Sunshine Stitchers – Flosstube 146: Timing Is Everything

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[Music] so i'll pretend all right yeah yeah look at that it's got the baby yeah well i feel like [Music] i don't know but i think there's a shadow so so that's our finishes for this week so now we're going to do um our whip update yeah yeah so oh wait wait wait wait oh wait we said 10 that we're filming and someone wanders in around 1001. if you're not if you're not 15 minutes early you're late thank you for filming we've been filming for an hour no you started at 10. that's that's what we do we started doing me a favor can you hit the stop button hi everyone okay here we go again one two three hi everyone we're the sun tracks what what she made sure so thank you for waiting in the camera i why don't wave with this hand because she'll slap me in the face yes it's not a bad thing we're the sunshine stitchers i'm ej i'm gary and i'm shelia you're slouching i i i'm sorry i don't think that's how you say it's the back [Laughter] what is in that coffee everything i don't know what you keep putting in my coffee already oh my goodness gracious okay okay so we believe it or not we're finally here yes all of us yes and we are a channel about counted cross stitch we are here every week we count i can't either i've already up to 10. i said no i can't count past seven i get the seven i count the 40. you are counting the fingers [Laughter] you know hey figure it out all right so we want to thank you for watching our videos uh we've had some wonderful comments again this past week um we are um and i watched a flosstuber who was new to me this week and she was one of the winners of our 6 000 subscriber celebration giveaway who's that candace k oh okay yes candace k she's a flosstuber and i watched she did a whip parade it was really well done i love whippery yeah is there a flosstube named candice k yes okay and that's what that's what it was like oh my god okay uh also just what we had two of our 13 winners that we have not heard from yes wendy lambert and carla whitstruck uh if if we don't hear from you by next friday august 6 2021 bye bye to your uh winnings we will choose another person and and keep moving forward that's wendy lambert and carla whitstruck i did reply to your comments and uh so this is your last opportunity [Laughter] as they say on the phone this is your final notes that's right um kelly h my the the the sort of retelling of my story with the uh spray starch and the glue it's one of the best stories yes i know oh yes i love it well she had an interesting one with spray deodorant oh yeah i laughed out loud me too that was so funny no no the worst one i think was when the granddad picked up super glue instead of chapstick oh yeah that was good oh my goodness so thank you for sharing your your stories yes um but oh just so kelly h's story was um her daughter they were prepping her daughter to participate in a wedding and they were doing her hair and she just handed the can a spray can thinking it was hair spray but it wasn't it was sprayed around so her daughter's hair was spreading over and is there a little eyes not holding yeah well at least it was the spray glue it smells good i laughed at that one and then i you know i didn't feel so bad i also want to say thank you on our behalf to all of our viewers who commented congratulations to the winners that was very gracious yes and that's what this community is about graciousness uh so thank you for congratulating them yes um there was a lot of appreciation about gary's non-existing earring yeah yeah i think for me that moment was more about the fact that you were staring at his earlobe well for me it's like wait a minute we've been sitting here for what two years and she just now looks at me for the first time in two years it's not like it was this year i don't know it was like i never said anything oh my god i didn't know you were a girl and again thank you for your appreciation for our finishes of last week the uh hands-on design santa series thank you kathy that was so nice oh my god thank you so much for your appreciation of of my stitching of your design yes she did a little instagram thing yes i was like [Music] uh you have to watch those quickest 24 hours they're gone yeah um also ongoing appreciation and encouragement with mother moon oh yeah acknowledgement for father's son yes i and ronnie second finish with his beating yeah so thank you thank you um so about the the frankensteins those little frankenstein's oh my goodness that keeps popping up everywhere i'm i'm afraid to look they're like lay's potato chips you just can't have one so vonda l uh commented that on october 26th ej yeah she should pencil in her birthday i knew that i knew that yeah as as the bride of frank and uh and it's because it'll be her birthday and you know she'll say coffee depends i got ideas now oh no so thank you thank you so much for your comments uh as you can tell we love them we all read them i reply a lot so if you see sunshine stitchers replying to your comment it's usually me especially if it's sheila in the third person i sometimes will comment that shelia thinks yeah that's julia yeah this one should sometimes step out of oneself in order to you know right all righty so who has finishes this week ronnie has an ffo he's not going to be here today okay so want to show ronnie's ffo yes he did lacing on his let turn up the beats look at this he did it and it's it's one of those um