Sunday, September 19, 2021 | Evening Service

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authorities burn out sin and carnal weakness empty me dear lord empty me from self oh god empty me from all impurities out sin and carnal weakness empty me dear lord sing it with me somebody empty me from self oh god mtv from all impurities burn out sin and carnal weakness emptiness sing it till you feel it empty me anybody want to be empty tonight from all impurities burn out sin and carnal weakness mtv dear lord one more time empty me from self oh god empty me from all impurities burn out sin and carnal weakness mtv damn empty me one more time empty me from self oh god empty me from all impurities burn out sin and carnal weakness i feel like somebody wants to see it one more time empty me from cells oh god can t be from all impurities burn out sin and carnal weakness empty me yeah anybody broken tonight empty me from can she be from all impurities burn out sinner and carnal weakness i hope you're singing it and you're singing it unto god oh god empty me from all impurities burn out sinner and carnal weakness mtv dear lord one more time empty me from self oh god empty me anybody broken this evening from all impurities burn out sin and carnal weakness empty me dear lord burn out sin [Music] and carnal weakness empty me dear lord burn out sinner and carnal weakness [Music] from all impurities burn out sin and carnal weakness empty me dear lord empty me dear lord hallelujah lord jesus empty us lord jesus as we god prepare to come before your table hallelujah feasting this evening lord jesus hallelujah i'm surrounded by your glory in your presence lord jesus is where we want to be hallelujah lord jesus hallelujah lord jesus let's forget about ourselves on him and we're shipping let's forget about ourselves uh concentrate on him and where ship him hallelujah let's for forget about ourselves concentrate on him and worship christ the lord will ship him jesus christ the lord hallelujah one more time let's forget about ourselves concentrate on him and worship him let's forget about ourselves concentrate on him concentrate on him and we worship christ the lord where ship him jesus christ the lord hallelujah lord jesus hallelujah lord jesus we exalt you lord jesus we worship you lord jesus hallelujah anybody just want to worship the lord we're forgetting about ourselves hallelujah hallelujah we're concentrating on him and we are worshiping him this evening we worship you lord jesus lord god we extol you we magnify your name we lift you up spirit of the living god hallelujah mighty god hallelujah i'm just gonna encourage everyone to at this time just open your mouth and your microphones so the worship of the brethren can be echoed in the atmosphere so we push back the lazy spirit aha we push back the tiredness we push by the entertaining spirit go ahead and open up your microphones and we're gonna gird up the lines of our minds and we're gonna give god what he deserves oh thank you i thank you thank you lord jesus praise the lord everyone i bring greetings to you all in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth greetings to all persons online and those who are visiting especially you are online and you are perusing and you just stopped by we welcome you in a special way or regular visitors that are always tuning in we visit you we we greet you pardon me just the same in the name of the lord jesus christ and we do trust and hope that united literate we will just give god what he truly deserves give him the best two hours that we can tonight because he really deserves brethren to be honest more than two hours he deserves more than two hours the worship we give god to be honest sometimes is not even enough because he is so good and at the same time when even even when we are bad and and we don't appreciate him as much he still remains good he still remains faithful hallelujah we can't there's no other god we can compare to our god he's literally the only one to be called god and we choose to extol and we choose to worship him we choose to lift him up and i'm going to encourage everyone to to do what it takes to extol the king of kings and the lord of lords we are running on with the same team and mantra uh god of our service that was um held today and the team states that uh it's no rupture time rupture alert be ready so we ought to live in that mood since of the most high god being alert and being ready to be caught away out of this world more than ever before we should be looking to escape this world than yesterday the day before last year the years before more than ever before every day should be a moment of looking up and to be honest after the time we are guilty because sometimes if the rapture should take us in some of the most that we would have been in half the time possibly would have not been ready and so we have to get ourselves out of that mind frame and calculate in our minds that look here jesus can come at any time so i need to do what it takes to be ready at any time whether you're young or you're old just seek your name or you're lazy prepare to meet thy god in jesus name and so we will continue to sing this evening from our pentecostal hymnal hymn 160. and for those who have their hymnals you may go ahead and pull your hymnas we're gonna sing and glorify the lord even though i'll be singing throughout the segment singing your homes even though your marks are gonna be muted sing and glorify the lord because we're here to worship the lord together in this modality praise the name of the lord jesus special greetings to our pastor and this family to the members of the youth committee president and other members god bless you in jesus name praise the lord jesus hallelujah sin can never enter there hallelujah heaven is a holy place filled with glory and with grace sin can never enter there it will buy you at the door as you love forevermore sin can never enter there sin can never enter there sin can never so if at the judgment bar sinful spots your soul shall mar you can never enter there if you hope to dwell at last when your life on earth is passed in that home so bright and fair you must have be cleansed from sin have the life of christ within sin can never end there sin can never bear sin can never turn there so if at the judgment bar you may live in sin below heaven's grace refuse to know but you cannot enter there it will stop you at the door bar you out forever more sin can never enter there [Music] sin can never enter there sin can never [Music] if you cling to sin till days when you draw your latest breath you will sink in dark despair to the visions of the lost just to prove an awful cost sin can never end terribly put your hands together [Music] judgment bar simple spot your soul shall ma you can never learn to revere sing it one more time sin can never your soul shall ma you can never enter there so if at the judgment bar sinful spots your soul shall ma you can never at the judgment bar sinful spots your soul shall mar you can never hallelujah lord jesus that's a message all by itself so we ought to do what it takes so we can enter into the glory of the lord into the rest of the lord hallelujah lord jesus hallelujah help us god to do what it takes our god to shed everything that will prevent us from making it in hallelujah lord jesus praise the lord jesus um praise the lord one more time everyone in the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah at this time we will be uh turning into our bibles and i know even at this time this is so uncertain so many uncertainties are around us but as the children of god to be honest when the world around us is is tearing apart it's shaking down hallelujah we know we have solace in jesus christ the rock of our salvation the songwriter says i go to the rock of my salvation for just about everything and anything so when this whole world is tearing down hallelujah we know that all things will work together for good to them that love god and once we reminisce and think about this every day then we know that our souls will be anchored enough to meet him in the street by and by praise the lord jesus and so i'm going to invite sister kim moy at this time to open her neck and she will be reading for us from romans chapter eight reading from verses 28 to 39 praise the lord jesus please go ahead sister kimoy all right praise the lord everybody um the scripture will be taken from romans 8 verses 28 to 39 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose form for who for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the first born among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified what shall we then say to these things if god be for us who can be against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with them with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of god's elect it is god that justifies who is he that commandeth it is christ that died ye mother that is risen again who is even at the right hand of god who also make it intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy say we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that logos for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heights nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord this is the word of the lord thanks be to god to god be the glory hallelujah thank you lord jesus god bless you sister can more continue