Sunday Morning Worship Service - October 11, 2020.

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given us only you almighty god can do it and so will rest to you will you continue oh god to accept our worship as we recognize you and we'll continue to recognize you as a worker in your name amen hallelujah come in with the scripture reading your sister not sure peter king taken from galatians 2 17 to 20. immediately following the scripture reading we have the welcome done by sister sherman bartley blessed morning to everyone when you find the scriptures say amen i'll read and you will follow but if while we seek to be justified by christ we ourselves also are found sinners is therefore christ the minister of sin god forbid for if i build again the things which i destroyed i made myself a transgressor for i though through the law i'm dead to the law that i may might live unto god twenty and ending i am justified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave his gave his life and gave himself for me i'm sorry here is a portion of god's holy word we honor by saying amen good morning church brethren and friends it's my pleasure to welcome everyone to our church service this morning while we are excited to have you all here we'd especially like to say welcome to our visitors listening to us on more fm and those watching on youtube i would like to acknowledge our pastor andy's family reverend royle robinson is there anyone visiting with us today for the first time can i ask you to stand [Applause] we appreciate you coming to worship with us this morning and we hope that you enjoy your day have a blessed day with us in this time we are told that we are not to touch each other we are to sit six feet apart but guess what god is sitting in between us so don't be afraid to touch him don't be afraid to give him a hallelujah shout you won't catch a disease have a blessed day [Applause] glory to god put your hands together for sister sherman you must be feeling welcomed by this but just in case greet the person beside you and say good morning and i must also acknowledge the presence of our pastor and his family this morning as a knowledgeable present sister chinese brown will be committed a special item please put your hands together for her as she comes hallelujah can we bless the lord church can we bless the lord one more time hallelujah god has been good to us god has been good to me there's nothing good that i have done each time god blessed me sami forgives me i'm not worthy i don't get what i deserve from god but god is faithful god is true and god is good and i just have to testify of his goodness and his love to me hallelujah i love you lord [Music] for your mercies never fail me all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] all my life you have been so so good with every breath that i am made i will sing of the goodness of god i love your voice you have led me through the fire [Music] orchestras you are close like no other i know you as a father i know you as a friend i have lived in the goodness of god [Music] [Music] so [Music] of the goodness of god i love you lord [Music] for your mercy never fail me all my days until i lay my head i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] cause all my life [Music] that i am made i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] with every breath that i am [Music] i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] with my life laid down i surrender now i give you everything yay [Music] i will [Music] i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] of the goodness of god hallelujah i'm gonna give you a minute to stand on your feet and stand and give god thanks for his goodness and his grace and his mercies towards us this morning hallelujah we worship you lord we give you praise we give glory we thank you lord hallelujah we magnify you god you have been faithful you have been good to us god we are grateful thank you lord hallelujah glory to the name of the lord god almighty hallelujah clap your hands in the presence of the lord hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah god has been good to you my brothers and sisters some persons are sitting down like god has not been good to them has god been good to you hallelujah [Music] you may be seated god has been a good god to us in spite of everything and anything he is a good god we now welcome our pastor with the pastoral prayers and comment put your hands together for him go ahead and worship the lord there's a spirit of praise in the house come with me my keyboard that same refrain from that song come on everybody that has a hand or two come on forget about the person beside you and just worship the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord i'm gonna try and sing this refrain help me oh for a thumbs up to sing [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh to sing [Music] praises to him [Music] [Applause] dress [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for a thousand [Music] is [Music] hallelujah take half a minute raise your hands don't let me tell you what to say to him don't let me tell you what to say to him just flip the pages of your mind see what the lord has done for you over the past week hallelujah hallelujah glory to god [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord our moderator ah the officers and members and friends of this great church i greet you well in the name of jesus greetings church i have not seen many of you over the past week so i am