shadow box frames yes and he did lacing on it like that and that thing is taut yeah it is very tight oh my goodness and i think it shows off the beads a lot better it really makes it looks nice yeah and then what he so the the gauron tag that was on his bag yeah he took it and taped it on the back so he's got his project tag thank you that's great very nice he's always thinking always i know i know i am so impressed because my lacing experiences have been less than successful oh yeah i know it's simple but yeah that's well not really because you could get it um crooked or you could get it wrinkled i mean it is an art form yeah i'll tell you it looks really good yeah all right it looks really good i'm gonna put that it's gonna go in the kitchen yeah that's why it's got glass on it yeah aj do you have a finish i do not okay gary do you have a finish no i don't have a feeling well i have a fan all right but i gotta stand up i don't know how else to do this thing i finished abc de la brodios whoa so here it is i probably should have left it off the hanger here it is in all of its glory wow we have a picture i hung it on the back of the door and i took a full-length picture of it yeah it looks great yeah look at that congratulations so it's like wow so by the end of the year you're gonna know your abcs it's yay long look at this wow that looks so good so i'm really happy about that uh it will be uh finished uh as a hanger yeah not not on a pants hanger oh these are pants hangers yeah you got fancy pants hangers oh you guys don't have you don't have those no i have the plastic ones you just fold it over the plastic oh look at that that's not fancy to you no oh i guess look at i've never seen those i thought it was like oh she ffo did yeah okay let me see those pants i don't know i'm intrigued [Laughter] so you is it is it the gold stamp or the logo on the front oh so you hook it no i mean this is some fancy pants hangers so it just it just just opens up oh look at that i normally get my fingers squeezed in them yes are those old schools they're old i've had these forever they made a comeback yeah yeah oh look at that yeah they got the little blues in there oh to catch the pins why don't you finish it on this you know now you've given me an idea that's that's really cool i mean because at this point it is kind of a vintage hanger i mean i literally have had this for eons all right there you go it's over 20 years it's vintage there you go you're vintage [Laughter] [Laughter] that was funny the back chair legs got hung up on the edge of the rug had to disentangle okay um whips you've got whips i have whips yeah you do my first whiff is ink circles from um no it's garden stars by ink circles and i'm working on she's going to point back here can't get your pointer thank you i'm work there you go i'm working on that yeah that motif and my whip go goal is to do two motifs okay so you're almost done no no because that's a ba motif i know i kind of regret starting well at least you didn't start on the middle one which is like the size that's huge uh i may i don't know i don't know i may i may just skip down but probably not you try to skip down and just open up opportunity for you know who's disaster okay here we go yeah so i worked on more of the sides it's looking really good it is so we almost got half of that pattern correct yeah half of that motif correct so that's um garden stars by um ink circles is that the called for threads yes it is um this week i had like i woke up in a tizzy six o'clock in the morning thinking yes i know and you're late you got up early and you're late no it wasn't did i say this morning yeah no no she said this week this week one morning i woke up six o'clock and said yeah sulky threads because i've been it's been messing with me the way that the threads twist because it's two threads on 36 i'm like selkies so you know i have a whole set of selfies this is 18 yes it is and plus i dyed it so it's a little bit smaller so um so i went and it and it had about maybe 30 skeins of different greens and i'm trying to match it it didn't work out what i did was i changed my needle and it was so much better for a larger eye a shorter needle it was a shorter needle was it a larger eye i'm not sure but it was one of the short needles because i find sometimes like this piece that i've been working on is 36 count and i'm using two threads and i i have worked some of it using a sharp pointed needle because it once i'm working in a hole that's already occupied it just gets so hard getting that thread through so that pointing needle at least gets me through the opening right because you're doing two threads on 36 counts okay it gets very tight and i you know i was cursing like why am i using two and that's only on some of the 36 count not every all 36 count yeah some tighter than the others what i wanted to do was put the um the uh what do you call that the needle on here that works for this project but you didn't well i don't know where it is if i did i don't know where it is oh here it is this is the grime guard yeah it's in the ground guard this is a bigger eye needle no yeah and it's also bent but hey it works yes it's a tiny little thing it sure is it's definitely a short needle i don't know what brand to buy more of so i'll just you know let me just keep it so that's one project the next project i worked on is christmas ornaments by doris corbett no is that it's that there you go okay um and i worked more on the beating can you