Sunday Evening Service , September 12, 2021 - Tim Lovelace

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] everybody stand in the room tonight clap your hands and sing us all praise the lord [Music] then jesus came like stranger in the night and praise the lord i saw him [Music] [Music] praise the lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] inside is [Applause] praise the lord [Applause] give the lord a hand in this room anybody glad for the light of jesus come on one more time where now i saw the love i saw more yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody say amen man i don't know about you but i'm excited tonight to be at the house of the lord on this sunday night anybody else excited let me hear from you if you are oh yes yes yes starting to look at your neighbor and say it's going to get good before it's over tonight tell somebody [Music] it is it is remain standing we're so happy to see you certainly glad you're here tonight and may the lord just richly bless you for being with us and we're glad to have tim lovelace with us tonight here [Applause] oh he's got to come and bless us and share with us and and he's just what the doctor ordered for us i mean that and we've been needing a good dose of medicine and the best dose of medicine is laughter amen and so we're gonna we're gonna get our funny bones tickled tonight and but we're also going to just worship the lord and we're also going to share the gospel and as i told you this morning this is not entertainment it's not a show but tonight this is ministry and uh we're also going to present the lord jesus christ or he is i'm going to sit like you are and enjoy tonight and we're going to have a good time and tim we're just glad to have you here all of you here brother will become if you will please we'll wait upon you for our sunday evening offering tonight and we thank you for your giving and if you brought one offering tonight please hold that we want to make sure that tim leaves blessed and we will be receiving an additional offering for him in just a few moments but this is for our sunday evening regular church offering tonight sunday evening regular church offering tonight in case you need to give to the work of the lord okay let's pray father we love you and we thank you for being so good to us thank you for the wonderful crowd and we have here tonight i pray blessings over every gift every giver i pray blessings over this service lord god tonight i'm asking you now that you would just help us for the next few moments our minds would be cleared our hearts would be open and god we would just enjoy the wonderful abundant life that you said you would give to the believer if we would believe and god i'm asking you for that life more abundant tonight in this room and this place and lord would love you and we praise you and we give you glory and honor now for all things in jesus name amen amen and amen can you say amen one more time remain standing if you will and help me sing this little course you're going to know this one too well lord lift me up [Music] a higher place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and let me stand in this [Applause] then [Applause] me [Applause] oh it's a holy ghostland my [Applause] well before you seed it turn around safely if you will tonight and kindly grin and welcome your neighbor and tell them you're glad to see them in the house of the lord would you do that amen well praise the lord amen oh plant my feet on higher ground that's what i want tonight again we're so glad you're here let me first of all say that this morning i mean the preacher was so hot this morning he popped a button off his jacket it really happened so we went nate at long john silver's after uh service was over and i took my jacket off and i gave it to mother and i said go home and put me a button on it and so mother went home she didn't put a button on it she took a nap and so she left the jacket at her house i left the tie at my house so i guess i've turned into a contemporary preacher tonight i don't know what that is but it is i guess so you'll have to forgive me for not having own a tie or a jacket i i feel strange standing up here without it tonight either one of them but you don't have to have that to be a christian [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you need to take it to the cleaners boy this really looks nice let's see if it fits me for real hold on he'll never get it back oh it's expensive too come from the goodwill store oh maybe do i look better it's good well two of you think so anyway oh man we're glad you're here tim we're glad you're here tonight and we've been looking forward to your coming listen if you don't have a home church we want to invite you to come back and be with us uh our doors are always open for you and tonight if you're visiting your guests you're our honored guest and we're certainly glad you're here and we've got a lot of things coming up matter of fact this fall uh we've got uh some things that are happening in two weeks three weeks uh october the third will be kicking off our fall into sunday church series and that'll include our homecoming celebration mark bishop will be with us and then after that in the weeks coming up karen pekka new river lauren talley uh the erwins are coming josh and ashley frank some little duets coming and and the hoppers are coming and so it's just gonna we got a lot of great things lined up so you will want to make sure you pick up there's information out at the welcome center stop by and pick that up tonight tiam is a friend of ashley and myself and has been for quite some time and he's more than a friend he is a dear friend you know you got acquaintances in life you got friends in life and then you got some people that are just dear to your heart and they really mean something and they're special and he's special all right but he's he really is special to ashley and i and we appreciate him he really uh he has a he has a heart i mean it's it's bigger than alaska i mean he has a large heart and he loves the lord and he loves to see people smile and we need some laughter in this world today you know and listen i just i'm a firm believer that we've missed just even the smile of people's faces uh that we haven't been able to see so many for so long and just you know walking down the aisle sometimes at walmart just to see somebody smile will help brighten your day you know and so tonight uh we've all been through some troubled times we've all been living through these uncertain times and we've all had our share of loss and troubles and trials but tonight i just feel like the tim lovelace is just what the doctor has ordered for us here at ptc that we can forget about a lot of the things we've been dealing with and we can just laugh you know people enjoy laughing amen and so tonight that's what he's come to do just to give us some stories and to share about life and then last but certainly not least and the most important he's going to share with us the gospel of jesus christ tonight and so we're honored to have him for many years he's traveled with quartets he traveled with the gaither homecoming uh millions upon millions have watched him on youtube when he was with bill gaither and so you may have seen him there he's actually been here at ptc before was a great blessing then he's going to be a great blessing tonight would you give a great big welcome to ptc clap your hands and welcome tim lovely thank you brother thank you brother how's everybody doing oh well i do need to clean this donut uh well let me say first of all it's for my first time to be back since the new church isn't god awesome give it up i love this new church and god is just a god of miracles how many of you all have seen me before in person raise your hand i want to i want to take a little vote here okay that's a few of you but how and i love y'all because y'all were repeat offenders you came you knew what was coming and you came back and how many all to see me in person for the very first time raise your hand that's most of you that's awesome turn to somebody and say i can already tell he needs medication go ahead how many of y'all believe the bible is true god created adam and eve dude we didn't crawl out of water that means if you don't know the lord you need to meet him tonight but if you don't know the lord and you do know the lord we're already cousins started without why everybody fusses and fights and get we're all a big the whole earth is just a big family we're all cousins but guess what if you know the lord we're closer than that we're brothers and sisters forever and if some of y'all really that have never seen me before get a hold of the fact that i am your eternal brother you may not rest very good tonight i was born crazy and relapsed twice where so many of y'all see me for the first time let me give you a quick bio i was born and here i am i only like to brag on the lord jesus christ but when i tell you where i was educated it's pretty it sounds pretty impressive and i'm not trying to brag it's just a fact i was in i was educated at ucla oh sounds pretty good doesn't it but it's not what you think it is it's not the college ucla at the upper corner of lower alabama that's where i was it's not impressive at all i was born in south alabama my wife's from ohio she speaks english i speak alabama and i told her i said baby if you'll marry me i'll move up north so we live in tennessee [Applause] yeah and we have two girls and they're uh 17 and 18 and uh and i'm a blessed man because my savior he changed my life forever and when i really met him i'm not talking about religion when you meet him not only are you changed forever those old things passed away new things starts happening and all of a sudden you don't have things in common with certain people that you thought were your friends and often you have new friends and a family of god and and all and but not only that i believe when you really really meet him i really believe this i don't care if you're bashful or not if you meet him and he changes everything you have to tell somebody that makes the go and tell makes it a wonderful thing and when the lord changed my life i was i was so excited people say are you really this happy and i go yes they ask my girls if they see my teenage girls is he really like this all the time they ask them that all the time and and i tell them you know you be truthful with everything we're going to be as christians never tell a lie but sometimes just curiosity they'll they'll count we'll go somewhere and they'll say seven people have already asked because he really liked that at home and i go what do you tell them they say well we say you're worse you're crazy beyond crazy at home but you know what god came to give us abundant life now before i tell you a couple of stories let me tell y'all let me tell you all this i got hold of this fact years ago if the savior of the world that came and died for me and died for you wants me to have abundant life and i'm not experiencing it it's not his fault some of y'all caught that didn't you and he said to those disciples before he went to the cross he told the disciples when he was talking about abiding in me he said i want my joy to remain in you did you know that a lot of times in religious circles we don't even know there's a jesus joy but we start when he started i saw the light tonight y'all started clapping i turned around and i said to myself i see joy in this house does that does that mean that we're we're exempt from hard times we're exempt from no but he gives peace and lasting joy in the middle of the storm and i don't know about y'all but i want all the abundant life that he has for me i want all the jesus joy that i can possibly put inside of my heart and i want to tell somebody about it because the world is hurting turn to somebody and say he's already gone to preaching and we already took up one offer and what we're gonna do now no i'm just kidding how many all believe the christians should be the happiest people in the world let me hear you now let me grab my guitar i don't know if i had i don't think i had the coffee project the last time i was here i was trying to figure it out somebody said they thought it was about three years and somebody said four i really don't know uh miss ashley she may wouldn't know i don't know has it been three three to three to four years somewhere that's all i know thank you all very much i call that one cord for the lord now i but but you know if you're over 40 we've seen a lot of changes and one of them's coffee when i was growing up there's one kind of coffee it was good to the last drop they got starbucks i call it four bucks and you gotta order in front of everybody and and when i i fly to a lot of concerts and i was just out in oregon and and uh i'm getting ready to go to uh montana and a couple different places anyway and when i'm there in the airports it happens all the time i'm not trying to be cool and hang out with millennials and pretend like i'm younger than i am i'm just if i get if i'm at a concert somewhere in arizona and then i'm in nebraska the next day or something and i got an early morning flight i get to bed at midnight and i don't get to sleep till one or two and i gotta be at the airport it's you know five or six in the morning that's why i drink coffee i'm just trying to wake up and i stand there lying and they go what can i start you with and i go coffee and they look at me like i've lost my mind and you've got an order in front of everybody everybody's hearing you and they think everyone i'm always thinking bless his heart it's his he's he's from somewhere down south and he's probably never been to starbucks i'm like no i go there all the time but the problem is i just get coffee they go what do you want in your coffee and i go coffee they're gonna know what flavor and i got coffee they're gonna know what what what kind of coffee do you want i think coffee do you need anywhere i said no just coffee i want coffee in my coffee they'd tell me to be two dollars in something and i figured it out myself coffee two bucks that's a dollar a syllable espresso three dollars that's why when my wife says honey can we go to starbucks i said what do you want baby doll she said i kind of like to have a caramel macchiato with soy milk with light whipped cream a shot of espresso could we make it a venti i go if we cash in our 401k first so i was up there and i was up there in seattle where they started all this stuff and and uh and and and the guy had seen me somewhere before he looked at me said are you tim lovelace that crazy guy i said guilty he said tim you should try my specialty drink i said you he said it's got a lot of kick i said you don't know how i'm wired he said what do you mean i said i'm 80d wide open he said they have medication for that i said not in south alabama all they have is a leather belt somebody asked me a while back are you implying that your parents spanked you i said i'm not implying anything the way i acted strangers used to spank me some of y'all know what i'm talking about one of the worst weapons i've ever gone there'll be a feeling stationed by by a stranger just passing through just get out of there boy but anyway back to the coffee i thought okay and i hated to tell him no he's a nice young man and i tried to drink and i called my wife and i said honey i'm not flying home she says did you miss your flight i said no i just had a coffee drink so strong i'm gonna walk i'll get there quicker and it gave me an idea for a song and although you know there's a lot of different styles on the guitar they're they're like i have a 16 year old cousin he plays with his head [Music] don't do that if you're over 40 i'm light-headed right now i'm seeing stars and and there's a uh there's flat top pickets or like bluegrass [Music] they say it helps if you're nervous you know but i don't really get nervous and i'm not bragging i'm just saying with my iq i wouldn't know a panic attack if it slapped me between the eyes i took my iq and it came back so low i only have two choices in life comedy or congress that's it that's all that's only two things i can do yeah i mean if you're not very bright that's all that's all that's left for you i chose the honest route but anyway and there's all different styles there's even finger style picking like you can hear this in coffee shops around the country where they recite poetry when i hear this style of guitar playing it makes me want to run and burst forth to the nearest city park and just hug a tree but but i'm going to do this since we're in tennessee i'm going to do this when i was a kid i heard heard about a guy and and we didn't have we didn't have google and we didn't have youtube and some of y'all over 40 know what i'm doing we didn't have any of that stuff so i get my aunt to carry me all the way to mobile to the uh to the uh to the library and we could actually check out like a book we could check out a record and i would check out a record from this guy and of course we couldn't watch him and it was just listening to it but he was a tennessee guy does anybody know chet atkins and chet was it great because he made it sound easy but he'd play the bass part while he's playing a bass part he'd do the other part he'd play like a lead melody around here he goes [Music] should do the bass and kind of rhythm all the time one at one time i asked the doctor about it and i said doctor i heard the left side of the brain and the right side of the brain i said when i'm doing that chet atkins style you're kind of doing two things at one time i said what's happening in my brain he said tim i've known you for a long time he said the left side of your brain is not right i said what about the right side of my brain he said you don't have much left [Music] i said i want a second opinion well it was early in the morning that my feet were dragging i was foggy headed eyelid sag and when i stopped by a brand new coffee shop right down the road i walked in and the guy said i'll be your barista i said no thank you would you help me please sir for making me a real strong cup of joe well he pointed your board and said what'll it be when i saw a bunch of words look far into me and i knew i'd bit off more than i could swallow there was espresso romano and mocha latte cappuccino and cinnamon dolce and coconut and almond milk for something called a macchiato well he saw me staring he thought i was confused he said mister i have the drink for you the freight train espresso that's my specialty he said it's got a lot of kick but if you know trouble if you're man enough i'll make you a double i said fire that machine up make a triple for me some of y'all the way ahead of me well it was a little bitty cup i turned it up and i was finished in a couple of sips then my face started twitching scout started an inch