Sunday Midday Worship Service - September 13, 2020

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we worship you jesus we worship yours come on we worship you hallelujah worship the king this morning hallelujah we're entering to escape with thanksgiving and into sports and pray this morning hallelujah we worship you jesus sing praises and praises for god is is what do you do when you're troubling your life is [Music] [Applause] me is we shout hallelujah to you this morning almighty god hallelujah we worship your jesus we give a praise we give you praise we give you praise [Music] hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah we worship you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] we worship you almighty god hallelujah this morning [Music] for the lord is is is [Music] is [Music] this morning yes [Music] so long enough [Music] to [Music] is [Music] [Music] my [Music] is is is [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] we watch hallelujah oh [Music] please [Music] me foreign straight line me me is is [Music] forever [Music] you are my strength lord you are my strength lord you are my strength you are my strength you are my strength [Music] [Music] jesus oh to trust us [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh is jesus me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign we worship you we wash you we worship your cheeks [Music] [Music] ringing is [Applause] foreign forever is foreign shall we bore heads in prayer all almighty god the great creator of heaven and earth you have created the moon and the stars you have created the atmosphere you have made all things you have made man in your own image you have made us to worship you and to praise you and so father here we are this morning in your presence nothing in our hands we bring but simple to that all rugged cross weekly we are grateful to you this morning oh god for allowing us to be here one more time and as we bow our hearts before you o god i ask that you wash away our sins cleanse us from all unrighteousness as we gather in your presence today god creating us a clean heart and renew our right spirit within us because many of us have failed you in so many ways but as we come this morning heavenly father i pray that you will wash away our sins the sins of our mind the sins of our hands and our feet our eyes our ears our tongue whatever we have failed you with this morning purge us oh god and as we come for a word o god from your servant open our hearts to receive that word i pray that you'll bless today's proceeding father i pray that you'll bless the moderator i pray in the name of jesus and you will lay your hand upon her that as she moderate holy spirit you will moderate through her i pray that you will bless the musicians bless those who will be taking part today and as your servants stand in your presence mighty god may you lay your mighty hand upon him one more time let your words come forth with power and with clarity that those who are in the congregation that needs healing will be healed those who need to be saved will be saved those who need a touch from you almighty god will be touched in the name of jesus i pray o god that those who are watching us on youtube are and more fm they will be touched by you father bless today's proceeding and everything that shall be done here today let your name be glorified we look to your father and we tell your thanks in jesus name and we all say [Music] amen good morning to everyone please turn your bibles to genesis chapter 15 we read from verse 1 to 10 genesis 15 1-10 after these things the word of the lord came unto abraham in a vigil saying fear not abram for thy shield and thy exceeding great reward and abram said lord god what will thou give me see i go childless and the steward of my house is this eliza of damascus and abraham's and abram said behold to me that has given no seed and lo one born in my house is my is my here and behold the word of the lord came unto him saying this shall not be then here but he that shall come forth out of their own bowers shall be then here and he brought him forth abroad and said look now towards heaven and tell the stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy seed be and he and he believed in the lord and he counted it to him for righteousness and he said unto him i am the lord that brought thee out of her of the churches to give thee this land to inherit it and he said lord god whereby shall i know that i shall inherit it and he said unto him tate man heifer of three years old and a she-goat of three years old and a ram of three years old and a turtle dove and a young pigeon hence and last and he took unto him all these and divided them in the midst and laid each piece one against another but the birds he divided but the birds divided he not here endeth a portion of god's holy word shall we say amen a pleasant morning and special welcome to god's wonderful people hallelujah can we just lift those hands and bless the name of the lord truly this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it hallelujah hallelujah let me just take this time out to acknowledge the presence of our pastor pastor robinson and family members of our church and pastors council and all other members and friends i would want to specially welcome our speaker a heart a heart to welcome to our speaker reverend trevor gordon welcome our first time visitors if this is your first