Sunday 10AM Service

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[Music] hey listen [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] is [Music] me [Music] together [Music] put it back together [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] god we love you god we praise you there's nobody like you god we pray that you will have your way within this service if the mighty name of jesus and touch your people hallelujah the bible says in john chapter 4 verses 23-24 yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks god is spirit and his worshipers must worship in what in spirit and in truth now somebody lifts up the name of jesus we serve a worthy god anybody come to worship the name of jesus anybody come to worship him i'm gonna put your hands together like this come on become the gift god i worship come on [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] that i cannot even tell at all [Music] god [Music] god [Music] [Music] so much that i cannot tell [Music] we lift you up jesus i won't be quiet i won't be still i'll keep on dancing because your love is [Music] [Music] come and lift up the name of jesus come afraid i'll bless your name i bless you god you've been so so faithful that's why i bless your name i'll bless your name [Music] god you are so [Music] shall i bless you can i get away cause i will bless the lord is somebody give god some glory come on and bless the name of the lord somebody bless the name of jesus hallelujah did you come to worship did you come to lift him up hallelujah somebody said i'll do it forever more and right now it's an opportunity to exalt him come away your hands are lifted just begin to offer the fruit of your lips come on hallelujah simple song says come on this our declaration this morning come on victory say i will be [Music] that's the whole song come on victory lift your voice and declare i will [Music] you're the great i am [Music] now let's be clear let's talk about it come on you're my hiding place my hiding my safe refuge my treasure lord you are my friend and [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my god let's declare i will say [Music] if it's the last thing i do i will to the great i am you are my god [Music] now let's declare this with faith come on say because you're with me [Music] i [Music] you're with me [Music] and because you're with me i will [Music] [Applause] is there anybody filling the strength of the lord's head again because you are with me hey goodness and mercy follow me because you are with me i can feel your presence i'm here to declare i [Music] my my treasure lord yes you are you're my friend and king and you are the anointed one [Music] you're my treasure you're my treasure and what a friend we have in jesus name i find security yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are my god can we offer up the highest praise come on [Music] offer it all over this place come on [Music] [Music] [Music] you are worthy and we give it to you and we offer it to you you are you are my somebody offer it to him somebody offer it to him hallelujah [Music] [Music] to the king of kings [Music] everybody declare hallelujah because you are worthy [Music] one more time from your heart lift those hands say holly [Music] lift up the praise in this place [Music] hallelujah [Music] one more time hallelujah [Music] because you're worthy of the praise [Music] now give him the greatest praise come on give him the greatest praise come on give him the greatest praise not the greatest clever somebody open your mouth and give him the greatest praise that he deserves hallelujah jesus sometimes family is more than who you related to it's the people who supported us who gave us hope when we were down it's what the staff at dupage care center became for their long-term care residents during the most perilous times of the pandemic i will tell you some of my darkest days were thinking of the residents stuck in their rooms and i really went up and down whether i could continue to do this but i knew that the work recreation therapy was doing was so mean of meaningful and we had to keep going and we had to keep coming because we were what was going to help them get through this susan collins and her recreation therapy team sprang into action to uplift resident spirits they worked tirelessly to keep residents connected to their families and engaged with one another during a season that often felt hopeless they understand the power of relationships according to a harvard study on adult development people who are isolated have an increased risk of declining health in later years however those who fare the best embrace relationships with family with friends and with community that's why victory is coming together as one global family to support others in chicago and atlanta through our gya give yourself away outreach ministry this month by connecting with dupage care center the pearl of naperville roseland place senior complex and hope atlanta 850 family members will experience love connection and support through critical care supplies and messages of hope victory will provide at victory families matter and giving to gya makes a difference text get the victory get the victory bc get the victory vc or get the victory atl to our new text to give number 833-811-7677 select the giving link enter the amount and gift type be sure to select gya outreach in the drop down menu if it's your first time giving you can enter your payment details then simply confirm your gift you can also cash out get the victory by downloading the app in the apple or google play store remember to tell us it's a gya gift in the memo thank you for your generosity grab your bibles i don't have long come on i can't stay here too long acts the second chapter verses 42 through 46 and i'm going to be reading from the new international version acts the second chapter verses 42 through 46. when you found it i need you to shout hallelujah acts the second chapter verses 42 through 46 and i'm reading from the new international version this series is called link up it's called link up and i looked in the urban dictionary to find out what they had to say about it just to make sure that i had a positive connotation in place and the definition that they give in the urban dictionary is to meet up it is to gather together or to assemble and so my prayer is that by the conclusion of this series this month that you are unadulterated and passionate that you are intentional and purposeful about meeting up linking up connecting with one another we're gonna deal with something on today that i know is necessary in the body i know especially after a pandemic this post-pandemic era where we're coming on the other side of all the things that we have had to encounter and endure in the last three years we're not completely out of the woods yet so uh please be clear and be careful that we still got some work to do some time to wait and some things to go through and some caution to exercise are y'all with me i see y'all with me i can praise god that y'all see y'all are with your pastor thank y'all i ain't got to go no further but you know what i'm talking about amen thank you so much and i praise god that we are in one on one accord today and we are linked up in the spirit of god it is important that we link up in god's grace and in his spirit that we are connected to one another