come closer i don't think they can see that well you were pointing at the back so that help does that blackboard help yeah yeah that's why we put boards on stuff let me get the um thingy thank you so right here i worked on more right here yeah and um that's one of my whips okay we're still beating basically a length or two a night ish so um and it's slow going yeah yeah it was yeah beautiful though thank you so much and then last but not least i worked on mother moon excuse me um wow i finished this flower and a little bit of the waves down here and then i'm finishing this flower but i worked on the waves over here wow um this is gonna come a lot out in august oh yeah you have to huh yeah so she's looking good and i essentially have the two owls the waves on each side and then the doohickey here and then i'm done yeah just that wow you got this and the lips oh yeah and the lips and finished the eyes yeah beautiful absolutely beautiful wow so those are my whips all right that's it yeah okay all right so um my whips your whips uh i stitched on sunday on the guy on sunday zoom i stitched on firework lane my little stitch girl i worked on the two trees which tree this tree i did all of this tree and then i started part of this tree over here so and what did you do that's it that's it oh okay i was just on that was just during the few hours of zoom gotcha and then uh i worked on father son who's on joan elliott john elliott and this is on 28 count capri from um serafin fabrics what was that fudge fudge what fudge so i told you not to work on it i didn't yeah you did not you did half of it like he only he i i okay i just got to do the back situation on this one page and then that's the first thing no it's two pages and i have two pages left that's done i'm gonna need you to not so before was half an eye and a little bit now it's completely the top half is done all right you know what i figured it out what oh it's what is that it is it is i have no idea so the sun is out every day the moon only shows up every four days or something that's in cycles the moon's not always out the moon is always out throughout the day maybe the sun's out more more hours of the day i don't know but the moon is always out here you just can't see it in a long time well oh look at this i know you can see the sun i don't know no you don't it's okay stitch is better you've never looked at the sky in the same time and see the moon's sitting there the moon is always out it's it's the sun look at this okay i'm fine okay so and then uh so ej asked me to quit i did stitching on father-son i did so no shame in my game and deb's will of destiny yes thursday had me stitch on if skeletons can dance so i did a little bit of the greenhouse yeah yeah i'll show this one so and this is on um 32 32 count um oakland what picture this plus that's a 32 count yeah i think so is that 36. you know what it might be a 36 count 36. it's tiny okay it's 36. that looks really good yeah i can't wait for you to stitch that moon well that'll be last because i'll do all this stuff and then i'll fill in the moon between those trees it'll be something else yeah you started the house no i'm starting the house i'm doing the bottom part of the house show the paper i'm doing the porch and the skeleton's already completely stitched yeah looks good he looks better in person the skeleton yeah yeah yeah yeah but i didn't want him to be like too in your face yeah he's like this so it's fun so um yeah deb and i was supposed to be stitching this together and then i think she moved on to princess aliana really oh yes i don't blame her yeah that was her new start yes and that's all my whips well i worked on one thing this week i seem to be on a monogamous role here of late night and it's because i'm kind of doing without having made a conscious decision to do so finish that whip trying to clear out some of the old whips or things that are close to finishing yeah and when i picked this up this week i said i was going to work on lindy stitches uh stitch for sweet freedom the flag yes the flag and uh what i i did not my memory was a little faulty um i little foggy yeah i thought i had stitched more of the skirt you didn't no i had only stitch you could get the pointer i had only stitched oh to the to here you did yeah that's as far as i was yeah she stepped at the flag that's the banner yeah you know i i i can see it in my craft room it's actually sitting where i can see it i need to bring it out i never get it into the to the bag yes so this is as far as really i had stitched on the skirt so really i had the entire skirt to do um and you just started on the words it's almost done all the words are done yes all right i finished the words yeah and then i started in on the skirt and um so i'm working um the motifs and the way i'm working it i do the motifs because they're kind of in a band yeah and then i'll fill in yeah down to the next set of motifs nice work those motifs and then fill in to get down to the next one it reduced the amount of counting that i had to do yeah and it's ensuring that i'm i'm lining things up properly well and i think it also makes it interesting to stitch because you're having fun doing the little motif yeah and then you're just doing mindless fill in yes and you're going back and forth yeah yeah yeah get the striping as a dress yeah well and see you get kind of little sections um between the motifs so yeah so i'm working it so i don't have to do a lot of um carrying over yeah uh stitches