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[Music] anyways hi how are you welcome to the Sunday vlog I just went into Walgreens and you guys I'm just creating a Starbucks today I'm about to hit up Trader Joe's just for a few things and then I'm gonna go do like my big shop with like produce and stuff at h-e-b because it's just a little bit cheaper for like that stuff for me so that's the plan and I stopped doing Walgreens because I needed a little bit of nail glue cuz mine like is all like why doesn't that stuff last it's like a rock in there I don't it has always had the lid on so I don't know what's up with that but I try to put nails on this morning and they like four of them popped off in like five minutes so I have to use the glue which is annoying but they're cute I don't want to wear them so I'm gonna put those on it at some point maybe balancing in the Starbucks line we'll see but I picked up a new protein I still have I seriously did not need to buy this I have tonnes at home but I'm nowhere near home but I'm not running all the way home to get one drink just so I can have the Starbucks that I want so I stopped to get some your protein I literally have like four of those at home and then I have like one or two of the Walmart brand protein drinks left they are not like clean in any form but I have yet to even hear of something that it sounds like remotely appealing that like and that it will taste the same without being like so many calories like Morgan gets iced coffee sweetened with cream and it tastes basically the exact same as the espresso was premier protein that I order but it's like a lot of calories so I don't know well I assume I actually have no idea how many calories it is maybe it's less I don't know but I ended up picking up are they like a horrible spot because I've been lying and there's this car like right over here that's trying to get in line and they're definitely staring right at me and it's a little bit awkward but I picked up the organic protein wait I thought I was ordained okay I need a double check that this is the brand that I thought that it was it was very inexpensive oh and it has a shorter list to the premier protein as far as what's at it filtered water organic pea protein rice protein which is also organic basically everything is that's it it is organic there is natural flavor has bug fruit like ten things I can't pronounce so not the best buy I'm gonna try these I got it at the French vanilla that was only flavor they had left but they were on until 479 which is two dollars off which is extra cheap at Walgreens so I was happy to see that you're going to pick up some new blue like I said but I'm gonna do a Sunday vlog so that I could chat away and it keeps the meal prep separate because people get a delayed that I talk a lot in maybe I'll prep videos and I just want to do oh my god that scared me I just want to do the I just wanted to talk you know so I'm just gonna get to the point at the meal prep video but over here is the vlog we're chit-chatting okay it's what we're doing so anyways I'm gonna go to Trader Joe's are you get a few things I'm hoping that I can find the Great Goddess dressing that would be a plus if not I'm gonna try to make my own like avocado ranch situation but it would save me a lot of extra ingredients that I have to buy if I could find the Great Goddess dressing because I'm gonna make like I don't know why they're called I've seen people call it nourish bowls or like Buddha bowls I don't really know on the curb I really know what they're called but I'm gonna bake like a taco style bow taco style Bowl this week that's gonna have like sweet potatoes Caesars was like taco seasoning like a taco meat make sure black beans some greens baby some avocado try to get into the avocado thing and like tomatoes and hopefully it's good because I'm not a huge sweet potato person but I'm trying to be one so we're gonna see but I would like to like drizzle that dressing over the top I feel like that would be good so we'll see how that goes then I want to get some Tahiti because Sara's day who's here on YouTube she has a great channel I've watched her forever literally forever she's married with the kid now and I watched her for like before she met her current husband like I'm obsessed with her she lives in Australia she just has good content she has super healthy meal ideas she's super dude with her body and I just love everything about her but she made I saw one of her videos the other day where she be like a Tahiti ranch and she was like I use it on everything like it's so good and I would have make about 2 so I'm gonna get some of the Trader Joe's tahini because I've heard that that's like one of the better wants that I would have tried to find great you're about to get into your car and we're all blocking you in that's just wonderful why would you park there yeah I wouldn't try to make that dressing I've never had to ET I don't even know what that tastes like or like what it is at all I'm gonna try it there we're gonna see how it goes anyways let me get back to you I'm gonna try to put my nails on I'm about to order a triple espresso on ice in a venti Cup going to add this protein drink and we'll see on our berry way to Trader Joe's you don't have to say it so if you want to see the meal prep video it's probably out already I usually try to get those up within a day or two so that I could like post about maybe I'll prep on Instagram and be like there's the recipes on the blog or whatever so yeah check that out if you have it but if you like to just chat hey don't beat did you stick around I would have show you what I got at Walmart so so they get these deals on I'm gonna show you what I got it will work yes sir I'm aware that you're trying to back out but we're all stuck in one spot so