Sunday Morning Service || Rev Dr. Stevenson Samuels

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah i call you to worship this morning using psalm 100 from the passion translation lift up a great shout to joy to yahweh go ahead and do it everyone everywhere worship yahweh with gladness sing your way into his presence with joy reload and realize that this really means we have the privilege of worshiping yahweh our god for he is our creator and we belong to him we are the people of his pleasure you can pass through his open gates with a password of praise come right into his presence with thanksgiving come bring your tank offering to him and affectionately bless him his beautiful name for yahweh is always good and ready to receive you he's so loving that it will amaze you so kind that it will have stung you and he is so famous for his faithfulness to us all everyone knows our god can be trusted for he keeps his promises to every generation or we welcome you into the house of the lord to lift up the lord with us to worship the lord in the beauty of holiness it's men's sunday and we are here to worship god as men of god hallelujah come right in and worship god with us right now as we invite the praise team to do our opening song grace alone grace alone over to you praise team at this time oh we bless your name somebody leave your worship this morning somebody give me praise this morning but we are here to give him glory and honor and so he raised our worship for him this morning hallelujah [Music] [Music] every game we can make [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every way [Music] oh we worship you god today we worship you it's only by his grace [Music] god [Music] oh we will go [Music] [Music] this morning jesus it's only by his grace [Music] [Music] [Music] is which was oh [Music] is is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on go right ahead and lift up the name of jesus right now online hallelujah grace alone which god supplies strength unknown he will provide christ in us our cornerstone we will go forward in grace alone come on just declare we will go forth in grace alone that's our our assurance this morning on this men's sunday hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus we give god all the praise and the thanks it's grace alone hallelujah grace alone grace alone at this time we are going to remind ourselves as to why we gather as a congregation week after week we recite our purpose statement and it's very important for us to understand why we gather as a church our purpose statement after we we will recite it together and so let's go hallelujah our purpose is to reach the loss for christ call persons spirit let god honoring worship foster loving relationships and disciple believers for effective christian living and service amen amen amen so coming to us at this time we will have our opening prayer by brother connect davis after which we're going to sing and our opening hymn together keep on the firing line and right after the opening hymn we are going to get the word of the law the scripture reading that will come from brother ricardo davies so son and father will be taking part in our service this morning on our main sunday let's have our opening prayer at this time brother davis father ike lord god god of comfort lord in you lord god we live and move and have our being this morning lord god as we gather together lord god bring forth the word of god my god where my not ear lord god almighty will meet face to face lord god but we want to thank you lord god for giving men knowledge lord god almighty they they could oh god invent such a wonderful device at this time lord god and we want to thank you for wisdom lord god because lord god they did not done this because of their own power but you give them wisdom lord and you give them insight lord god despite lord god women locked down lord god but not locked out lord and we want to thank you for this morning lord god the right to remind us lord we cannot walk lord god we thought you hold in our hand this morning and as we gather here this morning lord god we ask of you lord god to touch the lord god almighty every hearts that will be here in the word lord god as your word go forth lord god through this oh god electronical medium lord god almighty we can forge your word lord god to touch lord god and to convict lord god those that will be hearing your word this morning lord god we welcome your presence lord god and we ask god to do for us lord god that which we cannot do for ourselves lord god almighty we realize we are serving almighty god it may seems impossible to mend lord god but with you all things are possible help us lord god not to murmur or complain but to be thankful lord god knowing god that you are still in control whatever the situation we may constance is lord god we may face you are still in control of your situation and for that reason lord god we have nothing to fear if jehovah is leading the way lord god we have confidence morning lord god whatever the situation is lord god you will see us true lord god fearful what men can do lord god what glory we have convinced knowing that our my god of our worship will be able to see us through our difficult time and therefore have your way no lord god bless your people lord god sanctify our hearts and do great and mighty things lord god which we have not seen or heard of lord god because we believe in a god a true unliving god who will never fail and he cannot feel us lord god and there we are not here to lean our own strength our own ability but we are here