Sunday AM LIVE (9AM | 9/5/21)

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[Music] yes i depend on you i [Music] oh [Music] i depend on you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you make it easy to love you you are good and you are kind you bring joy into my life you make it easy to trust you [Music] oh [Music] are the is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll follow you anywhere [Music] turn my place upon that cross [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing to fear i'll follow you anywhere [Applause] [Music] i'll follow you anywhere where do you lead me [Music] is [Music] whatever it costs me [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever it costs me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll follow you anywhere [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll follow you anywhere [Music] [Music] [Applause] follow you anywhere [Music] good morning church family how you doing let's stand it's wonderful to see you happy sunday well church it's always good to start the service with god's word and so we're going to read a little bit from colossians chapter one i'm going to read it to you but it'll be up on the screens for you to just reflect and think about it says this this is colossians chapter one he that's jesus is the image of the invisible god the firstborn of all creation for by him all things were created in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body the church he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in everything he might be preeminent for in him all the fullness of god was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile to himself all things whether on earth or in heaven making peace by the blood of his cross let's pray together [Applause] yes lord we we praise you for we were clapping lord for you because you're great and you're powerful and you're mighty lord and you are the preeminent one you're before all things and in all things lord you have uh created this entire universe and you're holding it together right now this moment in time is held together by you and so we just want to humble our hearts before you jesus and remember who it is that we're praising and we want to give you the highest praise lord that you're due because you are worthy of it all so we give it to you now this morning be pleased in jesus name amen [Music] let's put our hands together church let's bring our joy our gladness [Applause] [Music] we want to give you all the anger [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] we give you yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] you're the king of glory [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] empty place [Music] and put me back together [Music] [Music] oh there's nothing better than you know there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing is [Music] [Music] is [Music] your mercy and grace [Music] nothing is oh there's nothing better than yours [Music] is [Music] dancing [Music] you're the only one again [Music] is [Music] you're the only one again [Music] better than you know there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing nothing is better than you [Music] oh there's nothing better than you know is [Music] [Music] you're the [Music] [Applause] who can take what was broken and fix it and make it whole again we thank you lord you're great and you're greatly to be praised [Music] you bring life to the dark you give hope you restore every heart that is broken [Music] is [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] with [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh will cry these walls [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] how [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] how yes you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how [Music] is how great [Music] jesus we give you all of our praise lord you are worthy of all of our praise and so lord we cast uh our crowns whatever little bit of glory we have in our lives whatever little bit of gifts we have in our lives lord we lay them back at your feet and we say you are worthy of everything lord let no glory be to us but all glory be to you jesus and so we just pray lord that you would give us a greater glimpse of your glory today as we continue on in our service but help our hearts and our minds and our lives to honor you in all things we pray in jesus name amen amen [Applause] amen amen it's so good to remember that he is great well uh before you sit down what we want to do we want we want to help our church get to know one another and so we're going to ask you to ask somebody next to you what is your name and what is your favorite ice cream flavor ready go what is your name and what is your favorite ice cream flavor if you're watching online type your favorite ice cream flavor in the chat [Applause] all right well hopefully you got some new flavors to try after service today well we uh we're so glad you're with us we're gonna turn our attention to the screens and check out our video announcements for the week see what's going on [Music] hey brothers pastor rob here want to invite you out to our upcoming men of the word bible study starting tuesday night september 28th kids own sanctuary seven o'clock guys we're going to be going through the book of first estonians so we can learn how to live while we wait for the coming of the lord that's the theme this year guys we're excited about it the lord can come back any day so we gotta be ready god bless you guys see you there [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello ladies we're getting ready