SUMMER AT YA - For the One Who Believes

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[Music] what's up you guys doing good are y'all doing all right that was kind of weird awesome hey welcome happy thursday right summertime our days even like real in the summer like friday anybody like have to go to a job tomorrow anybody that sucks tomorrow's my day off get to sleep in until 5 45 when my daughter wakes up it's awesome let me tell you you think i'm kidding uh my name's connor i'm one of the pastors here i know andrew did this already but just real quick show of hands anybody first time here first time man we got like a lot of new people here right that's awesome hey i say it every week um but i just kind of want to acknowledge it can be really weird and like really awkward walking into a church maybe for the first is it is it anybody's first time like ever being in a church ever being in a church okay i don't i don't think i see a hand anybody first time in a long time coming back first time in a while all right but it's your first time awesome hey it can be weird it can be uncomfortable stepping into an environment you're not familiar with that takes some bravery and some courage and i just want to let you know like we're grateful that you decided to do that we don't take that lightly um we appreciate the fact that you decided to put yourself into this environment and in this situation and all that we're asking of you is your wallet your money to give to the church no i'm totally kidding that's what everybody thinks of when they think of church right like no the only thing that we want to do tonight is talk about jesus and i'm very aware if it's your first time here maybe you've been coming for a while that there might be a lot of different thoughts or opinions about jesus who he is and the role that he might play in your life and that's okay you don't have to sign on the dotted line or believe everything that i believe or that we as a church necessarily believes right now but i do feel that i have an obligation to share with you who jesus is because of what he's done in my life i honestly believe that the person of jesus the teachings of jesus the way of following jesus is the most radically transformative experience i've ever had and i honestly believe that jesus is more than like a teacher or like some hippie like from way back in the day with some good thoughts i genuinely have come to this place where i have like i know that sounds weird like i've met jesus and i actually believe he is who he says he is that he's god and then if you my challenge for you if it's your first time here would simply be this relax take a deep breath and consider what i'm going to talk about tonight that maybe jesus is who he says he is and and the teachings that he has for us are good and i believe that you might actually be able to meet with him tonight and when you do he will radically change your life forever so i forgot to tell you guys you can sit down you don't have to stand this whole time normally you just naturally sit down so it's kind of it's throwing me off for a little bit but hey the past couple weeks we have been in our summer series where we've just kind of opened the bible and we've just examined different stories or maybe different characters and just kind of looked at what god has for us from these major stories or major players of faith throughout the bible um and two weeks ago we actually celebrated young adults very first baptism where we had like what anywhere from 46 to like 50 people get baptized the numbers like fluctuating but but it was amazing we had like around 50 people come up out in public with their faith professing their faith that they are followers of jesus and it was absolutely amazing and so i don't know if you follow us on instagram or follow red rocks but the next time we have a baptism service if you missed it literally drop everything and get here because it is absolutely incredible um and i'm kind of excited for tonight i haven't been up on stage in a while i mean i and god's just been letting some things like ruminate and like marinate in my heart like crock pot style and and i honestly had no intention of preaching on this this week um i was going to talk about moses which i might in the future but as i was kind of reading and just in like my personal devotion this jumped out like so so deep you know you're just kind of like reading the bible or something and something like jumps out and you're like oh my gosh i don't know why but it feels like god is speaking directly to me i just had one of these moments and for the past week and a half i've just been wrestling in my mind and in my soul with with what i'm going to talk to you guys about tonight and i i honestly believe that tonight our time together can challenge you and potentially push you closer to jesus if you would just allow this word to sort of prodded your faith a little bit or maybe prodd it this season of life or the situation that you might find yourself in i believe that tonight god has a word for not just like you guys me giving it to you but this has been a word that i've been wrestling with in my life and so i hope that those are the best ones um and so yeah i'm excited for tonight but i'll shut up and we'll dive in all right mark chapter nine we're gonna go to mark chapter nine i'm gonna set the scene really quick peter james and john were just led up to a mountainside with jesus and saw him transfigured now if you're not familiar with what that is jesus like goes up on top of this mountain and becomes like heavenly jesus like he he the bible says that his clothes like become as white as like the whitest bleach which is kind of funny because they didn't have bleach back in the day so like whoever like filled that in an english translation was just trying to give us a picture of it but like jesus is like glowing and then on top of that moses and elijah are with him and james and john and peter are like oh my gosh they're freaking out and they have this incredible moment where they see jesus in all of his glory and they walk back down uh from this mountain and they're they're greeted with this situation jesus um has this