Sunday Morning Worship- September 5, 2021

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uh [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey come on everybody put your hands together it's got to get better all over the world listen to these words people come [Music] it's gonna be [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] gotta get better [Applause] [Music] come on let's put our hands together give god praise amen amen amen amen i say it all the time but it's so true the word is true this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it we have to be glad in it no matter what it looks like no matter what we're going through because somebody is worse off than us amen we bring you greetings from the concord missionary baptist church where pastors dr kenneth phelps and and this is the place where there is love and joy and peace and happiness for those are in the building we celebrate jesus those that are watching we celebrate jesus amen amen we are in our first first sunday of september 2021. god is so good and he's so wonderful he's so faithful let's give god praise for that so many people are going through this morning amen so many of you watch the news and you see so much is going on and people have lost homes and floods and they don't have a place to stay they don't have the churches are gone their homes are gone the cars are gone but here we are amen we're blessed and highly favored in the lord and to be here in this place and in this time and so we're going to talk praise and worship period before we go to our praise and worship period i just like to read the scripture psalms 1 15 11 it says ye that fear the lord trust in the lord he is their help and their shield we have to remember no matter what we're going through that god is our shield and we're surrounded by him amen we're surrounded by his love and by his peace and his grace and his mercy amen we have to remember that no matter what it looks like no matter what the enemy whispers in our ear we're covered covered by the blood of jesus amen amen hallelujah they're surrounded [Music] and because we we just know that we can ask whatever we want in the name of jesus amen i'll give you when the peace is [Music] [Music] just put your trust in me anything you need [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll be your strength when you wear [Music] believe in my will take you anything you'll be that's all you have to do is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes it is [Music] [Music] in when jesus is love was on the cross [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] come jesus [Music] in your workplace at jesus it courts the jesus [Music] name jesus demons [Music] jesus jesus jesus in the morning jesus in the noonday jesus in the midnight the hour jesus call on the name jesus i'd love to call him that name when i can't say nothing else i said jesus hey jesus when i don't know what to pray [Music] [Music] that makes me feel better knowing that jesus is with me jesus in the midst of the storm yeah jesus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah just ask in my name hallelujah hallelujah and it wonderful that we can call on the name of jesus and the thing is when your call on is not naked amen hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah hallelujah it's in the name of jesus jesus our danger said jesus jesus hallelujah jesus jesus you can apply that name to anything jesus a day to stack your bills up and just said jesus jesus i dare you to touch your body wherever the pain is and said jesus you can apply that medicine jesus jesus hallelujah jesus i feel jesus in the room today hallelujah how many know we're surrounded by jesus i don't care where you go they might say don't go in that neighborhood because it's a bad neighborhood but you got jesus hallelujah how many you commute back and forth to work and you never had an accident it was jesus have you ever been driving and you see an accident coming useless words of jesus jesus jesus i'm surrounded i'm surrounded by his love i'm surrounded by his love [Music] let's just stay right there you know what we gotta move we gotta move when the spirit said move i know we were going to sing something else but we got to give god praise right there come on jesus jesus jesus something about that name jesus just follow me something about the name jesus something about the name jesus hallelujah it is the sweet just me come on sing i know dickie mitchell come here oh how i love my name come on now oh how i love and made jesus that's right worship him it is the sweet destiny i know [Music] oh how i love the name jesus hey it is [Music] [Music] him it is [Music] anybody love them [Music] [Music] it is [Music] i know i know i know i know yes yeah yeah it is [Music] [Applause] it is [Music] i know it is i praise everybody in this house if you love jesus hallelujah don't fool me now you [Music] come on let's give god a praise in this place turn to somebody say i'm glad to see you today oh yeah you can do better than that go on and speak to him through those man say i'm glad to see you today hallelujah come on let's give god a praise in this place hallelujah hallelujah amen i thought i saw michelle where's michelle is she okay all right we'll do it on another end amen all right we're so glad to be in the service one more time again we want to take a moment to welcome all of those that are visiting with us today come on let's give god a praise for our visitors thank you so much welcome to concord missionary baptist church we also want to take a moment to watch to welcome those that are watching us via facebook live or through our world wide web through internet platforms we thank god for you we always begin with prayer so won't you please stand and we will do the lord's prayer followed by the cnbc application pledge hallelujah for there certainly is something about that name jesus it is the sweetest name i know hallelujah anybody else love that name jesus hallelujah i dare you to call on them just one time jesus jesus jesus hallelujah jesus is his name hallelujah let us pray as the lord taught us to pray our father which are in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen won't you remain standing for our congregational bible application pledge followed by our scripture reading for today's sermon we believe that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god we can't just listen to or read god's word we must do what it says otherwise we're only fooling ourselves for it is in the application of god's word that our lives will be changed so lord grant us the courage to do what your word says we declare and declare that we will never be the same in jesus name amen for those who have your bibles with you uh whether it's electronic whether it is in the printed version hallelujah we want you to turn with us to the book of beginnings the book of genesis the book of beginnings the book of genesis and i want to read in your hearing the a clause of the 20th verse of the 50th chapter genesis chapter 5 50 of verse number 20. again genesis chapter 50 verse number 20. genesis chapter 50 verse number 20. amen do you all have it amen let us commence to reading but as for you you thought evil against me but god meant it unto good to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive for a few moments i simply want to preach from the a-clause which says but you meant it for evil you thought evil against me but god meant it for good hallelujah hallelujah but god for a few moments i want to preach from this thought uh but god you may be seated in the presence of the lord but god but god hallelujah i dare you to open your mouth and just say but god but but god i don't know what you're going through today but but god you might be broke blessed and disgusted but god you may not be feeling your best but god hallelujah your money may be funny and your change could be a little strange but god your kids might be acting a little crazy but god coronavirus might be going up but god you might be struggling but god hallelujah i dare you to put a but god on your situation today come on let's give god a praise for but god hallelujah turn to somebody and say but god but god but but god but god but god now let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer let all of god's people say amen for you meant it for evil but god meant it for good i pray today that you will experience a butt god moment in your life i i i kimberly england i love this story um it's actually actually uh it's actually the manifestation of psalms 23 5 that says thou wilt prepares a table before me in the presence of mine that's a but god moment when god when god makes your enemies come to your house sit at your table and has to eat your food but can't eat it until you give them permission that's about god moment my brothers and sisters this is what's called sweet retribution uh poetic justice if you will you see in the text joseph got the privilege of not only helping his family but he also got the privilege of saying to his haters i'm talking about those who sold him into captivity i'm talking about those who tried to kill him he got the opportunity deacon jonathan mitchell to look them in their face and say you meant it for evil but god he meant it for my good but not only for my good for your good too and god let him go through all of the pain god let him go through trials mother martin god let him go through tribulation god let him go through through through all of all of that suffering and trauma god let him fall down to be raised up he saved him that he might save others he saved him that he may save the lives of many and at the time of the text paul led watson god was the man he was the man jacob was joseph was the man initially you see it wasn't always that way but initially joseph was the beloved of his father and his family until he made the mistake of starting to share his dreams and visions turn to somebody and say you can't tell all your business you can't share everything with everybody can i get a witness here and then he became hated by his own flesh and blood the bible says that he was thrown into a horrible pit he was sold as a slave taken from everything that he knew and he loved separated from his family for decades wrongly accused are you listening today uh despite his honesty potiphar's wife tried to set him up he worked hard and it was a man of integrity but was wrongly imprisoned and left in prison despite his hard work and his innocence and through it all joseph appeared and was promoted to the top position in all of egypt oh i love this story oh i love this story i love this story and instead of and instead of now fast forward there's a famine in the land and the very ones that that put them in the pit the very ones that sold them into captivity the the very ones that forgot all about them the very ones that that that that that went and lied to daddy and said uh your favorite your beloved is now dead the one that calls havoc in the family now they're face to face with joseph and instead of saying sell them instead of saying put them in the pit instead of saying enslave them instead of imprisoning them or even worse than that day they instead of saying kill them he said you meant it for evil but god he meant it for he meant it for good hallelujah you see joseph's story reminds us of this truth and this is the guiding principle of the text that no matter the circle says god holds the ending in other words god gets the last word oh yeah i don't know what your what your current situation is but god gets the last word you see god doesn't matter it doesn't matter to god that you at rock bottom because god made the rock god listen god has the last word over your situation turn to somebody and say god gets the last word you see my brothers and sisters when we are gods in other words when we are we are god's god god god when we are god satan can never triumph over us while he may press people may disappoint you they may talk about you they may stab you in your back they may talk about you like a dog they may hurt your little feelings hallelujah but here's the shout they don't get the final say hallelujah i'm so glad that i don't have to live according to other people's perceptions of me can i get a witness here it doesn't matter what you think about me what matters is what god says about me can i get a witness here my brothers