Sunday AM LIVE (12:30PM | 8/29/21)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is your love is stronger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] me [Music] we need no other hiding place i hope you're safe within your name you promise never to forsake yes [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this window [Music] i will call upon [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] for jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for jesus christ has broken every chain i will crawl up [Music] [Applause] for jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who am i that the highest king would work [Music] i was lost but he brought me in [Music] all right good afternoon church how you doing let's stand to our feet please we have a verse on the screen here that we uh wanted to read with you this is uh psalm 86 it says all the uh all the nations you have made shall come and worship before you o lord and shall glorify your name for you are great and do wondrous things you alone are god and one of the things we love about our church family is just how diverse it is really truly people from every tribe and tongue and nation are represented by our church family and we have gathered together from different backgrounds different cultures different languages different everything and we've gathered for one purpose which is to glorify the name of jesus and so that's why we're here that's why you're here and so that's what we're going to do this morning let's let's bow our hearts our heads and our minds and our spirits and just pray to the lord lord we just uh thank you that you have gathered us lord from every tribe and tongue and nation and you have made us your children lord you've made us one family and we just thank you for that unity that we have in you we pray lord that we would be just so unbelievably you united and unified as your children that the world would look at your church and see people who love and lay their lives down to serve one another and that they might be blown away and wonder what is this group of people all about lord well we're all about you we're all about worshiping you and honoring you and living our lives in a way that pleases you so even as we sing these songs to you lord we pray that you would be pleased and you would be praised and we ask this in jesus name amen [Music] put our hands together [Music] [Music] oh come let us worship our king come let us bow out his feet he has done great things see what our savior has done see how his love overcomes he has done great things he has a great [Music] and break every chain oh god [Music] you've been faithful you've been faithful to every storm you'll be faithful forever [Music] [Music] yes you will god [Music] and break every chain oh [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] and break every chain [Music] oh oh god [Music] [Music] yes amen god's been so faithful to us he's always faithful he never fails his word is always true let's sing about that together god of abraham you're the god of covenant a faithful promises [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] sun to the setting same i will praise your name great is your faithfulness to [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing you can't do you're faithful and true [Music] when you speak a [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foundation he'll never let me down and sing it again [Music] he'll never let me down again [Music] i [Music] he'll never let me down [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] from the rising [Music] [Applause] is your faithfulness to [Music] [Applause] [Music] help us to trust you lord help us to believe that you're always faithful you'll never fail us and help us to cast all of our cares upon you [Music] all the worries of this world [Music] surrender every anxious [Music] all my hopes and dreams and all my fears i will choose to trust your name in everything in everything [Music] i will bow down oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] i i will bow look down to see that you are faithful i look ahead believe me [Music] we trust you we trust you if you need peace or healing let's sing this together and believe in our hearts the prince of peace my perfect healer [Music] [Music] mighty savior [Music] all my [Music] all my all my kids jesus [Applause] you are jesus is [Music] is is [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus we thank you we thank you for that powerful mighty matchless name jesus your name is power lord by the word of you your mouth lord you hold the galaxies together lord you hold our life together you hold existence as we know it together by the word of your mouth and so we thank you for that power but also for that faithfulness that we've been singing about all afternoon lord just that you are so reliable and you use that power on behalf of your children to work all things together for good and so we thank you we we trust you and we pray that you would help us to trust you more lord in the areas where our faith is weak we ask you to strengthen our faith that we might trust you more because we know you're reliable and we love you we honor you and we praise you in jesus name amen amen [Applause] awesome awesome good to see all of you before you sit down take a second turn to someone and say god is faithful god is faithful and if you're watching online type it in the chat god is faithful let us know where you're watching from and who you're watching with and you guys can grab a seat we have a couple of video announcements to show you so let's look at the screens