to avail yourself to be used by the lord jesus christ bless the lord at this time i'll be asking our secretary to leave the announcements with us in jesus name sister the costa please go ahead praise the lord jesus everyone kindly listen to the announcement for week ending september 25th tomorrow god's willing 5 a.m to 7 a.m will be our early morning per meeting on the zoom platform then we meet again at 00 pm for per meeting and bible studies via the zoom platform likewise on wednesday morning 5 a.m to 7 00 a.m will be over morning per again on the zoom platform then our fasting service will be on facebook and youtube praise the lord jesus at 12 noon on thursday at 7 pm will be our youth service via zoom and then on friday friday morning 5 a.m to 7 00 a.m on the zoom platform will be another one of our early morning prayer meetings 11 a.m our jerk sale then 10 p.m yes 10 p.m friday night will be the united pentecostal church of jamaica's pentecostal conquerors department they present an night prayer meeting via the zoom platform praise the lord the id is eight seven eight seven zero eight five three zero nine nine and the password nine four five six one three saturday morning six a.m to eight a.m will be our early morning pour in the tabernacle and on the zoom platform next sunday god's willing september the 26th we will gather for worship praise the lord at 10 a.m yes on the zoo no sorry on the youtube and facebook platform for our 70th anniversary service praise the lord jesus thursday september day 23 will be the funeral service for pastor errol heinz of hopewell upc and as we we go in the course of the week we'll get further information we want to remember brethren and we will hear more from our pastor of those who have lost a loved one we want to remember to continue to pray much for each other and to strengthen each other in day god bless you everyone in jesus name amen over to you praise the lord greetings thank you god bless you sister acosta thank you lord jesus praise the lord everyone i wish that someone could at least open their mic and shout out hallelujah unto our god he more than deserves it praise the lord everybody [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah thank you oh hello [Music] is [Music] thank you may be discouraged for whatever reason but your testimony will encourage somebody tonight we have to testify and tell of our god brethren we know so we got good so we have to show him off hallelujah so that somebody can be still i know that listen if god did it for me he can do it for you too hallelujah and so i'm going to invite him first after we sing this chorus i'm going to inviting brother jordan to testify but after this chorus just one or two times the song says i'll fly away o glory i'll fly away hallelujah fly away fly away i'm gonna say goodbye i'm gonna say goodbye sing that one i'm gonna say goodbye when my life on sing that one one more time i'm gonna say goodbye i'm gonna say goodbye [Applause] i'm gonna say i think i wanna see it one more time hallelujah i'm gonna say goodbye hallelujah i'm gonna say goodbye i'm gonna say goodbye sing it one more time i'm gonna say goodbye bye bye bye yes i'm gonna say goodbye to this one this wicked word goodbye when my life on earth is in bed i'm gonna say goodbye one more time i'm gonna say goodbye i'm gonna say goodbye with my life on earth [Music] i'm gonna say goodbye hallelujah lord jesus we're gonna leave this working world behind we're gonna leave our problems and our struggles behind and we're gonna see our jesus in his glory hallelujah what great consolation to our souls this evening praise the lord brother jordan are you here please go ahead and testify brother jordan in jesus name just want to tell god thanks for his goodness and his mercy towards me and for him protecting me from last year tonight just want to tell him thanks for goodness and his grace and this opportunity to be online on church and on school to learn and to magnify the world and to worship in him in his old name god bless you brother jordan god bless is good when our young people can testify and tell of the goodness of god and i will continue to encourage our young people to be bold and brave and testify and tell us the goodness of god in the land of the living praise the lord jesus sister monique are you online testimony you're going to testify and then i'm going to ask mr graham to testify afterwards please go ahead sister monique in jesus name mr money thomas are you there hello can you hear me yes we can go ahead my sister i'm very grateful to be here tonight um this has been a very very dark season of my life i've never experienced anything like this um i mean i could have and should have lost my mind because i mean i ended up in some situation and i'm wondering god like how did i get here at one point i thought i was going to go crazy but you know what there's something about the holy ghost there's something about god's love there's something about you know just having that love for jesus that it doesn't even really matter what happened you just know that god is going to always pull you back and i just want to tell god thanks tonight for keeping me for keeping my mind for keeping me alive for keeping me healthy and i want to tell god thanks for my church family who have been praying for me for those who have been covering me and thank you so much for the encouragement and i just want to encourage someone to know that it doesn't even really matter what happened just hang on to jesus go back to the also if you need to and just hang on in there because god is going to come through god bless you tonight in jesus name god bless you for me god bless you she was so far away a couple months back but she is back and we are grateful to the lord to to to know that she is still abundant in the work of the lord continue on sister monique i know it may be dark right now and for anybody else who may be feeling this way also there's a way of hope and that real hope is the lord jesus christ put your trust in him i know he's gonna see you through god bless you we shall have a grand time open heaven sister graham you're next we shall have up run time up in heaven have a grand time walking with the angels singing glory hallelujah we shall have a grand time up in heaven have a grand time we shall have a grand time up in heaven we shall have a grand time up in heaven with the angels singing glory hallelujah we shall have a grand time up in heaven of our grandson one more time we shall have a grand time up in heaven we shall ever run time up in heaven have a grand time walking with the angels singing glory hallelujah we shall have a grand time up in heaven ever run time one last time we shall have a grand time open heaven we singing glory hallelujah we shall have a grand time up in heaven we shall have a grand time up in heaven we shall have a one time up in heaven we shall have a grunter up in heaven we shall have a grand time up in heaven we shall have our grandson heaven we shall have a grand time up in heaven we shall never run time up in heaven have a great time praise the lord everybody somebody open your mind lord oh hallelujah [Applause] thank you lord jesus [Music] sorry [Music] praise the lord jesus everybody god is a good god he's a great god he's an awesome god and tonight i just want to talk about the wonderful providing delivering name of jesus is an awesome god hallelujah you know sometime in last year um i think it was in october september october i i had some money i think i had some money that i got from a partner draw and um i said to myself there are some desires that i have and the money won't cover it and i heard somebody gave a testimony and i said lord i am going to test you and prove you and brethren i decided to take a walk out on faith hallelujah i had three main desires and i remember i put the money back for the lord i needed it and i spoke to him and i said like jesus i want this i want this i want that but this money will cover it lord jesus i had i owed some debt and i said lord i needed to come through for me where this debt is concerned lord i need a people and lord i need somewhere to live where i don't have a parent and i've been praying that prayer for some while praise the lord jesus and i remember i just had the baby last baby and i came to church this sunday and the main objective was to give my sacrificial offering and written to me on this video i remember the sunday when i went to church and i went up and i gave the sacrificial offering i think when i was walking down back i said to myself let me just go well ago i was a god woman just do what i gave that when i when i made that sacrifice and virgin i can tell you praise the lord jesus god has been so faithful and so such an awesome god i watched god paid the debt it wasn't covered entirely but majority of it at the time i watched god pay that debt hallelujah and i watched god provided a vehicle in a magnificent way praise the lord jesus when the person that sold us the car he said that he's not going to sell anybody else that car no matter what and he waited and he waited and he waited and to the point where i remember my husband went to the person's house to do some business and his wife said you're not coming from the car and her fate was like so up talking like the car was horse and it's like it drove him to go and you know make some cars and do some um application