to lean on the strength and the ability of the almighty god our way now lord god bless us sanctify preserve and keep lord we commit ourself in your hand in the name of jesus christ the exalted one hallelujah amen and amen listening come on put those hands together right where you are in your living room keep on playing live friends of what god is gonna carry us through hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] he [Music] keep on [Music] [Music] [Music] if if [Music] we give you worship god hallelujah you are good hallelujah bless your name jesus everyone scripture idiom coming from romans 5 from 1 to 5 and we'll be reading from the niv virgin therefore since we have been justified through faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand and we boast in the hope of the glory of god not only so but we also glory in the suffering because we know that suffering produces perseverance perseverance character character oh fifth and last and hope does not put us to shame because god loves has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit who has given to us here handed a portion of god's holy word we honor it by saying glory be to the father to the son unto the holy ghost as it was in the beginning no one ever shall be worded out and amen amen amen amen hallelujah oh we are having church this morning hallelujah i don't know if you are feeling god's presence where you are right now but churchill keep praise the name of jesus and so i just want to take this opportunity right now the pleasure is mine to just welcome each and every one of you right now to 65 worlds and part new testament church of god it is men sunday and we want to welcome all our members and friends of the great 65 walton park church we welcome all of you who are on facebook live with us right now all of you who are also on youtube live we want to welcome you right at this point we want for you to go to the chat right now and if you are a first time viewer on facebook and on youtube go ahead and type in the chat first time we want to celebrate you with us this morning and also we want for you to go to the chat again and let us know exactly the country that you are tuning in from we want to specially welcome listen to us and love101 we welcome you it is delighted hallelujah for you to join us and for us to worship god together hallelujah it's good where we can come together and lift up the name of jesus so welcome audience of love 101 god bless you richly stay tuned we are going to have a wonderful time in the presence of the living god go ahead if you're on facebook and share this broadcast right now and let let's be a blessing to somebody this morning hallelujah so on behalf of the senior pastor pastor stevenson somewhere we welcome each and every one of you at this time we're going to have a great special item by a wonderful men group positive influence let's welcome them as they just minister to us this morning positive influence it's your time [Music] [Music] amen yes man right where you are men men stand up like a man i remember your foundation inspired all over the world [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] yes we may not be careless and run from problem no sir we will stand up like a man and deal with them any man can be a father yeah what is that any father can be a man yes sir and that is something yes magnificent understand exactly [Music] for under the pressure [Music] our years it is like a bus ride no frustration and the journey is a destination that [Music] [Music] [Music] yes man same spirit real man sometimes have a cry like can be a yes you take a real man yes sir strong alcohol real man they take a real man for coma church and john paul yes yes yes ma'am real man accept the lord yes man real man hallelujah real man yes sir then wash clothes [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] give and it will be given to you a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap for with the measure you use it will be measured to you thank you for worshiping through giving you may give to the work of the lord by depositing directly to our bank accounts at cibc first caribbean international bank account number 9690615 or national commercial bank account number 305-305-470 you may also give through kindly visit their website click on start giving and search for wealth empire new testament church of god you may also give of your tithes offerings and special pledges when next you visit us at 65 welcome park road may the blessing of the lord be yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] well well well this is what you call manpower on display the men are lit young people that's what you say lit all right i'm trying to borrow from your phrase but what do you know such a wonderful experience in the house of the lord today and such a wonderful sequel to all of what has happened before for us to be giving to the lord joyfully at this moment malachi 3 and verse 10 says bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house test me in this says the lord almighty and see if i will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will be not enough room for you to store it we trust god we take god at his word and we embrace his promise to us may i invite you to join with me at this time as we give sorry as we do our giving declaration and immediately after the declaration our praise team will continue to lead us into the presence of the lord let's go with the giving declaration we give to the lord as an act of worship and thanksgiving we give because our gracious god keeps giving