Building Without Foundation | Pr. Randy Skeech

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whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had and a certain man was there which had an infirmity 38 years when Jesus saw him lie and knew he had been now a long time in that case he sa unto him will thou be made whole the impotent man answered him sir I have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the pool but while I'm coming another stth down before me Jesus said unto him rise take up thy bed and walk and immediately the man was made whole and took up his bed and walked and on the same day was the Sabbath the Jews therefore said unto him that was cured it is the Sabbath day it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed he answered them he that made me whole the same said unto me take up thy bed and walk then asked they him what man is that which said unto thee take up thy bed and walk and he that was healed wi not who it was for Jesus had conveyed himself away a multitude being in that place afterward Jesus reth him in the temple and said unto him behold Thou Art made whole sin no more lest the worst thing come unto thee Jesus said sin no more not sin less or commit smaller sins sin no more lest the worst thing come unto thee Christ said that to a man in John chapter 5 he said the the same thing to a woman in John chapter 8 the woman taken in adultery said go and sin no more not go and sin less the only sin on weekends go and sin no more God has no interest in sin of any kind or any size happy Sabbath everyone this is the day which the Lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it let me clarify God made seven days he only blessed one and the Bible says what God has blessed no one can unbless you see you can't take the blessing of one day and arbitrarily put it on another day only God can bless yes and what God blesses you cannot unbless now listen carefully what God curses you cannot uncurse how are you you're not sure are you well it's nice to see you to see thank you very much it's uh 16 after 11: I'll release You by 12 is that okay say yes please all right I don't like long sermons although I have preached them before I try to forget them but uh I believe you want to be released quick and I will try to do that I saw some hands when my Elder asked who is with us for the very first time would you raise your hands again please first time all right would you give us your name please Donna Donna thank you for coming Donna God bless you did I see your hand and Andrew good Bible name he was the younger brother of Peter Andrew thank you for coming God bless you what other hand did I see M didn't I see yours yes no your hand what's your name Joe Joe is it Joe or Joseph Joseph Joseph that's the Earthly father of Jesus Joseph good to see you thank you very much for coming I say that on behalf of everyone who's a member of this church did I see a hand in the other Rob what's your name H who just JP spell it for me T what t s TPA D oh Despina ah I have sinned forgive me God bless you thank you for coming my lovely sister Despina anyone else you're here for the first time all right let's say amen for our guest am come on that was weak say it again amen one more time am God is good all the time and all the time how many of you really love God can I see your h ah God bless you God is such a nice person I like him a lot I really do he's a nice person I told you the first day I stood or the second day as I look at my life all my blessings have come from God God has never done me anything wrong all my problems I own myself and have a copyright for them all my problems are you with me yes but all my blessings have come from God and I thank God publicly that he has always been good to me and nothing other than good for those online thank you very much for joining us may God bless you super abundantly as you join us in worshiping God how in spirit in trth and in truth most people prefer to worship God in spirit and leave out the truth because truth truth is often inconvenient are you following me but Jesus told us in John 4:24 God is a spirit and they that worship Him must the word is must worship Him in spirit and in truth which means the person worshiping god with only one is not worshiping God now if you're worshiping God in spirit and not in truth it's the wrong spirit you know why because the holy spirit is called the spirit of truth if you're worshiping God in truth you have the right Spirit God wants both all right our subject buildings without foundations what did I say buildings without foundations I always ask let me double check on my own behalf that this phone is turned off these smartphones they do everything except forgive your sins these forms make sure they turned off so that there's no disturbance in the house of God we must always give God reverence do you agree with me favor number two while I'm speaking pray for me and say Lord put your words in that man's mouth amen because we all have a carnal nature we like to exalt ourselves that's a carnal nature it's a tremendous Temptation for any preacher for anyone who stands in front of people and so you tell God put your words in that man's mouth because my words cannot save you they may impress you they cannot save you but the words of God will change your lives the words of God will bring back your child who left the church the words of God will heal that broken relationship the words of God will turn your enemy into