Sun Finally Dies!! Earth & Human Race Are Frozen To -150°C

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the movie starts at the annual united nations global warming conference in new delhi where paleoclimatologist jack hall is giving a speech he warns the delegates that the earth is soon going to face a polar catastrophe which will turn everything into ice when some of the delegates inquire about the time left jack mentions that it may take some centuries but if the usage of fossil fuel isn't lessened their own grandchildren will face the consequences after the conference jack meets a representative from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration terry rapson and the duo begin chatting about their respective findings as they discuss it snows heavily implying that climate change has already begun or maybe it's just winter over the course of the next few weeks strange weather conditions strike different parts of the world in japan monstrous blocks of hailstones start falling from the sky leaving several people dead such hailstones are the largest that have ever been recorded in history meanwhile at terry rapson's monitoring station in scotland the computers reveal that parts of the ocean are suffering massive drops in temperature the drops are so sudden and mysterious that the communication signals placed there have frozen instantly elsewhere at the international space station astronauts notice gigantic storms brewing up in the earth's troposphere in the next scene we are taken to washington dc where jack is dropping his son sam at the airport sam is a genius student who has been invited to participate in a decathlon in new york though his father is a well-known man sam appears to be angry with him as jack has always been absent from his life due to his busy work schedule nonetheless he assures sam that once he retires he will have all the time in the world for his family unless they're all dead later when sam along with his best friends laura and brian arrive at new york they notice a large flock of birds flying towards the west as if they are trying to escape something in the meantime terry calls jack from his monitoring station and informs him about his findings he says that the polar catastrophe is approaching them rapidly and that they have no time to escape it when jack inquires if it is bad terry replies that something like this hasn't happened in the last 10 000 years following this we are taken to a weather monitoring center in california where a technician is enjoying his time with his girlfriend just then he receives a distress call from a man who reveals that it is raining hailstones in la hearing this the technician turns on the television and is taken aback to see that hailstones the size of golf balls have ravaged parts of the city he immediately calls his boss and tells him to issue a tornado warning in the state of california however it's too late in no time several gigantic tornadoes circle the city and destroy everything in sight must have been one hell of a gender reveal party because of this an emergency meeting is conducted at the office of global change in washington dc one of the attendees mentions the other destructive weather occurrences in different parts of the world and asserts that something has gone wrong just then jack who is also among the attendees reveals to the crowd that everything is happening due to the north atlantic currents the currents are brought upon by the rapidly melting polar ice which in turn is caused by global warming he also mentions that it is just the beginning and in a few days the weather will become worse in the next scene jack meets with the vice president and tries to make him understand that the situation is very critical he mentions that the polar blast could hit any time so mass evacuations in the northern states are necessary however the vp is an idiot doesn't take him seriously and walks away elsewhere in the uk it has started snowing at a rapid rate so three helicopters are sent to the royal palace to retrieve the queen however on their way they pass through the eye of the storm which causes their instruments to freeze instantly in no time the chopper blades also stop working and all the three helicopters crash to the ground one pilot manages to survive the crash but as soon as he opens the door he is frozen to death back to manhattan sam and his friends try to get back to dc but all the transport services have been derailed by the heavy downpour desperate to get out of the city the trio walked to the streets only to find the city in utter chaos just then a massive tsunami appears out of nowhere and begins sweeping the place the skyscrapers and even the statue of liberty is engulfed as if they are nothing sam and his group see the impending danger and rush to the national library hall for safety sadly thousands of not-so-lucky people are washed away and killed later terry calls jack and informs him about the freezing air over europe which brought down the helicopters this alarms jack and after a bit of research he finds out that the storm is approaching the u.s sooner than expected in fact they only have 48 hours before everything freezes over following this he opens the weather prediction which shows that three colossal weather systems are forming in different parts of the world they are getting larger by the day and in europe the polar state has already begun meanwhile sam desperately searches for a telephone in the library as the place does not have any mobile phone reception after a while he descends to another floor and finds a telephone which is almost submerged in the water desperate to call his parents he swims to the place and finally makes a call jack is delighted to find that his son is alive and starts giving him instructions put on some water wingies and don't die son he tells sam that he must stay indoors and wait for the storm to pass if he ventures outside he is going to freeze to death instantly hearing this sam becomes worried but jack consoles him by saying that he will come to rescue him soon the next day as everyone in the library is gathering clothes and rations they hear a strange noise from outside when they peek through the window they are shocked to see a cargo ship sailing through the place elsewhere in dc the head of the state is having a meeting and jack is tasked with briefing the state of the situation before even beginning he instills fear in everyone by mentioning that the worst is yet to come he then suggests that the residents of the southern states must be evacuated immediately and moved to mexico once again the vice president disapproves of the idea as he claims that an evacuation of such magnitude is not possible at least he didn't build a stupid-ass wall he also asks what will happen to the residents of the north to which jack replies that it's too late for them if they step