(Day Three) Breaking Barriers & Overcoming Limitations In The Lives Of Men || Rev Sam Oye (PPH 538)

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i want to thank god for the prayer of the man too two days ago when you were doing the prayer that we should get a mantle i got my mantra and i prayed alongside with you on that mantle my daughter who has been complaining of leg pain i called her i said okay just bring the leg she brought the leg i laid the mantle on her immediately i asked her to check if she can feel the pain she said she's no longer feeling the pain i said okay jump up she jump up i said do what you cannot do before she began to do what she cannot do and she said well the leg was gone i was excited i was like god you can do this instantly thank you for the glory thank you for the healing when she came back from school i asked her again is the legs depending you she said no the next morning i asked her is the leg sleeping in you she said no she said she's completely healed reverend samuel i want to thank you for allowing god to yuzu the lord that has started his work in your life will complete it the lord will see you through the lord will be with you all and all that crew of the pph the lord bless you sir god bless you sir i am happy and i'm excited and i know by the grace of god i will still be here i will share it i will call friends in fact in all things god can do all things there is nothing that god cannot do thank you sir god bless you sir [Music] hello pph family i am so blessed and my heart is so full of joy just to be sitting here and giving you guys my testimony i never thought that this day would ever come for me i'd witnessed other families and people testify on this platform and talk about the miracles that were happening for them and their families and i never thought that that they would ever come for me this quickly i've been going through two days of extremely excruciating back pain it came out of nowhere i'm a young healthy woman and the kind of pain that i was going through i i just didn't understand i just couldn't fathom and so on the third day i got so tired of this i reached out to pastor sam the kind of pain that i was going through was that kind that i could not bend i could not sit i could not lay down in bed so come time to go to sleep i would literally sit up in bed because that was a better option for me rather than laying down because laying down was so painful sitting down was also very very painful but it was a lot easier for me to do that than it was for me to lay down however i reached out to pastor sam and let him know what was going on he gave a very short profound declaration and then also let me know that he was joining faith in prayer with me i needed to hear that because honestly the kind of pain that i was going through i thought that this was going to go on for months and maybe that i could never bounce bounce out of out of it you know after all that happened i i felt an urge to just leap out of my chair i leaped out of my chair and then i sat back down i bend um [Music] and then i um got up again and i knelt on the floor i got back up again i jumped again and to my amazement i did not feel any pain i honestly kid you not there was no pain i was like this is a joke this cannot be real this cannot be happening how is it even possible so i came to my bed i lay down no pain i was healed instantly i'm still in disbelief at how quickly this happened um because of the kind of pain that i was going through as pastor sam always says with our god all things are possible and i believe that so much i give god all the glory and all the praise and honor for what he did for me god bless you pastor sam god bless you mama mary and pastor shegu you are amazing ambassadors to the kingdom of god i truly um direct everybody who has issues who needs prayer who needs healing and anything that they're going through i direct them to this to this platform pastor sam mama mary pastor shiego and the entire pph tribe thank you [Music] i want to thank my brother of swollen tommy because in one of the prophetic prayer hours his case was mentioned to my amazement course it takes alcohol a lot and has been a concern to the family the swelling has gone and he no longer takes alcohol come on and also my sister who i introduced to pph called me that she has been cleared in our final exams after a delay last year all right glory be to god almighty i want to thank previous supposed to shake my mirror oh yeah and on the pbh crew for your tireless efforts may god bless you all in jesus mighty name with our god our god all things are the kind of joy i feel right now i don't know where to start from there's truly god in this place thank you reverend samuel for allowing god use you as a vessel to help this generation mama mary oye and the old pph team i just want to say thank you this is the second time i'm testifying to the goodness of god in my life and family since i joined this platform all i've seen is the goodness of god i love this on friday the 27th of august i woke up i'm so reluctant to join the prayer this is not the usual of me because i normally join the prayer session from the beginning and i always stay with my husband's promotion in this auto fire of which sometimes i tag him too i immediately got up from the bed on friday and joined the prayers i heard reverend sam prophesying about straight promotions and elevation i was shocked i started claiming it on behalf of my husband that same friday he did not wait till the next day or that same day my husband called me all i could hear from his voice was shot of joy telling me that he has been promoted i started leaping for joy he would not understand this particular position is a very sensitive one in its organization truly with our goal with our god all things are possible all the glory goes to the almighty god thank you pastor mama mario and the people that are behind the scene last week the lord delivered my brother soul from that in the car in his car he said i prayed for my sister i would start for an exam in america and she has passed with flying colors but i love this he's of great interest to me he said the lord also has healed me from having hemorrhoids it's her asking came but the lord sent it away because i decreed and i declared that it has come to the wrong person hey therefore if you pack its back and leave he said i anointed the area with the oil that man of god has blessed and it vanished hi pastor may the lord bless you and the family at all times in the mighty are you hearing that one yes sir last weekend i have children and i were experiencing cold cough salt roads we all had to go for coffee 19 tests and to the glory of god the result all came out negative he said praise praise the lord some weeks back when the reverend sam was praying he said the almighty god in any one with kova 19 all the symptoms and i remember he said i'm so grateful to god because of his promises where he said affliction shall not rise again the second time the almighty god eat my family of kobe 19 in march 2021 i kept on saying his promises back that affliction shall not rise the second time he said god is indeed faithful praise praise the lord and thank you reverend pastor mama mary oh ye and all the pph family thank you jesus for with our god with our god orphans are possible i want to testify and thank our good and great god for