Sunday Worship Service 9.26.21

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57 and 82 cents master profit all right let's sound the alarm the master prophet i was screaming because as you were talking master prophet i had to be one of the 12. so profit is jessica and i we upgraded a 1 164 additional and 40 cents to that seed to make it 2 22 and 22 cents [Music] okay so then we have one two three four and that is that is a total of five master profit well i'm sorry we have breaking news breaking news breaking news breaking news did we acknowledge prophet michael angeloff no who did the 222 dollars and 22 cent seedlings michael and stacey angelo oh my goodness that so this makes five yes and yes max park we're at five so we need now seven others seven others that will do the and 22 222.22 seed or more and there's more breaking news matt there's breaking news um there's nothing breaking because we haven't gotten to the words yet i gotta get i get to teach there's more breaking news there's more breaking news master profit um my god i don't even prophet gregory clark we'll start there prophet gregory and prophetess cheryl clark had stepped out and sewn the 1057.82 seed on this afternoon master prophet sound the alarm god lord of god i don't i think it's still going on yeah yeah we still got breaking news master prophet there's more prejudice i mean there's some more breaking news there's some breaks nice fingers are getting tired of hitting the bell master prophet we have charisse jones who has stepped out stretched did their 1 seed this afternoon master prophet wow charisse jones god bless her well master prophet there was someone that says we're not gonna leave sister reese jones up there by herself oh no no no master bob we got more breaking news lisa red has sold her 1 145 and 54 seed master prophet this afternoon oh my god oh jesus yes hallelujah thank you jesus all right so we have some work here to do and so we are getting ready to get we we're going to be prophesying to the people of god here and we want you to know it's not too late prophet stephen tell the people how to get their seat in the ground because there's some that's probably watching on youtube for the first time wondering what's going on i'm master prophet ibrahim jordan i know we because we all know each other we just assume i know our names are not up on the screen but we gotta um we're to stop looking through the lens of ourselves and look at the lens of others we got new people coming and saying who is who's that there you know um because we live in a world that like everybody knows us and they don't and we live in a world like everybody knows what's going on and they don't and it only takes you you only have about five minutes to kind of get someone to really dial in and connect so we're celebrating the feast of tabernacles here we're going to get ready to get into the teaching in a moment but we decided that we were going to unseat the profit and you can unseat the profit with a seat of 557.82 seed but we're looking today for 12 people that's going to do the 2222 seed why we're getting ready for 2022. there's some things that i've got to tell you about 2022 that is going to bring um illumination and bring things forth now prophet joshua uh what's the total of your seed amount that i just want to make sure i got that right 2 22 and 22 cents master profit okay so great so we have um so we have stephen brown um kenneth cook michael angeloff bernard jordan and joshua jordan all the five people that stood with the two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty two cents seat or more we're looking for seven of you out there if you're in a business almost you need to get in on this seed if you are thinking about business you need to be in on this seed the bible says prove me now and see if i will not open you the windows of heaven and watch this god so love that he gave you can only give when you're a lover lovers give see see god so loved that he gave what did he give his own there's only it's important that you understand the word only because some of you may have to give your only thousand god's after you're only not you're lonely he's after your only that's good that's right he god so loved that he gave his only begotten it can only be begotten of god it was the begottenness yes of god and out of the begotten stage of god he produced a son and look how many sons his sons look how many sons his son produced when he sowed the seed yes he is still reaping the harvest of sons from the only that he gave what is your next financial breakthrough or the window that god wants to bring to you because you chose to celebrate and worship during this feast of tabernacles now i know you did back to school for some of you that are there and some of you will look and says i don't know what is going to happen and i don't know what's happening with my job situation and things are so unstable but i know a kingdom that's not unstable hallelujah i know a place amen where god begins to teach us there's a place you can get in god in giving and trusting that god becomes your money and money is not your god there's a place that you can get to in god that you begin to find he's all sufficient and the provision is always there all the time there's a place you can get to in god that you would take nothing to turn away from this journey that you're on i have experienced god listen when i've walked in it's only because god systems of this world was not designed for me to walk in this that's why most places that i go into if i don't have my cleric on it saying what do you do that's another way of saying you really don't belong here how did you get here we're interested in your story but my story is a journey of faith and i believe in the seed and i believe in time and i believe in harvest yes first there's the seed and then there's the patience of time because you've got to let the seed die and germinate and while the seed is taking root in a place you don't see in the fullness of time you'll begin to see the fruit i need god to make me in this season of the feast of tabernacles in this early rain in this former rain make me a prophetic rainmaker yes yes lord that i have the mightiest touch in whatever arena that i go into make me a prophetic rainmaker i trust god i depend on him i trust his holy word word because i've watched and seen god move and guess what and he'll keep doing it again and again okay we're going to go ahead um that's the prophet we have some breaking news yeah more breaking news what is the breaking news prophet amen we have a erica paul who sold the fifty seven dollars and eighty cents breaking news masterpiece all right let's sound the alarm for erica paul jesus score one on the heels of the other master prophet we got some more breaking news more breaking news what's other breaking news prophetess rhonda jackson said i'm stepping out doing my 220 seed master prophet hallelujah wow so that's making it number six yes and yes that's the prophet [Applause] we're halfway there amen two thousand two hundred twenty two dollars and twenty two cents whoo today is what day of the revival prophet what day 500 you know he was asleep he was sleeping in the bowel of the ship with jesus [Laughter] he was in the undergone what day of the revival we're in let's see prophets kelly you see what day of the revival we we're in i certainly do master prophet this couldn't be a better day breaking news this is day 556 oh i'm glad i sold today the heavens have made this a zoey holy day because listen that's the seed the mount that was called [Music] wow it's like everybody should do the 557 dollars and 82 cents and you know what you're doing a dollar for every day of the revival that's all it is hallelujah [Music] 557.82 that he kept you 557 days in the play thank you jesus cause some of you been flying and traveling and sitting in restaurants and all that type of stuff and god still kept you amen and some of your school teachers like elder brett and god still kept you amen you know this is something you're being kept everybody everybody today should do a 557 dollar seat and they don't eat everybody should do the 557.82 i mean everybody should just i mean whatever you what is that sacrifice it's just a dollar a day it's only a dollar a day um go borrow it and borrow not a few borrow it and make it happen why seize the moment seize the moment and it landed the 557 and 82 cent landed on the 557th day of the day we declared we are going to stay 24 hours on the wall until the plague is lifted in year 57 in year 57.82 jesus and we're going to be in this in a minute let me tell you something breaking news master prophet we got breaking as you were yet speaking as i was just speaking as you were yet speaking master prophet the the the legs have enough energy to press that button i don't know if legs legs you may need a you need help on that finger legs i'm telling you master prophet prophet gregory and prophetess cheryl clark has upgraded to the 22.22 seed master profit yes whoa [Music] what i mean more breaking news more breaking news yes and yes master prophet more breaking news could there be my auntie ross your auntie rise my auntie ross has done the 1000 seed master profit oh my god you know what this is a zoe holy day in the feast of tabernacles so master prophet there are only five others five others to do the 220 seed [Music] will you be one of the five would you be one of the five could you trust god could you get out of your boat now watch this i want you to rock your boat but don't tear up the boat rock the boat don't tip the boat over don't take it over but rock the boat and see you got to be able to th that some generations understanding and others don't but but rock the boat yeah right see kj know nothing about rock the boat right but stephen knows about rock the boat yes sir i don't know if you know about rock the boat a mass prophet i may be a little no you don't know about rock and the only reason that legs may know about rock the boat because he's been in the studio and they'd be sampling everybody it's right here listen to life see there you go [Music] [Applause] so you need to get a seed in and rock your boat breaking news master plan what are you talking about breaking news we're talking about rocking the boat somebody rocked the boat master process what lauren profidus elder gloria gene kelly sniper sold the 22.22 master profit oh my god we're getting ready to pass out in here hallelujah zoe is getting ready to come into our harvest year in 5782 yes there'll be testimonies as told on the other side of this pandemic hallelujah at the coveton we've watched god in the timetable listen some of you will understand this and some of you will not we got eight now i need four more to do the two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty two cents seed uh master profit let me get somebody that needs to know this well somebody that needs to know this text to give you can text to give your seed right now text to give one word my worship to four three 646-762-0433 you can also sow your seed by calling it in 888-831-0434 everybody everybody everybody get the 550 seat into the ground on the 557th day of the prophetic revival master prophet this here is a window of opportunity it's a window the people can't miss this they can't miss it and master prophet uh prophet rosen breaking news yes yes yes upgraded up upgraded her seat so now it's a total of two thousand two hundred twenty two dollars and twenty two cents [Applause] wow master profit so that means we're only looking for three others three others do you think there's three others out there that can do it i mean how many people are on the phone line right now well let's take a look at the legs is going to tell you how many on the phone line how many are in instagram how many on instagram we have 18 master profits i'm sure there's one person on instagram that can do 2 000. do you think do you think private there's one person there's one person on instagram with a business that their business in 22 is gonna look nothing like it did in 21 master profit they need to be a part of this move of god they do and you know what it would be hard for them to go back to their regular church you know i was talking to a pastor the other day i said i couldn't believe i said you went back into the building he says yeah [Music] i said you probably want to rethink that because who did you leave on the internet that you can't bring into your building and i've been talking to several pastors [Music] i know you think it's safe out here but it's not i i shake my head but i'm telling you october 6 we're on the heels of it and what i see does not look good for america and you need to get yourself and someone must have told america um that the prophet is seeing something about october 6 and beyond because all of a sudden they're putting new laws in places and companies and some of them are implemented around that october's date yes that's right i'm telling you y'all gonna realize there was a prophet among you y'all are gonna realize that you know y'all may realize that after i'm long gone sometime in 2070 but you'll know that there was a man that walked among us and told us how to maneuver what would have happened if many would have only listened if some of you would have gotten a shot when i got it you'd be further ahead of the game because some of you are going to be on the first shot we're going to be in booster 3. wow and booster four and booster five i'm just telling you what's coming i see one virus competing with another and what will take place um [Music] they're going to attempt to ride out this storm but they're not going to ride it out well that's almost like sitting in louisiana knowing the flood's going to come and say we're going to ride it out we're going to write it and i hope we got enough roof to keep us on top until the water's receded listen saints but zoe's been prepared we talked about our sugar numbers i think in our households here they're getting ready to start a fast here is it is it october 1st y'all starting october 1st they're starting a juice fast here a number of people are taking on juices where they're doing vegetables and only one fruit inside the juicing and i think pastor deborah's probably going to be leading that because she's going to go to one go and do a 21 day and um because you're going to need to get the last season out of you to prepare yourself for this next season so i know chef bananas going on the um fast um they're really taking this on and um for health and spiritual reasons but mostly because i want to be ready i want my body to be ready for the sustainability of what this next period is about to bring us and [Music] we're in that day but yet even in the plagues of egypt there was still getting the wealth of the egyptian and they had light in goshen so on one side it may look like devastation on another side for the people of god it will be prosperity and i'm not talking about people of god in name only i'm talking about people of god that has participated in the covenant that is due for the harvest when i tell you that harvest is coming i'm telling you the harvest is here there's opportunities right now that some of you could probably quit your job and go sit in classes for three months and get certifications or in one year and get certifications and double your salary if you've got an ear to hear god um the tide is changing the world has become a village i'm calling everyone today to do the 557-82 every partner every prophet every friend of this ministry 5 57 82. um remove the hesitation out of your spirit today because he who hesitates is poor he who hesitates as what or he who hesitates is poor i was in a lengthy meeting earlier this week last week rather and they were talking about how horrible things are inside real estate and some of these um places where um people are going to be out of work there's going to be a lot of loss of jobs sir in the next two weeks yes there is in next two weeks and this is where america is going to be ungodly this is the part that's going to be ungodly and i know um and i've talked with some people that's been in hr yes and you know people that are using and see this is see you gotta watch when you use something because when you use something you may end up getting used by it and so there are people that are like um i know somebody that went into a place in the hr department had to begin to deal with it and they went and got hired and then they turned around and they needed to get the shot and he says i can't do it for religious reasons and i am not sure if that's going to hold up in this wave mm-hmm amen right think this is the period where it begins to be and when i first saw this pandemic i saw three religions that were going to be part of the super spreading i didn't