and lost a feeling in my lower lip then my eyes flew open like sauces and my heart started racing like a stallion i jumped up knocked over somebody's computer and yelled i should have learned italian it's a coffee world that we're living in today and you need to be bilingual to know the right words to say your head will be spinning like you're riding or tilt the world you gotta know that caffeine lingo and you're living in a coffee world my wife told me just the other night she said honey you do need to quit drinking so much coffee i said what do you mean baby dog she said you did 13 miles on the treadmill yesterday and i said well that's good for you she said well it wasn't plugged in [Music] well i drove it by the way if you didn't catch that you don't need to home school [Music] well i drove home scalding my tires not saying i was speeding but a cheetah on fire would have never had a chance catching up with me i painted the house cleaned the garage up nice raked the yard mowed it twice and then i heard my wife call the coffee shop and ask do you make deliveries it's coffee world and we're living in today and you need to be bilingual to know the right word and say your head will be spinning like you're riding on a tilted world gotta know that caffeine lingo and you're living in a coffee world you gotta know that caffeine lingo and i can always tell who's seeing me for the very first time cause y'all are the ones sitting there like you're at the dentist and some of y'all are thinking he's my forever brother when you're living in a coffee i came here to make y'all laugh but y'all are wearing me out here whoa [Music] yeah give it up for coffee one time yeah now real quick a song that i think i did here before but since i'm seeing a bunch of the first time a song we could all do together that i know y'all would know we don't even need the books for i know we know it frontwards and backwards is i'll fly away right i know we do so since we all know it know it frontwards and backwards let's sing it and let's sing it backwards here we go everybody away fly glory always just do it backwards here we go everybody a little harmony oh well my hallelujah die went away y'all not helping me you sat there i said we know it frontwards and backwards and y'all did this and the bible said let your yays be a's and your names be nays and y'all doing this and now you're doing this right here you turn to the left and turn to the right on me all at one time i tell that let's do a verse well now or is life when morning glad some awake fly nobody's helping me short celestial god own homework two away let's turn it around and sing it frontwards okay here we go everybody well i'll slow down a little bit will i fly away oh gloria fly away in the morning when i die hallelujah bye bye i'll [Music] just three words i'll fly away away fly i'll [Applause] y'all did it backwards go ahead give yourselves a hand yeah [Music] yeah now don't tell me you can't teach a an older dog or a new dog a new trick y'all did it backwards that's great somebody saw my wife uh uh what about a year or so ago and they said now your husband every now and then he'll just sing a song backwards or something you know be christmas time or something and just you can't you gotta get one not too many words because then you they can't tell if you're doing it right or wrong but like uh jingle bells jingle bells like bail way they all jingle you just do it backwards and somebody told my wife said that's pretty genius she said genius he's been thinking backwards his whole life there's nothing is anybody in here dyslexic like me before gps came along if i was just trying to drive over here from north of knoxville it's about it's about five hours but i would have been to idaho right now if anybody knows you know backwards figure but but i am i am so glad to be with y'all and you know what we got past 2020 didn't we [Applause] anybody happy about getting past 2020 let me tell you this now for me i don't know about everybody but like most of the groups we were shut down and i had just been out for about eight days and like i said i fly to most dates and those particular dates it was in march of 2020 i was out for eight days and did like texas and i was back to georgia and i flew back to texas uh uh houston or somewhere flew back to georgia got in a rental car and drove about two or three hours and did something about three or four hours sleep had to get early morning flight flew back to like louisiana anyway i was just for some reason i was ping-pong back and forth for about eight days when this pandemic thing was first starting to hit and i was hearing people talk about it and i know and then on about day three or four people some people starting to wear a mask on the plane and i'm like what's going on here and and uh and then more and more masks and and i got home and had been eight days and the pandemic hit hit i didn't know they had been calling my booking agent and and they called and said tim there's been on cancellations i said for next week they said no things were canceling like six months and a year out and i'm like how many cancellations all said and done is about 90 95 is like everything's shut down everybody's cancelling everything because all the auditoriums the theaters all those like those builders even if the promoter wanted to have it the buildings were shut down you know and so uh so i was kind of like well i've been out here for a long time i'm 143 but i drink a lot of carrot juice and uh oh let me let me just take a version from this story here for a second it's a true story but i want to tell you something uh pastor josh was telling about his jacket situation and and i've never been one like if if if i got a headache i'm not gonna tell anybody i mean anything if i gotta go to the doctor i don't i just don't i'm not one you know some people like to tell all their woes or whatever well uh uh i had forgotten that i'd hurt my my my myself this week and four or five people at their table like well if somebody smack you and somebody else like did you get in a car wreck you know whatever and so i'd forgotten i forgot all about it so i like you did your jacket disclaimer i i need to do a little boo-boo disclaimer and i heal quick probably my next week will be gone but i was trimming leaves this week in the yard not leaves limbs and uh and it's a big old myrtle crepe myrtle when i got through trimming it was a crepe murderer because i i cut a bunch of those limbs down but i was down to my last limb and i'd cut it it was a big pretty good size about that big around and when it came to i cut it about halfway up i got up on a ladder and i cut it and it came down and it lodged you know it's the last one and it lodged in the tree and i climbed up in the tree with the extender thing and those windows curved blades and then i'm doing what i shouldn't do and while i'm up there with it that th the thing came down and slid down and that curved blade decided to whoo but it didn't get my eye it didn't get my throat it just it just nicked me there on the side and so anyway just a little disclaimer and and then i'll it'll all be gone in a few days but i just you know you look for all the good you go okay well it's it's bleeding and okay i nicked myself pretty good but guess what it could have been a lot worse thank you lord thank you lord god so we don't have a jacket and i got a boo-boo who cares it's all good god is good so back to the story what made me think of it is that when my wife said what are you going to do everything was shut down i said i don't know because i'm hyper that's what made me think about my boo-boo because i went out there and i cleaned out her car i cleaned out my truck and i trimmed some limbs that made me think about i trimmed some limbs and took him to trash and came back she said well that took 45 minutes what are you gonna do for the next year and i'm like i don't know so i started working on a book a little bit and i've about got it finished and doing some different things but the problem was is my wife does some stuff with a couple of booking i mean uh record companies and she does stuff online with these meetings and and and and my daughters were doing school work and one of them was finishing up college work or associate's degree and and and so my problem is this y'all i'm hyper and you you you your pastor is not exactly calm all the time and he and i together i'm telling you what if we were back in the days of singer soul machines they would have hired me and you just to do the panels you know what i mean because we'd we could've done a quilt in 13 minutes i mean we because we are wide open you know what i mean and that's just the way we're wired and so my wife said honey i love you with all my heart and we're good great relationship i love my wife but she's like honey what are you gonna do and i said i don't know she said well you can't really stay in the house when we're on the computer and i know why because when she's doing this corporate stuff and they got a zoom meeting with 10 or 15 people and it's a big crunching numbers and record company stuff when i walk by a computer i can't help it i go by and go i got to make a little face when i go by run guys i got to do something so so i said well i got to do something to my neighbor i couldn't go see him he had on 15 masks right here he can't even talk i'm like how are you doing george so i knew i couldn't talk to george and so i