to us we give being aware of our limited resources and god's abundance we give trusting god for his continued blessings on our lives our families our communities and our nation let's go pray esteem in offering excellent worship to our god we give you praise god we give you worship this morning hallelujah what almighty god will serve hallelujah he's awesome and so we declare it that we are living in the last days and we know that jesus christ will come again and so we encourage you saints of god trust in the lord and wait upon him it doesn't matter what you're going through he's coming again he's coming again church he's coming again and so we bless him and wait upon him this morning but he's coming put those hands together we bless your name god we bless the name for you are so good and we raise our worship these are the names these are the days declaring this morning [Music] and these saturdays and these are the days of your services righteousness [Music] [Music] riding up is [Music] the dry bones the dry bones [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is is [Music] right where you are we have already cleared to the east [Music] jehovah come on worship us right where you are declaring to the easter eggs is oh [Music] is is [Music] begin to bless his name this morning begin to raise your hallelujah this morning hallelujah surely we are living in parliament others are frustrated many are weak and weary what i say to you children of the living god don't give up [Music] on [Music] don't give up don't give up jesus we'll carry us through this world we bless today and so we ask them to draw us closer we are we withdraw this morning listening [Music] close to you somebody to draw closer this morning never let me go you have been praying for a long time [Music] don't [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] goes on you're today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] draw me close to you [Music] is [Music] there's no one that's like you not now no never one lord [Music] hey [Music] bring me back to you guys oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me [Music] that's where you are right where you are let's begin to raise your heart [Music] [Music] your enemy that you see today you won't see them anymore but you will cross over and you will accomplish and you will accomplish god's will hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] this morning [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] indeed he is a worthy god worthy is the lamb and we see that with an armin in other words yes we agree to what the word and the song is saying let me greet you i greet the pastors of this congregation i agree with the members of the council the members those of you who are joining us through the various platforms whether it is youtube facebook maybe you are on radio with us today we greet you all in the name of the lord from the waltham park new testament church of god it is a church that is one big family we read earlier from the text romans chapter 5 verse 1 to 5 and we are focusing on a very important topic today so get your bibles out and turn to the text as we look at the subject of discipline this subject is the matter we have been studying as a congregation from the beginning of september yes i salute the conceptualizers of this subject for selecting the broad area of discipline at such a time as this in our nation the truth is if we are going to make it in our nation in this time of lockdown curfews loss of jobs no face-to-face classes no money in the pocket no jobs available contained leisure activities no handshakes nor hugging no church as we once knew it murders mayhem mix-up and blender death and despair if we are going to make it through all of this we are really going to have to be extremely disciplined as a people discipline is really the practice or the training of people to obey rules discipline is guiding and growing people over time in such a manner that they consistently carrying uh carry out a function to achieve a particular goal over and over again christianity is a life of discipline no wonder the prime minister of jamaica noted that the church is the most compliant sector of society with respect to the kovid protocols that is why we are concerned as a church as a people of god as the sector about the message that is being sent when christians are regulated and restricted in a disproportionately higher manner for obeying protocols it is a wrong message that is being sent to society about the issue of discipline you are actually saying that the more disciplined you are the more punished you will be and that is certainly not the message that is certainly not the lesson that we want to teach a nation the text before us today in romans chapter 5 from verse 1 to 5 is bringing out the message of discipline in a strong way turn your bibles with me then because you have already gotten your bibles out so turn it with me to the book of romans yes and look with me at the text as we try to discover the truths oozing out of this text for disciplined living the first thing i observe right there in this text reading from verse one in fact from verse one to three is the real number of wheeze present in the text look at it romans 5 from verse 1 to 3. if you have your bibles just open it right now and look at the many ways that you pick out in verse in the three first verses let us together identify them verse 1 says we have been justified through faith that word justification is important because it means that we have been made right it doesn't mean that you