what good would the hand be alone from the rest of the body what good would it be for me to remove a leg to take off a foot set it on a shelf and what good does the body benefit as a result of that distance it does not have benefit it is actually a deficiency until it becomes the strength of god on your deficiencies and so god gave us the ability to be completely efficient that we are many members but we are part of one body red yellow black white ukrainian american come on somebody we are many members but we are part of one body i saw on social media that there were some ukrainian christians believers in jesus christ that were gathered together linked up worshiping god in the middle of their warfare you want to find strength to make it through you want strength to endure sometimes it's not just you that's going to be enough because you need the two to three the four the five you need to chase 10 000 and you need to chase millions of demonic principalities away from your region your aerial section your community your block your house your bank account i'm just gonna be real with y'all today sometimes you gotta get the devourer in check sometimes you need to link up with other believers just to find your strength their strength in numbers are y'all with me life is so much better when we are together linka acts second chapter reads as follows this is a conversation or this is the depiction rather of the early church the formation of the church in the book of acts you'll see them testify and talk about all of the phenomenal things that god is doing and has done and continues to do through them and you'll see in this particular passage how they have unified together and as a result of them unifying together they experience some phenomenal things and we're going to deal with those things on today they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship somebody say fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer say to breaking bread and prayer everyone everyone said with me everyone everyone was filled with all at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles and all the believers were together and all the believers were together all the what would happen in this world if all the believers got together i mean if all the believers were really together [Music] if my people which are called by my name would turn from their wicked ways seek my face humble themselves and pray then we would even hear from heaven and he would heal the land if all the believers were together verse 44 again and reading on it says and and they had everything in common in other words they shared look at the selfish people on your own and say share that means they think you selfish so i just need you to prove them wrong today in verse 45 they sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had a need they sold property and possessions to gya [Music] in verse 46 every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts they broke bread in their homes ate together with glad and sincere hearts [Music] god i ask for your grace upon this moment it is your tender moment that you have assigned to us to experience together today we realize that the theme or the title of the topic that we're dealing with is called linka where we recognize that there is no linking with each other if we have not linked with you and so i i plead god our prayer our petition is that you give us the capacity to be united in fellowship first and foremost with you through christ jesus that as a result the love of god becomes so strong it permeates our being to such a magnificent degree that we have no choice but to extend that love towards others help us to recognize that the enemy has played a dangerous game of divide and conquer and he has especially amplified his efforts over the last three years but he loses and we win because we have gathered in this place we are assembled around our devices watching around the world together on one accord and we are grateful for what you are about to do so speak to us speak to the areas that need us that need you the most speak to the areas god where we're hurting the most and speak peace love healing restoration and power in jesus name we claim it receive it and believe for it and let the redeemed of the lord we have a heart to believe god in advance don't wait for your neighbor shout hallelujah and amen you may be seated in the presence of our incredible god we are going to link up we are about to link up this month the devil he should have gotten us before we got to this series whatever he was going to do he's better he's about to meet his his his his demise and the force that is going to come against him we are linking up in the spirit of god under the power of god on the word of god and there is nothing more dangerous and more deadly to the deadly than a believer or group of believers who are on one accord i don't know if you remember or recall what uh just dropped in my spirit i thought i'd share it with you i'm a fan of samford and son anybody remember sanford and son or even seen the wetv reruns or you know san the funniest of francisco the funny red fox was funny but fred samford was funny too frank sanford would always he would be cantankerous and mean and rude and sometimes belligerent and sometimes he was even bigoted and you know everything that the bible speaks against everything that the bible tells us not to do and not to be fred sanford found a way to be it but there was a force there was a force that on numerous occasions they would assemble together and whenever they dawned the door or darted the screen you knew that esther and her sisters were on the scene even fred had to back down and turn around and try to avoid evade and escape esther and the prayer band that would show up at the door and they come in worship it they come in with tambourines they come in singing and dancing and they would literally begin to rebuke fred or the spirits that were consuming him and it never failed that fred didn't back down from anybody he not even esther he would take shots at esther when she was by herself but when all of them showed up even fred would have to sit down be quiet or leave the room there is something powerful about when the people of god get on one accord and begin to decree and declare the victory of god in any situation or any circumstance you've got to know that we are better together as a matter of fact i'm going to help you feel better right now and you don't even know it i need you to just let out the best praise you have for the next 10 seconds do it together in jesus name here it is here it is demons are trembling the enemy has to flee your children are going to be all right don't worry about them your situation is gonna work itself out it's already turned around in the heavenlies you just waiting on the earthly don't stress over the folk on your job it's already worked out in jesus name what are you waiting on you've got victory so give god what he deserves together [Applause] i feel better already i feel some stuff in my house about to make a an increase i feel god i'm about to shift some things i feel better already i don't know if you feel it but i feel it in the atmosphere it's some believers in this house i told you you feel better when we are together there is power in connection when my sons were younger they had a natural propensity for autonomy or