time in the sanctuary may i just invite you to stand bless the lord there's a young lady to the back we could just um give god thanks for her praise god to those of us who are watching for the fur watching the service on youtube and listening on more fm we welcome you a special welcome to our first time viewers and listeners thanks for joining us at the montega bay new testament church of god to our members who were who were away if you're back may i just invite you to stand bless the lord we are glad that you were able to return to us safely bless the lord [Applause] i'm just going to invite you at this time to wave to at least three persons and bless the lord for them this morning just wave hallelujah we give god thanks hallelujah praise god to our visitors and friends it's my desire on behalf of our pastor and members to extend a gracious and inclusive welcome to all of you for now let's celebrate our great god who has brought us together we give god thanks hallelujah good morning church i'll be ministering alabasta box i hope this song will bless your hearts as much as it will do to me the room grew still as she made her way to jesus she stumbled through the tears i made her blind [Music] she felt such pain some they spoke in anger heard folks whisper there's no place here for your kind [Music] and though she came to a place that made her safe until at last she knelt before his beast and though she spoke no words and everything she said was heard for the love [Music] my praise on him like oil from mary's alabaster boss don't be angry if i wash his feet with my tears and i dry them with my head you weren't there the night he found me you did not feel what i felt when he washed these loving arms around me and you don't know the powers of the oil in my aloe vera the room grew still as she made her way to jesus she stumbled her tears that made her blind she felt such pain some they [Music] still on she came through the shame that flushed her face until at last [Music] she knelt before his feet and everything she felt was heard as she poured her love for the [Music] my praise on him like oil from mary's alabaster [Music] and don't be angry if i wash his feet with my tears and i dry them with my hair cause you weren't there the night he found me you did not feel what i felt [Music] [Music] loved go ahead and worship the lord [Music] go ahead and worship the lord has he done anything for you come on just open your mouth behind those masks see if you can find a strong hallelujah hallelujah is the highest praise offered to god hallelujah is a universal word in every language in every idiom hallelujah is the same victory [Music] come on give him another hallelujah one songwriter said my hallelujah belongs to him can you give him another shout of hallelujah [Music] glory to god hallelujah god is truly amazing we glorify his name i don't know what you're here for but i'm here to praise the lord somebody praise him i said this morning i have to praise god and i don't mind people when i'm praising god if i'm disturbing my neighbor praising the lord they will have to relocate because where the lord brought me from no one else could have amen i said i have seen many persons in their birth suit competing with the flies in the garbage bin and in the dumpster for a morning's meal i could be numbered with them i have gone to the hospital so many times and i've seen people lying limbless unconscious i could be numbered with them commit me somebody i have gone to prison and i've seen many behind bars quality future is behind bars i could be numbered with them amen but thank god i am numbered with the saints i am in the house of god is there a witness in the house this morning i could be numbered ah god with all of those but the grace and mercies of god he has kept me put your hands together and give god a handcuff of praise musician dramas oh everybody give him a praise hear this david said what shall i render unto the lord for all his benefits towards me he said i will take up the cup of salvation and i'll call on the name of the lord can somebody call the name jesus can you call it again jesus can you call him again praise god i stand to greet the church the council uh the heads of department those who are viewing uh via internet and um other social media we greet you well in the name of jesus uh especially our diaspora members we give god thanks for you who are tuning in right now being a part of this service if you stay with us today at church and across the world you will be blessed by god because he's already in the house he's already moving he's already sitting on us glory to god and wherever you are hallelujah you are no distance away from your blessing somebody praise god with me time is precious and we need to use it wisely i rise to make few comments and pray for the sick the suffering the needy amen we last week i was with you as your new pastor arriving pastor today i am your pastor could you help me put god hands together give god the glory also sister rob and i celebrated 28 years of marriage and to god be the glory help me give him thanks with a handclap a praise i register also our appreciation to this great church you open arms and you receive us many of you have no idea who we are amen our profile remain hidden from you yet still you gave us a smile you allow us to feel welcome at the arrival of the the chalk with our belongings you were there to receive us and the list