Victory In the Final Conflict | Pavel Goia

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[Music] [Music] absolutely beautiful music goodlooking people not as much as I good but it's okay Jesus is coming soon and I am excited about it aren't you let's see if it works tell me yay you do see it wonderful wonderful and so before we start I'm going to ask you again to Bow your heads for the word of prayer for a word of prayer let's pray together Father in heaven in humility we again bow down in your presence to praise you to worship you and to ask that you will be the one to open the word and to transform Us For Your Glory in jesus' name amen I want to thank Pastor Ron for his kind invitation and kind words and the others in the leadership of the church and uh to express my privilege and my joy to be with you saying that we talked about Jesus on the Mount of Olives Dr knle is so good to see you and so many others we talked about Jesus on Mount of Olives telling the disciples to be ready now listen we have a good church am I right we have good programs we have good people hopefully some you know at least me we have good doctrines good diet my am I right on nothing like green beans and tofu good music good programs is that good is it sufficient listen so many times we are tempted to think that if we do all of this good stuff this is it we go home and we feel wonderful and do we are in the risk of confusing the forms of religion with the relation relationship and to replace relationship with a set of rituals and unless we have the relationship we will never experience the power that's the reason in the church many times we have no power because we have replaced the relationship with the forms the disciples in the upper room eleno says clearly when they understood the cross it overwhelmed them so much that for them they finally loved him more than they finally led him more than anything else that means that they did sing before Oh How I Love Jesus but they really didn't love him so much but now when they understood the cross they love him to the degree that she says no sacrifice was too great and then she says they so much in love with the cross that they wanted nothing else except the cross and they joyfully were ready to take the cross and to preach with boldness and then she says those powerful words and I put it in my words they knew that their testimony could cost them their life but they didn't love their own lives they preached all boldness so let me put it the other way around if you are not ready to sacrifice everything and preached boldness is because you have never fully understood the cross if there is something that you are not ready to sacrifice is because you have not understood the cross when you understand the cross No sacrifice is too great you joyfully give up everything when I came to Andrew I remember I got my first car and I talk to a friend of mine good good student good I love him he's a friend and he would go to auction to buy cars and I told him all I have is 2,500 my wife is working three jobs and I am working two jobs and still I cannot have more than 2,500 give me a car and he took me to auction and we went to auction in kalamazo and I put my eyes on a Dodge Grand Caravan that had TV inside in 1999 to have TV was a big deal and I said I want that car video games TV whistles and you know bells and sensors in the bumper oh I want the car and he said it's only 2,500 this car should be 15,000 there is something wrong with the car I said now it has TV get me the car he says did you pray about I said I don't need to I like the car God doesn't get involved with cars and he said oh yes he does get involved with everything get me the car he said okay I got the car I came to school I parked it in front of the Seminary and did not close the door I left the door wide open hoping that some of the students may take a pick and see the TV I was like nobody looked I drove it for a couple of weeks and it broke I was driving coming to school and the transmission got stuck in the third [Music] gear it didn't you know it did not switch and I turned it off and I parked on the shoulder and I said a quick prayer Lord please heal my car I didn't do any anointing but then I started the car and got stuck again in the third gear and then I turned it off and I prayed again for Resurrection nothing happened I started again it got stuck in the third gear I was driving on the interstate the engine was going and yet I was moving that you could walk by me you know and the other cars were showing terrible signs and get off the road you know and I hate the car I got off the car and I kicked the wheel with anger and my wife says calm down you are a pastor and I hated the car so I went to junkyard and purchased a transmission from a different car and I paid 500 to install it on $450 for the transmission $950 and I drove it two 3 weeks and it broke again if you have a Dodge I will pray for you and then I went to the auction again and I bought again another transmission and I paid again and I paid labor again and it broke again and then I went to auction again and I bought another transmission and I put it on the car and I didn't touch it I said I'm going to sell it let somebody else have TV in the car and I put it for sale and nobody called and I prayed and nobody called and I put it in front I went to Benton Harbor in front of Myers and I put you there big paper in the wi it has big screen TV and video games nobody called and then I put it on Craigslist on Amazon on eBay nobody called and then I prayed I even fasted I never fast I cannot I even fasted nothing happened and then I said I'm going to drive it until it breaks and that's it and I finished school right then you know and I I went to my first district and I drove to the church and I told them you really need to focus on the cross elen white says it would be good for us to spend no no no no no you are good but you are almost good