incredible moment on a mountaintop and then he's met with this situation in mark 9 starting in verse 14 says this it said when they came to the other disciples they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them and as soon as the people saw jesus they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him what are you guys arguing about jesus asked and a man in the crowd answered teacher i brought you my son who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of his speech whenever it sees him and throws him to the ground and he foams at the mouth gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid i asked your disciples to drive out the spirit but they couldn't you unbelieving generation jesus replied how long will i stay with you how long will i put up with you bring me the boy so they brought they brought him the boy when the spirit saw jesus it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion he fell on the ground and rolled around foaming at the mouth jesus asked the boy's father how long has he been like this from childhood the dad answered it is often thrown him into fire water even to try to kill him but jesus if you can do anything take pity on us and help us if you can jesus said man everything is possible for the one who believes immediately the boy's father exclaimed jesus i believe but help me overcome my unbelief when jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene he rebuked the impure spirit you definitely spirit he said i command you come out of him and never enter him again dude that is that's some powerful stuff the spirit shrieked and convulsed the void violently and then came out the boy looked so much like a corpse a man said that he's dead but jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet and he stood up tonight i want to talk to you guys about the power of belief and so if you're taking notes the title of my message is simply this it's it's called for the ones who believe for the ones who believe let's pray and we're going to dive in jesus thank you so much for the opportunity to meet with you and your people tonight god i pray that tonight you would speak a word to our hearts that would challenge us in areas where we need challenge i pray that you would encourage us in areas that we need to encourage god i pray that you would build our faith and build our belief and not just who you are but what you say is good and right and true and god more than anything tonight i pray that jesus we can have an encounter with you that would change us and and leave us different than how we walked in this room tonight jesus we love you this is all for you all the lights all the smoke all the whatever it's just all so that we can draw into a moment with you and so would you meet with us in this moment it's in your name we pray and everybody said amen and amen i got a question for you guys have you ever had a moment in your life where your belief or your beliefs were challenged have you ever had a moment in your life where what you believed was challenged for some of us any college graduates in the room any college grads awesome for some of us we had a deep belief that college was valuable until we saw how long and how much we owe on that school we had a moment i'm kidding for those of you that are currently in school right now i'm joking kind of enjoy paying for your college for the rest of your life um no have you ever had this moment in your life where something that you believed was challenged i know for me growing up um i thought i hated sushi i was one of those guys like gross raw fish no like i don't want it but that was because my only exposure to sushi was the six day old california roll from king supers right like when i was introduced when i was exposed to like real sushi my belief about my hatred for sushi changed have you ever had a moment where what you believed was sort of challenged i remember um hearing all the time growing up as a kid that jesus was a carpenter and i don't know why i just had this image of like teenage jesus or like you know young adult jesus in the wood shop with his dad being like just making this mid-century modern chair this you know this scandal boho kind of table sort of thing it's like dad trust me i'm you know i'm i'm both past and present it'll it'll be a thing in 2021. but i had the opportunity to go to israel uh with some close friends and we got the opportunity to go to nazareth where jesus lived and was born and he was born in bethlehem but he lived in nazareth and so we went to nazareth and we part of nazareth was this big attraction where they sort of made this village to kind of replicate what it would be like in jesus day and it was awesome like walking through nazareth walking through this village it just made so much sense like a ton of jesus's illustrations just everything from like the landscape to like what was going on like it made the bible like come to life and we had this jewish tour guide who had grown up in israel and and just kind of knew everything that he was talking about and i remember almost like offhandedly we were walking through this like replica village and he was just like there was this like little masonry building shop and he was like and this is sort of something that jesus would have worked in when when he was younger you know he's like english translations say that jesus was a carpenter but that's not true jesus was more of like a handyman he was a builder he didn't just do carpentry he worked with like wood and stone and he would like build houses or fix things like jesus wasn't really a carpenter and i don't know why i'm like that like offended me i'm like no he's a carpenter because i have this like book that i read when i was like three that said he's a carpenter my parents told me he was a carpenter jesus is a freaking carpenter man i don't care if you're jewish and you've lived here your whole life and you're from nazareth and you kind of know like i don't know why it just like challenged something that i had believed from like such a young age like who cares if jesus did a mid-century modern table or you like you know like carve something out of stone like what does that really matter but like