joining mercies i was about to go on a journey and suddenly i became unsettled and fear gripped me so much i wanted to cancel the journey he said as i joined the prayer that morning reversal mentioned my situation and said the fear is almost palpable and i remember he said but god has delivered you and nothing will happen on the journey yes you will go and you come back safely and that was exactly what happened laura be to god on the fifth of this month yes god rescued me and my friend from one chance around area eight right he said we were on our way back from an interview and we so we entered a vehicle going to area three junction not knowing that it was one chance that is what we call it in this part of the world after brutally beating us and trying to kill us by forcing us under the car seat during this process we prayed in tongues even though even though he said we prayed in tongues that they even told us that they prayed more than us but we kept on praying in tongues but the god of pph we need to let us collect our phones another valuable items and then push us out of the moving car i am here to return our glory to god for his protection and guidance he said we sustain many injuries and pains but now we are healthy and hearty glory be to god pph is the key i love this pph is the key for with our goal our god all these all things are possible [Music] father we thank you in the name of jesus jesus we'll give you the glory and the praise because you are our father and you've given us the right of access to your presence yes well thank you father because the death of jesus has paved the way well thank you father god because you're a miracle working god you are a prayer answering god said we shall call upon you in the days of trouble you will answer us and we will glorify you thank you for this precious moment thank you jesus lord as we have gathered from every nation of the earth we thank you because of the privilege that we do have to fellowship with you thank you jesus we ask that you will stretch your hands over every one of us amen we pray that you will touch us in a very unique way amen thank you for the healings and the miracles you've been performing in the last few days thank you for what you've done over the last 530 days we'll give you the glory and the praise thank you for what you will do today thank you father because we have no doubt we are like children who are very confident of who their father is we know what you are capable of we know what you are capable of we know how faithful you are we know how majestic you are we know how glorious you are we know that you always come right at the nick of time we know that you never come late we thank you because our god and our father you are the mountain moving god thank you jesus you are the obstacle crushing god the bible says that your presence mountains they do melt yes the bible says that the mountains skip like rams and the they skip like lambs and the red sea is dividing and jordans pulls back lord we thank you because of the mightiness of your power glory and praise be to your holy name thank you for what you will do here today what give you the glory and the praise thank you for gathering us from across the nations of the earth let your name forever be praised in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ and amen amen amen you know before we get started i just want you to know something today is going to be a very unique day i am very very optimistic of what god is about to do in our lives so if you have any family member that is trusting god for conception you have any family member who is trusting god for healing in their body you have any man who is believing god for a breakthrough in his life a man who you know is really working so very hard struggling and it seems like life has not been favorable to watch him you have a brother you have a son you have somebody who is your fiance or whatever the case may be any man in your life would like you to invite them on board now enough of you carrying them it's time for god to strengthen them in the name of jesus christ and it's amazing to know sir that we have assad yesterday pph has been watched across 79 countries of the world 79 countries of the world i was targeted when i got that statistic yesterday that we have been watched from 79 countries of the world as we're speaking right now we have a satellite broadcast going on to 40 different countries and 30 minutes after this broadcast there will be another satellite broadcast to over 25 countries we are just so humbled and we counted a great privilege and honor we never knew god will bring us this far we never even saw this it was just supposed to be for five days and for few people but we are grateful to our father from across the nations of the world i never know some of the countries i'm just getting to find some country's names you know from across the islands the belize island people are watching from uh saint lucia yes and lucia or something like that same kids yes and kids and clements way off in the in the islands you know bahamas and jamaica people are watching from guyana trinidad and tobago we just want to give god the praise from different african countries we give him the glory and the praise and for every country where people are watching from our god is touching lives there hallelujah so he has not allowed us to gather to him in vain oh come on people tribe everybody across the nation ain't you proud to be a part of a global tribe why don't you just begin to say thank you jesus oh really i wanted to open your mouth and the bible said let everything that has breath begin to praise the name of the lord our god what was supposed to be for a little community in guarimba is feeding 79 countries of the world and counting more because we're going to more nations of the earth ah now i understand that this glory of the lord will cover the earth it will cover the earth it will cover the earth it will cover the earth amen until we are people from every nation of the earth watching and glorifying god open your mouth and begin to bless our father he deserves the glory he deserves the praise he deserves the adoration open your mouth and tell him how great he is how great is my god sing with me how great is my god sing with me how great is my god just open your mouth and glorify him he deserves our worship there is none to be compared with our god he is the strength of our lives in him we live in him we move in him we have our being he is the monaco universe the bible says the heavens eye is thrown in the earth is his footstool the bible say he stretched the heavens like a cotton my god will give you the glory he is called the god of jesus who rides upon the wings of the heavens for our help lord we thank you our father before we ask you for anything we want to thank you for everything before we ask you for an open door we want to thank you for closed doors before we ask you to open another door we thank you for the ones you've opened before we are grateful to you our father we are the ones who have come back to say thank you we are the ones who have shown mercy we are the ones who have shown kindness we are the ones you have lavish grace upon lord who are we to ever make a demand before we say thank you lord some of us never knew you would bring us this far some of us never saw this kind of grace but we give you the glory of the