goes on i want to say to the administrator slash clerk uh sister thomas and deputy along with the councilman and others you have made us feel welcome away from our previous home can you put your hands together for yourself under god we are committed to have a great relationship as you and i join hands and heart together to tear down the kingdom of the devil not to tear down one another but to fight against the enemy of our soul like a mighty army move the church of the living god somebody praise him praise the lord um i i want to make reference to two things more importantly and the pro will emphasize on these things but let me rush ahead by virtue as your pastor the national administrative bishop doctor noticed he requested that every church out of the 365 churches across the island to hold a national day of pride and fasting on the 20th of this month supposedly next week sunday i am asking everybody everyone to commit this to memory because there will be a session of prayer from the church not surface prior but intercessory prayers during our service our services next week sunday morning on behalf of the administrative bishop and the church at large bear that in mind we want to rebrand our fasting ministry in montego bay i am spinning the pages i am looking at the activities i am looking at the coalition i am looking at the attendance rate and that is cause for concern the house of god cannot be laid waste while this church boasts over 2 000 members we cannot i am inviting everyone where possible even if you can come for one hour or two hours and then leave we want everybody to be in fasting the lord has blessed me with the fasting ministry and we have derived blessing in my previous pastorate over 30 years and i want to take that blessing and that ministry to montego bay whether you are young or old whether you are learn or unlearn whether you are employed or unemployed i want you to come to these fasting the agenda will be uh modified to facilitate this kind of fasting together we seek god together we achieve god amen a miracle a blessing a breakthrough deliverance is in this fasting in the name of the lord so i'm asking you 10 o'clock wednesday morning everybody come as we seek god together in jesus name are you with me church i am asking the the crew the the technical crew i don't know if it is possible to carry it alive across the world that's what i'm accustomed to we won't be a little group in a hobbled in a little corner in fast and we want to be a church on the go in fasting one shall chase a thousand commitment two shall put ten thousand to flight as bad as covid may be people must be saving fasting people must be healed in fasting people must receive the baptism of the holy ghost in fasting and speak in tongues in fasting oh god am i talking to the church amen take out the sick and the suffering there is a healing jesus is in the place somebody worship the lord last but not least student uh boeing could you stand for those who don't know him a very well known young man you have supported him over the years with his theological studies uh his journey is slowly coming to an end and he will be as he is assigned to the glendale church to do his practicum his internship we cannot leave him behind amen you have endorsed him you have sent him off to college we will be giving him all our support i will not drop the ball in that i am new i was a student myself the life of a student is not pretty amen and so when he's going back to school or even now if you can give him some domestic items among other things shake his hand leave something there find out his suit size his shoe size come on ask him what kind of bible he likes come with me church we're going to take care of him in fine style in the name of the lord are you with me church so next week sunday we'll be raising a special offering and when i say special you're going to double the special and make it extra special amen and let us take care because one day the child you give birth to the child your father might well be in his position and seed you sow hello you will reap these are my few words in jesus name somebody praise the lord praise him again hallelujah let me see the hands of those who know that jesus still heals let me see the hands of those who know that jesus still removed cancer from the breasts delivered the lungs the abdomen the prostate oh lord god hallelujah let me see the hands of those who believe that god honors prayer had it not been for kovid i would ask you to come up here it could be you are not sick but you have a relative you have a friend your spouse is not well could you just stand right now hallelujah [Music] jesus jesus sing that song [Music] [Music] somebody sing that song hallelujah [Music] don't let go don't let go [Music] jesus [Music] you're climbing with your faith in the face of jesus father we stretch our hands today no other help we know if thou wilt draw yourself from us to whom shall we go it is me of god standing in the midst of prayer hallelujah if i ask for myself and not my neighbors take almighty god take my sins away and grant blessing unto your people as your servant i asked for help as your servant i called for help come by here this morning somebody in this audience needs a touch from you here is a mother crying for her child there is a father groaning for a son there is a wife god weeping for a husband and there is a husband almighty god concern over as his wife