Sunday morning central Indiana storm damage and cleanup

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good morning and welcome to 13 sunrise we have a lot to get to on this sunday morning after a line of severe storms rolled through overnight that actually produced several tornado warnings across central indiana lindsey is going to have more on that in just a moment thankfully no tornadoes reported but we do have what appears to be some wind damage including right here want to get to some images from frankfurt this is the scene in in town in frankfurt you can see a tree down on top of a car lots of debris around it scattered throughout the road and the sidewalk at one point in addition to some reports of trees down across parts of central indiana we also had about 7 000 homes and businesses without power crews are working right now to get everything back on in fact as the sun starts to come up as as we get daylight we're getting a better look at the damage in boone county specifically this is a live look at some downed power lines near sheridan kind of near the hamilton boone county line this is u.s 421 and police say that intersection of 421 and 47 is going to be closed while power crews make repairs and right now we know thousands are still without power as crews work to get everything back on so if you are getting ready to head out this morning especially kind of between indianapolis and kokomo lindsey check your out be extra cautious of storm damage including downed power lines that's kind of where we saw the brunt of uh of the storm damage based on the calls that we made overnight yeah we know that that section of 421 is going to be closed for at least the next couple of hours the boone county sheriff's office just tweeting out that information you can see why that's going to take some time to get everything back up and running those power poles essentially just toppled over on their side and that's a good indication that we had some straight-line wind damage if it was tornado rotation we would see them kind of falling in different directions so since they're all kind of laying over on their side that's an indication that we certainly had some of that straight line wind damage and the good news is as we are all waking up this morning that severe threat has come to an end for at least this morning this afternoon but we've got another round that's going to be possible as we get into late tonight before the system comes to an end completely it's rare that we go from a record warm day like what we had yesterday a 77 degree high when the average is 47 that's not normal so we have an often rocky transition back to normal which is exactly why we saw those storms last night and until the system is all out of here late tonight we're going to have that next round coming through as well as far as what's out there right now it has been pretty quiet since this initial line moved through during the overnight and at this point all local watches warnings have been expired in fact we're really not even seeing much on the radar at this point we'll put this into a live view here just after seven o'clock this morning a few scattered showers now moving toward bloomington but that's about it as we get our day started all of this associated with this cold front that is slowly going to track through the state today pretty much stalled out right here in the central part of the state right now you can see that blue coloring indicating where that much cooler air is starting to move in from we're still at 63 here in indy right now 66 in shelbyville but 51 up in lafayette it's that cooler air mass it's going to take over for us in a collision of that cooler air with the warmer air that's going to give us that setup for some stronger storms once again tonight this is the latest from the storm prediction center we've got the green and the yellow highlights representing a level one and two meaning the potential is there for some isolated to scattered strong to severe storms let me walk you through the timeline now this is going to take us over the next several hours notice as the sky clears temperatures are going to hold steady in the 50's to areas north closer to the boundary and in the 60s for areas elsewhere now as this next line returns after about 10 p.m we'll see some scattered storms first developing and then this becomes very widespread by about one o'clock in the morning throughout the metro and especially the southern half of the state that's where we're watching for the potential of the scattered strong to severe storms overnight we're going to talk more about this potential threats and the timeline as we get into your full forecast
Channel: WTHR
Views: 3,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: local, weather
Id: SS1c5o6Bn8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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