real loan and regional container that's another testimony the application for the loan i watched god change up the interest rate for the loan i made it so low i am telling the virgin god is so good and worked hope that vehicle in a miraculous way and really pleasant hallelujah i watch god provided not just a place for me um where i don't have to pay a rent because where i'm living no i still appearing but god provided a piece of land god gave me gave us i should say more than just hallelujah a place that we say we don't have to parent god gave us somebody that knows me and he just god just laid it on his heart he owned a lot of peace a lot of acres of land anger just laid it on his heart and said that spot over here is yours even months after that i was like you know i couldn't believe i couldn't believe just like that so i am telling you tonight virgin whatever you desire god is able to deliver god is able to provide god is it make our way the sacrifice that i made at the time it seemed so hard but i closed my eyes by faith and i asked the lord to just work it out and god just work it out and there are other testimonies but i just want to let somebody know that god is an awesome god and he will never never ever fail you no matter what no matter how long it takes continue to put your trust in the lord he will answer your prayer god god bless you sister graham i'm just here smiling away because i'm saying to myself man i can concur i have a testimony similar to yours but i mean time time i won't have enough time to share time with you and so when i do get the opportunity to share this testimony i'm really gonna tell you because god has been so good read it the vehicle i know have natalie said brethren our god put the v clean on me on so when people say things i'm saying look here god gave me that vehicle and i know why i say so god miraculously gave it to me and i i i i can't wait to just see him and and and just worship him well lord jesus i can only imagine when i get in the presence of god mr jesus i don't even know words are words are gonna fail me brethren i just want to see jesus i just want to see jesus jesus remember saying they bring me through this jesus you brought me through that jesus said it come to ear so jesus here comes you again jesus said they do this in so many things i mean oh god i'm just grateful that we have the world eternity for worshiping because truly he deserves our worship for the holy eternity he is that god to our god be the glory god bless you sister graham god bless you and to all of us who have a testimony our god continue to glorify god and use the opportunity to tell of the goodness of god in the land of the living one more chorus and then we are going to um have a selection by sister makayla mccoy in jesus name this song says i shall see him someday i shall see him someday following my heart is filled with rapture i shall see him someday i shall see anybody with the same hope someday i shall see him someday for when my heart is filled with rapture i shall see him someday for when my heart is filled with rapture shall see him i shall see him i just want to see him i just want to see him i want to be holding i want to behold him someday [Music] hallelujah lord jesus we just want to see you we want to see your glory burden i pray that we will make it so that we can see him i pray that we will do whatever it takes our god so that we may ha our god might be crowned in the presence of his majesty giving him the glory that he truly and sincerely deserves her hallelujah lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you sweet jesus we bless your holy name spirit of the living god bless the lord jesus i'm going to be inviting sister michaela hallelujah to open her mic at this time and she's going to sing to the glory of god in jesus name go ahead sister michaela praise the lord everyone praise the lord everybody let [Music] jesus [Music] oh it is the blood that gives me strength [Music] it's [Music] foreign is it is the blood that gives me strength is and it flows [Music] to the low west valleys it is the blood that gives me strength for all day today it will never [Music] [Music] it will never god bless you sister michaela i wish you would go on and on and on beautiful singing continue to sing and dedicate that voice to the glory of the almighty god go forth and sing for the lord my dear god bless you in jesus name praise the lord jesus at this time i'm going to be inviting or use president to take over from this point going forward god bless you brethren and continue keep on keeping on structure alert be ready in jesus name god bless you praise the lord everybody praise the lord jesus christ of nazareth god is good praise god we just wanted to give the lord thanks for sister baby of course my god i tell you god bless you sis god bless you god bless you wonderful condition definitely our sister baby said she could just go and go because i i was feeling while i was in my room trust me and uh sometimes they don't believe how impacting they are as small as they are but i give thanks that i you know we can't able to to encourage them you know and just to continue to afford them until that you can do this and just reveal yourselves but god god bless you all god bless our bishop and our pastor for overseer god bless you sir and your family members of the ministry faculty members of the world the main members of the different uh and also those who are visiting with us tonight god bless you all in the mighty name of jesus and of course tonight we're focusing on the team being raptured conscious he ready amen and so from today in the house of god here has just been an awesome presence i will give god thanks for that differently and so even tonight we believe that god is doing nothing even less he's doing more he's doing something supernatural as we come on these platforms night after night morning after morning he's doing something something is happening amen and so we wanted to just continue to preside so at this time definitely we are going to be having of course our bishop he's going to be coming in and he's going to be speaking to us from his heart as our father our spiritual father i just want to kind of pray what country to be here with him through prayer and fasting amen and to encourage you to encourage him and also remember you would commit in the name of jesus christ we need your prayers we create your sincere prayers amen we crave it in these last and closing days because definitely we are fighting a real wire here and so we believe that the lord is still in control amen believe that god is still in control and indeed we are going to make it through i mean we are going to make it through and as i listen to the testimonies before for persons who have spoken of course is to show that when you have the fear of god upon your life it's a powerful thing since of god young vivi is a powerful thing trust me when you have the favor of god over life and that is something that we should seek after it's a principle is a mystery that is embedded in god that we should seek after the favor of god not just from god but evil on earth amen we we should command god's kingdom come to be done on earth what has it have it is in heaven amen i would command our environment or atmosphere or or ghouls whatever it is to take form and shape of what god wants you to achieve and what he wants us to be amen and you will see a different perspective of god amen so i want to encourage those who are visitors who are here see the lord while you can those who are not just saved get our word and accept the lord jesus christ tonight amen and so let me us tonight as we pray him up in jesus name or bishop on our path to our spiritual father definitely to come and just speak to us from his heart even as we listen keenly and we take you to the words of god god bless you all in the name of jesus christ bishop thank you very much praise the lord jesus everyone could lead us lift our hands to just magnify the lord jesus one more time he's truly wonderful truly amazing he is from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same father we worship and we adore you we give you praise we give you glory we'll give you honor lamb of god there is none like you there's no speech no language where thy voice is not heard thank you great god for the day you came into our lives mighty god thank you lord jesus when your blood touched your souls the very first time hallelujah oh the songwriter said i would never be the same again mighty god we thank you we thank you lord from sinking son you lifted us thank you for everything we honor you we go almighty god blessed be the lord god almighty you was and is we worship such a wonderful privilege and an honor to be with the youth one more time especially for you amen and we're going to greet our youth president and the artwork and members of the team and even for the past 18 months with all this covered pandemic as it is called they have been going and going and going we continue to pray for them greetings to sister bennett our moderator our facilitator this evening and all those who participated amen we give god thanks for you in the society my sister mikhail and all those who testified we wanted us to continue to as our president said affirm you and keep you know strengthening you all because you are a part to play in this end-time revival and so want to greet all