she doesn't say one hour she says one no she says one thoughtful who said that you have an A+ whoever said it one thoughtful hour reflecting on Jesus life and his sacrifice and then say specifically on the last week of his life it would be good for us because when you understand the gospel it changes you she says at the foot of the cross keeping our eyes on the cross it changes us without human effort into his image and so I told the members unless you understand the class you will never be changed whatever you do for God values zero unless you are unless the cross grabs your heart and melt your heart and I said when that happens you will fully commit and love God more than your life and you will sacrifice everything joyfully and C there in nothing and you will go farther than that you will tell with boldness and joy and use every opportunity and as I preach I get in my van and drive home I say Lord would you help me sell the junk please and God said to me do you understand the cross because I am coming and if you don't understand the cross you are lost I said absolutely I understand the cross he says do you love me absolutely I love you or I thought so more than anything I said absolutely and God said let's do a small test I'm not going to ask you for your freedom or your life I'm going to ask you for your V I said Lord you can have the V he not Mercedes you know it's a ddge and then I said how much do you pay for it Jesus and God said uh just give it to me I said I cannot do that I need to sell it I cannot do that I need to sell it and God didn't talk to me anymore and I felt terrible and I said to myself we say we love Jesus and we are not able to give up a small thing and Jesus says as we start the sermon that there will be a time of tribulation a time of trouble like it has never been from the creation of the world and it will never you remember the the Bible verse it will be a time of trouble like it has never ever ever in history with all the history crisis it has never been so bad and it will never be this is the greatest crisis of History you think Co was a crisis you think 911 was a crisis you think the revolution in Romania was a crisis that was a joke the crisis that comes is going to be so bad that people are going to lose their mind people would faint people would kill themselves people would run people would go crazy and you think that this is a crisis that your car is broken if you are unable to walk with those who walk how are you going to keep up with those on horses if you get lost and lose your faith and struggle in a small crisis how are you going to make it in the greatest crisis of History do you think that you prepare for the final exam the night before for the Olympics the night before how are you going to prepare for the final crisis when the crisis hits and God spoke to me how do you prepare if you don't start knowing me and experiencing me and trusting me and surrendering now small things and as you experience me surrender bigger things and you experience me surrender bigger until you learn to know me and to trust me and God said stop start now give me the V and I was ashamed of myself because I tell people to love Jesus and then when the test comes how do you prove love unless you surrender unless you sacrifice that's real love when you sacrifice you follow me so I said Lord you can have the V you don't need to pay me just use it for your glory as soon as I gave up the VIN I've been trying to sell it for 6 months I put ads everywhere hey big screen TV nobody called you know as soon as I said you can have it my telephone started to ring and she says pastor and it was one of my members she says do you still have the van I said yes is it for sale yes I'm not going to sell it to you you'll hate me you'll never come back to church I I got to sell it to a stranger that doesn't know me you know and she said pastor you remember my brother is the mechanic who installed a transmission for you yes so I know that you have a junk I said then why do you want it she says when you preached about sacrificing everything and serving I prayed Lord I want to sacrifice and she says all I want she says I want to serve and she says you asked for 5,000 for the vent I was trying to get 5,000 to recover the money that I put in transmissions and labor you know she says I don't have 5,000 I have only 1,5 100 but God impressed me to drive kids to school that don't have transportation to go to our school and people to evangelism and people and she says I do a driving Ministry from now on and she says if everybody in the church does a Ministry our church would really grow and she says I'm the first one to call you I want to do something and she says I don't have money to buy a v give me the V for 1,500 I said have it God bless you hopefully you can drive at least two weeks I stayed there 9 years and then I moved to Kentucky and then five six seven years later my family and I drive in vacation to Montana and we go to that state and as we go we stop at restaurant to eat and she is in restaurant with her son eating I said how are you doing good she says you good and I said well how is it going on and she says well I'm going to drive a few more kids to school in the afternoon late and I said what car do you have she says oh the same van I said are you kidding me she says when I gave it to the Lord it never broke again oh I hate you the V because whatever you keep you are going to lose and whatever you surrender you are going to save he who wants to save his life is going to lose it and he's willing to lose his life he's going to save it how do you prepare for the final crisis Jesus tells the disciple Les there will be great great great troubles Great Tribulation and Jesus says pay attention prepare you don't prepare for the final crisis in the crisis you don't prepare because you go to church you should go to church but that's not a preparation you need to experience the cross you