said what can i do honey i'm i'm shut down i guess for about a year and uh and i need to let you all do your computer work she said i said what can i do she said well you can go get me some groceries i said okay so when i said make me out of list i thought good because i can't sit still and i went up to walmart to be mr mom i was going to go shopping and i had me just a normal list but it was right after the pandemic hit i want to ask y'all the question did any of y'all go to the grocery store right after this thing hit did you go to the grocery store that was the most violent thing i've ever seen in my life i didn't even know that hoarders existed until that moment i saw a lady that was carrying two buggies piled up had three kids one on each shoulder and had like a kangaroo pouch in front of her going on there and she slapped me when i reached for the last jar of peanut butter i've never seen anything like it i thought this is the most violent thing i've ever seen in my life i've been to hockey games that were much nicer than this their fight they're done i mean they were just hoarding everything and i thought this is the most violent thing i've ever seen in my life but i was wrong because it got worse i looked down and it said paper towels and a roll of toilet paper a package did you go down the paper aisle during the pandemic i looked over and there were there was a sunday school teacher had the pastor in a headlock she was hollering it's the last of the two ply i've never seen anything like it i thought they're fighting over paper i came home i told my wife i said i'm not going up to walmart again she said why i said they're fighting over paper she said well we'll just order it online you can pick it up i said okay so now i thought what am i gonna do all i've got is just my porch and i'm hyper y'all i can't see my neighbor i can't go inside while they're on the computer i can't go to walmart they're killing each other up there so i'm just going to sit out here on my porch and write some songs and work on my book and read the bible and pray but it's just me and my porch but i always believe in looking for the good i said thank you lord for my porch me and my porch and you lord it's just me and you lord this is awesome and it was until i looked up and it was 20 20 y'all we've lived in that house about 12 years i've never seen a skunk until that day i looked up and there come i called her mama rona a big old mama skunk about the size of a 66 dodge polera and she started coming towards me you know what skunks aren't scared of anything because they know they can back up a bear so she she's coming i'm thinking maybe social distancing is a good thing after all maybe it's good i got a mask with me the closer she got i got it went inside and just tried to sit still a couple days later i'm sitting that on my porch and i look there's mama rona again with two teenagers i call them quarren teenagers they were like not little bitty baby skunks they were like d all three of them coming at me just looking at me like like what are you going to do big boy and i thought nothing the closer they got to me it's broad daylight the skunks in my yard never before what's up with that so i went inside a couple days later my wife said honey your porch is starting to smell like a skunk i said i've noticed that myself she said what are you going to do with those skunks i said nothing they're skunks and i know nothing about them and i'm going to distance them more than six feet she said well i did this is the truth i did a google research she said and i and i read where sometimes skunks can make a nest up underneath your porch i said okay so i'm sitting out there the next day and i don't see my morona but i just smells a little skunky to me and i'm hyper and i thought i've got a light on my phone maybe i could just this would be a good idea i'll just crawl in there and see if they built a nest i thought it was a good idea i got under there and i turned the light on and there was mama rona and her quarant teenagers and i want to ask you all this because i don't know much about skunks did y'all know did y'all know that a skunk can shoot a warning shot did you know that did you also know that a warning shot is the same thing as a direct hit does anybody know that that when you're underneath the porch and a big skunk fires at you it doesn't matter whether it hit you or not you have been sprayed i hit my head two or three times and i came out from under there and i was totally smelled like a skunk i thought what i'm gonna do and i sat down without thinking about it my wife's favorite wicker chair if you stink you might as well share the share the fun with everybody so i sat down in her wicker chair and there i said and you know what came across my mind was this y'all for a lot of years i've told everybody to look for the good that happiness is a choice and the bible says take captive every thought are you with me take captive every thought if you something sad comes along and you want to think about it for two hours guess what two hours later you are extremely sad the bible says take captive every thought to think on the good things so i'm sitting there preaching to myself because i tell people all the time look for the good there's purpose and things that we don't even see when joseph was in that pit there was purpose it didn't look like it but there was when he was in the prison there was purpose and i'm sitting there in my wife's wicker chair and there's like a steam coming up and i'm thinking there's there's purpose in this my eyes were burning and i'm sitting there thinking i i love to work i love to tell people about jesus i've got a daughter in college and and i'm the main bread winner and i'm out of work for a year and i can't go visit anybody and i can't i don't want to bother them they're trying to do their school work and it's just me and the porch and now the porch smells like a skunk but worse than that i've been sprayed i don't know i'm going to get it off and i stink but happiness is i'm trying to say happiness is a choice happiness is a take captive i can hardly say it because i smell so bad and my happiness is a choice there's purpose in everything if we look for it my eyes were literally burning and i said this is the day the lord has made and i will rejoice and be glad in it and i try to think there has to be something like good can come out of this and i just sat there tried not to breathe that didn't work very good either and all of a sudden i started smiling i tried not to open my mouth because it was going down my throat and all of a sudden i started laughing not a normal laugh it was more like all of a sudden i was looking for joy and i wanted joy because i wasn't feeling it when i first sat down in that chair but i started feeling joy because i was searching for it i mean searching for it and i started feeling joy and i started smiling and all of a sudden i felt happy and i stood up and the cloud walked with me and i walked over to the door and i knocked on the front door and my wife opened it she took a minute to get there she opened it and closed it quicker than she opened and she said you've been sprayed and we have glass beside our door and i was standing there grinning and laughing and it was like i was in prison and she was talking to me like we were visiting in prison and i was behind the glass she said honey you've been sprayed i said not a direct hit but it's the same thing she said what happened i said i went underneath the porch and they gathered down there and i stinked terrible she said why are you laughing i said yes she said why i said cause i'm happy she said you're weird i said i know it she said why are you happy i said i'm happy she said what are you gonna do i said i know what i'm gonna do. make me a shopping list i'm going to walmart yeah baby i went up down to isles walmart people running out i'm like i'm getting all the toilet paper today i'm getting all the groceries everybody like he's been sprayed they were running they were parking like part in the red sea i had the host i got all the summers worth of groceries right there hey they i had to do self-checkout but i got everything i wanted right there how many believe that happiness is a choice let me hear you one time [Applause] you gotta look for the good it's in there and somebody says is that a real story i say come to my house the wicker chair still lingers you know sometimes you ask somebody what's going on and they don't even have real problems that's not saying that there isn't sadness in the world there's a time to grieve tears god created them like he created laughter there's a time to grieve and tears are healing and laughter's healing the problem is we get way beyond real grief we get sad and cry a lot of times over nothing you ever have been at walmart and ask somebody how they're doing and they tell you about a headache they had three weeks ago my friend had lou gehrig's disease that gave him two and a half years to live the happiest guy i've ever met i knew him from high school he lived within almost 28 years and he would talk about happiness being a choice we could barely move his lips he would make me laugh he would slowly move his lips and say tim i've been thinking about it between my body his muscles were gone between my body and your brain we make half a person but you see happiness is a choice now this is a new song's own new project and y'all probably