and see what's going on [Music] if you want to be the man god is calling you to be if you want to be the woman god is calling you to be if you want to be the young person god is calling you to be if you want to be the parent or grandparent god is calling you to be it is not an option you must be filled with the spirit [Music] [Music] for me i got the uh 75 lean 25 fat because i think that adds a little something extra to it i got that that's for the patty you know you got the you got the tomatoes you got the onions and then you got the lettuce you got to worry about the the heat you know how long it's actually on the heat but also how high the heat is well so you got to keep on checking make sure that the temperature is always good all the way around it of course and then when it has a little bit of blood that's when you add the seasoning whatever it may be when the blood is all over the burger itself like all around it that's where you flip it and then once you see it sort of like a little bit of like white spit on it add a little something like that that's when you put the cheese on it once it melts that's it it'll be perfect every time if you do it just like that and who's hungry now i'm hungry looks good well we would love to invite you all to the church picnic obviously there will be delicious burgers maybe not exactly like that but there will be some good burgers there and a lot of fun um and a softball tournament and games crafts for kids tons of fun stuff so come on out um if you want more information you can go to picnic and if you want to sign up for the softball you can go to softball so it's going to be a fun time all right we're going to give to the lord's work in the world now you can give in these digital uh ways here on the screen or out the back after service and we're just grateful for your faithful support of god's ministry here and all around the world through this church so thank you guys we're going to sing one more song before we get into god's word together [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now my life is yours and i will sing of your goodness forevermore [Music] you deserve the praise [Music] is your name jesus you deserve the praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now my shame is [Music] [Music] your grace goes on and on and time will sing of your goodness [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you're the name [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] yes god you are so worthy you are worthy of everything our lives our adoration our praise god and so we will willingly give it to you god we will proudly give it to you because you are good you are faithful you are merciful god you are so so gracious you never fail this god nor do you ever forsake us we love you god thank you for who you are we praise you we exalt your name and together we say amen amen and amen well welcome if you're visiting with us today at calvary apple south bay we're delighted you've chosen to spend part of the lord's day with us if you turn in your bibles to hebrews chapter 7 hebrews 7 as we continue our journey chapter and verse through this amazing book and a study that i've entitled marvelous melchizedek now if i were to ask you a question if i were to sit there and talk about kind of what you know turns you on you you like to watch tv or maybe you know read mystery novels or whatever you know most of the time when you're reading a good suspense novel there are nominal characters in the novel and there are key characters in the novel and you need all of them and certainly that's true in you know most of the the great epics that we can think of but if i were to ask you to name the top 10 characters that you find in your bible probably none of you are going to have melchizedek on that list he's only found in two passages in the old testament there in genesis chapter 14 and then again in psalms 110 and so it's not like we know a lot about this particular individual but what we find now in the book of hebrews is mind-boggling in relationship to who this particular book was written to remember that the book of hebrews is written to hebrew believers who were in theory thinking about going back to judaism or adding in essence their relationship with the lord to their jewish practice and kind of combining the two things or worse yet returning to judaism altogether man is inherently religious and one of the problems that we have when we use the word religion in its definition is that it is by definition a system whereby we relate to god we as people love systems in fact we love rules and regulations and being told exactly what we should do the problem is in your newfound relationship with christ as was true for these believers during the time that this particular letter was written is that they had a new relationship and that relationship was by grace and through faith there was actually no religion whatsoever attached to it but they had come out of a system that had at a bare minimum in its key element 613 different laws and provisions and feast days and things that they were required to do and people are very comfortable when you simply tell them what to do here's how you relate to god you do these 10 things and you're fine people love organized religion and that was true for the jewish people during the time of jesus and so here we have interjected this incredible figure one that we know very little about from the old testament but now we have highlighted for us here in the book of hebrews this marvelous man whose name is melchizedek which simply means the king of peace so would you join me we'll pray and