on the back side really close i'm just working it in sections and the skirt color is sky and it's the only over dye that i'm using in the piece um i am using the rest of it is combination of no i think it's all dmc okay it's all dmc yeah yeah um and so yeah so that's my progress i'm really enjoying it a lot a lot um so i i think with a little more focus i can i can get this one finished quite soon okay i'll talk about it in plans all right all righty uh and so honey's working so he's not ready he's working on uh yellow rose of texas by e jv designs it's not ej but it's ejv and it's it's that rose you look at the pretty colors there yeah all right and then so hold on there's a pen in the ground yeah there we go okay so this is his status updates and um i don't have a little tagged in the fabric he used oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's right it's right here on his back so he's got it in so that the substitute can can talk about his whip i mean it must be famous to have his own substitute fill in uh it's a 14 count zweigart lavender mist whisperer lavender whisperer [Laughter] so um ronnie had to change the center ring another color so it blended and these are all general arts colors and then once he puts the beads in the center and then the long stitches it's going to really look cute it's going to look just like the photo did you all try looking up a picture of the flower itself yeah we did okay yeah yeah he's stitching it with two other people stitch along and they are the text back and forth they were like pulling up pictures yeah there's an investigation team on this project they are making this an authentic texas road so uh this is gonna be fun he's having fun with it after he got the color yeah he's straightened out okay good yeah he's making great progress and he stitches one hour a day so which is nice yes nice comfortable pace for him let's get back to whip go all right whip go okay so let's go and p2 i i i two and p2 or number seven and eight you p2 [Laughter] this is the sad part yeah it's like how did she know what two pieces were picked my two pizzas um mother moon my goal is to finish her in august oh august 1st no no that's in august august 3rd of august by the end of august is to finish her oh me too doable yeah me too i could do that do one just shut up let her talk shut up i'm going with my hair again yeah okay all right so oh yes so this is to finish in august and my number eight is to finish this in august oh wow so i need to finish both of these by august by august how exciting yes and then i still won't have whip go because i haven't done the other stuff that i didn't do but that's okay that's okay yeah because my goal like what i wanted to do was work on her all year long and hopefully like the number seven will be called later in the year it is later in the year it's august it is in eight months it's too soon no it's never too soon so she'll be done this year and hopefully in august okay yeah oh that's wonderful well you know what and we will thoroughly enjoy yes we'll have a party and she's gonna be hanging right yeah look i got a nail for right there we'll have her nailed we'll nail her to the wall a luna party okay we got the loons what were your pieces that were called um my pieces were [Laughter] oh i couldn't make this out anymore this was so bad so yeah i gave that to you okay so uh dasher was picked dasher is from north corbett oh yes and uh what do you need to do there or oh a lot of finish well i gotta take out the the chronic that i put up here in in the top because i i put grabbed the wrong one i grabbed the number eight instead of a number four and so it's looking like uh looking really bad oh so then i gotta finish that is it a finish yep so everything everything on mine is finished that's not true no that's not 90 and then so so so p two was little eight it was little krampus oh little prophets yeah which is out of print and unable for anyone to buy so there's no rush yeah but still yeah he's so sweet yes there's 18 colors of backstitch the number of colors doesn't really bother me that much because they're on the color it's no no it's the fact that the person who designed it has never stitched and they drew circles with the back stitching what you mean there's lines that intersect that does not match anything on the pad on the fabric there's no way of making some of the things most of the things so it's a very frustrating um exhausting endeavor yeah and so just make it up as you go yeah yeah i look good though i'm at that point i mean i did the last time my backstitch was all around that yeah that was hours yeah hours it was white on white backstitching oh yeah yeah it's gonna look good though so okay i'm excited i like krampus that all you have to do is backstitch it yes you want to do it for me no all right these will look good okay and then my other other board my motherboard uh is um another block of halloween at hawker and holler hello and i never even finished the first one for some results so i well i guess i should have had three blocks done but anyway this is 40 count and it's on um jack-o'-lantern by extreme design you just need two blocks yeah yeah it's like i get to fill in all this bottom part full coverage of grass and working on 40 count at night it's this is hard it's not it's not true i thought about redoing it on another count fabric of the 40 count yeah 40 count yeah yeah i i still might restart it even even with one strand yeah it's one strand it's