good back ok need you to not hit me please do don't hit me is he serious he didn't even let me back up at all ok good this he just like wait for it was I hope he got to hit me psycho look at him he's a psycho anyways yeah I'm gonna show you ready got Walberg actually I'm gonna forget if I don't do it right now so let me just show you so I got this shirt it was really inexpensive 1398 so I have like this craw it's like a workshop house like this cross and then at the bottom I like the hip it has like a little tie which I just thought was so cute it's like a fun summer color I got a large because I thought the medium just looked really thin like slim and I didn't know that I would be comfortable so I got a large and then I picked up some of these socks like the kind that go the low so I could wear the new shoes that I bought with said and then also some of my like slip-on like my cheetahs shoes slippers called like they're like the style of vans I don't know what those are called but I also got these tennis shoes you guys I'll link them for you if they're still available $18.98 I'm obsessed somebody messaged me on Instagram because I shared them on my story and they were like why buy these they're not good quality I was like well unfortunately not everybody can afford really expensive high quality sneakers so for one you're rude I have several pairs of Nikes I usually I like to get my Nikes at jcpenney because they are way better price like you get them for like 50 or 60 dollars um so anyways I have a lot of tennis shoes though like it's kind of an obsession and because I have several pairs I done of mind like go like get really dirty or like worn out because I can like I like filter through them but they only get word like a couple times a month so they stay in really good shape and so I don't mind buying a low quality item but really I feel like they are great I love it I feel like they feel like great quality and they are really light their way lighter than the Nikes I was wearing because I tried one on and yeah I just think they're awesome so I'll link these for you down below if you're understand I'm gonna pound my nails order my Starbucks and we'll chat a bit hey also I'm now you guys I'm like embarrassed at like this state that my house is out it is I don't know how I got this bad like I just played that weekend it's just bit like a whirlwind of a week and is a literal tornado like I don't know what I do but I get home and destroy everything and there's just stuff everywhere like there's clothes by the door there's you don't see this box I have five place so many amazon borders recently it's insane it's a problem but those boxes just need to go out I've got to put away like toilet paper and all that stuff I've got another Amazon box over here can we just like don't judge me this is just embarrassing okay well that's Trader Joe's stuff yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes and I just cleaned out my fridge so now there's like a pile of Tupperware that needs to be washed it's bad so I'm gonna clean that today I think I got to make something to eat and then umm do like a Power Hour and go ham on cleaning this place and then it's start meal prep I really want to start meal prepping by like 3:30 or 4 I want to be done like before dinner so I can have tonight to relax but I also wanted to show you I splurged a little bit at HEB good this Rev wood whatever so it's a hair dryer like a one-step hair dryer so it's a hair dryer and a brush so that you don't have to use like too like a blow dried Montana brush to the other it's like both in wood I was looking for it somebody in my clements told me about it and I have looked at the before and thought about it but somebody told me in my comments it was like 30 or 35 dollars unfortunately this was 58 I even got on Amazon in the only wood that I could find that was thirty dollars was a different brand and a girl likes told me on it she was like I have a Dyson blow dryer those are four hundred dollars she was like I haven't I said and since my friend who works here convinced me to she was like I never touch it she was like ever like this thing is a dream so I was like okay fine so I splurged and got it but I don't feel that bad because my paycheck for Mike my regular 40-hour a week job was actually higher because I we just have reviews and I got a raise of like a dollar and something it's whatever in so anyways they like back pay you from the first of the year for like and they give you the difference of what you would have been making if you had that raised January the first so I had like a bigger my check was about almost $200 yeah like $200 over what it usually is this was 58 so we'll just get that off of there I'm excited though I'm going to use it tomorrow and I will let you guys know in like a what 8 day or what 8 today or like a vlog from this coming week what I think about it so that's exciting and I got my little parsley plant is that a shallow dish I don't have one of those times you to go bowl and I put like a teensy amount of water in there it said it would be happy to send place so I got this you know window like notes are really looking cute but I don't want to take him down right now it's I'm about to filled meal prep in a little while and then I got my hydrangeas this vase is actually the vase that would Bourget would Morgan City flowers for the first time to work this was the vase that they came in so I have the flower food in there and I also dipped my stems in boiling water and then for about 10 seconds and then this alum powder I saw that on Instagram person I can true it was who was that glam Barbie house maybe I think it was her uh but she does got to her hydrangeas and they last longer and it's so true so you just dip the like cut the stem troubles tube dip in boiling