to start up our weekly bible study we'll be going through the book of ephesians where we'll grow in our spiritual knowledge we'll learn about all the blessings the lord has for us and most importantly how much we are blessed accepted and belong so we hope you're joining us starting tuesday september 28th at 10 a.m and 7 p.m in the multi-purpose room we hope to see you there [Music] this crowd has hollowed itself weak [Music] and [Applause] [Music] so now it is 9 7. [Music] yes it's going to be that epic it's going to be a battle so bring some band-aids um cool well you know we usually for our time of giving we we like to sing a song but um today we want to do something different we we are going to move into a time of worship through giving and you can do it in these various fashions but what we wanted to do today was we wanted to just give you a little glimpse into what your gifts are doing around the globe and so we have a little video from one of our missionaries that you guys support in colombia so let's take a look at what god's doing through this church and through colombia hello calvary south bay family my name is tim mallory i'm one of the missionaries that serve here at calvary cardena in cartagena colombia our main focus here is to teach the word of god teach the word of god verse by verse teach the word faithfully in its context and help people come to understand who god is over the past few years we've seen our young adults group really take off we've got about 20 of them that come out a couple times a month and we've seen so many just become committed followers of christ which is really encouraging and then as you see behind me is all we've also have calvary cafe which is our restaurant here and we're open for lunch every day and most of the people that come in for lunch don't come to church here they won't come for a bible study on sunday but they'll come and have lunch and it's an opportunity we have on the walls we have scripture and you know we've got our staff that's there to to serve them to show them love to see to make relationships in the community and share christ's love and word with with the locals and so we we love that you guys are involved in the work that god's doing here that you're praying for us that you're supporting us and that we know hey if we need someone to talk to we can we can give some of you a call and you're there there for us so hope to see you soon hope that we we we we're able to surf together soon if it's here in cartoon or maybe i can go and visit you all but absolutely love calvary south bay and the family that we have there hope you all are doing great god bless ciao [Music] well church it's sunday morning and connie and i are still away if you were with us on thursday pastor jason duff was here but this morning you have a special treat a friend that i've known for almost 20 years we've pastored all over the world together we've been on the mission field together we've been at patmos reality discipleship school together we have a long history together and so this morning you had a special treat pastor chet lowe from coast hills community church in mission viejo california welcome pastor chet well good morning south bay great to see you guys this morning i know it's time to study god's word and i know you are here hungering and thirsting for it so would you please find in your bible second corinthians chapter three second corinthians chapter three as well as ephesians chapter four second corinthians chapter three ephesians chapter four will kind of be a place for us to launch into so glad to be with you guys this morning i love to hear you worshiping and clapping your hands and giving glory to god would you with me just give the lord an applause for his grace this morning amen someone asked me what my favorite ice cream was and i couldn't think of one i didn't like so i'd like you to know all that there's not an ice cream that i don't like but there is an ice cream you guys know i'm from calvary chapel in fort lauderdale we moved out here about six and a half seven years ago and um there's an ice food store there called publix and they have a brand of ice cream called trinity now any ice cream called trinity you know is from jesus i'll just say that all right why don't we go to the lord in prayer as we prepare our hearts for his word lord god we are so thankful for the great grace of god and so thankful for how you operate in our lives through grace and whether we are sitting here in this sanctuary or watching online my prayer lord is that you would use your word to change our lives it's in jesus name i pray amen second corinthians chapter three i'm going to pick it up on verse 18. second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18. but we all with god's calling but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by the spirit of the lord church say amen and what you're amending is the fact that every single one of us has the chance to change every single one of us has the chance to change even your mother-in-law now i know my mother-in-law is watching so i would like to say hello you are perfect in all of your ways but paul is writing the church in corinth and this church had radically changed just flip back a few pages to first corinthians chapter six i want you to see this just flip back a couple of pages keep your hand in second corinthians would you look with me at first corinthians chapter six i'm going to pick it up in verse 9. do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god don't be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of god listen to this and such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified but you were justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god do you see who this church was and he said to them such were some of you in other words you have been changed that's hope for all of us let's hope for every single one of us i want to remind you the author of this book this letter to the second in second corinthians is it's the apostle paul the apostle paul had radically changed he had met jesus on the road to damascus and he turned from persecutor to promise giver of the gospel that's the apostle paul it was jesus that would look at simon peter in john chapter 1 and say to him you are simon but you shall be cephas i know what i'm going to do with you i'm going to change you amen you see it is jesus who nicknamed john the son of thunder and i don't know if you know that wasn't a great nickname that means that john had an anger problem and it was john who wanted to burn up the samaritans you remember in luke's gospel but it was john the son of thunder who would become the apostle of love you see jesus changes people and dave wilkerson believed this and in new york city if you remember the cross in the switchblade he would go into the gangs of new york city oftentimes getting beat up by them because he believed that one gang member nikki cruz he could come to the gospel he could come to christ and after one day getting beat up by him he still went back into those gangs and church nikki cruz got saved he went from a gang leader to an evangelist because dave wilkerson believed in change it's elizabeth elliott and after the death of her husband jim elliott on the beach that day in ecuador jim elliott along with four other missionaries in the 1950s they gave their life ministering to the huarani tribe and it would be elizabeth elliott that believed in the gospel and she believed in the power of change and she would go back to ecuador and lead those that murdered her husband to christ and one of them by the name of mikaya he would come to jesus the very one that killed nate's sent nate saint he would take steve saint his child and raise him as his own to where steve saint calls the murder of his father dad and his children call him grandpa you see let me tell you something jesus changes people's lives now i know what happens in some of your our minds when i even say the word change there's a reaction to some of us some of us well we like the outcome we don't like the process some of us will actually resist change like for example if i was to say right now everyone from this side of the auditorium change your seat and move over here and everyone from here move over here and you guys just mix yourself up some of you started sweating is he really going to do that i've sat here for 35 years i've never moved from the seat it's got my name on it i even leave a note for myself this is my seat right there in the pew you won't dare ask me to change some of you are going change that'll be great for this church let's just move everybody right now you already started standing change some of us hope that other people change some of you might be sitting here and you're nudging your husband right now i hope you're listening you might be nudging your wife don't do it trust me she won't cook tonight you might thinking i hope my child changes my teenager i hope they get to their 30s and skip 16 through 28s i'll never forget i don't know if you know this about me i'm a born and raised bahamian and i want to let you know i'm from the bahamas and we still believe in spanking our children in the bahamas okay so very lovingly we you know discipline our children well never forget when my child was young we were walking into a food store and i was working at calvary chapel fort lauderdale as the outreach pastor but we were living in the bahamas doing outreach so i would travel back to fort lauderdale every week so we're living there and my son was unruly and i said to him son you know what's going to happen we're gonna take a trip to the bathroom and my son knew that wasn't to go number ones or number twos that was like something was going to happen well let me tell you he said to me dad if you spank me i'm gonna run to a camera and i'm gonna tell the camera he's spanking me we are in aisle eight when he says this we turn into aisle nine and there is a bahamian woman she has taken her shoe off and she is mercilessly beating her child in aisle nine and she let me tell you something about bahamians they will spank until they're done talking and if they've run out of words this is what they do don't you ever ever ever ever ever and they'll keep going they'll just keep going i'll not never forget it the woman looked at me and she goes i i i she looked at me and she said this boy leave him here with me i'll deal with him my son looked at me i'm sorry dad don't leave me with her and there was immediate change however you view change this word defines believers but the bible uses a different word it uses the word transformation everybody say transformation and all this big word means is that we're becoming more and more like christ each and every day and what paul is saying in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 is a statement of our faith we all are being transformed it's a statement of faith we all are being transformed in romans chapter 12 verse 2 paul goes a little bit deeper and he says this don't be conformed to this world but be transformed it's a direction be transformed it's a direction in scripture not just a statement now let me explain we're all in the process of change every single one of us let me prove it to you listen carefully