Sunday Hymns Episode 72

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live go [Music] happy sunday everybody so i know last week we said that we would not be going live this sunday however we had a great idea collectively that meaning it was someone else's and i was told so that's how that works is that we were asked at the god bless america rally would we do a special hymn playing request session right up here on the stage so that's why josh gets to be on this side of the screen which is totally different for us he's normally on the other side of the wall in the office running everything so this is fun so the first few i played came from the afternoon requests when i posted that we were going live so it was victory in jesus how great thou art onward christian soldiers and then count your blessings and i'm also going to add when we all get to heaven and joy unspeakable here in just a minute but as usual josh is manning comments so he'll tell me what you guys want to hear this afternoon yeah so this is what i look like um i'm sorry to disappoint you you know the voice is much better than the actual appearance but anyway we're good glad to be with you all before we play any more music um we we want to share something that we're going to give away so we have a met a friend here at the gos god bless america rally generous joe's coffee all right their website is if you go there on the home page they've already created a landing point for you to go scroll down to the bottom put in your information and we're going to give away five bags of coffee at the end of this live stream so the cool thing about generous joes is like their name they are generous so what that means is like they're here at this rally and they're going to give 90 of the profits um that they make from their booth and the orders from here back to the god bless america rally so that's a business and we can get on board with that sort of a thing and so we're hoping you'll get free coffee all right so i don't know if uh i'm not used to this role of being in front of the camera micah is actually the guy back there and not josh so this is fun mike has hopefully got that on the screen for you yep i think so so go on there sign up we're going to draw five of you to give away at the end of this live in about 45 minutes so all right do you have more songs on your list are you ready for mine i'll do when we all get to heaven and joy unspeakable all right and then all of you guys requests so [Music] all right so the first request that i saw come in was learning to lean [Music] oh it is wonderful to be a christian [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a john peterson song it's one of my favorites i feel like i say that though every time i play one of his i love john peterson songs me too the family of god that's a bill gaither song also a really great one do my hope is in the lord [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i think so i didn't mention we're also live not only on our facebook and youtube channels but also on i believe the god bless america page um scott paulie bible truth music anything else micah yes sir we are on the scott paulie's youtube page byron fox's youtube page on let's see all of your channels on the god bless america rally facebook page we are on um as well and let's see bible truth music facebook page all of those things and so appreciate the opportunity to do a joint venture with you guys today do you mind if we send you a uh a request from some of our channels what do you got available for us america the beautiful oh wow that's a good one yeah if we're at a patriotic rally we should play something so that was actually believe it or not that was the next one on my list as well there you go as you do that it was go ahead and go into a little patriotic trio here okay so that one battle him the republic and the star-spangled banner start okay let me america the beautiful battle hymn of the republic and star-spangled banner okay i can do that i think i think i can remember all three of them we'll see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey man that was awesome that was all right don't forget um there's been a few questions i've seen go to the website scroll down and fill out the information you don't have to buy anything you don't have to do anything just fill out your information and then we will choose five of you to get 12 ounces of coffee and we're going to announce it at the end of this session right yes so you'll know if you won in about 30 minutes you will know all right what am i forgetting um we're going to do a couple more songs then we're going to have a special guest appearance by byron fox and they're going to sing for us so him and i believe a friend so i'll let him do that introduction here in a minute um what's next farther along [Music] beautiful until then [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen all right we have a few people in the room does anyone in here have a request yes sir blessed assurance [Music] so [Music] all right well we'll do a few more in a minute for now a good friend of natalie and mine brother byron fox is going to i'll let him introduce i'm not sure i have the name right so and he's going to sing a song that he wrote yeah he has a little story about that song so anyway brother fox go ahead well brother josh thank you and everybody watching thank you for watching and miss natalie you've done a great job playing for the god bless america rally yeah we're coming live from the raleigh beckley convention center here here in wild wonderful west virginia and tonight we have the service at seven being broadcast on all these platforms as well and i love this hymn playing you know every sunday night it normally comes on but this time it's sunday evening and we're glad you're watching and i've been asked to sing this song safely home and i've got my good friend pastor thomas alves with us he's a pastor