water for like 10 to 15 seconds but don't touch the bottom of the stem to the bottom of the pan just keep it like in in the water in the middle then dip it down in here put it in water and they last longer so I did that got that out of the way I'm about to have lunch I was gonna make a salad but I think I'm actually gonna have a salad for dinner because I forgot to have this turkey from Costco and I think I'm gonna have that whisk like it's ready to see them live with some Busby's siete is how you say it see I take some sorry if I'm saying it wrong nacho chips these are so good they're great free if you're like paleo they're dairy-free paleo and vegan but they are also delicious so I love those then you would have been a yeah like a turkey sandwich with those oh I just opened up right underfoot they also got let me just set you up hold on okay we're gonna have to go oh gee set you up on the Figge right here what do you call this a paper towel holder know why you're crooked lol at my messy house master stacker hi that's a huge mess okay so a few things that I got at Costco there are you know but I got these organic tomato basil chicken meatballs so I'm really excited about these maybe I'll put some of these in my salad tonight instead of the tuna because actually I forgot I had these and I plan to like I'm in you that including these but I'm gonna work them into the video somehow we're gonna make it work and I'll probably freeze actually let's just do that now this freeze a pack of those I'm gonna clean out my frigid freezer I already took before pictures so stay tuned for some Oh God stay tuned for sound what do you call that motivation for cleaning renovation but yeah they look like these I think they're um fully cooked yeah fully cooked just heat and serve the ingredients are organic chicken organic tomatoes less than 2% of the following organic basil black pepper garlic powder fiddle water sea salt dried parsley vinegar all of that is organic stuff so super-clean ingredients really good ingredients if I had to guess they would be really low on smart plates if you're on WW so look into these the brand is Sabatino x' if y'all wanted a screenshot that right there found it at Costco so really excited about those else at Costco okay I also got this organic roasted turkey breast so the only ingredients here are Organic turkey breast water sea salt vinegar so yes excited about this it's alright I percent fat free so if I had to guess if you're on w this is probably also low in points but it's two really big packs of turkey breasts and its really good I had it the other day I'm like a snack plate just rolled a few slices up and it was delicious um can you freeze this surely you can I'm gonna look into that can you freeze deli beat but I already may go sandwich with this right now and that baio probably a tomato and some light greens that I have so also a lot of y'all said in the last video about smoothies to freeze spinach so I am going to and I've already cleaned out my fridge here in a minute I'm gonna freeze some individual servings of this so that's exciting yay for that hope it not go bad so I'll probably have a smoothie today so I'll keep you posted on that situation but anyways I'm gonna bake something to eat then we're gonna whip this house into shape you guys I'm like it's so bad I'm stressing out okay I'm gonna eat I'll talk to you guys in a bit [Music] ochio so I've been cleaning it's already 350 I cleaned up my bathroom we took the trash like trash for like every room all together I have a huge I cleaned out a cabinet that was filled with snacks I didn't realize how many sharks were in there all of them are like way expired Tredegar those haven't done the dishes yikes like still super yikes I started laundry so that's good hutch please get out sir get down get down um but he's so I wanted to share with you I had to dump out that coffee you guys that organic protein it's disgusting don't buy it it's not worth the buddy it tastes gross so anyways this I got it at Whole Foods I'm a UH a a bigger Lewis buys cheese here on YouTube he says lots of WW content if you're not subscribed to her go subscribe Turkish I love her but she talks about this a lot I actually heard about this for my sister bought it a long time ago y'all I don't know if you have been like a longtime subscriber but you might have a rembered be finding this and then I left it in my car and it's supposed to stay refrigerated and it is that there for two weeks so I threw it out finally went by another it's about ten dollars at Whole Foods I believe I made a baguettes in it like with Dixie baby I can't break it's like our adorable grocery store though seriously such a mess it's like a normal grocery store but around here in Texas the only place that it says that it's sold is Whole Foods those probably find it so ten dollars it's a lot of coffee so it's hotter ice cold brew a keep refrigerated blah blah makes 32 drinks it's a concentrate so you're supposed to mix it with hot or cold water or milk but I it has this little like espresso shot that you fill up so I used about three of those in here and I use it about the same amount of protein as I always used to about right here so like 2/3 of it 3/4 of it is like 2/3 yeah about 2/3 of it give it a taste you guys this tastes like Starbucks exactly exactly I would never steer you wrong on your coffee and I want you to waste your money on anything that doesn't taste legit it like if you gave this and gave it to me and told me it was Starbucks espresso I would believe you everything else to me tastes like watered-down coffee or like once they have protein I literally there is no coffee okay someone needs to wipe their fridge down that's embarrassing um they've never liked any sort of espresso coffee I tried the French press coffee like