understand it i saw jews christians and muslims wow wow and i couldn't understand it at the time and then i said oh my god they would not suspend their high holy days because of a plague and when you check history [Music] there are many revivalists that died during certain plagues [Music] because they had the revival in the plague and the revival did not exempt you from the plague let me say that again there were people and one was out of canada and i forget which plague it was um but you could probably go online and find these situations out there will be many leaders that will die in the plague in the name of their worship but it was not in the call of god there's a difference because in the book of isaiah it talks about that you're supposed to cover and stay in your house until the indignation pass yes um if someone can get that scripture for us we we were reading a lot in the beginning i can't get it master prophet i think it's isaiah i believe it's in the book of isaiah um 20 i wanted to say 26 and it may be verse number 20 20. okay isaiah chapter 26 and verse 20 let me get my bible about because i want to get into all my multiple translations that they're in yes mr prophet because these last two waves breaking news these last two ways was the warning we're going into the real mccoy and see that's what and that's why this october sixth day was critical if you notice i have not prophesied to you too much after the october 6th day because it would sound way out of reason but when i saw pregnant mothers in mississippi babies dying of covet yes sir i said it's here because i told you in the midwest mothers will be holding dead babies in their hands in this plague i told you all that yeah y'all remember and when i heard that it was happening with the fetus in the womb i says it's here it's it it it's here and it's on the eve of it but what i saw going in now i would be honest with you um they should have never opened the schools that's that's just the bottom line it would have saved jobs and saved students i get it that the social skills of the child is necessary because a lot of children ended up going into psych wards because of um you know going into hospitals for psychological evaluation because of the lack of connectivity but what is that um [Music] a scripture there isaiah chapter 26 and verse number 20 master prophet isaiah let me guess that isaiah and we have some more breaking news okay we'll get to the breaking news in a moment but isaiah 26 and verse 20 i just want to finish out this um yes this thought and did you want me to read it out of the king james version you can read it out of the king james yes you can yes and yes master prophet and isaiah 26 and verse number 20 reads come my people enter thou into thy chambers and shut thy doors about thee hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be overpassed okay with this in the nrsv version come my people enter your chambers and shut your doors behind you hide yourselves for a little while until the wrath is passed so you got to into your chambers okay do you have an uh is it in in any other versions yes master prophet i can read it out of god's word yes go ahead my people go to your rooms and shut the doors behind you hide for a little while until his fury has ended okay so it seems as though that we're supposed to go in and be hiding there are and when he said this i'm sure there's some people it says but a sabbath i always go to worship on saturday and he begins to let him know says yes that's by law but discern the season you are in the season called the season of indignation until the indignation is passed you need to stay out of the public that's right until the indignation is what passed now we came out zoe came out for a moment we came out in the week that he told us to come out and we did the celebration we got clearance that's the only reason that's the only reason i gathered i didn't gather because of my birthday because the year before i didn't do anything i only came out because when i sought the lord he showed me the weeks of safety and i'll begin to talk to you about the weeks of save days if you're going to travel go see some of your loved ones i told some of you go see some of your loved ones because it's pretty the last time you'll see them alive yes you did say that that's exactly what you said it says go ahead and go see your loved one see your people dot dot dot dot dot dot until about october six after that you need to pull it in now just now this doesn't mean that you will stop traveling all together but you need to try to rope it in and from october 6 to the end of april all of your goings hear me prophets need to be by assignment only don't get caught out there doing this in leisure it's got to be by assignment you can't just you don't want to walk in this next wave in spaces because you just felt like you just needed a break you you better make sure that whatever that break was it was assignment from the holy one that you had clearance i'm just going to say that if you have a weak immune system you need to just be shut behind a door if you have pre-existing cancer type of situations i mean you know whatever your situation is you just shouldn't even be out you just you just not in this next wave right now you thought that first wave was something and they had bodies piled up in trucks outside i talked to one funeral director and they was lined up all over the place you know stacked on top of each other you look that way for something you wait until you see this next wave and so i'm only saying to this to you prophetically from what i hear from the heart of god and from what i've been able to track astrologically as well the heavens are also declaring it and if i had time i would take out a whole chart and show you the path america is getting ready to come into a reparation conversation like it never had before and i see a hurricane that's coming that's going to be devastating and you know it's interesting because these hurricanes start out aware usually the gulf no no starting the gulf look up where the hurricane started africa tell them say it again from africa it starts in africa where the middle passage comes wow they really should not be giving these hurricanes the ethnic names that they give them they should be african names wow and that path is somehow coming through the channels of where the slave trade was coming [Music] america is getting ready to be revisited with her judgments [Music] and by next easter america will have to declare whether it will move forward in life and repent will become the end of democracy and civilization as a nation and only remain in history books and don't say nations can't fall where's rome today yes sir don't say nations can't fall where's assyria that's right don't say nation every nation does not make this cycle that america is about to go into so will america become the united states or will it become the divided states and in written judgment it points to a divided state because in the written judgments and i pray that it is not in our day that it comes 300 years from now but in the written judgments that talk about states breaking away from the constitution [Music] and declaring its own freedom [Music] jesus and this next wave this pandemic may do it some of you will be relocating because some of you your work won't be allowed in certain states that you're in oh tradition so um [Music] jesus these are the days that we're in i'm just a prophet heroin the word of the lord but i can tell you this the window is open for you to have your own exodus and you get ready to exit out of where you're at so there are times when god tells his people to hide themselves until the indignation has passed but you kept worshiping in the indignation you're supposed to be in hiding you know how many pastors have left out of here oh my god there's a couple of major pastors this week still even gone and we're in the safe zone so whatever traveling you want to do you gotta you have another 10 days or so the archbishop you know the airlines are starting to shift because uh right now there are only two airlines that will fly to like italy the other airlines have already shut down and said they're not flying overseas and when you try to make airline arrangements to travel the prices are so high that the most people just cancel because it doesn't make sense but there's only two i think two airlines right now that are traveling uh overseas yeah this is a serious moment the the days will come if i be a prophet of god my word won't fall i told you i told you the reason i got the shot [Music] i told you i got the shot first of all the holy spirit told me to get the shot so i got it and listen i got all kind of conspiracy videos they got videos out here that says everybody that got the shots gonna going to be dead in 18 months i i i've almost heard it all i got people that just sends me stuff to say bishop you're missing it on this i said it's okay we'll see right we'll see you know you're telling the prophet just saying we'll we'll see all i can do all i can do is tell you what i know what i heard the holy spirit say that's right and when i went to get that shot i came back and told you now i was in good condition i was doing all the protocols and everything and when i got the shot the holy spirit spoke to me and said now you tell the people you got the shot he says because they're going to need this shot to keep their jobs wow did you hear me say that yes you did i said that right yes you did you will need this shot to keep your jobs today we're standing in that prophetic word right now yes we are right yes we are none of us are talking about it that you know the master prophet said this right now if we missed it they would be talking about it right you need to you need the shot to keep your job um you'll need it to keep it there's going to be a lot of people that's not going to be working so and watch this working with no pay and i would not be surprised if you have a government that would say we're not even going to honor [Music] the unemployment benefit [Music] i think we get ready to see something that will appear to be wicked come out of washington that people will have no explanation for and this is the day so um make sure you're taking your d3s your zinc uh make sure you got your right portions make sure you have a great health provider um a doctor that you can call i would keep a doctor's number on call i'm just gonna be honest with you i would keep a doctor number on call and it wouldn't be one it would be about two or three you got health insurance you need to keep that and you need to have a number close to you so if something crazy starts to happen in your physical body you are not getting counsel from your girlfriend or your boyfriend but you're going to a professional and saying what must i do now when i went through my little situation i had certain doctors that stayed in touch with me other doctors i um i couldn't get on the line and anyone touched a covet situation i mean you know um you know cause they have their license and stuff to risk so you know you know they'll pretty much tell you there's nothing to do except for if you can't breathe or you're getting chest pains go to the emergency room um i guess i could see a lot about ventilators but i won't um [Music] people of god exercise we gave you the protocols before exercise get out of here if you're too lazy to exercise go get you a bag of 100 balloons and blow up 100 balloons every day i don't care you need to do something to exercise your lungs yes one of my doctors told me he says blow balloons i got a bag of balloons you know those party balloons just just sit there and blow you probably should do it with your children we're blowing balloons up today and y'all burst them and then sweeping you know because it because um i know of a pastor's wife today that is on a ventilator right now there's breathing and um the ventilator is doing a hundred percent of the work wow [Music] this is taking out families right um known of two pastors that were in worship that was not vaccinated and they're gone today in the last seven days gone um one the spouse don't even know that the other spouse has passed another one the church don't even know what to do because they were not expecting their leader to die because they told that this was a government hoax well there you go have mercy lord we're going to be on the wall until the plague is over uh zoe is not going back in their building i don't see us going back in there this year and i don't see us going back in there next year amen now if um those of you this in zoey if you need to get to a brick and mortar i'm sure there is some young adults around that are open i i give you a couple of names um one leader told their members says take your mask off and worship god and he's gone [Music] this is real this is very real what concerns me about this is that our people follow leaders yes and i would have to think that if i had a mother or aunt in that church they were taught to obey their pastors she would even mass would have been offered she would have been worshipping god because bishop told me to do it and to me that's criminal because the purpose of the shepherd is to lead the sheep into safety yes and not into a furnace of affliction my goodness there were prophets that told you they were blowing it away they were prophets told you 30 days it would be over they told you it would be over by passover of last year they told you it would be over by easter of last year not this year of 2020. and i get it some of you are watching us you're afraid to give in to this platform because you have so many prophets that lie to you i i apologize for the false prophets that you fell into their hands um maybe we won't call them false they prophesied of their own heart and imagination and they prophesied after the words of others they stole other people's prophetic words and echoed it and called it their own and the bible speaks woe unto them [Music] i get it if i was sitting in those churches and my pastor told me it's going to be over in 30 days and i would be wondering well how come 500 days later i'm still walking around with a mask on my face right it's true and they're still telling me to come to church i mean do you want to leave your life in those kind of hands right we've been here with you every day doing this pandemic and i say this humbly and i have a lot of i have a lot of pastor friends that worship i said i said why are you doing it i said why some of them i got them to confess i said you get high you get a hard on by being in the pulpit that's your high that's like a high it's a high to get on the platform you get a high from getting the raw of the crowd you've got to hear the hand claps of the saints and the spirit says go in and hide yourself until the indignation is passed [Music] don't let your high take you out some of you are on that brick and mortar like crack don't let it take you out crack is whack okay um but there will be more that i will tell you and um we're going to be in some serious prayer for what's next um my god um this next wave is coming for our young people though see this is a thing that i this is the thing that i um you know i don't even know how to voice it but i'm just trying not to um say anything about it but this is where this is where you you saw it in every generation when it first came it came for your elderlies it came for those that was a senior citizens home and then this next virus it came and started taking out those that were middle-aged if you notice in the first way do you hear too many children very true right sure they were like dusting it off it was like you know they were still partying now we're fine right they were fine right and then the older people that was thinking well that they're fine i must be okay they you know they got the age mixed up and they just see that if these seniors are going in i don't need to be down here at south beach i need to be whatever you know but this next wave and this virus i hate to humanize it but a virus is living right [Music] a virus is living yes yes it is it's a living organism this virus is like a thinking virus it like it goes in and checks out every organ to find the weakness and just keep badgering it to see if we can get it to expire [Music] and i like to believe that i'm healthy [Music] right and i've done a lot of protocols but after covet let's see covet was in july august at the covet um my blood pressure hasn't been the same it's not high but i don't have the blood pressure of a 20 year old anymore right because it used to be the low right yeah 110 over 70. yes mine too and mine it went up last time i went to the doctor i was got i'm getting into 120 over 80 which i never had yeah i'm in 130. yeah now something about the virus aged me i can't explain