those who are viewing on the youtube platform and even facebook will agree to all the better lights all those from refuge tabernacle in bamboo walk and all those from bethel wherever you're from we want to greet you welcome welcome you're a part of us in this end time and we thank the lord for you in jesus name now i well just before going to the presentation like to highlight something which was mentioned today i counted and got 14 of our members who have lost loved ones but uh just between last week saturday to yesterday within an eight day period they're about 12 out of the 14. let me say also that there are some of our members who passed away because it's the advent matthew's her husband who was baptized right he not yet buried and also or very own sister mclean iman used to be such a hard worker he has not been buried yet and so want to continue to to pray for the family members amen especially josh and joe joseph and joshua her grandsons amen that the lord will really keep his hand upon them but for those who have lost a loved one between last week to date i'm going to call the names right so sister marsha harvey that's a jashika's mother she lost her father uh well i'll just give detail the details or deacon kevin davis he lost his grandmother last week she says stacey and davidson you know she had lost her grandmother before where she lost her uncle just last week um sunday monday as well sister claudia smelly no worships at luna but she's still a part of us she lost her aunt and we continue to pray for her and then we have brother colin cox who lost his own they're living overseas but they're still and they are in jamaica right now and they may very well be hearing us at this time brother sister cox god bless you so brother connie cox he lost his aunt and she was buried last week and then we have sister janet henry right and sister andrew holden they are i've known them for many many years i didn't know they were related until recently well sister janet lost her her aunt and sister respectively then we have sister pat henry that's brother kim's mother she lost her brother just last week right then sister anne-marie island right she lost her father last week in hamilton she lost her sister and we need to really pray for sister geraldine she has lost a number of relatives since this year and even last year as well and it is so overwhelming sister sharon omarigi right she lost her aunt last week brother errol martis he lost his father last week sister natalie thomas that's kendra and his mother she lost her mother last week and i hope i didn't miss out on any trip very very hard right remember all of them but if i missed out on anyone please forgive me so brother this is the listen i've counted about twelve or thirteen um sister clark yes sir brother green doing green i think he lost both grandmothers thank you very much thank you very much all right so there you have it brother dwayne green both grandmothers right and one of them was last week as well all right so i put it on the list immediately all right so brethren we have a big responsibility to pray and to give support to all these family members this is very very important important and we really want us you might remember all of them we're gonna have their names up um by tomorrow even that you can reach out to them not any long talk and just send a prayer text or just pray let's call and pray for them just let them know that we have their backs under god and we're giving support because this is a serious time of time of grieving and making plans to see what we can do further to give support to them amen just want to make mention of that in jesus name all right now we have a list with all the persons who are baptized since last year and have not yet received about the holy ghost and just between last year and this year and we are going to try our best to see if we can have the list up between tonight and tomorrow morning we're gonna be putting them on the list and whenever they're on the screen we're gonna be praying for them brother and we really wanna take this very seriously and it's not restricted just to this set but we want to place emphasis on these your brother church we have others and we really want to do a spoken to the prayer coordinator and we want to devise ways our means as you did last year to see what we can do i know they don't really have hampered us because even sunday would normally have a different group somewhere else you know being prayed for and so on in small groupings but we are trusting the law that he's going to make a way because souls are crying and men are dying and brothers and sisters every soul is a precious soul that will last for all eternity all right so by the end of the lotus i would like to share a teaching with us it's even last month on the third sunday evening i shared something and i really wanted was to ask some questions but i will i will do it all right i get the opportunity because we learned by repetition right i was going to do a pop quiz but it might not be the best thing to facilitate tonight but i really want to encourage everyone and especially our young people especially your students to really go the extra mile amen fight the good fight of faith this is your power right i mean it's all the situations coming at you all right so what we're going to be doing about it of the lord is to look at this topic stop look and listen that's what i want to share this evening stop look and listen all right now take a bible result because i'm gonna be looking at two key scriptures right and the first one is taken from ecclesiastes chapter 1 and we're going to be reading from verses 1 to 9. all right so ecclesiastes is after proverbs and so these powerful books proverbs ecclesiastes and songs of solomon are written by the same writer king solomon who has said the wisest man who ever lived so let's see what he has to share with us tonight all right the words of the preacher the son of david king in jerusalem vanity of vanities said the preacher vanity of vanities all is vanity what prophet of a man of all his labor which he taketh honor the sun that's the question one generation pass it and away and another generation comment but the earth abided forever the sun also rise it and the sun go down and haste it to his place where he arose the wind goes toward the south and turn it about onto the north it whirleth about continually and the wind returned it again according to his circuits all the rivers run into the sea yet the sea is not full until the place from whence the rivers come to the they return again all things are full of labor man cannot utter it the eye is not satisfied with sin nor the ear filled with hearing the thing that i've been it is that which shall be and that which is done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun i remember in high school this verse very well this was one of the verses that really really provoked my mind and got me so excited right the thing that i've been it is that which shall be and that which is done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun and the key phrase for the entire book is honor the sun all right let's now move to judges the book of judges again in the old testament george's chapter 16 and we are going to read a few verses with about a character which has been one that i've been studying for many many years and still studied all right so judges chapter 16 from verse 5-21 read with me in your minds and the lords of the philistines came up onto her and said her entice him and see where in his great strength light and by what means we may prevail against him that we may bind him to afflict him and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver now if you do the math you'll realize that there are five lords of the philistines and so five times eleven hundred you know it's five thousand five hundred pieces of silver they sold jesus for 30 pieces of silver right a woman's slave or female slave her prices 30 pieces of silver and this costs our price for a male slave was 20 piece of silver right so the female slave was more expensive than the main slave but somehow right we see where something they were offering 5 500 pieces of silver samson's head now when you're walking around with such a high price on your head you have to be careful that you don't end up then right and the light has said to something tell me about thee wherein thy great strength light and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict be and something said unto her if they bind me with seven green wits that were never dried then shall i be weak and be as another man and those are some things you see on some big trees so those who are that young like you might not understand what this is referring to that the lords of the philistines brought up to her seven green wits which had not been dried and she bound him with them she you know delilah boned something with them now there were men lying in wait abiding with her in the chamber and she said unto him the philistines be upon the samson and he break the wits as a thread of toe is broken when he touched the fire so his strength was not known and delilah said unto samson behold thou was mocked me interested to use that word mock and told me lies now tell me i pray thee wherewith thou mightest be bound and he said unto her if they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied then shall i be