need to really experience God's presence in your life Abraham walked with God Enoch walked with God Moses walked with God and the says to walk with God is to be aware of his presence continually to depend on him to follow him to let him control your life continually what does it mean to walk with God it means that continually you don't separate John 15 you are in him and he is in you and then why says discipline yourselves to stay connected and the more you do that the more you get used to never disconnect discipline yourselves I put my phone I used to do that to vibrate every two hours so I remember and I would reconnect because otherwise I get busy and I forget and somehow I serve God with all God and so Walking with God let's start take heed three times in a short paragraph Take H take he watch pray be ready how do you prepare my wife used to have a business a little nursing home taking care of veterans soldiers Veterans of War taking care of them and weekly the nurse came to to check on them and monthly the state or the inspection from the uh the the VA the hospital you know came but once a year there was a big inspection once a year it was the Judgment Day the state sent an inspection that nobody knew could be in may could be in December could be in April could be Sunday could be Tuesday could be Wednesday could be morning or evening or night nobody knew and when they came they inspected everything everything food temperature how is the water how is the medication how everything safety fire procedures everything and if you're not ready you got in trouble and so when they came they told us every single business they inspect in the state they always 100% no exception find problems they said there is not one that does it perfect except you they told my wife every time she got a certification every year the best facility in the state next year the best facility in the state next year the best facility and they ask her how in the world do you know when we come so you are ready and she said I don't know then how are you ready and she says well I prepare every day as it was the day of the inspection how do you get ready you don't wait for the crisis to come you prepare today you prepared today now listen carefully people say we we need to start the sermon people say when I see the final events I will prepare have you heard that yes hello the final events have been around for a long time because the Bible Jesus says there in those verses is going to be like the pregnancy pains pangs you remember well I've never given birth myself but my wife has and I was there next to her and I remember we were in Bucharest I was a student in construction University and my wife say to me honey I felt something I said yeah you ate beans should you feel something and she said no no no no no no it was different she says it's not gas honey it was different it was like like that like like some somebody grab me and I said well H you you just went to sleep too late last night then 2 hours later she says oh I felt it again but a little stronger and then 2 hours later wo it a little longer and more intense and stronger and a little pain now and then one hour you know what I'm talking about and then half an hour and then 30 and then 20 minutes and then 10 minutes and every time it would come closer and closer and longer and longer in time in length and stronger and stronger in intensity and pain until it was continual unbearable pain sure we went to hospital and she gave birth and so on and so forth but signs don't come instantly no tornadoes no bad economy no nothing and instantly they come no no no no no 50 years 100 years in time like pregnancy they keep increasing so little that we get because it happens in time we get used and we consider it normal it's normal to have tornadoes it's normal to have covid it's normal to have bad economy it's normal to you follow me it's normal we get used and it becomes normal and we don't see these are the signs and we wait for the signs while the signs have been around for so long and if you wait for the signs you will never prepare because the Bible is very clear today if you hear his voice today is the day of salvation you follow me if you don't prepare today then when do you prepare you heard me maybe in my so many sermons when I tell people about bayam Hassan I was a kid I would walk to school go to The Fresh Market in The Fresh Market I would every day stop at a little little little little Boutique I do have the pictures with the guy actually I took pictures he's black and white with the guy and he would sell ice cream and he would say today you pay tomorrow is is free I paid I went next day I want my free ice cream he said son today you pay tomorrow is free I said hey I came tomorrow he said no you came today I said no no no no no today is tomorrow he said no today is today I said come on I came yesterday that was today and now I came today that is tomorrow he said you are lost he said today is today and today you pay so I paid again I went next day come on man I came tomorrow give me my free ice cream he said now you came today again today you pay tomorrow is free and I said come on when is tomorrow and he said Son Tomorrow Never Comes we have a habit to think that we are start praying tomorrow we are going to start doing Mission tomorrow we are going to start serving the lord tomorrow we are going to surrender tomorrow we are going to commit tomorrow and to Satan is not going to give you tomorrow he's going to give you today and going to keep you busy today so you don't do it today and Jesus basically tells them clearly clearly to watch and pray and be ready and serve and get basically because the signs are upon us now think about this the greatest crisis in the history is here many many even in their service in their devotion in their singing in their committing fail to receive the blessing because they have no communion with God how do you get ready how do you