to pick up the pace if they can't catch you they can't foul you we don't need to worry about that anymore coach i've got a new safety invention it's a slippery spray [Music] someone kick me this again [Music] oh oh i got to hand it to your class man that really works hmm didn't see that one coming all right back to practice back to the drawing board [Music] tell us the secrets of the ancient fighting soccer or you're going for a long cold swim all right all right close your eyes and all will be revealed that doesn't make any sense at all kuju is an ancient sport shrouded in mystery it doesn't have to make sense fine why would i help you you tried to end shakes career end his career please a master strategist would never use such a crude tactic the tackle on shakes was just a way to implant a tracking chip that's how they found me wait if uber put a tracking device in my leg then [Music] welcome to another epic showdown live from the fortress stadium bad news for super strikers fans despite early signs that he'd be back from his injury shakes has not made the squad guys you need to look after yourselves out there we can't afford any more injuries we're already one player short make that two coach uh where's klaus let me guess he's working on another safety invention [Music] uh tiger is totally right uh introducing my latest safety invention this uh suit of armor you were hiding weren't you yeah the only way to avoid being injured by iron tank is to avoid playing them you think this game will be less physical than the last encounter mac i very much doubt brenda and by the looks of it so do superstretches they're keeping their distance from the tank and it's working super strikers have a chance here but el matador is down if he isn't celebrating it must be bad yep the game's only just started and the men in red are two strikers down [Applause] close you're going on yes coach faster now iron tank have a chance to attack super striker's gold well makes a change from attacking super strikers oh smoke too soon here comes the cross but it's way too close to the keeper or not i intend to plug their way back into the game and with shakes and el matador out coach is gonna need an ace up his sleeve to win this one [Applause] you can't give up now shakes um in case he hadn't noticed we're locked in a cell come on that's nothing for shakes from super strikers right [Music] well we said coach needed an ace up his sleeve but it turns out he had a 10. oh cool shakes what are you doing here trained in an ancient temple hitch to ride an iron tank submarine you know the usual i specifically told you to get your mind off iron tank kinda difficult to do when they followed him around the world uh this is shing she taught me an ancient soccer technique how many times do i have to tell you shakes it's not about your technique now sit down you're not playing man coach is scary tell me about it go close you can do it [Music] come on lanky give it your best grizzo [Music] don't make me tell you again shakes i know i'm not ready but what of the choice do we have [Music] first cheeks wasn't even in the squad then he's on the bench and now he's playing hopefully he can last longer than his teammates did seems shakes is more resourceful than we thought don't blurry he's too scared to face me [Applause] 80 minutes gone and the scores are still tied [Applause] but super strikers still have some life in them [Applause] there's shakes first involvement can he make the difference well i didn't think run him down again let's see how kuju holds up in the 21st century [Music] amazing move from shakes oh where is he coming up with this stuff [Music] come on shakes you're almost there [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember the kuju legend [Applause] time to finish the job [Music] unbelievable [Applause] what a battle what a victory what a game of football [Applause] we did a pretty good job right yes we did i can't believe that tiny chip caused that much trouble well what are we waiting for let's smash the thing nah i got a better idea this is the first mission ever it's your finding it will all be worthwhile then we find out what shakes his new secret training is vona how close are we oh over there [Music] dear uber bet you didn't see this coming [Music] hi guys welcome to another orion fan report live from the soccer sphere we have some pretty tough games coming up first invincible united then super strikers but as always in coach black we trust [Music] what what is that [Music] but is it legitimate impossible to tell we need a man on the ground anyone know anything about football uh that's the one with the ball right i've already identified the perfect candidate he does soccer he has access to the stadium and most importantly he's a believer klaus prepare to make contact [Music] we've just witnessed the upset of the season boys orion anticipated invincible united's every move predicted their every strategy and dominated the scoreline i know how they did it coach black has been getting help from aliens this again klaus i watched this clip like 20 times i'm telling you guys it's real there's no such thing as aliens those videos are just cgi klaus has been spending way too much time on the bench coach if it isn't aliens how did orion know invincible united's entire game plan coach black obviously studied their previous games and learned their strategies but what if he's done the same to us coach don't worry i've developed two all-new never-before-seen moves [Music] it's of the utmost importance that we keep them top secret that means no talking about them i don't even want you to think about them because the aliens can read our brain waves right focus on these moves not ufo sightings got it got it coach [Music] you'd think it was match day at the soccer sphere but actually orion stadium is now the world's newest alien sightings hot spot take me homie t they live amongst us man the lights they're coming for us i'm now joined by orion manager coach black live from his observatory on top of the soccer sphere coach black what do you make of these so-called ufo sightings the lights are merely a beautiful cosmic ray shower ha i bet his alien overlords told him to say that turn that thing off already el matador must go pedi by your side destroyed invincible united last week some people claim you were helped by you know these these aliens [Music] that is priceless but seriously my secret is just uh thorough preparation well it seems like the sky is the limit for orion as for the ufos i'll leave that to the experts the truth is totally out there man the lights they're still coming for us why wouldn't they come to earth huh who are you we're a top secret organization of specialists we search for and monitor alien activity on earth we're the first second middle second last and only line of defense we are the national extraterrestrial reconnaissance division he always does this the intention was for this to remain a clandestine operation you dope sorry guys if it makes you feel any better you put on a great show now what do you guys want we know you've been watching the lights of orion footage of course it's the most conclusive proof we are not alone we're looking for someone who can find out the truth about the lights someone with access to the soccer sphere we're looking for someone like you klaus what me an alien hunter ah i can't what why not we've got a big game coming up i need to concentrate on our new not meant to talk about them not even meant to think about them sorry i'm not your