independence it's not something that i wanted to curtail it's not something that i wanted to diminish or even stop in any way because i've always wanted them to be independent autonomous men my dad used to say all the time about his three boys he said i didn't raise any boys i raised three men and he was an advocate for our independence and our autonomy my mother was as well she says you're going to be independent you're going to be able to cook clean sow sweep mop dust make your bed up wash your own underwear iron your own stuff she wanted independent men so together they made an incredible team teaching us independence and i re i remember those lessons and all those conversations and all those comments as i was raising my sons and they in the beginning stages of their lives when they were younger they had this this capacity to to tell me and their mother i got it i can do it whenever we would assist or attempt to assist them they would quickly remind us of their autonomy and their independence i got it i can do it until one day trey made the statement to me i i do it i do it daddy i do it i said okay you do it and i step back and i let him do it the problem is he had the tenacity he had the passion he had the confidence he had the desire he had everything that he needed to want to do it but he didn't have the motor skills to be able to do it and so what he wanted was me to open this package of candy he was highly motivated i set back and let him try everything that he could and he just couldn't open it by himself until eventually he decides maybe we would be better together and he walks back over hands me the candy package i opened it up and he devoured what was on the inside then i said can you give daddy some and my son is the most generous person you will ever meet in your life he happily handed me some and i concluded in my mind we are better some stuff you're trying to figure out work out get through you've got to know that if you had some people around you who had the same confidence in the same christ moving in the same direction going in the same path that you would be better together we have been distanced and separated by circumstances it's time for us to unite and come back together there are four times four times in the in the in a believer's life four times in general when people are their most vulnerable four times when satan implements his tricks and his tactics the trickery escalates in these four times in your life and and what happens in the middle of all of these attempts for the enemy to pull you off course is you stop seeing god's plan clearly and and many people in christendom have they they use this as commonly known i'll say it's widely known i won't say commonly known it's widely known that there's an acronym that represents these four things it's simply halt h-a-l-t when you are most vulnerable is when you are h-hungry a angry people have lost their lives in a moment of anger things have changed dramatically and traumatically just in a moment of hunger esau esau sold his pot for a pot of stew sold his birthright because he was hungry how many things have you given away because you got a temporary fix to the hunger of your flesh when you're hungry when you're angry ill lonely or when you t tired you remember how you act when you get tired we've even come up with a colloquialism that commonly reflects how we feel when we're both hungry and tired or hungry and angry we are hangry now but at any regard those are the weakest moments the most vulnerable moments in the life of an individual especially that of a believer because it's when the enemy comes in when jesus was hungry when jesus was in the garden and he was fasting that's when the enemy came to tempt him and take advantage of that moment so you've got to be guarded and especially protected when you are experiencing these dynamics and the one that i'm going to shine the somali spotlight on and deal with for the next few minutes is ale lonely loneliness is rampant and it is a significant problem among people around this world right now especially after a pandemic or during a pandemic it is especially significant for us to address and to deal with our loneliness and it doesn't matter just in case you think well i'm around people all the time i'm around crowds i go to work i have to associate with you can be in the middle of a crowd and still feel alone there are some people who are wrestling with loneliness at such a magnificent degree that they'll be in the midst of a crowd of people and still feel like they're on an island by themselves and even now it's so amazing because even now we're more connected through all the kinds of all kinds of rather technology that that we we should not we think we should not feel this lonely because we can snapchat them we can zoom them we can tweet them we can we can dm them we it's so many ways that we have in technology to connect that you would think that this was not a problem but it still maintains itself as a significant problem a study that was recently done says 40 of all americans say they have they are not close to anyone that's four out of every 10 who feel as if they have no closeness no proximity no relativity with absolutely anybody and the first problem this is why i know that this is a significant problem that doesn't even begin in our cultural time or context this is a problem that was addressed all the way back in the beginning in genesis the first problem the bible deals with is not sin it's solitude in genesis the second chapter of the 18th verse god diagnoses the problem after he created everything creating man last all the other things he said this is good he stepped back looked at and said this is good this is good this is good but he gets to man and after he creates man he steps back and there is no this is good there's a there's a problem because in the 18th verse he says it is not good that man should be alone so i'll make him a helper as his partner the very thing that the bible addresses in this text is not sin he addresses solitude why because we are made to be in relationship so many people who have concluded that you are better by yourself that you would rather not be linked up or connected you would rather be isolated and insulated because you feel protected but in actuality that loneliness that comes from that that condition that isolation that long-term separation from other people can be the very thing that the enemy uses to trick you because you fool you and ultimately destroy you ecclesiastes 4 and 8 gives us indication that we're made to be in relationships there was a man alone this is the wisdom of solomon there was a man all alone and he had neither son nor brother there was no end to his toil yet his eyes were not content with the wealth that he had for whom am i toiling why am i working so hard and why am i depriving myself of such enjoyment this is too meaningless it is a miserable miserable business at any rate he's basically concluding that all of the stuff that i'm gaining that i'm obtaining that i'm acquiring i don't have anybody to share it with i'm still going to be alone so he could not find contentment he could not find fulfillment in external things because he needed external people many of you are con you've concluded that you don't need people all you need is god but that's not true i don't need anybody all i need is god who's gonna