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people but some haven't seen this thing so you want to come before the lord with a heart of gratitude unto him amen mean to me god [Music] me [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me oh [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh on [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] walk [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] praise the name of the lord please wherever you are lift up your right hand unto the lord father this morning we want to bless and thank you for the gift of life for the abundance of your grace for making it possible for us to see this glorious beautiful and wonderful day thank you lord for bringing us into your presence to exalt your holy name to worship you to bless you to praise you and also to receive from you this morning oh god receive our sacrifices of worship and thanksgiving and we know that lord our lives in your presence shall never ever be the same we know this morning oh god we are about to have an encounter with you in the time of your weather and we know that by the end of this service our destiny shall never ever be the same we thank and bless you this morning in jesus name can i hear somebody shout and be given unto the lord hallelujah praise the name of the lord please you may be seated you may be seated hallelujah are we happy to be in chat this morning hallelujah please if you are happy to be in church this morning why don't you put your hands together unto the lord oh let's do it better let's do it better you are thanking god that he has made it possible for you to see another glorious beautiful and blessed day today is the last sunday of the month of september hallelujah gradually our god is bringing us to the end of the year and i know that he who has begun this glorious day in our lives and glorious year in our lives he will perfect it for us can i hear somebody shout a big amen unto the lord hallelujah and so we want to thank god for his goodness want to thank god for his grace we want to thank god for his mercies and for his love hallelujah maybe the past week may have been a challenging week for you you may have gone through so many things but thank god that this week beginning from today you are about to see the performance of the lord at work in your life if i have a witness shout a big amen unto the lord hallelujah and so we thank god for making it possible for us to see the last sunday in the month of september and i know that today god has a message for somebody and this person your life shall never ever be the same if you are the one shout a big man unto the lord hallelujah and so on behalf of our father and general vasya reverend steve mason want to welcome all of you to our first english service hallelujah those of you in the auditorium those of you watching us from any part of the country and any part of the world you are also welcome to the first service hallelujah and ladies and gentlemen our father in general reverend steve mensah is in the house hallelujah come on let's put our hands together for him hallelujah that you are welcome from your trip hallelujah let's put our hands together for him our first lady too is in the house come on put your hands together for her hallelujah praise the name of the lord reverend stanley is still out there and so we are trusting god that this week he and his wife also will be back home hallelujah and so all of you are welcome into the presence of the lord and i know that this morning you are about to have a glorious encounter with the lord and god shall give you a testimony if you are if you believe that shout a big man unto the lord hallelujah quickly we want to pray for everybody celebrating his or her birthday today or you celebrated your birthday in the course of the week but you are in chat today we want to pray for you want to commit your life your destiny into the hands of the lord or you are you are about to travel you want to you you you'll be embarking on some journeys this week i want to commit your journey you're traveling into the hands of the lord so whatever you are going to do god shall bless and prosper that thing for you hallelujah and so if today happens to be your birthday or you'll be celebrating your birthday in the course of the week i want you to rise up and come to the front quickly and let's pray for you or you'll be traveling now quickly come to the front and let's commit your life your journey and your destiny into the hands of the lord church let's put our hands together for them giving us the karma because we are rejoicing with them that are rejoicing hallelujah praise the name of the lord hallelujah those of you in front of please lift up your two hands unto the lord as we pray for you praise the name of the lord father we want to thank and bless you for all these ones who are celebrating their babies today and those who will be celebrating their birthdays in the course of this week and even those who celebrated their bad days in the course of last week we pray committing their destinies their lives into your hands we declare that lord let your hand of preservation let your hand of grace your hand of blessings be strong upon their lives on location of their birthday we pray for open heavens we pray for good health we pray that lord let them encounter your mercies as never before in their lives show forth your power and your glory in their lives in the form of challenge situation that is going on in their lives as they celebrate their bad days oh god father turn it around for their good in the name of jesus let not the will of the enemy oh god exact over the lives of these ones we pray that lord of forever your will will be established in their lives in the name of jesus whatsoever they are believing trusting you for we pray that on the occasion of their baby father let it come to pass in their lives in the name of jesus keep them and preserve them that next year by this time they will come into your presence to give you praise and to give you thanks and to exalt your holy name for those who are traveling we pray for jeremy messes we pray that lord you will carry them safely on your wings of eagle to their destination which so ever means of vehicle they would they would they would use to to for their journey we commit that vehicle into your hands pray that lord you will take absolute control over the journey and whatsoever they are going to do let it be blessed prosper nothing for them and when they are done with god bring them back oh god to their families and even to the fellowship to the church oh god and now the lord bless and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you the lord be gracious unto you the lord lift up his light of countenance upon you and the lord forever give you peace in jesus name we pray with thanksgiving amen happy birthday we wish you well on your journey church let's put our hands together for them oh let's do it better for them let's do it better for them hallelujah praise the name of the lord now we want to bring our offering unto the lord our first offender we are bringing them before the lord to everybody reach out for the offering power jesus and prepare your offering very well putting a very good offering into the pouches and pray over it pray over it give your offering an assignment that when your offering gets to the throne of his grace god shall descend with a miracle a blessing unto your life hallelujah so everybody package your offering very well and the pairs will be ministering to us and as they do so protocol ladies will stand in front of some in the middle and at the top and then you'll rise up from wherever you are come and drop in your offerings uh and i believe that as you do so the lord shall be a blessing unto your life and so ladies and gentlemen with a club offering unto the lord let's put our hands together as we welcome the prayers please let's put our hands together for them [Music] [Applause] [Music] the name of jesus [Music] i have another [Music] his name is salvation hey [Music] is [Music] me is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] the blind is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] his name is miracle [Music] praise the lord one more time the name of jesus [Music] is powerful it's glorious is mighty even when unbelievers are in danger they call his name when other religions and co are in crisis they