oh god oh god i come in the name of jesus for a miracle for those who are sick and body for that body that is riddled with four stage cancer cancer of the brain cancer of the pressure cancer of the lymph whatsoever the answer is you were wounded for our transgression you will prove sir for our inequity the justice mentor of our peace was upon you and by your stripes sir we are here i declare somebody shield now i declare somebody touch now i declare someone of god that is on the verge of suicide i bring him back in the name of jesus lord there's someone who are on the gunman's list hit my list i mash up that i smash it to peaches no innocent life will be lost the blood of jesus somebody help me shout the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus yeah oh god oh god i pray for blessing upon your children financial blessing material blessing husband blessing wife blessing her children blessing us christmas blessing money blessing educational blessing new miracle blessing material blessing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father i pray for those who are watching my social media i pray for those who have their needs to be mentored their problems to be solved in the name of jesus [Music] let it be let it be let it be father i pray for reverend clark sister clark and your children in the new pastorate i pray for revival i pray for a fresh anointing i pray for the officers i pray for the clerks i pray for the musician i pray almighty god for the visitors oh god i pray for those on the balcony and those in the lower view every member i pray for the ushers i pray for those at the overflow in the back lord god i pray for that family that is under attacker in the name of jesus i pray for our young ladies i pray for our young people bless this church bless this church let god arise in this church and let the enemies get out let the enemies cut off i dab your blood come on lift up your hands now i dab your blood i dab your blood upon every person upon every hand upon every head i dab your blood upon this bottle of oil sanctified let it be a healing component to the sick and the suffering even the person that uses it let god let god let the power of the holy ghost have his way have your divine way have your divine ways have your divine way in the name of jesus [Music] come on lift up those hands come on leave up those hands i want you to burst those masks with seven shouts of hallelujah come on if it meant that the mass must burst let them burst but as loud as you can come on lift up your hand come on come on hallelujah the devil must know that god is the god of the church as i count you shout hallelujah come on musician turn up the keyboard turn up the bass turn up the drama come on operator number one that was dress rehearsal number one number two number three number four oh lord number five six sir get ready get ready the last one you're gonna hold out the last one come on drummer come on nudity come on praise me put the mouth to your mouth come on shakes number seven oh i feel like praising him oh praise him in the eyes praise him like praising president come on everybody put the hands together i praise him i is is i [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah with your name jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah lord to the most high god thank you jesus praise the name of the lord praise god i want to greet all of god's people in the exalted name of jesus it's time to worship the lord with our substance didn't hear you it's time to worship the lord with our substance hallelujah praise the name of jesus i expected a thunderous hallelujah thank you jesus let me do it again it's time to worship the lord with our substance praise the name of jesus [Music] what an honor it is for us to be back in the house to honor the lord with a portion of what he has blessed us with first corinthians 16 verse 2 says upon the first day of the week what day is today so not me the bible says in first corinthians 16 verse 2 upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as god has prospered him that there be no gatherings when i come so whatever we have to do we do it now for when jesus comes there'll be no need for our monies and ii corinthians 9 verse 6 says he which souls apparently shall reap also sparingly and he which souls bountifully shall reap also bountifully so i'm sure that all of us want to reap all of us want to reap so let's honor the lord in sowing liberally so the ushers are going to wait on us i'm going to ask you to just to turn to the closest person beside you and look at them and look in their eyes and say to them i have because i give. i give because i have and i'll never be without i want you to change your partner look to somebody else i have because i give i give because i have and i'll never be without god bless you in your giving as you give liberty to the lord the ushers will wait on us at this time [Music] hallelujah from is is [Applause] is same time moving on [Music] [Music] let us pray our gracious god we're so thankful to you today for your manifold blessings that you have been stored upon your people it is you who tell us that we should give and it will be given back to us good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men pour into our bosoms lord we want to thank that your people have honored your words they have brought back a portion of what you have blessed them with and we want to