it but some of you can't afford no more aging you don't have that kind of um currency i don't know that's the way i want to use um you don't have that kind of space some you have currency that you can take a blower to [Music] some of you if you take one blow you're gone that's why you need to stay in your chambers right um bishop what are you saying to us i'm saying be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove and if you do that you'll make it through this and you'll come out of this on the other side um keep your mask on even i've been vaccinated and when i go out my mask is over my face i'm going to the mall i'm going back my mask is over my my mask is almost like a breathing machine all right don't please and um be wise but we're going to lose a lot of people off the planet in this next [Music] and and then i think i told you if you um make sure you have a backup phone yes you do make sure you have a backup phone because in a minute you're going to have a challenge if you don't have a backup just in case if your phone because you do a lot of business from your phone right yes sure so what happens if your phone goes out and the stores are closed that's it and factories are closed [Music] that's right i mean what are you gonna how are you gonna do your business make sure you have a backup computer well some of you you'll need computers period because you don't even have computers we were trying to rectify that we were trying to strike a deal with dell but it didn't quite go the way that i needed it to go because we were trying to remedy that because we know some of your households got one computer in it that's not going to work and this is why this is why the schools had to open up in certain communities because the children were not getting the lessons correct because of the lack of high-speed internet and now we are beginning to realize we have digital apartheid in america yes sir that's right certain communities are denied access yes and so today when you buying a house i wouldn't buy a house based on a school i would buy a house based on the speed of that internet in that community absolutely because that's going to be the value [Music] all right let's get ready um any more breaking news yes and yes master prophet we have more breaking news you mean more really really breaking news in this feast of tabernacles yes master prophet breaking news breaking news breaking news what is the breaking news prophet sherman pages not sherman oh yes master prophet this is a high holy season i holy season it sold the 2 hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty two cents seed master profit all right and he makes number ten master profit there's more breaking news more breaking news you know are you sure you're not making these names breaking news this is more breaking news this is more this is like really breaking news and i can see why the scripture says that three times a year all men because we have laurent griffin who has stepped out and sold the 1 000 seed master profit this afternoon whoa let's sell me along wow [Music] and you know that's right three times a year all the men were supposed to appear and not appear empty-handed that's right every man in this house and prophet's only love says you know you include the women also bishop i says we got you but it was not supposed to appear empty-handed and what that was supposed to represent is that every household was supposed to be represented in worship during this time of year because it's going to determine how you live until the next feast of tabernacles oh my goodness jesus okay so we need just two more people just two more two more and uh let me see what's happening how many people are watching us on facebook um can you guess so mr prophet we have 40 people watching on your personal facebook page master prof we have 40 partners that are viewing us on your personal facebook and we have nine partners on the zoe ministries facebook page all right so let's get that up and going and um i am looking right now in um zoe ministries on the youtube youtube how many people we have there we have over 113 master profit that are watching i think now it says 106. all right and um let me get on instagram master profit we have a total of 23 master profit and it's climbing i see 24 now 23 partners that are on the instagram all right i'm 57 on the bishop jordan's youtube channel all right okay yes i'm just pulling that up right now all right so we want you to go ahead and um go ahead and join us join us join us okay we're going to um okay let's let's see how we're going to do this now i think what i want to do is i want to unseat prophets but i want to also um get into the lesson here for a moment so um inaudible give me wisdom oh god okay let's um let's go to zechariah 14 and verse number 16. let's go into the scripture and we're going to prophesy i want to tell y'all to stay around stay around company of prophets this is a high holy day zechariah i believe i want the book of zechariah chapter 14 and verse 16. there master prophet okay um what we're going to do is we're going to have um i'm going to have jonathan to begin to read that what version you have that in which one would you like it in i have um and uh okay you could just tell us what version you're reading and then i have king james okay we'll let you do king james zechariah chapter 14 and verse 16. verse 16. it reads on this wise and it shall come to pass it shall come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations which came against jerusalem shall go shall even go up from year to year to worship the king the lord of hosts and to keep the feast of tabernacles it shall keep the feast of tabernacles so every nation was commanded to keep the feast of tabernacles what are you seeing there you know master prophet that this was something that was a um not just for an individual to involve themselves in but it was communal mass to profit it was corporate it involved all nations of the earth it involved all communities all partners master prof to come on and join yes yes yes anyone else uh prophets kelly this was an annual event so it wasn't every so many years it was every year yeah it was an annual event amen and so we can begin to see that this was something that was taking place annually amen all right um [Music] let's continue on reading prophets kelly can you come to the stage as well i can yes yes and it shall be that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth into jerusalem to worship the king the lord of hosts even upon them shall be no reign okay so now it's interesting that everyone had to come up to jerusalem to worship who the king the king the king now it's interesting that they was to worship the king herod began to say where is he who is the king of the jews so they knew that there was some type of worship going on with a king of the jews but everyone had to come up to jerusalem to worship the whoop the king the king and the shepherds in the field began to get word to go and worship who the king the king and they showed up but where did they show up at where did the shepherd show up that is jesus's house master prophet right and we use that at um no the the shepherds oh not the wise men in the fields right the shepherds was in the field and they found jesus laying in a what manger the reason he was in a manger because it was jesus birthday it must have been around the feast of booths because all of israel was sleeping outdoors that's why there was the animals possibly there was no room in the inn because no one was supposed to be doing any work because all of israel was commanded to sleep where in the field in booths and booths right so they would be outdoors in the booths and um tell them how the booths had to be built yes master prophet so a uh an appropriate tabernacle or booth had one entrance in and one entrance out it was only one door master profit and what was interesting is that it was supposed to be the roof was supposed to be open a kosher roof is a roof that is open so that one could be able to see the sun the moon and the stars master prophet you know why because they had to be able to see how they were supposed to be worshiping and they needed to be able to see the star of prophecy okay so they had to begin to keep an opening where they can see the heavens yes and yes master prophet and there was only one door in and one door out master prophet of the and this is why we can see why jesus says that i am the door he was speaking about the door to the feast of tabernacles the door to the booth master prophet where there is only one entrance in and one entrance out it's not like you go in one way and you come out the other way you go in one way like you can go into buddha and then come out muhammad yeah master probably there's not like multiple entrances and ex it's one entrance and one exit master prophet and that's jesus he's the door he's the door i am the door so we begin to see that so they went up to jerusalem to worship okay year after year to worship the king continue reading and if the family of egypt got not up and come not that have no rain there shall be the plague good so watch this they have to worship the king the lord of hosts even upon them shall be no rain and if the family of egypt go not up and come not that have no rain in other words he pronounced unto them you will have no reigns if you don't keep the feast of booths if you don't keep the feast of tabernacles there will be no prosperity if you don't keep the feast because because rain was the money of the day that's right why would i say rain is the money of that day it was working go ahead good process kelly it was what um increased the crops if there was no rain there was no crops and the crops was what brought in money yes the crop that there was no rain that meant that your bank just closed and now malachi chapter malachi starts to make sense bringing all the tithes into the storehouse that they may be what meat where in my house meet in my house because this is the one festival that you're supposed to be eating before the lord so if we were in israel we're supposed to be having enough food going around that we're supposed to be eating enjoy for the next seven days because guess what there's no cooking in your booth that's right because you're not in the house you're not now you're outdoors outdoors why because you will be eating in the temple that's right the preparation is in the temple so that there might be meat in my house and this is the season where you now prove me now and see that's right if i will not what open you open you the what windows of heaven that's talking about the rain and pouring you out of what a blessing this is the showers of blessing come on that there shall not be one room room enough to receive your crop or the harvest or the money or the prosperity that is coming to you this is the one window that god says you set your prosperity up in these seven days you get the program the bank of heaven glory to god i wish i could see you uh i mean i wish i could see if we were in church that would be a rare back moment let me hear you say but we can't do that today because we're in a different dispensation amen right about here somebody should have been running up and down the aisle right saying oh my goodness this is my season this is the time you know what i'm going to just go ahead and go buck wild and empty out because if i can do it and he sends the reins i know that what he's sending in my direction is getting ready to change the trajectory of my life that's good you know master prophet this is so powerful because it just leads me to the first time we see rain in the scriptures you know rain was a never seen before master prophet and could it be that we're entering into a season of never seen before you know the bible talks about that they did not know it master prophet because they never had seen it before god had never shown them the rain master prophet noah kept talking about it it's gonna rain it's gonna rain it's gonna rain and no one had an understanding of how the bible talks about how the earth was watering itself from the waters of the deep so the they had no understanding of what was about to take place so master prophet just led me to think when you talked about we're entering into a showers of blessing that could it be we're entering into a season of never seens before yes the prophet it's called the crypto blessing see in every new visitation of god there seem to be a new currency that's true jesus think about it when did the stock market open up thank you so much check out when did the stock mark when did the stock market begin you gotta love today's technology seven stock exchanges have a long history in the united states in 1790 profit yeah good so in 1790 you have a stock market opening up right and so you had stock market was working in a certain kind of way it was working in a certain position and you know you had stock now you also had coming on forward you had america having different kind of currency and you had um confederate money right that currency that they had there in the south which was different from the currency in the north amend and so you're now down in the 1860s where you begin to see the end of a end of a period or an end of an age you go 40 years in you're starting to now run into the azusa revival amen and then you have enough and then america goes off the gold standard so you'd be interested in finding when did america go on the gold standard and then when did it come off of the gold standard you begin to start seeing that during those two when money is changing we are beginning to see a different hand of god because guess what you use money for worship yes jesus yeah and so then um so now you got in in the 1900s um 1906 you got all of this type of stuff going on there's also new movements going on there fraternities and sororities are getting started your alphas your um different um the um the greek alphabets starting to in these schools on when did when did the queues get started uh we started in 1911. in 1911 right and and when did the alpha start let me see mr prophet 1906. that's um miss prophet ernesto prophet ernesto yelling out there and when did the uh when did the kappa start 1911 1811. see he had to know his history he probably had to be on the front of the line there i could see him being hazed he is it so so watch this but 1906 started and when did the azusa street revival start 1906. 