weak and be as another man so the problem that they were having is that samsung was not as another man delilah therefore took new ropes and bound him there with delilah getting up i want to understand each time she is the one the lighter therefore took new ropes and bound him there with and said unto him the philistines be upon the samson and there were liars in weight abiding in a chain and he break them from off his arms like a thread and delilah said unto samson either to those not me and told me lies tell me wherewith thou might just be bound and he said unto earth if thou we vest the seven locks of my head without with the web and she fastened it with the pin and said unto him the philistines be upon the samson and he awake out of his sleeve so had gone to sleep you know and went away with the pin of the beam and with the web and she said unto him all can say i love thee when their heart is not with me they'll smock me these three times and has not told me wearing vibrates and light every time i really decided something more from i was in my teens brother this thing is just something else and it came to pass when she pressed him daily with her words and urged him so that his soul was fixed unto death the bob said daily i don't know how many days but she was on him i've noticed all persistent jesus if you notice all consistent cheese you know just all determined she is all right survivor said verse 69 came to pass when she pressed him daily with her words and urged him so that his soul was vicks come to death i wonder what he would have done but i'm not gonna ask this night that he told her all his heart and said unto her there have not come a raise upon mine head for i have been a nazarite unto god from my mother's womb if i be shaven then my strength will go from me and i shall become weak and be like any other man and when delilah saw that he had told her all his heart she sent and called for the lawrence of the philistines saying come up this once for yet showed me all his art then the lords of the philistines came up unto her and brought money in their hand and he made and she made him sleep up on her knees and she called for a man and she caused him to shave up the seven locks of his head and she she began to afflict him and his strength went from him and she she said the philistines be upon the samson and he awoke out of his sleep and said i will go out as at other times before and shake myself and he wished not that the lord was departed from him but the philistines took him and put out his eyes and brought him down to gaza right some say gaza and bound him with fetters of brass and he did grind in the prison house i'm going to stop right there right i want us to understand many years ago in the research and when they said i put all these eyes i didn't understand and the research that i did it showed that they use a hot iron a hot rod right there heated it in the fire and when they were through it and put it right in his eyes and you know what when art metal is special touches water anything that is liquid just imagine hearing the the sound that it makes as it fried out his eye burnout is the pupil the written at the corner every aspect of the eyes both of them so all that was left when you look at some so it was two black holes in his head where his eyes once were just think about that young people think about that everyone and that is what the anointed vessel who before was born his mother and father told by the angels manu and his wife that you're gonna have a son and it's gonna be different and even the very mother of some sort stool from you get pregnant you cannot eat anything you cannot touch anything you cannot go everywhere you cannot do anything because the child you're carrying is special the child you're carrying is anointed the child you're carrying is destined for greatness and if you do anything to breach this it is going to affect the end result evoshanda i want to say to every one of you even if your parents were at my when you were born you're a child of destiny i want to speak in your spirit god almighty that god has a purpose for you in this end time but you need to understand that with every good gift comes a responsibility with everything that is a valuable place in your hand there comes a responsibility you cannot walk any old way you cannot do any old thing because you are bought with a price not five thousand five hundred pieces of silver but you have bought in the blood of jesus christ and so you cannot allow anyone to buy you out with anything else and i'm just trying to set the foundation remember stop look and listen hey mosha stop look and listen all right the church in this hour right we need to understand this is serious the church in this hour has the greatest opportunity to make an impact on our society it is a matter of importance that as apostolics we reminisce on some things and let's see what the most reminiscent on purpose everybody is a purpose mighty god the original intention in the mind of the creator that motivated him to create a particular item it is a why that explains a reason for existence until purpose is discovered existence has no meaning we're not talking about the item now we're talking about the individual until your purpose is discovered your existence has no meaning so if i watch it doesn't matter how pretty it look no matter how pretty right or what how expensive it is if the watch is not living up to his purpose by telling the right time not just telling time that its existence has no meaning brothers and sisters there are three important questions that we need to answer tonight abel shire there are three important questions that every person on this platform tonight should try to answer number one who am i who am i who are you brother and sister who are you young person do you know who you are oh goodness gracious me do you really know who you are if you ever know who you are believe it today your life just start so the question who am i speaks to our identity the next question is why am i here and i'm not talking about this on the platform but yes on the platform as well why am i here but why am i here in time 2021 i'm it's all a corbin pandemic and so on why am i here that speaks the purpose god has a purpose for you and i and we need to chase after that purpose before we die before you think of getting married make sure you know a purpose before you think of getting a career make sure your purpose because guess what happened there are many persons who get into a career path and they just could not feel fulfilled and they lose hundreds of thousands possibly millions of dollars all because they did not get to really know their purpose and then the third and last question is where am i going where are you going jesus save your pile at me every one of us going somewhere but do you like where you're going hallelujah destiny is not a chance destiny is a choice hallelujah and so we choose our destiny hello you are who you are because you want it to be that way you are going where you're going because you want to go that way but any day when you decide i am sick and tired of this direction and i am not going this way anymore that is going to be the beginning of the rest of your life god almighty lift your hands and worship god where you are spirit of the living ashanda i don't care what may have happened to you i don't care what the circumstances are and all messed up you feel sometimes that is your past there is one who can fix your past and fix your future but you must put yourself in his hands and once you do that i'm telling you your life is never going to be the same again now let's look at success now we need to see the difference between what the bible speaks to us success as against what the world speak to our success success is defined by the world system as a superficial rewards that are so glorified by the media like wealth and power and fame and luxury and prestige and you can name some more the goal of the material achievement has been drilled into us from very early and so when they ask first everybody want to be a doctor and they want to be an engineer and so but how many of those persons end up being doctor and lawyer and engineer right however the success of the product or an individual is not determined until that product does exactly what its purpose requires so you are not successful unless your life is fulfilling god's purpose for your life it doesn't matter how rich you are it doesn't matter how bright you are it doesn't matter how smart you are it doesn't matter how handsome you are it doesn't matter how pretty you are thus everything begins and ends with purpose now the problem the main problem in our world today is the mind and i'm hoping that one day we can look just on the mind because believe it that is something else the mind the mind positive thinking right described as one's ability to discipline his thoughts so that he does not allow negative attitudes right negative thoughts to permit in his mind think but think only positive actions and results and effect changes in his outlook and is responsive to situations in his or her life very very important so the power of the mind is of such that the bible is the first man think it in his heart so is he the bible for the lord snared the words of thy mouth so we need to take some stock taken to tonight and we're gonna have to count some things in the atmosphere some