and sisters god gets the last word god gets the last word god gets the last word there's always always a but god moment oh yeah turn to somebody to say words are important oh yes that's why we must watch our thoughts because they become words words are important we must watch our words because they become actions ah words are important that's why we must watch our actions because they become a habit we must watch our habits because they become our character we must watch our character because they become our destiny and one of the most powerful words is a real small word in the english language is the word but hallelujah it's real small but it's it's it's a powerful word you see but but this this word but is a small conjunction in the english word you know conjunction junction what's your function you know now i'm telling my age you just had a birthday happy birthday to me okay come on now yes yes you see you see it's it's a conjunction it's it's conjunction uh digging my reason it's a conjunction which literally means on the contrary meaning accept but as a preposition it means it means accept or save and that's an adverb but means only adjust but according to bishop rudolph mckissick but is a contravening conjunction that gives a subordinary feeling in other words but has a grammatical power that negates everything you see all the good and the bad that came before it when you put a butt in it it changes it hallelujah you see my brothers and sisters you don't have to live or stay behind all you got to do is put a butt in your life can i get a witness here and the truth of the matter is as human beings we all experience pain oh yes but but can i shout you just a little bit turn to somebody and say i don't look like what i've been through is there anybody besides me that don't look like what they've been through oh yes my hair may look good you know my nails may be done i might have some extensions in my hair but i don't look like what i've been through can i get a witness here and so and so as humans we all we all suffer we all experience pain we all have heartache we all suffer hallelujah but we don't look like and in fact we all cut and we all bleed are you listening to me but well that buddy is but although we are human we experience pain we experience heartache we have spirit headaches and sufferings and we when we're cut we bleed but we all have moments can i get a witness here that we are not proud of i'm talking about something that if if it was known could disqualify could devour you could even ruin your reputation but then but then but then god enters the picture and something something something something uh something gets added when we put god to our butts [Laughter] i was poor but god are you listening i was divorced but god uh he left me but god i'm sick but god i had cancer somebody gonna shout in a minute but god i was in jail and on drugs but god i was a liar but god i was a chief but god i was a still i'm going to come down your row in a minute but god um i was hopeless but god i was helpless but god i was i was i was an act something other than the black god anybody here was a whatever it was but god anybody ever here have a but god in your life oh i wish i had time i would let you tell your butt god testimony you see my brothers and sisters and if not don't worry about it keep on living keep on having birthdays keep on breathing and you will encounter you will experience a but god moment in your life can i get a witness here hallelujah and if you haven't already the bible says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and here are some of my favorite buts in the bible uh you see god has a few buts or but god's in the bible that can hold you until your change come hallelujah turn to somebody and say it ain't over yet but god yes he is one of them for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through christ jesus here's another one but god commended he demonstrated his love for us that while we were yet sinners christ died for us oh here's one of my favorite eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor has it been revealed what god has prepared for him but god has revealed it to us in his holy spirit ah no temptation is overcome overtaken yet such is coming to man but god is faithful that he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear hallelujah but god signifies a redirection in what we are able to accomplish or anybody want to but god in your life hallelujah it means listen if god is about to reverse that thing turn around and say reverse it reverse it god is about to reverse that thing you've been suffering too long you need a butt god in your life you see but god brings hope when you can't see your way through but god means our pain and our tears aren't the end of our story but god means not our circumstances always get the last word my brothers and sisters the enemy doesn't get the last word of your situation death and disease don't get the last word hallelujah because there's always always always a but god in your life i dare you to speak on faith and say but god [Music] when was the last time you had a but god in your life you see maybe you are desperately in need of a but god situation hallelujah you see when i look at tv and i hear i hear i hear i hear of all of these shootings 45 people got shot but god i said 45 people got shot in in chicago but god did you hear that you still here 45 people got shot but god i'm gonna keep saying that today 45 people in your city got shot but did you hear what i said kendall 45 people got shot but god 45 people got shot doing the same thing you were doing but god hallelujah in other words but god kept you but he he made a way out of no way can i get a witness it wasn't that they didn't have no guns there they just chose not to shoot you can i get a witness you had a but god experience that you didn't even know it cannot get a witness it wasn't that you wasn't talking stuff you were talking stuff but god kind of get away wasn't that you wasn't drinking you weren't drinking but god can i get a witness here hallelujah but god but god but god moments arrives in in seasons of your life when everything is against your hurricane ida came through