guy [Music] i knew it cob circles i told you guys there were aliens here oh please there is a perfectly rational explanation for this yup i made thunder you wanted me to keep quiet about the aliens you're one of them there's no way i was going to teach you the top secret [Music] you know what then practice them at orion's home stadium the day before the game so i created the most private training facility in town [Music] this is the last time you're going to see these moves so pay attention no peeking defenders we're we're gonna test these moves on you guys move one uses the overlap to find space behind the defense [Music] ain't getting past us bro i know but don't matador will [Music] move two uses pace and passing to break through the opposition defense [Music] huh [Music] nice work boys you get all that i may need you out there tomorrow yes coach there's no way orion will see these moves coming [Music] [Music] hey klaus haven't you watched that video enough beauty sleep required [Music] where is your rational explanation for this el matador ah that is just uh orion testing their floodlights floodlights coming from the sky well it still makes more sense than aliens if you're so sure about it let's go find out reports are streaming in it's happening again that's not all klaus is on the move heading right for the stadium ha i knew he couldn't resist the search for the truth wait we're tracking klaus oh you guys never tell me anything yeah that's cause you tell your mom all our secret information no i don't hmm klaus seems to have activated the camera on his digit tab i should be able to access the feed [Music] mom you gotta see this oh super league legends sneaking around like grave robbers i can't believe i let you talk me into this [Music] klaus am i dreaming only if you are dreaming about how right i was [Music] hey is it just or are these lights following a pattern [Music] what is that [Music] leave it [Music] definitely a sign of intelligent life match day on form orion take on the mighty super strikers here at the soccer sphere it's come one come all for alien enthusiasts although someone needs to tell them they're here to watch the football not the skies one man who will definitely be keeping his eyes on the game is orion's coach black still in his observatory yes lina from up here i have a perfect view of the galaxy and what's happening on the beach hmm the lights they're coming they take your brain waves wow i didn't know crazy was contagious what's gotten into you el matador what there's something inside me ah they laid their alien eggs inside of me oh get them out get them out tell me klaus where do you think el matador got all these crazy ideas you got to listen to me the lights say say lights one more time i dare you as for you i don't care if an alien invited you to a tea party you're in the starting lineup game on super strikers may be in good form but they've never played against the team receiving help from out there oh mack not you too i'm just getting into the spirit of things brenda [Applause] [Music] super strikers attack and attack but orion are way ahead of them almost as if they're getting help from don't you say it mac [Applause] [Applause] they obviously practice that one in training that twisting tigers run straight into a dead end oh no he hasn't brilliant deception from super strikers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] last chance of the first half come on dude it's up to us okay let's do it shakes huh [Music] they're here [Music] aliens el matador certainly keen to get back to the locker room maybe he needs the toilet phew that was a close one huh [Music] [Applause] coach you can sub me drop me from the team make me wash everyone's dirty socks but you have to listen to me about the lights oh fine you have my attention the lights i saw last night were tracing out the exact patterns of our secret moves even if i did believe you how can you prove this i recorded it all on my digi tab last night but i dropped it face it klaus you don't have proof because there's no such thing as aliens [Music] the truth is in here what is this national extraterrestrial reconnaissance division at your service nerd really what are you guys doing here we've been trying to contact you man uh last night in the corn field that was you you scared the pants off me why did you dress like that uh why wouldn't we dress like this there's something you all need to see klaus we accessed the video you recorded on your digi tab last night [Music] well i never klaus is right those lights are following the exact patterns of our moves and check this out [Music] so that's how orion knew our first secret move but where are the lights coming from please don't say aliens the truth is actually up there [Applause] it's finished [Music] ah super strikers you can try any secret move you want but you won't stand a chance against orion [Music] because i have reached new heights of football xls [Music] in space no one can hear you laugh [Music] uh so where's coach black observe [Music] he was up in space the whole time after surveilling your moves from his space station he traced them out with the lights teaching his players how to counter them and the ufo hysteria was the perfect cover-up i knew there was something weird about those interviews klaus you have great intuition both on and off the pitch i should have trusted you more uh sorry to ruin the moment but how's knowing this gonna help us in the second half yeah we only have one move left and you know the cat's out of the bag on that one well coach black doesn't know that we are on to him what are you thinking klaus i have an idea for another new move with the score still deadlocked coach is making his first substitution strange decision klaus hasn't been on the first team for ages ah hello mr snooper striker you are terrified of the lights last night but you're about to find out how scary they really are [Music] move two brothers come on [Music] just as expected [Music] i hope you're watching shakes to twisting tiger back to shakes [Applause] [Music] another move another failure orion saw the danger a mile away nowhere to go shakes [Laughter] oh but oh ryan have left close open in the middle that's not moved to follow klaus follow klaus follow clause [Music] oh so beautiful [Music] and scores [Music] so does that make you a believer brenda no comment yeah yeah wait that means super strike is one right no idea [Music] yes the one i gotta call my mom [Applause] how did they do it i hate them i hate them self-destruct mechanism activated no yes you have 20 seconds to enter the escape pod stupid ship you have 10 seconds to enter the escape [Music] [Music] oh look a shooting star make a wish bro ah it already came true v1 [Music] strikers
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 7,009,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supa strikas, super strikas, super strikers, supa strikas season 6, super strikas capitulo 1, super estrikas, super strikers in english, supa strikas in english, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons, football, soccer, soccer anime, anime, cartoon anime, supa strikas in hindi, super striker, kids tv series, disney, kids tv shows, american soccer, football compilations, soccer goals, best football team, shakes, funny cartoon, Compilation, Animation, Classic Cartoon, full eps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 29sec (3749 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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