person for me nobody like me nobody see me and when we speak those ways we are entertaining spirits that are already intended to destroy us you look at the story of samson and from day one samson's character is just one that we need some time to analyze because samson had the ability to destroy the philistines with one goal but from day one he learned how to manipulate the presence of god he manipulate the anointing that was on his life for selfish reasons he didn't see the big picture maturity is being able to postpone some gratification now because you are looking down the road hey oshaya so you feel like you want to have sex now you feel like you want to let go and i'm going to be really like real tonight you feel like you want to as you reach eight you're gonna rock out and so on but let me stop look and listen ecclesiastes tell us that there's no new thing out of the heaven is not today people are waiting until they reach 18 and i said they've been broken but look at some of them now on the street look at some of them now walking on and and bending over and they have regrets i used to like as a boy to reason with some elderly folks and ask them about their lives not because i was in prison but i wanted to know when i see persons on the street begging i used to find a girl of course some of them really need help but some of them if you ever know their lives they live you never give them up any although maybe you don't know what a penny is because you don't have any but i'm saying to austinite brothers and sisters that the power of the mind is of such that we need to understand that the bible says again i say as a man think it in his heart so is he if you tell yourself say you are weak then you are weak if you tell yourself that you are strong then you are strong if you tell yourself you're gonna make it even if you tell yourself you're gonna make it i don't care all the enemies eat your last week and oh if you feel maxine you feel messed up you feel like you're worthless i know goodnight in jesus want any use for you but the potter can put you back together again hallelujah i can tell you that hundreds of thousands of persons [Music] of real testimonies hallelujah that they have been in the dungeon if you look if some persons who are in church now leaders every one of us we have a story and if we should tell you our story and it's all because of jesus all because of jesus all because of jesus hallelujah no both positive thinking right and faith right they employ positive thinking really so both aspects employ positive thinking while one makes man is god the other retains god as god so there's a difference between faith and positive thinking so the positive thing can seem all right but i'm telling you brothers and sisters it is not just that one's ability to think positively concerning god's care love and personal attention on his or her behalf is more important than just having positive thinking so the world view is just a focus on positive thinking but the faith that one will have the ability to think positively is a part of it but the emphasis the hope is on jesus christ of nazareth putting your hands in his hands somebody has to put your hands in the hand of the one who steals the water who calms the seer i'm moving on in jesus name now many times we experience guilt and i share this slide last month and i feel like sharing again a frequent and feminine companion to young people is guilt right your minds are often a world without thoughts and many times the devil tell you that because the thing comes to your mind you have seen some might as well go on to it that's a lie from the pit of hell because we cannot control the thoughts that come to our minds but we can prevent some from staying mighty god and so we we're going back to samsung closing but i want to give you some things to help you moving forward because i last month you know look at my private world and i'm telling you that there are many persons that in their private world they are living lives of defeat in their private world they are excited with suicidal thoughts in their private world they look down and depressed and dejected because they are living with guilt but i want you to know that you can give your guilt to jesus the bible said in first john 1 from verse 7 he said if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and i want us to understand that the discipline one starts because of a desire to please god and to obey his word is far better than anything else and romans 7 verse 25 tells us that i want to say it again right to discipline one's thoughts on this young people modern conquerors if we are going to make it because i'm speaking to every one of us including myself because guess what i'm as long as we are in the world that we have enemies and these enemies are destined to bring us down and if we lay ourselves careless they are going to succeed stop look and listen i always wonder from bishop ozenstein because i used to as you should preach i should write the topic down in the scriptures if i don't write anything else i write the story that news i give because bishop used to give a story for every message as far as i can remember i've been bishop since i was about nine it's just from the sunday school but i used to write on all these stories i'm saying that if we are going to win this war then we're gonna have to prepare ourselves to win this war hallelujah because one out of the two not gonna come out of the ring alive mighty god to discipline one's thoughts because of a desire to please the lord and to obey his word is far better than anything else now romans 7 and verse 25 it says i thank god to jesus christ our lord so that with the mind with the mind with the mind i myself serve the law of god but with the flesh the law of sin so we must make a choice what are we going to do or are we going to live are you hear me brethren when evil thoughts come not just the young people but the youth especially must learn how to get rid of them all you get would have thought when the thought come to you to to go to a dance and to do this commit fornication right arthur listen to something you said that you know i'm not quoting music and they're going to affect your soul if you're continuing to listen and give heed to these thoughts they're going to form root in your mind they're gonna create mayhem i'm gonna possess you after a while and you're gonna be led away hallelujah i wanna say to us that there's no why do you do religious education you have to learn about the different religions across the world amen and so let it be that's it don't try to find the eternal god on the confucianism on buddhism because it's confusionism hear that because you're going to be confused but you need to understand who jesus is think on these things think on these things evil thoughts must be replaced with good thoughts and i can say this again without going to much detail that when you are coming to jesus christ and you have a lot of past experiences in sin ephesians chapter 5 tells us it's a shame to even think of those things that were done in eve in in in darkness but everything that comes to the light is actually exposed and the blood sanctifies it but i'm saying that when you come and that's why it's it's better to give your life to the lord when you're young because all like a person gets it harder for them to give their lives to the lord because old hearts are harder to get evil thoughts must be replaced with good ones and that is on a problem i learned from a medical perspective that even dementia and alzheimer's it is believed that if you strive to learn something new right every day it will help the world of dementia but when you just because the problem is you are very good at remembering long time memory things but the present thing something just happened to you two weeks ago and you don't remember it but you remember turned to 30 40 years ago but i'm saying evil thoughts must be replaced with good ones so fine read the bible every day not just read it like a newspaper but meditate on it because it is the living word and when you do that it is going to help you to to counteract some of the evil historical data that you have in your computer because guess what you can't flush this computer only even with us every dear dear all the things the past things allah says some persons they give up and said okay i'm managed because the enemy tries to attack their mind and let them get confused when you have to hold to god's unchanged in hand and hand it over to brother dwayne or president in just about 10 minutes hallelujah i'm watching the time in jesus name we're going to look at the prayer requests and you will take care of the rest but evil thoughts must be replaced with good ones a void cannot exist a void cannot exist for we are always thinking of something that person i know and i see i said what are you thinking about nothing is really bridging the mind is the most powerful computer but we need to ensure we're processing the right thoughts because if we're not we're in deep trouble while every action begins without thought thoughts cannot take the place of actions they should not we have a responsibility to ensure that by god's grace we really push ahead because we know what jesus has done in our lives for many christians resisting temptation is difficult why because they don't want to discourage it completely and so many times