don't know it but when getting out of course i want you to help me out when you say you've had a bad day and everything's gone wrong you're tripping over problems and trouble is your song i want y'all to help me out now well you can walk around and wear a frown cause the world's a scary place or trust the lord is on your side put a smile back on your face choose happiness that's what you need to do come on choose happy and change your point of view there's nothing like the joy you've been when you throw away those blues or you have a choice to choose choose happy well tomorrow when you wake up while your feet are still in bed you decide to have a good day cause the good days just ahead you cry over stormy weather are gonna play out in the rain you may not change that circumstance but here's what you can change choose happy that's what you need to do come on choose happy and change your point of view there's nothing like the joy you feel when you throw away those blue uh you have a choice to choose tell me one more time now that's what you need to do come on choose happy and change your point of view there's nothing like the joy you feel when you throw away those blues you have a choice to choose choose happy come on choose happy give it up for real happiness in the lord one time yeah i want to do a song just for the young people and young at heart [Music] i love this song [Music] you got a friend in me you got a friend in me when the road looks rough ahead you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed just remember what your old pal said you got a friend in me well you boy but you adults know this don't you you got a friend in me well you've got a friend in me you got troubles i got them too but there isn't anything i wouldn't do for you we stick together we can see it through cause you've got a friend in me yes you've got a friend in me some other folks may be a whole lot smarter than me that's the truth bigger and stronger too but none of them will ever love you the way i do me and you the years go by our friendship will never die you're gonna see it's our destiny you've got a friend one time [Music] some other folks may be a whole lot smarter than me a bigger stronger too but none of them will ever love you and let me tell you what young people choose your friends wisely it's nothing like having a good friend and we need to be a good friend to others but choose your friends wisely and there's someone that sticks closer than a brother and his name is jesus and let him help us to choose the friends we should be around and those that we should help and adults we've seen through this pandemic how much we all really need each other god created the family not only our family unit of maybe a mom or dad and children but the family of god that's eternal and we need each other and maybe you're having a friend that you haven't talked to in years and just want to give them a quick call or just give a quick little text and just say praying for you today i remember the time we did so it's so much fun but just what you know i'm praying for you and i'm glad you're my friend just a quick text quick call could make the difference in somebody having a lonely week just by getting something sweet from somebody else that's why the bible tells us to encourage one another amen as the years go by and let me say this with josh and ashley are so sweet and i've been in gospel music for a lot of years but there's certain people that really mean a lot to my heart because of this talent that's nice musicianship that's nice but if the number one thing is not being in love with jesus christ all the rest of it just falls away and they have talent and they can play and they can sing but i love them because of their heart for jesus for the church family for other singers that they pray for but i'm telling y'all what we're around we get used to but they love jesus christ and that's the number one reason i'm proud to be a friend with them that christ isn't number one in everything we do if he's number two or three on a list of something it doesn't work so that's true with our friends too amen as the years go by i want y'all to put your hands together like this as the years go by our friendship will never die you're going to see it's our destiny stay with me you've got a friend in me say [Music] yeah another time where you go now you may think this is hokey but i want you to turn somebody sitting next to you and say here we go well you got a friend in me do it again you got a friend now if it's your wife you can give him a kiss if you want to just make sure it is say it say it one more time ago here we go yes you got a friend in me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm going to take a quick water break here in just a second give it back to the pastor [Music] but you know what's what is beautiful about how god teaches all of us is it even in the middle of a quote pandemic or whatever you want to call it in the middle of things being shut down and you all look here what god's doing in the middle of all that see god is still god nothing's ever caught him off guard but i love that somebody said well how did you survive during all that without any work and i'm like you know working or not working [Music] when we really know that it's not our tithe that belongs to the lord but it's everything we have when we know that it's not just whatever if a restaurant is shut down or something is shut down but every single breath we take whether the country's open half open or not open the last several months that has nothing to do with the fact it is all about god this is an old song but i love it without him i could do nothing [Music] [Applause] without him [Applause] i choosely failed [Music] without him i would be drifting [Music] like a ship [Music] without a sale [Music] brother josh and you'll come on back up i want y'all to sing with me see i know how many of us need something here tonight all of us we all have different prayer requests but he's everything we need sing it with me but sing it to him gee [Music] oh jesus do you know today do not turn into [Music] without him how long i [Music] would without him [Music] how lost i would [Music] [Applause] you enjoyed tim lovelace tonight and he's been a great blessing sing it with me again and jesus [Music] come on sing it jesus [Music] do you know him do you know him today please don't turn it away oh jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i would be i'm just glad you know the lord jesus tonight can we give him a handclap of praise [Applause] you may be seated for just a moment tim i didn't realize that you were such an incredible musician i mean i didn't even know i played till tonight i want to uh you do whatever you want to do you do whatever you're going to do but i want to uh i want you and i be able to play something together on the piano you do you want to do it now i mean you want me to play with you well i'm better than you are i hate to show you up well i know that that's why i want you on the topic no no no i'm going to play the bottom end no let's let's do let's do uh just a closer walk with the oh really and uh and yeah this is stinking yeah we're good we'll do it about we hadn't practiced this really right that's the way i that's the way mary alice sits in her wicker chair now okay just a close wall [Music] you want me to play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Music] wow [Applause] that was good did you fall off huh yeah i did i did are you okay i'm good i got it now i gotta walk on both sides of my head uh let's do one more okay can we do one more yeah okay we're gonna do fast okay i want to play fast i mean real fast oh no which one c see [Music] hey now let's play one on the guitar together you don't want to play the guitar with me next week okay good idea you enjoyed tim lovelace hey he he he's going to do can he can he do just a few more things before we go tonight is that okay um we're not in a hurry to go nowhere it's still kind of early in the evening and mother ain't going to fix my jacket tonight and i didn't forgot the ties so i might as well just forget it now right and but to thank you tim you i mean this is just what we needed tonight don't you agree with me just what we needed tonight let me ask you tonight to give a free will of offering to bless him and to help him to get back to mary alice and i want to tell you something if you've never met tim's wife you don't know how blessed he is i mean it takes a special kind of somebody to be married to that you know what i mean [Applause] i can't not even smile on that one that was good thought you needed a water break drink your water and be quiet um you know i was i was sitting back there a few moments ago and uh i leaned over to my dad and i said uh he he's uh he's very talented and gifted and um but i said he he has a heart and he loves the lord and you can tell that and i appreciate him you know that you don't most people don't understand when i say this but everybody has a gift and everybody has a calling and the gift and the calling that tim lovelace has is a very special gift and a very special calling and tonight we really need some laughter in this world that we're living in and i would sure like to see tim be able to continue to go wherever that his travels takes him to give more people a laughter and a smile and most of all he can give them jesus let me tell you something else about tim lovelace