call his name say man a couple of weeks ago there was a bed strike on klm in kotoka you know best strike means that beds enter the engine and so they have to do some skillful landing and there was a prophet in the in the in the plane and was telling me say reverend everybody in the play became a christian at once jesus jesus jesus jesus say amen we thank that the name is available to all believers unbelievers muslims anybody anybody who calls upon the name of the lord the bible says shall be saved amen hallelujah well we welcome ourselves back from the uk where i was i was invited by uh mr matthew to the kicc church to do what they call what we call mission sunday say amen and so i was invited in fact i had to current time for some five six days started the current time i was released and i went to there are two major churches one at whole street and then one at kent i preached there by the grace of god and the man of god took the microphone and raised a lot of money for our mission to bogatanga give it up for the lord it was awesome and then i went to uh uh hcc harmony christian center for sawadel and i also had a mission sunday and it was too much very powerful then i went to see milton keynes churches there the churches the pastors all annoyed with me so i've abandoned them for two years so i went there to to to believe god for them say amen and so we have officially launched the upper east crusade pastors conference youth explosion medical missions and day of help say man in the upper east region and they will never be the same again they will never be the same again so i will also use the opportunity to also launch it here so that we know that we are now ready for a major major moment uh missions and my mission director and his team were in uh bulgar because that is where we are pitching our tent then we coordinate about 125 towns and villages all across the place navarongo boku benvilla so many times that was mentioned they are all coming to be a very huge project to be a very huge mission but our god is able say amen our god is able and we will do that to the glory of god and so i want you to buy your head quickly for us to have a word of prayer father we thank you for your grace and mercies we thank you for the opportunity to save in the kingdom the opportunity to do your work and your will we ask that provisions shall be made and god who have begun a good work will perfect it in jesus name amen i want you to turn with me to the book of acts chapter 17. the book of acts chapter 17 it's a long scripture i want to carry shot i want to begin from verse five verse five of acts 17 this was when paul and his men have gone preaching uh preaching everywhere in the saline camp they went to amphipholis apollonia they came to thessalonica they went to the synagogue preaching and all that and then they preached christ onto the people and the people believed paul and salas and all the men were preaching the gospel of the kingdom verse five says but the jews which believe not moved with envy took unto them certainly with fellows of the base assault and gathered a company and set all the city on an aperol and assaulted the house of jason and sought to bring them out to the people and when they found them not the jew jason and setting brethren onto the rulers of the city crying these that have turned the world upside down i come here also of vida also and when they afford them not the jew jason and setting brethren to the rulers of the city i'm repeating the scripture verse 6 these that have turned the world upside down have come here also hallelujah they considered these men as people who have turned the world upside down of course you know that not the literal wealth have been turned upside down but they have affected the people so much and there has been a mass transformation of the lives of people and they are saying that they have come here also to tend this part of the world upside down may we be those that will be said of us that these who have turned the world upside down have also come to the upper east also say amen and next year november that is by this time we shall be going to the upper west we are taking ghana by storm and the world also by storm these that have turned the world upside down have come here also so our title my message is a very long one changing our world through the preaching of the gospel changing our world through the preaching of the gospel say i hear you pastor the bible declares in the psalms 22 verse 27 psalm 22 verse 27 all the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the lord all the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the lord and all the kindreds of the nation shall worship before thee this is the desire of god that the nations shall worship before him psalm 24 verse 1 the bible says the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and did that dwell in hallelujah the bible said the bible said uh in the book of matthew chapter number 4 verse 8 look at it matthew 4 verse 6 again the devil taketh him up into an exceeded high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and said unto him all these things will i give thee if thou will fall down and worship me and then say jesus unto him get the hand set up for it is written thou shalt worship the lord thy god and him only shall now save so originally god created the world the world that the world will save and the world will worship him but adam seeded his dominion mandate to the devil see amen seeded it by partaking of the fruit that brought the end of their era and so the bible said jesus came and bought back that dominion mandate and said to the church and to the disciples and to the ministry going in now into the whole world and preach this gospel onto every creature matthews matthew mark 16 15 go into the world and preach this gospel and bring back the world that the enemy has taken over the bible says the god of this world has blinded the minds and the eyes of them that believe not that the light of the glorious gospel may not appear to them so beloved the world we live in today has become more evil than before there is a lot of evil in our world say amen are you there so if there is any time in the history of the church that we have to be out there preaching it is now but i am told that out of the thousands of churches that we have particularly in our country only less than about five percent are out there preaching the gospel five percent it means that when you google our churches and everything we are all inward looking revival upon revival and breakthrough conventions and services and this is your prophetic time it's time for you or whatever whatever but very little is being done to win the lost in the world very little that is why those of us who by the grace of god our eyes have been opened and we are out there we have no time to slow down no time to relax but we have to turn our world upside down for christ those that have turned the world upside down have come here also see pastor i hear you the preaching is it the main work the main duty of the church is to preach the gospel when we are not preaching the gospel we have become jokers take a coupon set party say amen we have become entertainers we have become money shockers and money you see money factory don't want to say some things today people are not called people are not waiting to be called to come and do ministry people are calling themselves and the purpose of the calling is to wreak money people have gone to seek mediums so stress divineness sleeping with emotions and water spirits and casting spells if you turn on our television you see a lot of magicians have become prophets like you know some years ago you used to when you used to go to you see that there are magicians all over the place when i see more salmon when i say to say too when i say a regular all those people have vanished they are now wearing clericals so we have lost the vision the original work that god gave us through christ to the world that is the preaching of the gospel did i hear you the day we will stop preaching the gospel is the day we will stop living as a church because our preaching of the gospel transforms somebody's world you can somewhat some you see somebody is living in a certain world until he encounters the gospel if i give microphone to everybody here everyone here will testify the day your world was transformed through the preaching of the gospel