children of god especially young people flirt with the devil you know the thing is wrong and that's what samson did something flirted with the devil until you end up on the wrong side right but let's focus on psalms i didn't say we look at it before close samson the hebrew for the name is shimshon it means little sun are like the sun that's what samson's name meant it was born at a very crucial time in israel's history they had been impoverished and in service due to the philistines for approximately 40 years before his birth no before his birth god's divine purpose for his life that is the destruction of the enemy was manifested to his parents a manual they got a visitation from the lord and it was direct as a nazirite from birth samson knew he was not ordinary god almighty child of god i want you to look on yourself and this doesn't have to do with braggadocio now i spoke about identity earlier and we're back here i want you to tell yourself i am not ordinary i am i belong to jesus there's nothing about me that is ordinary i am extraordinary jesus has chosen me for this time and whatever his purpose is for my life i want to do it because i want to have a destiny with him i'm going to truly i want to choose my destiny i want to make heaven my home and that's all of that song i don't want to labor anything i want to make heaven my home i want to sing these songs just speak your spirit lord help me to make it in for no matter what it takes i really want to make him in my home he was destined for a purpose consequently he was unknown dead and appointed by jehovah as he was known in the old testament the responsibility was on him however to ensure that his life was a separated one children of god you cannot know that you are anointed and appointed and you don't separate yourself from things that you're supposed to separate yourself from come out from among them and be separate so know your enemy in fact know your enemies but let me single arise it so to speak in genesis 16 the lighter whose name is translated delicate but dangerous jesus sent me so some other girls about their brothers they look very very you get me and some of them the boys and sisters they look very very you get me but guess what now dylan means delicate but dangerous she only declared to some so that her purpose was to know the source of his great strength why why do you want to know why i'm so strong almighty god why i sing like that why appreciate that why are pretty inspiring and it's not just because of any of these but because of the anointing that is on your life mighty god you think it's your flesh that attracts people no it's the anointing that you carry hallelujah you yeah i can fall for your life and see people flock around you like that so it's not about your flesh so the bottom line is she said i want to know all the stores of your great strength because i want to bind i want to bind you and i want to afflict you or destroy you if someone came up to you uncertainty what would you do oh my goodness just something that sounds out about three chances before what could have caused him was he depressed was he lonely was he need of a friend and so on if you feel these things nothing is wrong but make sure go to the rock make you go to someone who's connected to the rock because the enemy will send agents of darkness as bounty hunters with the intention of destroying you every child of god faces three enemies the world first john 2 15-17 love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the loss of the eyes and the pride of life and these are not of the father but of the world and the world pass it away and the lost thereof but he that doing the will of god abide it forever brothers and sisters i want to tell there's a real world out there there's a system that is controlled by lucifer in second corinthians chapter 4 right from verse 3 it says but if our gods will be hid it is into them that are lost in the god of this world and that god is spelled with a common g is not referring to jesus christ is that reverend to the almighty with jesus christ it's about if our gospel be hid if it's good news of the dead the burial resurrection of jesus christ repentance what a baptism in jesus name receiving the baptism of the holy ghost if this is hid if our god will be healed it is into them that are lost in whom the god of this world that blinded the minds of those who believe not do it and it goes out there for you there's a real world there's a system there's a kingdom that is controlled by lucifer mighty god all the fashion and the fads we need that's how the bible say you are a chosen generation a royal priest with a holy nation a peculiar people to show for the praises of him were called you out of darkness into this marvelous life once we're nobodies we're not a people but now we're the people of god i'm running to the world when the bible speak about worldliness yes there is a thing called worldliness and that is an adjective to speak that speaks to the attitudinal disposition when a person is worldly but by the grace of god i prayed i would understand our enemies the second one is the flesh for the flesh lost against the spirit and the spirit lost it against the flesh these are called these are contrary one to the other the flesh the old allamic nature it has no desire for us to make it in but for us to be pulled down to the fires of hell brothers and sisters stop look and listen open your eyes if you go down to the sea to catch a fish are you throwing the line and i see your face your mouth catch me what would it do i jump the line who can't even run for my life i want you to understand young people god called fool but he doesn't keep fool and so not just because you go to school but you mustn't be fooled right and you need to understand what is it and the third one is the devil and first peter 5 verse 9 tells us right that we must be sober we must be vigilant because our adversary that word adversary means enemy the devil as a roaring lion r-o-a-r-i-n-g right go it about seeking umi may devour so don't try to lay yourself here respond to the boy like sam's name right because that's what happened you know something i mean oh my goodness oh my goodness or enemy has no other intention but to get a child of god asleep this resulted in that person not being focused not being spiritual not being anointed not reading their bible not fast not praying almighty god and once he asks us that way we are unable to be involved and ultimately we will be destroyed brethren i beseech you by the mercy of god here are some references i leave with you some says don't fall should be a warning to every child of god now what questions have you learned from samson's life have you learned any i would to god you have now in moving forward to achieve success in the kingdom of god we should possess the three p's purpose priority and passion so we should place things that are most important in the most important category we cannot go through a day without praying we cannot go through a day without reading the word of god else we are playing russian roulette and i'm running we must set priorities and we must be passionate about the things of god be passionate about your salvation you think how many persons out there who would love to have the anointing you have on your life i want to be a part of the kingdom they look at you and sometimes they criticize about deep inside his shelter said tell us so finally total involvement in the life of your assembly nothing beats brand fasting be a generous shameful and consistent contributor give and when people here give is one thing come to the mind i'm gonna close with this brother you ain't prepared to take well there's this man what's drowning or is that true story right but he was very mean in life until someone you know struck off into the water i was trying to to rescue him every time he said give me a hand the man pulled his arm underwater and one was drawn in what is subconsciousness he just don't like when anybody uh said give to him he wanted to take take take i don't want to give until the man was wondering it happened the second time anyone said boy but he's either i am going to help this man i am going to join so i'm going to have to leave but he said he got me the third time on the week a week about even when he was getting weaker you know he was trying to live he said give me a hand and he pulled it out of the water again and the water i was going into his lungs but then suddenly the young man recognized and remember that this man is one of the meanest man in town and everybody said well you don't give away nothing prayers as all time what's what people would say and so he said take my hand and as he said hey man push up in san diego grab him and pull him out of the water you want his back and pull him under the water i'm saying we should not be like that man we should not be like that man we should not be like that man but be generous some people don't even give a smile almighty god and it takes 17 miles 17 muscles to smile and 34 muscle from utilization utilization of specialized training exercise 216. we need to be involved whatever our aunts plan it to do it do it young people get involved volunteer talk to your president talk to you know someone and say i want to do this oh jesus i can't give my kiss my time is gone another time but i'm saying be involved and if people say enough enough for jesus