Sunday Service || Surrounded by The Goodness of God || Dr. Jerry Savelle || Jan 21, 2018

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[Music] hey hey hey check out what's going on at HFC see today sounds like a Raising Cane's drive-through reading I know but hey rhyme where was I Oh announcements here we go Wednesday nights at heritage of faith are few for the week or week it's a play on words get it see if you're feeling weak during the week Wednesday night service it's perfect faith food no matter if your face seems weak or strong you'll leave even stronger than you came ready to overcome see you Wednesday what's up everybody g29 stands for generation 29 as in the 29th chapter of the book of Acts wait there's only 28 nope our generation this generation is writing the 29th chapter every single day awesome right and besides all this our youth group is flat-out amazing there's just no other way to put it so if you're in grade 6 or 12 and want to hang with the in-crowd join us Sunday and Wednesday night as we dive in God's Word and get in God's presence hasta LaVista acquaintances plus fellowship equals relationship we can get acquainted at a church service but fellowship is the follow-up that leads to friendships we can run alongside has we chased Jesus Bob Boone Smith every third Sunday of the month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. find your cloud leaves after the service in the lobby talk to above the leader today you wouldn't go out and eat a great meal and then wait three days to eat again right no way you go to the grocery store load up your cart so you can cook at home too so load about the book store before you leave Church books mp3 CDs and even faith-filled doormats feed your faith starve those doubts and watch yourself grow grow grow if you're new with us today we want you to feel right at home here at Heritage this is a safe place for you and your family we're so glad that you trust to be with us and we would love to stay connected with you see this card you can find one on the seat back in front of you simply fill it out tear off the bottom and turn it into our first-time visitors lounge you'll receive a special welcome gift as you go yeah welcome to here'd your faith how are you doing this morning you doing well everyone stand to your feet as we begin I want to welcome you today I won't welcome those that are watching by way of internet and we're excited about what God's gonna do in this house this morning amen are you excited to be in the presence of the Lord this morning the word says where two or three are gathered in his name there he is in the midst of us amen you know a lot of times when we come to church we have this idea that we're going to get ministered to and and we should be expecting to receive but also there's this aspect of worship there's this aspect of praise where you know what we're ministering to him and then when we're ministering to him and psalms 1 of 7 verse 8 says oh that men would praise and confess to the Lord for His goodness and loving kindness and his wonderful works to the children of men for he satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with good we ready to minister to him this morning and praise him for his wonderful works to worship Him for what he's done in your life amen let's give them a shout of praise this morning as we Bend father we praise you for your goodness we praise you for your faithfulness and we thank you for manifesting your glory demonstrating your glory that we will see your glory in this place today in amazing ways in Jesus name to be she's assumed over [Music] you will you [Music] you're the other force of critics consuming every space it's not contain upon your coming like a feeling things are possible your love a force of craze consuming every space its uncontainable you're coming like a flood our hearts are filling up all things are possible all things are possible Oh [Music] to betray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where he [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whether I should be in this morning Jesus Jesus Jesus name [Music] we seek your face come and make your prana praise here in this place the mere taste [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who every heart every heart be holy for you made ready for you me read it for you for your glory car cheese for fear by here now Jesus you change every meal are healed hope fine here now Jesus you cheated me anxious haha fear here sit up [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she [Music] [Applause] oh you're making all things new you're making your homes near today's the day that you would make [Music] today's the date you have made we rejoice and we are you have got things in store for us today we rejoice come on rejoice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by a beauty last in your eyes the beautiful [Music] can your preserves like Jesus did the glory surrounds me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] Justin [Music] [Music] [Music] we will clear we will call you [Music] [Music] take complete control take complete control holy spirit we made welcome Holies we fill me with your power come inside we welcome to Holy Spirit welcome Holy Spirit [Music] luckily spear welcome Holy Spirit [Music] with your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are with your powers will welcome Holies [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] living water [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] to to [Music] [Music] [Music] you are welcome Holies [Music] fill me with your power [Music] [Music] ah [Music] thank you lord just Reverend sword for a few more moments here before we change the order the service just lift your hands and just bless the Lord thank you for His goodness today thank him for his goodness in your life today God is good and he does good God is good and all he does is good hallelujah we bless you Father we thank you for your goodness hallelujah [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and say this it's not the place where I intended to say it but the Lord wanted me to let you know that 2018 is a turning-point year a turning point here God's in the business of turning things around hallelujah amen like if somebody tell them God is about to turn some things around for you tell somebody else expected and how do we expect it we get up every morning praising him for it Halliday go to bed every night praising him for it throughout the day talk about it talk about it talk about what you're expecting God to do come on say again this is my year for a turnaround and give God some praise in advance hallelujah Woori to God glory to God thank you Father Thank You father father we bless you this morning we worship you we thank you in advance for the turnarounds that we're about to experience we're so grateful that you are faithful you're always faithful and no matter what it has looked like up to now we know our God has been working behind the scenes and victory is ahead and we give you praise for it in Jesus name hallelujah come on give the Lord your best shot [Applause] yeah best shop Thank You papa thank you father like to welcome everyone here this morning all of you that are watching by way of livestream and also watching our television broadcast praise God we certainly appreciate you being involved in the service this morning and we're praying that Jesus is going to show himself alive gonna do something you're gonna like hallelujah amen so let's welcome everybody not only here in the service but people that are watching all over the world we're recording for television and this program is seen in over 200 nations around the world so praise God we're touching lives not only right here in Crowley Texas but all over the world hallelujah amen shake hands with somebody give him a high five give him a hug or do something you tell him you're glad they're here hallelujah amen [Applause] praise God well this month first service back at Heritage of Faith Christian Center for the new year so happy new year everybody amen I'm so sorry that you guys weren't with me in Hawaii now I'm really not I'm glad you weren't there no Carolyn I enjoyed our vacation time and started off our New Year preaching in Honolulu that's the that's the joy of man be able to preach in Honolulu every year your first service praise God for the year amen we had a great service there was