delighted to see you just that the mask is doing us a great disservice many if not all of you carries a beautiful face but somehow the mass is preventing you from showcasing those beautiful faces but i'm happy to be in your company this morning to be your pastor and to worship with you and so say sister rob and the family to god be the glory great things he has done i want to touch on the welcome to let those visitors know that as your pastor i have seen your indication i am delighted to have you in the house of god you have found a place to worship your god the right place the right people and to service and to worship the right god i pray that your coming today will be rewarding if you're new in the area like me you have just found the church to become a part of amen amen god is the center of focus here and we look forward for greater fellowship and partnership in the future i also want to recognize the listeners and more fm and i'm reliably informed that the listenership is growing and also the viewers on youtube uh the viewership is growing i take no credit for myself but we give god the glory can we put our hands together and give god the glory amen let us continue to do what is to be done as a church as god continues to manifest himself in our company and in the church i want to register my family and i our appreciation for the proverbial red carpet that was rolled out on sunday the lovely things that were said the hands that were stretched towards us the beautiful smile smiles last sunday to say to bishop robinson and his family we welcome you it could be the opposite but thank god it is not and i want to say on behalf of the family to the family of the montego based church thank you for making us feel welcome there go ahead and cheer yourself there were some unexpected visitors and the hospital hospitality team really let them feel welcome and i am really thrilled at that and we want to put our hands together for our administrator and the team for making a day well spent praise god i just want to touch on one of you things because i want to share the word of god um today we are sailing in stormy weather as it relates to kovid as your pastor i am concerned but i just want everyone to know that the protocols that are set as it relates to um kovid i want everyone to pay special attention to them at home at school and a church we are going to do and we'll be doing what lies in our power because in the name of jesus that enemy won't rear its ugly head in this church i wish if i had some agreement [Applause] we bind it in the name of jesus come on somebody raise your hand with me we bind it in the name of jesus we ward it off from this congregation and other congregations in the name of jesus we cover our family from covington in the name of jesus somebody worship the lord we dab the blood of jesus upon every family member upon the lintel of the church upon the little of our houses upon the lintel of our workplaces in the name of jesus hallelujah thus far and no further and if there is anyone that is infected unknowingly we drive it out of their bodies the blood of jesus could i have some worshipers this morning the blood of jesus [Music] i declared this complex holy ground holy ground holy ground holy ground holy ground quickly our fasting service continues and we want everybody to be in this kind of service i asked of the church uh it is not a show but we want everybody to be a part of it everyone there are situations that you cannot be on fasting on a particular day but don't let that stop you from coming as soon as you get over that jump back on fasting because we are one in the lord we have one goal one aim and that is to touch god and for him to touch us back within the limits of uh attendance we want every available seat that is subjected to be taken to be filled we want you to take the sick and the suffering some of you won't be asked to come to the altar but right in your seat the healing power of the holy ghost can flow warm through your body that cancer can disappear and the list goes on please be here in the name of the lord amen amen one of our leading deacons will be slipping away from us i don't know if this is the way you do it but i always spit it out amen and we will pray for him you will know who at another time we are a body and we work together under god is that okay church bless the lord i want to take five minutes to pray for somebody that is sick in body somebody walked away from your house this morning you don't know where to turn you don't know what to do a sense of confusion you never rest well last night there are bills steering you in the face the court case is coming up amen as your pastor i want to pray for you the doctor's report is not nice you're at the right place to be prayed for james 5 can believe this morning if there is any sick let them call the elders of the church the prayer of faith will heal sick if the sick has committed any sin his sin shall be forgiven because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much if you believe in god for a miracle just jump to your feet remain standing right at your seat what a healing jesus jesus you restored for such a time as this arises jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] lean jesus for such [Applause] [Music] right immortal invisible the only wise god i come to you this morning before the foundation of the world you knew that i would be interceding on your people's behalf before the foundation of the world you knew your people would be in search of