everybody has a testimony that once upon a time somebody witnessed you you had a preaching on radio something you heard the gospel and your world was changed and you have been saved to save others with the preaching of the gospel i've told you this story before i want to repeat it again in 1976 the art bishop benson ahusa came from nigeria and came to hold a three days gospel at coming kumar's circle 90s i don't know where you were 1976. some of you were not born where is irene i remember 19 what 87 so when i was saying you're not born when were you born 86 when i was saved you were not born 93 oh you are latest crowd 93 83 1976 i gave my life to jesus at the coming comment cycle under the military of bishop benson idahosa he preached three messages and i will never forget those messages the lamp of god who taketh away the sins of the world when he finished preaching i went forward to accept christ the second day he preached on blind back to my house and i went for it to accept christ the second time then the teddy the woman with the issue of blood preached with miracles and i went for it to accept christ again to ask you that three times see amen and when i received christ that was the beginning of the change of my world my world was changed i remember standing at the foot of the platform my twin brother and i and i remember i remember clearly like yesterday i said to him this is what i want to do one day this is the preaching this what this guy is doing is what i want to do my work changed i didn't have my own visions my own dream or whatever this is what i'm going to do and since then my life has never been the same again i have trouble i was trying to list the countries i have traveled to with the preaching of the gospel i was surprised i was surprised when i started numbering them i've been to many many nations many many places if i were a teacher or whatever i don't know what i would have gone to sunglasses my work changed when i encountered the gospel so when somebody encounters the gospel his or her world changes the way he thinks the way his whole life is transformed so as we prepare to go to missions in the upper east preaching our tenth at burger the lives of those who will be coming from many how many towns are coming to the crusade 210 towns are coming to burga same at 210 tons name some of them do you have the names of some of them they are coming they will come and their lives will never be the same again their world will change then the believers there will say that though these who have turned the world upside down and come here also it's going to be a very very difficult mission it's going to be a very very uh whatever how many hours do we drive to the upper east huh 12 16 16 hours you come from there you have been there before 16 hours drive and i see you sitting in the luxury bars and driving 16 hours to go and preach the gospel what a joy say amen we also we are combining it with the day of help for persons with disabilities say i hear you pastor there will be at least 15 to 20 000 disabled people across the 210 tons and villages is going to be a very tough mission but i see the law prospering the work of our hands and i see us doing this i have friends coming from 11 countries togo nigeria ivory coast uk us haiti germany flying down for this mission say man say man our friends of mine have come with wherever we hear you are going we saw you on facebook at kicc and you have you have they have announced that you are going to missions to begin we are coming we are coming say amen the world is joining us to go through everything so let me tell you something is so it's so it's such a blessing that somebody is in his country yeah in his church his church has needs they have projects and programs they will forego their needs and protect the program collect money and come and support another church that is going to do our thing it intensity except god you see some of you are not coming because you have become used to you have become convicted over the 35 years when i'm preaching this it doesn't move you anymore but beloved people are excited to go and do convict tests buy their tickets do all kinds of things inoculation yellow fever yellow a very expensive ticket to learn in another person's country to travel 16 hours to another town just to preach the gospel doesn't that tell you something the bible says that in matthew matthew 24 verse 14 look at it look at it again matthew 24 verse 14 it says and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then the end shall come covet will not end this world it is the preaching of the gospel that shall bring the world to an end it is the preaching of the gospel saving the lives and souls of many that is when the end shall come and i'm happy that i am part of the end time move of god end time move of god to bring the gospel onto the lives of many when i finished preaching in kicc pastor magic called me into his office and said he said i have shipped to ghana was telling me did i have shipped to ghana 9 000 books costing over one hundred thousand pounds bibles and reading materials for the upper east people say amen it doesn't know what happened one gentleman said one of the most difficult things to to to to get easily is soup he has donated for the upper east region 10 000 gallons of soup yes go ahead and bring an example of the soup bring a sample of this let me say ten thousand for those men and women and children who are crawling who are crawling with their hands and knees on the hot sand in upper east because of lack of wheelchairs this gentleman has donated 2 000 wheelchairs one wheelchair passing seventy dollars for the upper east if you are not clapping you are not a grateful person if you are not happy then your world is not changed say amen 100 000 hand sanitizers 100 000 tissues are you there to change it you say let me tell you something it doesn't take much to change somebody's world his word can be changed through something very little that you do for him or he changes his world you just say what there are things there are this is the soup 10 000 pieces of liquid soup for every family in burger are you not happy is it 10 000 or more according to my beauty director the guy has brought another 5 thousand he said every home should have liquid soup it's a blessing when i was very young when i was very young i used to go to a catholic church one day the catholic priest gave me shogun wheat milk powder have you ever seen that thing before yeah so quit no francis did you get some of the wheat yeah i was eight or nine or so when i started receiving that if i was eight and nine i'm 60 how many years ago 52 years 52 years i received no powder that meant that i've eaten it and the milk has been flushed out of my system long time ago but i still remember that gift which means that the gift we are taking to these people there is no way they can ever forget it there's no way i want to thank god for the group in the church called the lifeline they are believing god to take care of all the magical mission of this dream give it up for the lifeline missions all the medicines or we are flying about 42 surgeons 42 sages will be flown to tamale and tribute to border and they will take over the uh whatever uh hospital and perform they say that they are believing god to perform at least four to five hundred centuries within that week some of this life is about to change then people are carrying heinous pointers pointers hernias and so many diseases that needs a surgery but i can't afford it but the presence of these doctors will change somebody's life are you coming because i want you to appreciate these men who are going to volunteer their services to help people that they have no delays i mean i'm not from the north i am from the util region utility to the north is how many hours of drive yeah i don't have a relative i have only friends who have from the north but there is not a greek nor jew male or female whatever for the lord is the lord god is rich unto all who call upon him see amen the women what's the name of the women what's your name helps ministry i believe in god to bring grace rice sugar gallery beans oil taste soup up to 500 000 pieces to the strip we are carrying over 32 tracks it's going to be the largest movement of trucks into one region in the history largest movement of trucks i'm excited i am too excited somebody a young man has built a big warehouse we