your friend ask God to put his words in my mouth that request is based on Jeremiah 1:9 then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said unto me behold I have put my words in thy mouth those are the words I want to speak and favor number three I want you to think as you listen Isaiah 118 come now let us do what reason together sayth the Lord let's bow our heads and pray dear God we acknowledge you as God and God alone we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ the Savior your son the Creator we come also father because there's no other place we can go to get help as we bow in your divine presence if we' have sinned forgive us God with your forgiveness give us power to overcome with your forgiveness give us hatred for sin and a Restless love for righteousness bless us as we worship you through the word use me God tell me what to say when to say and how to say it grant me the humility of Christ but also his boldness bless our guests in a very special sweet way bless their lives and all members of their families bless those online bless all countries represented by those watching right now but particularly bless the country the government of this country the host country guide their decisions father remind them somehow that righteousness exalteth a nation bless the sick remove covid-19 from anyone who may have contracted it father ease suffering de God remove Agony give us Health now father I commit this service to your glory bless us with a revelation of yourself in Jesus name I pray let God people say amen and amen what's our subject buildings buildings without Foundation let us go to Daniel chapter 2 chapter 3 sorry we'll read from verse one Daniel 3 reading from verse one and I read from the King James version of the Bible it's already 11:25 I said I'll let's go by 12 I may have to go to 10 after but I'll let you know if I need that extra 10 minutes what book did I say what chapter reading from what verse Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold whose height was 3 score cubits and the bread thereof six cubits he set it up in the Plaine of dura in the province of Babylon then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes and the governors and the captains the judges the treasurers the counselors the sheriffs and all the rulers of the provinces to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar had set up then the princes Governors and captains the judges the treasurers the counselors the sheriffs and all the rulers of the provinces were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up you will find the expression that Nebuchadnezzar had set up about three times in that passage I believe let's read it again Nebuchadnezzar the king made an of gold now while that doesn't say set up it means the same thing are you with me he made it he set it up Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold that's one time whose height was three score cubits and the bread thereof six cubits he set it up in the plain of dura in the province of Babylon then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes and the governors and the captains the judges the treasurers the counselors the sheriffs and all the rulers of the provinces to come to to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up then the princes Governors and captains the judges the treasurers the counselors the sheriffs and all the rulers of the provinces were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up so that's really five times the Bible says in Exodus 20 reading from verse 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any Graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the Earth Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God I'm a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and showing Mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments commandment to forbids us from making images and worshiping images you see an image is made by man all of our gods are man-made but the true God made man ah I lost you it's my fault let me try again all false gods are manmade are you with me the true God God made [Applause] man God said do not make images don't worship them don't bow down to them Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of God violation of commandment to now let's go to verse four of Daniel 3 our subject buildings without Foundation then an Herald cried aloud to you it is commanded oh people Nations and land languages that at what time you hear the sound of the Cornet flute harp sagbut saltery Delma and all kinds of music he Fall Down and Worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king have set up and who so fth not down and worship it worshipthe same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace now this Herald cried aloud to all people Nations languages remember now Babylon was the most powerful nation in the the world back then now when you talk about the world in the Bible it means the world of the Bible are you with me yes are you sure yes amen the Bible doesn't know about Japan are you with me or Argentina or whomever North Korea when the Bible talks about the world sometimes it refers to the world of the Bible Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom was the dominant Kingdom in the world of the Bible so that's the world so when you read verse four of Daniel 3 three then an Herald cried aloud to you it is commanded o people Nations and languages this command applied to all those under the