a touch from your hand this morning as your servant almighty god i stand and i call on behalf of your children lord your word declared the effectual fervent power of a righteous man avail it much my righteousness this morning lord is due to your blood hallelujah thank you for the blood of jesus hallelujah that same blood that washed me white as snow that same blood is still still powerful still healing still transforming still delivering hallelujah i flush your blood upon every worshipper this morning whether they are standing or seated on the balcony or on the main floor at the overflow at the back corner on the restaurant i pray healing in the name of jesus father i pray for those who are listening fire more their hands are on lord that radio state for those who are viewing via youtuber lord and their bodies are not here but their spirit their faith is here you are a god that can touch your people so in the name of jesus all those who are sicker and afflicted this morning in the house and outside of the hospital i pray they are shielding up in the name of jesus healing father the pulpit is covered with requests i place her son andre palmer to your darwin edwards to you brother and sister peter king i pray lord for audriana ardell palmer sonia miller police constable oh god samuel you know him i pray for jennifer mcnaughton and her host i pray for the will sir i pray for mr bertram alexander in the name of jesus what is healing jesus delivering jesus somebody raised a hand now the name of jesus those who are oppressed by demons and devils those were under attack our children at home unsaved husbands or spouses for that matter in the name of jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i pray right now for a mighty move upon the life and body of your children i pray for those behind bars wherever they are that court jesus lord in wrath remember mercy [Applause] mercy mercy somebody help me show mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy in the name of jesus father those who are standing at the altar will you pass over them remember our leaders the governor general our prime minister the opposition leader the security forces oh god almighty civic leaders in the name of jesus somebody raise your hand with me with me with me in the name of jesus come on in the name of jesus repeat with me in the name of jesus come on church in the name of jesus come on church in the name one more time hallelujah worship him right there take half a minute just give him thanks for that miracle give him thanks for that miracle give him plans for that miracle open your mouth behind those masks give him thumbs hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah do you know hallelujah is a universal word every language every idiom has it hallelujah do you know it is a heavenly word come on shout hallelujah come on do you know it is the believer's victory shout out shout hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] he's seated hallelujah hallelujah please brothers and sisters remember to keep our pastor in your prayer as he prayed for us remember to pray for him coming up to us at this time with the worshiping giving is sister yvonne panter good morning to the household of faith let me greet my pastor and family council men and women and all the members of this great church it is now worshiping giving many times we talk about our offering but we want to talk about tithing leviticus 27 30 says and all the tide of the land whether of the seed of the land or the fruit of the tree it is the lord it is holy unto the lord and the lord has asked us for one tenth and he gives us nine tenths tiding is about putting god and his kingdom first when self home business and pleasure comes first in your life your priorities are in a work tithing reverses that order and put god's where he rightfully belongs in first place when god instructs you to tide he's telling you to establish a habit of putting him in the number one slot as life principle when you do what jesus said all these things you are so concerned about will be added to you tithing demonstrates that you have conquered self-interest and fear of luck it is a demonstration of faith and god is always faithful so in this pandemic satan may be saying i don't have my time i don't want to give it what can i tell you that let us give with an attitude of gratitude because god has been good to us and so as you give this morning i invite the president and the ushers and so let us give to god what is his god bless you can i invite the priest do you understand praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of the lord i command you satan in the name of the lord jump your weapons and flee for the lord has given me authority to walk all over you oh i command you satan in the name of the lord job you're aware that three for the lord has given me authority to walk all over yes i command you satan in the name oh chop your weapon and free for the lord has given me authority to walk for the lord has given me authority to [Music] oh the lord has given me authority [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh walk all over you we [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to rise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] victory hallelujah praise the name of the lord we pray father that you will bless those online givers i pray father as they give to you we know lord that they will stretch their faith and lord god you will do the blessing we give you glory and honor and praise in