fix your raggedy teeth when they messed up when your car breaks down will you be sliding underneath it we always say we don't need i don't need nobody yes you do we all need each other we are many members but we're part of one body so essentially what you're saying is i don't need my arm my leg my eye my toe my ear my nose you're basically discarding parts of yourself and as a result you're going to now suffer through the pain and the penalty of your own pride help us holy ghost here's what scripture says in psalm 133 and 1 behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity the prefix of the word unity is one singular the enemy hates your unity or your oneness he does not want you together with other people especially with other believers because when you get together with other believers it does three things first of all it brings about his defeat he knows that one can chase a thousand and two can chase ten thousand it brings about healing and restoration see i need you to understand that when you gave your life that moment you gave your life to talk to christ that's called salvation but please hear me well healing and deliverance doesn't happen at salvation oh let me let that sit sink in for a few minutes because once you came you thought you were done there's a process called sanctification and god uses other people to both instruct you and to allow you to have experiences that's why he says iron sharpens iron so you can grow together learn from one another and become who he desires for you to be so you have given up on people because people are who the enemy uses to hurt you even though god sent them to help you and as a result now you don't want to deal with people at all you don't want to assimilate associate you don't want to be around them you don't want to be in their space in their face as a matter of fact you are done with people but what you don't understand is that's a trick of the enemy to get you into loneliness and isolation so he can divide and devour so it brings about healing and restoration salvation is the event but healing and deliverance happens in the body see when you the bible says when you assemble with each other and you pray for one another then you see healing first confessing your sins one to another that ye may be healed you got to know that your healing is locked up in somebody's heart and somebody's hands that are seated next to you it says when you're not weak and when you're too weak and not strong enough to pray for yourself call for the elders lay hands on the sick and they shall recover see the reason that the enemy has been able to get you is because he got you by yourself some tricky stuff happens when you by yourself you start talking yourself into stuff that you should be talking yourself out of when you're by yourself when you like accountability partners and people that can pull you out the fire people that can minister to you people that can help you to stay on course then you're subject to your own fleshly desires and as a result you talk yourself into some stuff that you ain't got the power to pull yourself out of and then you start a downward spiral in a cycle that leads you to there is a way that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof is destruction you gotta know look at look at look at jonah jonah was running from people because he said i don't want to associate assimilate with these crazy people the ninevites they kill people for folly i don't need to have anything to do with them and so he went down to nineveh he went down to tarshish and then we got down to tasha's he went down into the ship then after he got into the ship they realized that you were the source of the storm they threw him down into the ocean he went down in the sea and was swallowed up by a great fish and went down to the end of the earth he literally sank to the bottom of existence because he refused to deal with people there's so many folks that have them concluded i don't deal with church folk they just they're just hypocritical anyway either you will deal with them now or you will deal with them in hell help us holy ghost i know that just say ouch if you can't say amen just say ouch salvation is the event but your healing and deliverance happens in the body so when you are when you are with people when the people of god get together it brings about the defeat of the enemy it brings about healing and restoration but it also brings the presence of god let me tell you what the devil messed up now you should have got us before we got to this part of the pandemic because the people of god have come back together we are assembled together on one accord in the name of jesus christ and where he messed up is that he forgot where two or three of us are assembled in the name of jesus christ god says there will i be in the midst of him and in his presence there is fullness of joy in his presence there is liberty in his presence is where the glory resides and he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high god can to have the safety of the shadow of the almighty covering you at all times he should have got you before you got to worship today you just messed up because now the people of god are on one accord and we have lifted our hearts in praise we have opened our mouths in worship and now the power of god is about to prevail you thought you had problems wait till you see the deliverance come wait till you see the increase show up wait till you see what god is about to do in your next chapter he should have gotten you before you got to this chapter but what we have to conclude is that we know the author of the book help the holy ghost he is both arthur and finish and so if god says it will work out for our good it ain't over nine ninety nine now you should have got us before we got reminded of who we are of people that know their god shall do great exploits here it is this is a power people moment this is just for the real praises i need some real praises to thank god in advance don't wait about yesterday don't think about tomorrow just thank him in advance because you know it's worked out in heavenly places he's about to rain down in the earthly place give god glory right here god bless his name his name [Applause] when we are together we both invoke the power of god and we start looking and acting like god in romans 15 it says may the god who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude in mind toward each other that christ had so that one mind with one mind and one voice you may glorify the god and father our lord jesus christ one mind brings glory to god one voice brings glory to god so it brings me to the final piece and that's just the text here in acts you see the church has come together and as a result they experienced some phenomenal things on one accord first thing that you need to understand is there's a benefit in being together because you see the manifestation of miracles in verse 43 the bible says that they were in awe of the signs and the wonders that was happening among the apostles they were witnesses to signs and wonders together in other words they had the same spiritual history to have true fellowship you need to share some spiritual experiences together if we don't have each other it becomes easy to miss god what do you mean pastor i'm glad you asked when we witness signs and wonders on our own it's easy to