control the power and the rule of Nebuchadnezzar if that's clear say Amen so it's a sort of a worldwide Proclamation what's the proclamation worship that image which Nebuchadnezzar had set up in other words I Want You To Worship a man-made structure what's our subject anything manmade will eventually come down even churches are you following me yes anything man-made will eventually come down let me show you what I mean particularly when that thing is in opposition to god let's go to Malachi 1 reading from verse one our subject buildings without foundations Malachi 1 reading from verse one Malachi the last book of the Old Testament if you find Matthew go one book before Matthew do you have Malachi chapter 1 reading from verse one what's our subject build buildings without foundations the burden of the word of the Lord to Israel Malachi I have loved you say the Lord yet he say wherein hast thou loved us was not Esau Jacob's brother sayth the Lord yet I loved Jacob and I hated Esau and laid his what mountains as his Heritage wasts for the dragons of the Wilderness Now read verse four carefully whereas Edom said now Edom is another word for Esau are you with me whereas the word Edom means red and when Jacob was making that porridge back in Genesis 25 it was read Esau said give me some of that pottage the Bible says therefore was his name called Edam that's where he got the name from because he fell in love with this red pottage whereas Edom saith Malachi 1:4 we are impoverished but we will return and do what build the desolate places thus say the Lord of hosts read with me now they shall build come on but I will throw down stop H you can build a bur Khalifa where is that in uh Dubai is it that tall building the tallest in the world a quarter of a mile high God says you can build finish my Words I will throw down the Bible says except the Lord build a house they labor in vain that build it except the Lord keep the city The Watchman waketh in vain Jesus said therefore whosoever heareth these words of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock now that's a different kind of building and the rains descended and the floods came and the winds blew and and and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and that rock is truth are you following me and Jesus is truth and whosoever Heth these words of mine or these sayings of mine and doeth them not he shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon what the sand and the rains descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it it collapsed it crashed it was a building finish my Words without Foundation some people build lives not on Christ the principles by which they live their lives are not founded in Scripture that life is a building come on tell me without Foundation it will crash Jesus said when you hear my word build your life on this rock what you build will not fall you see it won't be a physical building it'll be the character of Jesus Christ are you following me and the character of Christ does not collapse and so we go back to Daniel 3 verse 4 let me pray again fathers I continue speaking restrain me remind me my purpose in this desk is your glory in Jesus name I pray amen then an Herald cried aloud to you it is commanded o people Nations and languages that at what time you hear the sound of the Cornet flute harp sack but saltery duler and all kinds of music ye Fall Down and Worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king have set up and who so worshipthe at that time and all all the people heard the sound of the Cornet flute harp sack but Suter and all kinds of music all the people Nations languages fell down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up what do we have most of the world back then worshiped the image most people do what is wrong when the flood came Genesis 7 how many how many people were saved out of the population of a world most people do what is wrong even though God has provided ample opportunity for them to do what is right this is the condemnation say Christ that light is coming to the world but men love Darkness rather than light all the people the Nations the languages fell Down and Worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up therefore at that time certain cardans came near and accused the Jews verse n they spake and said to the King Nebuchadnezzar oh King live forever thou oh King has made a decree in other words the government has made a law now the Bible says we ought to obey God rather than man now don't take that to me and you ought to be rebellious against the government it simply means whenever a law is contrary to God's law we follow God can you say Amen regardless of who the opposing power is anything that violates thus sayth the Lord we follow God and we suffer the consequences verse 10 thou oh King hath made a decree that every man that shall hear the sound of the Cornet FL flute harp sack but saltery andul and all kinds of music Should Fall Down and Worship the golden image that thou has set up and who so fth down and worship that he should be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace they remind the king what he said verse 12 there are certain Jews whom thou has set over the Affairs of the kingdom of the province of Babylon Shadrach mesach and Abednego let me read that again there are certain Jews not all yeah not all a few Shadrach mishak or I prefer to call them by the Hebrew names hananiah mishael and Azariah because Shadrach Mish and Abednego