it's hard to see yeah so i'm not enjoying it the grass is green no no it's orange oh the oh that's the grass the orange there's more because it's dead grass yeah there's a letter and then the next block over is a complete coverage and the next block over is complete coverage so well that's what they are yeah no i love the pattern it's just i don't love the fabric yeah and i'm not not i don't know i think i'm going to swatch it i got three pieces of fabric that i'm going to look at all right well just you know swap yes you know you declare it the thing about whip go is that you make your own rules you set your own goals and if you determine that there's a piece that's not a good piece you set your own board and everybody only has one board no what's all these other you that's not you not everybody i know about at least one person who doesn't have one but anyway i know i i hear your but see i was i was talking about changing this and complaining about it and i was told i was being grumpy so who's going to tell your groupie you know who you are well you know but i was just talking just anyway just set it aside yeah you know just so uh p2 there you go so p2 is uh the house that jack built by prairie moon another one that's that's uh it was out of print it's not available for shops to sell so it's almost impossible to get yeah so and this is done on a 32 count mellow from picture this plus oh okay i just stitched with the bell swat silks that's why i love it so much very good and that one's not a finish that was just to do the house that's in the middle which i'm not going to count that far down because it's more than two stitches and we know i can't count to two one of those i don't know and so i'll have to come all the way down so okay so how are you doing on with go he could have got i all the way down but he didn't do rebecca no no i'm the first one no no the dark green is the ones that are done i know but you didn't finish rebecca you could never i haven't finished the weasel i haven't finished that or dasher nothing there's only one thing for you how was it one thing no you could have gotten i think you could yeah so i have mastered the game yeah i'm just waiting for for one yeah yeah that's what we're saying that's for board two level board one you know what at the bingo hall you don't have to get a bingo on every board to win so that's true i have more chances but on board two is ghosties and ghouls done yes so i just have to do it could fly yeah oh that's good yeah so yeah yeah i know i wasn't gonna tell ej that this week are you gonna did you finish if pumpkins can fly no you didn't but yeah there's i think there's like three stitches left to put in there yeah but since you're working on yours then i could find out wrong i love a healthy competition this is not healthy though all right okay so so that's that's where the whip goes that's what go people i'm telling you ripco with y'all is this is exhausting exhausted oh my goodness okay gary did you start anything this week not yet okay well but not in time for this video no okay i had plenty of time because we you know we ran late okay so now since whatever you know it was in the intro what okay haul oh i have hauls yeah let's talk about your haul oh let's see and when you talk about paul i'm gonna show mine too okay so for hall start wherever you want yeah okay i um gather on stitchery huh there's a needle in there yes geron stitchery has the posie collection um blue monday yeah gorgeous and they have two more that i i just i want when they get it but two more designs two more designs yeah i've got them on order they're on back order right now gorgeous this is blue this little girl yes yeah and it's a comparison it's a complete it's not that big it's only like three and a quarter inches by eight inches so it's a full coverage oh okay it's like a little bookmark yeah but it doesn't look like it doesn't look like crazy it's just squares it looks good yeah the the it's not a lot of solid stitching because the sky is broken up yeah the dress is broken up but this reminds me of julia's uh washing washed it washed it yeah when i saw it i thought about that yeah immediately and i think like when you see stuff like this and then it's like like chili where did you pick that up now it's like where did you pick this up it's kind of like it's those pieces you don't see that often exactly she's so cute i mean she's got that really sweet look there yeah she does yeah she does and they give you a little story about the artist right um yes marina yeah kathleen yeah she's from um this is a portraying oh sorry the gullah people of south carolina and georgia and their cultural heritage through their dolls cards and paintings yes yeah yeah all three of those were from that collection yeah yeah yeah all of her characters are based on actual personas and each has its own unique personality yeah that's yeah that's an amazing culture yes it is yeah oh i love it okay so that's gorgeous beautiful uh and also um the stitching studio has octavio capo oh coco and that is the this is the mouth of the flower yeah the nickel there's a woman's face and then there's a lip there's a flower and a butterfly but um yes oh yeah and then this is called family of birds so i want to stitch them and then hang them very close to each other like next to each other so the so the debate is should i do it that way or no see i to me this looks freaky to me it just mentally it looks like a woman with two mouths yeah it just