start wondering if what we experienced was real or was really god yeah well we'll start questioning and doubting nah but but no no that probably wasn't god no that was just a chance left look happenstance it just hap but when you have a witness that can say oh no i was there when the doctor told you i saw you in the hospital i know what they were saying around your bed as a matter of fact i was a part of the family gathering where they were talking about what they were going to do with you next so the fact that you are still here right now the fact that you can open your mouth and speak the fact that you can still talk and walk and you have cognizance and understanding of what you are doing you got capacity in your limbs just in case you missed it let me make sure you understand that was the lord's doing i saw how broke down you were i saw how depressed you were i was scared you were gonna hurt yourself i was checking on you every minute because i was worried you were about to do damage to yourself so you don't have to wonder if that was god i'm here to help you know it was nobody but god that caused you to be where you are right now every now and then you gotta have a sanctified witness so they experience miracles you gotta have some spiritual experiences together it helps you validate what god has already activated in your life the other thing they experience is they experience means together verse 44 and 45 it says that they shared their material possessions see here here's here's where i got a problem i i love i love that people in the in the body of christ are willing to pray with one another or pray for one another and people say that all the time i'm praying for you it's great but can you help me let me keep it real for a few minutes sometimes i don't need you just to pray i need you to pray and help are you with me our caring and sharing has to go beyond nice nice words sometimes we got to step up and we got to have some tangible efforts paul calls the donations that the church made to the people of the churches in this time he calls that the fellowship so fellowship is not having some cake and some homemade fried chicken that they cooked in the fellowship hall with some frappe i know some of that y'all don't know y'all don't know what that is with some sherbet and some ginger ale let me help y'all understand but with the neapolitan sherbet with all the three different flavors in it that they served with the homemade cake that mother so-and-so cooked in the back of the church and that's what y'all have felt just sit around and talk about what people had on and who shouted where and who did that's not fellowship fellowship is not kicking it hanging out fellowship is not having a kickback fellowship is serving one another fellowship is loving one another beyond your prayer life and into the tangible evidence of your love towards one another if you want a fellowship with me i need you to pray with me but i also need to be able to turn around and know that you got my back are you with me so paul calls what they gave to each other how they sold possessions and so he calls that fellowship so they were able to experience each other's means and they had a rule of share and share a life so nobody slipped through the cracks here's where i get frustrated as a pastor i'm going to vent for a few minutes pray for me don't talk about me it is what it is and i can't change it he's working on me from the inside out but i get really flustered and frustrated when the saints in thousand member congregations get angry because pastor can't personally get to you let me let that sit in for a few seconds and and i want to be real about it up until about seven years ago of the 16 i lost sleep i would panic and i would really do everything i would i would hurt myself trying to make it right trying to make it up to you trying to get to you pleading with you i would now i go to sleep i pray for you i'm here for you i don't act funny with you i still love on you but i'm good whether you good or not with the fact that i'm one man one person one body and i got one one family that i'm ultimately responsible for come on hear somebody else i felt the holy ghost it left on this side but it must be over here now see at the end of the day if i could you have to know my heart oh you got to know my heart i if i could i would be there if you stomped your toe to make sure that you were okay but what i had to learn as a young pastor what i had to learn is that it's not my responsibility it's our responsibility to care for each other [Applause] let me tell you how god checked me one day he said who do you think you are i'm the only one that's omnipresent i'm the one that's omniscient i'm the only one that's omnipotent you they are they are your charge but they're not your sheep they are my sheep of my pasture and if you can't get there you gotta know that i'm gonna take care of my sheep i had to check myself i remember when i first started the church i stood in the front and i would stay after service for two hours some of you can recall if you were here at the high school i would stand down there for two hours after service because i wanted to make sure that everybody who wanted to speak to me and wanted to love on me or wanted to hug me or wanted me to take pictures with pookie tt name them they mama that's from out of town the uncle that came across yonder i i wanted to make sure that all of them left happy pastor cheryl brady pulled me to the side she says hey hey i know you're young but you're gonna kill yourself i said what do you mean she says even jesus says give me a small boat that i can go away from the crowd on the other side says you pour it out so much that you have to be replenished because otherwise you're going to hurt yourself long term so i need you to understand this is why we need each other that's why you need each other that's why you need somebody who you're in fellowship with somebody who you share means with somebody who you see god do miraculous things with that can say is everything all right and check on you when you're in trouble are y'all with me when people stop showing up it can always be traced back to sin so they're in trouble one way or the other something is causing them to doubt the enemy is taking authority over their minds something has distracted and become a priority over worship something has taken you got to know that when people so how can i know if there are tens of thousands of you when we are together and linked up then all it takes is you in your life group to say something's going on let me call and check on my brother or check on my sister are y'all with me y'all haven't lost the whole congregation it's all good i'm still good because i'm riding with god the other thing they experienced was manifestation in verse 46 and 47 they worship together they met in the temple the church is not just a social club it's not a place where real nice people are nice to each other it is a worship community first peter 2 4 and 5 he says as you come to him the living stone jesus rejected by humans but chosen by god and precious to him you also like living stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a priesthood a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god through through jesus christ so together we as living stones are like living stones are being built into his temple or his