get ready we do sing and he walks with me and he talks with me but that's not real he doesn't walk with them he doesn't talk with them and Jesus says my sheep know my voice do you know his voice every single Adventist should know God's voice and should walk with God and should depend on God because the spirit of Prophecy says Jesus made no plans for himself you remember Ministry of healing not because he didn't have a brain he was incapable to make a plan she says but every morning the father gave him the plans for that day and then she says so should we every morning present our plans before the Lord ready to fulfill them or to give them up according to his will who remembers the paragraph and then seek his plans and make them the priority of our day that's how you prepare every morning God is calling you to spend quality time with him and not only do the duty you got to pray and to study but rather seek his presence desire to know him seek his plans Surrender Your Plans present them and say I'm going to leave them with you close open doors do what you want if you have a plan I'm ready to give up my plans my job my school my life my family I remember I Was preparing for a final I was in construction University it was an important exam I lose that exam I lose the whole year I have to repeat all over again again and I remember my cousin came that night every time my cousin came we did not sleep we tued holy subject of motorcycle the whole night and so that night we tued until 3:00 a.m. Harley dadon ducatti BMW you know Honda nigh Hawk and so bikes and at 3:00 a.m. he left and I went to sleep and instead of waking as usually at 5: to pray I woke up at 9: and my exam was at 9: what do you do you go to the final or you lose the whole year I said a quick prayer and I run through the door and God spoke to me and said have you presented your life before me have you surrendered your day before me I said Lord I love you but I am missing a year of school how could I allow myself to to lose a year of school and God spoke to me and said this is not Christianity unless you are willing to surrender not only a year of school but the whole school you are not my disciple whatever you don't surrender is going to keep you from heaven and I said Lord I'm losing school and God stopped talking so I turned around I put the clock face down and I kneel down and I prayed and prayed and asked forgiveness and prayed and then studied and prayed and forgot about school and I said Lord I want you more than school I want to know you I want to understand you I want to be filled with you I want to love you I want to serve you at the price of losing school would you please come in my heart today to the degree that I walk with you and then talking about school Lord I already gave it up I'm going to give it to you do whatever you want and then I finished studying and praying around 11:00 no reason to go to school exam was over done I lost the Year and God said in my mind go to school I said Lord Jesus you don't understand school is over and he says now go to school you don't understand the power of God so I got on my holy bike and I went to school when I went to school the classmat said pav how did you know I said what they said how did you know that the teacher didn't show up I said I didn't and I said you tell me that you didn't have an exam yes the teacher didn't show up we have been waiting since 9:00 no exam today I was talking to them and the teacher shows up and says sorry I was caught in traffic so bad I could not move let's have the exam I finished 115 % because I did the bonus questions top of the class and God said to me you honor me I will honor you folks listen carefully every morning how do you prepare you don't wait for the crisis every morning you make God the priority you invite God in your life you make religion real you walk with God basically you depend on him and you allow him to control your life I could go story after Story my qu my my my point is if we if we hope if we hope that we are going to prepare then is going to be too late I was in I was in in Serbia and it's one country that used to be in the former Yugoslavia of those many countries Serbia Bosnia heroina Montenegro Croatia you you know what I'm talking about and so I was there and I was preaching and then they had 4 hours of sharing and among many many many many many many stories the lady comes and the lady says I was not an Adventist I was a Greek Orthodox and she says I heard these sermons on the internet and she says I own a nails salon I do manicure and pedicure and she says I started to surrender every morning I started to seek the Lord with my whole heart I started to make him the priority of my life and every morning to ask him she says I started to pray like never before not a routine I started to study like never before and she said I listened to one sermon two sermons three sermons I read one book two books three books and she referred to one of my books and then she referred to some of the prayer seminars and then she said when I started to understand the cross it grabbed my life to the degree that I didn't care what happens to me all I wanted is to love him and she says I could not help myself she says I took my my headphones and I would do people's manicure and listening to sermons and listening to Spirit of Prophecy and she says I was eating everything it became food for my soul and she said I fell in love with it and it grabbed my whole life my family everything I had and she said people that I would do manicure ask me what music are you listening he says this is no music this is life and they said what are you talking about and she says this has changed my life listen carefully if the gospel doesn't transform you you have not yet understood the gospel because it's not enough to have the truth if the truth doesn't transform you that means that you have the theory you don't have Jesus who is the truth and so she said