we'll pick up in verse 1 the first 10 verses here in hebrews 7. father we thank you lord i thank you for this amazing picture one that we will surely all see today is a forward glimpse for gleam a look into you jesus we pray that you would speak to us through your word that your word would be alive or we wouldn't be sitting here just trying to figure out how to do our religious duty but we would be in relationship with you lord thank you for blessing us with the truth of your word speak to us now we pray in jesus name amen verse 1 here in hebrews chapter 7 for this melchizedek and notice two offices here very important because remember the context is strictly hebrew and very specifically towards people who had given their life to christ but were previously jewish for this melchizedek king of salem the word salem means it's a derivative of shalom it is peace he's the king of peace and he is the priest of the most high god now so if you stop there for just a moment and think about it in a jewish context probably most of you know that in judaism those are two different tribes so the priestly tribe is the tribe of levi and the kingly tribe is the tribe of judah so you have in one single individual being mentioned here whose name is the king of peace you have the king of peace who is also the high priest of god this is also before judaism even came about so here you have the patriarch of judaism abraham so when we talk about jewish faith the jewish faith is the faith of abraham isaac and jacob jacob being the derivative 12 sons that will come from him and so these 12 sons two of them will be the two offices here levi and judah the kingly tribe that produced david and the priestly tribe that began with aaron but notice this is a single individual so that's a relatively impossible thing when you talk about in a human sense because you can't have your male side of your ancestry from two different tribes so what's the writer trying to get out why do we have melchizedek mentioned here who met abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him and to whom also abraham gave a tenth part of all so now we have another piece of information added to it here comes abraham he's had a battle you remember abraham settled down in the good old town of sodom and there in sodom things didn't go so well and so abraham acting in righteousness said lord if we can find a hundred people will you spare the city and by the time it all got said and done the only people that got out were abraham and his family and he's moved and instead of settling in the best land he's now moved into an area that's less than profitable for him he didn't stay in the great spot but he's gone to war against these kings of the east and he's prevailed against them and so here comes this strange guy whom he gives his tithe to so in that sense the act of tithing or giving a tent of all predates both judaism and new testament biblical christianity why is that important because this person the great king melchizedek is a representative of somebody that you all know his name is jesus he is the king of peace and he is the king of righteousness so in christ what happens to you you have in one person you have the righteousness of god imparted to your life which produces peace with god and without the righteousness of god you don't have peace with god you actually have war with god and so the jewish people are being reminded hey father abraham actually met somebody that you guys ought to be somewhat familiar with you call him messiah the one that you were waiting for the one who would come and bring all things to fruition and so we blessed him to whom also abraham gave a tenth part of all being translated the king of righteousness and then also the king of salem meaning king of peace and so he's the king of two different kingdoms the king of righteous peace and those two kingdoms have been brought together in one man without father so here it gets even stranger without father oddly enough when jesus was born what was the problem that joseph had joseph said well mary and i actually haven't been together and yet she's without child i know that this child is not mine and so the bible declares for us that that child jesus was actually born of the holy spirit and so you can kind of see where the writer of hebrews is going here in mentioning this strange character that abraham met without father without mother without a genealogy having neither beginning of days nor end of life in other words eternal but made like the son of god so this goes back to melchizedek he's a human being he's standing there with abraham but in that sense he's like god's son and remains priests continually or eternally when you think of how this passage opens up you might kind of ask yourself to go well why do we need to know this well as a believer as someone who knows jesus christ personally you already have these two things that this particular king is king of because in christ jesus when you invited christ into your life when you said yes to the offer of grace what you got is what the jewish people never ever actually attained as long as the temple was open as long as there were a series of feast days as long as every single year in the autumn in the 10 days of awe that are in our october every year yom kippur would roll around but before it got there you had to go all the way back to the previous one and on that previous one there was an atonement made for the sins both of the priest himself his family and all of israel but guess what happened the next morning the sins began to pile up every single person who wasn't absolutely perfect which