are right it doesn't mean that you are doing anything to be right it says you have been justified someone else has justified you through faith and then the second thing we see is that we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ that word peace means that we are in harmony with god it means that we have been reconciled with god it means that we are in friendship with god yes and then the third one is that we have gained access by faith into his grace somebody say access with me yes access that word access really is saying that we have the privilege of being participants in the royalty of the favor of almighty god yes my friends we have gained access in other words before that we had no access of we had no privilege we had no opportunity but by the grace of almighty god men of jamaica can now enter freely and boldly into the very presence of god and access the very favor of god what a god and then we see that we now stand in verse 2 yes it means when it says that we are now standing it means that we are now strong it means that we are risen and stand upright as against being brought down and fallen no wonder the text says in the book of psalms some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the lord our god for i know that the lord saveth his anointing he will hear him from his holy heaven and with the saving hand of his right hand or the saving power of his right hand they the egyptians are brought down and fallen they the babylonians are brought down and fallen but we who know the lord we are risen and stand upright if you know the god of israel if you know the god of abraham isaac and jacob you're going to stand up you're going to be strong you're going to be mighty in the name of the lord hey and then the text goes on are we we are dealing with no you know remember see how we we know say we have to do the justification and the peace understanding and the grace but we we are dealing the scripture says we boast in the hope of the glory of god that means that it brings together the confidence and the joy and the glory and the splendor and the majesty and the might and the magnificence of god so when christians are boasting we are doing two things we are exercising our confidence and we are demonstrating our joy in the lord that is what gives us our strength the joy of the lord is our strength but let me move on again it says that we also glory in our sufferings and then the final we in verse 3 is that we know that suffering produces perseverance so look at it look at the very many weeds that are there we have justification we have peace we have grace we have stands we have glory of god we have sufferings we have suffering what a god what a mighty god what a holy power i'll go on another text yes my friends so then the first lesson is very clear did you calculate the amount of wheeze yes yes there are seven wheeze identified in the text and we all know that that word or that number seven is a perfect number of god it is a number of completion yes it is the number of yes everything is finished and done and complete come on it means settings done finish and complete it means that everything's sick now it means that everything's at that seven million seven million that everything's sought out that everything fix up fix up yes my friends this then is what the scripture is saying with the seven weeds it says that everything done like this when you walk through the path of justification and peace and grace and standing yes and the glory of god and suffering then you have gone through everything and everything nice you know and you're complete now and everything okay what a god god is a god of completion god is a god of perfection and god wants to perfect you my friends he wants to carry you through a path of prayer why not just trust your god now go through the path that is seven and allow god to do a up thing in our life and perfect you up in jesus name yes it's a path of perfection the first lesson but the second lesson we make that is in the we have listed seem to the we have listed seem to be increasing in intensity yes my friends the we haves are progressive so each we have is a more developed state than the we have that was before so justification is therefore at the very basic level it is the it is the re it is the foundational level yes and then after that my friends become a more intense thing which is a peace that is of a higher quality because it doesn't no mean that we are just right it means that we have a relationship somebody talk about relationships somebody just put relationship in the chat right now it means that we aren't gonna go on it means that we haven't got a friend but the next thing is even more intense because it says right there in the text that after we have the peace we have the grace you know my friends when you have a relationship with god it doesn't mean that you're having the favor of god it just means that your young god are taught back again it just means that you're and god reconcile again but when you have the grace of god it means that you have the favor of god it means that god has showered on his blessings upon you now it means that god is not just a fill up your cup what you might fill up your truck it means not as a dump a truck we have it means that it's a ten wheeler of blessings we are getting because we have the favor of god anybody have the favor of god this morning yes the blessing of god from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet the blessing of god blessing our own media yes my friends from the east west north and south the blessing of god