how did brother Copeland's conference this week past week and then things are already starting off really good how they doing it can you say Amen what you'd open your bibles this morning to Psalm 20 Psalm 20 and also we're going to be reading particularly from some 21 but I want to make some statements regarding Psalm 20 Psalm 20 is the story of David and his army going to war and God's people are praying for them and you agreed this from verses 1 through 9 in Psalm 20 but then in Psalm 21 it's David telling the story of how God gave them a great victory and how good God wants to them and I believe this is prophetic for us today as I said a few moments ago this is going to be a turnaround year amen it's going to be a turnaround year praise God some things you've been going through that look like they'd never change don't give up on God hey don't give up on his word God's in the business of turning things around amen everybody do this God's by bout to turn some things around amen God turned it around for David and he's men and throughout the Bible you can see that this is a vital part of his character and he's the God of the turnaround he's the God of the breakthrough most of the body of Christ has been going through a lot of battles a lot of adversity in 2017 many of you that are still believing God for turnaround battles that you went through last year still believing for the victory this year well I want to encourage you don't give up amen don't give up Satan is trying to get you to lay down your weapons and quit but quit is not in your nature quit is not an option praise God amen look at your neighbor and tell them I will never quit I will never give up hallelujah God is on your side amen and he is not going to let you fail but you must stay in faith stay in faith giving up on God is not an option he will come through for you can you say Amen God wants to use this story in Psalm 20 in Psalm 21 as a source of inspiration for you this morning amen inspire your faith and once again don't give up victory is on its way in some 21 and verse 12 I'll just drop down to that verse real quick it says therefore shalt thou make them and in our case that Satan and his cohorts turned their backs this speaks of divine justice God is about to serve divine justice hallelujah Amen look Ginebra toe him I'm about to have some divine justice and that means that means that he will not only stop the attacks of the adversary but he gonna make him pay back everything you took from me praise God Amen that's divine justice amen the message translation says you will send them packing how are you doing amen God is going to give you some to shout it out I said God is going to give you something to shout about and I don't know why you even waiting go ahead and shout in advance that's one of the greatest expressions of faith is to praise God in advance before you ever see it happening can you say Amen so once again this song is one in which David Psalm 21 is giving thanks for the success that God had just blessed him with he's speaking in his own behalf and professing the joy that he has found in God's strength and he's also encouraging others to do the same he's saying that God actually had surprised him with great favor and had truly blessed him beyond his expectations and as I read this sum over the last several weeks I keep sensing in my spirit that God is going to do some things that are beyond your expectations he's good at that he's the God that does exceeding abundant above all that we can ask her things can you say Amen I like the amplified there in that verse Ephesians 3:20 that he will do above and beyond what you dare ask or think or imagine or even dream how they do their God going to do it better than that can you say Amen so David is actually praising God for things that happen during this battle that were beyond David's expectations God had surprised him with great favor and he attributes all of this to the goodness of God one of the meetings here of the word you'll notice in verse 3 for thou prevented him with the blessings of goodness one of the meanings of the other word prevent is that blessings of goodness not only preceded him they were waiting for him but they also came sooner and proved richer than he imagined hallelujah blessings are waiting for you the blessing of goodness I like that the blessing of goodness is waiting on the other side of your adversity amen that's reading you should never give up that that should be motivating to you I mean what what benefit is there to giving up does that change anything does that make circumstances better does that make opposition to your faith just disappear so what good is it to give up giving up is to forfeit the blessing of goodness and I'm not going to do that amen so on the other side of every adversity there's the blessing of goodness waiting for you that's what the word prevents means it precedes you it's already waiting for you you may not can see it there may not be any natural evidence of it but it's God's Word and that's final authority so God is telling us that he has already gone before us and he has made a way where there seemed to be no way and on the other side of your adversity there is a blessing of goodness hallelujah something good is going to happen to you Halliday I learned that from all of Roberts many years ago amen tell your neighbor something good is going to happen to you help somebody else something good is going to happen to you amen praise God amen and once again that word prevent not not only means proceed but it also implies that the blessing came sooner and proved richer than what he could imagine praise God Amen now I'm willing to stand I've proven that for the last 49 years I am willing to stand and having done all to stand I'm willing to stand some more and it looks like nothing's happening I'm just going to keep standing and when it looks like it's getting worse well then I'll just decide to keep standing and when everybody thinks I'm foolish well I'll just double up and start standing more how they do it amen my name is Jerry - having done all to stand stand Savelle amen but at the same time I hear the Spirit of God saying get ready for some things to happen sooner amen how many of you'd like for something suddenly to occur in your life hallelujah amen so I want to talk to you this morning about being surrounded by the goodness of God surrounded by the goodness of God I want to encourage you to begin to expect blessings to come sooner this year than you've ever experienced before God wants you to know in a greater way the thrill of victory remember the wide world of sports there were their introduction when they got rid when it came on television and it showed this guy you know I'm a man he was skiing I believe it was and he had this terrible collision and end over in and the agony of defeat and the thrill of victory you know God doesn't want you to know the agony of defeat he wants you to know the thrill of victory and he say Amen so begin to expect victory to become or to come sooner than it's ever happened before even the most impossible situations you've ever encountered don't expect them to last forever begin to expect God to do things sooner than you've ever experienced before and once again he wants you to know the thrill of victory he wants to do things in your life this year that are beyond what you can ask or think amen he wants to reward your faithfulness can you say then alright did you find Psalm 21 yet let's begin reading the king now David speaking in his own behalf here he says the King shall joy in that strength O Lord and in thy salvation how greatly show he rejoice thou has given him his heart's desire underline that phrase God wants to give you your heart's desire this is not just about David this is prophetic for you and me he's given him his heart's desire and has not withholding the request of his lips Selah now the would stop to think about this that God is such a good God that he not only wants to supply your need meet your need but he wants to give you to your heart's desire how they do yet he wants to give you his your heart's desire and he will not withhold any good thing from you that's talking about the goodness of God and then it says for them prevented him with the blessings of goodness thou said is the crown of gold upon his head he asked life of thee and thou gave it him even length of days forever and ever if you're struggling with