are names built upon Babylonian Gods so I prefer hananiah mishael Azariah there are certain Jews let me pause on there there are certain people in the city who will not drink they will not smoke they will not gamble they will not go along with a immorality of society there are certain people in Hammond who are determined to honor God but they're just a few there are certain people in the church who are determined to be faithful to the teachings of the church based on thus said the Lord in every situation there's always there's there are certain people always a few there are certain parents who make it the the concerted effort to raise their children properly and not let them run around Wild there are certain people not many just a few there are certain men who realize it is my spiritual responsibility to stand and be a priest there are certain men there are certain young people who say I will not engage in premarital sex just a few there's certain preachers who say I will preach What God Says and keep my opinions to myself there are certain Jews whom thou Hast set over the Affairs of the province of Babylon Shadrach mesach and abedo these men oh King hath not regarded thee they serve not thy Gods nor worship the golden image which thou H has set up then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abednego verse 13 then they brought these men before the King Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them is it true oh Shadrach mesach and Abednego is it true the room I heard do we not serve my gods nor worship the golden image which I have set up is it true now if you be ready verse 15 that at what time he hear the sound of the Cornet flute harp sack butut saly and duler and all kinds of music he Fall Down and Worship the image which I have made well good for you but if you worship not you shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace finish verse 15 for me who is that God who who will you call for backup when I've got you in my fist my governmental fist my fist of authority who is that God that can get you out of my iron fist go to Exodus chapter 5 Exodus 5 let's read from verse one our subject Building without buildings without foundations do you have Exodus 5 we read from verse one as always I always invite you if you don't mind you have my version read with me what does that say and afterward Moses and Aaron went in and did what told Pharaoh thus say the Lord God of Israel what did they say let my people go that they may do What hold a feast unto me where in the wilderness now this wasn't Moses or Aaron speaking who was speaking God Aaron was just God's mouthpiece by the way it was always Aaron speaking not Moses that's just an the side Moses would tell Aaron what to say and Aaron would talk to Pharaoh but maybe I'll show you that some other night look at verse two reform me and Pharaoh said who is the Lord stop what did Nebuchadnezzar say to those boys who is theone who is this God that can get you out of my hand Pharaoh hundreds of years earlier said who is the Lord that I should obey his Voice come on to let Israel go I know not the Lord finish the verse neither will I let Israel go people who don't know God make some risky decisions some lifethreatening decisions and when Pharaoh found out who God was it was too late God started sending plagues on that man's country not out of spite but for a couple of reasons one to let him know this is the god you don't know let me introduce myself I'll turn all the water to blood you're not convinced about me I'll bring frogs on your land you're not convinced I'll bring light not convinced I'll bring flies not convinced I'll bring Marine not convinced I'll bring boyss not convinced I'll bring Locust not convinced I'll send Hil not convinced I'll send doctors not convinced I'll kill all your firstborn now do you know who I am by the way let me speak on God's behalf God did not want to send any plagues you see that's why he told Moses and pharaoh go and tell him let my people go let's apply that to us there are some people who determine not to obey God and God sends one little hardship to do this wake up you're opposing me you continue this path it'll get worse and worse I'm sending this trial to catch your tension and we ignore God then God sends another one a little worse then he has to send another one because some people are determined to show God how bad they are I'm bad well I can't say God is bad but you understand what I mean you're bad God is better are you with me you can't come up in God's face and expect to survive so Pharaoh said who is this God I don't know him I won't let Israel go Nebuchadnezzar said who is this God that shall deliver you out of my hands in chapter 4 God showed him because he said in verse 29 and 30 of chapter 4 is this not great Babylon that I have built and he showed off and he took all the credit and God struck him down for seven years he lived as an animal then he understood who God was my brothers and my sisters let's get back to Daniel 3 Shadrach Mish and abedo answered and said to the king oh Nebuchadnezzar verse 16 we are not careful to answer thee in this matter if it be so our god what are the next few words uhhuh mhm Our God whom we serve God is not an ATM machine where you go and get whatever you like when you short on cash and then you say than and walk away the the three boys said our God whom we serve give me another word for serve obey this is critical Our God whom we serve is able to Deliver