is upon my life what a god yes my friends yes next that god is giving us is not just a favor but the standing that he gives us the capacity to stand up even when things are going wrong yes my friends that is what god is giving us the ability to stand upright and not to fall god is not just relating to you in a very favoring way but he wants to empower you when god make you stand up god is giving you the power to withstand the stresses of life yes my friends it's one thing to get the favor wanting to be right it's one thing to have a good relationship it's another thing to do what we call in modern day capacity building and that gotta do in our life capacity building is strengthening us so that we can stand up against the wiles of the devil and having done all to stand what a god i love this text this morning time i run old promise made me preach one the scripture says but then the glory of god the glory of god come after the standing yes my friends the glory of god seems to be the absolute presence of god that we are beholding this even feels in the text like the ultimate it is the more progressive than standing it is more progressive than favor more progressive than peace though it is kind of the hope of glory yes that we boast in the hope of the glory of god ah some people would say but that's just a hope but this hope is a strong hope this hope is a sure hope this hope is a steady hope and that is why my friends even though we have not come into the fullness of the glory of god yet we don't reach heaven yet but the hope is so powerful that we are already beginning to feel the glory of god are we in heaven yet no sir but we are some somebody say we are still uh experiencing heaven we are on the wrong side of heaven and one sister said if the wrong side of heaven is so sweet then i hold the right side of the feet a lot of mercy oh my god we are already in heavenly places with almighty god hallelujah yes my friends yes yes yes that is why christians love to come together in worship that is why we love corporate worship because we feel as if we are already in heaven look all the little bit away look at the liquor drop away nothing yeah feel good look how we feel are you ready and the church not even full lord god a twenty little people in here and the church got all chosen what a god when two archery are gathered in the presence of the god no things are gone no shutterburst nothing attract in the name of jesus oh lord when many people meet to glorify god we have the victory in jesus name yes yes but he's not done yet it's not done yet the text continues it is progressive remember we say that from justification to peace and from peace to grace and from grace to stand up and from stand up to the glory of god but it's not done yet somebody said it no you can't spell patra writing on the chat it's not done yet it's not done yet it is not over the scripture says the we have is not the honor it says that we have the sufferings the sufferings yes yes friends when justification is over and peace is over and grace is over and standing is over and glory of god is over the progression dawned on there is a suffering the ultimate is left suffering the discipline that has caused you to engage justification and peace and grace and standing and glory must make you able to engage and endure the sufferings that would come because of this suffering i'm gonna make your bus out at the suffering i'm gonna make you stand up and it's suffering i'm gonna make you blast off and hey somebody that is suffering i'm gonna make you able to be victorious over and over and over again wait a lot of mercy so the third observation then the third lesson that we see in the text uh is to be a pausing at the suffering station look what's the other virtues of the faith are mentioned just one time justification one piece one i got standing one on all of them thing at one time suffering is mentioned twice it mentioned six and it mentioned seven lord god look at the three verse three again and you see that we is associated with suffering twice yes my friend this is really emphasizing the extent of the suffering or the attention that is required for the suffering and as if that wasn't enough the text not only mentioned it twice but the first time we mention it it pluralize it lord god it never said pieces oh my god he never said justifications it never said holy glory but it said it says sufferings yes it says it says we also glory in our sufferings oh god when it's the back of the end our word it means enough of something it means that it is pluralized oh god suffering is an integral part friend of the christian faith you just can't get around it listen to the great testimony of the super apostle paul in second corinthians 4 verse 8 to 12 he says we are troubled on every side yes yet not distressed we are perplexed we never know what the word i mean but we feel it we are perplexed oh god but not in despair it says persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed always bearing in the body the dying of the lord jesus for we which live are always delivered unto death for jesus sake oh lord but i serve a notice on the enemy that when him see that we are perplexed that when him see that we are troubled when we see that we are perplexed and persecuted don't serve me don't worry about me because we are more more we are more we are more than conquerors more than victors more than winners in the name of jesus we have won already 2 000 years ago the battle is already won [Music] [Applause] woo yo listen we win already beijing boss mana we are more than conquerors