spiritual dwelling place the living stone by itself is just a rock but put enough of you together and you become the you become the church of jesus christ and he's the chief cornerstone so that we never forget who is the foundation on which we are all assembled then lastly they experience ministry in verse 46 b they share their lives they ate together it's it's some value in eating together you know if you haven't if you ever paid attention to it in your family everybody eats together and some great stuff happens because we all assemble around the kitchen until big mama come in and say get out of my kitchen i need everybody out the kitchen but we've even gotten to the place now in our homes where we build a countertop because we want folks to be able to sit there while we cook so we can fellowship so it's important to eat together we sit around the table together we share we don't just share food but this is why it's important because we share our lives we tell our joys our pains our triumphs our struggles we laugh we cry we fight but it's where the family comes together rejoice with each other we cry over each other's pains and ultimately we even know how to leave that moment and pray for one another so so ministry and this is what i hope this i hope this precursor i hope this intro helps this is why it's so important for us to link up i can't do it by myself the leaders can't do it by themselves and guess what you can't even do it by yourself we need each other i'm talking to you right now who is sitting at home we need you [Music] ministry is not what we do on sunday morning that's worship we worship together on sunday morning ministry happens when we leave sunday morning [Music] ministry happens after i pronounce the benediction and implement the blessing over your life and you exit this space this time your device this worship experience that's where ministry happens so here's my question and i'ma drop the mic are you a member of a church or a part of a ministry let that sit in for a few seconds somebody needs what you carry but you've been content being a member of the church and not a part of the ministry somebody needs what you care what you their life and death is contingent upon you because you have the unique grace on you the anointing the experience the knowledge the wisdom that is exactly what they need but they can't get to you because you haven't linked up you've distanced yourself you've isolated yourself you've become comfortable being by yourself and that is a trap and a setup of the enemy [Music] that's why god put on my heart to preach this series i actually had another series this month that we moved to may called it's okay i moved it to may because i knew what the body could sense and perceive in the spirit what the body what you needed to hear right now [Music] here's what the enemy did while we were apart during the pandemic while we were isolated and separated while we were pushed away from each other and even forbid each other to come around one another don't come over my house i'ma come back no come by where no no leave it on this on the porch i'll get it just leave it out there they left it out there mama i'm gonna go get no no no let the air come through for a while ain't going nowhere just let the air come through you got to know that was a beautiful setup from the enemy that was the trap of all traps that was a test for the believers because you got to know that when god is on your side what is a trap for somebody else else is just a test and a testimony for you that's why they were able to cross through the red sea but it closed up behind them because it was a door for his children but it was a grave for the enemy and so here's what i don't want you to do don't be behind us when we come together don't be behind us when we come back together i don't want you to get caught up and swept off with the enemy's tricks i want you to link up and be who god called us to be we are many members but we are part of one body and he hates for us to be together he hates our oneness but he lost because today at home wherever you are around the world because our people watching us from 28 29 countries right now wherever you are in this place at home all over this building all over your break room your lunchroom wherever you find yourself i want you with one accord we're going to bless god thank god praise god magnify him we can't make him bigger he's already he is vast and he is large his largeness is expansive it's from everlasting to everlasting but we can make him bigger than our situation we can see him as big as he is we're going to magnify him we're going to exalt him we can't lift him any higher he is as high as he could ever be but we can raise our adoration and our adolation of him up to another level so we're going to exalt him we're going to we're going to praise him like we know who our god is and we're going to believe him that as we come together he's going to protect us heal us restore us reconcile us increase us favor us bless us expand us enlarge us promote us he's going to elevate us he's going he's going to blow our mind we're going to do it together we're going to do it together i hope you're ready this is our chance to show the enemy you lost because we came together and we are praising god and as a result he's about to show up and show out one for the father come on get ready stop preparing your heart right now put in your mind what you're expecting god to do we just linked up in the spirit two for the son all you lose you loose devil you are a liar we will have what god says we will have we will go where god wants us to go we will do what god we are the church of jesus christ free from the holy ghost release a sound in this place that heaven hears our cry and god hears our praise come on release the sound in this place praise him like you lost your mind praise him like you know who he is praise him like he's your god praise him like he's your savior out of him for being who he is bless your holy name we are better [Music] we are better together lord we thank you for what you've seen what we've said and what's been done thank you for the gift of your spirit and your son to lead us guide us direct us and even correct us thank you for helping establish us in our place place where you have called us and assigned us thank you for bringing us together as your people causing us to link up and be in fellowship share means experience miracles together thank you lord that you didn't put us here by ourselves but you saw the problem before the problem could see us that you caused people friendships fellowship caused them to to be created and even into our path and punctuated at the appropriate time so help us god to get over ourselves and to see your will for our lives help us god to get over the fear that has isolated us and insulated us help us to walk by faith not by sight help us to get to where you desire us to go we are growing and we're so humbled and excited we're growing because of you and we're thankful thank you for what you're about to do in our lives in jesus name in jesus name well i feel it is about to happen for you you just don't see it i see it in the spirit in jesus name you don't understand that the business you've been wanting to do somebody is about to cross your path and because you all link up that partnership is going to yield the benefits for