america but god you're listening the telebrand took over afghanistan but god coronavirus numbers going up but god climate change and global warming but god you see in times like these only god can reverse the situation and let me tell you don't don't don't think don't think it's because you're so smart don't think it's cause you look so good don't don't don't even think it's it's cause you slick you know don't don't even think that you know you got streetwise no no it has nothing to do with it it's just simply about god even in my ignorance but god even when i wasn't wasn't right with him but god even when i wasn't praying for god even when i wasn't studying charlie's but god but god but god but god but god but god but god but god you see genesis 50 20 shows that what god can do with something is meant to harm you god intervenes you see you see he can not only protect you in it but he can also promote you because of it [Music] preach phelps i think i will i said he can not only protect you or keep you but he can also promote you in it you see that's exactly what he did to to joseph he didn't see a lot of times we you know our theology is really messed up you see see sometimes and see i can hear it in the spirit you know see our theology is messed up and let me tell you why our theology is messed up because because because we want a god that that that that that don't allow us to let nothing happen you don't want to go through nothing you don't want to experience no pain no you don't want to be sick you know and i'm not i'm not wishing sickness on you but he never said that you won't go through anything but he did say i would never leave you nor forsake you so so we serve a god that will protect you in this situation though you walk through the valley and the shadow he he will never leave you nor will he forsake you it doesn't mean that you're not going to go through anything hallelujah but what he will do is protect you while you're in it hallelujah and will promote you because of it i'm gonna say that one more time he will protect you while you're in it but then he will promote you while you listen god has a bigger plan for your life hallelujah hallelujah go ahead and just just just talk to yourself prophesy yourself say god has a bigger plan for my life oh it gotta be better than this hallelujah it gotta be better than this or y'all too quiet for me you gotta be better than this eyes have not seen is have not heard nor hasn't been revealed it gotta get better than this hallelujah god god is protecting you right now so he can promote you later i said he protecting you right now so he can promote you later so that when you get your promotion you won't have the big head when you get your promotion you won't have a big nose when you get your promotion you won't act like you all that when you get to the motion you won't forget the bridge that brought you over when you get to get the promotion you won't act all snobbish when you get the promotion you won't act like it wasn't god i said god has a bigger plan for you so don't let your don't let your anger one of these days i'm gonna preach on anger management because some of y'all got some anger problems don't make me come down your road but you're mad you wake up in the morning with an attitude you go to work with an attitude you go you go back home with an attitude you go to school with an attitude you're mad you're upset that i'm telling you you're mad you're mad but god told me to tell you don't let your resentment and your anger and your unforgiveness hinder you from getting all that god has for you can i get a witness here turn to somebody and say don't get even get god oh yeah come on let's give that y'all need to know how to shout right there turn to somebody and say don't get even get god holla don't get even get god i know i know you've been hurt i know you've been wounded but don't get even get god maybe it was even left for dead but there's a purpose and a plan for your life don't get even get god god is still saying for i know the thoughts that i have towards you saith the lord of peace and it is good and not evil and it will give you an expected ear in other words it ain't over yet god is not true blessing you i know you've been waiting on a promise and it seemed like it just won't come all the doors are shut and life seems rough but the lord says i'm not done for the devil is a liar and a deceiver too for god sent me to tell you he's not through blessing you come on and give god a high five in here and god is saying god is saying that the god of all grace who has called you eternal glory in christ jesus after that you have suffered a while lord have mercy he will he wills he will strengthen you he will settle you he will establish you and he will make you perfect because of what you're going through you will be stronger you will be wiser you will be better and not better because of what you're going through you just need a butt god moment in your life god said ventures is mine says the lord there's about five of y'all been contemplating manipulating how you gonna get even don't get revenge get god oh don't make me call your name because i see it just as clear some of you thinking about trying to get get even don't get even don't get revenge get god you see my brothers and sisters i'm so glad and i'm done i hope you're all ready to sing i don't know what y'all gonna sing after this one but but but the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pasture he leadeth me besides still walkers he restores my soul he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake and yea though i walk through the valley and the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou lord have mercy out with me for thy ride in the staff they comfort me and here's the shouting part as i get ready to take my seat up hallelujah thou prepare the table before me in the presence of mine enemies and thou anointed my head with all surely goodness and mercy shall follow me on the days of my life and i like i will dwell in the house of the lord forever say yeah say yeah say yeah can i give you one mode i might be broke i might be busted i may not have everything i want i may not drive what i used to