jesus name amen amen coming to us for the announcement at this time is sister mona simmit please listen attentively and make note we are applicable thank you so much sister clover good morning family these are the announcements for sunday october 11 and for the week to come greetings comes to us from sister edith allen and sister carolyn bings departures brother and sister willie smith they're off the island and they crave all purrs sister floret myers has relocated to saint elizabeth to care for her alien father celebrations if you are celebrating your birthday today or during this week please stand and sister marcia duhain his birthday is today to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday on behalf of the church's family if you are celebrating your wedding anniversary today or during this week please stand happy anniversary to you oh happy anniversary [Music] happy anniversary on behalf of your church family happy birthday and anniversary greetings to our viewers and listeners who are celebrating an inclusive thank you to all who participated in the welcome service for our bishop and family your presence made a difference all members and friends attending the first worship service and will attend sunday school kindly remain in the sanctuary for your sunday school class those coming in at 9 30 are asked to go to the overflow room for their sunday school session deliverance and fasting service continues this wednesday starting at 10 a.m if you are unable to attend you can view our live stream on our youtube channel kindly subscribe to the church's youtube channel virtual bible study continues this wednesday started at 7 30 via zoom and youtube persons are reminded that this program is broadcast live across the world and as such your background and attire should be appropriate for bible study setting once you're joining the meeting via the zoom platform ensure that your mic is muted and it remains so unless you're participating in the program october is celebrated as a church in the church as men's month the lifebuilders ministry is asking all men to wear a blue shirt along with red tie next sunday during the midday service your asks sit at the front and those chairs will be reserved just for you october 19 to 23 will be men's week a one hour nightly meeting starting at 7 30 will be held via the zoom platform be sure to join persons practice interested in participating in the back to school drive kindly contact sister anne marie archer leaders of the various departments who are desires of having any information announced on any given sunday should ensure that this information for broadcast be sent to the church's office by 1 pm each thursday our recycling partners will be collecting at the end of the month so if you are collecting your plastic containers you can start taking in them now you can give them to brother woolry or brother dalton they'll be stored until the end of the month we urge everyone to be mindful of the rapid community spread of the coronavirus remember to wear your mask sanitize wash your hands and practice physical distancing if you are not feeling well or have come in contact with someone who has the virus please do not come to church in other words tana your yard be reminded that based on the government's stipulation children under 15 years and adults over the age of 70 years should remain home also persons who attend the first service are kindly asked to leave after sunday school due to space we are unable to accommodate you in the second service permitting this tuesday morning starting at 7 00 am in the midst of life there is death please note of the following thanksgiving service and if your hair and your name is called i'm going to ask you to stand the mother of sister maxine richard has passed is sister richard's here the funeral service will be saturday october 17 at porter's mountain west mullen the father of brother lieber lawrence has passed his brother lawrence god bless you sir we stand with you at this very difficult time thank you the funeral will be sunday october 25 in hanover the following members have lost loved ones sister sharon gooden has lost her grandfather his sister good here sister melva hill has lost her father sister bae scott has lost her father her son sorry and brother edward richards has lost his sister his brother richards here as a church family we stand with each other our thoughts and prayers are with those who mourn at this time let us continue to monitor and evaluate information issued by the ministry of health and wellness and other reliable authorities to make sound decisions have a god bless day thank you sister mona i just want to say thanks to everyone who played a part in this morning's service and i want to thank you your wonderful congregation for being so receptive it's now time for the word we will prepare to receive our host pastor reverend royle robinson oh there's a pre-recorded rendition sorry about that holy word long preserve for a world in this world [Music] changing me and changing you we have come [Music] congregation i present to you reverend well robinson reverend pearl robinson congregation please make him welcome [Applause] thank you you may be seated put your hands together for the morning's moderator [Applause] praise the lord we indeed sense the presence of god ever since we converged on this pod of ground this morning god is somewhere around doing his thing and wants to do more hallelujah hallelujah praise god i want to bring to closure the topic that i announced