thank you for every giver in the house mighty god we pray that you return to them a hundred fold thank you for health and strength so we could work master we just give you honor and praise thank you for every blessing upon your people in the name of jesus we pray [Music] [Applause] hey hello [Music] right [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] days [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] from [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah as you remain standing to receive the servant of god the morning speaker comes to us as my personal spiritual son his formative years in ministry the lord helped me to guide him i have watched him climb the ranks and now he shares the ranks as an ordained bishop the district overseer for the murray bay district of churches he is my personal spiritual son any man that preached such an early time in my new appointment must be personally attached to me i have all confidence in his ability i watched him grow he's a national evangelist he serves on the national uh evangelism board the great man of god is married and god is using him mightily can you put your hands together for god's choice servant bishop trevor gordon praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody come on just lift your hands and praise the lord everybody amen god is a good god praise god it's good to be in your midst um just grab your bibles into the portion of scripture that was read earlier on i must salute my father his family and they office of this great church god is truly amazing amen i am from the east and you are in the west so east come to west amen praise god east cometo west amen hallelujah the book of genesis chapter 15 and we read verse 5 2-6 then the lord brought abraham outside beneath the night sky and told him look up into the heavens and count the stars if you can your descendants will be like that too many took out and abraham believes the lord the lord declared him righteous because of his faith amen this is the word of god father we thank you for today we thank you for your blessings great is thy faithfulness you are the god of all flesh you sit high and you look low i hand over myself to you this moment almighty god touch me again each moment i feel like a fresh touch i need lord from the crown of my head to the very soul of my feet touch me touch me oh god hallelujah to your word and to your glory in the name of jesus praise god you may be seated i greet my father again the first man that put a suit on me a three-piece suit and put me on a pulpit to preach that's my father praise the lord [Applause] hallelujah i believe god that what i want to share today i believe god to believe god is to place confident and trust in him also to take him at his word whatever god say we must believe it without any doubt sometimes we tend to idolize biblical character we forget that while they were giant in many ways they are also human in fact before we look at the faith of the man called abraham we need to realize that he was like all believers far from perfect but abraham was not without fault or failure he failed all too often oh praise god and show many weaknesses that plague believers life today so we are to learn from abraham one great strength and also learn from his many weaknesses in fact we are to discover that faith is one principle that lifts human beyond the adult and fear faith wins the approval of god oh praise god we looked at abraham in genesis 12 abraham has been called by almighty god to come out of his country and follow god's order abraham by faith my brothers and sisters obey god ah but while abraham was in that land his fate was shaken by famine rather than trusted god hey briana waited and made his own decision he went to egypt and took his wife sarah oh god he told the king and of truth that that sarah was not his wife oh praise god his fate was shaken he feared the king would kill him but right in the midst of that shaken fate god spoke to abraham in a vision or somebody praise god when you believe god it doesn't matter where you go god is standing by when you believe god it doesn't matter what karma can show you will come out more than a conqueror when you believe god you can run to a troop and leap over a wall that god is the answer somebody praise god if you don't believe god you won't get anything from him but they believe in god shall not be moved come on somebody lift your hands and shout i believe god is there a believer in this host today who believe god for america you may come to the hose of god with a shake and faith and a weak faith but i come to tell you before the day is over before the night is true god is gonna come true for somebody today i stopped by to tell you god has an answer for somebody who have a faith like april who would lift up their hands and say further i stretch my hands to thee no other hell oh somebody look at your neighbor and the neighbor believe god for a miracle believe god for a blessing believe god for a preacher believe god for a healing believe god for our torture believe god for a hope and doer believe god is a miracle worker somebody look at your neighbor and say neighbor it doesn't matter what they say if you believe god you will overcome oh somebody worship him somebody lift your hands oh god look up to the event that i believe that you are a waymaker i believe that you are a present help in time of slumber i believe that you are a healer i