1906. you start looking at these parallels so all of these different groups are starting to emerge all of this is coming out because there's a revival happening it's a ship then you have your latter rain revival when did america go off the gold standard looking it up now i'm thinking that might be around during the time of roosevelt 1933 1933 right then you begin to and then um world war [Music] ii is starting around about when 1940 something yes 19 world war ii yes 1942 40 right into this early 40s right and world war one is starting when 16 1916 16 or 11 rounding that so when you start looking at these parallels you start looking at these overlaps and then you have um your lateral rain revival you have all of this going on coming in into your into your 40s and stuff is happening now in the midwest coming down out of canada in the midwest so you had the first revival in 1900s coming down roundabouts so the way the story is told on the west coast right it went from topeka kansas and went over into the west coast right and then the latter rain started moving all through that's why all in those strong prophecies down in ohio coming down into the midwest right but but but what kind of workers was down there those were steel workers yes right industry revival shows up where money is at if you go into the 1900s you have the gold rush right that's right so if you want to track revival god sends revival in places where currency are fluent so it can finance the revival that's right so there's getting ready to be another change in the currency which is cryptocurrency and therefore revival is getting ready to take place around people that are handling and moving with cryptocurrency and doing currency no longer with dollars and cents but digital money it's a move and this pandemic has forced all of us to go digital that's right for about six months i had not touched paper money right and and i wasn't well i was because that's because i was hiding from the indignation i was growing a beard to everything that was spotty right and malls was closed so i had nowhere to go so so i wasn't touching no paper money but during that time the world was on a reset towards digital currency that's right that's right to on on any given sunday i would be standing in the front with an offering bucket isn't that antiquated walking around right passing covet exchanging right right passing the virus from one hand to the other and so what does it what does god does he cleans it up he says now i'll give you an exit strategy now i would have says i would never use apple pay right ernesto gave me my first donation on apple pay i didn't even know what it was i sat on there for about a year wow i knew how to use it i know how to get it off right it was in my phone i could see it i know how to use it you know how to get to it until somebody came to me kj's in there looking and laughing until that until somebody says bishop just take your phone out and do it and just tap it and i said tap it that's right right now mother jordan never got the apple pay and we tried to get her uh uh an uh a smartphone smartphone she said um she had to flip she left the earth with the flip that's all right that's right she was not moving forward when we were like saying we were trying to take that flip out of hand and she said i need so how do you hang up the phone i said you know what mother you're right exactly and where's the doll tone where's the right there'll be some people that will not be able to cross over into what's next and so these are visitations that come we're in a visitation now and so what is the visitation that's coming now is preparing us to go global we talked about this globalizing the world with the prophetic so now in verse number 18 go ahead and read on verse 18 says and if the family of egypt go not up and come not that have no reign there shall be the plague there shall be the y the plague so if any time we need to keep the feast the tabernacles need to be now right yes we have a plague on the horizon there shall be the plague read on where with the lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles it's almost like the feast of tabernacles was like another pesach yes yes yes it was like it had to be the blood on the doorpost to keep the death angel away but here you need to keep the feast of tabernacle each year to keep the plague from your house read on verse 19 this shall be the punishment of egypt and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles so therefore there is a punishment when you don't keep the feast yes yes there's a what a punishment a punishment when you don't know why when you don't keep the peace when you don't keep the feasts and so therefore the question is how are you keeping the feast how are you oh and in the feast you were supposed to bring an offering every day for for seven days i said that's right now let's go to leviticus 23. leviticus 23 and um jonathan we're going to have you read that there leviticus 23 and verse 33. and we're going to ch prophet joshua you start reading leviticus 23 and you want to start at verse number 20 33 amen and amen and it reads master prophet and the lord spake unto moses saying um jonathan won't know what you said that's what it says jonathan and the lord spoke unto moses well i thought you were still with by your mind language it's in god's language vayamar means and he said unto moses next year you will be in dr waffle winaca's class that's right [Applause] so you'll be able to say bayama moshe i look forward to that and the lord said and the lord said and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto the binay it's the children of israel singing the 15th day of this seventh qudesh the seventh month shall be the feast of sukkoth the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the lord good so we get so he marked out in the seventh month the 15th day and if you were reading see we've got to stop reading this bible like whole food is around the corner that's right right some of us reading this book prophets kelly like city bankers down the block right and some of us are reading this book like god has a gregorian calendar on the wall that's right no if you read this somebody took this here scripture and took a text on in somebody's summer convocation that's right and said july 15th that's right you know they did that in july 15th this is right here in the bible they were promised kelly you think somebody preached out on july 15th last month they went and preached they would you would you what did you think prophecy would you say prophet kelly we believed it because we didn't know any better right because we didn't know the seventh month was astrological for the seventh kardashian in hebrew master prophet i'm gonna pull it up i believe it's shiva okay i'm gonna pull it up though master prophet jesus he's pulling up his he his hebrew taxes but you'll see i can go right here jonathan so you need to get this here and see why he's doing that i got it right there and it is shabi yes chevy yes chevy chevy see that chevy chevy what you talking about the seventh order see here see the chevy and i want to know what month is to should be kodesh and notice what it says here what does it say there lunar month so see you it had to be according to the astrology stars god that's why they had to leave an opening in the booth so they could see what phase that moon was in so they didn't know how to worship and if you understand that god started the hebrew people with who was the first patriarch abraham abraham and what did what was abraham known for worshiping in the land of her i don't know come on let's look let's look at an er oh jesus oh wow yeah um go to um i think i think it's one genesis i think it's genesis 12 i think i don't want to leave out of my scriptures here hold on i'm gonna look it up master prophet um they were in er what was er known for the er of the child d's the earl of the child is that now that's interesting because when you start getting into challenging also um and i believe okay so in genesis 12 genesis i'm looking it up um i'm going to start at chapter 11 i think it is let me see if i can get anything up from there um okay genesis chapter god speaks to them about getting up out of er and he tells him i will make you a great nation genesis 12 12 1. um yes but uh do you want me to start at verse um genesis 11 um i can start at 31. no just read um oh goodness okay um i'll come back to but would you like to read read 11 start at verse 11 and verse i mean chapter 11 verse 27 therefore yes and yes master prophet now these are the generations of tehran terah begat before his father terah in the land of his nativity in ur of the chaldees and avram and nahur took them wives the name of avraham's wife is sarah and the name of nahur's wife milka the daughter of haran the father of milka and the father of iska but sarai was barren she had no child and terror took avram his son and lot the son of haran his son's son and sarah his daughter-in-law his his son abraham's wife and they went forth with them from ur of the chaldees to go into the land of canaan and they came unto haran and dwelt there okay so er was an ancient mesopotamia which was the birthplace of abraham and that was the one thing we wanted wanted you to get but also it's interesting that when god kept pointing he said i'm going to make your seed as the what as the star so he kept pointing abraham to a connection that his seeds would be as the stars in the heaven and when we also begin to um start to um look here we'll also begin to see some things that will begin to bring us into a real understanding that um [Music] in r um what's that yeah okay or it means the flame yes it means okay so when we begin to see this here um okay this is what i want so when they build they the the sumerians built a ziggurat for the moon god in earth that's right so abraham came from a culture that they had worshiped the moon god in er that's what they built and it's interesting that god will call the patriarch out of a culture whereas the moon was the center of the focus in their worship and yet all of the festive holidays and sabbaths are built around the moon wow okay jesus and so um you'll have to go into some history for that but the sumerians but the sumerians built a ziggurat for the moon god in earth so when god begins to take abraham and call them out abraham has a history that is in relationship to the solar systems or to the moon as it was part of the culture of that day okay okay let's go on back to um jesus leviticus 23 and so we see that in the seventh month which was the seventh moon they were to keep the feast of tabernacles um in verse number 34. the bible says for how long for seven days unto the lord and on the first day shall be a holy convocation and ye shall do no serval work which means it was supposed to be a sabbath they're read but now verse 36 prophet kelly can you read verse 36 for us because i want anyone to grab this yes seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the lord so for seven days you were supposed to do what we can make an offering by fire make an offering by fire you were supposed to offer an offering made by fire unto the lord so used for seven days you had to make sacrifice yes it was a seven days of worship and there's no other time that he's really calling you into like the seven days of worship of such like this but in the feast of tabernacles you are commanded to be giving and not to appear before the lord empty-handed amen and on the eighth day shall be a holy convocation unto you and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the lord it is a solemn assembly and ye shall do no work therein these are the what feasts of the lord which ye shall proclaim to be holy congregations to offer an offering made by fire unto the lord good and he talks about it and so dave and look at all these offerings a burnt offering a meat offering a drink offering everything upon this day and besides the sabbath of the lord and besides your gift and besides all your vows and besides all your free will offerings which ye give unto the lord also in the 15th day of the seventh month what does it say when ye have gathered the fruit of your land you shall keep a feast unto the lord seven days see you as well be eating for seven days there is no fasting that's supposed to be going on during the feast of tabernacle you're supposed to be eating before the lord your day atonement could be a time of fasting but here you were supposed to be eating before the lord and so therefore on the first day shall be a sabbath and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath and so therefore and he begins to tell you how you're supposed to be bringing the prosperity of the land you're supposed to be eating of the harvest you're supposed to be enjoying it and um and this is um this is so powerful okay so when we begin to look at this in these feasts um gift for me prophets kelly daniel chapter 9 i believe in daniel 9 25. daniel chapter 9 verse 25 reads as such okay uh wait a minute daniel daniel chapter seven i'm i'm sorry daniel chapter 7 yeah i said 9-7 and verse 25 yes okay that reads as such and he shall speak great words against the most high am i correct yes and shall wear out the saints of the most high now watch this prophets kelly do you think that there's a lot of saints that's been worn out oh my goodness yes yes they have brought down worn out i'ma tell you why they're worn out they are worn out because they don't know when to worship you are worn out because you missed your window that you were supposed to sow that brings the showers of your blessing i'm going to show you this is right here he shall wear out the saints let's see he's going to wear out the saints read on and think to change times and laws think the change what times and laws and that were times there actually means appointed times or seasons zeman appointed times so he would seek this change times and laws read on and they shall be given into his hand until a time end times and the dividing of time now watch this he would seek to change times and laws and where are the saints so instead of you worshiping on the feast of tabernacles you're doing christmas instead of you doing passover you're doing easter are you seeing that yes instead of you doing uh rosh hashanah you're doing new year's eve on december 31st instead of you worshiping and your days off supposed to be high holy days you are off on pagan holidays and on high holy days you're working because the times have been changed you have not understood the windows of your worship oh my goodness and so you began worshiping according to the gregorian calendar instead of worshiping according to heaven's blueprint come on on the 15th day of the seventh month this is astrology y'all and so so guess what this is why if the slave would have been able to understand the heavens they would find their way to freedom and some of you are going to find your way to economic freedom because you're going to know the moedine yes sir the season of your seed yes okay i'm going to close we're going to pick this up later on this in this evening but uh let me just say this the harvest that is coming according to ezekiel is going to bring us showers of blessing and if we begin to understand these festive times jesus kept the feast also in john chapter 7. you begin to see him talk about he was there on the feast of tabernacles john chapter 7 verse 2. if you look there at the scriptures i have it you know what does it say and it reads master prophet now the jews feast of tabernacles was at hand his brethren therefore said unto him depart hints and go into judea that the disciples also may see the works that thou doest for there is no man that doeth anything in secret okay so therefore all of that is happening there in the feast of tabernacles and in that time of defeats of tabernacles for those seven days they had to go to the pool of salon and bring water and travel in a procession and they were singing the halel song the women and the men on the temple steps were singing the hillel song and the hillel psalms are psalms 113 of psalms 118. and coming towards the end of psalms 118 of that hillel song it says save now i beseech thee oh lord i beseech thee send now prosperity they are saying this at this very time of the year send now prosperity so i want everyone that has sown the seed that we've asked for today the 557.82 cents the 1057.82 cents to 2 22 and 22 cents i want you to write down send now prosperity send it when now send now prosperity i was talking to a pastor about this and he had me speaking in tongues he says that in their church because see i knew they said that song but i never looked at it in this light until i began to look at the verses ahead of it and they talked about so jesus knew they were saying this song he was no doubt on the temple steps he was telling them i am the water right is that what he said i am the water i am the um i'm gonna get it now what verse is that he starts to talk about that later on down in the 20-something verse you talk about the waters of salvation and that out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water and this which you spake he spake it by the spirit in that same chapter of john chapter 7 i got it master prophet verse 36 37 and 38 master prophet what manner of saying is this that he said ye shall seek me and shall not find me and where am i that you cannot come and the last day that great feast jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink no watch this now they're bringing the water there that they're pouring the libation but jesus says if you thirst what you're thirsting for is not in that libation that has been ceremonially covered for this person purpose but i'm saying come unto me that's right read on he that believeth on me as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water so where you were going in the pool to get the water for worship the water is right there in your belly just start worshiping and when you begin to think about the holy spirit supposed to be that which is joy which is fast it's festive amen where they were speaking in tongues and beginning to give thanks and glorifying god so when we begin to see that in verse 22 of psalms 118 it says the stone which the builders rejected or the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner this is the lord's doing it's marvelous in his eyes and then it says this is the day which the lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it save now i beseech thee oh lord o lord i beseech thee save now i beseech thee [Music] now what is the prayer it's three words send now and when you look at that word sinnah tashlach how is it about pronounce that uh tashlock yes which means sin which means that word sinned it says in the king james selak it actually means to cause to prosper see we're looking at sin now he's actually saying cause to prosper nah cause to prosper now send now prosperity but in the hebrew they understood that when they were saying save now oh lord i beseech thee cause to prosper now hallelujah this is what they were saying on this very day you are contextually and historically in alignment with the