there in powhatan virginia mount moriah baptist church the title of this song is safely home i wrote it a couple of years ago and i wrote it on purpose for my funeral that sounds morbid i know but you know all of us are going to pass away at some point and one of these days you're going to hear brother fox is dead well really i'll just be safely home so here's the little testimony song [Music] oh you wanted an indeed not d i started first mistake of her entire life and we caught it on my song probably i wrote it wrong no no i'm sure i'll put it in d flat so that's good bless you ma'am yeah [Music] every day i am on my way to a mansion above i've a friend on whom i depend i am saved by his love his name is jesus christ my lord with him i never am alone i've no fear for my lord is near he will lead me safely [Music] i'll see is raised to our lord in praise the dilemma of calvary his name is jesus christ my lord with him i never am alone i've no fear for my lord is near he will lead me safely home [Music] i god's race when i run my race i will reach heaven sure how i long for redemption song to be sung ever more his name is jesus christ my lord with him i never am alone i've no fear for my lord is near he will lead me safely home [Music] i've no fear [Music] for my lord is near he will lead me safely [Music] amen you know for the christian it's home it's home thank you miss natalie brother josh it's back to you folks all right god bless thank you that was great all right so we're going to do a few more song requests micah do you have some coming in from your side yes sir we have requested beulah land i'm kind of homesick absolutely [Music] face to face i might regret not opening the hymnal for this one [Music] well done thank you i always get that confused with another one and as soon as i start playing it i can't remember what the other one is either so i thought all right so in about 10 minutes we're going to give away the first bag of generous joe's coffee now i think i was actually not giving you the full address the right one was on the screen shop go on there fill it out we've already got quite a few people have entered so um don't don't forget we've got about 10 15 minutes till we're going to give away the first one it's really good coffee too yeah i was actually just i actually just drank two cups before i went on here so that i didn't look totally asleep and that's always a good point you know like it's not only coffee it's actually good coffee yeah it can't be said of all coffees you know all right let's take another one from this room yes ma'am wonderful grace of jesus absolutely [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very well done thank you all right let's do what sins are you talking about oh yeah that's an old southern gospel song pretty old [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right micah brother brother josh i have some offended individuals back here the publication date of that song was 1978 and they have people saying that oh oh um what are you trying to say ma'am i am so sorry i say it's old because i remember the first time i heard that song i was six and my parents taught me to sing the lead and they harmonized and they made me sing the lead by myself without my siblings and that was the first time i'd ever had to hold a lead down with two harmony singing it by myself so it made a real impression on me but um yeah 78 was a little bit before my time not much but a little bit one of these days we'll have to break the news to brother fox one of these days yeah i'm so sorry i shouldn't i shouldn't comment on the age of songs unless it's like and can it be which was in the 1700s now that's an old song awesome we got some more requests for the josh yes we have a we have one in the audience yes sir amazing grace do you know that one yes all right let's see if you can remember it [Music] all right we have time for we're going to play one more song okay before we give away a bag of coffee so generous joe's shop go on there get your name in before we start giving this stuff away um when after this song micah if you want to be ready with a name to give a bag away to i've never been sorry oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen all right are we ready yes sir so we have with me for the joe huss come on over for seeing the camera here see can we get there we go right over there very good so this is the gentleman giving away all this coffee this is generous jar himself so here's what the josh you can't see the results i need you to give me first we have 94 entries so far give me a number between one and ten that will give us one page and then we'll give another one in ten one in ten give me a number josh four four and then miss natalie on this page results we have ten give me another number between one and ten seven seven and it is done the first name is kathy there you go kathy oh very good awesome so kathy oh could we do another song and then give away another bag immediately after perfect yes we'll do another song and then another one so we have five we're doing five so uh we're gonna get get rid of four more before the end of this broadcast all right oh very quickly just so people know that have logged on on the screen shop on the home page if they just scroll down the home page they will be able to enter just need name email just a little contact information you don't have to put your credit card information in no purchase necessary just go to shop it's on your screen and we'll get you taken care of but make sure you do it quick because we only have four bags left four songs left so do it now that's right all right i'm gonna i've got a couple on my list left but is anyone else in here wanting to yes sir what a friend we have in jesus [Music] all right micah should we give away another bag i think so all right let's see i got mark hale the extraordinary sound guy for this event can you give me a number between one