and every time i say the word love put your name in okay love suffers long as and is kind love doesn't envy love does not parade itself love is not puffed up love does not behave rudely love does not seek its own love is not provoked love thinks no evil love does not rejoice in iniquity but love rejoices in the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails now if you could check off every single one of those as accomplished and performed in your life raise your hand thus i proved we are all in the process of change now some of you might be thinking to yourself my goodness how will i ever live up to this definition don't worry about it do you remember what jesus called the spirit of god the helper you see the role of the spirit of god is to help change you from the inside out that's paul's point the proof of the spirit in you church of corinth the proof of the spirit in you church of south bay is that you are changing and you are being transformed you are becoming more and more like jesus each and every day now you remember the corinthians had a major change i read their list of sins in first corinthians chapter 6 and when they came to christ and when they got saved there was immediate change but church i need to let you know something it's what paul's point is here transformation doesn't stop at salvation even though you may have gone from drugs and addicted to drugs too addicted to christ even though you may have lost your foul language and now you shout hallelujah even though you may have had immediate change at salvation a change and transformation is not just about salvation it would be like a caterpillar going into cocoon and only coming out after the transformation with one wing well the transformation's not complete go back in your cocoon you need another wing to fly you see transformation is not just salvation transformation is sanctification it's being changed over the course of our entire life now i don't know about for you but sanctification it's hope for me because how many of you have things yet to change to be more like christ how many of you have things yet to change um all of you who are not telling the truth go ahead and raise your hand now once again how many of you have things to change in your life pastor timothy keller was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he's in the final stages and i listened to a podcast of him just a few months ago it was asked of him how are you doing with your diagnosis his response i asked god why did he give me a death date why did he give me i only have a few months to live and this was his response and jesus told me now for a presbyterian for jesus to speak to a presbyterian you know it's the spirit of god okay and jesus told me there are things yet to be sanctified in your life that you've ignored and i want you to work on them wow sanctification happens over the course of our life and the fact that i'm not dead yet but i know that i've got a death date i've got to be sure that i'm being sanctified from glory to glory one step at a time that's the way that the spirit works you see when the corinthians received this letter they were wondering this thing too how do we change how can we change is there hope for us and so there were teachers teachers that came into the corinthian church and they said let us help you change but they weren't teaching transformation they were teaching subjugation the law needs to rule your life and if you choose to do this and do this and don't do that and don't do that if you follow these 10 things you are going to change and they were following the rule of law not the law of the spirit let me tell you what paul called those guys if you're back in second corinthians look up a few verses at chapter 2 verse 17 chapter 2 verse 17 for we are not as so many peddling the word of god second corinthians 2 17 i'm not like those peddlers well let me tell you what they were doing these peddlers were coming in and they were promising and they were selling a quick fix to change they were the original self-help gospel and any time that you add an adjective in front of the gospel outside of everlasting you are going a wrong direction they were the original self-help doctrine buy my book follow my steps go my program and you will change follow my law but that's not the way the spirit works james the half brother of jesus he would say this in james chapter 1 verse 4. listen carefully let patience have its perfect work so that you will be perfect and complete let me tell you what that means that means there is no spiritual pill that you can take at night and pop up in the morning and go look what a mighty man of god i am there is nothing you can buy there is no book that can help you change outside of the word of god what the spirit is saying there is no quick fix to change he does it over our lifetime he does it one step at a time the bible says in second corinthians verse chapter 3 verse 18 from glory to glory this is the law of the spirit let me explain the law of the spirit simply means this is the way that the spirit works he conforms us into the image of jesus from glory to glory one step at a time and let me give you the secret to change the holy spirit the holy spirit he's the one that helps us change without the spirit of god there can really be no real change because he changes us from the inside out now take a look back at second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 but we all with unveil face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord maybe you want to underline that it's outlined in my bible we all we he's speaking to christians he's saying