didn't know where to put our things a young man came and said i have built a warehouse and i want to give the warehouse for free to receive the goods of mcgrath is it not a blessing so all these soups will begin moving will begin moving to be stored in that warehouse they will be shocked what is about to hit the town say amen there will be four nights of crusade myself and pastor marty will be preaching and i will preach the gospel there will be utter calls there will be healings and miracles we are carrying two shades of healing medical healing and divine healing if you escape divinely will catch you in the medicine say amen the devil will not escape our eyes whilst we are there am i talking to somebody here it is going to be wild depression and then we shall have we shall also have the day of another thing that we are going to do last year a certain gentleman during our day of health at the trade fest site he blessed us with how many 50 is he thirteen or fifteen thousand mattresses yes we give them all to people we change the sleeping places of people who are sleeping on cardboard fifteen thousand lives you see you know you sleep on the vono mattress tempur-pedic mattress temper mattress what again what about the latest foam ash foam i was king size queen size follow my dress had my dress but somebody sleeps with his children on a cardboard so a mattress changes their world a mattress a mattress and from last year the only mattress left with about 600 whatever i don't know whether i should call this man i said i need more matrix i don't know i would call him an ask anyway i'll call him i said i'm glad i could live at least forever i've come to ask for more but i'm not going to just rely we in this church are believing god to send at least five to ten thousand mattresses to the opera is it possible it's not possible yeah last year they gave us a mattress for 90 or 100 cities right yeah so we should provide about five thousand i'll ask the guy to give us five thousand we must provide five thousand so change somebody's world change somebody's sleeping position do good the bible says that do not be weary in well doing put the scripture there please but you will reap if you think not do not be weary if you don't be tired of doing good when i finish preaching at hcc harmony christian said when i finished preaching it was announced that that day was the day that they were packing clothings so i told them that i want to be part of the parking of the clothings this beautiful church that i went and preached in suddenly the church turned into a warehouse they brought clothings clothings i wore my masks all gloves stood i was wearing a three piece took off the jacket gave me a bottle of water i drank stuff stood on my feet three hours packing packing items the church people have brought and beloved if i tell you the things i packed that's my session alone you'll be shocked people's brand new items some of that i went to the shop whatever they brought clothes this beautifully because the pastor had wondered we are taking this to four people i don't want anything i don't people went there but i don't know beautiful we packed over big big big big bosses over 30 40 all over and they are shipping it from door to door they are bringing glories jesus said when i was naked he clothed me when i was hungry you fed me when i was tasty he gave me to drink when i was hungry you gave me food and when i was homeless he took me in these things transforms people's world there are things you see we are going to take about 20 000 buckets how much does this bucket cost five six series maybe but you see to a villager in the tip of some nothing but a bucket it's a blessing you know you shower [Music] you have hot and gold but somebody uses the bucket and walks and walks two much three months to go and fetch brown water to come and cook into kamehameha some of the buckets they are broken and they have to use thread to show the bucket so a new bucket changes her world these people are farmers some of them are serious farmers a class a bucket a lantern it's a blessing food food jesus fed 5 000 people he didn't give them grains he didn't give them back they didn't give them he just fed them with somebody's food a young boy who had brought his lunch their mother had packed jesus took that lunch and multiplied it and fed listen and fed over 5 000 people and it has been recorded for eternity is being reported you can't compare a meal just a meal with grains of food with mattress it means that we are doing more than what jesus even did it means that the the good works shall be for eternity it shall be for eternity this is apart from the fact that he has heard the preaching of the gospel his lives have been saved we are taking 10 000 bibles to give to people to read the scriptures most of the people say oh my eyes i can't see we are taking over 50 optharmic nurses ophthalmologists and people who can provide uh check the ice and give them reading glasses you have no excuse to downtown to read the bible to leave them with the word of god there are no there are no bibles in that part of our world there are no bookshops that sells bible but we are providing books and bibles 1 000 kicc bibles for one thousand pastors see man oh my god those that have turned the world upside down have come here also amen we are changing our world through the preaching of the gospel today there is a lot of agenda being pushed into the world transgender gays lesbians their rights now they want us to accept marriages of two ladies two gentlemen and some of you are planning to have that kind of marriage in this temple your vision shall not come to pass that dream will never be realized here that you are sitting with a gentleman who is your wife you are a gentleman and you are sitting with another gentleman that is your wife and you are planning that when the door is open and the law is passed you will marry here so there will be a gentleman adobe another gentleman walking down the air carrying flowers wearing gum one of my children said i said what is your biggest challenge in your school see my biggest challenge is that i see i see many ladies worships it means now a lady can go to a men's worship meeting to let his washrooms that is where our world has reached open open lesbian is open open and guess what they are succeeding they are pushing they are pumping money they are forcing our system to accept it and christians are relaxed and not preaching the gospel [Music] and the world is pushing their agenda into the into our system into our churches ascendance assemblies passing law to marry two ladies and two gentlemen i'm not against somebody who wants to whatever but the fact is that this is the house of god it is a clear abomination for us to have two guys marrying and it will not happen in my time and when i die and another minister accepts it i will resurrect from my grave and i will appear here and i will test that about that marriage have you look if jesus resurrected me that can resurrect the bible said that and when jesus was going to heaven the old saints were resurrected and they followed jesus which means that resurrection is possible if you have a reason when a soul went to the witch at endo someone appeared to to saul you know you know the bible yeah put it on the scriptures so when i'm lying my grave i'm lying abraham bosom i'm resting i'm happy and i see that now gays and lesbians are married in this church i will ask permission let me appear again so before the people are there you see that i will appear here and i will say that i'll come straight to the altar i'll come with case machine guns pistols and spray all these acts if you want to be a gay be again your house be a good whatever you want to be if that's the lifestyle you want to be with but you cannot bring it to the house of god you got to bring into the house of god so so the world has an agenda and she's pushing her agenda why should we be pushing we should also be pushing the gospel because the the bible says i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for the god of jesus is the power of god unto salvation unto them that believe the gospel is the power of god so the only way a gay person a lesbian transgender can be transformed is through the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom i love gays and i love lesbians i love them that they may be transformed through the preaching of the gospel