believe that you are a provider i believe that you are a blesser i believe that you are a comforter i believe that you are a protector i believe [Music] oh somebody praise god by yourself i believe god that every clueless door is gonna be open i believe god that every prophecy that is not of god cannot come to pass i believe god that i shall not die before my time but live and be clear the words of god somebody praise god here look at your neighbors the neighbor it doesn't matter what they say the word declare if you can't believe the god is a rewarder of them that diligently speaking come on lift up your hands and shoulder believe your god open your mouth and shoulder believe your god come on somebody declare it i believe your god oh god look at your name and say neighbor i believe god for you i believe god for this day i believe god for your life i believe god for your health i believe god for your business i release god for your family hallelujah i believe god for your opportunity i'll be replaced for your future i believe god [Music] i believe god i believe god oh somebody just whispered in this house look at your neighbor and say lord i believe [Music] i believe i believe god he believed god by faith he walks by sight only walk in a blind valley faith will be found to be the inspiration of strength hallelujah our god the inspiration of strength so when we are we just drawn your faith come on there is something strong in faith that touched god anybody come to god with faith fake command god will work on your behalf whether you are 12 or 50 if you come to god with faith god will work on your behalf oh somebody worship him god will work on your behalf the woman said oh god my daughter is fixed with the demons and jesus being not a word but the moment you start to worship jesus jesus said i've never seen such great faith in israel is there anybody in my digo bay with great faith that god going open the windows and she called a blessing right in your corner that somebody thought that you could not be blessed but you believe that there is a blessing who seek iron luke lord and today you are the worshipping of blessings of god oh somebody worship him as a believer somebody showed them a believer i'm a believer a strong believer believe our faith and a believer in god so watch abraham in the depths watch abraham in verse 6 abraham believed this is the first time the word belief occupies the bible a wonderful dischapter it is a matter of first the word first use it seems to be the beginning of something to come oh god it seems to be the beginning of history history opened in this one word the moment abraham believed he was truly converted oh praise almighty god the moment somebody believed today you will leave here truly converted that god is a reward [Music] oh somebody praise god here the moment to abraham believed he was truly converted the moment somebody believes today you will be truly converted that god never go back on his word but god's gone calling his word and if you believe that god is going to bless you of god before the day is over a blessing is coming if you believe that god is going to deliver you before the day is over deliverance is coming if you believe that god is going to open somebody purified i feel the holy ghost opening up the world for somebody who want to step in like abraham i wanna walk like abraham but i must first believe upon the authority of the word of god it doesn't matter what the devil says i word as i hit in thy heart that i may not sin against thee somebody raise your hand if you believe in [Music] god god promised abraham son abraham waited for here he didn't see anything so he locked off he went to his bed one night god take him out into the skin today look in the sky can you comb those stars come on church where there is god there is no doubt where there is god there is no fear where there is god there is no barriers not a boundary oh god look at your neighbors and neighbor where there is a fear today there is no barrier [Music] abraham said yes god i believe he did not say anything more than say yes god i believe somebody can leave here today with that simple yes god i believe [Music] oh is there a believer raise up your hands i don't know what you're believing god for but i believe god for a overflow i don't know what you believe in god but i believe god forbid you i don't know what you're believing god for but i believe god for a tournament i don't know what you're believing for but can i join with somebody when he said if you believe god you are not going under you are going over and you are like the tree that is planted by the rivers of water somebody pray of god your season is about to change because you believe in the heart season god your life is about to transform because you believe in the heart powerful god somebody praise him here hallelujah things is about to change because you believe that god specializes in things that seems impossible look at your name on the neighbor it is about time to see some water spring up because i believe that god should work it's impossible to make water come on raise your hand i believe god show the belief god show the belief god hallelujah water history history has opened a new chapter because of the word belief oh somebody worship god here hallelujah women fear of some great meaning of the world believe oh god he believed in hope he believed in poor come on he believed in support he believed