drive i mean i live the way i used to live but can i give you one more can i give it one more but my god shall supply all my needs according to his wishes in glory won't he do it won't he do it say yes but god bless up [Music] won't you stand in your feet eyes haven't seen [Music] ears won't you come the kind of blessings the kind of blessings that's about to fall on me if you're not in the church and would like to become a part of one won't you come now it's acceptable time this is the place you might be struggling but but god has a purpose he has a plan for you won't you come get ready you don't feel like coming but you still want to be a member all you have to do is fill out the requirements for membership and submit it to a deacon or to a minister to an usher for those that are watching via facebook live the kind of blessing i want to encourage you those that are watching through the internet platform all you have to do is inbox us and let us know of your desire and or your decision [Music] what you experience i was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore [Music] very deeply stained within sinking to rise in a war but there's a button the master of the sun he heard my despair and crying now from the waters i was thinking now i'm raising now safe am i won't you come [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] place [Music] to see [Music] i'm getting ready [Music] i'm getting ready [Music] i'm getting ready hallelujah come on let's give god a praise hallelujah hallelujah won't you just begin to prophesy to those that are around you and say get ready get ready get ready get ready hallelujah better is coming get ready come on turn somebody say i believe it get ready get ready get ready hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we now have a baby to bless and so we're going to have you to come now for for coronaviruses reason uh for protection of the family and the baby we're going to ask again just the parents and the godparents and grandparents to come usually we have everybody to come but uh just to be on the safe side if you all don't mind otherwise you know i normally would have everybody to come but you all can kind of see it if you can come and just be center place would you get tj out there he's out there i saw him he's here just come center fo thank you come michelle thank you all [Music] and if you all could just kind of surround them that would be great [Music] thank you so much so [Music] i want to get you to sing something [Music] set the atmosphere for us jesus loves me this i know for [Music] the bible tells me so little one to hear they are weak but he is strong oh yes jesus loves me oh yes [Music] jesus he loves me jesus loves me [Music] from the book of matthews the 19th chapter verses 13 and 14 it says then the people brought little children to jesus for him to place his hand on them and to pray for them but the disciples rebuked them and jesus said let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these and when they had placed his hand on them he went on from there thus far the scripture today is a very special day um a day that we dedicate or rededicate back to the lord which god has blessed us and this day is a good day and special day today we have the special honor of blessing aiden joshua harvey come on let's give god some praise so his parents are michelle and tj terrance at water grandparent felicia harvey god parents jasmine day gregory williams and derek smith and so again i want you all to know that all babies are special in the sight and heart of jesus the bible says that he loved them and he blessed them and so we're going to do likewise to the parents do you promise to love and to protect him and to provide for this child if you do say we do do you commit to the lord if you do say we do do you promise to raise him in a christian home if you do say we do do you promise do you promise um to raise them in the fear and admonition of the lord if you do say we do all right if you don't mind i want you to pass the child aiden to the grandparents or godparents excuse me the godparents godparents all right [Music] i know he gonna be upset because y'all just passing me around but to the god parents god parents you have a serious responsibility in the absence of the event of an untimely passing of these parents it would be your responsibility to step in and to raise them to maturity and also to destiny if you're willing to do that say we will all right in the absence of the parents god parents do you promise to protect and to care for aiden if you do say we do do you promise to raise him in a christian home if you do say we do do you promise to raise him in the fear and admonition of the lord say we do do you promise to spoil him to buy him jordan's dubai i'm sorry i got off please we do [Laughter] all right i want to give aiden to grandparent [Music] you also have a pr have a responsibility because it does take a village to raise a child and um uncles and aunts want y'all to stand we want to also acknowledge you all as well all right do you promise to love him do you promise to care for him do you promise to walk right before him if you do say we will all right to the church won't you please stand again it takes a village to raise a child do you promise to walk right before him do you promise to love and to protect him do you promise to care for him if you will say we will all right now if you don't mind if you can give the child to me thank you all right and so now we we return him back to the lord father we acknowledge that aiden is a gift from the lord eyes have not seen is have not heard nor has been revealed what's inside but we speak blessings upon his life i pray that you would make him the top and not the bottom the head and not the tail i cancelled every demonic assignment against his life i pray right now that every generation no curse stops with him asthma stops high blood stops diabetes stops right now in poverty stops right now in jesus name hallelujah he understands he's looking up hallelujah and so we declare decree blessings upon him and so now my son i anoint you in the name of the father and in the name of the son and of the holy ghost [Music] hallelujah