praise we thank you for what you are doing in our lives we thank you for what you are doing in our families you have taken us as singles you have put us in families we used to be solitary but you put us in families we used to be despised but now we are honored we used to be broke but now we are blessed we used to be beggarly but lord now we are confident we used to go a borrowing and a sorrowing but now we are lending to nations lord we thank you hallelujah raptor thank you if the lord has been good to you you cannot be casual with your thanksgiving and be aggressive with your prayer let your thanksgiving be full of gratitude let there be passion in your praise let there be a strong sense of passion in your praise a strong sense of gratitude in your thanksgiving open your mouth and thank him from where he has brought you to look back at what you survived if not for the lord who was on your side you will not be where you are today lift up your voice and thank him you can do that under a duvet stand out of your bed and just praise your father you can be casual with your thanksgiving if you will praise me i hear the lord said the earth will yield i increase until you stand upon brothers who would have ever thought that your ministry will be where it is can't you see how god has been good to you not many mighty not many nobles but god has chosen even you the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and the mighty open your mouth say father father i am grateful my god how much have i provided compared to all you are doing my god i am grateful my father i'm thankful you've turned my life around turn my story around took me from the my reclaim set me upon a rock to stay i give you the glory my father you took me from following the sheep and you made me a leader to your people i give you the glory and the praise if not for you where would i be if not for your mercy where will i be you broke the chains of darkness you stripped me of every covering of shame you took away from me the coverage of darkness you took reports from my life i give you the glory on the praise when men said to me there was a casting down you empowered me to say there's a lifting up i am grateful to you my father you bring the cloud over me by day and the peanut fire by night you have been the one who paved the way for me through the red seas of my life you've been the one who broke jordan for me you pulled down jericho was for me i give you the glory and the praise where i had no mighty you became my might where i had no voice you became my voice where i couldn't fight her you fought for me god my god when the voices of men were loud and against me you shut them down i give you the praise and the glory when the nobles when the mighty men of this earth came together in alliance to swallow me up you forbade them you stop the mount of lions you quench the fairy falls messiah you became my insulator what almighty god you are somebody lift your voice oh my god i feel like blessing my brother oh something is breaking loose inside here is there any grateful person in the house lift your voice and praise them look back look back and give thanks for peter nauseate liberated the bible says thanksgiving will flow out of your windows shall flow out of your doors man to bread over your desk and the lord said he will multiply you begin to give him thanks begin to give him praise somebody begin to tell your father who he is declare who is your god type and declare how great is your god type and declare how mighty your god is rock almighty fortress the everlasting god the strength of israel and sustain us pathfinder trailblazer place setting god transcending god would you give him the glory the one who opened the doors and there is no door he can't open because he can become the door so he is the door himself would you go ahead and give him praise everlasting god eternal god glorious god listen to me if we are to continue to praise them now we know why david was praised god seven times a day seven times is not enough seven times a day david would stop and praise god because there was power in praise there was power in praise do i have 70 people here who are watching right now and you are like me and as you look around you you're almost pinching yourself is it true that god has brought me here is it true that god has given me this rank is it true that i'm in this office is it true is it true you look around you for you know this race was not for the mighty otherwise she will not be here you know this race was not for the swift otherwise she will not be considered you know this race was not about where you schooled because nobody would have looked at your certificate but mercy mercy the grace of god if there is a recipient of grace you look back at where god has brought you from hello woman of god i'm speaking to a woman watching me right now listen you've not always been this big woman you came from a struggling background look at how god has twisted you around turn your life around humble yourself in gratitude lift your hands in praise let him know he is your maker let him know he is your lifter say to the devil no room for pride say to the devil no room for arrogance god lifted me yes god bless me god honored listen to how david put his own thanksgiving david by the spirit of god when the man looked at himself david david said i know me is it was it not i that was not qualified to appear in family meeting you didn't get what i'm just saying david was saved me i was not qualified my own family meeting when family members were meeting i was not considered worthy to appear in family meetings it's a look at me now i'm the one sitting in the palace i am now the one being attended by men i'm not the one that people are willing to die for i'm now the one that rides on chariots driving some of the best cars i am now the one traveling first class i'm now the one choosing which car to use i'm now the one deciding which house to live in what country to go on for vacation i'm talking about you you know what david said he said lord it's not me he said no no no no he said you are the one you are jehovah el gomer you are the god who is making these things he said he can't be from me you are the god who is making things happen you are the one who is demonstrating your power somebody open your mouth thank you and say my father my father my father you are jehovah algoma you are the god making things happen you are the god who is making things happen in my life lift your voice in thanksgiving you want that god who is making all these things happen what's around your room the house you made it happen the car you made it happen the job you make it have made it happen my children you made them happen victory i have you made it happen good health you made it happen lift your voice and give him praise first please begin to invite your family and friends now how somebody is watching me now and because of the way god is doing some things in your life now you are even afraid to share it you are afraid to talk in fact you are so afraid that nobody you are keeping things so much under wraps now there's nothing wrong with being a modest but what i see about what's going on with you is that you're not modest you are afraid [Laughter] you you have seen how they brought down so many high flyers and you have a genuine reason to be afraid but right here genuine ends i want to speak to