your children and your children's children you were not made to be enslaved you were made to take dominion and your dominion is coming in this season your partnerships will be the difference between whether you do it or whether you don't i thank god for how he's about to bless your life blow your mind and expand and enlarge your territory you ought to bless him right now because it's already done in jesus name let the redeemed of the lord shout hallelujah come on every believing heart shall thank you jesus shout link up that's what i'm gonna do i'm linking up with the body of believers and god's gonna send me the right people in my path amen let me just say i'm so grateful that he linked me up with you i pastor the best people this side of heaven and i love god because he loved me so much [Applause] [Music] i have some friends who are pastors and they are miserable many of them have even left ministry because he didn't they didn't link up with the right people but i go where he sends me and he never sends me wrong he sent me here he sent me to the south side my family i'm coming to link up with y'all stay tuned after these messages i promise we'll be right back i'm coming to link up with my family on the south side i've already linked up with some new family members in atlanta dallas is coming together they got like a hundred people in dallas i'll announce to y'all who the campus pastor is uh in in in short fashion i won't tell you when but i'm gonna make a big big deal out of it because i'm excited uh that this person has consented to be the campus pastor i'm linking up with new campus pastors and leaders that are going to help me here help me in atlanta god is sending laborers into the harvest he said you pray to him i'll send him and we've been praying and he's sending them god has linked us up with some incredible people can you do me a favor it's more of you than me can you celebrate your sales from me i just love what god is doing through you if you are here today under the sound of my voice and you have not accepted christ as your savior here's your chance to link up with the one who gives you the divine link it's one thing for us to link up with one another but it's the divine link that gives us power our power doesn't come from each other when we get together and we don't have god we just have pride we puff each other up and talk about how great we are that's why you got to have god you have to have god because he promotes and provokes humility because you can't stand in the presence of a great god and think you still great when you stand next to god you ought to realize i'm not what i thought i was i'm just a work in progress not what i used to be but i'm not what i i can and will be so you need divine link you need the divine link there's only one at the divine link you need a link with jesus christ but how do i do that romans 10 9 10 says if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart that he was raised from the dead you shall be saved you have linked up with god he engrafts you or adopts you into his family calls you his very own gives you the rights and the authority of a son or a daughter an heir to the royal throne not any throne the king of king's throne so that's the link that you're missing you can't love each other if you don't he says how can you say you love me whom you've never seen and hate the ones that you see every day [Music] he says you gotta love one another it's the second commandment love the lord your god with all your heart and your soul and your mind the second one is like unto it love your neighbor as your you have to link with one another but the key is the first commandment link up with god the only way to do it is through christ jesus everybody let's pray this prayer together say lord thank you for this day and for preserving my life for this very moment i admit i am a sinner and i have made some mistakes but i'm so glad you have forgiven me and i believe you were born i believe you died and by faith i believe you were raised from the dead so with this confession i'm excited to say i am saved come on and celebrate the divine link come on and celebrate the divine link i am connected to christ jesus and my salvation is secure god give them grace wisdom peace and power those who have united with you for the first time let them be bold enough to take the link further so that they might link up with your people and learn more of you how can they hear except there'll be a preacher and how can he preach except he be sent we need one another whether we know it or not so help them to not just stop there that was the event but the process is to follow and i asked god that you would give them everything that they need to withstand every temptation of the enemy to turn around and go back let them know that there's nothing behind but there's only joy abundance peace restoration and god's salvation in front of them and bless them keep them in jesus name we pray amen if you pray that prayer for the first time link up link up with a family link up with the body of believers let us sow into you everything you need even if you don't connect with this church i want you to be connected to a bible teaching bible believing church because it's important that you have people to walk you into this process called sanctification salvation is the event sanctification is the process where you become more like god you look more like jesus so i want you to have all the tools and resources so text me 38470 text me and the team we will connect with you immediately text 38470 and just text the word saved once you do i promise you you're on your way to a link like you have never experienced in your life i praise god in advance come on somebody celebrate salvation of jesus in this place before i have you sit down and watch the announcements i just want to make sure that you all know next sunday we are declaring next sunday i'm declaring next sunday as bring a friend we're going to call it our our pre-friends day we're going to have a real friend's day but this is your pre-friend's day here's the problem or here's the the purpose rather i want you to link up in worship with people family members friends even if you're watching me digitally around the world call all your folks your watch together i want you all linked together bring them to church with you your friends your family your co-workers your colleagues the person you met on the street corner invite them to come and be your guests the people you see at the grocery store invite them to come and be your guest i invite so many people as a matter of fact some of you can actually testify you met me in the grocery store in the mall at blockbuster when videos came out every tuesday way back then but i would see people and i said hey yeah you know what church do you go to that's how i always start what church you go to well you know it's like yes i got a church for you and i don't even tell them all that i'm the pastor and they show up and it's like i didn't know i was talking to the pastor of the church it didn't matter i just wanted to link up with you i wanted to connect with you in christ and bring you to him not to me but i wanted to bring you to him because he is the god that can and so i need you to take on the same spirit take the same pride make it a priority make it a passion and next week next sunday whether you're global