if anyone has hope to change it's believers if you're struggling with a sin and you can't seem to change he's saying if there's any hope for anyone it's to believers he's letting us know we can change he's letting us know we can all change he's letting us know we will change and if you have the spirit of god inside of you there's hope for all of us to change now let me help us understand something if you would look back at second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 but we all with unveiled face what's he talking about here well this goes all the way back to israeli history at the time of moses and for your reading i would encourage you to read all of second corinthians chapter three but for our time sake i'm going to tell you the story you see moses would be the only one that could change moses would go up on the mountain and he would be with god and when he would come down from that mountain as the only one that could go up there the only one that could see the glory of god moses would come down off that mountain and all of a sudden he would be glowing like casper the ghost and what i wanted to do i wanted them to have a light here so that when i said that all of a sudden i would glow and you would be like whoa god is moving right no no it was not manufactured for moses he was just simply shining the glory of god but there was a problem the glory would fade and moses didn't want anyone seeing the glory fading so he would cover his face all of the time so whether he was glowing or not nobody would know now let me explain why if you're the leader just imagine okay imagine you guys you guys know me i've been here many times i've spoken for jeff at least once a year on a sunday when he goes on vacation and you know who i am imagine one time i come up here and i go open your bible to second corinthians chapter three but we all with unveiled face beholding as in the mirror the glory of the lord are being transformed south bay it's great to see you i hope you're doing good you'd be like something's wrong with chad right well imagine you're moses one day you gotta glow the next day you don't people would be going something's wrong moses is in sin moses you better get back on that mountain and get glowing again because we ain't gonna follow you without the glow moses is a good leader he goes i'm covering my face i don't want anyone to see whether i'm glowing or not but moses didn't know that this glow it was a symbol you see the law that moses was given was glorious it was truly glorious and paul tells us why in galatians chapter 3 in galatians chapter 3 you don't need to turn there maybe right into your notes verse 24 the law was glorious because it pointed to the fact we needed a savior there was no way for us to live up to that law but the truth of the law is that the law would truly fade in the light of christ there was no way that the law would supersede christ no the law was glorious because it pointed us to christ and moses he would cover himself with this veil but we see here in second corinthians chapter 3 but we all with unveiled face be holding as in a mirror unveiled face what does this mean well look back up at chapter 3 verse 16 chapter 3 verse 16 of second corinthians nevertheless when one turns to the lord the veil is taken away do you know something supernatural happens when you give your life to jesus you go from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light that's why you can't curse anymore do you remember the way you used to talk and you know when you hear those words now out when you're walking downtown l.a you go i can't believe they talk like that i hope you remember the way you used to talk so you can be a little more grace filled do you remember what you used to watch and now it's like oh my goodness some of the billboards i can't even drive in l.a anymore do you remember what some of the things you used to do you see what happened supernaturally when you gave your life to jesus well the spirit came inside of you and he started convicting you the veil is moved away no longer do you need the law no take a look at verse 17. now the lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty you see what happened is when you accepted christ the spirit of god came in you and you get to look more and more like jesus with each and every passing day so you don't have to move the veil when you go to work why don't you curse anymore hey why won't you be part of this conversation anymore hey why won't you go gambling with us anymore more and more glorious people can see the change and what the spirit is what he set us free he set us free from the law he came inside of us and now here's what the spirit does don't do that you ever heard him before how many have ever sensed conviction anyone ever sensed to conviction guess what the spirit's in you how many have ever heard him say you better go there you better move there you better do that so now let the spirit use me everyone get up and let's move why are you laughing at me because i'm not the spirit i don't have to tell you what to do you see you've got the spirit inside of you and he'll tell you to move if it's time for you to move it's the way the spirit works he's guiding us each and every day to become more and more like christ and i have found in scripture there are three ways and i want you to write these down that the spirit moves inside of us to change us to be more like christ take a look at second corinthians 3 18 but we all with unveiled face be holding as in a mirror the glory of the lord let me tell you what james says you can write it down in your notes james says this james