most people don't know this about him but he also works a lot of large corporate events it's events that are not necessarily christian events but it is events that are non-christian big large corporations and tim is able to go in and share his clean family comedy and then he's able to intertwine the gospel message with people that never hear the gospel and that is a special calling and gift and i want to be able tonight to sow into that and i want to be able to give into that ministry tonight because as a preacher of the gospel the only place i'm ever going to have a place to go preach more than likely is going to be at ptc especially after this morning sermon amen and as a preacher that's the only place that i will be able probably to ever go but for someone like tim lovelace he can take the gospel into places that i can't go and you can't go they can laugh and smile and then they can hear about why they're laughing and while they're smiling and that abundant life that he tells about and he can give them jesus and they don't even know who jesus is but by the time they get done they know who jesus is and i thank the lord for that and so kiddos to tim lovelace and let's pray for him and let's give to him in the ministry that he has tonight so that he'll be able to go and to do that okay if you're here tonight you're writing a check and i hope that some of you will i want you to make it out directly to him tim lovelace tonight if you don't know how to spell that just put tim mary alice will finish the rest of it okay so make sure you write the check out tonight to tim lovelace if you're giving by cash tonight drop it in and then lastly and and if you're like some that i know that is in this room and you don't carry cash and you don't write checks anymore you just use your debit and credit card take out your smart device ptc that goes for those of you that are watching and i i haven't seen but i'm sure there's a large audience watching tonight and so if you're watching and you're enjoying then i want you to give as well tonight so you can give online for your debit or credit card ptc and when you once you give those funds come in immediately and we'll know that and we'll be able to apply that tonight into tim's ministry so please i'll ask you tonight at least do something give something and if it's only a dollar if it's five dollars ten dollars maybe tonight you can give a 20 50 or 100 or maybe you can even write a check whatever you feel led to do i just want you to give and be a blessing as he's been a blessing to us that's a good place to say amen let's do this i know some of you just sit down but stand one more time brother willoughby if you'll get our offering backs tonight uh we'll go ahead and wait upon the people and receive the offering and then tim's gonna come back and share just a little bit more with us before we go home and he's got something really really special he's going to share tonight about his two daughters and how that the lord tim was able to be able to share he'll share in a moment what the lord did today for their family and it'll be a beautiful moment so stay right where you are after we finish okay let's pray father we love you and we thank you and we praise you and we ask you lord jesus that you would bless now every gift and that you would bless every giver father we thank you for the joy of the lord that we have experienced and felt in this room i would ask you lord that you will continue to bless him that you would continue to bless his family and lord i would pray that wherever he may go and whatever he may whatever place he may be able to minister to that he'll continue to share the gospel of jesus christ lord we love you and we praise you bless every gift and giver now and we all ask these things and everybody said amen amen sing this one with me it was amazing how sweet [Music] like me was [Music] [Music] through me [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] you're glad for his grace lift your hands and let just praise him one good time praise god praise god praise god sing it now praise god [Music] grace [Music] let's give the lord a hand of praise he's worthy you may be seated all right tim did you get enough water are you ready now all right let's do it and just take your time and don't get in no hurry but listen to me now you okay all right listen to me okay let me tell you let me tell you about ptc all right later now we've got enough pentecostal in us that at any moment i mean we could butt and shout and run and speak in tongues i just won't say it all but we got enough baptists in us there's a clock on the wall and dairy queen closes at 10 o'clock tonight and if you want something to eat you better hurry it up okay i just want you to know that time so but take your time but hurry up okay take my time and hurry up okay i'm going to do just the first verse to amazing grace and we're going to dairy queen hey listen you're going to tell about your stuff here in a few minutes uh but i want to also tell people um and you may tell in a minute but i want to make sure that you tell them about your daughters today okay and what a blessing that it was right all right okay i will i will i will uh and uh my daughter's uh known the lord for for quite a while and uh and there's just a kind of a sweet thing my oldest daughter's 18 and she just finished her associates degree from liberty she started there at 16 and she was baptized when she was real young but she just has got just a real heart for god and uh she just wanted um like she and it's like on a different level with her and the lord and she just wanted to be re-baptized and our second daughter we adopted her when she was six and a half from china and so uh our girls are seven months apart and her second daughter it was several years before she got saved and then she got gloriously saved so the two of them got baptized this morning and together as sisters and it's really a sweet a sweet thing and they're like best friends and and that's really sweet to see and they both just love the lord and and it's a it's a it's a wonderful thing to uh uh you know when to have a wife and have daughters that pray for you and i'll go and get a cup of coffee and one of my girls was saying dad i'll be praying for you on the road this week and there are different times and i'll be praying for the services and because what i do is really different as you all know but but your pastor understands a lot of people don't understand i almost have to see but they don't understand but you see we like to as human beings put things in boxes here's laughter when things are going good and then somebody hurts our feeling and hears sadness abundant life is joy in the middle of the sadness and what a lot of people don't realize is they think laughter is only just jokes they don't understand that joy and laughter and comedy it's medicine and it's spiritual and it's ministry even i used two years ago to think that it was oh let's have a good time break down the walls then give them jesus well that all makes good sense to me and it still makes good sense you with me but what i didn't realize for a lot of years that during the laughter that was ministry it took me a while to really get that when somebody would come up to me weeping and say i already know the lord i've been serving him for 60 years but i lost my husband a year ago tonight was the first time i laughed they didn't need to come down to find jesus they needed to laugh and a lot of times we don't realize that laughter is ministry and your pastor does and so that's why it's honor for me to to to be with you all let me tell you all a couple things i've got out the table and i won't take long okay i'm finished uh i've got some t-shirts out there and this particular one says coffee christ offers forgiveness for everyone everywhere and they're the three-quarter sleeves and there's already holes for the neck and the arms so they're they're ready to wear no sewing involved isn't that good and i've got uh the the latest living in a coffee world a dvd bunch of cutting up and piano styles i may do a couple piano styles but i don't want to keep us too long i want to get to the heart of the matter here but uh but i've got these two you can get these two for 20 and there's laughter cutting up piano stories and some different things on there and and if you enjoy laughing take some home with you tonight i take cash checks credit cards uh skunk traps anything you got i don't care and uh you get two for twenty and uh if you and if you don't like what i'm doing if you don't like to laugh you really need to get some of this tonight and let me tell you this and this is separate from from product let me get back to a little ministry here with this real quickly i believe sometimes the greatest ministry have is the joy in our life of jesus because if we we go to somebody at work and go you know we've got a revival next week and probably what you need is the lord jesus in your life i know he changed my life forever it doesn't work very good does it but when the world the world already knows what we're going through when the world goes you know that family their house burnt last year that family's been going through cancer why are they smiling so much the joy of the lord will sneak up on them the holy spirit will do the drawing now back to this product i've got a piano cd some of my favorite songs i've got a christmas cd christmas is coming i love