because jesus loves them all jesus died for the believer and the unbeliever so i'm praying for the transformation of these people they need christ i'm not against them i love them this house was built for prostitutes gays lesbians that they may come in and hear the preaching of the gospel and be transformed so when you know when you feel a notable procedure coming to church rejoice without noticeable prostitutes if you see i'm rubber coming rejoice with him because he has come to the spiritual hospital where his soul shall be saved the day we stop having compassion on these people is the day we have stopped preaching the gospel say amen the woman the woman who met jesus at the well of samaria john chapter 4 the 29th verse they were preaching you know they were arguing the jews have no dealing with the samaritans blah blah and the the argument went on he said the messiah cometh and when he comes he will tell us all that we are ever did and jesus said i just speaketh to you i am that messiah say amen and the bible said and the bible said and he left his water pot at the world verse 39 verse 39 he says and many of this is he he left his other part of the world and the bible said and he went into the city and said to all the men come to the world and come and see a man who has told me all the things that i ever did this is not the christ and he went throughout the whole loss he became and he her world changed and she became an evangelist associate evangelist to jesus and she went everywhere and started preaching john 4 25 he says the woman said unto him i know that the messiah cometh which is called christ when he is come he would tell us all things jesus said unto her i don't speak unto thee i'm here and upon this camera disciples marvel that he talked with the woman yet no man said what's he cast down why tucker's down with them the woman then left a water pot left over and went away into the city and said unto the man come see a man who told me all the things that i ever did it's not this the christ then they went out to the city and came unto him in the meanwhile his disciples prayed him saying master it and he said unto them i have me to eat that you know not therefore said the disciples one to another had any man brought him up to eat jesus unto them my meat ever received my meat my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work say not here there are yet four months then cometh harvest behold i say unto you lift up your eyes look on the fields for they are white to be harvested the woman's life the woman's life was transformed her whole world changed her perspective a woman with five husbands and now with this her life changed and she started preaching the gospel and brought a whole city to the sumerian world gospel changes the lives of people her world changed the woman with the alabaster box when she came to jesus she started whipping crying and washing uh and cleaning jesus hair jesus fit with the hair and they will say this woman is a sinner this superman if this rabbi a trooper you know that this rumor is a prostitute he's a sinner jesus said leave him alone for she has route a good works the prostitute who has come to whip on the feet of jesus has done a good job and leave it alone for is then jesus said what she has done wherever the gospel shall be preached her name will be mentioned today i am mentioning the woman for what she did her world transformed jesus did he drive her away because she was a prostitute jesus accepted all the tears on the feet of jesus see amen the woman who was caught in adultery people came to study have you seen somebody's stone before to death it's one of the most painful form of death they caught the woman in the very act of adultery and they brought her to jesus this woman was caught in the very act john chapter 8 reading from verse 3. and the bible said they said according to the lord but this one must be stoned jesus said anybody who has no fault to have nothing to hide stone this woman it's the same way here if you have nothing to be if you haven't committed any crime then drive away sinners will come to church because you sitting down you need mercy to go to heaven because some of you are coming from your boyfriend's house from yesterday night your boyfriend came to drop you after they have defeated the night i brought you here this morning [Music] what did you do yesterday before you came here this morning speak the truth what did you do yesterday night before you came here this morning where did you who dropped you which home are you coming from you are no more in your house you are your boyfriend's house your brazier and panties are hanging in the bathroom if i follow you now i'll go in city there are condoms in the drawings [Music] but by the message of god you are here the presence of god hasn't killed you in his in the house and then i worry now why i said misses but before we were here you don't know before the year misses today now what were you what were you doing before you can became amazing don't be shy it's the message of god that you are here save so don't drive away and stone sickness don't drive away sickness and stun them for the mercies of god leads to repentance we are all saved by grace not of our works at least any man should boast so these pharisees were ready to stun the woman to death but when jesus spoke the left and jesus said where are your accusers sir i don't know where they are he said have they not yet condemned thee neither do i also condemn thee go and sin no more her world changed because if he had him before the intervention of jesus they would have stolen her to death have you seen a man dying of of of of stones it's a very painful form of death but her world changed because of jesus zacharias was a notorious tax collector very corrupt just as they are legend that people are calling today i don't know but they said somebody corrupt is it true it's not true look what is it look 90 put it there and the bible said and she climbed a sacramento tree the sacrament with that exactly we went to israel where they saw that dream it's a very funny tree i don't know whether it's the original or something whatever but we saw they said this is where zacchaeus jesus said jesus said zacchaeus calm down for today i want to be in your house and jesus went to the house of zacchaeus people were angry if jesus knows who this man is he wouldn't have gone there but jesus went there preached to zacchaeus say amen and zacchaeus said half of my goods half of my stolen goods i give to the poor and if i have if i have been accused of any fraudulent deal i restored to that person four times over look at what jesus said and jesus said to him this day is salvation come to this house for as much as it's also a son of abraham this day is what salvation so salvation transformed the world of success there are notorious uh corrupt people and people who are very bad you see the gospel is the only weapon is the only power that takes a gun an atlas from an armed robber without struggle the person would lay down his tool without struggle and come to his i have seen notorious bandits come to give their life to jesus christ because of the preaching of the gospel the gospel is the only message that can transform our world all the whatever stop this stuff that is not working because man is a sinner by birth it is only the salvation message it's only the resurrected christ his blood is the only power that can cleanse a sinner and save his soul we can change our world through the preaching of the gospel you have a sister the sister is very wild you are trying to change the sister she will not change accept the preaching of the gospel preach the gospel to your sister preach the gospel it's easy my father was a very notorious person very very proud and very very arrogant very very proud of every arrogant you can't advise my father when he was alive through the preaching of the gospel my father became sober my father my father changed my mother couldn't believe that your father has changed he said you know your father has changed if your father has changed you mean there is hope for everybody my mother couldn't believe that my father has changed came to the house and saw my father and my father will be sitting in the house and we see we see adverts rolling they will be preaching every day when they asked my wife to call me i said do you live in this house because i see you preaching