nothing tastes as good as a Starbucks espresso except it is so they also if you look up this cool brew company they have a finder on their website but it was accurate for me so hopefully it's accurate for you and you can find out where near you sell this it's Louisiana a company but I'm seriously not kidding it is the same strengths don't water it down just pour it in there and then add your premier protein holy freaking moly like obsessed and how many drinks am I gonna get from this like ten so probably a dollar for um it says it makes 32 drinks but when you use three at a time we're looking at about ten three shots so that's ten a dollar versus 287 for the espresso by itself I'm so excited this is better my fridge for a few days and I just haven't touched it and I'm really excited that I did because now I have like an extra wind oh also I cleaned out my fridge so let me show you guys that but not kidding this is like I'm blown away I'm gonna start talking about it so it's been three minutes but like I'm blown away it's so good I will honestly never thought I would be able to recreate the Starbucks espresso at home and then I have the angels are fighting down it's a great day the night is young we're excited about it aren't we have G we're excited okay [Music] the chicken and beef which actually I think are both getting cooked today well most of the chicken my career proteins are up here okay I just have a lot of stuff like salsa humus feta that bruschetta I've got a salsa that hasn't been opened the queso probably needs to be thrown out but I can't decide I'm cream cheese I need to use this week and then here are all my ciggies I forgot that I had a couple of these in here I thought I only had one left but I actually have a few so probably gonna have one today these need to be eaten first those I just bought today Apple sauces Bailey for baking to Zeki chocolate hummus and then down here I moved by these are from home goods by the way these little like clear organizers you love Dale's we just like when I point everything you like I don't know like that so I need my water they don't here this dispenser is also from home goods you find the best acrylic organizers there obviously love she's got eggs I have those fibre one of ours - I feel bad through the way because they're like fresh but I don't think I'm gonna eat them but they're back there 1/2 and 1/2 which is about to go bad and I need to use it actually might be bad today oh that's a bugger uh juice but all there bilks beef broth down here I've got like vegetables those are but thanks to like vegetables is it over here I've got those meatballs spinach that I'm gonna put in the freezer food and my bread so then we've just got cog bits condiments Reese's always I haven't really touched you guys is hi I'm so sorry honey bear I'm so sorry I didn't know he was like leading on this like the door and I opened it and he just like fell through the crack poor guy I'm so sorry but yeah I need to reorganize this is all like frozen fruit this is like baking stuff war fruit these honestly made me throw it away their brain peanut butter cups but they've been in here for probably a year and gotta go um and then just like I've got another organizer here but as you can see it's not very organized fruit more fruit I'm gonna be making smoothies every day this week because I feel like I didn't do it last week but the week before I did and I was like way more energized so I'm gonna do smoothies again this week so I stocked up on my berries like hallelujah don't seriously I never have to wait for Starbucks ever again I don't have to go to Starbucks I have literally drink my coffee out without weeping if that is not the definition of blast I don't know what is also let me show you my Grove order I did another order and I'm upset so if you don't know what Grove is it's basically an online store that has lots of great cleaning products household items they have like baby stuff skincare lots of really good brands lots of cruelty-free brands some don't toxic stuff like just lots of a lot and I really love it it is a subscription I think it's $20 a year and then if you get if you buy over $20 for the stuff you get free shipping and you can postpone you don't have to get everybody you can postpone your shipping I only get it a few times a year I've been getting it a lot recently because I thought I was like a cleaning organization kick a little bit um but I highly recommend I've been a member of grove for like years years and years since like College so anyways I picked up these microfiber cleaning cloths there's three yeah variety pack of three so you've got some different colors gray picked up those these go on the end of basically a bamboo stick like this it's just Mexique right now these I have to order basically every time because half the time they're out but they're really good for cleaning the inside of cups or glasses and I just really like them I mean you just get the little refillable pieces so I picked up two of those I got some pleated gloves to wear I used to be the person that couldn't wash dishes without gloves that I've kind of gotten over it but because my last pair of gloves got a whole new bit I never repurchase but I would have had it saw these when I decided to buy their because I do love to wear a good pair of sweetie gloves try to keep your here the safe you don't have to get that grody feeling on your hands then I picked up this tray let me open this really quick and I'll show you well before I do that I think time I do one of these because mine which I've had for years just broke like this the white part came off of the bamboo part but this is cool because you just press right here and this spies are at off so you could replace this piece anytime you need to which is great because these things