christmas music and i've got a 40 package where you get the new coffee world cd you get another uh comedy dvd both christmas and the piano cd and the fanny crosby project how many of y'all heard about the newly discovered hymns and songs raise your hand if you've heard of that i don't believe any of y'all have but you have um but anyway as a songwriter i've been writing for a lot of years and i love i love gospel i write serious songs for other people and keep the crazy ones for myself because the iq of a song should match iq the singer but um but fanny crosby wrote songs like uh blessed assurance jesus mind she wrote songs like near the cross near the cross and she died in 1915 when she was a baby they gave her the doctor gave the wrong medicine and she lost her eyesight as an infant and she wrote thousands of songs songs like rescue the perishing songs like uh uh i shall know him and on and on and on well they found some of her songs had been lost for over 100 years and the lyrics are phenomenal they were about 85 finished and they they contacted 12 songwriters i don't say this braggingly but i got to be one of them he's like do you would you like to co-write with with fanny crosby i said let me think about it yes so anyway the song that i wrote is on there along with the booth brothers on there and earned a whole bunch of 15 different groups so uh you can buy them individually uh two for twenty or the forty dollar package where you get five things and i'll give you the fanny crosby uh with that so that's a good deal i said come by and and see me and if you do facebook uh twitter instagram any of that i would appreciate if you'd follow me on there and let me come over here to the piano again real quickly man so good to be with y'all uh how many all have been serving the lord over 20 years raise your hand look out there how many y'all been serving him over 30 years over 40 years young people do you see those people how many raising their hands how many been serving the lord over 50 years and i don't even have to ask this but i will how many of you ever seen him not come through none of us how many times has he been faithful every single time isn't that awesome [Music] as a kid my parents would take me to hear gospel groups and and i won't go into a lot of styles but as a kid i heard like hovie lister and i was about five years old and heard holy playing rhythm and i love that rhythm [Music] i heard a guy on black and white tv my wife and i still have a black and white teen we're one light bulb away from being amish i heard a guy named ray charles [Music] [Applause] but you see he didn't just hear it all in his head to start with not taken away from his great plan but he heard it in the church first jerry lee heard it in the church that music that feeling came down and it started in the heavenlies that's where all good things come from the father of and jerry lee had that left hand going on and and he had that left hand that laying down that river and people say have you heard jerry lee because they love that field and i'm like they played that in that pentecostal church i go to it was the same thing but it but instead of it it was the same rhythm but it was it gets sweeter as the days go by it gets sweeter as moments [Music] it was already in the church and then floyd kramer did y'all ever hear him oh there's some of y'all got some country in you know when floyd played when he played amazing grace [Music] i bet you mr floyd would have known how to catch a skunk [Music] i learned there was strength and simplicity when he played and i started listening to 40s i started going to i went to pentecost somebody asked me what kind of church i was raised in i said it was a very very very poor non-denominational pentecostal hole in his church they said how poor i said we had to bring our own snakes that's poor right there i'm here to tell you my faith went very strong so i just brought a green snake i wouldn't take any and you know i'm funny with you i brought a rubber snake but but i started visiting at a church and a preacher be preaching all of a sudden he'd start singing he'd go like and the piano player would jump up there and i could tell they hadn't practiced it just like just like the pastor and i while ago we just played we hadn't practiced it and the preachers go like precious lord take my hand i didn't know where that was coming from but i wanted some of it whatever it was he said lead me on [Music] my mom would start pinching my leg be still boy i think somebody knows what i'm talking about i'll be thinking i hope my mom doesn't have any of that mercure chrome or methylated in her purse [Music] i even have one of those songs i wrote one of those called mercure chrome college kids say what's the cure chrome i say you don't want to know what mercure chrome is it was so bad even our government outlawed it that's how bad it was it was bad and every mama did the same thing let me blow on it you can't blow out hot lava i'm here to tell you but but it was good for you spiritually because when my mom would pull out that little bottle if i had a bicycle wreck she'd pull it out i already knew the lord but when she came close to me with that little bottle and that little piece of glass with that red on there my prayer life i went from save to billy graham in about five seconds i mean it helped my prayer life big time boy he'd say i'm tired i'm weak i'm warned and the piano player i noticed he wasn't even thinking about it he just sitting there going [Music] and i thought myself if he's not thinking about it maybe i could be a piano player because i certainly don't think you didn't catch that don't even ask anybody on the way home i'll explain it to you dairy queen but what i noticed was every time he played something he played it different he never played the same thing twice i wanted to know where that creativity was coming from i thought how was he doing that then i got older and realized he wasn't doing it he was playing in the spirit you see the the lord tells us all to walk in the spirit whether you're a musician and not your giftings are from the most high god let me let me let you in on something here you may know you may not know the deceiver wants to tear us down god loves us he not only wants to build us up and call us to higher places lord plant my feet on higher ground he wants us to encourage one another are you with me so here's the deal what comes natural to you those natural giftings you don't think of it as a talent because it comes easy [Music] uh-oh some of y'all may catch that [Music] i've had friends say tim i wish i was talented like you i thought what do you mean god gives gifts to everybody yeah but i can't play piano like you i go big deal you took a truck you took an engine out of a truck that wasn't supposed to go into another truck and put stuff to it and made it work and it runs like a sewing machine when my car won't start i can take my guitar out there and pick all day long and it still won't start i got to pay somebody 800 to turn two screws and you call me talented well it ain't talent just working on a truck i tell somebody at a church supper boy that's a fantastic casserole that's one that's awesome i ain't nothing to it don't put your gifting down don't be boastful about it but the lord gives gifts to all of us for one reason to use them for his glory see man came up with fine art that painting is fine art that music is fine art i've watched classical musicians and i'm not i love their playing but their coat never fits [Music] what's that all about gospel pianos players look at the crowd and smile classical looks at the ceiling looks like they've had strong cough syrup [Music] [Applause] [Music] the point is man came up with this thing of fine art you hear me sculpting painting music is fine art let me tell you what when you make a casserole and take it over to somebody's house because they they just buried someone and you make a casserole out of love you take it over there and ministry and the holy spirit is there you know what that fine you know what that casserole is to me that's fine art you know how to work on car engines and you go to little elderly widows having trouble and you tune up her vehicle that's using a gift right there are you with me and i'm going to tell you how many of his children he left out of giftings none of us gifting of hospitality what's your name here on the front row with the pink yeah sheila ms sheila so helpful out there and help me get water and we talked and out there behind the table and ladies out there helping me and the guy with the golf cart driving me around back there in the back and you see you know what though that is it's giftings and love to be used for the kingdom don't ever be jealous of anybody else's giftings stir up the gifts within you and use them for the glory of god because god entrusted you to place him inside of you thank you father for who you are lord let people be aware of their giftings father i feel like they've been left out satan is a liar father we thank you before the foundations of the earth you knew who we were going to be and you place special gifts inside of us and if we don't know what those giftings are help my brothers and sisters to stir them up what comes natural and to use it and to help others and on my journey to learn different styles of music [Music] the best thing of all happened i met the composer of my life i met the one who's writing