everywhere people will come to my father with problems say have you talked to my son talk to my son he has the solution to your problems yes that's what my father used to do people who brought him probably my family probably said go and talk to my son but before hey one day my father heard that i was preaching i was preaching at lego with all night and two people came saying fabian have you heard what your son is doing my son what is he doing he's preaching he's speaking to who's who is listening to my son who is listening to my son have you been to the separation who made him a priest it got to him so much that he came to the cafeteria when he gave the police was damned full power of god preaching things happened then then he said well there's no seed for him at the cafeteria then they said the pastor was preaching that is his father when he said that he allowed him he came and sat in the middle somewhere power of god fell into the auditorium people were falling left and right when we closed my father walked like this he said who taught you all these things who taught you all these things that was the beginning of his transformation he was transformed became he sought power he showed naked power all over the place i was in an element the power of god everywhere they were carrying human beings everywhere who taught you all these things that was the beginning so there are people who are ready to be transformed if they hear the gospel of jesus christ and how romans 10 14 never forget the scripture romans 10 40 look at it it says romans 10 14 romans 10 14 romans 10 14 how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not had and how shall they hear without a preacher let's face and how shall they preach except the descent you have to send the preacher not all of us will go to the opposite not all of us are good with anger send us don't send us with empty hands send us with buckets with mattresses with food with clothings with so many things so that when we are finished preaching the gospel we will cement the message of love with a gift a gift that will transform the lives of the people with this i declare our mission to the upper is julie launched i declared that bogatanga for christ is a goal i declare that we are going there to preach the gospel we shall lack nothing we shall come back with press report with this i declare that all the resources finances that we need has been provided and the preaching of the gospel will transform life god bless you and i love you all [Music] when he caused me i will i [Applause] [Music] when he calls me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] be oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] your is hands are lifted to the lord begin to pray that the lord will use you as a vessel upon him to preach the gospel of the kingdom to preach that the lord will use you to transform somebody's world shall begin to pray right yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus father we commit ourselves one more time to you use us as vessels to turn somebody's world around use us as a tool of change in the lives of somebody individually in our homes in our communities in the lives of the people we know help us to preach the gospel of the kingdom and help us above all to travel into the city of burger link up with other people for the preaching of the gospel in jesus name amen give the lord almighty as somebody are you happy you came please be seated some of the places will be going will be navrongo yakime bongo congo wicargo a telepathy zary and so many places say man hallelujah so many places people we don't know and so we want to believe god to reach out to these people and number one if you want to go to the bulgar mission it's november 15th to the 20th november 15th to the 20th when you go out there you see the banner the banner that i should has been lifted there go there if you want to if you want to go register your name register and write there are two times there are two areas you can come you can come to the crusade itself and help with the distribution of clothings food and things you can also come for the day of help like we did in tamil some people came only for the day of help those of us who are going close church like this and then after the church service you'll be on your way to burger you arrive the following day in the morning those of you are coming for the day of help you leave here on thursday morning arrive on thursday we finish day of help on friday and you travel back we may break a crowd but do it for the lord say amen and so register today uh there will be two sheets one for the crusade and the other one for the day of help so write just register your name with your phone number because we are going to build a strong whatsapp group and give you informations and things we are believing god to be there to do god's work today i want you to look for the envelope that is that is the christ to the real world envelope and today i want you to give you a fair seat your first seed we are believing god for 5 000 mattresses a mattress is like 100 cities you can sow that seed today sow a seed for one cutlass six we want to take five thousand cutlasses to give to farmers we have so many things we want to take some of you a part of this church knows very well that know very well that we uh we we carry these things now look there's an envelope here look at it it's a name lupine for christ crusade it's here it's in your pouch show your face write a check of one thousand write something do something you haven't done for a long time show a seat inside this envelope you'll be giving all these envelopes plus the title you have brought plus whatever you your commitments are today we need the ties to continue to pay salaries and pay utilities it means that bring your tithe or whatever commitment you have and then everybody as i have launched uh this mission everybody look for this envelope everybody everybody write a check upstairs downstairs look for some money look for a thousand look for a hundred every week pay something every week give something every week give something until we leave and i want to ask all the lifeline ministry ministers uh i'll see you at the at the lounge and then all those of you who will register to go to burger either the day of hell for the crusade i will see you in front of the bookshop after the service after the service i look at it write a check write something no amount is too small or too great if you buy a bucket you should buy a catalog a bucket is five cities a catalyst is 16 series a mattress is a 100 cd something everybody those of you watching me online those of you watching me around the world you can register online to be part of this mission you can give online indicate it is for the bulgar mission for the burger crusade everywhere online everywhere listening to me china russia everywhere uk us all our online watches thousands of people watch us online on twitter instagram you are part of this mission if you love jesus you will give to machines on this envelope when we close go to the decks and register write your name and your number and leave it write your name and number and leave it you can take a piece of paper right if you don't follow the queue write your name and your number and leave it and just leave it on the table there will be guys at the table there to receive you take notes this time we are doing three dimensions of ministry steven stalin community outreach is for the towns it's for the city's communities casual arrival is for the villages day of health for the disabled people this one is a combination of christian aurora castle and the day of help for persons who are disabled say amen this year by december uh listen to this we are breaking grounds for the cm ability village say man breaking ground we are breaking up my faith bringing that will build houses for these disabled people is going to be our legacy as a church so take note to take the envelope apart from all that you are giving give this one very important so that we start our missions i'm going to ask the choir to give us a song we'll receive these offerings and i'll come back and close the service [Music] [Music] bye [Music] um [Music] king of the angels my jehovah [Music] to you my healer my provider [Music] my [Music] how i belong to you [Music] me [Music] [Applause] belongs to [Music] [Music] to you [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the