you in the name of jesus by the word of the lord the lord said i should tell you fear not because from today yes put your hand on your head if you can get your mantle quickly put it on your head i speak the blessing over you amen and i decree and declare that from today no magic spell can bind you again amen no magic spell will bind you again amen no incantation will be placed on you amen you are beyond magic spells beyond incantations can i say it again with the mantle on your head get your hand handkerchief right now get any piece of material get your anointing or if you don't have a piece of material open up the oil anoint yourself as i speak in the name of jesus from today as you begin to rise you will continue to rise no magic spell will be laid on you amen let me put it how jesus put it jesus said you will drink deadly things it's just that they will not touch you yes sir hear me and everywhere if they put it in your drink it will not hurt you amen if they cast a spell on you it will bounce back because you are blessed beyond the curse you are blessed beyond the spell with your hand upon you now and the mantle on your life i bless you beyond despair no spell will be faster than you no incantation will take hold on you magic's balls won't we used to do wrestling and some of us develop some tricks when we don't want somebody to beat us but when you know you have a bad opponent but you know you have somebody who is stronger than you you know what we do we come with oil so normally we fight without shirts so we oil ourselves so when the strong man wants to hold us he can't hold us because we are oiled up i have seen a new game they call oil fight where everybody will be dipped in oil and then they will have to fight how do you hold a man that is oil a catholic how do you hold a woman that has been oil no one that david said my head you have anointed with fresh oil yes no one that the enemy couldn't hold me they couldn't force me down couldn't tie me down because i've been oiled up yes listen put your right hand on your head as i speak in the name of jesus i declare you and declare that you are oiled by god from today magic's bears will not have a grab on grasp on you amen from today incantations will not be fastened on you i decree you are oiled by god you are all by god you can't be strangled amen you can't be handled in the name of jesus christ no magic spell can bind you no incantation will hold you back you have begun to rise you will never stop rising in the name of jesus amen amen somebody type and declare i am oiled up associated everything you do will succeed everything you do will succeed the oil is the presence of god and from today because the presence of the lord is with you yes everything you do will succeed i don't know what i'm praying for leah every [Music] you carry the presence of god from today according to genesis 29 verse 2 energy version the lord was with joseph another way to put it the lord ordered of joseph and everything he did succeeded yes everything he did was successful he succeeded in everything put your hand upon yourself from today you will succeed in everything where you felt before you are going to put the record straight you are not a failure you are going back to succeed you will succeed in style you will succeed with class you will succeed with honor i decree and i declare where you failed in business you will go back and succeed where you failed in career you will go back and succeed when you fail the relationship you will go back and succeed somebody type and declare no more failure i am too anointed i re-engineer your destiny for success i your destiny for success i re-route your path for success from today you've been working in the path of failure today we re-navigate your power we re-route we reposition you to succeed i'm speaking into your destiny whatever went wrong in your foundation whatever went wrong in your mother's womb whatever went wrong when you were growing up we have come by the help of the heavens and i decree by the speaking of the spirit that from today your destiny is rerouted whosoever has put you on the path of failure i change your route amen can you have to cut your man who she must put you on the track of failure i change your track whosoever has put you on the lane of failure yes i changed your life amen from today have fun reposition you heavenly positions you put your hand on your head and let it come to your life from today you will not fail again in relationship you will not fail in business you will not fail in ministry you will not fail in investment in the name of jesus your part is rerouted your destiny is rearranged your part is rerouted amen your destiny is rearranged amen we re-navigate your path we re-engineer your life we reposition you for feasibility myself in somebody's room and i'm praying over a man i'm praying over a woman and i can see your spirit is connected yes your destiny is taking a shift there is a switch taking place [Music] and balance the cattle here i speak to the cloud of failure your life i command the cloud shift amen i command the cloud of failure shifts whatever has caused the rain of failure to be falling on your life from today that cloud that produces the rain shift now no more over your life no more over your life no more failure at the edge of success in the name of jesus you will succeed in everything you do you will succeed in everything you do only you will succeed mr matt you will succeed appreciate you will succeed in everything you do in everything you do in everything you do receive such a grace now i speak over the men watching me all our men please stretch your right hand to watch me in the name of jesus man of god i bless you in the name of jesus i bless you by the blessing of the presbytery amen i bless you by the apostolic and the prophetic amen i bless you by the call of god on my life i bless you with the blessing with which my fathers are blessed amen and i say to you sir your destiny takes a new leap for you today amen amen where you've been walking you will start running amen i said something hello man of god hello businessman hello that from today whosoever programmed you to be working where you are supposed to be wrong am i not hearing shall i not declare that form he who programmed you that which programmed your life to be on a slow motion they got to meet secretary eldo i hear the lord saying from today yes i all got that which has altered your life and i hear the lord saying from this moment you will mount up with wings as eagles i hear the lord saying you will begin to run like you've never run before i you shall be faithful assistant you shall be grace assisted you shall be men assisted where you are dragged and trailed behind i hear the lord saying you are overtaken represent overtaking grace in the name of jesus your lost years shall be recovered sir amen your lost yes shall be recovered yes you have lost because of gun god mistaken because of losses the years you have lost because of the things that happened to you i hear the lord say you shall recover all in a moment the former rain and the latter rain coming upon you in one season [Music] a generous person talk the name tag the name of three people as you put their name you will say some only you will succeed in everything you do please tag the name of three people hello yes i'm moving with the speed of the spirits here