Us From The Burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thy hand oh King I love Verse 18 read for me but if not stop stop even if God doesn't bless me based on what I know of him I'll serve him can you say Amen what did job say though he slay me come on yet will I trust him when God was wrestling with Jacob in Genesis 32 God touched his thigh and one leg was useless here's a man fighting god with one leg he wouldn't let go he might have said God you can put the other leg out of joint I'm not letting you go you got to kill me are you with me those three boys said but if not be it known unto the O King that we will not serve thy Gods nor worship the golden image which thou Hast set up let me talk to the young people who listening online in person one of the reasons why your friends are so successful in getting you to do what's wrong you do not make it known to them what you stand for yes and it applies to the older people as well listen to what those boys said in verse 18 but if not even if God does not deliver us be it known unto thee O King we want you to know we're not get we're not bowing you can pull that trigger swing that sword shoot that Arrow throw that hand grenade we are not bowing that's not rudness that's taking up a position on God's side can you say amen I am not I don't work on Sabbath yes I don't steal I'm not saying I'm holier than you I just don't steal and I want you to know that so you don't waste your time trying to get me to join you in robbing a bank I do not steal when people realize that we don't or we do they leave us alone H when Naomi told Ruth go back after your sister-in-law Ruth said entreat me not to leave thee or to return from falling after thee for whether thou goest I will go where th lodges I will Lodge thy people shall be my people thy God my God where thou dest I will die there will I be buried and and she's and she when the Bible says when Naomi saw that she was steadfastly minded to go with her she stopped talking to her let me say it again A lot of times we're bothered by the devil because we've not yet shown the devil you got to kill me I'm not doing that the devil doesn't have time to waste he knows he has what a short time if he knows he's butting his head against a wall with you he goes to somebody else but too often we let the devil see I think you have have a chance with me because I'm a little wishy-washy on my standards so you have a chance with me and he knows that so he comes or he send his Angel but when like those three Hebrew boys we say no way goes off our friend say leave us alone there's a story that was told many years ago to me I was in a certain country that had been ruled by a dictator for about 10 years and the the soldiers of this during that time would come to people's houses abduct their daughters and do all sorts of things and they they had outlawed um Adventists the 7 Adventist Church so they came one night you know checking on who were Adventists and they came to one house and any Adventist they said no the soldiers said what about that house any Adventist they said yes he's an old man but don't waste your time because nothing you do will change him they told us don't waste your time with your rifles and your your bayet nothing you do will change that man you have to kill him and they went to the house and when they realized what the neighbor said was true they just left the guy and went somewhere else he he made it clear to them you kill me I'm keeping the Lord's Sabbath kill me I'll study his word kill me I obey God back to Daniel 3:18 but if not be it known unto thee King that we will not serve thy Gods now worship the golden image which thou Hast set up my brothers and sisters the image that Nebuchadnezzar set up came down the faith of those boys will last forever and one day if you and I are faithful we will see them that which is based on thus sayth the Lord never Falls it cannot fall because thus said the Lord is in real in a very real way Jesus Christ himself for he said I am the way the truth and the life the Bible says in 1 John 5:6 the holy spirit is truth the Bible says in Deuteronomy 32:4 God is truth if God is truth Christ is truth the holy spirit is truth he or she who builds his life on truth is building his life on a Divine foundation and that Li cannot fall it can be attacked it will not fall with the rest of us who are determined to live our lives the way we choose and to allow man-made principles to guide our decisions we like Edom that said in Malachi 1:4 whereas Edom saith we are impoverished but we will return and build the desolate places thus sayth the Lord of hosts they shall build come on tell me but I will throw down whatever is built and is not built on God will come down my brothers and sisters let me be more specific neizer said break the second commandment that's what he said effectively that's what he said if anyone tells you worship an image the person is telling you violate commandment two and of course commandment one because whatever We Worship Is Our God and thou shalt have no other gods before me the Bible says in Exodus 20:8 go there with me you know it but go there with me Exodus 20:8 while you're searching I'll pray again father as I continue speak clearly through me I pray in Jesus name amen I hope my online friends are still with us do you have Exodus chapter 20 from verse 8 if you have my version say it out loud remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it Thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy man servant nor thy maid servant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day where therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it that was set up by God the seventh day is the Sabbath it was not set up by 7even Adventist it was not set up by seventh day Baptist there are various religions that observe the seventh day it was not set up by the Jewish Nation it was set up by God and what God sets up no man can overthrow now we have something called Sunday worship that goes back to 3:21 ad when Constantine passed the law that all those in the city should stop working close their shops and rest on the day of the sun because Sun worship was so widespread in honor of the day of the Sun in honor of a god that is not the high God are you with me let us set it this day now the Bible says Thou sh don't worship any image whether it flect something in heaven or on earth when God told Moses to build a tabernacle it was built in such a way the orientation of the Tabernacle was when a sinner came in with a lamb the Sinners back was toward the sun are you with me the sinner's back was toward the sun symbolizing I turn my back on the most common form of worship back then which is son worship so as he he entered the veil representing Christ his back was to the Sun by the way there's a hymn that says when I fall on my face with on my knees with my face to the Rising Sun you know those words unbiblical unbiblical your fa should not be to the Rising Sun it should be to that altar of sacrifice are you following me now Constantine said rest on the first day not on the seventh and the Empire began to do it a few decades later the church pastor rule Canon 29 in the Council of Leia anyone who keeps a 7day Sabbath is anathema you know what anathem means anathema condemned you're on the fast track to hell now here's a church telling people if you obey God you're on the fast track to hell but if you obey Constantine you want a fast track to Heaven Sunday as a day of worship has no biblical Foundation it is a doctrinal building without Foundation it will come down here's what will happen to the Sabbath go to Isaiah 66 Isaiah 66 it's uh 5 to 12 what did I say I let you go 12 we'll see what happens I won't be excessive what book did I say Isaiah what chapter reading what verse 22 and 23 this chapter talks about the new world the new life when Jesus Christ changes his old world and sets up the brand new world remember the Bible says John said I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth Christ is coming back to destroy this all Earth and build a new one I hope you understand that Isaiah is prophesying about that here's what he says verse 22 read with me for as the new Heaven and the new Earth which I will remain before me so shall your seed come on and your name remain Isaiah said speaking for God the same way the new Heaven and the new Earth which I will make shall remain why because the first ones did not remain are you with me so the Bible is saying this new heaven this new Earth this one will remain how long forever and that's how long you will remain say God you see now in the context of the new world let's read verse 23 now you read it for me and it shall come to pass come on one new moon to another uhhuh and from one Sabbath to another shall All Flesh come to worship before me say the Lord that structure of the seventh day Sabbath will never fall you know why because God set it up not a church go to Genesis chapter 2 I'm looking at the clock I'm very time conscious when you're a preacher always believe that people don't like what you're saying so cut it short quickly if you assume they enjoy it you you're heading for trouble Genesis 2 let's read from verse one let me show you no church set up the seventh day Sabbath it does not belong to a church verse one Genesis 2 thus the heavens and the Earth were finished and all the host of them read with me now and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and God blessed the seventh day and Sanctified it why because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made now the seventh day Sabbath was instituted where at Creation in the Garden of Eden and there was no church and there were no Jews right or Baptists or lutherans or atheists by the way are you with me god Set this thing up the Sabbath is not a creation of a church it's the creation of God Sunday is the day of worship notice I said now God made the first day of the week but not as a day that's holy the reality the the belief that Sunday is a holy day that was set up by man the Bible says we ought to obey God come on talk to me rather than man so we ought to observe the sabbath rather than come on why you Whispering we ought to obey the rather than why because God set up the Sabbath Sunday is built on a foundation of sand what does Jesus say anything built on Sand is coming down what did God tell Edom they shall build but I will throw down because they're building without Foundation my brothers and my sisters no matter how entrenched a tradition is it does not make it truth that's right it's very difficult to get that through to some you know I uh those of us in the United States when United States loses a basketball game in the Olympics we get dizzy because that's not supposed to happen are you following me it's just not supposed to happen now you tell some people Sunday is not the Sabbath and they get dizzy what but that's what most people do I used to I