life today if you're struggling with some kind of disease some kind of sickness something that the doctors have said it's not likely to be cured of then here's some hope here's some inspiration David David said I asked you for life and you gave it to me not only that length of days Halle do I can testify to that and I mean in the natural uh I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing right now you remember last year I had a stroke lost total use of my right arm partial use of my right leg and total memory loss didn't even know my family didn't know one scripture didn't know one sermon I preached and in a matter of just a few days I was totally totally healed how he do and God has added length of days praise God amen you know when they tell you and never preach again never be the same again do I look like I'm not preaching again if I look like I'm not the same again well the same part is true because I'm better praise God amen I got more energy now and I just turned 71 then I had when I was 41 praise God glory to God I said glory to God hallelujah son I'm a living testimony that you can ask God for life and he'll give it to you I've experienced watching a lot of stroke victims just since God healed me of that stroke Carol and I saw people in Hawaii that were victims of strokes and if it hadn't been for the grace of God that would have been me hadn't been for God's faithfulness I would have been in that condition and I think it's really important to me I don't know how important it is to you but important to me that most of my relatives on my mother's side died of strokes hallelujah I beat the odds amen the curse has been broken praise God amen so David says here you he asked for life God gave it to him and even length of days forever and ever another translation says lo you gave me life and long life as a bonus praise God amen verse 5 his glory is great in that salvation honor and Majesty has thou laid upon him for thou has made him most blessed and I say most blessed blessed is wonderful but I think most blessed might be at a higher level you've made him most blessed forever thou has made him exceeding glad with thy countenance or that presence now I want to read this from some of these verses from the message translation it says you gave him exactly what he wanted and you didn't hold back why is that because God is good and what he does is good psalm 119 verse 68 says thou art good and doest good amen God is good and what he does is good I preached a message down in Miami a couple of years ago and I know it's not good English but everybody down there understood it and I know you'll understand if it ain't God it ain't good amen if it ain't good it ain't God Amen if it ain't good then it's not God so things that are happening in your life that are not good God's not behind it if something good is happening attribute that to God Halliday can you say Amen so one of God's greatest desires is to bring joy and happiness to our lives and then for us to declare his goodness to our generation so that others will know that the God we serve is a good god you'd be surprised at the amount of people even in the body of Christ that don't know that yet you know I hear Christian people talking all the time about God made him sick God wrecked the car God took their child God did this God did that if it's not good it's not God Bible says in 119 psalm 119 68 once again thou are good and you do good so make sure that you attribute everything good in your life to God something bad in your life then don't mention God in the same breath amen Bible says that God is the author of good and perfect gift James chapter 1 verse 17 Psalm 84 11 says the Lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly no good thing as he withhold from them that walk uprightly and then the message translation goes here again it says he wanted a good life David wanted a good life you gave it to him and made it a long life as a bonus that's a message translation so God wants you to have a good life in Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 10 the amplified version says for we are God's own handiwork his workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus taking paths which he prepared ahead of time living the good life which he pre-arranged and made ready for us to live notice God's already pre arranged and made ready the good life the good life is waiting for you can you say Amen look Joe never say I'm supposed to be living the good life that don't sound like me just existing I'm not just to exist I tried that a long time ago I didn't like it I got saved how they do you Hey and ever since I've been saved hallelujah I've been living the good life the good life amen people want to be like me amen I get letters all the time about what I've preached in some city and and people talking about they want God to do the same thing in their lives that he's done for me amen when's the last time and I've told you this before when's our last time you had Christian rock singer write a song about you hip hop I never cared for hip hop before but I'm kind of liking it now because he got my name in it hallelu he said I want favor like Jerry Savelle they've been I'm getting the moves down better two friends go what are you laughing at Stuart you just honored I got it amen that's no that's not for anybody else to know anything about so God has already pre-arranged the good life already waiting for us hallelujah then it goes on to say you pal blessings on him you made him glad I guess so when you have blessings piled upon you wouldn't you be glad hello amen and then it says is it any wonder that the King David speaking about himself is it any wonder that the King loves God amen why wouldn't a person love God when God's doing all this in your life and God is no respecter of persons he wants to do this for every person in this room and every person is watching this broadcast praise God he's a good god Psalm 68 verse 19 says blessed be the Lord who daily load with us with benefits even the god of our salvation and once again at the end of that psalm is the word Selah which simply means stop and think about this god wants to daily load you with benefits blessings how they do you get up every day expecting God to bless you in some way and he doesn't have to be just you know big things just the little things you know I remember how many of you remember Raymond shores Raymond and Mary were members here for many many years they're both in heaven now but I've known Raymond and Mary since 1970 about 74 I think 75 they were the first african-american people who ever came to our church here in Fort Worth when we had overcoming faith Center and when they came I just fell in love with him and eventually what is that noise okay raise the Lord although I was getting the call from heaven he's got not that they need me up there yet but Amen and and Raymond and Mary were just such sweet people than Raymond eventually came to work with me and traveled with me all over the country and I remember when I'd come in here for our service I'd usually see Raymond you know he was an usher and he assisted Ministry of helps and so forth and I hunt Raymond down you know and and I motioned for him to come over and see me he'd come over there said how you doing Raymond he said I woke up again this morning brother Jerry said I'm living up on that mountain all everything's all right hallelujah I woke up again this morning well that's one thing to praise God about that's a benefit amen that is a benefit and if you woke up this morning and maybe you still believe in a wake-up so there's a there's a starting point you woke up again this morning Ray's God have you never been the face with a threat of not waking up some mornings then you'll appreciate waking up every morning and you say Amen so notice that he says blessed be the Lord who daily loaded us with benefits in other words get up every morning expecting a blessing a benefit to manifest in your life and no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it might be praise god anyway for it how they do here just praise God for it you know we were flying out to California last week and I was preaching out in Delano California and flying out there when we were on final approach the the whole valley was just socked in the weather and it was only a 200-foot ceiling and that's that's pretty dangerous and landing an airplane was a 200-foot ceiling and so