you are unstoppable you are unstoppable you are unstoppable every man watching me you are unstoppable you are moving with the spirit of god denise you are moving with the spirit of god augustine mr augustine i bless you with speech amen i bless you with spirit a good frightening mr success i bless you with speed i bless you will speak mr joseph i bless you with speed mr nathan i bless you with speed you will if you are a man and you are having a project or you are a woman and you have a brother who is having a project right now this time this project that i've been studying and strolling and and and wobbling and fumbling and all in the name of jesus everyone with a project can you put your hand on the screen make sure you have your hand catching with you in the name of jesus you will take that handkerchief a symbol of god's presence you will take it to your project site and you will lay it on the project side and you will declare speed did you hear what i just said you will get to your project site and you will carry this lay it on that site and say i command speed i command resources i command our sisters now hold it in your hands in the name of jesus i decree and declare supernatural speech amen every man watching this i decree from today supernatural speech [Music] you will finish this project in record time as god has done it for others when i pray like this it's your turn to testify amen where money will come from you will be shocked amen where help will come from you will be shocked amen there's a man watching me sir yes yes sir can i tell you somebody is about to bless you with a contract let me tell you what i see you carried the contract paper and this is what you did you open your mouth you open your mouth because not only will the contract take care of the project the contract will leave you with excess if you are the one and you know i'm speaking over you now in the name of jesus there's a woman watching and she said pastor i receive it from my husband put your hands on the screen my god that is why husband and wife brothers and sisters you can't miss tomorrow family breakthrough day is our day for the family tomorrow yes don't miss it bright and early join early in the morning tomorrow is family day tomorrow and you know i can be crazy about family yes because if families where the nation will be your right oh yes put your hands on the street name of jesus every man and the woman connected to them who have a project that requires heaven's assistance i decree and i declare right now yes that heavenly resources be transferred in your direction that the god of heaven begin to move men and resources in your direction you will never lack what you need amen you will have more than enough in the name of jesus christ receive more than enough receive more than enough amen forgotten to share the video i'm just i'm just reminded we forgot to listen in only 60 seconds i'm about to pray some prayer for you over you right now in the name of jesus we've never gotten to the heart of our prayer for today in the name of jesus christ but let me just be fight before i ask you to share please before you share don't share yet i want to pray this way in a hurry there is somebody in fact listen to me i saw a picture of people who are drowning drowning and i can see listen i don't know how to swim but on a very jovial note i know how to walk inside water but i can swim so you don't want to throw me into an ocean i won't survive it you understand that so god will never let me go that direction now hear me and everywhere i see people like they are drowning plastic shells i'm telling you there's a picture i'm seeing i'm seeing people inside the water and and people are they go inside they come out and try to and it's obvious that they can't survive this but in the same in the same way i see them i see this like helicopter coming and i see i see quite a number of these helicopters coming across the face of the ocean where the people are guarded where people are drowning and i see these helicopters releasing things like ladders and i see people taking the hold of the ladder taking the hold of the ladder pulling them to safety and i said lord what is this he said tell my children i am reaching down i am rich and down amen the lord said i shall tell you you will not drown amen i am drawing you out of it now man i am drawing you out of bed now i am drawing you out of shame now i'm drawing you out of disgrace now he said i should tell you from ii 22 verse 17 energy he said i should tell you tell my daughter tell my shots i have come to rescue you you will not drown anymore drowning is over amen coming out clean and clear amen you are coming out of safety amen you are coming out to surplus you are coming out to abundance i hear the lord saying you are coming out somebody reach your hands up and say father father say rescue me kill me pull me out of this pull me out of this please christ say my father my father pull me out of it he's pulling you out tonia is pulling you out of it nancy is pulling you out of anything you are drowning in any behavior any lifestyle any condition any situation my father is pulling you out of it [Music] would you please take the next few seconds just go ahead and share the video now listen as you said can i pray for you as you send help to somebody now the presence of god will bring help you know this video will help somebody yes as you send help to others may the lord send help to you amen in the mighty name of jesus as you use your platform and your influence your connections as you use that to bring life and joy to others may the lord increase your influence may the number you are sharing to now may they multiply in your life may you have greater influence than your current influence as you share may the lord enlarge your cause as you use your platform for kingdom purpose may the lord strengthen your platform and extend it amen may you go beyond the walls may you reach to the nation amen god bless you now everybody on youtube go ahead and share and as you are sharing open your mouth and be deleted declaring i am rescued i'm not drowning i am rescued i'm not drowning get ready i'm about to pray for the sick in the name of jesus i'm very clearly my spirit you are being rescued from confusion somebody with confusion has been raised as you are sharing the lord is saying confusion just left you depression just left you you just got delivered from frustration you just got delivered from addiction amen you just got delivered from oppression amen you just got rescued from stagnation you just got rescued from negative emotions you just got rescued from long-term bitterness there's somebody watching me the lord he said let go of peterless let it go let it go the lord you cannot be bitter and get better the reason your life is not being better with all the prayer the loss that you're holding on to bitterness let it go mama let it go daddy let it go hello sir your wife offended you let it go as christ forgive you let it go what you are losing is more than what you are holding on to oh my god prayer cannot be answered when bitterness is still in the heart let it go she did it forgive her madam he did it forgive him let go of bitterness if the lord was to make iniquity none of us will stand yes you are not perfect why are you holding on to somebody to be perfect why are you placing a demand on the man that you