out of their homes they will immediately freeze to death the best they can do is stay inside their houses and wait for the storm to subside surprisingly the president takes jack's advice and orders the national guard to evacuate the remaining population to the south in new york the people inside the library see a group of people walking on the frozen land and to deduce that they're heading to the warmer states as a result they also decide to venture outside before the snow gets any deeper sam knowing about the impending danger tries to warn everyone that it's a death mission but he is completely ignored soon everyone leaves the library with the exception of sam's group and a few other people meanwhile jack starts his trip to new york along with his colleagues and best buddies frank and jason since the three have visited the arctic several times for research purposes they are accustomed to the weather back at the library sam and his group scan through the whole building for food and to discover some vending machines they also gather some books for burning in the fireplace elsewhere as jack and his crew are traveling through the thick snow they suddenly hit a roadblock and are forced to continue their journey on foot they walk for a few hours with utmost dedication but unfortunately when they reach the top of a fragile building frank breaks the glass and falls in he is caught by the lifeline and the two friends are holding him up but just then the glass starts to crack hence left with no choice he cuts his lifeline and sacrifices himself so that his friends can continue their mission at the library laura suddenly gets a fever and falls unconscious worried the group starts searching for the cause and discovers that she has a wound in her leg which might have caused her blood poisoning one of the ladies in the group who happens to be a medic mentions that laura needs an urgent injection of penicillin or else she will have to be amputated desperate to save his friend because those legs go for days sam decides to venture into a nearby cargo ship hoping that it contains some medicine as he is about to leave brian and another guy jd also decide to accompany him in the next scene the vp who is now stationed in a military base finds out that the president met with an accident and died while being evacuated to make matters worse the researchers also find out that the eye of the storm has shifted its course to new york city elsewhere jack and jason are slowly moving towards their destination but sadly jason collapses due to exhaustion as a result jack is forced to carry his friend at the library the trio finally heads out and makes their way to the cargo ship however along the way their scent is caught by a pack of hungry wolves who have broken out from the nearby zoo we just met jd so he's dead for sure sam brian and jd enter the cargo ship's kitchen and find some penicillin they then look around the place for more supplies but suddenly they're attacked by the pack of wolves sam and brian managed to escape to another room but jd is severely bitten i knew it still they managed to save him from the hungry beasts as the three brainstorm different ideas to escape the situation sam looks outside and sees the skies clearing he then realizes that the eye of the storm is nearing them and that they don't have enough time left hence he puts himself in harm's way and makes his way outside to lure the wolves away from the kitchen he then runs through the abandoned ship narrowly escaping the wolves after a while he catches up with his friends but by this time jd is unable to stand hence sam and brian bring a sledge and drag their friend to the library on the other hand as jack is dragging jason through the thick snow he also notices the eye approaching at a rapid speed wasting no time he starts rummaging through the snow for any houses fortunately he finds an open vent and throws jason inside before getting in himself as soon as he closes the door the frost attacks the place and freezes everything that it touches the boys also reach the library just in time and narrowly avoid death they then scramble to keep the fire running as it is the only thing that can save them from the brutal cold jack also desperately tries to light a fire and manages to do so with an open stove after a while jason wakes up and notices that the entire place has been covered with ice now with the eye of the storm already gone jack plans to resume his mission jason tries to make him understand that it's still dangerous outside but jack asserts that he doesn't have any time left that night the two sleep in a tent and contemplate the future of humanity jack mentions that humans have survived ice ages many times but if they are not careful enough they might go extinct in this one finally after weeks of disastrous weather conditions the international space station spots some good signs they notice that the storm is dissipating in europe as they see land mass for the first time in several weeks at the same time jack also gets out of the tent and sees that the skies have cleared the sun has also come out after walking for a while the two come across the frozen statue of liberty and several ships which have sunk into the ice they have finally reached manhattan after enduring days of excruciating pain and suffering however when they reach the exact location of the library with the help of a gps they are devastated to learn that it has been completely swallowed by ice with all hope now gone the two prepare to leave but just then they notice a small opening in the snow wasting no time jack enters the library through the opening and jason follows him closely the two then begin looking for sam and fortunately after a bit of looking around find him it turns out that sam and his group are still alive because of the fire with this the father-son duo finally meet after weeks of separation amidst the terrifying weather conditions following this the scene cuts to mexico where the new president is informed that there are survivors in new york the news excites him and he announces live on television that he will be initiating a major rescue operation to retrieve anyone who is stranded in the northern states in the final scene of the movie the choppers reach manhattan where several people are found to be alive they have gathered on the rooftops waiting to be rescued the helicopters also reached jack and his group who are finally taken to the south the movie ends as an astronaut from the international space station gazes at the earth and remarks that it is the clearest sky that he has ever seen he also says i can see bezos's rocket from here subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 1,923,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LWvc43-vVpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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