or whether you're in person bring your folks with you to church amen i said amen amen and we're going to continue to do what you're doing i see most of you have your mass on i love it thank you for for being cautious and being safe i really appreciate you for doing that again it's as long as the cdc does not mandated i want mandated but when the cdc mandated i'm going to take the wisdom and leadership of the scientific world right now in that area in that area alone uh and we'll make sure that we are honoring their the requirements that keep us all safe so you can tell your friends and family feel free to wear their masks there will be some who say i don't wear no mask and that's cool i'm not gonna make them feel bad but i'm just gonna make sure that those who desire to do so you continue to wear your mask amen amen because i've been to some restaurants recently and i'm like oh okay so i'm the only one okay it's just us y'all literally it's been especially in georgia the pandemic skipped them i'm telling you i promise it skipped over them nobody nobody i'm the onliest one that has a mask off so whatever god gives you grace and wisdom whatever god leads you to do in that regard and those people that you invite likewise because i don't want them to feel like we're going to beat them up and beat them down amen amen bring some folk that smoke weed bring some heavy drinkers you know if they have a little liquor on them it's cool bring them see all this super saiyan's just like oh my god did he just say that i did let's think about where he brought you from and how you are where you are right now dipping and slipping sliding and hiding don't play with it if it had not been that's how we started right bring them with you it's cool don't sweat them on what they have and what they have on and what they don't have just cover you know pieces but i don't want to i don't ever want to become that church i want to be the church that brings people to christ we don't want to be an abortion clinic clinic we want to be a birthing center are y'all with me so don't kill them before they can amen amen but bring them by all means bring them sit down for one second watch the announcements i promise i'll immediately dismiss you thereafter [Music] girl i hate to call you do you know deacon jones down at the church girl he called me last night at 7 30 pm you know ain't no decent calls coming after 5 p.m huh call me talking about it's time for me and him to start doing some lincoln for the entire month of march the only lincoln i know is abraham devil he said listen mother don't you know that pastor told us that it's time for us to link up building the community girl he said connecting people to god and to each other do you know i get to repent huh one thing i know about the devil he'll take your mind and make it go straight to the gullah but what the devil meant for evil god to turn that thing around for your good it's time for us to link up connect grow and go do you hear me what i'm saying to you guys it's time girls girl let's wake up and link up with victory hey victory walkers we are so glad that you chose to link up with victory for worship today hope healing and empowerment is here for you so if this is your first time joining us text connect to 844-334-1191 yeah we know it's long you might want to write it down don't worry i'll wait 844-334-1191 did you get it because we have a free gift for you you can also visit our website at want to stay linked up to victory all week long be sure to follow us on facebook instagram and twitter for daily inspiration and encouragement and subscribe to our youtube channel to catch up on all the latest sermons your giving makes a difference and victory has made giving simple text get the victory get the victory bc get the victory vc or get the victory atl to our text to give number 833-811-7677 follow the prompts to confirm your gift you can also cash out get the victory by downloading the app in the apple or google play store iconnect is a great way for you to link up to all things victory stay in the know and visit to sign up or update your i connect profile today tax day is almost here no no kids you'll you'll find out later but giving statements are available that's something you can get excited about be sure to download your giving statement from your account log in at you see kids taxes life groups are the way that we link up and do life together at victory you can join an interest-based life group that's just right for you visit to learn about all the amazing life groups and signed up today until we link up next week victory walkers keep walking in victory amen victory can we give the lord a hand clapper praise this morning link up this month is about leaking up we are better come on y'all can do better than that we are better praise god we are much better together and today we start off kicking it and linking up in the lobby we want you guys when you leave out of here you're going to see tables with snacks water chips we want you to take this time to fellowship and link up in the lobby say hi to some folks that you probably haven't seen the crowd is growing here on sunday praise god there's some folks i saw here today that i couldn't remember from college and she is mad at me right now i just had to throw that out there but i still love you amen but definitely link up in the lobby take a few minutes grab a snack before your lunch and just fellowship with one another amen amen for those of you at home that want to link up we have what we call watch parties we're starting this month where you can link up on youtube we're going to have instructions on our get the victory site so go there to see how you can host a party and come together and fellowship in your home or if you're abroad or you have loved ones that are stationed other places you can link up as well on youtube amen amen church let's jump on our feet and get ready to go home how many guys are excited about this month's series link up we've been so separated for so long god has put it on pastor's heart to say we need to be together because ultimately we are better together iron sharpens iron amen amen let us pray father god we come this morning just thank you father god that you have allowed us a place to link up a place where we can come together and get connected to the source lord god we've been dealing with resources for the last two years but lord god we pray in this moment that you continue to be our source that we link up together and focus that you are the center of all our linking up lord god we love you we thank you for the powerful word our pastor brought us this morning little god we pray that you continue to pour vision into him as he is the under shepherd of this house lord god we thank you for allowing us to be your sheep lord god and we follow you intently now may the love and the peace of our lord and savior jesus christ rest ruling abide with each and every one of us not only today but forevermore and all god's saints said amen god bless you victory link up in the lobby grab your snack praise god hearts are all broken with [Music] do it tears all that's wrong to rise [Music] [Music] is
Channel: OfficialSmokieNorful
Views: 2,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 98min 25sec (5905 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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