was uh passing a little church in an area called Highland Park right outside Detroit we were renting from a church so every Sabbath morning we'd go and set up the banner on the fence of the church uh Highland Park SD Mustard Seed SD church service 9:30 and Wednesday night and Main Service 11: on Sabbath morning so one Sabbath morning and myself and the Deacon were setting up the the banner on the fence and this man came across the street he said what are you doing he said well we're advertising our services he said today we said yes he said why today and not tomorrow I said well the same day the Sabbath he said I never knew that he spoke for millions of people Oprah winry was interviewing a young man who's an Adventist you can go on YouTube and look for it and she said to him why don't you work on the Sabbath the guy works in Hollywood he said well the seven day is a Sabbath you know what opra Winfrey said I never knew that there are people despite the clarity of God's word who have no clue God's Sabbath is a seventh day notice I said God's Sabbath is a seventh day the seventh day has 24 hours like the first the seventh day has evening and morning like the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the only difference is God blessed him he didn't add any hours to it he just blessed it it's 12:00 give me 10 more minutes say yes all right let's observe the six days of creation are you with me what was made on the first day can you see light yeah so it appeals to one of your senses are you with me which sense the sense of sight all right what was made on the second day fir the firmament can you see the open firmament yes it also appeals to your sense of sight what was made on the third day land and sea oh yeah dry land separated from the water can you see the water yes you bath in it yes you swim in it yes you walk in the dry land yes you plant the Dr yes it appeals to your senses you can smell the vegetation when the rain fall you can feel the wind you can see the birds it appeals to the senses therefore what was made Sun Moon Sun moon and star can you see them yes do you feel the Sun at noon day during the summer yes and you look for shade and air conditioning yes at night do you see the stars yeah you wish it would so cloudy you can see all the stars they appeal to your senses so using your senses you can say yes okay he might have made the stars in the fourth day day five what was made birds and fish you have an aquarium in your house H you go fishing you catch it throw it back with the cook in its mouth huh you do all that sort of stuff are you with me you see the fish you love to see them swim except the shark you see the birds are you with me you love to see them fly you love to see the hummingbird in your backyard they appeal to the S what was made of the Sixth Day land animals you have a dog you have a cat some people keep an iguana whatever you keep for pets huh do you you see whatever you see the animals they appeal to senses we touch them we hear them we enjoy them six day also human beings made six day we have relative fine now on the seventh day the Bible says God blessed it and Sanctified it can you see the blessing no today's the Sabbath yes or no show me the blessing show me the blessing well yeah yeah but show me show me the blessing itself not those benefiting from the blessing show me the blessing where is it can't see it show me the sanctification the Sabbath appeals to Faith are you following me when God says the Sabbath is Holy you have to believe it without seeing anything you believe it just because he said so but he also said so when he said let they be light are you with me he also said so when he said let the Earth bring forth grass he said so every day on the seventh day he said this day is blessed and you have no Visual Evidence nothing that appeals to your five senses you've got to rise higher and that's the sense of Faith Sabbath keeping is an Act of Faith because you don't see anything you don't smell the blessing you don't feel it you don't taste it you simply accept it is blessed because God said so yes now Constantin said the first day is the Sabbath okay what has Constantine created with his word h you look around you see what God created with this word so you can trust the word of God what did Constantine's word create nothing so here's God remember the seventh day keep it holy the Sabbath here's Constantine remember the first day whom do you choose because God's word is a building that will never fall amen truth does not collapse it may fall it may fail to convict you or you or me but it does not collapse the word of the Lord endureth come on forever anything different from thus said the Lord is a building without Foundation Nebuchadnezzar made that kind of image his kingdom fell are you with me you see in Chapter 2 God gave him a dream of an image but the image had four different kinds of precious metals gold silver brass uh iron Ireland clay when Nebuchadnezzar found out the head of gold represented his kingdom he realized his kingdom would pass away and the brass would take over the silver would take over so he decided in chapter 3 to set up his own image are you following me but this time His Image was made of what from top to meaning what my kingdom will last for forever but that's not truth and so in 539 the this the the the me and the Persians came in and conquered Babylon it fell God said it will pass away Nebuchadnezzar said it's going to stay God said okay let a