would be 100 of them began to have again accrued debt so in that sense the jewish people though the law appointed them to the righteousness of christ and the law appointed them to a right relationship with god the fact of the matter is from one yom kippur one day of atonement to the next day of atonement all they saw was a ramp up of their guilt and so in that sense they never had the full righteousness of christ they were always bearing their own sins every single year they also didn't have peace with god because they certainly had to know that each one of those sins had a price for it because they were not perfectly righteous and because they did not have total peace with god they then now saw this whole religion that we call judaism as their only hope but the truth is it never got them to the destination that it promised they didn't actually reach that place of actual forgiveness of sin they got to the place to where they got issued a letter of forbearance god said i'm not going to take and exercise my wrath in this moment i'm going to accept what you've done i'm going to put away those sins they're atoned for but you're going to keep adding to them every single time you sin and then one day we're going to square away the dead you see they didn't have peace but here comes this king and he actually is peace he provides what we couldn't actually get on our own merit the central theme of this book is now in view for us because as we have this which was unattainable in judaism that's why i mentioned that people love religion you see one of the things that's very attractive about man's religion is we can kind of put off on other people or on rules regulations laws that personal desire for righteousness example of that would be roman catholicism you have a pope there's a hierarchy cardinals bishops priests and so you go to your local parish priest saturday you can send during the week monday through friday saturday you go in for a confession you get some hail mary somehow our fathers you donate a little bit of money do a couple of acts of kindness and oh by the way 50 years in purgatory see we like that why do we like that because we now have gotten to do something to be right with god it's actually a type of works and we like that we like to feel like we made an exchange the problem is we can never make a full exchange so the problem is in that sense we never have complete righteousness in that sense we never have total peace with god it's always broken there's always a disconnect and so here we have a man who's providing for us a picture of exactly what jesus would do that religion couldn't do and so what is that central theme that jesus is greater than all the prophets jesus is greater than all the angels jesus is greater than moses jesus is greater than aaron the first high priest he's greater than the priesthood itself he's greater in the fact that the covenant that he brings actually brings peace with god and so the central tenet in essence of what's going on here in the book of hebrews is to provide this picture that what religion can't do relationship does if i have believed on the only begotten son of god i actually have peace with god god views the sacrifice of his son as is sponging my debt as clearing up my debt of sin if i confess my sin he is faithful and just to forgive my sin you don't need a priest to do that for you you don't need me to intercede for you jesus already did that and so melchizedek is a picture of what would come in christ because he links together two things peace and righteousness that couldn't happen in judaism it was an impossibility you could not have one king ruling over both kingdoms and yet god's kingdom is actually a kingdom of righteousness and a kingdom of peace that's what's guaranteed by jesus praise god amen so you can imagine jewish readers reading this going who was that guy that abraham met with because abraham gave gave tithes to him it wasn't the other way around and to a jewish person that was almost blasphemous you mean there was somebody on this earth that was greater than abraham they couldn't think of anybody he was the patriarch of their faith and so they look at this and they begin to think in their mind okay well what's going on here interestingly enough this particular high priest this particular priest has been hijacked several times and in fact he is currently hijacked by the mormon church in fact the mormons believe that they have resurrected the priesthood of melchizedek now here's the problem not the disciples not jesus no one ever said that the priesthood of melchizedek was actually a real thing it was pointed to as a type in other words here's a man that provides something that no high priest actually could provide so the mormon church decides that well we need to kind of bring this back because this is unique and so the book of mormon actually says they have taken away from the gospel of the lamb many parts which are plain and most precious and also many covenants of the lord that they have taken away joseph smith actually thought that we needed to get back to being the priesthood of melchizedek and the reason i'm telling you this is this is the way false doctrine infiltrates the church and so you come along and you have a poorly taught church that poorly taught church thinks that mormons are christians mormons are not christians mormons belong to a cult they are not saved they believe in a jesus that is one of god's many sons not his only son they believe that god himself is actually flesh and blood he has a physical body and so in order to bring back these things that are missing that the book of