i don't know why i was like so offended my belief that i had held for such a long time was challenged i'll make a really long story short but when i was in high school i got invited to a penn state football camp it was like a penn state football recruitment camp now coming to find out i was invited because it was really my friend that they were looking at recruiting he went on to be a d1 athlete on that level and i guess they were just like hey bring some friends but like i went to this penn state football camp and if you've been coming to hawaii for a while you'll know i had this dream this belief deep in my core that my purpose on this earth was to be an nfl football player and to lead the minnesota vikings to their very first super bowl i don't know why passionate vikings fan i need that let's go skull yes all right all right um but that was just i just knew deep in my core that that that is why god created me and so i get this little letter you're invited to this penn state camp and i'm just like duh of course here it is like this is just like my path my road this is god opening the doors for what i know that i'm supposed to do and so i went to the outside linebacker like position area and you'd spend like all week all day kind of at your position and then you would uh at the end of the day like go on to these scrimmages and i remember the very first day very first day i i was with the outside linebackers we were lining up to do drills we were reading feet we're like you know if a lineman would step forward you feel if it's a pull is it a pass and i'll be honest i freaking crushed this drill i was like the offers are going to be rolling in like any any second here is the only problem i was surrounded by like six two six three three hundred two hundred and thirty pound guys with zero percent body fat and i was like hey are you a coach no i'm 16 i'm thinking about like coming here and playing yeah me too huh you uh how how tall are you yeah six two doctor says i'll probably be like six three six four by the end of it yeah i'm five i'm i'm pushing six you know pushing six how much do you weigh 235 cool i'm i'm 190 right now but i'm getting there you got a six-pack under that shirt yeah you do i do too they just only had a double xl shirt so that's why you can't tell but i freaking crushed my outside linebacker penn state drills the only problem was so did about 40 other guys that were 6'3 240 pounds and could run a 4 flat like i had this moment at a penn state camp where this belief that i held was challenged by the sheer physical ability of other people and this belief that i was going to be an nfl player quickly came not just crashing down but just was like obliterated when i saw my best against what a real d1 athlete at that level looked like have you ever had a moment in your life where something you actually believed was challenged where belief you held was challenged in mark chapter 9 we find this interesting dialogue between jesus and a father about the power of belief in mark 9 we are introduced to this unnamed man this father in what would be one of the most difficult and heartbreaking situations a parent could ever find themselves in since childhood this man's son had been tormented by a demonic spirit that has completely eliminated his ability to have any type of normalcy in his life and it's gotten so bad to the point that not only has this demon robbed this child of speech and physical health but the father tells jesus that there's even moments in this boy's life where this demon will take over his son and try to kill him by throwing him into a fire or throw or drowning him in water and can i just tell you as a parent i was like do we need to do we need to get out of here like what is happening can i just tell you guys though as a parent when you have a child who is in danger there is literally nothing you will not do to help that child as a parent when there's something wrong with your kid there is no amount of money you will not pay there is no amount of time you will not give there is no amount of research or work you will not put in to make sure that your child is okay i remember uh i've shared this with some of you guys before but we have a little girl she's one and a half and she has a load of allergies and the way we found that out was we got a call from our daycare one day saying that our daughter had gone into anaphylactic shock and she was struggling to breathe and i remember pulling into that daycare and seeing my daughter's face like so swollen that her tongue was sticking out and and she was crying but you couldn't really tell you could just see the tears dripping down her face she looked almost unrecognizable and and literally if you would have told me there is nothing i wouldn't have given nothing i wouldn't have done if i could have traded places with her in a heartbeat it wouldn't have even been a thought in my head as a parent there's nothing you will not do to make sure your child is okay when we're in mark 9 we meet a parent who is exhausting every single one of his resources to try to find peace and try to find healing for his son and so at some point he has obviously heard that jesus and his followers can do some pretty amazing things he's obviously heard about jesus and heard about the people that follow jesus and live with jesus and do life with jesus because he finds some of jesus's disciples some of the followers of jesus and he takes his son to them and hopes that he can heal them in hopes that these disciples can heal his son now think about this when your child is in pain when your child is that there's this stigma in this society that like for some reason you have done something wrong to get your child this way that god is punishing you or punishing your child because of a sin and unconfessed issue or error and we know that's not true but even for this dad to take his son and bring him into public it's it's hard it's humiliating but he is so desperate in this moment that he will do anything in his power to see his son delivered and be set free and so he takes his boy to the disciples of jesus and says can you set my son free and they try i don't know what that that looks like i've never