chapter 1 verse 22 be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer he's like a man observing his natural face in a mirror for reserves himself goes away and immediately he forgets who he was but a man who looks into the perfect law of liberty in other words the word of god and continues in it and is not forgetful here but a doer of this work this one will be blessed in what he does the half-brother of jesus lets us know in james chapter 1 look into the word it's the mirror of jesus there's your point look into the word this is what the spirit does this is how he works as we look into the word now let me tell you what jesus said do you remember after the resurrection he's speaking with the disciples and he's trying to explain himself to the disciples well let me tell you what he said in luke chapter 24 verse 44 jesus says to the disciples listen carefully luke 24 44 these are the words i spoke to you while i was still with you that all the things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses the prophets and the psalms concerning me and he opened their understanding that they might comprehend the scriptures let me tell you what jesus did he opened the bible and he went like this here's me here's me here's me here's me so let me tell you what that means church the word of god is the only surviving portrait of jesus the word of god is the only surviving portrait of jesus and when we look into it like a mirror we see jesus now i know in our 21st century world this is hard to understand because it's words because we have iphones and all we have to do is we pull out our iphone iphone we take a picture of where we're at and we text it to one of our friends to describe the mood that we're in or we take a picture and we post it on just dated yourself some of you said facebook get with the program we put it on insta okay man south bay catch up and we want everyone to see us on insta now it may not be true you may be smiling and then crying in the next moment but everyone thinks you're having a great time it's different with the bible the bible gives a more vivid description of jesus than a picture because it's god's text message to the church i want you to see my insta and he shows us a visual picture of jesus he gives us a detailed sketch of what jesus said in church let me tell you something out of the abundance of the heart speaks the mouth and when we read the words of jesus we begin to see the picture of his heart you see what the word of god does it uses every color on the palette with story after story after story and we see jesus healing a lame man and we begin to understand and his grace begins to unfold when that man sat there for 38 years and jesus says do you want to be made well and masterfully with many different painters or authors they wrote a visual description of our god you see the truth of the word is it reveals the glory of the lord and when we have the spirit and we open up our bible the spirit opens up our eyes to see how loving and merciful and graceful jesus is that's why we look into the words and let me tell you something the lord is truly glorious look what the bible says once again in second corinthians 3 18 but we all with unveiled face be holding as in a mirror the glory of the lord now let me tell you something when i look in the mirror of the word when i look in the mirror i realize he's glorious and i'm not and i realize one of these things is not like the other and so point number two i need to diligently learn his ways it's the way the spirit works you're here at church i need to diligently learn his ways let me tell you a story kind of embarrassed about it but you guys are family just got my driver's license i'm taken this is when 16 year olds could take other 16 year olds out in their car my son just got his driver's license two days later he goes can i take my friend no the state of california says you have to wait so you're going to wait well tad i mean you speed and the state of california says you got to go 45 and sometimes you go 80. yes we're praying for change so i'm 16 years old going on my first date in my 65 convertible mustang that i bought i rebuilt the engine painted it fire engine red i redid the interior dude i was so cool okay any girl wanted to go out with me i asked five finally one agreed took her for dinner took her out in the movies and at the end of the movie i've been with her like three and a half hours okay at the end of the movie i go into the bathroom okay and now i'm washing my hands and i'm like so cool right okay and i smile like look at you brother and when i smiled there was a green dangling piece of salad in my teeth i was shocked i was embarrassed i was thinking no wonder she didn't kiss me on a little dangly piece of salad she must have wanted to get sick taking a look at this thing i couldn't believe it was there in my mouth oh let it be someone else's mouth and now i'm doing everything i can to pick this out i'm washing my mouth i'm picking i'm doing everything i can get the green out sometimes when we look into the word we see some green in our teeth you ever had that happen in your devotions oh my goodness i'm not like jesus in fact i got green in my mouth it's embarrassing sometimes it's difficult to receive even jesus said that his way is difficult and the road is narrow in matthew chapter 7 you might even be a little convicted like oh my goodness i've got to do whatever i can to get the green out i mean how many of you have been reading scripture and you read something like when someone forces you to go one mile go the second you would have thought of that that would have come up in