looks freaky here looks more artistic yeah because they're facing each other yeah it's like sisters like talking yeah okay see look look it's like the three of us there we go ron is starting his on october the 24th i can't start mine until 2022. oh darn or 20 yeah after december yeah i think there's actually december there's a group of people starting it without so gorge gorge a nice piece of fabric to go along with it oops and then yeah i think it's the way it was printed it's just on the cover page we looked at the charts oh okay yeah we were like freaking oh yeah i also got um crop cross stitch fancies i got this is from susan cross stitch fancies uh-huh she has an instagram account so we saw this at stitch con and then when we came back to look at it and purchase they were all gone completely gone so um yeah you can't do the uh libra thing and think about it you want no no or even the pisces thing you gotta like no no i mean we would have honestly we didn't think about it because we could have been downstairs and o'clock when the annex opened um but um you know the annex opened at eight and that was the thing that people bought one lady bought six of them oh my gosh i don't know what it's called it's called it's called a floss fancy oh yes yes it is it's called the floss oh it's got butterflies on the back yes and she gave me one too look but and and they got snaps on it it's like a snap cool this isn't that pretty mine is a dragonfly oh and i got a gm another geometric one oh those are pretty so and these are great for travel this one so it's like you're you put your oars here because it's yeah kind of like a fuzzy you put your scissors in one your floss in the other and the needle minder and the third okay and then and then it falls and then you yeah that's cool i really yeah that's not good i'm excited flaws fancy yes that's super cute okay that's all she wrote a nice little little nice though thank you susan thank you so yeah that's it for me that's it all right gary let's go wait what ronnie's guys did you kindness hey y'all hi yes yeah ronnie's a texas boy thank you bluebonnets oh beautiful red birds nice very good very good so yes wow exciting exciting [Music] all right so i got some fabric i got some 28 count r and r i was gonna say some r and r well no and this is a creme brulee oh that's one of my favorites look at that nice that's some nice that is gorgeous yes and i like it that is 28 count because normally it's all 40 counting i'm okay with 40 count for something small but i buy a lot of 32 count most of my rnr is 32 count that goes faster with the creme brulee oh look at that look at that that would be pretty yes so nice because it's got some movement in it too not heavy movement but it's a nice movement that would be nice okay okay all right and then i also got uh r french vanilla that would be 28 counts so you could do the two different fabrics but i think probably just one fabric would be both i don't know it's 184 by 260. i'm gonna do the math yeah i don't know yeah i have a calculator so i like both of these i love the yeah yeah that looks nice so i think you can go either way yeah and then also got um fabric flare vintage newsprint i love this oh yeah so i mean it's a little piece yes and it's just a little bit oh yeah so i'm seeing like a halloween piece or something yeah so what what is possibly hard to see on camera you want to put it up here yeah it's it's very yeah when you do that yeah there you go so you can see the like the newspaper print see the columns of print right and there's like water stains on there too yeah so you you don't want it to overpower your piece no i i thought i think it's pretty cool because there's like a witch um there's a witch pattern from primitive hair i think old salem broom company i have to see if that i think that fits on here and so i think there's a couple of really nice patterns all black patterns that will look nice on this yeah something like that or even change it to a sepia tone to go with the fabric more yeah so yeah i love this fabric yeah and so i was thinking for those for one of those fabrics i was going to do these um two releases from heart and hand halloween square dance it's got cats and candy corns and ghosts treats and then this one is my favorite one you see the frankenstein right there so i got that one i got i got number two first i said oh wait there's a number one but but see i mean they finished them as little ones but i like them as the like the long like that yeah that way maybe i might do the six of them together yeah oh okay so it would i have to do math but i think i could do it yeah yeah once i did one i just put them over there and they come with little buttons and little buttons and charms all already in there and they're little buttons too yeah little bitty buttons so i think on 28 count uh they're charted for 32. they're charted for 32 but i think 28 32 yeah 32. oh they did on vintage country mocha okay that's a nice one and then um i got scared square another frankenstein this is one of the petite collections where you do it on the silcos the silk the soap gauze is practically the size of this picture right here i'm gonna get some black lugana and i'm going to do mine on black lagoon because i think it's going to really pop and then i'll just have to fill in these squares with the other color but i love how they look on the black and i think some black lagana would be it's it's easier for me to stitch on black logano than luna so i think