a week and a half ago in a previous service on the christmas in me or the king lives within not i that live but the christ that lived in me father we thank you for your word that was read we thank you for the blessings that we are about to receive we ask you to breathe upon your man's servant as other times guide our hearts as we seek to enter into your holy realm let preaching be easy god let every word that slip from my lips this morning to your people will be stamped with the approval of the holy ghost anything god that is of self erase it but lord let the words of my mouth the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer somebody worship the lord somebody worship the lord we zero in on the old testament names that were given to the lord jesus christ we also give you a very articulate profile of him from a writer's perspective what he thinks about jesus this morning there are one of you facts i want to share with you about jesus and bring to a conclusion this message there are some interesting facts about jesus one he likes to be welcome on the inside he likes to be welcome on the inside and we said in a revelation 3 and verse 20 he said behold i stand at the door and knock so he's not going to barge in without permission so we serve a savior and master who is well mannered are you there church amen he said to nicodemus come down because today i must abide at your house are you there church amen we said that he works from the inside to the outside even if there is some work to be done on the outside he wishes to go on the inside first and start to work from the inside and it will reflect on the outside somebody worship the lord if you agree with me today he works on the mind he works on the heart he works on the soul because these are three principle aspect of our life that he needs to work on before a manifestation of himself can be seen on the outside hallelujah when he comes into our lives hallelujah we must do all that lies in our power to keep him on the inside amen because he does not hang around a life that is not consistent to the dictates of the bible he does not hang around somebody who likes to play in the jamaican proverbial talk room for rent apply within when i run out and you running no he doesn't hang around that person he doesn't hang around when you use your body as a general merchandise of god and the proverbial cultural language or song is fitting kind of activator linsted marketer not a quality whatsapp do you know that do you know that cultural song i mean he hang around people who have a desire a purity who wishes to allow their bodies to be temple of the holy ghost can somebody say hang around me jesus hang around me come on come on you better preach with me now come on now amen amen come on hang around me jesus hang around me jesus am i talking to the church am i talking to the world it doesn't matter how well you come to church and if your life is not consistent with purity and holiness he's not going to hang around you you are on your own [Music] but i hear the bible said if any man being christ somebody preaching me he's a new preacher all things are passed away can i have a weakness in the house this morning all things are passed away and behold all things become new come on church i want the church to dress well carry yourself well but i want you to treasure in the robe of holiness as becoming christian come on hallelujah your life must be consistent with the word of god because him that is holy him that is pure is living on the inside [Music] oh lord somebody's not gonna like me now somebody's not gonna like me now somebody praise the lord somebody praise the lord hallelujah anytime jesus did on the inside whatsoever it takes to keep him here oh god pull out all the stops and say stay with me jesus i can't survive by myself i can't make it on my own hallelujah without you i am nothing without you i am drifting like a ship without a self-coming church without you i am a shadow of myself without you on the inside oh i am a target of the devil vulnerable to every attacker but when you are the insider somebody help me man the devil will have to off because creature is he that is within me just somebody i'm a preacher creature is he that is in me oh glory oh glory of glory hallelujah somebody in your hands and your shelter are worshiping hallelujah somebody needs to tell jesus stay with me stay with me [Music] come on leave us your hands and stay with me jesus stay with me come on come on come on come on and i will stick by you can't somebody say to jesus stick by me jesus and i will stick my ear somebody worship god in the sanctuary this morning hallelujah hallelujah paul in his narrative allow everyone to know that without jesus we are nothing come on without jesus we are nothing come with me listen listen it's nobody should come to jesus and remain the same in status in education in finance your life must be improving hello church hello church hallelujah but there are some of us we have attendance here when god walked by this crappy of life and when he pick us up when he washes us off when he promotes us we behave as if we are coming from that order come on behave yourself i hear the songwriter says roll back the curtain come on worshipers roll back the curtain a memory no wonder show me where you brought me from i will i could have been do i have a weakness in the house uh remember i'm a human i'm human so lord remind me somebody worship the lord hallelujah here is a vintage summer jesus i'll never forget what you