your fleshly mind yeah someone makes me walk one mile i'm gonna do another second mile for him how many of you would have come up with hey when someone slaps you on one cheek turn the other i've always said there's a three strike rule here's the three strike first one let him strike you second one let him strike you third one make sure you turn jesus doesn't give the rule for that one so you can do whatever you want no that's the law but the spirit is i'm gonna turn the other cheek but the truth of it is none of us have learned that in and of ourselves we've learned to share be kind be graceful and be loving and be like elizabeth elliott that goes to the murderers of her husband and lead them to christ because that's what jesus did we learned it from him amen now go with me to ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four go with me to ephesians chapter four i want you to see this ephesians chapter 4 i'm going to read verse 20 ephesians chapter 4 i'm going to pick it up in verse 20. but you've not so learned christ if indeed you've heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in jesus that you put off take the green out concerning your former conduct the old man which grows corrupt according to deceitful lusts and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind you wash your mouth out and that you put on the new man brush your teeth which was created according to god in true righteousness when we learn christ we don't walk away from the mirror with the dangling piece of salad in between our teeth that would be foolish when we learn it we do everything we can take it out of our life and let me tell you what the spirit does he gives us the power to not be ashamed it's why paul would say you'll see it on the screen in second timothy chapter 2 be diligent to present yourself approved to god a worker who does not need to be ashamed a worker who doesn't need to have green dangling things in his teeth rightly dividing the word of truth as i dig into the word of god and i learn his ways i have an opportunity here's point number three to live his abundant life to live his abundant life now let's go back to second corinthians chapter three i want you to see this take a look but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord are being transformed into the same image we're going to look just like jesus from glory to glory one step at a time just as by the spirit of the lord gang we're going to be transformed into the image of jesus over the course of our life you see in john 10 verse 10 jesus said this the thief does not come except to steal and to kill and destroy so if you think another life is good with satan take a look at the results but look what jesus says i've come that they may have life and they may have it more abundantly and i know you might be walking through life going i don't know if i can be like jesus this is just so overwhelming i want you to see it the way jesus sees it he sees it as abundant life because bitterness is so much better than forgiveness right resentment is so much better than being loving do you know there are our scientific proof that bitterness and resentment actually shorten your life because they produce stressors in your body that affects your body in radical ways no wonder jesus said forgive no wonder he said to be loving because he wants to give you abundant life he doesn't overwhelm us i'm so grateful that when i got saved jesus didn't deal with all my sin because i would probably be on medication if jesus came and said change now boom i mean i just wouldn't be able to do it but what the lord does is step by step from glory to glory with every situation experience and circumstance in our life he begins to change us when i was younger i'm a surfer and when i was younger i used to watch surfing videos guys like tom curran these are like way old people okay and i would i would look at them and i would learn how they stood i would learn how they would just uh go up a wave down a wave i would learn how they did 360s i was just watching everything and then what i would do i would look i would learn and then i would go in the water and i would live it's the same thing spiritually we look into the word we learn his ways we put it into practice jesus said if you want to be a wise person matthew chapter 7 i want you to hear and i want you to do my word then you're going to be like a wise guy who built his house on the rock don't be foolish and hear what i have to say and don't do it james would say in james chapter 2 he would say listen i'm going to show you my faith by my works but there's a problem sometimes when jesus is having us take the green out of our teeth it don't feel good it doesn't feel abundant i was a missionary in liberia west africa and i learned the language okay i'm going to tell you and you're going to say it okay to say hello you say everyone do it you sound ridiculous all right here we go yeah i know right are you kidding me you see bassa is a it's a tonal language so the word are four different words now you learn it uh some of you are now mocking me and when i was learning it it sounded awkward at first what why and i would just go morning well that's not the word the word is don't say morning because that won't be understood say more say oh you're getting so much better you know why you're practicing and now no longer is it awkward it's kind of like flowing out of you one more time oh my goodness look at you you've even got masks on and i can hear it all right one more time oh my goodness i thought you were liberian there for a second you see what happens when we start practicing jesus's way