it's going to be really good maybe a 28 count black legato over one oh okay there's harley there's no backstitching oh you're just no no no no no no we might do 32 over two i want to be able to see it from across the room okay and then because i had so much fun with father son i got earth goddess we could stitch it together i have earth goddess too oh my gosh oh another another rush along i mean uh stitch along you already you already decimated me with um what all with lady justice oh that's right i forgot about her how's she going i haven't seen her oh is she on the whip girl board uh yes i have to make a directional to make it easily to see which direction she's in oh i think it's pretty easy up there but yeah i like this one that's right i remember now we couldn't figure out which direction yeah so so this one i love this one i watched uh miss oh so crafty stitch it years ago oh yeah and that's where i fell in love with it and so and now after stitching one of john elliott's patterns they're really easy to stitch they're nice big squares they're not color patterns well the backstitch is color but that's that's easy to watch easy to check so that's uh all my whips oh my hall okay that's something it's something well also um i just want to acknowledge some stitchy kindness this is also from joy lisa who was tooling around in houston and she was at a store called three stitches oh okay i know that's that you know where it is yeah um so uh she found these charts that's pretty yes oh wow okay i gotta open this all the way up so you get this full picture oh no wow yeah that's really powerful picture there it is wow oh my sketch yeah oh i can show it it's not part of the yeah it's not the that's amazing well janet powers amazing she's amazing right uh this one uh is another one father and child okay oh it's all dmc oh it's not that big this one i have i've actually stitched several pieces from it um i don't remember do do you have this one i do not okay this one is wonderful yeah oh look and he's got all the kids reading the books there and yeah little girls yeah yeah these are really great patterns yeah they're just wonderful yes and we're we're going to make sure that if there are charts that neither of us know we're not going to stitch we're going to make sure they get passed on to people who will appreciate and really yes yes value them for for what they are thank you so much okay so that was um hall uh announcements aj do you have any announcements i do not okay i love that pause okay i have an announcement so again august 6 next friday august 6 2021 7 p.m eastern standard time the um charity bags for st jude and shriner's hospital will drop on the website they're only being sold on the website we're going to turn i'm going to try and turn everything else off the website that way you only buy the charity so that way the money is very clear and clean and it goes straight to the charity so you're only going to see those two items on the website okay fingers crossed okay so but but will the sale continue after the sale will start at seven yes and the till they sold out until they sell out and the last time they sold out within an hour oh okay so if you don't get one and you still want to support ronnie's birthday style and those two charities please donate directly to them in his game yeah okay okay hi y'all i'm back um i just got it in the mail after the video was filmed uh we have a beautiful present for our charity it's a needle blind design she donate 19 of these beautiful charts and it's going to be posted saturday august 6 7 p.m with my with a um with the bags for sanju charity and shorter i'm sorry i missed province always that name but you guys know me my accent um and this is a 19 charts they're going to be sell friday the 6th with the bags and all the money is going to be for the charity thank you to needle blonde designs for a so kind present and and that and then also the next friday august the 13th 2021 again at 7 00 p.m eastern standard time we're in florida franchise yeah uh the halloween boxes as you see behind us we'll be yeah we'll be going on sale yes and there's only two counts of fabrics one count is 16 count the other count is 32 count and that's only thing you're gonna know that's in the box that we're saying because the rest of it's all it's a mystery yeah and um it's a good mystery yes it is it is i i'm sworn to secrecy and you know i can't keep secrets so we've been sworn to secrecy too because we were part of it he's just poking me under the table right now did not say anything so yeah i'm out we were part of the team that packed the boxes so we were all sworn to secrecy yes so beautiful box beautiful okay you finished yes what's this plans plans okay well we're that's where we are ej what are your plans for this week finish mother moon today my plan i'm not listening to him i i agree uh yeah yeah stressing me out okay so perfect perfect okay so okay so i'm back on zombie right because now that you're reminded i'm back on zombie run and my four pieces of zombie run is are are my four pieces are thank you i'm sorry mother moon i need a drink now oh so i have to stitch at least um 2 400 stitches right so most of those most of those stitches will be on her okay i also have in my zombie run oh oh christmas oh your stars are aligning yes i know christmas ornaments so there's nothing in your path to get you off your goal yes correct so the minimum of i have to stitch on her is 400 stitches i think i will be finished