Sunni Muslim Doctor : met Jesus & Follow :: Lovely Testimony

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I was born into a Muslim family and my parents were leaders in the mosque and I met these two Christians at my grad school we just realized okay we definitely are both very strong in our faith but we can't both be right we can both be wrong like logically in my mind it's like okay we can both be wrong about Jesus for sure but we can't both you right so we sort of resolved that we wanted to figure out what truth is and secretly secretly I wanted to convert him massively I totally wanted to convert him to Islam because anytime i would debate anybody about you know religion i would always live and so he gave me a Bible I gave him a Quran on and we started to to serve do our own research and I would come with my bullet points and he would come with his and truth be told you know since I was you know an American Muslim being surrounded by non-muslims of course I knew exactly what I believed why and had all the arguments even though I had felt that I had succeeded and showing him that Christianity was flawed and that Islam was true I didn't have that satisfaction I wanted some sort of proof for the first time in my life and so I just continued to pray continue to pray and you know I would fast now would just cry out night and day to God to allah the only God that I knew to show people that he was the truth I started to just really have a lot of torment I just thought maybe I was going crazy for the first time but it was like I couldn't think anymore and especially as somebody studying to be a doctor and you know science background to lose your mind is really a very low point to say the least so there was one day out where I was probably at my lowest point I was just crying praying to allah saying I can't do this one more day and that same day got a text message from my friend he had been praying for me all along and his church actually had been praying to down south and he his pastor actually had brought or had typed up bullet points from the book by "Lee Strobel "called the "Case for Christ" and so because I was such at such a low point at that point I was like I'll read anything why not it gave so much significant proof for the historicity of the Cross and Resurrection and I started to read the Bible again I was reading it as though it actually could have happened and I just remember thinking oh my gosh this is beautiful and then I called somebody that I knew who was a Christian she said why don't you just ask Jesus to come into your heart if you're wondering and curious you have nothing to lose and you know little did she know if a Muslim asks Jesus into their heart it's hell for eternity no coming back you cannot come back from that so I just looked up at the heavens and I said allah I don't know who you're who you are allah i don't know what's real whoever you are though I want to give my life to you if you're Jesus you can come into my heart the next morning I woke up and all the torment was gone so I thought to myself okay logic brain I'll just I'm going to really give this exploration of the Gospels three or four years of my life and I'm gonna really like look into it to see if it's real I'm going to stay a Muslim of course I would never leave Islam but i just want to give this a chance and so I just basically went to church that Sunday and some signs had happened that week all pointing to Jesus and that Sunday morning the pastor was preaching and full raising their hands and I just kind of SAT through it but my heart just wanted to worship and when the altar call came we all bow our heads and the pastor just said I feel like there's someone in here that wants to give their life to Jesus but they don't even know what that means and they're really scared and I just said enough is enough it's taking me more faith to not believe in Jesus than to believe in him He is my first experience with love
Channel: strongtower27
Views: 1,154,297
Rating: 4.8356972 out of 5
Keywords: US Muslims, Arab Muslim, Ex Muslim, Indian Muslim, Arab Christian, Indian Christian, Jesus Christ, Kerala Christians, strongtower27, testimony, jesus testimony, Testimony of Jesus, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Baharin, Kuwait, Former Muslim, UK Muslims, Paki Muslims, Indian Muslims, Hindi christian song, Arabic christian song, Arabic Muslims, Indonesia, Indo Muslims, Algerian Muslims
Id: _QlO5mEqozU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2017
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