mormon says that the rest of the church deleted they brought back the priesthood of melchizedek so when you get baptized into a mormon church you're going to be baptized by somebody who believes they have the priesthood of melchizedek the problem is there's no such thing the only thing that saves anyone is believing on the name of the lord jesus christ the only name that there is whereby men must be saved is jesus christ jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father it isn't you don't need melchizedek as great a picture as he was of jesus who would come he can't save you and being baptized into that authority just leaves you still wanting if you think on that from this perspective there is no such thing the disciples didn't teach it jesus didn't teach it as a priesthood of melchizedek it's mentioned for a singular purpose and that's to remind the jewish people that they were to be looking for someone who is greater than abraham and greater than moses and the covenant would be better and that there would actually be peace and there would actually be righteousness no high priest ever brought that no earthly high priest it took the precious blood of the lamb to bring that about that's that's who saves us and so to that end peter and james and john didn't ordain any type of belief that there was some priesthood new priesthood we needed to follow they said you must believe in him and him is jesus so we get a little ancient background here in these first three verses and the reason that it's there is actually quite simple notice where he comes from we have no idea he comes from nowhere it's interesting when you look at the name just so you know jehovah is not actually found in your bible that is a word that was put in there by the translators not having a word to describe yahweh because yahweh is actually a transliteration of a verb meaning to be but it's in the past tense the present tense and the future tense so it means i am who was and i am who is and i am who is to come and so god is actually known as someone who always was is today and always will be that's really important because notice where melchizedek comes from we don't know we don't know when his priesthood ended either because it didn't in that sense in other words he is the one who was and is and is to come he's showing us a picture of the one who would bring righteousness and the one who would bring peace would be eternal he wouldn't have a beginning he wouldn't have an end when the disciples were on the mount of transfiguration jesus was transfigured before their eyes and they gazed up into heaven jesus didn't send him a text when he got there he didn't send him a photo he you know he didn't photobomb god the father was like here i am with dad he dwells in the heavens in inexpressible light the glory of his presence can't be viewed by mortal beings and so the picture here is this man to whom abraham paid homage and gave tithe we don't know where he came from we don't know anything about his history his genealogy we just know that he was and we know that he is and in the same way messiah would present that picture and so as he was also the king of righteousness the king of peace simultaneously remember the prophet isaiah actually said about the coming messiah in isaiah 9 6 he is the prince of peace he is the everlasting father of the end of his government there would be no end in other words he would be eternal and his kingdom would be a peace and so you're linking the old testament the new testament together in jewish minds so that someone who might be tempted to say well you know jewishness was pretty good we had the world's first monotheistic religion that was organized but it actually didn't get you to the place that she needed to go because where he needed to go was salvation actually being saved and so melchizedek kind of gives us a picture looking forward as to what would happen when jesus actually came so why is that to us significant the reason it's significant is this abraham was a great man no question about it but he was a man aaron was the first high priest no question about it but he was a man and so just as aaron who was the first high priest was not perfect and just as abraham who is the father of judaism was not perfect we if we're just simply following them we still have a problem because the entrance requirements for heaven or guess what perfection total complete sinlessness absolute righteousness perfect holiness and the result of that is actually peace with god and so it causes us to look at abraham in a little bit different light we stop worshiping him and we start recognizing him for who he was he was the father of a multitude he did bring about in essence the the beginnings of the jewish faith but he was not able to save and neither was the temple labor able to save nor could the high priest save you they could point you towards god but they could never get you in because the entrance requirements they couldn't meet wasn't possible it's why the high priest trembled every time you went in on yom kippur he's like man if i've got one thing i'm going to be dead notice verse 4 and now consider how great this man was to whom even the patriarch abraham so this is speaking of melchizedek as being great even the great patriarch abraham gave a tenth of the spoil so in this battle that's there in the book of genesis and indeed those who are of the sons of levi who receive the priesthood have a commandment to receive tithes from the people according to the law that is from their brethren though they have come from the loins of abraham so you can kind of see this whole thing it's