we just made a flyby and we wind up having to land over in Santa Barbara went ahead and refueled and by the time we got through refueling and we took off again then the weather was still there but the the ceiling was now 900 feet that's that's that's good landing you know you can land safely in that but it was just solid fog over that whole valley I mean as far as you could see that whole valley was just socked in but the Lord lifted it for us so that we could get there and preach that sermon praise God amen landed safely no problem praise God you don't consider that a benefit you don't consider that a blessing I do amen it's like you know Jesse brother Jesse's said one time when he got his first airplane he told brother köppen he said brother Copeland I've been setting up in the cockpit now with my pilot he said you know I believe if we had an emergency I could almost land that plane and he was feeling real good about that brother Cobra said Jesse do you know what almost landing a plane in that's a crash Jessie's lips begin to quiver you know and you don't want to almost land a plane you want to land the plane you know anytime you're flying and you get back on the ground again that's a benefit that's a blessing praise God amen if you make it from your house to work without an accident that's a blessing that's a benefit praise God some people don't some people don't make it back home but if you do and you tell me you don't have anything to praise God about you made it back home hallelujah that's a benefit that's a blessing some people are just not you know looking deep enough but notice he blesses us daily with benefits praise God amen you leave here this afternoon after the service and get ready to go to lunch you have to stand in a line for an hour and a half that's a benefit that's a blessing praise God and if they bring you back exactly what you ordered that's a blessing that's a benefit and if it's good that's another benefit amen and if somebody buys it for you that's another benefit man look at all the benefits you getting and and not even stopping to praise God hallelujah and you say Amen God daily loads us with benefits amen so once again let's look at Psalm 21 and the verse that says in verse 3 for thou prevented him with the blessings of goodness once you start thinking in terms of God's goodness is a blessing God's goodness is a blessing amen so prevent here we've already said means to proceed so David is telling us that the goodness of God goes before him and precedes him wherever he goes whatever he does amen just waiting to manifest no think that way when you're going through adversity most people just focus on the adversity they just focus on what they're going through right at the moment they don't see beyond that but does the Bible teach us when we live by faith that we're not moved by what we see we walk by faith and not by sight so that means you've got to look beyond the circumstance you've got to look beyond the adversity and if you look beyond that the Bible is telling us here that God has already pre arranged a blessing of goodness that is just waiting for you amen Carol and I experienced this just almost every day in some way the blessing of goodness hallelujah and I expect it everywhere I go and I don't carry a sign around I'm a preacher would you like to bless me I just expected because the Bible tells me to it's it's part of my covenant right to expect good things from God every day in my life now that's not to say some bad things don't happen from time to time they do challenges come to me just like they do to you but I'm not gonna focus on the challenge I'm not gonna focus on the adversity I'm gonna look beyond that and say god I don't know how long it's going to take for this to change but I got my eyes on you and not on this and I know beyond this there is a blessing of goodness something good is going to happen to me on the other side of this how to do it can you say Amen I want to challenge you to begin to expect that this year perhaps more so than you ever have before amen Psalm 27 turned out with me for a moment and look at verse 13 and 14 I had fainted or I would have fainted unless unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living notice he said I would have fainted there's absolutely no question about it I would have fainted I would have become weary I would have given up if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord on the other side of this adverse time amen if you don't believe that you're going to see the goodness of God on the other side of this adversity you will faint you will grow weary you will give up you will do the very opposite of what he said in verse 14 wait on God you won't be willing to wait but if you believe based on what we see in the Word of God not just on what brother Jerry's saying your brother Justin santur and the other brothers saying but based on what the Word of God says that the goodness of the Lord is waiting for you David said it now prevent us me with the blessings of goodness in other words they're already preceding me they're waiting for me what do you suppose you forfeit when you give up what do you suppose you could have had if you stood your ground in that motivating to you that's that's one of the primary reasons why I am NOT going to quit I don't want to miss out on anything good and I know something good is waiting for me but I gotta make up my mind that feigning and growing weary and giving up is not an option amen can you say Amen so he said I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait I say on Lord so that tells me that if I make the decision you know a lot of times I like to say it out loud I could do it in my heart a lot of times I want the Lord to know he knows the thoughts of my heart the intent of my heart but but a lot of times I just I just want to say it where he can hear it Lord I am NOT giving up I am NOT growing weary I am not feigning and the Bible says that if I'm willing to wait on him then he will strengthen me amen that means that he will energize me so that I can continue to stand so that I won't grow weary so that I won't faint amen so determining that you're gonna wait on the Lord no matter how long it takes but here again I believe God is accelerating things there's some things going to come to pass in your life that look like they've never come to pass last year but God is going to cause them to come to pass sooner than you thought this year hallelujah amen so wouldn't you be willing to wait thinking some might say I'm waiting I don't know what you plan to do but I'm waiting I don't want to miss out on anything good can you save in praise God amen so don't ever give up the goodness of God is just on the other side of every adversity and always remember this it is not God withholding it is not God keeping you from experiencing it it's your adversary the devil but if you stay in faith then he's not going to be able to keep you from laying hold upon the goodness that God has already pre-arranged from you for you so notice once again David said that he would have fainted if he had not believed and here fainted means to begin to waver and the Bible tells us in the book of James chapter 1 verses 6 and 7 for he that waiteth for the sea driven with a win and tossed for let not that man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord the person that wavers cannot expect to receive anything from God now I don't believe that's it's God being mean but God's not going to violate his own words I mean if God was just going to bless there by the wavers and why even print the Bible why even teach on faith if he just gonna do it regardless of your attitude or the lifestyle or or how you conduct yourself in that verse if he's just gonna do it anyway then why went why don't you say the just shall live by faith and he's not gonna by late his own word Amen you don't do your children that way you know you you expect certain things and if they don't do it do you go and bless him anyway and just keep on blessing them anyway well you might a time or two you know but you know after a while you realize you've made a big mistake by not keeping your word to them you know I traveled so much when my children were growing up and and of course they'd get in trouble at home and Carolyn say I'm gonna take it at it when you get home when he gets home and so you know Carolyn says you need to correct the children they did thus and