it has transformed me and people said can we hear it so she next day instead of having headphones she brought a big speaker put it in the salon and she had the whole people listening to the sermons and to the spirit of Prophecy and she says people came next day and she says hey I did your nails yesterday did they fall off and they said no we just need to hear the next sermon and it became the salon became a theater and people would come and she had no more room chairs Corners the other rooms there was no more room people were listening and 16 people got baptized and she says this is not good enough everybody needs to know so they took memory sticks and they started to go into the community and they tell everybody you need to hear this when she told the story there were many people there that were reached by that lady and she said this is so powerful that it has transformed me and I cannot hold it inside it just is like a fire I tell everybody amen if you don't have that passion you have not understood the cross what if everybody in our church would do that think about it and so that's what Jesus says this is how you prepare for it this is how you prepare now listen carefully there is no limit there is no limit to the usefulness of one there is no limit to the usefulness of one who puts self aside and makes room for the Holy Spirit eight testimonies 19 anyway let's I'm trying to I'm trying to run to to a slide where I want to continue and I am not getting there yet I'm not getting there yet give me a second oh hold on a second just a prophetic second okay we are getting there okay here it is Ephesians chapter 6 what does it say we don't but against what are we fighting against listen folks this is spiritual war for spiritual war you need spiritual power you don't fight spiritual war with physical power we fight against spiritual hosts that are where where in Heavenly places you never see a fish fighting with a bird because they are not in the same level unless the Bird eats the fish if you really want to fight powers in Heavenly places you need to be in Heavenly places spiritual war you fight in spiritual power therefore you need to be filled with the spirit you need to be filled with God's presence I remember I was in a town called the Red Steel the Red Steel the Red Steel small town 15,000 people maybe more or less I don't know everybody knew everybody they knew what you ate last night everybody knew everything and in that little town one time I was coming from grocery shopping we owned a little Factory to make clothing my wife and I and I was coming from grocery shopping and I see in front of the theater a big big big nice park there people would would go for a walk there in the park and I see a big crowd four five 600 people I don't know in that big crowd I was curious I go in the middle and in the middle there is a guy and he says I am a prophet and I have the Holy Spirit and God sent me to you to tell you that it's time for you to go back to church it's time for you to study your Bible it's time for you to pray it's time for you to reach to the pool it's time for you to preach the gospel and he says and you don't need to obey the Commandments anymore because Jesus died for you you just need to love one another that's what he said because Satan doesn't come with poison nobody is stupid with drink poison Satan comes with good soup and he just puts a Drop of Poison okay and so and he said and God gave me the power of the Holy Spirit if somebody among you is sick come here and it will be healed through the power of the Spirit and the lady came that she could hardly walk and she says I've been paralyzed of my right side from a stroke for many many years and she says no doctor can fix me and he put his hand in front of her forehead about 10 15 Ines didn't touch her away from her head as soon as he put his hand in front of her forehead she was thrown by an invisible Force to the ground so hard that I thought she broke all her bones and died she was throwing down she was literally thrown with a extreme force pom to the ground and the whole crowd wow and the lady got up and she says she was moving she says no more paralyzed she was moving and people came like crazy everybody wanted to be healed what do you do when people have cancer and they see somebody performing signs real signs and they go there so I told him I said hey you do Miracles as The Magicians from Pharaoh did Miracles you remember but you don't do them with the power of God you do them with the power of Satan he says who are you I said I am one of God's servants and he came and he put his hand and said I'm going to teach you a lesson and he put his hand here nothing happened and he put it again and he says I have no power over you I said because he who is in me is stronger than he who is in you and the people started to scream go away we don't care what you want to teach we want to be healed people want comfort so Jesus says there will be false prophets false Messiahs that will perform Great Signs to deceive even the very elect how are you going to prepare for that there will be a time like never before in that delusion the spirit of Prophecy says it will be impossible to distinguish between the fake and the real except by the scriptures and then he says the enemy will deceive the whole world except you United States does he say so how much of the world how much of the world the whole world Hallelujah the whole world now think about that the enemy will deceive the whole world there will be an emotional excitement let's go back to church let's love one another and they are going to mingle the truth with the false then he says men under the influence of evil spirits will work miracles sick will be healed in fact in fact there are so many people in our church that are so afraid of false Miracles and false Revival that they don't even want the good Revival you understand how do you distinguish how do you prepare and by