blood [Music] of the uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hallelujah can we put our hands together for them do it better somebody is saying they need your own fruits right now i tripped on my staircase during the week so a bit of injury it is amen well charisma ladies in the house are we here charisma ladies this morning we want to do a small presentation to our sister ivy adjac this is the wife of our late brother derek who was part of her pastoral protocol as her customers we do a donation to the widow so the young lady and her three children if i have the charisma ladies executives can you kindly join me very quickly as we do this it's not easy to lose a loved one a man especially at this young age with three children we want all the charisma ladies to stand and support this young lady along with the others who have lost their spouses we have quite a number of them please let's rally around them let's support them and show them all the love and care amen on behalf of our charisma ladies group our finance lady aca we're presenting you with 3100 it's just a token this is for you tell you we love you we care about you let us know what is going on with you okay god bless you if you're here and you haven't registered with us you can also go to the information desk put down your name and your number and you'll be on our platform amen very quickly we have the bands of marriage between dr albert echol ahen of lata house glory center matayeku and dr natali attested or sam oh yes she told me sorry she told me she was on duty this morning so that's their picture up there you can see it they are both doctors she's the daughter of one of our protocol gentlemen a founding member of the church mr koto that is his daughter and that's the young man coming to get married to her they'll be here next week they're getting married on the 16th of october 2021 the venue is right here the rehoboth temple and the time is 12 30 pm so please take notes then between mr mordecai kojo makini of assemblies of god church fesi and miss madeleine hannah the now of sam i'm glad you came today you've been avoiding us so i'd like to see you after church okay they are getting married on saturday the 2nd of october 2021 the venue would be the jubilee hall and the time is 1pm so take note friends and loved ones you've seen the picture up there you've seen the young couple standing before us if anyone knows of any reason why they can't and shouldn't get married please let us know our quote today interesting though marriage is not a shoe to be purchased amen it is not a shoe to be purchased that means that when you buy a shoe and you are tired you can throw it away marriage is not like that you don't marry and you are tired from me miso or banana sugar and throw them when you do that what happens to the children trapped in between you need to ask yourself god in his wisdom made it a covenant and that's not a contract if it was a contract a lot of people would not renew it at the end of the year they won't renew the contract they'll be waiting they won't even talk they'll be quiet at the end of the year say no i'm not renewing this contract amen but god knows it will bring harlem it will bring problems and a society going to the dogs if you could just get up and walk out like that amen so he made it a covenant we are not supposed to just get up and walk out matthew 19 7 says they say unto him who is the hymn to jesus himself why did moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away he said unto them moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not true so reading the scripture it was not jesus who permitted that he said in the beginning it was not true amen this is jesus response to what the question the disciples were asking him so that is the mind of god concerning the marital relationship if you are married here the older it gets the better it should be the older the marriage gets the better it should be because by now you should have found common ground you know what you all don't like you know what can improve the relationship you know the no-go zones so if the older it gets the worse is becoming then there's a problem amen it's like mixing paints when you are mixing three or four even two colors of paint you realize that initially it's mucky it doesn't it doesn't mix well doesn't look good middle state of it you even see the resistance the color doesn't want to mix eventually it blends and becomes one beautiful color that is the same with the marriage amen so you by a certain stage you must understand your rhythm as a couple and not somebody else's a lot of people are ruling their marital lives but what is happening in somebody's house oh their children are doing this oh no no no it's not a competition amen it's not a competition god's destiny in every household has been defined there will never be two of the same stop comparing your daughter to somebody else no her destiny is different stop comparing your son who is not doing well to somebody's son who is getting grade a and b's it's not the same amen my son used to be first from the bottom in class today he's stopping his class to be a pilot if i if i had given up if i was complaining what would have happened to that boy i got to a time i don't even look at his report because i know what to expect but god turned it around god will turn your situation around amen to the young ladies here i have a burden to tell you you are not a shoe to be tried amen yes too long too big too white why any man who wants to marry you should come for it boldly i marry if you have messed around before it's okay neither will i condemn neither would jesus condemn you we have what we call secondary virginity from today tell yourself no more no more young lady no more if you want to marry me come see my pastor come see my parents and do what is right god bless praise the lord please take note of the announcement restoration service comes on this evening with reverend john cato at the jubilee hall from 6 pm to 8 p.m word of life service comes up this wednesday with reverend charles arfili at the jubilee hall at 6 pm prophetic encounter service comes off this thursday with prophet daniel potoufi at 9 a.m at the rehoboth temple marriage prayer service comes on this and every thursday from 6 pm to 7 pm at the jubilee hall marriage counseling session comes on this and every thursday at 6 pm at the grace chapel friday morning travailing ah comes on this and every friday from 10 am to 12 noon at the jubilee hall the friday evening prayer and prophetic service is from 6 30 p.m to 8 30 p.m and the venue is the rehoboth temple midnight cry comes on this friday from 12 midnight to 4 am next week sunday the 3rd of october 2021 is our communion and thanksgiving service members are encouraged to prepare their hearts minds spirits and also tights thanksgiving offerings and all other financial commitments as we come and dine with the lord registration for the 2021-2022 second batch of the school of ministry is opened all church members who haven't been to the school should register at information dex b after close of service orientation with reverend steve mensa is on monday 27 september 2021 at the crystal hall at 6 p.m all registered candidates must attend without fail cem youth ministry invites all church members between the ages of 15 to 27 years to join the youth ministry service every sunday 7 30 am for first service and 9 45 am for second service the youth ministry meets at the jubilee hall cem youth ministry one love one family and finally letter of appreciation to the general overseer we the zugli and megashi families of the volta region wish to thank the general overseer and his deputy the pastoral team members of the protocol department and all members of the charismatic evangelistic ministry for joining us to lay our beloved mother to rest on 4th september 2021 at amariah accra your strong physical presence despite these abnormal times donations prayers and messages of condolence give us all we needed to overcome our grief we say thank you and god richly bless you all sincerely merci vivian and megashi thank you and have a blessed week well it's um 9 35 and it's time for us to close by before we go we have two guests uh in the house i will bring them up to come and bring you greetings in a minute and then we'll share the benediction very close remember that uh another canopy there