somebody said more yeah somebody said more [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] god almighty love fm just give me a little more time now me i'll peer feed give me like one more time let me just make another point the fourth lesson is that the apostle gloried in his sufferings he didn't become miserable in his suffering he didn't mourn in his suffering he didn't mope in his suffering instead the bible said that he rejoiced in his suffering so verse 3 says we also glory in our sufferings to glory and suffering is to boast in suffering or to exalt in suffering says the original greek word so looking at some translations the bible says right there in the king james version we glory in tribulations and in the american standard version it says we also rejoice in tribulation and another version says we boast in our suffering this morning and the new american standard bible says we also celebrate let's have a poor day lord god suffering to come may we just celebrate it lord have mercy somebody must somebody give god a shout and then the amplified version says listen the amplified version says but with joy let us exhort in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships in any version you take it any style and fashion you'll take it any easier it's not and so to take it the believer is going to come up some and summer kind of suffering you can't get over suffering you can't get around suffering you can't get under suffering you have to go through it my youth but remember that when you pass to the valley of the shadow of death when you pass through the valley of the shadow of your suffering i shall fear no evil for thou art with me i rod and i starve they comfort me there prepares a table before me ah in the presence of my troubles in the presence of my persecution in the presence of my tribulation in the presence of my enemies now and i test my head without it my cup is running over so surely goodness [Music] mercy shall follow me you may don't preach now and then we don't know all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord somebody typed forever somebody showed forever somebody touched somebody beside you and said [Music] you may be going through a rough time today [Music] you may be going to hard troubles and trials family members friends co-workers have died people are dying like flies in jamaica now not only covey but all kind of sickness economy likes that people are just are dead they're dead so oh god one lady on the tv said the people are dead in i will laugh after her but they call me like a true shiata the people are really dead in future my god all kinds of crime and violence in this country people are getting more and more depressed sufferings are taking place but maybe your suffering is to bring you closer to the savior if you are here today [Music] and you are facing trials in your life why not just open up your heart to your god right now what is your suffering if you are not a christian right now i want you to go into that chat you haven't even begun the path of victory as yet so you need justification you can't get the completion unless you get the justification you have to be made right by the blood of jesus if you're not a christian and you're listening on radio oh mighty god why not just find a little space right now and just talk to your god and say save me if you're watching on some screen there is a qr code oh god we just made the thing easy for you just take out your smartphone bridging bassman just take out the smartphone i'm pointing towards the qr code lord god and we will come to you urgently as we give you further instructions through that qr code if you are here today and you are in the in in the social space just look into the chat right now and you will see a google doc form come on just go into the chat you will see a google doc form click on it and just just in a in in about 30 seconds you will be able to answer just about two or three questions and we will immediately make contact with you come on just get into that chat click on the on the google doc form if you're here today oh you're watching this event today my god you may look on the screen and you see a telephone number why don't you call up that number right now call up that number right now and somebody will answer you whatever it is even if you can't manage all of that just type source or salvia shot another chat just type source of salvation and a prayer warrior is going to lift up your name before the grace of almighty god do you have a prayer request right now oh god why don't you call why don't you rather type into the chat your prayer requests just just enter your prayer request the suffering that you're experiencing just put it into the chat right now just put it whatever suffering it is just put it into the chat and some of you may just need to call upon your god if you're listening by radio just call upon your god right now present that suffering matter to your god and let god answer you he's ready to meet your need i want to pray for you i hope that we're still on the broadcast let me just pray for you right now heavenly father there are so many persons experiencing challenges in jamaica this time so many persons faced with all kinds of uncomfortable situations physically and psychologically and sociologically but we know that you the great jehovah you the jehovah jaire is able to come forth and meet them at their point of need right now so in the name of jesus touch everyone with a condition touch everyone with a sickness touch everyone oh god with a challenge touch everyone with