few decades pass it fell it was a building without Foundation my brother brother and sisters are you building your lives on this if you're not I speak with respect you're building on sand and whatever you build will collapse truth thus say the Lord that's the foundation and Jesus said therefore whosoever heareth these saying of mine what is one of the sayings of Jesus remember the Sabbath day keep it holy what is one of the sayings of Jesus Thou shalt not kill what's one of the sayings of Jesus Thou shalt not steal what's one of the sayings of Jesus forgive one another whosoever heareth these sayings of mine not Nebuchadnezzar or President Biden God bless him or Trump or Obama or Putin or forgot the guy's name in England God bless him the words of mind I will liken him to a man which built his house upon a rock and the rains descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house every house that's built must be subject to the rains the wind and the flood trials and tribulations the only houses that will not come collapse at once built upon the rock of Truth Nebuchadnezzar's house it fell Pharaoh's house it fell the mid Persian house it fell the Roman house lasted over 600 years it fell the 10 kingdoms are falling and one day the stone cut out without hands will Smite the image upon the feet of iron and clay and break them to pieces pieces then shall the iron the clay the brass the silver the gold Daniel 2:35 be broken to pieces together and will become as the chaf of the summer threshing floor and the wind shall carry them away that no place was found for them and the storm that smoke the image shall become a great Mountain that fills the whole earth God's kingdom and that which he builds will last how long forever and he wants us to be a part of that building are you with me that's why he tells us symbolically in Ephesians chapter 5: 30 we're members of his body of his flesh of his bones if you're part of the structure of Christ and Christ will never fall in Christ you can never fall build your lives on truth are are you with me yes and Truth is not what you find in the Encyclopedia Britannica encyclop eny Encyclopedia britanica has facts there's a difference between facts and Truth saving truth it is a fact that most people love to sin that's not saving truth are you following me it is a fact that about I don't know 6 million Jews were killed in the World War II that's a fact is not saving truth it is a fact there was something called the slave trade 13 million orever perish that's not saving truth it is a fact that uh the hillside triangle kill so many women that's not saving truth fact and Truth are not the same thing we're talking about truth because truth ultimately is a person and that person is Christ and Christ is God and God will last forever build build your lives upon god build your lives upon Christ who is truth because the house built on Christ will withstand the rain the wind and the flood it will never fall it will continue right in the world to come I call upon you in the name of Jesus make a decision right where you are say father help me to build my life upon the rock of Truth Christ Jesus himself how many will make that decision with me or reconfirm it may I see youre stand up with me 10 after 12 thank you for your patience buildings without foundations hairs bow eyes closed Father in heaven we thank you for your word we thank you de God that despite the p passing of time decades anything not built upon you will eventually crumble and fall we thank you Father for the frightening reminder they shall build but I will throw down we thank you for the reminded their father except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it we have so many reminders of crashed kingdoms and collapsed houses de God they were not built truth but father you're an individual God by that I mean you care about us as individuals and you want each individual life to be a little building that's founded upon Christ we've stood to say we want by your grace to build our lives Upon Jesus Christ because other Foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Christ Jesus now dear God as we prepare to leave this place let your spirit go with us God let the spirit wrestle with a person who even now might be resisting the words of truth that he or she heard if that person submits that person will be glad bring us back at 6 this evening father to hear your word again bless all those who listened online they God do a similar work of transformation in their lives and father when you come may you find us by the grace of Christ as building standing firmly Upon Our Savior take us home I pray in Jesus name let God's people say amen and amen
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 18,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Msanii Records, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hymns, Gaither Music TV, @3ABN, Randy Skeete, Zabron Singers, Doug Batchelor, John Lomacang, Mark Finley, Fountainview Academy, Heritage Singers, Sandra Entermann, JEHOVAH SHALOM A CAPELLA, Wintley Phipps, BESY Choir (Official), Acapeldridge, Speak English With Tiffani, T.D. Jakes, Pastor Steven Furtick, Stellenbosch University Choir, America's Got Talent, Karen Gibson, Gospel Music Hymn Sing, Color Music, The Acappella Company
Id: FRztk8HGfr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 29sec (3569 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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