it might feel a little awkward but if you keep it in practice it's just going to flow and you're going to be the sheep in matthew 25. when jesus goes when i was hungry you fed me when i was thirsty you gave me something to drink when i was naked you clothed me and they looked at jesus and go when did we do that oh do you remember the first time you went to the prison ministry you remember the first time you went to kid life do you remember the first time you served as an usher oh it feels a little awkward now you've been doing it 30 years sit down kid i've been doing this a long time jesus loves you and you will be obedient you ain't worried at all [Music] you ready it into practice and you'll be the sheep well when did we do this ah you've been in practice it's just flowing out of you and you don't even know anymore you're just me church look into the word learn his ways live the abundant life do you know that it was by the spirit of god that jesus said lazarus come out of that grave and do you know it's by the spirit paul says that we can change and if the spirit can call a dead man to life what problem do you think you have that jesus can't deal with it amen amen father i ask in jesus name that you would be glorified in our lives and i pray lord that you would use this message to bring change in people's lives now i want you with my prayer those of you that you know and god has right now in his spirit given you something that you need to change you go ahead and raise your hand you know there is something in your life that needs to change so father i pray for all of those humble lifted hands move in their spirit and by the spirit bring change and all god's people said amen would you stand with me hey church i believe in memorizing scripture is the way that the spirit works so you're going to see a scripture take a look second corinthians 3 18 we're going to memorize this this week okay we're going to memorize it this week because it's going to give us power so would you say it with me all right let's do it together church but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by the spirit of the lord and what i want to do is challenge you take a look at the screen i want to challenge you with this it's a challenge to change for each one of us purpose to change one thing about you this week to look more like jesus let the spirit move in you so that you look more like christ now let's worship him he's so much bigger than us we need to decrease [Applause] [Music] my savior god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how great thou art [Applause] great thou are how great thou art how great [Music] amen church god bless you as you go pastor chad will be out somewhere near the outdoor uh doors so you can say hi if you want to but god bless you guys have a great week i'll see you next [Music] week savior you bore all my shame all because of your love [Music] broken for the sins of the [Music] all earth of your love because of your cross my dad [Music] your is my sins [Music] because of your love because of your love [Music] innocent and holy [Music] all because of your love you gave your life for me [Music] all because of your love all because of your love because of your cross my death [Music] [Applause] love because of your love you did it for love it's your victory jesus you only know you did it for me you did it for love it's your victory jesus you are enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because of your love because [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] send us with power into the world oh holy spirit move in our hearts fill us with it all holy spirit move in our hearts send us with power hey into the world oh holy [Music] [Applause] we are gathered in your name with expectancy and faith we are waiting we always give us boldness to proclaim all the wonders of your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fill us [Music] with love for the world your compassion for the lost love that sends you to the cross we receive it we receive it jesus you are worth it all no matter what the cost we believe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fill [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fill us with love for the world [Music] love for the world compassion for the lost jesus let this be shaken [Applause] let our hearts be broken let your church awaken [Music] [Music] and let our hearts be broken and let your church [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to your love and let this round come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy [Music] send us spirit power [Music] into the world singing holy spirit [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let our hearts be broken [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] our hearts be broken [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] into [Music] yes lord hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] accused [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] now my day is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see the [Applause] come on chat [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] give me [Music] wisdom you know just what to do [Music] [Music] give [Music] you know just [Music] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever all my days i will love you god [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 430
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: etONpHxkSHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 5sec (5705 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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