come on let's give god some praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give you back hallelujah come on let's give god a praise and so we present you back to the lord and so on this day hallelujah this is the certified that aiden joshua harvey was dedicated to god on the fifth day of september in 2021 hallelujah hallelujah i believe he was born in february hallelujah now he's spiritually born september 5th hallelujah in jesus name come on let's give god some praise glory to god hallelujah give me some love man come on let's give god some praise hallelujah hallelujah and now unto him who's able to keep you from falling and to present you before his throne of grace to the only why god be glory dominion power both now and forevermore hallelujah cancel every demonic assignment against your life it's in jesus name hallelujah let's give god a praise in this place amen now it's time for us to worship in the spirit of giving and so we're going to have the announcements we're going to have a giving worship and giving and so for those that again would felicia is going to tell you how to give but we do have deacon phillips in the back for those that like to give electronically again we want to encourage you again to get your mind set and prepared to give hallelujah let's receive look at her today lord have mercy oh you sharp today [Music] good afternoon concord it's the shoe ain't it i know the givers pledge according to the word of god i declare that money cometh to the body of christ and money cometh to me for the sake of the gospel i call my church debt-free i call it all the necessary finances to completely pay for all the buildings properties and equipment and to do everything god has called us as a church to do we will help reach the lost and hurting help the believers walk in faith and victory by preaching the gospel i call myself debt free i proclaim that i have the necessary finances to do everything that god has called me to do with enough in store to bless others father i honor you by putting you first in my finances giving my best and tithes and offerings you are bringing me into my wealthy place i call my house and all my property paid in full i believe i receive raises and bonuses sales and commissions favorable settlements estates and inheritances interest and income rebates and returns discounts and dividends checks in the mail gifts and goods surprises lost money found bills decreased and paid off blessings and increase thank you lord for meeting all my financial needs so that i have more than enough to give unto your kingdom money cometh to me now you are bringing me into my wealthy place in jesus name amen there are eight ways to give zell chase quick pay at cnbc 6319 gmail paypal at treasurer at the cnbc website giving slash you can mail your seed by sending it to concord 6319 south kenbark avenue chicago illinois 60637 easy tithe app dot easy tide dot com slash app slash giving slash concord mb church text to give text seven seven three zero type give g-i-v-e by phone 773-363-1377 and drive by you can drop your seat off at concord mb church 6319 south kenbark avenue we're at the church on sundays from 11am to 1pm so those that are in the balcony won't you come and you can bring your offering [Music] [Music] also remember today is first sunday pastors appreciation day and also pastor's birthday just passed so those who like to sow a seed into our shepherds this is your time to do so as well [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] but you didn't see fit to let none [Music] keep on blessing me [Music] has everyone had the opportunity to give we'll ask dean thomas if he would bless offers once all the offering has been submitted [Music] amen bless you thank you so much september birthdays doctor come on now pastor elder brother father grandfather son cousin king of david phelps birthday was 9 2 however he been celebrating since 9 1. and it's going to celebrate until 9 30. we celebrate our pastor his birthday was this past weekend gwendolyn ames and doris steele is september the 12th juanita ames is september the 19th and kayla gibson is 9 30. happy birthday september members prayer list continue to pray for mother b mary b jones mother gladys fair deacon maurice thomas sister virginia norris brother gregory norris sister dorothy norris sister ruthie stubbs sister ella smith and sister fanny stubbs and sister sandra ellis keep brother jason mccormick in your prayers his mother patricia watchman passed away yesterday services are pending we will have prayer meeting at 6 a.m and 6 30 p.m on wednesday there will be no bible study this week please join us via zoom double good popcorn sale the men and women's department will sponsor a double good popcorn sale on october the 4th through the 8th 2021. we will have a training session for pop-up stores after morning service on september the 19th we will celebrate senior day on sunday september 26th join us as we honor our seniors the theme is living by faith hebrews 11 and 1. the assessment is 35 for adults the women's department i'm sorry the women of concord will meet monday september the 9th at 6 30 pm to discuss upcoming events and updates please join via zoom the seniors will have a bake sale sunday september 12th after morning service please support the seniors with their fundraisers for next week join us for movie night on saturday september the 18th at 6 pm for fun and fellowship the cost is 10 which includes your first bag of popcorn the movie will be shown in the outer sanctuary due to safety concerns spread the word is for family and friends seniors will have a night of bingo on saturday september 25th at 6 pm the cost is 10 for three games join us for a night of virtual bingo and fun and fellowship with your church family for sale two queen size bedroom sets both include frame head and footboard dresser and two nightstands if you are interested in this amazing hot sale please contact my first lady sister vanita phelps and thank you for aiden and ayden's thank you to you as he'll be serving refreshments for you to grab and go god bless again we want to thank god for all of our visitors let's give our visitors a hand thank you so much for being here hallelujah