like if you build a system and the system is built on abraham and abraham's not perfect and then you have the sons of levi that are the high priest the whole thing doesn't work so they all in essence by caveat gave tithe to melchizedek making melchizedek greater than abraham they're like whoa whose genealogy is not derived from but receives tithes from abraham and blessed him who had the promises now beyond all contradiction the lesser is blessed by the by the better where do our blessings come from every good and perfect gift flows down from our father of lights who is in heaven we sing the doxology praise god from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures where hear below praise him above ye heavenly host praise father son and holy ghost why do we sing that because everything comes from above so in that sense melchizedek is being presented as a greater king and a greater priest and a greater ruler than good old father abraham even levi who receives tithes paid tithes through abraham so to speak for he was still in the loins of his father when melchizedek met him and so this picture of this man that we we think on is he has a type he's really simply a picture of things to come because abraham wasn't the whole package abraham couldn't bring peace abraham couldn't bring personal relationship abraham could not clear away your sin debt abraham had no capacity to make anybody fully completely totally righteous and yet that is what has to happen for us to go to heaven and some of these facts actually make it stand out it's like okay well you've got the priestly tribe you've got the they come from levi and you've got the kingly tribe and they come from judah and go through david and it's like man what are we supposed to do and so the jewish person who's reading this who's listening to this who's thinking on this they're all going well where does that leave us what do we do how do we respond to this well you go what's the problem what's the issue what was it that you had in judaism that you want to go back to that you see that would be useless because the greater thing is the one who actually brings righteousness and the greater thing is the one who actually brings peace yes you had all these laws and yes you had all this religion and yes you had all these dictates and all these things that legalistically you could sit there and point one after another let's do this and do that and do this and we do those things and that's going to make us right with god that's what they believed so much so is the as the leftover remnant of that and when you travel to israel today you go into a hotel on on a sabbath on saturday from friday in the middle of as soon as the sun goes down until the end of the day on saturday they operate the shabbat elevators because you can't do any work on the sabbath you can go to a hotel and you can have you can have in essence non-jewish people do work for you but don't push an elevator button so the elevator stops on every floor you see that's what works does it's like i got to work my way to heaven so i don't want to offend god by pushing an elevator button but you kind of missed the bigger point oh i'm not righteous oops i don't actually have peace with god so the jewish people are all hung up on and jesus addressed this in the gospels you might remember what he said addressing the pharisees you remember this conversation i'll paraphrase it for you speaking to the pharisees he says you guys tithe of your mint and your cumin in other words you go to the spice rack and you pull out your cumin and you take 10 of the cumin and 10 of the mint and you make sure you give that to the high priest and then he went on to say and you search for the scriptures because you think that in them you have life but it is they that speak of me jesus said in other words all the dividing up of your spices in all of the searching of the scriptures for minutia couldn't produce what abraham saw in this mysterious king that he met on the plains of er he met a king that brought a kingdom of righteousness and peace all of those rules couldn't bring that push you the right direction gets you closer and closer and closer but it doesn't matter how much you miss the grace of god by you're either in or out you're either saved or not you're either righteous or unrighteous you're a believer or an unbeliever and it's no work of yours it's on him because by grace you've been saved through faith that's not of you it's a gift and so in that sense this mysterious figure is a picture of the grace of god being poured out through the life of jesus and the jewish people should have known it because they could have thought well you know well actually abraham was a liar he didn't like to remember that abraham actually didn't have perfect faith he had faith in fact this book is going to declare that it was declared unto him as righteousness just the simple faith but it was the kind of faith that brought hagar into the mix that's what religion does it tries to find workarounds it's like well you know it kind of sort of almost made it but not quite in that sense melchizedek helps us to look past judaism get to the real heart of the issue puts us in contact with the true and the living god in a way that i have to examine myself and to that end actually melchizedek is the first priest he wasn't the first high priest he was the first priest mentioned in the bible but jesus was the final one jesus put an end to all of this jesus took care of all these things that in some ways you could see in the old testament system it's pretty easy to see jesus in the passover isn't it pretty easy