my song i'd read about him i'd listen to probably thousands of gospel songs about him but i met him and he changed everything and satan wants us to get used to the fact that we're just living in this whole world and even if we believe in god and we're saved it's just we're going through the motion we've been called to serve to love to be kind to others to not look at somebody different because of the country they were born in that they couldn't choose and we've got some dear folks from south africa that are here tonight people from all we can all be from all over the world but we're family and also it doesn't matter the color of our skin we quit thinking of people as just republican or democrat but either we know the lord or we don't and we have an opportunity to share the gospel amen it's not about rich or poor or democrat or republican or this over this or this over this it's about god and we either know him or we don't and if we do we have a responsibility one time the florida boys was playing years ago i was with the florida boys at a church and i think it was needles california it was real close to a bunch of casinos it's a very very very very poor area and a lot of people that were addicted to drugs and the gambling and their life for a lot of them were just in shambles we're playing that church that night and the pastor told us not to set the table up too close to the back door because people would come in and come in completely strip the table of all product inside the church when it was over with they had a little meal afterwards i was talking to pastor i love true stories and i like to know what god's doing i said well how did you get here he said well i was i felt called to come here that's a good sign right there i said tell me more he said well a couple days ago something happened it was a little different i said tell me about it he said across the street it's three or four families living in that one little house they're selling drugs tons of children in that house he said i came up here to work in the church and i was parked on the side building was going in and taking some things in and out and he said and i've turned and looked and there was three or four of those kids standing there and one of them was about a four-year-old girl he said her two front teeth missing how cute that is the little teeth came out and they were just standing they've been raised in that house across the street let me just say this again before i finish this story sometimes we take where god has placed us for granted and he said i looked over at him i was trying to give him some space came back out and got something out of my car back in they were standing there and he said about the second or third time one of the little older kids said to the little girl said ask him and he said i stopped and said ask him what they were pushing her up to be the spokesperson she came up with her two little teeth missing and said what's it like he said i knelt down and she just looked at me and said said it again what's it like he said what is what like she said what's it like to be in there with god we're born needing a savior there's a longing when we don't even understand it and those children knew something was missing he said oh it's wonderful he said you want to come inside and he said i didn't say a word in those four children went in the church the first time you see we just come to church sometimes and don't think a whole lot about it sometimes it becomes a habit they were walking around he said i watched him one went up the choir area he's walking around he said i didn't say a word and they didn't say a word finally one of the boys said well he must be happy because it feels good in here my question to all of us is this community needs christ our neighbors need christ there are people that are longing inside going what's it like i don't know what you're going through tonight if you don't know the savior you can meet him here tonight and maybe you've got an old hurt in just a moment you have a chance you can let go of it don't carry it around any longer who the son sets free is free say that word again indeed who the son sets free is free you know god is everywhere he's omnipotent omniscient omnipresent but sometimes he makes his spirit you can almost touch it i'm gonna pray and then in a moment if you want to come to the altar you can but i know how many of us need a touch from the sweet savior all of us and whatever that need is that you have an old hurt a question concern for someone that's lost what you should do next for the savior whatever that question may be whatever that need may be i'm going to ask the holy spirit to show up where it's just like we can touch him because only he knows what we need with every head bowed lord god i ask that your holy spirit be present and in this moment of quietness that you would draw us unto you that you would purge what needs purging you would answer what needs answering whatever our individual needs are there'd be a miracle even now holy spirit i just simply asked you in the name of jesus touch us with your breath okay [Music] [Music] jesus jesus jesus there's just something about [Music] he's the master you jesus [Music] proclaim [Music] jesus jesus [Music] oh [Music] but there's [Music] and his name is wonderful [Music] his name is wonderful his name is wonderful [Music] he's jesus [Music] my story of everything his name is wonderful jesus [Music] lay oh my god is he [Music] loving the door [Music] his name is wonderful [Music] he's jesus peace [Music] jesus i'm glad to call him jesus there's no other name like jesus amen there's salvation in the name of heart jesus [Music] there's healing in the name [Music] still deliverance in the name of jesus [Music] he is [Music] can you say amen to that well there's a sweet spirit here tonight glad i know him don't you can you just lift your hands and say jesus we thank you tonight we thank you father for being so sweet to us thank you for your love and your grace and your mercy for he's the great shepherd he's the rock of all ages yes he is he's the almighty [Music] almighty god [Music] so we should bow down down [Music] is wonderful and he is jesus lord heaven would say tonight by lifting of hand he's jesus [Music] [Applause] man what a wonderful night just keep playing because it's so good i these are the moments that money can't buy [Music] these are the moments tim that we truly take for granted in the church yeah yeah this is what we call a peace that passeth all understanding [Music] this is the peace that our world needs this all the ruckus until you've been there new york city [Music] truly it's a city that never sleeps you can wake up at three o'clock in the morning and look out your hotel window and it's this busy three o'clock in the morning as it is at three o'clock in the afternoon they don't know the peace the quietness the quietness the stillness of the holy god of heaven but we've experienced that moment i believe this is what the scripture would teach us when the bible says to be still yes and know and know that i am god sure yes just be still and no what do we know that he's the great shepherd he's the rock of all ages oh almighty god [Music] is he stand with me with you our hearts tonight we've bowed down before [Music] his name is wonderful he's jesus [Music] remember this one oh there's peace thank god there's peace sing it wonder for peace coming down from the father [Music] my spirit forever [Music] you enjoyed my friend tim lovelace tonight would you let him know it one more time for peace [Music] now can we thank the lord for his sweet presence that we felt here tonight can we just thank him [Music] hallelujah jesus [Applause] lord thank you tonight for being in this room [Music] we can never thank you enough praise you enough [Music] there's not enough words and the songs there's not enough ink in the pen there's not enough pages to write it all down lord a matter of fact i'm reminded in the word of god said that there was so much about this jesus and many more healings and miracles and things that he did that there were not enough pages time and they could not write it all down lord tonight there's not enough time for us truly time marches on but i would ask the lord that you would go with us now may we continue to carry this same spirit in our hearts may we leave here tonight with that blessed assurance that we know jesus is mine and as we leave as we depart may we share the gospel of jesus christ and while the world is falling apart and while everything seems to be crumbling before us lord we will lift our hands and we will lift our voice and we will let others know and this is my story [Music] and this is my song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your hands and sing it now this is my soul and this is my soul i'm praising [Music] [Laughter] let's take it home now oh yes i am praising my savior [Music] then the church said amen and the church said amen let's give the lord one more praise god bless you thank you for being here tonight you're dismissed please go by and see tim and he'll be at his table go by and love on him and visit with him take some things
Channel: PTC Savannah
Views: 241
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: XrGRgQ_7ChY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 55sec (7675 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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