scripture at this very moment they were singing the hillel psalms from 113 to 118. and i'm wondering what would happen if we had musicians that would just study the words from 113 to 118 chapter 113 and 1 chapter 118 and start writing hallel psalms because each one of those verses see we need a song that says send now prosperity that's right that's a prayer you know like save now i beseech thee oh lord i beseech thee send now prosperity send down prosperity that was a hell hallel psalm that they was there singing it was already sung but we don't have it sung in our day that's right i mean we have this is the day the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it but we stop there but what's the next verse i will rejoice and be glad in it this is a delay so then the second verse that should be saved now i beseech thee oh lord i beseech you send down prosperity that's right that's the very name but we stopped at this is the day the lord has made i rejoice and be glad and this is the day that the lord has made but we need to save now our best day we need to send down prosperity thank you jesus say la na yes silana so we're gonna we're gonna stop here we're not done but we are in the feast of tabernacles when we come back we'll be coming into the very last day of the feast where jesus stood on the last day of the feast is that interesting and that's why jesus whole work if you look at it his whole work was prosperity he multiplying fishes and loaves touching blind men eyes and i want to also suggest something that a teacher a true teacher is a healer notice when they kept noting jesus they kept saying we know that thou art a teacher come from god teachers are supposed to be healers and if you don't have a teacher that is healing you then you have a witch that is wounding you a teacher is designed to heal you what does that look like that means their words are designed to bring you to wholeness so therefore when you go into the classrooms tomorrow you need to start looking for your wholeness you got to start looking at the teacher as a shaman what are they bringing in my midst that is making me whole okay tell the people how to get their seat in the ground we're going to get ready to start unseating the prophets we got a lot of work to do in the prophets amen and people of god to sow your seed right now you can text the word my worship that one word my worship to 646 7 again text that one word my worship to 646-762-0433 also visit the ministry website you can go to or click on the donate tab and fill out the fields there at another way to get your seed in the ground is to call the partner care line that's 888 8 again 888.831.0434 or 212-316-2177 also you can open your camera phone just open up your smartphone to the camera and put it over that qr code at the bottom left of the screen and it'll give you the links to so as well god bless you as you sow your seed [Music] my god bless me bless me [Music] indeed [Music] my territory [Music] oh lord [Music] bless me indeed [Music] increase [Music] increase [Music] oh lord bless me indeed enlarge my territory [Music] indeed [Music] we only breaking news prophet joshua yes and yes master prophet we have breaking news breaking news breaking news what is the breaking news master prophet we have dana dorin that has sown the 222 dollar and 22 cent seed master profit [Music] so we're only looking for one more person master profit we also have another partner who had up-sold master prophet jerry daniels who did a total seed of one thousand dollars this afternoon all right let's give the lord [Music] okay we're going to get ready let's um michael angeloff are you in the sanctuary yes master prophet and stacy there with you yes i am how are both of you doing excellent great today that is great y'all still got heat down there in florida still in the 90s wow y'all are so blessed they're pulling out jackets up here okay we're going to get ready and prophesy to you what made you do this seed today well in addition to wanting to make sure that we're planting in the right season and the right time to receive our harvest we've already begun to receive a harvest and decided to replant that back into the ground so we have a testimony of uh of a vehicle that not only did i purchase out a lease that we had that was coming to its uh and we purchased it on the day that the master profit told us that there was favor for purchasing a car but then i just turned it around and sold it uh for about a six thousand dollar profit oh my god and yesterday was the day that you had told us that it was favor for bargaining and we didn't even have to bargain they gave us more than what we were expecting wow that is great and so you got a brand new car so right now we're just going down to one car um just for this season you know that's you know there's a lot of wisdom in that absolutely that's all you're gonna need you know that's right that's right yeah because i'm i'm i'm looking listen if anybody want i'm i'm selling a uh 2018 um bentley it only has 15 000 miles on it only 15 000. yeah oh so if anybody wants to purchase the profits chariot um legs lakes i know that's right tonight i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna like i want to let i want to let that chariot you let it go be a blessing right to be a blessing so we gotta in you know look to see what the prices of of them are going and then come here let's talk amen okay let's go ahead we're going to um let's go ahead we're going to go ahead with the first seven we're going to start with gloria jane kelly what's the word lord for the angel offs father we thank you for the word man and woman of god i hear the lord said this is going to be a season that you're going to find yourself stepping into territories that aren't quite familiar but you're ready for it now there were some things that you pondered that you put off you said not in that season but god said it is the season in this one and you're going to find that you'll have the wisdom to know how to walk in it and that's the word of the lord speak lord and i further hear the lord said this is a season for prominent connections the lord said as you move forward in these new adventures you're going to have everything in place as well as people and the finances and that's the word of the lord father thank you for the word and i hear god say to get ready for just the new joy of this coming up in both of you god said you're just going to see so many things manifesting that you can check off your list and that is the word of the lord prophet olympia father god speak through me i hear the word of the lord saying get ready for major connections the lord said that you'll be an instrument um you'll be such an inspiration unto children you're going to put something together that's really going to elevate children's awareness around business at an early age and that's the word of the lord and father open my eyes i hear the lord says this is going to be a time when you're no um not my just not only my voice you're going to know the steady pace of progress this is going to be a season where you're going to move with pace and in haste and that's the word of the lord all right and what do you want to say that's the power of prophecy now i just want to say that the lord is saying that this is going to be a time of not only expansion but the wisdom of subtle increase that is going to bring y'all into some quiet economic wealth i just heard quiet wealth the lord says seize the opportunities that are ahead because there's going to be many offers on the table and know that that which you're beginning with god is going to perfect and that's the word of the lord we're going to have prophetess cynthia clark can you call the angel loss yes master prophet all right thank you so much amen okay we're going to go next to um rhonda jackson are you there and check to see if she's on telephone conference call line q a is there rhonda jackson okay i don't see her on um anybody on youtube or okay so um let's do this she's in okay ronda you can speak now god bless you master prophet god bless you how are you doing i'm doing awesome master prophet okay we're gonna get what made you do the two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollar seat in 22 cents i wanted to be counted in that twelve master project all right we're gonna have it in this order we're gonna start with stephen brown gregory clark cynthia clark alexander gray and joshua jordan in that order stephen brown father opened my eyes i hear the lord says to tell you that the favor my favorite is on you not just for business but real estate and you're going to find doors opening for you very quickly and that's the word of the lord your father thank you for your word and god is saying that this is the season where not only are you going to see certain things start to become much more apparent for you but god says he's opening up new doors of possibility and that's the word of the lord father opened my eyes the lord said that this is going to be a season where god is bringing you into your newness i saw new stuff around you and the lord said go forth this is an upgrade season and that's the word of the lord father release your voice for truly this is the season of divine setup and divine turnaround i'm bringing the right people for right relationships and right opportunities get ready for divine connection says the lord and father god speak to me and i heard the lord says make your requests known the lord says as you make it it's been granted as the words leave your mouth and that is the word of the lord amen and the lord says that i set before you an open door do not be afraid of the door that i've opened and that's the word of the lord um prophetess rhonda i'm at prophet stephen brown i'm going to have you call prophetess ronda yes master prophet all right prophets wrong and that and you want to say what and that's truly the power power all right god bless you [Applause] okay um prophet gregory clark are you there yes i am what i know you got to leave it for what made you do that seed today of 2 22 and 22 cents well you guys just look at it from the standpoint of is today is day five five seven as we recognize from the counting profits this is a blessed day to plant a seed in a fertile grain all right okay we're going to begin from prophet joshua jordan terry stinson natasha smith william richards and rosie critchlow and father god speak through me and i heard the lord say get ready because i heard your voice going throughout the earth get ready mighty man and woman of god for different programs and i also heard audiobook and that is the word of the lord lord thank you for clarity and i further hear the word of the lord that in this season get ready says the lord for uh you you're going to find your wealth in diversity and that is the word of the lord father open my ears i hear the word of the lord saying that is this your season to focus god says don't allow distractions to derail you in the season that's the word of the lord and father speak to me i further heard the word of the lord saying your creative mind and your creative abilities come into the forefront operate their ring and that's the word of lordy and i hear the word of the lord saying get a book get a a book and a new pen and write down the vision and he's going to honor it and that's the word of the lord and and the lord would further say as you begin to move forward with this prophet gregory this is going to be the season that you're going to be starting to keep notes in journals because you're going to be doing case studies get ready for case studies a lot of studies a lot of reading but a lot of writing and that's the word of the lord and that is the power of prophecy okay we're going to have prophet alexander gray prophesy the word of the lord to you okay sounds excellent okay i'm prophet cindy are you back yes okay okay you'll you'll be coming in at the um william richards and then rosie chris will be coming after you okay so um next we're going to have prophet joshua jordan um is prophetess jessica i around she's on she's on one of these platforms yes and yes okay and while we're doing that um yes master prophet i'm here okay god bless you um she came through something yes and yes over bella okay okay she could have came up on the stage there okay great um what made you do the two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty two cent seed master prophet master prophet we needed to get our seed into the ground and i knew i had to get a seat of faith into the ground master prophet but i was speaking with my wife about it and we said we have to get a seed that cries into the ground so we stretch today master profit stretched to do the 222-22 amen let's sound the alarm [Music] okay we're going to start with you rosie critchlow and we're going to go from rosie critchlow to um naomi cook are you there okay rosie chris lo marcia brown are you there yes i am that's the prophet okay so you know from rosie chrislow marcia brown david bratton laura posey and jonathan powell speak to me lord and i hear the word of the lord saying get a a prayer room you need a prayer room he said i want to talk to you alone each of you alone but get a prayer room and god is going to meet you there and that's the word of the lord father god thank you for your word and i hear the word of the lord that said this is a season where you can find yourself creating new visions and new directions for your life in this season and that's the word of the lord amen and i hear the word of the lord saying leap i keep hearing this word leap leap leap in other words take a leap of faith in god and god will meet you there and that is the word of the lord father open my eyes to see this season that you have now walked into is a season of acquisition and territory be not afraid of conquering more territory and more ground because this is your season your season of management and that is the word of the lord amen um prophet gloria kelly are you back i am here master prophet yes okay what's the word lord to joshua and jessica father thank you for the word and i hear the lord say this this is going to be a season that god says i'm clearing out the cobwebs those things that would have had your mind fuzzy and unfocused god says you're going to find that i'm giving you a keen eye and a keen mind in this season to be able to establish my kingdom on this earth and that's the word of the lord and as you all have taken this journey of faith know that you walk by faith and not by sight get ready hidden blessings and promises are coming from the north to south the east and the west and y'all are getting ready to experience the abundance of god in your situation and that's the word of the lord all right i'm going to have prophets olympia castillo give you all a call prophet olympia are you there yes and yes you grace okay you'll be giving them a call let's give the lord a handcuff of praise we receive it and that is the power of prophecy amen okay we're going to um ask the prophets um to get back in place we have prophets gloria kelly coming up next who did the two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty two cent c prophets kelly what had you to do to see today you can come on the screen if you like yes that's the prophet if i was uh compelled if you will to sow the seed knowing the season that we're in and i heard prophet uh joshua talk about uh a crying seed it was a cry it was one of those seeds that i did actually literally i mean tears came to my eyes not because of the sowing or or anything like that but just because i had the resource to do it at the given time and so for that it was a crying seed for me and so it was just really a blessing i'm grateful to be able to do it yes thank you thank you thank you let's sound the alarm and then the next voice you're going to hear is going to be coming from prophets maddie young you're there yes your grace cynthia clock um we'll go from cynthia clark and then we're going to skip down to stephen brown um and then cheryl clark [Music] [Applause] speak lord and i heard the lord said this is season he's clearing away some things that was trying to hinder or block you from moving forward but the lord said as the path is clear you're going to be able to connect with someone in this season as well as your family to start to generate some other type of business and that's the word of the lord prophet cynthia clark let's go to olympia castillo she's on go ahead stephen brown open my eyes i hear the lord says to tell you that this is also a time of you to command the power is in your in your voice and in your word this is going to be a time not just for business but you're going to see circumstances change by you declaring the word and god said to remind you that it's in your words and that's the word of the lord