her sorceries the whole world will be deceived sorceries the Greek word phakia that we have the word pharmacy from it means anything that medicates the mind or makes the Mind confused TV food whatever makes you confused it's from Satan you got to be sharp now think about that we don't have time except probably half of number one in the Lord he says Brethren be strong in the Lord in the Lord I can do all things in Christ he who has Christ has life Christ in you in you the hope of glory connection never separated real Christians have a real connection with the real God unless you are continually in the Lord you will fail as Christ in humanity s strength from the father so so should we daily we need help from the source of all power listen folks the only defense there is no other one the only one against the evil is the indwelling of Christ in the heart unless you become continually connected with God we will never resist what tell me you can do nothing in the Lord my father used to say if you disconnect from God that's when Satan attacks you my father used to say a day without God is a day that is lost for eternity my father used to say in the morning is better for you to lose your school to lose your job to lose your life than to start with God he would say to me don't you ever step through that door before you are filled with the Lord real Christians make that a priority he awakens my ear every morning to listen as a disciple listens Jesus early in the morning you remember make it a priority to be in the Lord because that's our strength make it food make it air make it life in the Lord I remember I remember um give me a second I remember when um talking about in the Lord I like water I want to put my house in heaven on water my wife and I are blessed we purchase a property somewhere in West Virginia and there are three leges one is very small it's a pond one is bigger and one is medium and we are building the house Between the Lakes because when I see water I'm happy I love water and I remember when I was a kid my mom would put a tab that was like like this shape and it was smaller here and taller here at the head and my mom would put water and it was summer and it was 42 43 44 Cel that's really hot around 100 some Fahrenheit and I would get in the water and I it was hot and my head would get hot so I would go under the water and cool down and then go above the water again and be happy so one time I asked my father you always talking about being filled with the Lord I said can you explain it to me what does it mean and my father said to me do you know when you get under the water to cool down I said yes he said well that's what I do in the morning I am sure I make sure that God is under above left right from behind like the water is around you and he says that refreshes my soul and he would say to me whatever part of your body is not covered with the Lord that's Achilles heill that's where Satan is going to attack because that's where he has access to be in the Lord means to be so surrounded that there is no place of access for Satan that's our safety in the Lord now listen he says that he'll perform Great Signs even to bring fire from heaven what does it mean fire from heaven could be physical fire or could be something else it says that I baptize you with water but he who comes after me baptizes you with spirit and fire they go together John the Baptist says that but Elijah brought fire from heaven at the Pentecost when they prayed for the Holy Spirit came fire from heaven when Elijah prayed and said Lord bring fire so they may know that you are God what was the fire supposed to prove God's presence and God's work am I right it seems to me like the disciples when received God's presence there was fire and it was not only physical fire but they were on fire themselves am I right they preached boldly nobody could stop them it seems to me that Satan is going to try to fake God's presence in a way that people would think that God came and that's the he's going to bring all types of fire that is going to be strange fire so hear me when I was a kid my grandmother didn't have glasses so she would have magnifying glass and I would take the magnifying glass and I would start fire you know what I'm talking about and then I asked my father you keep telling me that I don't love Jesus and I go to church and I sing in the choir and I do camp meeting and I give money why do you think I do that I said Son you are so sad and you are so lifeless you have no fire in you I said if you really love Jesus you would have fire and he said to me you are dating Dana yes I said you are on fire for that girl I said yes he said well you are not the same on fire for Jesus you follow me people get in fire for politics people get on fire for sports people get on fire for music for business but not on fire for Jesus and my father said when you take your grandma's magnifying glass and you would focus on paper the paper will get on fire and my father said be careful what you focus on because whatever you focus on that's what you get on fire for and he said to me if you really want to be on fire for Jesus focus on Jesus keep your mind mind focused on Jesus because all who dwell on Earth the Bible says will worship the Beast all who Focus their mind is dwelling on Earth if we place our affections on the things of Earth we will become Earthly our minds take the level of the things that we dwell upon set your mind on Heavenly things set your mind on Heavenly things I remember very clear I remember very clear when I was in the Army and I was yeah probably we don't have time for that story I'm going to jump a little but folks I'm trying to look to the clock and to realize how much I can get in folks listen carefully is not useful to know the truth unless you focus on Jesus is not useful to go to church unless you walk with Jesus is not useful to know the doctrines and keep Sabbath and eat healthy unless you are on