so and I'd say girls go get the belt I say get that felt when you know that you're done don't get that leather and get that felt win but don't tell mama as in y'all holler when I spank you okay wham wham oh they didn't hurt at all oh he's like hitting them with a feather they'd come out they were tears in their eyes don't do that again girls I knew that would bring a response from you yes Carla said sometimes I hit the pillow instead of them but there came a time when I realized I am not helping these kids at all this is not right you know they don't just keep on doing things that are that are not right and think they can get away with it well it's not that God's mean the people that he loves he chastens amen amen did your daddy love you I found out my daddy loved me not dad my dad had huge arms he was broad-chested he was a young man he had to roll his sleeves up he had to cut his sleeves and roll him up because his biceps was so big he convinced me and I was a little boy that that picture on the Armand Hammer soda box was his arm and and he loved me spare the rod spoil the child no hate the child amen spoiled I don't know where that came in there but it's true too you know but the Bible says you spared the rod you hate the child well my daddy loved me and your heavenly Father loves you they not gonna beat you with a rod but he'll take his word and convict you with it and sometimes that's worse than a rod amen you know when I was working brother Copeland I first went to work brother Copeland back there in 1970-71 somewhere longer there and I'd mess up you know doing something you know not sin but just mess up you know and in doing something like he was a stickler for not being late don't you ever make Kenna Copeland late he learned that more robbers and you know he was he was just I mean he was he well trust me and we were up in Omaha Nebraska one time and I know part of my job was to set up the room for the meeting I set up the sound system set up the chairs the podium get everything ready and then go back get him at the hotel and bring him there and make sure he's on time because if he said we're gonna have a service at 10:00 a.m. don't bring him in that building at 10:05 that could cost you your job you just told you had you made him tell a five-minute lap and boy he'd ingrained that in me you know and so I got over to the auditorium and we'd already been there for like two or three nights and I got over there that morning just to make sure everything's arranged and set up and our sound system was gone and all the chairs were out of the building and I looked at my watch and it's a quarter till 10:00 I thought where's all our chairs where's the sound system and I went to looking at that in that hotel for the management and they told me what we thought you guys were through we put everything away it's in storage and I'm thinking what I do do I go get him and make sure he's on time and there's no chairs no sound system or do I go get the chairs find somebody to help me get the sound system even at the expense of making him late well I chose the ladder so when I got back to the hotel where we were staying he was standing in the street with his pocket watch in his hand like this looking down the street and the direction that I was supposed to be coming in with those piercing eyes I could see them eyes piercing for a mouth and when I got up there didn't say a word just how to rather him slap me about five times didn't say a word silence is golden no it's not he didn't say a word I got him of that meeting he got up there and he went to preaching and when the service over oh he chewed on me on the way back don't you ever again make me late that's the best way for you to lose your job make me late well I felt like a dog you know and you never even asked me why I made him late I just got rebuked but I realized he loved me he wouldn't allow that to happen again because he knew that if I begin to develop a lifestyle of you know making excuses and doing this and that that I'm never gonna tap into God's best I got back to my room and and I realized what he was doing and then when the meeting was over that night he called me to his room he said I need to apologize to you I said for what he said well I jumped on to you about making me late not an even bother asking why he said and knowing you I know you had a legitimate excuse so why was I late so I told him he said but don't let it ever happen again hey let's see I could have they have to understand and the thought occurred I'm not I'm not gonna lie to you the thought occurred wait a minute I own my own business before I came here you're not gonna treat me like a kid you get home the best way you can't set up your own meeting room I'm done see if Ida got mad and yielded to my flesh I wouldn't be where I am today I wouldn't be where I am today amen so God's not gonna buy late his word just to make you happy so you don't have your feelings hurt and you better be glad that he won't violate his word because he also says that his word resist the devil he will flee and you want him to violate that no you won't him to see to it that if you resist the devil God keeps his word and makes him flee can he say Amen so I think you gotta give the Lord a shout that he's that he's a God of integrity praise God amen so it's not it's not God withholding from us it's not God keeping good things from us God is good and he doeth good get that down in your spirit God is good and he doeth good but once again our responsibilities stay in faith keep our eyes on him and stay in faith keep telling yourself something good is on the other side of this adversity say it with me something good go ahead and point somewhere out there say something good is on the other side of this adversity and I'm not going to quit can you say Amen hallelujah hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 cast not away your confidence which has great recompense of reward the message translation says so don't throw it all away now you need to stick it out so you'll be there for the promise completion don't throw it all away now and I can't I can't figure out people that have stood for weeks and even months and then finally get to the place where they quit look at all that wasted energy no why don't you determine you're going to wait for the promised completion what is the promise completion goodness shows up that's what he's promised goodness is on the other side of this wait for the promised completion amen God's not going to let you fail he's not going to allow the adversary to defeat you if you stay in faith and keep your eyes on him can you say Amen now Psalm 107 says and and I want to say this just before I give you that verse one of the ways that you stay in faith that the Bible teaches is to stay in praise and worship to keep offering God Thanksgiving and praise Psalm 107 verse 1 says oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good and His mercy endureth forever o give thanks unto the Lord for he is good and this is not referring to just after he does something you should be praising him after he does something but it's also referring to praising him before you see it happen isn't he good all the time not just when he does something good he's good all the time God is good and he doeth good so he's encouraging us to praise God when it happens and praise God while you're waiting point to happen and then praise Him again after that happens and then praise Him again while you're waiting for the next thing to happen and praise Him when it does and then start the cycle all over again just never stop praising God never stop praising God for what his goodness verse 8 says old that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men so what are we to praise God for because he's good and for his goodness praise God that he's good and praise God for His goodness that's one of the ways you stay in faith amen stay in faith not only for the good things that God's already done the phrase got one of the greatest expressions of faith is when you can praise God while you're waiting for something good to happen amen a number of years ago I was in Liberty Texas and I had a supernatural visitation of the Lord 1992 in my hotel room and in that visitation the Lord said most of my people he said my people know me as Savior many of them know me as Baptizer in the Holy Spirit some of them know me as healer some of them know me as deliverer he said