can't place on yourself i'll tattoo you i see the lord i know you can't come out by yourself so the lord is saying can i help you the lord is rescuing you as you say lord i release it i surrender no more bitterness the lord long time unforgiveness let the unforgiveness go feeling of abandonment chronic addiction suicidal thoughts you feeling like you want to die chronic fear the lord rescue you amen the lord rescue you right now you are rescued in the name of jesus christ can i announce it again he said i should remind you that you have entered into the season of one plus without numbers [Music] [Music] let me tell you what the lord is saying from today yes the lord said one blast will no longer be happening once a while in your life i heard the lord is saying i should tell you from this moment faithful will not be a thing that happened once in a quarter amen according to his word in amos 9 13 the lord said one thing will be happening fast on the heels of another one thing on the hill of another amen one favor on another favor who am i praying for what for a lot of money will miss money in my hand favor will meet your favor no more city wonders without numbers no more sickness and affliction one past without numbers like to become peregrine you know somebody's thinking one dance without number is a motivational speech it's not a motivational speech it is the word of god so let me show it to you i'm sure i will do a good job he will put it on the screen for you listen carefully to this job chapter 5 verse 8 john chapter 5 verse 9 he said he is the one who does great and unsatiable wonders without numbers he does great and unsuchable things one blast without numbers niv put it this way he said he is the one who does miracles that cannot be counted are you ready for this are you ready for this i feel i pray for all of you by your names a bit i'm praying for the men to pay today and i'm blessing the women too every man watching me sir man of god let's join our faith together sir daddy let us check my brother let's join our hands together my son in the lord my brothers in the lord my younger ones in the lord every man watching me if you have the picture of a man in your life put it there i speak over you in the name of jesus and praying to your season of one bless without numbers amen amen [Music] i'm almost blessing you with the blessing of a family prayer i will stay with you today tomorrow don't miss it don't miss tomorrow can i pray for you now in the name of jesus from today as you take this communion with me as you partake of the body of jesus today i decree and i declare you've entered the season of one past without numbers from today you will begin to have miracles that cannot be counted as one thing is happening and not that one will be following amen as one door is opening another door will open amen as one job is coming another job will be coming from promotion to promotion from peak to peak amen no more valley life no more peak to valley no more peak to [Music] receive it in the name of jesus every woman watching me now decline over yourselves see i received the mantle the mountain of one pass without numbers i will go i will go from big to big from brick to peak to be socially your i need to declare this over everybody not a man as we partake of this communion let me announce this to you please don't miss this i know some of you on your knees it's okay i cannot see some men in our place here in the studio down their knees right here in the studio now listen because we're not this not a show there's fire burning in my spirit listen carefully to what the holy spirit is showing me right now the lord said to me say son can you say something about daniel that when he prayed i sent an angel to come and deliver a message to him he said but the engine was stopped from reaching him for 20 solid days that means for 20 solid days the helper of daniel was delayed because the angel was to come and make him understand wisdom the angel was to come and help him gain insight the angel that was to come and help him was hindered paul the apostle he said once and again i wanted to come to you that i may help you so you can be established i wanted to bring you some things that will make your life better than what it is paul said i don't know why if it is to go to some other places to go and do some other things nothing stops me yes but why is it that when i want to come to you and i want to come and get you established something always stopped me somebody knows what i'm talking about here hiya today tomorrow you can't miss it you can't miss it listen carefully paul the apostle amanda prays and fast always he said i wanted to come and help shaku i wanted to help come and help some he said but satan himself left all of his job and stood right there i said you will not have this one i got to yes satan blood another one for him that he blocked him he twerked the move i want to pray for you now are you ready in the name that is appropriate even for the name of jesus as jesus the resurrected christ could not be hindered from coming out of the grave yes as you take of his communion to pray no much [Music] they shall not be those who hindered sent to you shall not be kept from reaching you your destiny helpless will locate you amen your destiny help us we'll introduce you your destiny help us fund your dream your destiny helper shall not be hindered i speak over your request in the name of jesus i bless the handkerchiefs with you amen in the name of jesus you carry this mantle which is just a means by which the presence of god moves in your life i decree and i declare that from today you remain unhindered you are not hindered your gates are not close your helpless will find you your helpers will not be manipulated out of your life amen listen carefully i want to pray that prayer again i hate to fail yes sir when i saw it i screamed a heterophile was sent to help david yes but the bible makes us understand that the son of david somebody close to david manipulated anita out of the life of david let me tell you the consequence but the person will manipulated a hitopil and i hit offered himself that's a problem meaning a hit offer was sent to help david but was to be preserved by helping david that is too much a mystery for you to understand when you when god sent you to somebody to bless the person to be a a helper to the person god also has put a grace on the person to also do something in your life by helping david i hate to fell at you to fell wasn't protected but a hater wants to meet with what's his name now absolutely absolutely absolutely and when he went by manipulation that terminated the life of absalom the son of david and that brought this grace for the first time in the life of a heathophil he found himself in a big disgrace your helpless will not be manipulated out of your life [Music] who did i just pray for me your helpers will not be manipulated out of your life you should voice using words to manipulate your helpers i pray that you repent in otherwise your tongue will clip to the roof of your mouth as you partake of his community even as jesus was not hindered so shall you not be hindered amen sickness will no longer hinder you affliction will not endear you i command that disease to leave your body now amen from the crown of your head to the soul of your face be diseased free now amen thank you jesus we're right on