to you sheryl clarke go ahead prophets terry sunset lord thank you for clarity and i further hear the word of the lord in this season you're going to see new doors open around business says the lord and um you're gonna you're gonna see even new ideas coming to you that will generate income and that is the word of the lord and um william richards this last one and father speak to me i further heard the word of allah saying with the knowledge that you have gained over the years it's time to write it in the book as a word of lord to you and you get ready to participate in a new economy but god is going to show you how money making ideas will make more money making ideas get ready to prepare for new business endeavors that you're going to put things to work that's going to yield resources and finances and real estate shall be favorable and that's the word of the lord amen and that is the power of prophecy thank you master prophet and the company of prophets thank you we're going to have prophets terry stinsette give you a call okay prophet terry stinson yes sir yes okay next we have rosalind williams prophets rosin williams where you're located she's on um the telephone conference call okay you can unmute roslyn how are you doing i'm well how are you art bishop god bless you what made you go ahead and upgrade your seat do a total of 2 22 and 22 cents well giving is still my dna so i'm compelled to do i love it i love it okay we're going to begin with william richards it's going to be william richards cindy philemon rosie critchlow naomi um david i mean marcia brown and david bratt and father speak to me i forget the word of lord saying you haven't seen nothing yet because great great is awaiting you in the arena of business and that's the word glory to you god speak through me i hear the spirit of the lord saying that doors are opening wide for you god says enter in lord speak to me and i hear the word of the lord saying there's some keys coming your way some new keys for new doors and that's the word of the lord father god i thank you for your word and i hear the word of the lord god says decision decisions decision god said you have to make there's some decisions or some choices gonna make in this season god says you know the answers for now and that's the word of the lord amen i hear the word of the lord say seek ye the lord concerning family and he says whatever you are seeking he said if you talk to him now god has an answer for you and he will meet you in the questions about family and that is worth the lord and this is going to be a time where you're going to have the dance of favor the dance of favor something is going to be passed from a town or from a neighbor that's going to work in your favor and it's going to be the dance of favor and that's the word of the lord that i hear that's the power of prophecy thank you so much all right and we are going to have natasha smith give you a call prophet's natasha you'll be able to call roslyn yes yes mr prophet all right thank you okay sherman pages where are you at here master prophet god bless you and prophet sherman what made you do the two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty two cent seed that's the prophet i wanted to sow in the right season and i know that you were calling for um for that that seed for those ones who was needing to sow during the festival so i did so massa pro well y'all are putting god's word to the test it's gonna there's gonna be something to see what the miracles are yes gonna come out of this let's sound the alarm and the next voice you're gonna hear the copy of prophet is going to go to jonathan powell um is prophet gloria gene are you still here because she may be out prophets matty you're there yes sir grace you'll come after jonathan powell cynthia clark are you back yes that's the prophet and then you come after maddie um michelle berrien is out then um olympia castillo are you back okay she's our prophet she must be our prophet sign olympia then we'll go to stephen brown uh okay then we'll go from prophet cynthia clark olympia castillo and stephen brown okay what's the word of the lord to sherman pages father open my okay let's sound the alarm i'm gonna sound the alarm [Music] father opened my eyes to see the father says your season of innovation and strategy is now upon you there's going to be strategy for taking your words and making them virtual your words are about to be in media and in technology be not afraid all of these things are in you and ready to come out and that's the word of the lord speak lord and i heard the lord said to write those things down that you want manifested in the season and you're going to have the ability to check some things off write it down make it plain that's the word of the lord father thank you for the word and i hear god say to get ready for new partnerships i really feel like someone surfacing for you that's going to help you maneuver through platforms and some technology things to enhance your gifts the writing gonna help you with the placement of it and that's the word of the lord father speak through me i further hear the word of the lord saying get ready for time management and there's some things that the lord is going to help you balance some things out the lord said that um even the things that you structure is going to be very um interesting for those that you're in communication with they're actually seeking out your expertise so god said get ready for new order and new structure and his timing is always going to be sure and that's the word of the lord and father opened my eyes and i hear the lord says in this ordinance structures coming new strength to your physical body i see the lord doing something on the inside of you concerning your physical body god says i'm causing you to advance you're going to find a quickness and a sharpness in your thinking a new energy and creativity in writing not only just in writing but in some type of poetic or creative form with art it's almost like the art is matching the poem or the words get ready says the spirit of god because as the prophets were even sharing i concur with the prophets this is a time of new relationships for you as well and that's the word of the lord and this is going to be a season where god is going to cause you to dig your heels in deeper favor around working situations and working conditions and things are going to turn and work in your favor as well and get ready because there's also an elevation coming in your direction prophet sherman i'm going to have prophet cindy philemon prophet cindy philemon you can call prophet sharma pages yes sir thank you so much let's give the lord a hand and prophet sherman what do you want to say [Applause] that is the power of prophecy thank you master prophet and company of prophets all right do we have any breaking news hallelujah looking now master prophet okay is dana doran around is dana on any of the platforms dana duran okay i don't see dana doran i don't hear dana doran let me just make sure dana's not on facebook okay dana duran i want everybody to type in on whatever platform you want send now prosperity just type that in let everybody type that in send now prosperity okay let's um prophet cynthia clark can you call dana duran for me yes master prophet and when you speak to dana duran i don't know why i feel like dana's hands are tied but god is going to bring about the release of increase something's been tied up is opening up and that's the word of the lord okay letting us know prophet cindy philemon um [Music] is on voicemail prophet cindy philamon if you're there open up your phone line there are to call me on my new york number i'm having problems with the florida number okay um [Music] okay okay did have you called in and given the the new york number yes sir okay yesterday okay um this this va may not have it okay so uh [Music] i um i tell you what call in and let them if no they get connected that way okay tomorrow is calling the other number now i see here a 2 22.22 seed from carol williams so is that breaking news breaking news master prophet amen all right carol williams two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty two cents okay carol williams are you there we're looking for prophets carol williams is she on the telephone conference call line or in verbella yes i am here uh master prophet god bless you what pro prophets carol what made you do the 222.22 seed a master prophet one of the things i wanted to share is that i've been um following the hebrew calendar for about 10 years wow and when i came into this work you know uh seeing that you have embraced the torah and now that you are have embraced uh uh the calendar i mean just embracing everything that that uh it's it's it's truly exciting my seed is really crying out for sin down prosperity this is the shemitah year this is truly a year of increase and release and i'm sowing this seed for a manifestation of everything that the devil has tried i release it in the name of jesus i speak to this sea and i call forth everything that has been wrapped up tied up tangled up lord stand now prosperity and bless this ministry i want to be one of those that will be able to write off everything you call for this that's what we're supposed to be doing he he said he would give us the power to get wealth to establish his covenant and you are in covenant with god we should be able to anytime you have a need write the check senate in the name of jesus i'm sorry no no no no no you prophesying a woman on my side let's go and oh my god what what mortar to be hooked up with a prophetic ministry that embraces the hebrew calendar this is truly you're absolutely right this is truly the new year it's not in january but this is the new year and the cemetery it is something special yes grandma love it prophets grab it grab it hallelujah [Applause] i felt that from the west coast to the east coast yes yes yes oh my goodness that's that sounds like her pasta pasta carolyn herrell coming through her yes yeah she would oh she would be exhorting y'all right now about this given she she would be in but you're right this is and i haven't even gone into the whole thing about the shemitah year we we wrote a book not knowing we were coming into the shemitah year which is the year of the lord's release that's right a matter of fact there's not really supposed to be any labor this is why i'm not surprised of all these people is going to be losing their job this is shemeta the whole earth is going to go unarrest but i think the way it's going to go under rest is not through the job loss now i pray that i'm wrong but i think where this where we're going to really see the shemitah is when china and japan start to close their doors of export in india and when those doors close the whole world is going to come to a standstill and nothing moves this is going to be a very interesting year that this pandemic is going to make the earth worship yes sir and back worship to a holy god amen okay let's do this we're going to go to um prophet stephen brown we're going to start with you the clocks are out we're going to go to alexander gray joshua jordan terry stinson are you back yes master prophet terry stenset and natasha smith are you back yes master prophet okay we'll go in that order what's the word of the lord to prophets carol williams let's sound the alarm again for prophet carol williams [Music] and father opened my eyes and these are the days in the season says the lord that i bring you up in higher not just in the keenness and sharpness of of of hearing and seeing but god says this is going to be a time of divine intervention for you for you're stepping into days of god's manifested glory get ready because you're not only going to see healings but you're going to see that your words bring healing and also bring new revenues for you and that's the word of the lord father release your voice for the lord says you in the season the push the power the presence and the breakthrough god says you have that wisdom on the inside of you and i'm stirring up that evangelism anointing god says you like a resuscitator as ezekiel is to breathe life into the dry bone you are breathing life into stagnated situations people that forgot about worshiping god in giving and worshiping god with their heart and living right god says i send you as the resuscitator of life to many says the lord and father god speak through me and i further heard the lord say get ready to go to deeper deep depths and to higher heights in this season the lord says get ready because i saw favor around a book mighty woman of god the lord says schedule some time to write the book and complete the book because the spirit of intercession is on you heavily and that is the word of the lord lord thank you for clarity and i further hear the word of the lord that in the season get ready as well for favor around real estate and contracts and paperwork is your portion as well and that is the word of the lord well to open my ears i hear the word of the lord say that he has unmuzzled his prophet god said that not only will you speak into um god says not into dry bones into other ministries god says that your the word that he gives you is going to be restorative and renewing and that's the word of the lord and the lord says i don't know who's your supervisor or who's over you but god says he calms the antagonists and he puts all enemies in silence the lord says get ready to have free reigns to come and go as you choose this is going to be a year of new freedom for you and that's the word of the lord and what the power of prophecy thank you god bless you and company of prophets amen i'm gonna have prophets olympia castillo i'm gonna have you call prophets carol williams now okay yes your grace thank you all right okay we have um that would make 12 including myself but i'm going to believe god that there's going to be one more that does a 2 22.22 seed so it'd be actually 12 and then i'll just stand alone in another category 22 000. we probably should just say we're looking for 12 people to do 11 more people to do 22 222 and 22 cents each that's right you know would that be something with that 22 000. you know 11 people do 22 000 222 and 22 cents what do you think about that john that's the prophetic yeah we we we're going to globalize the prophetic yes indeed okay let's go ahead and get those that have done the 1 000 seed now uh we're looking for charisse jones lisa redd erica paul laurent griffin jerry daniels i believe that says did i leave anybody out prophet stephen keep me in integrity amen that's so far right now master prophet but you can do that still you can just text that word my worship to 646-762-0 amen follow the prompts there and you get your seat in the ground or just go to click on the donate tab fill out the information to sow that 1 000 seed or more or call it in you can call 888 or 212-316-2177 god bless you so you seed amen and we want you to go ahead and get that in and we're going to begin to believe god for 12 people that will do the one thousand dollar seed and right now we have five so we're just looking for seven more that will begin to step through those channels charisse jones are you there i'm looking for charisse jones lisa redd erica paul lauren griffin and jerry daniels are they on any of the platforms if you want verbela open up your might charisse jones is going to start meeting they're telling me erica paul is in verballo i'm mr prophet okay your name erica paul god bless you erica paul what made you do the one thousand one hundred and forty no one thousand fifty seven dollars and eighty two cent seed i just wanted to stand with the master prophet and my family and in the seed my goodness let me just ask you something are there four people in your household right now there's three and who are they myself and my two daughters okay um i see a fourth person um [Music] i'm gonna let the prophets get a prophet sign before i um let's um sound the alarm for erica paul [Music] okay let's start from we're going to go to the first two amen prophets gloria kelly and matty young father thank you for your word and uh sister erica hear the lord say this god said this is going to be a season that you're going to find your hands doing something other than you're doing there's a new hobby that will begin to surface in this season that's going to bring increase and that's the word of the lord speak lord and i heard the lord said he's mending and healing some family relationships lord said you're going to be very well and very well pleased with what's coming up with family that's the word of the lord okay and um i'm hearing where the lord said that as you move forward god's doing something in the family um there's going to be some things that's going to take place because i saw your household i saw god blessing um