but they don't all know me as the god of the breakthrough if they did then they wouldn't be so quick to give up and he said tell them that the god of the breakthrough wants to visit their house and so that night I went over to that church and preached that and boy did we ever have a Holy Ghost meeting and then the Lord instructed me to preach on the god of the breakthrough will visit your house everywhere I went during that year I wrote a book about it series of messages on it and it's still touching lives all over the world but then he also said this in that visitation he said tell them that the depth of their praise will determine the magnitude of their breakthrough the depth of their praise will determine the magnitude of their breakthrough in other words just how big a breakthrough do you need just how big a breakthrough do you need the depth of your praise will determine the magnitude of your breakthrough hallelujah you know sometimes we call ourselves praising God with hallelujah hallelujah amen and it wasn't a whole lot of depth to that glory glory and sometimes even Kassie's up here endeavoring to get us to praise God you look around and dear God look like people like lemons before they came to service and I think a lot of times the reason being is because they come to church with more on their mind their problem than the answer to the problem amen so the depth of your praise and and we're really counts is not in church at home it counts in here but it counts more at home does anybody in your family know your appraiser it's anybody in your family ever heard you praise God as your wife ever said children daddy's in there praising God Obama's in there praising God Caroline used to keep the girls quiet when they travel with us and especially the days when we could only afford one room you know and all four of us in there and I'm preparing for the service and and they all knew I'm studying and then before the service an hour before the service I prayed in the spirit for an hour and and and praise God and Karen would try to keep the girls quiet or she'd take them outside walk around the hotel or something you know and then sometimes they just I like to walk when I'm praying and I just walk in that room all around that room you know wrong as far as I could go and make a circle and I'm just walking and and the girls would be right behind me just praying in tongues you know look like a no hen with some chicks you know and and but they were real quiet amen but they could see the results from it after the service said they'd say when we got back to room daddy let us fill your hands they're always hot after you preach and pray for people they could see the results of it so is anybody else in your family besides you know your appraiser the depth of your praise will determine the magnitude of your breakthrough just ask yourself how big a breakthrough do I need we'll then just go for it praise God amen go for it go for praising God and don't be concerned about what anybody else thinks it's your breakthrough not theirs it's your breakthrough amen sometimes when I'm flying overseas out of them reading the word and I get excited I forget I'm not a mire playing I'm on a commercial airplane and I go to kick in the bulkhead and shouting and I'm thinking oh I forgot amen I had the Lord say to me one time flying to Tanzania that this economy that is taking place in the nation right now will not affect your ministry I just shout it out loud it's not gonna affect me and the guy next to me said what what what he thought we were going down I said I'm sorry sir I forgot where I was he said where did you think you were I said I thought I was in Meyer Blaine I'm pologize he said what's not gonna affect you I said this bad economy so why do you say that I said well I have a covenant with God well is it gonna affect any Christian I said well it will with those that don't know their covenant he perished for a lack of knowledge he said what makes you better than them I said I'm not any better than them I just know some things that some Christians don't know he got mad at me took his newspaper said whatever we're flying for 11 hours do you say another word to me for 11 hours and when we landed he he got up and got his stuff looked back at me with his hateful look you know and and and I got off the plane and people over there in Tanzania pick me up we went to the hotel and the next morning our crew was already there a lot of our crew was already there and and Terry said daddy you want to go to the office up here with me to check our emails I said yeah I'll go with you so she's up there and I'm standing behind her looking over the computer and it got one of the first emails that came was from my accountant and said Terry I know you and the team are having a great time over there with your dad please tell your dad that we received a check today this largest cheque we've received this year I just wanted to find that got one more to fight him say whatever that would have been ugly but it felt good at the moment to want to be ugly they've been so crazy the magnitude of the depth of your praise will determine the magnitude of your breakthrough can you say Amen to refuse to offer Thanksgiving and praise in advance is to open the door to discouragement and eventually you'll begin to waver in your faith amen and the Bible says the person that wavers can't expect to receive anything from God now Psalm 67 go there with me real quick Psalm 67 verse 3 let the people praise the O God let all the people praise thee then look in verse 6 the first word then then shall the earth yielder increase and God even our own God shall bless us God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear and read prints in so notice the praise precedes the then notice nothing happens until after praise did you see that let the people praise the Oh God let all the people praise thee then here's what they can expect supernatural in groups breakthrough hallelujah I've heard people say well brother Jerry I have a praise in my heart but it just won't come out my mouth Nathan taken up line because the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks if you got any praise in your heart you're not having a problem with it coming out you're having a problem shutting it off sometimes amen let all the people praise thee then let all the people in heritage of faith church praise the then their breakthrough will happen then their increase will happen then praise God what they've been believing for will manifest hallelujah let all the people and heritage of faith and let all the people watching this broadcast praise the Lord and then something major will take place how they do it hallelujah come on give me a best shout this morning glory to God glory to God amen be seated again for a moment Psalm 23 verse 6 you know it you learned it as a kid in Sunday school surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life now notice in Psalm 21 it precedes us now Psalm 23 says and it follows us it's waiting for me and it's following me how they do it so the goodness of God is surrounding us how we do it all we have to do is our part God's already done his part he's got the goodness waiting for us and he say Amen now closer with this well Carol and I were in Hawaii on our vacation we left here on December the 25th Christmas Day and we arrived that afternoon and it was the weather was not that beautiful when we got there and the next day it rained the entire day all day and we just enjoyed sitting in our room and reading and just relaxing and resting so it didn't rain on our parade but it was nasty weather outside and so it but it also prevented me from doing my walk that I do every morning I get up between 5:30 and 6 o'clock and I have this path that I've walked for 40 years now and and it's a few miles takes me usually an hour or so to cover it and but I missed that opportunity I was looking forward to getting up early that morning and going for my walk and it's when I I'm just meditating and thinking about the Lord and and and also it's my time to listen to what he would say to me and as soon as I get back to the room Carolyn's ready to go have breakfast and I write down what I heard in my notebook and on the 28th of December the 28th of December I was impressed to the Lord with this he said you tell believers everywhere you preach this year that I want them to have on their lips and make it a part of