the time let's take our communion right now my god wish you can spend more time in prayer yes i beg you 5 50 a.m west african time tomorrow make sure you get all your family members on this platform it will be our covenant day of prayer for family and friends make sure you get everybody connected to you family members get them on board and the god of heaven will do us great good in jesus mighty name amen are you ready to take this communion now father i speak the blessing over this body of yours which is broken for us your body was buttered so that our body can be made better your blood was shed so that our life can be enriched you have come that we may have life and have it more abundantly and enjoy it to the overflow amen let everyone who has not been enjoying what life you have brought to us let such a person today begin to tap into it in the name of jesus christ and if there be anyone who has not given his life to christ or someone who has left the lord can i ask you to say dear lord jesus i recognize that i'm a sinner i'm backslidden but right now with my heart i believe that jesus died and with my mouth i confess that he's risen again and is my lord and savior amen please let the broken body of christ be taken right now let's go ahead and take the blood of the lamb and i pray for you now over you please stay where you are don't touch the button in 60 seconds we're done i'm done with this father in the name that is above every other name even the name of jesus christ and for those who don't understand that when i use that i'm simply saying the name of jesus is the name above every other name so in the name of jesus i decree and i declare over you from today that you will begin to walk in dominion everything you do will succeed the curse is broken limits are removed barriers are taken away wherever you go and whatever you do i decree and declare you will succeed you will prosper you will excel your soul is delivered from death your soul today is delivered from death your eyes are delivered from seeing evil amen your feet are delivered from walking into evil your hands will not handle evil your ears will not hear evil in the name of jesus amen the rod of the wicked do not rest upon you amen not upon your family amen not upon your loved ones i bless every man today and i bless every woman who cares about them yes in the name of jesus our men will be prosperous every pp tribe member every people tribe man you carry the favor that i've been enjoying for 31 years i release a multiplied dimension of the favor i enjoy let it multiply on your life you will begin to see more results than i have seen every man watching me now i bless you with faith amen that is what god has given me i bless you with unusual faith you will find favor in the city amen favor in the workplace favor with friends amen favor across the nations everywhere you turn the favor of god will speak for you the favor of god will be your shield it will be your booklet it will be your defense it will be your state the women watch the same person somehow about us every woman watching right now i bless you with the wisdom that makes you stand out amen the wisdom my wife has used to keep this home going and growing for the last 20 years i decree in the name of jesus every woman watching me made that wisdom the wisdom of god that our parents and the lord have poured on us and our biological parents i decree such wisdom multiplies on every woman the kind of wisdom that helps you to build the house without pulling me down with your own hands such wisdom rest upon you amen prosper in everything you do prosper in raising your children prosper in building your family prospering building your career prospering taking care of yourself you will never lack another day shame just lost control of your life reproach will never fellowship with you again i bless the women in the name of jesus christ and every woman believing god for conception your womb is open amen receive seed from your husband and carry to full time amen it is done amen and amen amen is it a good time for us to just pray over your offerings right now let's quickly do that jesus i bless everyone who is willingly saying lord you'll bless me i want to give in return lord you said he that give it liberally you said you always have a way of multiplying them you said there is one that hold that modern is necessary and they tend to poverty he said but there is one that give it liberally and the person multiplies i pray for every seed sown today and i pray for every offering given that your children will multiply by it and the seed will advance their lives in jesus the christ mighty name i pray amen we have details on how you can give on the screen so please go ahead and take advantage of the details on how to give on the screen to release your offering please you are not on that compulsion if you don't want to give we don't compel you here to give you as well blessed as we are you don't have to give to be a blessed person but there is something giving does it increases you in a particular area of your life so if you are the kind that enjoys giving go ahead and give and the god of heaven will bless you in no small way now whatever channel you're watching from if you've not subscribed to my youtube channel make sure you do that now the reason is because we upload videos that you don't get to watch on all the other channels and i want to say to everybody on youtube right now please don't just watch the youtube broadcast on youtube and leave and make comments no you have to click that button that looks like a finger like this click it before you leave is that okay the proof that you came is that you clicked so click it what will that do youtube will show the video to anybody who is looking for you to pray a video on prayer would you make it possible for somebody to watch the video and the god of heaven will bless you in no small way don't forget again 5 50 a.m west african time tomorrow we will gather together for a time of prayer it is our covenant day of prayer for families i'd like you to invite your family members all of them from across the nations as we gather together in god's presence and trust him for a supernatural move of god in our midst indeed it is your family season of wonders without numbers and miracles that cannot be counted sending your prayer request sending also your testimonies today and if you have a need for prayer now there is a number on the screen you can call somebody's waiting to pray for you talking about what god has been doing for us would you be kind enough to hear this yes your testimony will be next amen and what god has done for one he will do for another the testimony of somebody is your prophecy it is to announce to you that god is in your neighborhood master what is the lord doing hallelujah thank you reverend sam again for today tomorrow again please just hook up with himself and it's going to blow your mind taking us around level just put here and i love the fact that we don't just respond based on imports it is scriptural intellectual it transformed the man that prays and also delivers prayers amen um delivers answers for our prayers i'm just super excited to be here and thank you for the fire already thank you so much may god bless you thank you sir thank you all right due to a decision i took at work because i wanted to align my life with doing the will of god