get involved in a community right reach out to others make a difference stop look and listen god bless you tonight go forward in jesus name you can make it you will make it in jesus name you are jesus as your daddy oh you can make it i don't care how much you may have failed tell yourself that today is the beginning of the rest of my life tell yourself today is the beginning of the rest of my life look where you are going look where you are going stop look listen look where you are going because you're inevitably going where you're looking and we become whatever we give ourselves to god bless you all in jesus name brother president in jesus name brother president our brother i'm not sure what's happening but let's unmute your mics right now just worship the lord father we thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercies and thank you for your grace you are wonderful of islam god bless you sir is it coming up praise god of course we want to thank the lord god definitely for what our bishop would have just oh going about amen i've just spoken about the fact that we are you know what we made for ourselves to be definitely so we want to give the lord thanks for that for what you have just said to us amen that we should stop look and listen and when your people stop look and listen i saw why to live with that tonight and our hearts you know straight as we go forward i'm just seeing the side part of this song i will never be the same again i will never turn out close that door there are many doors in our lives that we need to close sins of god and what we find many i was doing is that we sometimes go back to those doors and we open them and when we open them and we all over the editing they call me the philistines like that to come in and to destroy us and the ripples apart but if we can close those doors and not go back to those things that we that we know that the enemy is using to destroy us leave it alone and let us go forward and do what god wants us to be the song says i will never be the same again [Music] i will never return i'll close the door i will walk the path i'll run the race i will never be the same again one more time i will never be the same again i will never return i'll close the door i will walk the path [Music] and i will never either say my game and i will never be the same one again and i will never be the same tonight stop look and listen it does not die like a fool i've not died like i've died like a fool it us not die like a fool tonight since of god young people especially us us young people myself included let us not die like a fool let us not play the fool we are only fooling ourselves in all of this but god is really revealing himself yes he has been from the time begun he has been availing himself so let's just give ourselves to god praise god and as you are seeing on the screen we have victory or some verses praise god amen as you go through the prayer requests tonight and we are going to pray amen so let us get to our minds in that frame we're able to talk to god and really travel and intercede on behalf of each other so we have victory report praise god sister asia mars my mother member of course is the tongue bishop and the church they meant for praying for her she did trooper by fast surgery i was not doing very well so god be the glory definitely great things guys don't rest the lord just want to say i'll be thank you to those who are praying for a tight will stand was hospitalizing blood clot in his lungs he's not out of the hospital recorded look at god and he is an unsafe so definitely we need to pray for tyra that will be saved and decided to give his life to the lord look at that because of the power of prayer let us continue the praises of god thank you for praying for patrina callum she's out of the hospital several tests were done and doctors cannot determine why they live our country is enlarged please continue to pray that she returns to the lord amen praise god those are rich reports definitely that the saints would have shared and let us remember brother tyrek williston who needs salvation amen we pray tonight we fear command him to be saved in the name of jesus even though as we pray amen are we going through the prayer requests we have at this moment we have done a blueprint prayer for cheerful my aunt is hospitalized in the u.s of air suffering from coved 19 prayer for peter robin's deliverance from marijuana addiction stacey she needs strength prayer for sister art does not feel well at our sister david also prayer for strength for her then his nervous prayer for my brother hospitalized and her family pray for her entire family pray for us so jesus and ricardo russell's young men who used to be in the host of god played being involved in men praise god praying for them definitely salvation and healing praise god we are sealed i'm struggling to pray as fast as i should and i need your prayers all right prayer for his family who is not safe to surrender to the lord khadeen prayer for me and my family to focus on god sister carter so definitely prayer for god to intervene in my children's life for them to surrender to him healing and spiritual strength foreign blood coverage and spiritual growth for her definitely and healing for kerry burke with a spinal injury god kian god kian amen god can pray for a touch from the lord salvation that is christian ability prayer for touch from the lord salvation for a family member of friends and complete healing and strength blood coverage over her families herself and the home prophet god's direction her pus for her life praise jesus bless your prayer for can be sprinkled salvation and revelation of the oneness doctrine of prayer for numbness in her toes prayer for tuition fees to be miraculously provided for prayer for mere receive right diagnosed with chance uh prayerful right davis who's hospitalized praise god praise please pray for our sister sonia lights what was coming i pray for paul billy my sister penis bill is husband who is hospitalized you are putting these presents before god god heal all of these situations god can somebody just say god can sister money strength and blood coverage prayer for generation not feeling well deliverance from the spirit of laziness all right sister sue age praise god prayer for continuous spiritual growth breakthrough for unspoken requests and financial breakthroughs mr melanie prayer for me and my family prayer for my sister crystal to be healed from ongoing stomach pain and to give her life to the lord amen prayer for warren lindo deliverance from my home from every illustrator all right sister melissa allentown uh special um i'm seeing deliverance from six wide guards it's the millions of hamilton spiritual prayer and then i'm going back on campus at university definitely let us remember sister melissa hamilton as she goes back for studying amen this week praise god amen that's it for the prayer requests i think praise god so we're going to be lifting up these verses amen i've also remembered my sister polite i believe she's pending us surgery this week praise god will be praying for her and her family entire family praise god she's overseas the hospital will be praying for her as she is spending that surgery and let us remember or breathe brethren those who are going through their time and moment of grief as it believes to lust of loved ones amen and those among us who are sick not doing well some of them are unspoken but let us remember them in jesus name and we are going to be just talking to god at this moment so let us just unuse our might express that as we go into prayer for these sins or our precious seeds let us pray for them let us pray let us pray let us start to guide our dear behalf in the name of jesus almighty god as we open up ourselves before you tonight god almighty we are praying lord jesus christ we are praying for you to have mercy upon us to pray that lord god is lord your words oh is foreign oh oh um oh um yes yes [Music] oh oh is [Music] oh foreign me jesus christ oh [Music] i [Music] is oh [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] oh but okay [Music] [Music] is yes [Laughter] you are with me [Music] okay is is is [Music] jesus is [Music] is thank you hallelujah thank you holy ghost hallelujah glory to god he give my thoughts god hallelujah praise jesus praise god thank you lord jesus start this movement praise god let us lift up our right hands praise jesus as we believe and we see it with our benediction praise god definitely hallelujah praise god we are going to see our benediction at this moment amen wherever you are just lift the right hands and just declare that in the atmosphere i'm god soul of the world that he gave his holy what we got so that whosoever should not preach but have everlasting life praise god praise god hallelujah thank you jesus praise god please let's just remember i know it's meant for tonight praise god for the week coming of course praise god i remember on friday we will be having our national conquerors all our prayer meeting amen all of our youth somewhere conquerors everybody joining from ten to six praise god i remember
Channel: Bethel Tabernacle UPCJ
Views: 245
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mW0J7xjJpSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 40sec (7960 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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