to see how the holy spirit worked in the exodus it's really easy to take a look at the feast of trumpets and look forward to the time when the lord returns you could say that all of judaism at all pointed the right direction but left you about that short you get all the way out to the end you'd get to the day of atonement and there's the high priest and he offers up and then the whole thing starts all over the following morning there's just cycle after cycle after cycle jesus is our high priest forever you don't need another one you don't need another system of religion amen you don't you don't need he is a high priest forever you ever think about jesus sitting in heaven waiting for your call he is he's interceding right now for you before god the father he's sitting at the right hand of father god going when is jeff going to call me i would love to talk to him i got so much i want to impart to him all you got in judaism was another rule i was like wow you need to go do this you go do that you need to make sure you know don't don't miss out on that wave offering a little short on that grain offering the sin offering mind-boggling jesus said enough enough enough of the blood of bulls and goats i'll give my blood and put it into all this i'll sacrifice myself so they don't have to sacrifice themselves he did with the levitical order couldn't do he rose from the dead no high priest ever did that every high priest did exactly what the priest before him did that was he died and so someone had to offer up sacrifices for him and for his family every high priest would go in and intercede for a period of time and then the next guy would take over now you have god's own son doing that for you all day every day the enemy comes with an accusation against you jesus says i got that father i paid for that on the cross it's done there's no if involved in your relationship now with the lord during abraham's time there were huge ifs the whole thing hinged on your performance actually you keeping the law you making the journey to jerusalem on the high holy days you doing what needed to be done and jesus said no it i'll do it what the sacrifices can't do i'll do myself that's why you now can say that you've been as paul rightly said she wrote to the church at rome being justified by faith we now actually have peace with god i know have peace with god it boggles my mind i have peace with god i'm not sitting there saying well you know it kind of is like maybe no i have peace with god i know that if i take my last breath today i know the next thing i'm going to see is the face of my savior i know that as much as i'm standing here that's how great that grace is that saved us you see judaism couldn't couldn't offer that it could offer you an opportunity to wait in sheol until jesus finally paid the price and so in that sense this crazy picture that we have points to the superiority of melchizedek over that system that the jewish people were trusting in very often they would actually swear by the temple in jerusalem you'd meet somebody out on the road and i swear by the temple they swore by a building that's why jesus said i go to prepare a place for you that where i am i'm you might be also for in my father's house are many mansions and he would define it as a building not made with hands eternal and in the heavens and so this picture is one that we can latch onto and go lord help me to not ever get to that place where i'm trusting religion don't let me rest in my church attendance don't let me rest in my giving don't don't let me rest in the fact you know i haven't missed a sunday and three weeks your bible reading plan as wonderful as all of those things are even necessary to your spiritual growth you come into church doesn't save you the blood of the lamb of god has saved you and without it you're not saved you don't have peace with god except for christ the son and if you have the son you have the father also plainly what the bible states he who has the son hath the father it's a package deal the grace that saves is the grace that keeps and so for these believers they had kind of gone off the mark a little bit began to think well you know maybe i do need to kind of work my way into this by the works of the flesh paul said is no one justified and so church you might be asking yourself what does this all mean it means do you know him personally that's what it means when people come and say well you know i'm religious i usually say i'm sorry i really am sorry if if your relationship with the lord has been reduced to religion because it should be an abundant life that is you abiding in christ living in the joy of the presence of the king of kings the lord of lords it shouldn't be obligation and duty while we certainly have obligations to the king because he loves us we should be obedient to what his word says but the thing that pervades my mind every day is jesus actually loves me he wants me and he made that possible by being my king of peace and my king of righteousness and so i'm happy to be a king's kid i'm happy to be in his kingdom one day we're going to get the full benefit of it amen that's going to be a good day don't you think and so you can't work your way there you're not going to keep yourself by works but you will show the lord how much you love him by the things that you do and so as you think on this mysterious character i pray that you'll be encouraged to lean on your faith rest in his love for all of his many benefits have come to you by faith it's not of you it's all of him amen would you stand and we'll close in prayer after service maybe you're here today and you've