and prison my maker the powers that be decided to punish me by rendering me redundant in all this at that time reverend sam was always praying for cebu cervantes facing persecution at work every time reverend sam says madame there's a network and gang up working against your lifting and promotion he was actually speaking he said to god beat the glory yes i have been giving a new placement a couple weeks ago my god i'm so much grateful to god this great father my son now is good news of god by cece weiner with our god all things are possible all things are possible somebody's going through a gang up wherever it is in your office in the name of jesus christ i decree and i declare that the gun god be rendered useless the conspiracy be rendered useless in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ amen and amen amen let the name of the lord be praised forever this pph platform is indeed a portal where god where divine transactions have been enacted i love this i joined this platform sometime in june 2020 my friend daniel he's shared the link on facebook thank you daniel yes that faithful morning i like the choice of words coming out from the mouth of god's servant reference somebody i joined the platform at that time i was living in one bedroom apartment in a soccer village single i was in a general position at my place of work now see what god has done within the space of the year and some months after joining and connecting my prayer and connected to this prayer altar number one i live in a lovely two bedroom apartment in the choice place in abuja uh-oh number two i'm happily married with a newborn baby boy wow number three i'm a senior staff at my place of work already in the management scene number four experience divine favor continually yes all this happened within one year and some months come on and it will be wiser to share this testimony in the presence of god's people and give glory to elohim indeed with our god with our god all things are possible the god who is doing this one does without numbers has come to your own place amen is in your own house amen it's in your own life amen and from this moment let this same testimony become your own testimony amen and i decree and declare you will yet see greater things amen in jesus mighty name amen i love this he said good morning reverend i called him sometime in july for prayer to break this old of addiction and evil trend on first sons and family later i had a dream sing the man of god cancelling my son and he was sober in his dream he said a few days after he came back home from self-imposed exile and sober he said thank god that was thank god that we are beginning to see changes in his behavior oh my god i know my god that i started this good work good work in his life will complete it yes with god all things are possible secondly i had a fish bone stalked into my throat and became painful he had i had my healing after one of the morning prayers praise be to god thank god for using you as a vessel and channel of blessing to many and to me he said indeed with our god with our god all things are possible this person is somebody saying thanks to god for daniel he's who connected the person and i can see daniel he's right now on facebook daniel he's god bless you for sh you can see what god has done in somebody's life because you shared and i want to pray for every first born and every last born and every middle born whatever your position is in the family in the name of jesus i decree that your destiny will find expression amen i can't wait to pray tomorrow i think i'm i'm already going into tomorrow's prayer so let's leave that until tomorrow yes good morning america i'm a recent follower of the pph i want to thank god for healing my father from an air problem he was having a problem with one of his hairs that later developed into an earring which makes it difficult to discuss with him on the phone i've been remembering him every time on this platform meaning that i pray for him on this platform always on sunday 13th of august i called him and we discussed at length while he was speaking and responding on point after our discussion i asked him that it seems his hearing has improved he said he was begging god to help him and i told him that he has been healed already and that i've been praying for him on this powerful altar indeed with our god with our god all things are possible he said made the oil of god on your hands never run dry in the mighty name of jesus and you can now say the phrase again with our god all things are possible air on stop if you have any problem with your ear please just place your right hand there if you can hear with one ear place your hand where the other ear is having a problem in the name of jesus i command whatever the problem is to right now be totally healed in the name of jesus christ i command your ear to be opened up amen when i come out whatever damage has been done there let the hand of the lord fix it right now in jesus mighty name we'll pray amen amen and amen amen yeah you take one more all right thank you sir this is giving god all the praise myself my wife and my baby they were involved in a motor crash and said but in the car we had no single scratch i've come to return all praise and adoration to god of pph tribe it's like the king of kings for the great things he has done and much more testimony that what i will still share on this platform thank you reverend sam my grace and power and anointing thank you mama mary or your pastor possible at this point we must draw the cutting and allow you to go to work we are sensitive of the fact that you have to go to work and prayer only makes things happen at work so make sure you go to work whatever you do make sure you go to work if you don't have any employment look for somewhere where you can render free service by all means necessary find somewhere where you can go to volunteer because the bible says i will bless the works of your hands so if you don't give god anything to work on uh prophecies will be hanging so go to work go find something to do and the god of ever will continue to increase you i love you so very much and don't forget to connect to us bright and early tomorrow and i'd like you to invite a few of your friends to join us tomorrow and the god of heaven will tremendously bless you we also want to remind you that if you live in the city of lagos make sure you join us this sunday the time for our service is 10 o'clock in the morning and it's around the oniru street and just beside the city of david our service is going to be indeed an impactful moment last sunday was such a moment i learned in lagos so make sure you join us this sunday in the lagos church we look forward to connecting with you god bless you bye-bye remember keep on keeping on [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rev Sam Oye
Views: 20,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prophetic word for today, prophetic prayers and declarations, rev sam oye, prophetic word for 2021, prophetic word today, prophetic prayer, spiritual warfare scriptures, open doors, prayer for healing sickness and disease, rev sam oye sermons, rev sam oye prophetic prayer hour, spiritual warfare, prophetic word
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 53sec (5033 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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