we also want to again uh say happy birthday to all of those september birthdays you know how we do it happy birthday [Music] happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday so i need to do this this past week this past week uh some of our kids went back to school and so i just want to pause for a moment to pray for them because i see we got a lot of kids here today i won't have you all come down but just in your area if you don't mind if you see a kid in your area just point at them don't touch them and all that good stuff but just just point out am i right and then also pray for our administrators right those that are part of school in whatever capacity let's just begin to pray father in the name of jesus i pray our prayer protection over our kids our administrators and our staffs i pray right now that you would keep them from coronavirus i pray that you would keep them from bullying and from all types of harm and violence i pray that the school area will be a peace zone i pray for your protection i pray that all of our kids have good success in school this year i pray right now that their grades don't suffer i pray right now that they'll be able to focus as they return back to school i pray that you would keep them now god i pray for every school in the city of chicago and the suburbs god i pray that you would just build a fence all around them god i ask that you would just send goodness and mercy before them as they go to school on the bus god i pray that you would protect them from gang violence and just all kind of foolishness that's in the street that's designed to destroy them god i pray right now that you would just touch our children and let you keep them god you have not given us the spirit of fear but you've given us a power love and a sound mind god i pray right now that our kids develop an appetite for education god and that it will be a joy and not a burden it's in jesus name we pray and we bless god amen hallelujah let's seal that with the praise let's seal that with the praise [Music] i want to encourage you listen to me very carefully want to encourage you number one to walk and live by faith and not by fear this past weekend there was 47 people that were shot 47 people that were shot all right 47 people in the city of chicago all right now i just want to say this all right number one uh number one uh be safe that's number one number number two um be sober or alert all right always be aware of your surroundings all right and if you don't feel comfortable you need to get out of there trust your spirit please listen to me all right number three pick and choose your battles you don't have to argue with everybody you don't always have to have the last word do you hear what i'm saying it's better to walk away and live another day now i'm giving you these these kinds of things i know you already know but but sometimes it's just good to be reminded you know what i'm saying just a reminder all right because god's going to do his job but you got to help him all right so we've been praying for you and covering you and putting all on you and doing all of these things you know um but if you put yourself in harm's way you know there's consequences for everything all right now the other one this last thing i'm going to tell you is going to probably be very hard to do because i understand and especially if you are a a person that believes in this concept of ride or die okay um you know you need to you need to check who you are around all right and especially if your rider dies on a suicide mission okay now i understand because that's the way we were raised right you know you know what i'm saying but but you don't always have to you know and i had to learn that i had to learn that the hard way i had to learn that the hard way and sometimes you just need to learn how to love people from a distance you know because you can get caught up by by association all right so i'm not gonna go preaching already preach my sermon but i just want to just say that while i got you in my in my my control right now all right um but seriously you all you know you don't you don't you don't always have to to um you don't always have to fight all right sometimes you need to be bigger all right and walk away from certain things all right and there may be some people you got to walk away from all right so i know that's a hard thing to do that's a real difficult thing to do and please by all means let let you not be the troublemaker [Music] so all right let you not be the worst of the group because you know us church us church people can be rough in the right camp oh yeah some of us can be rough man lord have mercy all right yeah so um yeah so that's what i would say on that all right just want to encourage you as you start this new year sometimes you just need to to just check who you are and covenant with and be be very careful because trouble begots trouble right and uh if you're not bringing if they're not bringing peace to your inner circle you may have to distance yourself yeah all right so that's all i'm that's all i'm gonna say on that i'm gonna move on um but i do want to say that the same thing i want to say that in regards to the coronavirus the the um the numbers are going up all right and um and i know some of you all are really strongly against the virus and i mean the uh the vax the vaccine and that's your choice all right that's your choice but if you're not going to take the vaccine if you're not going to do it all right then you need to stay away from uh crowds you need to stay away you know mask up you need to social distance you need to protect yourself because the delta variant is real it's not a hoax all right are you listening and um and even kids now love your kids enough because see you know you can go out and get it and then come back and bring it to your kids and kids just don't know but they are now kids are now starting to be hospitalized and some of them are even dying so it's real serious now the government is looking at vaccinating our children but it's not approved yet okay so until then we we need to do it and again i would suggest if you if if your doctor says that you should do it i suggest you listen to your