fire for God those things are good but they will never save you Pharisees went to church Pharisees knew the doctrines Pharisees ate clean Pharisees returned tight even from the small things but they crucify Jesus unless you experience Jesus in a real way in your daily life we are just Pharisees and God is calling us right before the second coming he is calling the church and he's calling not the church not the institution not the building you he's calling you to a real Devotion to a real commitment like never before in your life that's how you prepare for the crisis that's how you Jesus says be ready that's how you get ready you don't wait for the final you prepare now you don't wait to make a decision tomorrow you make a decision today how you test yourself see what you don't want to surrender and then you know how much you love Jesus now don't you think that Jesus in the business to take your stuff Jesus is not interested to take your house or your job or your health he doesn't need that he wants your heart but you must be willing to give it when God said to Abraham give me your son Abraham was willing and then God said enough now I know that you love me more than your son because it's not you who provide the sacrifice as you may think it is God who provides the sacrifice gather my people that have made the Covenant to me by sacrifice the Covenant is not based on your sacrifice it's based on God's sacrifice it is God who provides the sacrifice but you must be willing for that sacrifice to apply to you you must be willing to surrender all and to make God a priority daily that's when you become a disciple that's when you prepare for the crisis now it doesn't matter if you are prepared or not as long as you prepare Daily doesn't matter if you are mature or a baby spiritually as long as you prepare daily because as long as you are in Christ you are saved he who has Christ has life as long as you have Christ daily as long as soon as you separate from Christ you are lost doesn't matter who you are you can be the Pope I don't care it is Christ in you that gives you safety therefore we cannot afford to be in the times we live to be one day without Christ therefore folks this is a good church a lot of potential good leadership yet you individually have to be in Christ when Christ is in you listen folks I've seen it again and again people have small accomplishments because they have no Christ because they plan according to their potential when you have Christ you no longer plan he plans when he plans he's always coming with such a big plan that seems crazy I mean he told Jonah to build an ark tell me if that's normal he told Joshua to walk around in Jericho you tell me if that's normal when God makes the plan he's going to tell you s something so big that you are going to say we got to be crazy to do it it's absolutely humanly impossible but when you are in Christ elen says when we pray small we offend God Amen when God makes the plan and you pray big and you know him and you trust him the church is going to make gigantic plans and go for it and by God's power they will be accomplished above and beyond any dream imagine what if we make a decision to daily fully consecrate to seek God more than life can you imagine what he can do through this church there is no limit to the usefulness of one who puts self aside and makes room for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through full commitment and consecration there is no limit and God is calling us and God says nothing is impossible for me and you should say I can do all things in Christ the first step was to be in Christ the second step is to be in prayer the third step is to be in the word and the fourth to be covered by the armor of God if you think about um we don't have time we got to finish if you think about being in Christ listen my wife and I were in School in Bucharest and she was pregnant and she's very introverted she doesn't like to talk now I talk for everybody else around so I talk for her too and when we finished church we had choir practice when we finished choir she says let's go home I said no let's talk and she says no let's go home I am pregnant I am tired let's go home I said honey you go slowly I'm going to stay just a couple of minutes more he says please don't be long please I said honey we always wait 10 minutes for the bus just go ahead the bus station is right there wait for me you would cross the street and the bus station was on the other side I said just wait for me and he said okay she left she got to the sidewalk she stepped down into the street and then she looks back says please come and she started to walk in the street looking back and she didn't see a car coming from the left side with extreme speed and I saw her dying so I screamed D and she says what and she stepped in front of the car that was driving probably over 80 or 90 extreme and in that moment she told me that she felt a palm physically that pushed her stomach so hard that she was like leave me alone and she thought that somebody literally pushed her in the stomach and pushed her back and I saw her like like that and pushed back when she was pushed back the car and took her coat and I asked her how did you do that circus how did you manage to and she says I didn't somebody pushed me back what was that he says the those says those who are in Christ would feel I'm going to give you the quotation hopefully I can jump fast from slide 20 something to slide I can find the slide will feel the powers of unseeing Worlds around them by looking unto Jesus they will be assimilated Into His Image by beholding they will be changed the face of women and men walk with God and talk with God for them the invisible word is real they carry with them heaven heaven on Earth you follow me you remember one king one king if you think about it in in 2 Kings chapter 6 one king is attacked by the syrians again and again and one Prophet tells the King this