four four four individuals in the household uh you're going to see some things that's going to regroup some things and you're going to um [Music] wait a minute uh one of your daughters is going to be very creative how old are your daughters right now i'm 11 and four one of them is very creative she's going to have a hand for designing has any one of your daughters shown any gifting in the area of drawing against the 11 year old yes god's hand is on her hand she'll be a great designer put her hands to work oh god god is going to move upon her life god's moving on your household and erica paul all is going to be well and that's the word of the lord and that's the power of prophecy amen um i'm going to have prophets gloria kelly begin to speak the word of the lord to you okay prophet gloria kelly i'm gonna i'm gonna have you call erica paul yes i will thank you and erica paul what's what's happening with the children's father nothing i'm really divorced but he's still in her life a lot okay um because god is doing something in his life because i don't know why the month of october is standing out and it feels like it was october of last year 2020. but the lord says he's going to do something to set some things straight from the last 12 months and all that is owed to you is going to come to you and it's going to be certainly the blessing of the lord that's going to make richard and no sorrow and that's the word of the lord that's the power of prophecy all right god bless you okay um who else do we have that did the 1 000 c that's available i'm looking for jerry jo jerry daniels laron griffin charisse jones okay open the line jerry daniels your line is open bless you master prophet god bless you jerry daniels and what made you do the um 1 000 seed today well master prophet i just wanted to make sure that i was giving all right all right let's sound the alarm [Music] okay we're going to go to david bratton and jonathan powell what's the word of the lord to jerry daniels lord father speak to me i hear the word of the lord saying that you are going to begin to touch resources and god is going to multiply them at levels that you've not seen and that is the word of the lord father open my eyes to see god the father says that certain petitions that have been made over the past seven months god says they have come up before me and your answer is yes go forward go forward and that's the word of the lord and the lord says wait a minute um oh let me take a deep breath uh when is your next doctor's appointment i do need to make a doctor's point did you miss the last one yes sir i did um are you taking any medication i am i'm thinking uh okay you don't have to say what all your time you don't take to say well i want you to take you didn't take all your medication to your doctor and have them review your protocols okay and get that done within the next two weeks okay and and i saw god touching your head area um i don't know why this the room is spinning around me but god's healing your body which means some things are turning around on your behalf it's like when you get up sometimes it's a sudden rush and things just get discombobulated but god's healing the body i'm gonna have prophet david bratton he's gonna give you a call thank you mr president that is some power all right god bless you okay we have um we have breaking news what's the breaking news that's the prophet as you were yet speaking we have naira vasquez who has just done the 1 000 seed master prophet okay nero vasquez we want you to come on in on one of the platforms so that we'll see you cherise jones um your lines open good afternoon master prophet god bless you you were one of the first ones to get the one thousand dollar seat and what made you do the one thousand dollar seat today my dad he called me this morning he's getting ready to take a job in security i need to cover my family oh jesus my god my god well let's sound the alarm and then the next voice you're going to hear is on prophet olympia castillo and prophet stephen brown [Music] father speak through me i hear the word of the lord saying yes and yes there is a shield of protection around your family the lord said no weapon formed against him shall ever prosper this is a um a major um wow you're entering into a major season of a harvest that will not be denied guys to get ready for visibility and a higher platform to um really relate your ideas that you've been preparing for in the last six months and that is the word of the lord and father opened my eyes i hear the lord says this is going to be a time where god visits you in your dreams this is going to be a time when the lord says allow the peace of god to rule in your heart do not be distracted but god says even as you pray and even as you meditate speak what you desire and it shall be so and that's the word of the lord and the lord says i've opened your eyes to see clearly you're going to see the way for you and your family and get ready the directions of the lord is going to be sure and that's the word of the lord okay we're going to have um the top prophet's natasha smith you can call cherise jones yes mr prophet thank you so much okay we don't see lisa redd laurent griffin or nero vasquez master prophet this is naira vasquez and i am in the uh in barbella i got you how are you doing naira vasquez i am doing great master prophet how how are you and this piece of tabernacle is doing great what made you do that seed on today well last night i had a dream with you and i could see you praying for me and when i woke up it was like i was overwhelmed because i also want to be one of those that whenever you ask for something i'd be able to write the check and god had already confirmed to one of the prophets a dream that i had 20 years ago to bring forth a um uh the shelters for abused women and their children and that was a dream 20 years ago and a prophet just brought it back to life uh like three four weeks ago and i didn't have the 22 22 22 but god said then do the thousand and do the empty out seat and that's where i'm at master prophet [Applause] let's see on the alarm [Music] okay prophet stephen brown and alexander gray what is the word of the lord to naira vasquez father open my eyes and i s the lord says to tell you that this is the season of the possibility not impossible possibilities for the lord says i've opened doors and i strengthen you on the inner side in the inward parts this is the season you'll go and you're possessed and that's the word of the lord father release your voice for truly this is the season of the letting go of the past and reaching forth to the promise that's before you the lord said this is a total restoration for you of things that was taken back four years ago i'm restoring and i'm severing some relationships to make room for new ones says the lord and as you move forward just take note saith the lord i am opening up a favorable door for um wow now are you in um are you in california yes i am master prophet is there any reason why i'm hearing nevada i have no idea i'm close to nevada but i didn't have any plans of doing anything um don't be surprised if there's like a trip from nevada or somebody's coming from from nevada to see you i'm getting something about nevada showed up in the vision or it may be connected with your son well my sons are here in california too so i don't know yeah i i mean all i could do is receive it and see where god takes us right exactly and it may not be you know i'm not saying this is a relocation i don't want i i don't want that to be on okay let me just straighten this out because the lord is speaking to me about something about you have a move in mind you've been wanting to make a move and the only problem is here that i don't know why i'm near the ocean and um [Music] i can almost hear the water um the your location is going to shift because something is going to shift in your work situation and you're going to have greater flexibility in months to come and that's the word of the lord and that is the power of prophecy thank you i receive it master prophet amen i have prophets marcia brown i'm going to have you call naira vasquez okay prophet's mercia okay master prophet thank you yes brother breaking news master prophet and what is the breaking news master prophet you said one more partner to do the 222 dollars and 22 cent seed master profit our very own prophetess nayakia brown has just stepped out and sewn the 2 22.22 master profit all right [Music] okay where's nayakia i'm right here your graves god bless you prophets niacia brown how are you doing i'm doing well you grace amen coming up on the screen and um isn't this something um prophet jonathan what do you think about this here um today you know master prophet we're we're entering or we've entered into one of those sacred seasons where everyone is jumping it's as if the clarion call has gone out and the call has gone out the scripture says my sheep know my voice so when the master prophet calls those that have an ear to hear immediately start responding and it's amazing to see how that voice just moves at different spaces and places and it's reaching everyone it's it behooves us i'm sitting here trying to figure out where i can pull him because i want to be a part of this sacred season that we're in and it's sacred my goodness and this is just something else my god all right and i want you to know that this is now your season to give because it is your season to get it's your season to give because it's your season to get okay let's go ahead we're going to prophesy to prophets niakiah and we're going to start from prophetess kelly and we're going to go down the prophet william richard in that order you may begin what's the word of the lord to prophet nayaka father thank you for your word prophet's not here i hear the lord say this god said this is going to be a season that you're going to find that i put a word in your mouth that will not be able to be held back this is going to be a season that you begin to pull the cover off of some things and god says you're going to find it's going to change the landscape of where you are and what you do and that's the word of the lord speak lord and i heard further hear the lord saying you find favor in your workplace get ready someone's going to um give them your name and something's going to transpire in the workplace and that's the word of the lord father thank you for the word and i hear god saying he's going to show you how to manage more easily all the things that are on your plate god said it's a season where he's going to show you rest and balance with your to-do list and that is the word of the lord father speak through me and i concur with that word with balance and time management god said you're going to find peace even as you're structuring some things god said get ready because he's going to give you the formula to success and that's around your paperwork and around decisions that you're about to make and that is the word of the lord and father opened my eyes this coming upon you clarity and focus to get the job done and that's the word of the lord father release your voice for truly this is a season of expansion and wisdom because the spirit of counsel is going to bring healing to many says the lord you're the answer what they've been looking for because healing is in your word says the lord and father god speak to me and i further heard the lord say i saw your name in lights prophetess so get ready for elevation and promotion that is around you and the lord says this seed not only touched you and your household but i saw it touching a family member touching loved ones going ahead of you so the lord says get ready mighty woman of god for good news that is coming from all of your children and that is the word of the lord lord thank you for clarity i further hear the word of the lord that because you have stretched with this seed in funding the work of the lord you're going to see god funding those things that are a concern for you and uh for the work that god has for you to do and that is the word of the lord natasha smith may be still out go ahead william richards and father speak to me i further hear the word of the lord sin as you continue to hunger and thirst after rises know that you shall be filled because god is taking to a deeper realm in him and that's the word of the lord to you and you are coming into the season of great understanding you're going to be having classes and holding classes and group meetings get ready because god's going to expand the borders of the people that you reach and touch and this is going to be a season of creativity and advancement and that is the word of the lord and that is the power of prophecy god bless you master prophecy god bless the company for our praise all right god bless you [Applause] okay and so prophet um just niakiah brown we're going to have um prophet terry stenset call you right now okay prophet terry stan said yes master prophet thank you yes master prophet we got more breaking news more breaking news master profit more breaking news we have sherry hunt who has just sold the 1664.40 seed master profit all right sherry hunt hallelujah let's find sherry hunter on the platform i think this takes us up to the sixth person so we'll have six we need six more people that would do the let me make sure yeah one thousand dollar seed or more all right she makes number seven i believe so we're looking for five others naira vasquez is six oh nine okay i've got i'm going to catch up naira backs who has a six or she is seven okay let's do this lisa read um i don't um lisa read i'm gonna have prophetess cindy philemon can you call lisa wait prophet cindy philemon are you there yes sir how did your call go with the last person it went great and great okay um can i get you to call lisa redd yes sir okay prophet cindy philemon we're going to have you call lisa redd and um you go ahead and call her encourage her and minister to her amen okay prophet jonathan powell i'm gonna have you call no let me give alexander graham have you called laron griffin okay and sherry hunt is on another none of the platforms okay prophets matty young can you call sherry hunt yes sir grace all right and um when you call sherry hunt let her know a working situation has already worked in her favor i just see her in a strong leadership position around something or in her own business okay let's get those that have done the 557.82 let me get that list and um tell the people prophet stephen how they can get that seed in to the ground for the 557 and um why they need i call for everybody to do the 557-82 so we're going to be signing these prophets to them quickly amen so go ahead amen and to get your seed in the ground right now that 557 82 and unseat a prophet just text the word my worship make it one word you're gonna text it to six four six seven six two zero four three three again i repeat text this one word my worship to six four six six another way to get your seat in the ground is to visit the ministry website go to and click on the donate tab once you're there you can just scroll down fill out the tabs there to get your seat in the ground and then also you can call 888-831-0434-888-831-0433 four amen when you call in they'll be able to assist you one more number for you is the two one two three one six two one seven seven i don't know about you but this is though it's so exciting amen i had my one-on-one prophet joshua prophet jonathan prophet elder alexander grey and i was so excited by the word of the lord amen that came to me the wisdom of god in that again 888 83 is the number to call or 212-316-2177 you're texting the word my worship that one word my worship you're going to text it to 646 762-0433 again you're going to text the word my worship to four 646-762-043 three anything you would like to say uh uh prophet joshua jordan about the seed today yes and yes prophet stephen listen family i want to encourage everybody listening everybody under the sound of my voice we heard the master prophet on this day amen we are in a high holy season amen a time of sukkot which is a time of rejoicing amen it is a time of giving where we appear before the lord and we don't appear empty-handed amen and so we're in year 5782 the master prophet has spoken to us everybody everybody sowing their 557.82 seed amen and so if that's you you're saying i'm standing in faith i need to unseat the prophet because i need to unseat my future amen i need to unseat the prophet because i need to unseat my prosperity for my new year amen i need to sow that 557.82 it is a game-changing seed and we're in a game-changing season amen so family listen we want to encourage you go ahead move by faith meet god and sow in cheer so in gladness amen because we've been commanded to rejoice during this time in our giving so family come on go