doctor all right so that's all that i would say on that now as a church we will remain open until uh you know the government says hey you all you're closed all right um but all of the organization has to be massed up so therefore we do have a mass command deck and we're going to do that we've been doing really good to my knowledge has not been uh any cases we do do contract chasing and all of those things that are necessary so we're going to continue to do that all right um but just want to say continue to pray be safe all right and uh until you hear otherwise we will be in person amen all right last but not least thank you so very very much again thank you so much for all the cards the texts all of the gifts you all have been just wonderful uh celebrating my birthday and i really really do appreciate it so thank you from the bottom of my heart i really do appreciate all the love you guys have been awesome and fantastic thank you for because the cards the texts uh your prayers whatever you've done thank you so very very very very much all right all right now we're going to transition into our lord's supper so those that are going to be helping us today and won't you come um we are going to have those that are going to be praying and all so those that will be reading scripture won't you come and those that are going to be serviced now to all of our visitors um if you have been baptized you believe in the lord jesus christ we encourage you to partake you know because we have an open table um but we all take our communion together it is a safe secure cup all right and so be careful but you you open the top layer first all right which is the bread and then you open the bottom layer which is the cup all right be careful so that you don't don't open the bottom layer first because if you do that you may spill all right so be very careful you'll see and we always serve and honor and respect our our seniors and we do it two by two as soon as the prayer has been concluded we'll ask that you would line up starting in the back in the rear so once you again [Music] listen and focus and let us be reverent in this time we ask that you minimize any walking and talking [Music] you can you can read sir call your attention to first corinthians 11 chapter starting with the 23rd verse and it reads as follows for i have received the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude and of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sucked saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me for his author as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthy eat it and drink his damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we would not be judged we shall not should not be judged but when we are judged we are testing out the lord that we should not be condemned with the world wherefore my brethren when ye come together to eat tarry one for another and if any man hunger let him eat at home that ye come not together unto condemnation unarrest will i set in order when i come amen [Music] let us bow our heads father god we thank you we thank you for jesus we thank you for the blood we thank you for the cross god let us examine our hearts right now god if there's unforgiveness there god we give it to you right now in jesus name god we pray over the sacraments today god we pray over every hand that prepared them and every hand that's going to serve and receive god father that they would be a blessing to their spirit and their soul and that they will remember jesus and the sacrifice and that they will remember the promise of everlasting life with you and god in jesus name we pray amen i know it was the blood i know it was blah blah [Music] want to invite our seniors and our visitors those in the rear and those in the balcony to come again two by two [Music] what you will do is just stand and receive in the lord sanctuary won't you please come you will take this sacrament and return back to your seats [Music] those in the lower sanctuary you may come for now [Music] one day [Music] [Music] for me [Music] has everyone been served if not raise your hand so we can serve you [Music] the blood came [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] has everyone been served [Music] he never said [Music] for me yes one day when i was lost [Music] [Music] those that are watching via the internet we'd encourage you at this time to get your bread and get your grape juice the bread is symbolic of the broken bruise body of our lord and savior jesus christ and the cup is is symbolic of symbolic of the shed blood which jesus shed for remission of sin i know it was the blood has everyone been served [Music] we'll ask our leaders to line up [Music] for me [Music] one day [Music] [Music] it was my serious blood it was my savior's blood for me [Music] yes he did [Music] the night in which jesus was betrayed he took bread and he gave thanks lord i thank you and he break it and distribute the bread among his disciples and say take heed this is my body which is broken for you [Music] thank you god [Music] the same matter he took the cup and said thank you and distribute it let us drink together [Music] thank you god i ask that you would pass your cups down to the end and the our deacons and ministers will come and recover them as far as often as you eat this bread [Music] you drink this cup you do show the lord's death until he comes [Music] [Music] for visiting with us for worshiping with us won't you please stand receive the benediction and then the final selection [Music] we [Music] oh [Music] now unto him who's able to keep you from falling and to present you false before thy throne of grace to the only wise god be glory dominion powerful clown forevermore let everybody say man amen turn to somebody to say but god but god but god may you experience a butt god in your life may you experience a butt god in your life [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Concord Missionary Baptist Church Chicago
Views: 22
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: q_xRqZX4hAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 44sec (5924 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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