their prayer showing me that glory have it on your lips and make it a vital part of your prayer every day show me your glory now we've studied this in the past about the glory and if you read X is 33 and X is 34 the glory is a manifestation of the presence of God the power of God and the goodness of God amen so what are you asking for when you say show me your glory you're asking God to manifest its presence his power and his goodness now would you agree with me that a manifestation of God's presence power and goodness would be the answer to any problem test or trial you're going through if the presence of God the power of God or the goodness of God any one or all three would manifest it would solve your problem and I thought it was interesting he said have him tell him to have this on their lips and in their prayers every day this year my immediate thought was well Lord why would we want to pray show me your glory every day that's a little bit contrary to believe I received when I pray why would I need to pray that every day and then he reminded me of Psalm 68 he daily load with us with benefits amen I'm saying show me your glory today but then again I need it tomorrow and I'll need it the next day he wants to daily do this for us so I want to encourage you write this down if you haven't already keep on your lips when I got up this morning first thing I said was show me your glory make it a vital part of your prayer show me your glory hallelujah I'm having our art department to make up some little bookmarks for all of our staff to have this on their desk and carried around with them show me your glory in other words if your presence your power and your goodness manifest in my life on a daily basis it will answer every problem every trial every adversity that I'm going through amen now the more persistent you are with this the quicker the results amen and say I noticed even if the Lord said this to me on December the 28th I noticed I went a couple of days without doing it and I wouldn't even conscious of it I just you know got caught up in the moment and I realized I hadn't do I hadn't done this last couple of days so it can happen to anybody you can get inspired in a service I don't do that and then forget all about it by morning Amen that's right and I encourage you to write it down keep it in front of you every day on your lips in your prayer show me your glory I believe praise God we're going to have some of the outstanding it's testimonies this year that we have ever had in our lives how to do praise God praise God amen yesterday Carol and I had lunch with Richard Lindsay Robertson and after the lunch we went over to a antique store just walked around for a while and I found in there somebody had made this an artist had had made several drawings and so forth and I'm walking around there and I saw this knob out it and it was a big huge plaque in beautiful lettering kind of like this lettering right here with the glory flourishing and abounding beautiful lettering this house is filled with his glory somebody made that for me hallelujah they were thinking about me this house is filled with his glory praise God his presence his power and his goodness and I'm declaring that over this house and I'm declaring that over your house that it's filled with his glory give the Lord a good shout how to do Amen hallelujah come on standing your feet praise God hallelujah very quickly those of you that during the course of 2017 you encountered some major major battles and you're still standing for that victory now it hasn't manifested yet but you're standing for it come up here as close as you can to the front man let's get an agreement over this thank you Father those of you that are watching I know you can't come forward but just like brother or robot used to do just tell the people that he's viewing audience stretch your hand out toward that television set or that iPad or whatever it is you're watching this on just just as a point of contact to release your faith my goodness looks like God's own target and I want to encourage you as I've shared in a word from the word this morning and from the word of the Lord this morning expect sooner expected to take place soon amen amen and expect it to be beyond what you expel a do you so father we set ourselves in agreement I want to use you guys as my point of contact I went over Stewart diet and use them as the point of contact for all of you so father in the name of Jesus I stand in agreement Stewart and Diana and all of these wonderful people that are up here right now and all the people that are watching by way of television or Internet I stand in agreement with them for what you have said to us this morning that this is a turnaround year the turning point in the name of Jesus you've said to us that you want us to expect this thing to come soon and to be far greater than what we imagined you're the god of the turnaround you're the god of the breakthrough nothing is impossible with you and Lord based on what you have told us this morning we're going to praise you in advance we're going to praise you with all that is within us that's depth that's depth and if we praise you with all that is within us then our breakthrough will be large it will be big it will be beyond what we could ask our theme and all will know that our God reigns all will know that our God is a faithful God he keeps covenant with those that are faithful in the name of Jesus so we give you praise right now Lord while we're standing here and waiting for it to manifest so let's do it let's give God praise right now while we're waiting boy to manifest in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord well Rita God Maury glory glory [Music] like you somebody tell him my breakthrough is on its way God is turning things around I'm expecting big things in the name of Jesus this is my year for the turnaround it's my ear for manifestations of his presence his power and his goodness and I'm also expecting to flourish and to abound in the blessings of God give the Lord you betcha hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah god is good hallelujah give another shout of praise as we're heading back to their seats amen hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father hallelujah you know when you're praising you know also angels are working on your behalf hallelujah angels harken hallelujah to those that are heirs of salvation amen hallelujah bringing things to pass hallelujah unlocking opening up hallelujah thank you Father God is good hallelujah hallelujah bend with your head bow just for a moment I don't assume anyone here has made Jesus the Lord of your life but you know what the word says no man is promised tomorrow and if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life I believe even now in this presence and this atmosphere the Holy Spirit is working on your heart if you're watching by way of Internet I believe the Holy Spirit is working your heart because no man is promised tomorrow you must be born again if you're here this morning you never made Jesus the Lord of your life and you committed all of yourself to him just lift your hand right where you're standing hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father if you're watching by way of internet or if you're here I want you to repeat this prayer after me this morning everyone repeat this afternoon father God I thank you for sending Jesus he is my salvation I receive him into my heart I repent of my way I repent of doing things my way and I've received Jesus I receive his forgiveness I think you that old things are passed away and I declare from this day forward I am a new creation you're working in my life the Holy Spirit is filling my life directing my path you have a plan for my life God and I will fulfill that plan direct me guide me in Jesus name give them a shout of praise if you prayed that this morning hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah you get go ahead and be seated man so good to have our founding pastor here hallelujah thank you Father yes sir no he heard it yeah well I just heard it for the first time well if you you weren't here at when we men we had the snow we closed for snow but we started the live internet service and Don gave that testimony so he didn't watch that and on December 6 he had he had received a report that he had a mass and it was very painful he couldn't he couldn't sit and and it was very