have done for me somebody worshiped god in the house somebody glorify him [Music] without him we are nothing come on so now that you are blessed now that the lord promotes you come on come on just humble yourself under the mighty hand of god until god promote me promote me more promote me the secret to promotion is humility [Music] promote me jesus listen without jesus nothing good will be said of us without jesus nothing good can be said of us our god if anything good can become of me it is because of jesus if anything good that can be said of me is because of jesus do i have a weakness in the house come on i'm going to preach around you oh god i'm just chuckling since and coming on i'm just traveling let me talk here i'm just traveling oh god i'm just giving you my introduction hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen without jesus we are nothing [Music] listen to donkeys this story was told about two donkeys walking in jerusalem talking proverbially listen the one that jesus wrote on he said to the other thank god for jesus had it not been for jesus hardly anything would be said of me come on he said i was happy that jesus chose me and to ride on me hallelujah because of jesus i got promotion elevation much is said about me as a donkey but that is the story of a donkey our two donkeys what do you say i will join with them and say had it not been for jesus will be said about me so i thank him for saving me somebody leave your hands and say thank you [Music] come on come on say thank you jesus hallelujah come on somebody where were you when i could not sleep late one morning and the rent was to be paid the landlord came knocking look at you now come with me where were you today when you always walk down the hills of your shoe look at you now your driver come in church where were you when i could not birth a child god bless you with children somebody help me where were you when the gunman had gone through my ears and the lord rescued me come on you need to tell somebody give me pass let me praise you my god if you cannot tolerate my noisy worship relocator because had it not been us for jesus i would be dead and gone long time ago i want to behave myself i want to be myself in manchester i want to be a myself i'm under the camera somebody worship the lord somebody worship him lift up your voice and say thank you [Music] jesus where were you when you went for the interview others were more qualified than you but god shifted in come on and give you favor before your interviewers they qualify never got the job but the fairy bird doctor john come on man come on give him praise giving praise giving praise sit down a little lord will you stay in the hand of the card deacon rodent when i was ambitious as a young minister wishing to drive a car i was sent to a manager by the car dealer when the manager put together my little stipend that i'm getting listen i was way below qualification but they can't let me preach to you dearness preach your name looked at me and she said reverend robinson according to my calculation you are not qualified but there is something about you that i cannot deny you the law hallelujah she said i am going beyond company regulation i am going to give you the loan but don't let me down somebody give me pressure hallelujah that's how god works come on somebody i never god help me to honor my obligation they never wrote me once i was not led one church somebody in here will god provide we we're god open ways come on he will sustain your can the church lift up your hands and give him the glory this morning because we serve an extraordinary god here this church it says without without man god will not without god man cannot without man god will not without god mankind listen the grace thrillers when they were in their heydays they put together a summer i can't even walk is there a weakness in the house i can't make a step without him holding our hand somebody worship him listen church let me hasten to close because i hate the clock on the wall when jesus is in us our lives will be transformed [Music] from a lion to a lamb transformation if any man someone let me cut it if any man be in christ he is a new creature all things are passed away and behold all things become you cannot preach to your child today if you just surrender your life to the lord god and you return to your seat from the altar you are a new creature somebody put your hands together give me my hand clip of grace your life must be transformed oh god your conduct must be transformed your conduct must be in line of the scripture [Music] hallelujah uh where i'm coming from i told my officers i have not assigned one of you to be a private detective against any member of god two things will happen to such a listen your integrity speaks for you come on hallelujah one day it will be revealed your true identity your attitude must be changed your conduct must be changed your department must be changed your mindset must be changed your ambition must turn up [Music] hallelujah hallelujah if you are without ambition know that jesus lives within he changes that you start to have quality desires and ambition ambition if you are in the church from the time you got saved number one for you let me talk in the language of this street not number one for you you are still at the same place something is radically wrong something is wrong listen romans 12 and verse 2 operator be not concerned to this world but be transformed by the reunion the renewing of your mind listen you will be