and ten sir you know actually hold on a second you can stick with number three but we actually need between one and thirteen thirteen yes [Music] let's see who else we got josh lancaster can i bother you for a second got evangelist josh lancaster here number between one and ten five he says and while working that up remember if you go to and use the code gba this gentleman right here is going to give 90 of all the profits to the god bless america rally for the next 90 days all right so melissa m i might know who this is actually i'm really hoping it is the person i'm thinking it is but melissa m you are the winner and um for those of you that do win the folks here at generous shows they'll email you they have your information they'll get your address and what coffee you'd like for the josh can we go with another song yes sir when we all get to heaven [Music] all right let's do another one let's do another this is fun giving stuff away i i can see why generous joe's why this is so much fun all right so now between one and one oh sorry between 1 and 15 is what we need okay let's see who else we got here let's see how about with the fill running the switcher right now between one and one and one and 15. if i could talk what's your number number six and then andre on the camera over here uh give me a number between one and ten ten he says all right and the winner is linda c you are the lucky winner all right we have two more bags but if you go to shop generous you could be entered to win we have people just rolling in right now you could be entered to win and uh on the home page just scroll down there it's a place to put your name and there's some directions there shop generous shows dot org you don't have much time left we've got time for one or two more songs here yep all right i'm going to take another one from in here who has a request great is thy faithfulness natalie your favorite that is my favorite [Music] all right all right we ready brother josh yes sir okay now we do we need between 1 and 16. let's refresh 1 and 16. all right brother all of us right back here tom alves can you give me a number between 1 and 16 8 he says and then with holtzclaw standing very near hand between one and ten six and it is let's see sorry one moment here all right so there's only one more after this one there's only one more so people this is the last one there's one more after that okay that's right it is jeanette r is that correct jeanette r very good you have about probably how how long is a song a minute and a half maybe shop go to the home page put your information in you might win a bag of coffee one more to go where could i go but to the lord [Music] all right last back well actually with the josh this is not the last bag okay i know it felt like it for a moment there but at the end of the service the god bless america rally happening in here at 7 00 p.m the service will end about 8 40 8 45 or so eastern time we're giving away generous joe's giving away more coffee awesome and realize if you go to shop generous shows realize people have got to buy coffee somewhere that's right what's the percentage of people that that drink coffee 70 of americans 70 of americans drink coffee the size of the industry is what 180 billion a year 180 billion with a b now this gentleman right here is going to give 90 of the profits for the next 90 days to god bless america rally so you got to buy coffee anyway go to shop but let's see we have between 1 and 17 i'll pick it um i'm not looking page 3. and let's see brother fox give us a number between one and ten please seven evelyn d is the winner of not quite the last bag because what we are going to do at the conclusion of the service this evening we are going to give away some not only a bag of coffee but also i think a t-shirt and a mug not mistaken but the only way you can enter this giveaway is to follow the directions on the screen right now you text the word coffee c-o-f-f-e-e to this phone number 309-316-7240 i enjoy this giving away thing awesome so we're going to leave those directions up on the screen but also go to find some coffee you have all kinds of options whether you won or not get yourself some coffee joe thanks so much i appreciate it we're going to give away some more in just a little bit while we leave those instructions up miss natalie could we take one more request as we close the hour yep yes we're going to finish off with one thank you micah mccurry for all your help mark hale run and sound back there brother fox for singing and showing up all of you for requests this was fun we just threw this together service so there's a service at 7pm in here tonight and it'll be live streaming so where can they find the live stream starting in an hour at the god bless america facebook page they can find it on youtube at byron fox's youtube page scott paulie's youtube page probably the easiest place is that's god bless if you like coffee there's no rule against someone winning twice so even if you already won or if you were one of the folks that did not win text coffee to that phone number maybe just maybe you'll win but also i'll say this seriously speaking and spiritually speaking we're going to have a lot of folks in this room in just a little while and scott paul is going to be preaching a gospel message i'm going to ask you to pray that god does a great work through what goes on here in just a little while more important than anything else that goes on today 7 p.m join us live from the beckley raleigh convention center miss natalie what are we playing for the last one today it is well with my soul amen [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] city seven two here you
Channel: Natalie Raynes Music
Views: 9,865
Rating: 4.9450803 out of 5
Id: P17wuDXboeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 24sec (3624 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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