a financial crisis touch everyone that is going through some kind of mental challenge depression sadness withdrawal don't want to go lord touch everyone at this time and in the name of jesus we pray for salvation for those who have indicated that they want to be saved do a mighty work in their lives in jesus name we pray amen and amen hallelujah my friends we want to continue the celebration we want to continue the praise and worship but before we do that could you just listen for a moment at some announcements immediately after that the praise team is going to come and i know that sister judith's mom sister judith's mom is ready for judith margaret may attack ready for worship because she came maybe in her 80s and she sat down and she's watching and she's participating in worship today mommy take off your your church shoes come in no you know your church clothes today take off your church shuska a celebration time immediately after the notices and announcements we will be having another time of celebration let us receive the announcements [Music] a warm welcome to the church that is one big family our lead pastor revered dr stevenson samuels assistant pastor reverend michael craig and music pastor sister andrea roberts are delighted that you joined our worship today in light of the government measures which have designated sundays as no movement days no services are being held in the sanctuary until further advised however be assured that dirt still keep church still a keep church still a keep oh i had to do that tries we will continue to provide a rich worship experience and a timely word by streaming our services live each sunday morning via our social media platforms continue to partner with us by sharing the link with relatives and with friends there's also a delayed broadcast of the service on local 101 fm to provide worship opportunities for persons who are not connected to our online options despite the kobit 19 measures and the restrictions on physical gatherings we will continue to participate in holy communion we therefore invite you to gather with us this evening at 6 30 p.m via zoom with your emblems as we celebrate the death burial and resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ look out for the link in the news groups in light of the restrictions on movement our bible studies prayer meetings and other small group meetings are being held virtually these include bible study wednesdays at 7 00 pm join us via our youtube channel tuesday evening prayer at 7 p.m via zoom saturday morning prayer at 6 30 a.m via zoo sunday school at 3 p.m via zoom please log on to our interactive sessions as we study the word of god together and now for our upcoming events the youth department has launched census 2021 geared at ensuring we have a comprehensive data house of family members between the ages of 3 and 35 years the census form is available online as well as at the church office parents and guardians will be required to complete the form for children 12 years and under sunday september 26th join us as the waltham park family honors sister g as she proceeds into retirement we really bless god for her contribution this little giant has made such an impact over the years we invite you to partner with us in this special celebration those who wish to make a financial contribution to sister g may utilize our various giving options and this includes our website at welcome park the welcome park family mourns the loss of sister sadie huxtable and former counselor cecil sachel two senior stalwarts who have gone to be with the lord we extend sincere condolences to the families we also continue to give support to our family members of the 65 family who are today mourning the loss of members of their immediate families counselor eugenie brown and sister andrea jonas on the passing of their mothers minister hugh roberts on the passing of his father a retired minister let's continue to bear them up with our prayers and give them support as they adjust to the loss we are aware of the rapid spread of the kovic 19 virus and the effect it has on families we therefore use this opportunity to urge all our brothers and sisters to take all the precautions to protect yourselves and prevent further spread of the virus pray seek god's direction wear your mask keep your social distance stay sanitized and while we do this please stay connected call and check upon each other and find out ways in which you can help the sick and the shutting log on to the small group meetings we continue to believe that god the waymaker will give us the grace to ride out this pandemic have a great week in the lord and may god bless you we give him praise this morning hallelujah what a word this morning somebody else begins to clap your hands and give me praise here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] together [Music] god [Music] i thought my soul doesn't this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you are precious [Music] [Music] more precious [Music] if [Music] god [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] oh [Music] for jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] god bless you we give you praise [Music] you
Channel: Waltham Park NTCOG
Views: 1,123
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: livechurch, sundayservice, wntcof, walthamntcog, sundaymorningservice, jamaican church, ntcog, ntcogjamaica
Id: olnIipV9new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 14sec (5594 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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