in strength somebody praised god he oh god he believes in the promises of almighty god oh god the first thing of god looking to god to faith god make it clear that ibrahim alone would be the father of the future oh praise god hear me because of your conviction and conversion your family has been spilled and has been saved because you believe on the behalf of your family and your children because of your conviction of believer the devil can't touch your family i'm molest your host because you believe in the protection of almighty god but they that trust in god shall not be moved or somebody prays claudia because of your conviction it developed to back off who believe in the almighty god god is powerful [Music] because of your conversion and conviction your daughter can walk the street of montego bay without fear somebody praise god somebody worship god somebody lift up your hands and show them a belief in god because of your conviction and conversion demons have to back off because you believe in the name of jesus in the name of jesus who can stand against us in the name of jesus because of your conviction and conversion you believe that no weapon form against me and your family and your business shall prosper somebody just pass your hand over yourself and said i believe in the blood oh god oh god i feel the holy ghost i believe in the covering of god because of my conversion and my conviction of belief i am more than a conqueror through jesus christ somebody present me the reason why some of us not dead yet are because of our conversion and our conviction that god is a provider and a protector and a present help in time of trouble because of our conviction [Music] and conversion i can walk through the street without fear because when i turn around the eyes of the belief in god oh somebody worship god come on somebody praising me come on worship god here open your mouth and praise god oh god look at your name and say neighbor look to god to feed oh god faith is the channel through which god bless and flow to his people the foundation of faith is god's promise and god told abraham when he who do and what you do abraham's fate believed that god would get the job done so he responded to god as god speak to him abraham responded he did not ask god when the sun is gonna come he just responded i believe hear me if god is speaking to you today don't question god about when your miracle is going to come when your breakthrough is going to go just respond by saying lord i believe [Music] when we believe god we don't question god we just act upon what we believe in somebody praise god somebody just lift up your hands i feel the spirit of believing is taking somebody to a higher level today i feel the spirit of believing is pulling somebody out of your doubt and fear i feel the spirit of believing is transforming somebody mind when you believe god you don't question god [Music] he didn't question god god said look abraham can you count this storm he said no you just believe is there somebody today you're hanging by a tread and the tread is about to give way i come to tell you god is letting down a rope oh somebody just reach out your hand and get a grab [Music] yes sir yes yes yes sir you come to church and you're hanging by a trade there's a rule come on somebody stretch up your hand and catch the rope lego betrayed no goddess in europe and the rope ago oh god you can climb out of your situation somebody just stand on your feet as a cloth stand on your feet with me start to do like this i believe god for allah [Music] so jesus christ somebody stood like this i'm climbing and i'm pulling out i believe god will never leave me nor forsake me when my mother and my father journey god hallelujah i'm but somebody's about to give up our clothes in our clothing somebody's about to die spiritually but the holy ghost is right in the house somebody needs to just play somebody's about to bless somebody's about to get a breakthrough somebody's about to get a miracle and i know come to me somebody showed i believe somebody open their mouth and they clear it come on shout i believe i believe hallelujah [Music] i believe for a healing today you're sick in your body claim that healing [Music] you have an interview today claim victory you go in an appointment tomorrow walk out belief in faith that i will not come home empty but i'm calling you because the word said if you only believe god will work it out somebody worship god hallelujah [Music] god is working look up your neighbor and say he's working it all [Music] i believe for somebody blessing when you're hanging by the train do you know that son when you're doing that when you're hanging by the trees [Music] when you're hanging by a tree [Music] [Applause] you're not safe [Music] if you should reach [Music] [Music] [Music] and retrofit [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] is oh [Music] abraham did not question god he believed god [Music] you don't have to question the word of god believe god if there's somebody who believed god today just raise their hands and make a decoration i believe god raise that hand right there raise the
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 5,302
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Id: ewp0ipkAiWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 39sec (7179 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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