in the world but you will be transformed in the world so anywhere you are people will see you oh god you don't have to open your mouth and declare i'm a christian but you're walking somebody in the preach now you're talking will allow people around you to know there goes a child of god [Music] listen you must be transformed let me hasten to close listen cleanly to this the animalistic behavior that was once practiced in the world can't be practicing the church because jesus christ is living inside of every individual [Music] can i repeat work in the foreign can no longer practice in the church lord sharda oh god oh if you're a husband you must be the husband of one if you're a wife you must be the wife of god of one aspect just say the word of god [Music] you're not preaching with me [Music] come on come on you know the song that kind of lifestyle won't be tolerated in the church of the living god you and i must be homeless [Music] holiness is not reserved for past and the concert holiness is reserved for every barnaban believer [Music] listen self-control self-control through jesus must be the hallmark of every bible-believing christian there must be a man this distinction between a christian and the unsaved amen hello church of god i don't preach to you yet let me just chuckle let me know listen when jesus is in us we must reflect an identical image of him philippians 2 verse 5 let the mind of christ be also in you you cannot be smart in mind to the pure all things are pure the question is asked what is the mind of christ the mind of christ was humility the mind of christ was servantwood he said he came to fulfill his master's duty he's always obedient to his master come on church as he was obedient to his master you and i must be obedient to him somebody praise the lord listen believers in acts 11 26 they were called christians because their deportment mimicked that of jesus their action their walking their piousness reflect their tell them to go ahead someone has to stand up for the cause of christ and the church for our holiness [Music] they said you want to holy like you alone is the holy person and they push one side the isolate you but that's all right listen when jesus is with you that is alright to be like jesus that's all i ask somebody worship him come on come on everybody live for your hand say something to him come on to be like jesus that's all i have to be like him all through my journey you may have touched me on you like journey from glory that's all i actually to be like him don't let anybody make you over into a minute of them come on i don't want a church in the church oh god i don't want a founder of another church in the church there is one true founder and his name is jesus i don't want an idol in the church or one night that we have it must be jesus can i preach around here a few more minutes i don't want you to have any allegiance to anybody anybody you must pay allegiance to is jesus christ that's all i ask her is to be [Music] listen quickly [Music] when jesus is in you and i he empowers us they can rodent they are the adamic nature that we were born with produces faults failures limitations shortcomings the adamic nature paul said when i tried to do good he represents himself because of the adamic nature commit commitment church some persons are ashamed of themselves when the adamic nature has overtaken them and when the adamic nature is true with them but when he lives within he empowers the believer to live a life of victory coming into church that means you are not going to fight the devil by yourself the bible said in the time of your weakness his power becomes perfect listen listen in times when you're about to have backslide to commit wrong the power of god will rise to the occasion change [Music] it's the special time we must have victory over sin victory over weakness chronic weaknesses chronic weaknesses we must be victorious how god victory over critics and criticism victory over fear and isolation hear what paul said in chapter 4 philippians said ah [Music] come on i shall do all the things through christ that strengthened me point your neighbor tell your neighbor neighbor you can do all things through christ strengthen me [Music] you know why i asked you to do that fast your seatbelt it must be understood that the church is not reserved our church work is not reserved or be tweeted to certain persons as long as you are living a life according to the dictates of the bible welcome aboard brace yourself when the officers and i sit down and plan i don't take no for an answer i want you to say pastor i will try god be my helper [Music] oh god i will try because i can do but they're not preaching with me today somebody don't love the new person i should do all things at 25 minutes after the hour the days of hyde ha ha god the days of hide and seek is over the days of clickism is over [Music] the days off i can't he's all proud we are laborers haven't you heard this song right now you're my brother my sister why can i see the hand of one person you can forgive us in [Music] you can forgive a sin not one of us the only person can forgive sins oh god i wish listen the bible said if your brother is overtaken in a fault which would be nothing to jesus everybody he which is spiritual not spirited you know he which is spiritual must restore in the spirit not to embarrass you scripture not to embarrass you lord god how god restore in the spirit of greatness [Music] i want to make this point and close [Music] some of us we have a