get really gross from really quickly I'm not really quickly but you know what I need like you watch a crock pot that you would be ready written saved forever so I do like that these are it expensive and easy to switch out without half without having to buy the full-on like stick every time do you like that let me unpackage these two items and I'll show you okay so now that I'm looking at this I'm like okay Laurie why didn't you just buy this at HomeGoods for like five dollars I don't know but I didn't buy this white tray it was only like $10 I guess I was on a spending spree this day uh but I did get this and you can put your like soap so my like soap dispenser is also from Grove they have these like silicone bottoms and you can just line up your stuff and it looks flat right sir and then I also got a glass spray bottle which I'm going to put my multi-purpose spray in and I picked out the green color they have like a blue a lavender a yellow and a white but I got the greed with this time just to put multi-purpose spray I've been thinking about getting that thieves as a cleaner so baby my next order I'll get that but anyways I bought that just because it was cute and I've been wanting one and yeah that's everything that I got from glue from Grove if you want to sign up I'm like don't affiliated with it other than just being a paying customer but I will link down below if you want to sign up you can get a free five piece gift set it's like good stuff you get like four items of mrs. meyer's and usually like a caddy and towels like you get a lot of stuff and it's worth probably like $50 and then you just add $20 more and you get free shipping so you get basically like $70 of stuff for $20 it's awesome but you can sign up with my code if you want to receive your free gift item if you would have sign up no pressure but seriously I love it I find a lot of good stuff there lots of cool skincare but yeah it's just a company that I will continue to use used it for ever will continue to probably use forever okay also I'm sitting down for dinner I'm actually eating the leftovers I made for meal preps and had enough of the chicken mushrooms zucchini mixture to have some for dinner so I heated up some brown rice so we've got right here just like a little stir-fry Bowl umm I was gonna have a salad but honestly this was way easier was already ready so like why not um hello hockey I have gotten a lot done I still want to get like one more load of laundry Dyne and I will feel so accomplished all so I still haven't put away like those two things that I'm gonna do that but all of those boxes that have been in here for like a month are gone thank the Lord check out all the traps I cleaned out my fridge I need to organize the pantry um they all kind of show you my progress here in a little bit but seriously I've already done all the dishes from meal prep I just need to put away the stuff that's drying wipe off the counters I gotta ask you like organization my lunchbox that kind of stuff is out but I'm feeling really good and accomplished today so yay for that hey y'all okay I'm like whoo well aware that I look crazy because my eye makeup on this one eye is like gone because there was making my eye earlier and I kept rubbing it and I just look monkey I need to redo the outro to buy a meal prep because is the lighting that I was standing it like it is so obvious I look like I got punched in the face or stuff it just looks so weird but I just folded a basket of clothes I working on my laptop right there working on editing watching this is a be sharp of Myranda over at ready hue with life just texted me asking if I watched her I looked at ever heard of her looked her up and was like oh I have seen her like I've seen a video of hers by it was at a playlist and I didn't stop to check what the channel was that I didn't know if it was but basically she's a nutritionist or maybe a registered dietician over here she had some sort of credentials and she reviewed people's what ate the day videos so I watched her one on Whitney Simmons I just watched the would that she did on Elyse Parker who did the carnivore diet for 30 days on earth are familiar with Elyse Parker I love following her too just like as a person but used to be vegan not only vegan but like raw vegan uh but for like years and when I started following her she like lived in a van with her boyfriend like in Hawaii no she lives baby in like Colorado or something she eats meat and like adorable balanced diet she had like a whole basically like her whole life was their whole life like she started like a business it's called draw a line bit where she was like a raw vegan and now she's gone so it's like crazy but anyway she's really cute love that girl she's fun to watch but that is the one that I just watched that Abby was reviewing and it's good so go watch a be sharp it's a BB ey but right now I'm gonna have a dessert the bunny's huge this dessert person if y'all have ever noticed like I don't really talk about is there a lot my channel but I've been wanting to try this chocolate wood so I'm gonna have it tonight since I have the calories for it and I'm craving it so but I love that it also have room for granola hello we're gonna try the safe and fair chocolate granola I talked about these reveal prep video but I also got the blueberry one and the birthday cake this is the only one I've tried it it is like legit crunchy birthday cake like the flavors on point I ordered them online they're like five days ago two-piece and I also got some chips just so I could get free shipping these are actually delicious sort of like pop chips but like better I don't know how to describe it definitely will be repurchasing for bear though okay that's way better sorry that sucks I really hope this chocolate is as good as that blueberry one