painful and that doctor you know they thought it was cancer tumorous had a tumor it was cancerous and and so forth and and he laid hold of the word doctor Savelle had given the Lord gave him a word and and within within a matter of two weeks he went back to the doctor he texted me and said pastor Justin the doctor said is not cancerous the tumors gone I'm not in any pain and and so praise God Amen amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know I like I think I like better with where the disciples said you know when when when that they ripped up the roof and they lower the man down they all looked at other and says we have seen some strange things today we have seen some strange things today you know and I like my extraordinary things every every week we come together that's our our expectancy is that we're gonna see some extraordinary things let's receive our tithes and offerings this morning and and while they're giving while you while I'm talking about the offering here I just say you know if you need an envelope there's one of the seat back in front of you they're gonna tell you you can text to give also missed a testimony you know with the projects you know the new van we're believing for the production and media equipment which our goal was 60 just in six week we've had close to close to 25,000 that have come in so far just in six weeks so we're excited that this is getting done and and everything so I appreciate you on that and as God directs you to give towards that you can text and you just put you just put building on the other side of your text to give aspect but while we're preparing to give you know this morning in Psalms 37 verse verse 34 it says wait on the Lord wait on the Lord that's not passive as dr. Civello just talked about waiting on waiting in hope you know it's it's it's a faith it's an expectation it's out on the edge of your seat that something's about to change something is about to happen and it says wait on the Lord and then it says and keep his way wait on the Lord and keep his way when it comes to your finances and it comes to your life really in any aspect there's two ways that we live we live by faith amen and and the second thing is we have to realize our faith has to have actions faith without works is dead so here we see an expectancy but then it says then it says this and keep his way that's an action the word the word way here means a a course of life it means a mode of operation so here it's saying wait on the Lord and keep his way of doing things keep his way of actions keep keep the way that he lives in the way that he does how does God live he lives by faith and everything that God did and everything that we see in the earth he did it by faith but he also did it with an action the world was framed by what the Word of God so when he created what did he do he had that he spoke a word he said what light be so not only was he expecting something to happen but he's so to seed into the earth when he created her every herb bearing seed and everything would reproduce after its own kind what was he doing he was expecting and he was and he was letting us know what is his way his way is by faith and sowing seeds by faith and sowing seeds by faith and sowing a seed said that with me by faith in sowing seeds that's how his kingdom operates as long as the earth remains there seed time and harvest and so it says this wait on the Lord and keep his way and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land so what do we see we see faith we see action and we see results we see faith we see action and we see manifestation you see when we live according to his way we will inherit the land amen we will see manifestation in our lives are you ready to give this morning Oh father we thank you for the opportunity to give into your kingdom this morning and we thank you for your continued faithfulness over our finances and this morning we trust you with our ties we trust you with our offerings we trust you with our sacrificial seeds we trust you with our firstfruits father and I thank you that you were faithful to cause us to inherit the land hallelujah inherit prosperity inherit and walk in the blessing of God that is upon our lives hallelujah we give this morning with expectancy in Jesus name Amen uh sure is you go and receive the offering and while they're doing that have a few announcements you know you know just is the first part of you I just want to while they're seeing the offering just deposit something in your hearts adhered of faith we we are we are a branch of Jerry Savelle Ministries International we are Jerry Savelle ministries but we're a branch we're an outreach of Jerry Savelle ministries heritage of faith you know years ago in 2000 the Lord visited miss Carolyn and said there's hurting people in your community I want you to love them for me that's why we're here that's why we're there's hurting people in our community and let's love them for him right what are we called to do we're called to make winners in life that's what we're about that's what dr. Zoe's ministry has been about for forty-eight years as making winners in life and that's what we're about as a church and then how we're going to do it and experience with God equip people with a word and engaging them to influence the world that's we're about it I'm telling you what God has placed in our spirit as pastors and that night and in that Seville's came along has come alongside of us and in what the Lord has shown us about this church in that that in by 2023 we're gonna be two thousand people and we have vision in this place we have eighty acres and you know we're there's things that we're going to be presenting later this year but I'm saying we're excited about where we are as a church two thousand people by 2023 now this thing about we're gonna have a team of five hundred people that go out every month and just serve the needs of our community hallelujah and so with that I wanted to deposit that in your heart because because coming up on February 11th is our first connect class of the year it's one Sunday evening it's gonna start at 4 p.m. Annette and I other leadership is gonna share we have a meal for you we're gonna pray over you and receive you into this house because you know what we're looking for people not just not just want to be a part of a church because because they like coming but no they want to be part of the church because they wanted to help us take this church where God's desired it to be in South Fort Worth and Crowley Texas amen there's people that need to know the message of faith there's people who need to know that God loves them and has a plan for them and if you have you been coming recently we want you to get connected with us and head and help us go where God desires to go as a church so that's connect class February 11th you can register online register in the lobby also after that we'll be starting our next step class or grow class and then also we have thrive roofs that's our pipeline connect grow thrive lead so if you want to get a part that's the process connect grow thrive lead and thrive is tonight it's the third Sundays of every every month it's our thrive groups and so so all the throg great leaders if you can go ahead I'll go ahead and release you now you can go out in the parking lot and and and if you haven't gone to a connect or through a thrive I want to encourage you check out some of our leaders it's once once a month the first thirds I mean the third the third Sunday of the month and I'm telling you relationship greatest discipleship happens in relationship and so our heart is that you would get connected in one of these thrive groups because it will change your life Amen hallelujah anyone stand to your feet God is good don't forget six through twelfth grade have g29 tonight this coming Wednesday night Trey will be ministering as we continue to talk about hearing hearing god man love you we're excited about what God's doing in this church doing in your life hallelujah we love you all have a great week god bless [Music] you
Channel: Heritage of Faith CC
Views: 15,592
Rating: 4.8512397 out of 5
Keywords: HFCC, Heritage of Faith Chirstian Center, Pastor Justin Bridges, Jerry Savelle Ministries International
Id: Kgg46WAslVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 59sec (7259 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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