tendency to see the complexion of the person before we see the christ in them we have a tendency to see the falls of people before we see the cries in them you have a tendency to see the background of people where they are coming from where they live before we see the jesus [Music] to see the family background before we see the jesus in there but thank god jesus is that everybody jesus somebody watch i wish somebody could get inside us jesus jesus is not everybody jesus somebody worship the lord oh god i did not mean for him i would not be preaching to you today come on had it not been for him i would not have a testimonies today come on come on come on come on somebody working worship and worship i want you to tell somebody appoint your name and tell your neighbor neighbor come on do that sister up please be patient with me come on because god is not you with me yet come on point to somebody tell somebody be patient with me god god is not true but i'm glad be patient with me because god is not true with me somebody give him a hundred praise i hear somebody said he's still working on me hear this make you five more minutes i like to tell the story sister club sister rob and i were driving behind a truck over mountain years ago and it was raining the truck was heavily laden with stones or grits coming somewhere from centaurus and as we slowly drive behind the truck we all know the characteristics of mount rasa it is windy it is teeth so we could not overtake so we have to humble ourselves and take time climb with the truck right as the truck climb the hill the gear that is in becomes unable to take it further as our jamaican pretty foot driver he changed gear in a very flashy form and when that gear carried him thus far he would have to change to a lower gear how many man and that deal carried him another distance but it becomes apparent that it cannot go any further listen i hear the the driver as he searched for one gear and when he select the one gear in the trunk listen to me the the the the tune or the tone of the engine change come in the church and listen a baby could follow the truck listen to me as it creeps over mount rasa somehow the lord was giving me a message i looked at the back end of the truck and i saw the writing if god is alive i will survive come on come on i said my god was an object listener the truth is saying if god is alive i will climb mount russia coming in the church shall we spiritualize that oh god i may have my thoughts i may have my sailors i may have my shortcoming what if god is alive if god is alive if jesus is in me i will survive [Music] come on come on here let's go come on come on worship god here we go come on come on there is oh god i don't care where you're from i don't care what you're going through the lord trump is my spirit to tell you the air is [Music] somebody give me my prank i'm not finished i'm the finisher [Music] hallelujah [Music] i don't care what the doctor tell you here is hope i don't know if this stage for cancer there is hope somebody listening [Music] hallelujah i don't care how complicated the condition is there is hope [Music] someone is going to be amazed [Music] somebody's going to be shocked because some persons are waiting see you go under david's brother said chuck you can't make things blind but you know what david the same god that stuff stood by me in the wilderness with the beer and the lion somebody hates me somebody said the same god [Music] i'm amazed that you love me through your brains [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] throw your pressure [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there is something you need to say to your god is it for him to reprogram your life [Music] because is it for him to renew his covenant again with you you need to say something right now take a minute everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] lift somebody [Music] sins of the past [Music] lord of yours [Music] should appear you will guide him grant him safe journey give him a safe passage to his destination across the world i am super deep and wrong almighty god take down that immigrant shine [Music] by myself [Music] to bring safety to everyone [Music] somebody give him a hundred [Music] is in the name of jesus come to you one on his hand is raised indicating they have not known us lord and savior will you meet her where she's at will you plant a seed of righteousness and allow her to surrender to you lord i claim her back faith for your calls savor to the economy in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah could it raise that hand again no that person not you church the young lady i just prayed for out here let's try dress go down there for her she's yours hallelujah she's yours make sure she's ready for baptism she had on your razor before i pronounce the picture point your hand into your past take a minute to pray for him uh [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] two more times [Music] come on church [Music] [Music] [Music] if there is no announcement you're gonna do that for the benediction [Music] okay drop up your if you have to go your man one last time hallelujah you're [Music] dismissed hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah the lord bless you pastor for a beautiful world
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 6,316
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 0sec (6600 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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