that I had because loved it Ultima hope you guys can hear me big dryer is like I'm nauseous loud I feel like probably just because it's like in the same room okay so so it looks like chocolatey delish and the 30 grams is a survey which is a hundred thirty calories so just start with fifty two just see how much that looks like first let's do a taste test so good oh my gosh I hear car don't look worse I'm just so sorry I look like the hottest bus today this is good these are nut-free I don't know if I mentioned that but that's like really why I like it to have not huge fan and I find that a lot weird Ola especially the homemade granola recipes it's like all nuts and I just am NOT a huge enough fans this tastes like if Rice Krispies were a mix of milk chocolate and dark chocolate like this is very similar to that like that like chocolate flavor so good I tell you what I think about it the yogurt is it super Wow like it is chocolatey but like it's not design sense I don't know I guess I imagined it to be more sweet and less like tart like yogurt but I mean it's tart like yogurt with the chocolate flavor with the granola though honestly without the granola I don't know that I need to expand but like with the radula go good I do think that I'm gonna get a stick to the like fruit flavors though over the chocolate just because it's like they're that good but just a I'm serving like 1/3 of a cup of this granola for like a hundred and thirty calories as a dessert is gonna be bombs like so delicious I love it ok anyways that's the update I will talk to you guys in a little bit actually I'm just going to take a shower it's literally the only other thing that I'm going to do today is edit fold laundry and take a shower let me show you everything about them a little after footage oh we are clean clean clean - the yogurt and then the thing I just thought out but I'm gonna put that away please this organizer thing right there the wires I haven't put up yet anyways oh that removes people but I think I'm glad I walked over here cuz I have these laying out you guys let me just put you on the tripod hold on okay I hate it when I'm ready to rule over science I just throw it in a bun real quick but we're going to show you guys these adidas shorts then I go it they're like pretty short in the front a little bit longer in the back I'm obsessed they have like the logo and then I also got it in purple like a lavender obsessed so actually Morgan got these for me and we lived shopping today after Valentine's Day and that's kind of like what you got me I guess he was safe around right today was these shorts and you guys oh this is what they're called arrow ready if you want to start I'll try to link them for you but if you don't see a link just search err already in his shorts and you'll be able to find they also had a really cool like olive green color dye that was cute but the most exciting part these are a size medium you guys I like could cry thinking about it these I have not bought a medium shorts like bottoms anything other than like a shirt here and there but you know shirt sizes are weird medium like we're talking since high school high school like maybe freshman year of college I was buying medium I really don't even remember though but definitely don't have for that and I tried a large and open the door and I was like are these big like do they look big or am I just like he was like no you need to spice down those our way today so try to the meeting a bit and I was like these perfect and you guys that makes me so happy like these don scale victories are like the best and it's been a little while since i've had would just because the last few pounds are so hard to get off and really I don't think my body like composition is gonna change that much with just like the weight loss without like tortilla up and all that good stuff so being able to have this like I don't know accomplishment I feel like is just crazy and I don't really get caught up in sizing especially because everybody is different or every company is different sizes are all over the spectrum like I have size 10 pants to size like 14 pants like I'm I'm everywhere I have size 8 shorts like it's just so rate of dumb even shirts I have like a small from Target I've got lots of mediums largest excels that I still wear all over the spectrum but medium short is something that I don't have and it just like is exciting y'all know the feeling and shits exciting and I wanted to share that with you and thank you to lure again for buying me the cutest outfit ever love you babe you're the best so anyways that's exciting but I'm gonna eat my yogurt you just rocks for the rest of the night go take a shower with we're do stuff and that's pretty much it so thanks for tuning in to a Sunday vlog with me I wish I would have done more like cleaning footage but really I was just embarrassed to how bad my house was and did not would have filmed myself cleaning it so I did it so that's all for today thank you so much for watching give this video a thumbs up if you like vlogs sending vlogs especially I know Morgan is not in this one but he will be in a video really soon so stay tuned for that a comment down below if you want to chat with me and subscribe to my channel if you'd like to stick around and I'll see you in the next video bye ow [Music]
Channel: Louise Lane
Views: 9,111
Rating: 4.8496242 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, sunday vlog, weekend vlog, spend a weekend with me, Costco haul, healthy Costco finds, new products, big haul, random haul, sundays, chatty vlog, car vlog, fun new finds, healthy meal ideas, quick lunch ideas, new coffee hack, coffee hack, Starbucks dupe, proffee
Id: a1OardTPVNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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