before 400 stitches because it's only got 400 beads oh i have 619 beads okay so you'll be 200 so yeah i'll beat you on the shoulders already done some of them that's why i said she'd be done but she's just doing the math oh yeah all right yeah so this would be this would be completely done and then i have um oh wow this is baby elephant remember baby yes yeah so i have to do at least 200 400 stitches on baby elephant okay this was a kit this was a kit from vervico yeah it's super cute wow and it's full coverage but it goes by quick yeah so you know ronnie's really going to enjoy this you're going to give it to him for his birthday this friday right i have to finish it or it's like here stitch this i can do that now stitch it it goes on the wall with his other elephants right and then my other whip go piece is um hands-on design oh you blew it up yeah i'm like if the pumpkins could fly and this is my this is where i what i have so i have to do at least 400 stitches on that oh this is a nice fabric i like that so so 400 stitches on baby elephant if pumpkins could fly and christmas ornaments and the rest goes to mother mother moon right you've got this that's not in one week that's your august that's my august oh this is okay yeah okay tomorrow listening to that and i'm thinking yeah i know no no no i can't do that that's pretty ambitious also um also i want to put in some stitches in a garden stars yeah i can at least it goes by quickly yes yeah but you have to really think about it you have to be in a in a spot where you can really focus on but now that she has the right needle it's less i think so well i'm just thinking about the pattern itself oh you just follow the line yeah it doesn't yeah it doesn't yeah it's okay i have it knock on wood knuckle i knew she calls me the blockhead i haven't had anything it's like charlie brown and lucy over here i'm just here peppermint patty so i have all five these are my five main focus pieces in in um august all right all right well i'm i have a new start starting tomorrow august 1st you guys might have heard about it feathers yes yes yes i'm excited about it yes yeah so i'm using the called for sulkies yes and i'm using arctic glacier oh 32 count articulation that's gorgeous this is arctic glacier came out from serafin it came out twice this one is more white and blue she's got some that's more gray and blue so it's very different but i thought blue would look pretty and the colors look really good also called for white okay so i like the blue so yeah and and i think it looks really nice there's a light gray there's a there's a slate yeah and i think it looks really the colors really pop on it on the slate yes those colors are incredibly uh oh you can't see them very well yeah yeah they're very good what do you mean slate like a fabrics yeah it's like a gray a light gray it looks really nice on that too so beautiful i can't wait to start to see that i'm ready to start that tomorrow on zoom oh look frank's here look you see you see and and i got two more pages over there okay watch so my plan i'm going to finish um a stitch for sweet freedom this is my july chart uh you didn't do your office chart i have not done my august chart yet um oh i'm thinking i'm thinking august i'm saying why august we're going into september because in bag production world we're already working on september august is done in my world i'm not going to get a lot of stitching done next week at all so that's why i'm going to primarily why i'm going to stitch with sweet freedom the first week in august and i was talking to gary earlier uh and i was looking through my whips and i believe that um halloweentown by oh yes raise the roof yes not that far from the finish correct so i think when i finish a stitch for sweet freedom i'm going to pick up halloweentown and i think what i'm going to try to do the month of august is look at my whips see which ones are close to finish okay and try to knock them out you know get them done and and because i'm ready to move on to some of the ones that i started last year and haven't gotten to yet that's nice and um and the only one that i might folk do some work on that maybe a little bit far away maybe african lady with vaz oh is you know you stitched on abc the 20 the 28 well she had two big finishes this month oh no i i this yeah a stitch for sweet freedom no no i'm talking about every month yes your stitch on abc de la boy does yes like a specific time yes are you going to switch that to african ladies oh that's a good idea oh yeah okay maybe i will take a look at the calendar and see what might be a good day for that yeah thank you yes alrighty so those are plans uh and announcements yes okay and um anything else that we need to cover today so don't forget those two contest winners wendy lambert and carla woodstruck if we have not heard from you by friday august 6 we will be redrawing oh so okay that's it that's it that's it all right i think we've said it all and don't forget no matter where you are the sun is always shining when you're stitching bye she always premature shakes me because i want to make sure you got the shirt in there smile i never picked the photo anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sunshine Stitchers
Views: 2,962
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #WorksInProgress, #WIPs, #Stitching, #Stitchers
Id: Yq8UOptR2Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 9sec (3789 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.