ahead and get your game-changing seed into the ground as you get ready to unseat the prophet unseat your future unseat your prosperity and put on your covering my god my god master prophet all right i just want to make sure are there any breaking news before we get ready to start the unseating of the prophets well master prophet let me just check it i'm just checking jonathan is there any breaking news at all no breaking news that means everything is still out there that's a profit i just want to say to the people of god make sure that your line is clear amen and sherry hunt amen make sure your line is clear there's a prophet trying to connect with you right now amen amen i see grace asking just did a 557-82 she must have heard you're screaming she you screamed so loud boy we heard you on the other side she must have heard you all the way down there in virginia that's right master profit you have to let them know get your 557 dollars and 82 cent seed into the ground yes kimberly thorne just heard you in north cross georgia get out of here she just did 550 782 you see what i'm saying master prophet i heard you down there nor cross amen the 557 82 it is a game-changing seat i know we're calling it the unseat the prophet it's a game-changing seed in a game-changing season master prophet i'll tell you what you think about that um jonathan jonathan are you mic'd up are you micked up the place aren't you well you have to be when you're a prophet you've got to be everywhere ask president you want prophets to stay in one dimensional you don't want to be over here at zoe right oh no there's plenty of one-dimensional prophets they're just not here amen oh my goodness and it's game-changing it's a game changer seat so i'm going to get you 557.82 okay profits we are getting ready to go in we like we're getting good so each prophet is going to get two people so moderators y'all are going to have to be ready amen um this is what prophetess janice usually a system of at the top okay and so and i'm sitting here writing down names okay um all right we have um joanne quam who did the 557 82. excuse me we have douglas miller who did the 557 82 um prophets kelly are you there yes sir i'm here i'm going to have you to call douglas miller and i'm going to have you to call joanne quam okay very good thank you okay great next we have joelle milan and sabrina grindly okay prophet's maddie young are you there yes i am i'm gonna have you call joelle milan and sabrina grinley yes your grace okay prophet joshua give the people how to get their donation for those that are just coming in yes and yes people have gotten in that's you you're saying i'm just joining what's going on what's going on what's going on listen now we are in a time of worship family that's right we're in a time of worship amen and so you can go ahead and get your seed of faith into the ground if that's what you're saying i'm doing my worship seed i want to unseat the prophet i'm sowing my seed of 557.82 amen for 57.82 go ahead and text to give one word my worship that's right one word my worship to 646-762-0433 again that's my worship to 646-762-0433 or you can always call in and speak with the live moderator amen and amen you can speak with the live moderator at 888-831-0434 again that's 888-831-0434 amen and let the moderator know i would like to unseat the profit i'm doing my 557.82 seed i know i'm one of those that's supposed to stand with the one thousand i'm doing my one thousand dollar seat there's some of you that have done the 150 782 already you're saying i'm adding a 400 i'm doing a 400 upgrade i know i heard heaven i heard god on this year that i'm gonna sow i need to sow concerning my future i'm stretching amen i know i'm supposed to be a part of the 2222 my faith wants to sow it amen and amen but i'm not there yet i'm meeting god with the 1000. i'm doing an empty out seed amen i'm sowing my one thousand dollar seed to be a part amen but go ahead and worship six four six seven six two zero four three three master prophet well all this during the feast of tabernacles the pizza booth amen and this is really really amazing okay next we have alicia marks and um i'm going to have prophet cynthia clark are you back yes i am that's the prophet i'ma have you call alicia marks and i'm going to have you call um shalinda johnson yes mr prophet okay thank you so much okay next i'm going to have prophets olympia castile are you back yes sir yes your grace i'm going to have you call ian melville and robert walker okay got it all right thank you thank you okay prophet alexander gray i'm going to have you call loverlin hutcheson and you're going to call william richards all right terry stenn said are you back yes master prophet i'm gonna have you call jonathan charles and deborah wilson yes all right prophets natasha are you back yes and yes i'ma have you call joyland smith and ottie hill okay tell the people how to get the seed in the ground prophet stephen oh yes indeed and people of god to get your seed in the ground right now um you can go to or click on the donate tab at or click on the donate tab to sow your seed another way to do it it's so quick and easy is text to give if you're going to use text to give you're going to use my worship text the word my worship make it one word you're texting it to this number three three 646-762-0433 you're gonna text the word my worship to six four six seven six two zero four three three you can always call the partner care line that's eight eight eight eight three one zero four three four again eight eight eight eight three one zero four three four or you can call two one two three one six two one seven seven god bless you as you sow you see today hallelujah all right okay next we're gonna have um prophetess cindy philemon are you there yes sir okay prophet how did your last call go prophet cindy philemon it went great and great she had a question that one of the prophets had mentioned about a city and she was wondering was that for her to move there and as she was talking i told her i'd seen real estate so she was thinking about going to school there and i was telling her you know to be open to the things that god is speaking unto her it went well amen amen okay i'ma have you call elsa wilson and cartridge coven yes sir all right um next prophets rosie christler are you there yes i am your grace okay prophet rosie critchlow we're going to have you calling bethany jordan and nancy dandy thank you grace all right okay to go ahead and get your seat of faith into the ground this afternoon amen we are in a high holy season listen family this is a window of opportunity to go ahead and worship so listen family the number to dial text one word take this opportunity right now i mean you can get your smart devices get your ipad some of y'all are fumbling around like get your ipad get your smart devices and go ahead and text to give it that's right you can text to give right now by texting one word my worship to 646 zero four three three eight melon amen or you can go ahead and so by calling it in call in your seat at eight eight eight three one zero four three four amen but as you sow i want you to know that you're sowing rejoicing you're sowing intentionally you know now that's what's key here that this was during one of the holy festivals where our sowing was intentional amen this wasn't nothing unintentional this was intentional that i was intending to meet the lord during his appointment time come on and so if that's you you're saying i need to worship i need to do my 557-82 i got some loved ones i got some family members i got a battle amen that i'm dealing with and i know it's the lord's i'm sowing in faith i'm moving in my season amen of opportunity family text to give it my worship to 646-762-0433 or you can call in your seed at four 888-831-0434 and amen but family listen now is the time to worship master prophet all right prophets marcia brown are you there yes master prophet i'm here i'm gonna have you call cassandra shields and andrea williams thank you master bradford all right elder david bratton yes sir i'ma have you call wanna mooring and michelle fleming got you okay amen hey master prof we have some breaking news you got breaking news yes yes what is the breaking news see here that kimberly thorne has upgraded the seed and has now sold a total of one thousand dollars hallelujah [Music] olympia they said you're still on voicemail maybe that's a phone there probably olympia are you there please prophets take your phones off a voicemail all right um jonathan powell i'm gonna have you call deidra gay and patricia burns make sure your phone is on which can you ring johnson's phone and see if it's right let's call him right now call him right now i need you i need you i need you to call him right now they already got you there are they calling you someone else call me he's from outside you know joshua's phone rings to me then i know i'm really working it's working let's see we're calling papa john's [Laughter] thank you okay um okay is there any prophets that are left said having gotten an assignment stephen brown yeah okay stephen okay stephen brown we're going to have you do grace asquit and kimberly thorne amen okay prophet joshua does that seem like did i get everyone yes and yes master prophet it does seem like you have gotten everybody but i feel like master prophet there is someone i feel like there's someone master prophet that is saying i need to unseat the prophet right now i need to hear a word amen and so if that's you we want to encourage you text to give my worship to 646-762-0433 again text my worship to 646-762-0433 or family you can always call in your seed at eight three 888-831-0434831 zero four three four but i need to unseat the profit so let's do this kimberly thorne has just upgraded like it made it one thousand dollar scene yes so let's do like this what's the word to our stephen brown josh and then myself father opened my eyes well let's see if she's on the platform kimberly thorne are you in verbella or are you on the telephone conference call line if it's on a telephone conference call his star six and number one i don't see her in [Music] you got her okay your lines are muted kimberly thorne are you there i'm here master practice what made you upgrade your seed to one thousand dollars it's my birthday today oh my goodness it's her birthday today oh oh oh my goodness oh i can't believe okay then i'm gonna have to go all the way in today's her birthday that jesus should start another year okay so prophet stephen what is the word of the lord to kimberly thorne father open my eyes i'm kimberly i hear the lord said this is going to be a time where you're going to find the greater way the greater way of doing things the greater way of establishment for god says my yoke is easy i'm causing you to prosper and that's the word of the lord and father god speak through me and i further heard the lord say get ready for the joy of the lord shall be your strength i don't know what this thing is but whatever's been delayed whatever's been denied the lord says it's being released to you in this season you have favor in the area of real estate mighty woman of god i don't know what this is but the lord says get ready to surprise yourself and that is the word of the lord amen and i'm kimberly are they already calling you uh not yet bunch of prophets okay um i just want you to know that you're going to be in a season of where god's hand is going to be upon you for life and laughter but i also want to say that this is going to be the year of you completing some stuff so um um is something trying to take you out of the job market i believe so yes ma'am because i see i see you i i really see you in the in your own business i don't see you working for no one else i see you in a place of independence what kind of work are you doing right now um right now i'm the case manager for the for the new york um emergency assistance program okay i can see that so that gives you kind of freedom to come and go as you choose you don't have nobody breathing down your neck amen but but i hear the lord say he's been dealing with you for like the last three years how long you been doing this work i haven't been doing this work long it's been about four months now what were you doing before this order management you've been in the wrong jobs you need to be you need to be independent you call to be an independent contractor um look for what it is that you love to do you're very creative find your love and start doing it and you'll bring life and balance to many and that's the word of the lord amen okay prophet stephen is going to be calling you thank you thank you all right i think that i think that that is um is that it i see a lot more people are doing um the people are getting that 557 in we have another person that just did the 550 782 master problems somebody just did the 557 82 yes master profit as you were yet speaking lisa watkins she says i'm going to be counted in this number master profit she sold her 557 dollars and 82 cents let's let's give the lord a hand clap of pray praise [Applause] and prophets deborah is here how are you doing prophet sarah i am doing well you grace amen we're glad to have you all the prophets are out there doing double takes and wow triple takes and so um prophet alexander you did your two already that's the prophet two already and all together five i got five updates here's nice he's he's knocking him out he's knocking that he's up the back okay we're gonna have you to call lisa watkins okay okay prophet alexander gray and she is waiting on your call all right this is not too late okay let me just do it let me just do a check in before we close because already five o'clock 5 17. um profits gloria kelly how was your 101s she's still out any profits that are back master prophet this is prophet cynthia yes how was your one-on-ones good i'm waiting for them to connect me with one person but i did three so far i did stacy and michael angeloff which was great i did uh dana duran and also alicia marks we're all good i think a couple of them had a question at the end and we already addressed that but they were great calls and i'm just waiting to be connected for it with shalinda johnson all right shalinda let's go ahead shalinda open up your phone line all right okay thank you ins you you remember in shira oh yes she just did 200 and shiro you need to put another 357 dollars with us so we can get you one-on-one with a prophet and shirari wow yes yeah y'all grew up together as children yes we did and shira yeah come on in shira add to that seed all right um how was your one-on-one prophet alexander master prophet it was great and great uh prophet clarke gregory clark and prophetess cheryl clark god began to minister and speak to him is tremendously blessed uh they had two questions one about the daughter god gave the right word and it was blessed by it and prophet clarke had a question about uh the dentist and the lord shared with him what dates did you give him he was blessed by that master prophet uh the next person was laurent laurent griffin when the lord began to prophesy and speak to him master prophet he had no questions because it was already answered because he was in a position to make a move but there was a resistance something holding him back and the lord shared with him that there's a resistance but he got a push past the place of resistance and pressure to get into what he wants to do and he was tremendously blessed by that master prophet and then i had lisa lisa hutchinson the lord ministered to her she was uh tremendously um blessed had william um prophet william richards god prophesied to him something that he was dealing with he was blessed he had no questions and uh the last one i'm just waiting for now is lisa watkins master profit okay and they'll be sending lisa watkins your way momentarily all right well we're going to get ready and go and we want you to get your seeds into the ground we asked everyone today to do the 5 57 82 this is the year and this is the last day of the feast of tabernacles when we come in we'll be coming into the very last day of the feast of tabernacles and it'll be over sundown tomorrow so we're going to be getting ready to go towards a sundown prophets olympia your mike's open okay hopefully she recorded thank you all right so we're gonna get ready and close out thank you so much we'll be back tonight seven and remember destiny's not left of the chance but it is a matter of choice god bless you peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Zoe Ministries
Views: 1,555
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Id: 2sZjo-iDoV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 50sec (12170 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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