is the plans of the syrians you remember and then the syrians say how in the world who is the traitor and one of the servants says is no traitor the Prophet Prophet The Prophet so next morning the Syrian Army comes around the mountain to surround the prophet you remember and in the morning the serpant says wow we are lost and the prophet says Lord open his eyes so when God opens the eyes what does he sees a whole Army Of Heaven now my question is why did the prophet seat and the and the servant was a good seven the Adventist didn't see it can it be that one had the theory and one had the Lord because those who walk with God they see it you follow me they see it heaven is real they live on earth as they live in heaven they are citizens of Earth but they are citizens of Heaven they no longer live for this they live for that amen unless you do that today you'll not experience it tomorrow and God is calling you to become real in your walk with God God says today my kingdom needs to enter your house if you want to to win the final Conflict you need to be in God today Heaven needs to become real today you need to be in heaven today you need to experience heaven in your soul you need to experience heaven in your family you need to experience heaven in your church you need to carry heaven with you wherever you go that's when you are victorious you need to be in Christ is not the man who built his house on the sand and the man who built his house on the rock in the Bible doesn't say on the rock it says in the cliff in the in the Hall of the rock you are not on Christ you are not under Christ you are in Christ those who are in Christ are those that will make it to the final crisis you follow me this is point one and we have four points so we going to stop right here we are going to stop right here folks God is calling you and me to be in Christ Christ in you to dwell in him and he in you the world that is dwelling on other things people in the church that they think they worship God they if they dwell on other things without knowing in the church while worshiping God they worship the Beast I remember when I was a kid in fourth grade I had a colleague Greek Orthodox and he complained pav I'm angry with my dad I said why because he has an icon of St George you know St George how he looks like it's a saint on a horse that has a fork and down is the The Serpent and he's killing the serpent and my colleague said my dad is tall and he kiss his same George and he wants me to kiss the saint but I am short and I don't reach there so I kiss the serpent can it be that you are in the church and sometimes we think we kiss God and we kiss the serpent because every time we focus make priority at the things we worship the Beast while being in the church it is time for us to realize that Jesus is coming and to make it a priority God is seriously warning his people because he loves them and he doesn't want them to be lost and he wants to work in them and he wants to work through them and he is warning his people it's time to wake up it's time to be in Christ it's time to make it a priority it's time to love him with all your heart it's time to trust in him it's time to experience him are you answering how many of you let's finish how many of you want to make a decision Lord I cannot do it but you can do it therefore Lord today I make this decision to be in you don't let me separate because without you I am nothing and then tomorrow again because when you do that your life is going to slowly grow you will not see growth I've never seen my wife measuring my kids on doorpost from day to day but I I've seen her measuring the kids from year to year you'll never see growth from today to tomorrow but Jesus is working in you as long as you surrender and those small daily things that you don't even C there serious those small things eleny says work character those insignificant daily things God is using them as a school and as you daily surrender he's using those to grow you and you don't see any growth and you people call me and say Pastor I've been praying and studying for a week and I don't grow and I tell him yeah I went to school for a week and nobody let me graduate you know you don't see graduation after a week of school but you need to keep doing Your Surrender you need to stay in Christ let him take care of graduation and as you do that daily there will be growth there will be Victory because you are in Christ and it doesn't even matter if you grow because if Jesus comes tomorrow and you didn't have time to grow he's going to save you like the thief on the cross not because you are you are grown but because you are in Jesus and if Jesus is in you there is no way in the world that you'll be lost there is no way absolutely that you'll be lost if Jesus Lives in You therefore God is calling us moreover in the times in the urgency of the times we live he says look around the signs have been Upon Us in fact they are going to come more and more and it's going to get worse and worse in Rapid succession and God says now is the time now I'm calling you to make a decision now I'm calling you to be serious would you answer yes let's pray together Father in heaven we obviously don't have time to go through all the slides and all the things but father your Holy Spirit has the power to impress the hearts so we understand each one what you are calling us to do help us to be serious about it and help us in your power in your grace to do it and to trust in you not in what we can do but in what you can do we pray in Jesus name and thank you for answering amen
Channel: Village Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 25,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sermon, Christianity, Jesus Christ, religion, spirituality, faith, inspiration, motivation, sacrifice, relationship with God
Id: D1umMVg-xfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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