the burger mission is there go ahead and register your name if you want to go to burger for day of help and also for the crusade there will be two sheets there you can somebody said if i'm in stephen stanley can i say yes if you're interested in that you can also join there but you are serving a different capacity when you travel to burger so please write your name and your phone number and then when you finish i will meet you guys in front of them in front of their bookshop for a short rotation because next week monday we will begin our preparation those of you who are classical members already you still need to register we want to know how many people are going so that we um we prepare accommodation as such so whether you've been traveling with us or not register again so we prepare accommodation well we have reverend doctor aguero c dk he's the president and caribbe is president caribbean and african faith-based uh to the white house leadership conference there is a faith-based cabinet officer to the white house he is also here on the faith-based leadership tour in west africa and east africa so reverend dr aguero uh see dk is here i want you to him to come and bring your greetings in a minute let's welcome him and on to the second one please be here my brothers and sisters in christ friends let me greet you in the wonderful name of jesus greetings special greetings to all the leaders and members of this charismatic evangelistic ministry here in accra ghana and i especially want to recognize the senior servant of this house reverend steve mensah correct and your first lady and other leaders i also want to recognize with me dr charles benin who is with me who formally made the introduction to your pastor who formally introduced us i am reverend dr goram dk the president and founder of the caribbean and african faith-based leadership conference based in the united states of america and i'm currently here visiting west africa and east africa on a tour to look at the work faith communities are doing to help to build capacity and to make connections with faith leaders and agencies such as the world bank faith-based office uscid and most importantly to share with our diaspora what you do to look at opportunities for partnerships and to share with the white house fifth faith-based cabinet offices it's a joy to be here and i must say that i am deeply inspired if you permit me since no one is near i am deeply inspired um by the ministry of your pastor i love when i see ministry evangelism combined with social outreach and one of the things that i admire about this ministry is the ministry to the excluded and the discarded when you minister to people like the disability that's a big thing for us in the united states of america because those that are handicapped with down syndrome and disability are often neglected but the scripture reminds us that as you do unto the least of these you also do unto me one of the things that the caribbean and african faith-based conference does we bring leaders from africa and caribbean to washington to participate in a white house briefing but to also give them an international award for outstanding and transformational leadership i'm not yet saying whether your pastor will be invited but i can say that the work he has done and what we have seen he is more than qualified i am truly moved and inspired because you are engaging in ministry from medical mission to hygiene to health treatment to food nutrition charities and what i like about what i hear your pastor share is ministry to the villages many want to come and minister to the city and it's like god only called people to the capital but what i sense in this place is that you have a passion for those who are in the city and in the place where many forget i hear the names of so many villages and i wish i would have the chance to visit them so it's my first time to accra ghana our west african director died and i was in nigeria for the funeral and i was led to just go on a tour and this week i leave to nairobi kenya and some other places i was in syria leon um a week ago i was in nigeria i'm supposed to go to liberia but it's a joy and another thing i love ghana ghana is a place where people are friendly full of love and somebody once said that god lives in ghana and i believe them because truly you feel at home here and i feel at home here in charismatic evangelistic fellowship because one thing i know for sure is that there is good preaching there is good singing and most important there is an apostolic anointed presence in this place so i want to encourage you to pray for us and we will look at opportunities in how we can partner may god bless you and may god continue to shine his face upon this ministry and keep up the good work charismatic evangelistic fellowship one more second pastor i am deeply inspired by that message changing the world through the preaching of the gospel i am longing for such a word that revitalized my own call to ministry the call and the core of my calling is evangelism and my doctoral work was in opportunities and models for multicultural evangelism and so i have a deep passion for global evangelism and global ministry but importantly social justice and social outreach and you have it all in this place so you know that when i come to ghana i am always going to visit charismatic evangelistic ministry god bless you and may god continue to be with you god thank you very much reverend dr gauram c dk for those kind words may the lord guide your thoughts and your conviction to do what you can to help the underprivileged i want dr charles to come and say hi quickly then we close the service dr charles come and say hi greetings to all of you i salute the father of the house with my father and mommy as well i'm one of your own i'm a ghanaian my name is has been mentioned is dr charles benin i'm the ceo of triple grace consultant what we do essentially is to identify investment opportunities in africa and introduce him to the advanced countries just to bring foreign direct investment back onto the continent i was here a couple of years when the project that has god has laid on that heart was outdoored here and i felt there is a rule i can play to make it see the light of the day dr dk where is coming from they have funds for humanitarian or social intervention projects and he's been my brother friend for so many years anytime i visit the state we interact so when he said he was coming to ghana i thought it was an opportunity for me to connect him to that and see how he can use his connections exposure and all what he has to contribute to this wonderful project so that's why i'm here god bless you you'll be seeing me here and i'm delighted to be here thank you thank you very much dr charles and your friend aguero you're welcome protocol please make sure when we close take them to the uh dining room for us to have some breakfast and talk some more shall we rise now and close the service so we can make way for the second service don't forget uh there'll be a two minutes time of worship for those of you misworship for no reason of yours and then you can register out there if you want to go to burger you want to go today of help they'll be there to help you and um i want to thank god for pastor mike who was watching our backwards who are aware for your work for your preaching and last week too we had a friend of mine preaching here thank you for that three days uh prayer uh convocation that we had here it was very powerful we're following you where we are like you said pakistani to be in town maybe like wednesday and then we'll continue with the work your hands are lifted from thee three on to the rim he's on me shall [Music] upon you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace peace within thy world and prosperity within my palaces go in the peace of god and change somebody's world through the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom god bless you all please exit the building to make room for the second service if you want to have some time of worship please go out there and register and take some more envelopes to go and look for more funds for us god bless [Music]
Views: 749
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6hzvhImvDNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 27sec (7947 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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