never invited christ into your life maybe maybe you're one of those people who you thought simple church attendance was the entrance examination to heaven can i just remind you it's not you have to believe on the only begotten son you have to invite christ into your life to be saved you have to confess him before men you need to believe on the only begotten son in order to have life and that life eternal we want to make that opportunity available to you today don't leave this building without eternal life don't leave as a religious person only to come back next week and be more religious leave in full relationship with the king of kings and the lord of lords and so i'm going to ask you to bow your heads right now [Music] i just want to make available to you maybe somebody came today and you came with a friend or your first time or you've never been to church before you're watching online and you're saying man i've been trusting religion [Music] i've been trusting my work and you want to have a relationship with the king of kings and the lord of lords that comes by receiving christ and you can do that right now and so i'm going to invite you if you want to know jesus personally you don't know him right now you've just been religious your whole life slip your hand up i want to pray with you right where you are lead you in a simple prayer to invite christ into your life anyone at all see that hand i see those two hands those three hands those four hands that hand see that hand over here to my left those hands here in the middle anyone else you want to know jesus personally today is the day of salvation see his hand in the front anyone else do it today tomorrow's not promised to you i i can't guarantee it no one else can but i'm telling you if you will believe on him you'll be saved your eternity will be secure and you'll have peace with god and you'll have righteousness in your account anyone else for those of you that raised your hands i'm going to lead you in a simple prayer just invite you from your heart to god's ears to simply speak these words to him they're not to me they're not to us they're to god the father through christ the son so just pray these words with me heavenly father i admit that i'm a sinner and i need a savior i'm sorry for the way i've lived my life i'm asking you to come into my life right now and forgive my sin i believe you jesus died on the cross for me [Music] and i believe you were raised three days later and because of that when i take my last breath i will also be raised i believe lord that you love me i believe you want me to spend eternity with you and i accept the offer of your grace and i'm giving you my life right now please use me for your glory write my name in the lamb's book of life lord jesus thank you for coming into my life forgiving my sin and making me your child let me ask this in jesus name amen welcome to the family of god [Music] you're online you can just simply text jesus to 888-777-6897 we'll send you some information get in touch with you by phone for those of you that are here today i'm going to invite you to go to the prayer room and tell somebody about your decision to follow christ if you have any questions we want to make sure they're answered if you need a bible we want to give one to you we want to get you plugged in to where you begin to grow in that incredible relationship that you now have with the lord we're so delighted that you chose today to step into the marvelous light and to be one of god's kids for us who are already saved remember the goal of the church is to make disciples that's what we're for that's why we're still here don't miss that tell somebody this week about the lord invite them to church just bring them out tell them about this marvelous king that loves them wants to spend eternity with them amen sing this together i will [Music] look is up above you i will bow down to tell you that i'm here to you jesus [Music] i will look back to see that you are faithful i look ahead believing you are [Music] you are jesus [Music] amen and amen walk in his peace walk in his righteousness tell somebody about him this week amen see you out on thursday night god bless you guys those of you that prayed please go to the prayer room i'm gonna make sure and meet with you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] flowing through these [Music] [Applause] [Music] who grace me [Music] from [Music] [Music] you're asking me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] may [Music] from [Music] me from [Music] [Music] how you say [Music] you sing on me [Music] ring the bells this time i mean it bid the hatred fairly well get back to pieces of my jesus take your counterfeit to hell bang the drums this means war not the kind you're waiting for we say mercy won't be rationed here that's what we're fighting for [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring move your feet you tiny people you've been hiding for so long behind your statues and your steeples does that hit too close to home oh i got faith to move a mountain and watch that mountain move it's time for words to fall like thunder the sun the just breaking through [Music] [Applause] [Music] to face a fortress i've seen the fall before with broken bones you've built it but it crumbles bored by bow [Music] we can't sing it loud enough we'll
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 139
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7fXHuP5HNsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 25sec (5425 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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