tried to set a demon free i don't know what that process is like but they try and they try and they can't do it and once again this father is met with failure the ability the inability to get his son the freedom that he so desperately wants he brings his kid to the disciples of jesus only to be disappointed once again until jesus walks down the mountain and arrives on the scene until jesus enters into the moment and we see that jesus approaches this man about his son and his condition and mark records what i believe is one of the most amazing and powerful conversations about the power of belief it says this in mark 9 it said jesus asked the boy's father how long has this kid been like this from childhood since he was a kid the dad answered it's it's often even tried to throw him into fire in the water to kill him but jesus man if there is anything literally anything you can do would you have pity on me and my boy and would you help me and jesus's response is so interesting in this moment he says if you can listen everything is possible for the one who believes and immediately like this is one of the most human responses in the world the boy's father exclaims jesus i believe but will you help me overcome my unbelief jesus with this desperate father at the end of the line having exhausted all of his resources throws himself at the mercy of jesus and said jesus if you can will you help us and jesus says man i'm right here and there is absolutely nothing i cannot do but can you believe me for and with a lifetime of disappointment a lifetime of failed attempts a lifetime of doctors visits that can't do anything and healers visits that fall short a lifetime of watching his son be tormented and totally out of his control i'm sure all of these past scenarios all of these past moments running through this father's mind he cries out and says one of the most human and relatable things i think ever recorded in all of scripture he says jesus to the best of my ability right now i believe but man will you help me in the areas of my life that i don't think about this at your most desperate moment something you want so deeply so dearly that you would do anything for it anything to be set free that thing in your life that you've promised god over and over and over again that you'll give up but you just keep finding yourself there you just run to the feet of jesus and jesus says i can heal you if you can believe and you say jesus sure right believe yeah sure like jesus if you're asking for my belief yes jesus i believe but if i'm being honest i have a lifetime of fear a lifetime of failure a lifetime of disappointment that is tempting me to not believe in you jesus i believe but will you help me when this unbelief creeps into my heart and jesus heals his son and rebukes the demon and it leaves and lifts the boy up to life and the boy is set free but i want to ask you a question because this really grabbed me this this was what i was wrestling with uh over the past like week or two as i was reading this scripture i want to ask you this question why in a moment of pure desperation of a father who wants to see freedom for his boy why would jesus be so concerned about what this man believes because think about this clearly this man has proven through time and time again that he wants a miracle for his child clearly this man has done all the right things i'm sure this man has taken his son to the doctor taking him to this visit tried this tonic tried this ritual i don't know but when you are a parent you will exhaust all resources to make sure your kid is okay clearly this man is desperate enough to face public humiliation and maybe his son having an episode in front of everybody clearly he is desperate enough to bring him in public to jesus to find the freedom he is looking for so in a moment of desperation why is jesus so concerned about this father's ability to believe and as i was reading this and researching this and studying this passage i honestly think it's because jesus is trying to show us that your freedom that you're looking for isn't just about your desperation the freedom that your soul is searching for isn't just about knowing in your head what to do and what not to do it's not about having discipline or resiliency or the ability to maybe white-knuckle yourself through that same temptation that keeps on coming back and back and back i think jesus is trying to show us in this moment that at the heart of the freedom your soul is searching for is your ability to believe the change that you want is it the heart of what you actually believe about god i remember as a kid growing up i was a church kid and i don't mean like you know like i went to church every once in a while like i was i had to go to church literally all the time i was like one of those kids my parents dragged me against my will in the church i'm grateful for it now and i plan to do that with my kids but um that's just that was just my reality but like most you know 10 to 12 to 13 to 15 year olds whatever like there were things in my life that i knew that i had that weren't honoring god that were keeping me captive keeping me in a lifestyle in a cycle that i did not want to be in and i would sit in these two to three hour long sermons like y'all are lucky like legit like i would i would have pastors that like there was a church across the street from mine i'm not even kidding they would start a sermon have a lunch break and come back and finish the sermon like y'all don't know about church like that like old church old church basement maverick city style like church church services i would go to these services two to three hour long sermons i would go sunday morning sunday night wednesday night prayer youth even though i tried to avoid it like the plague i don't know why just like i i would be forced to go to all of these things prayer meetings whatever and i would get all this amazing information about what i needed to do if i wanted to experience freedom in my life i would be in all of these messages i would have pretty much all the information i needed i was equipped mentally i would hear all these amazing messages all of this information that if i really wanted to change if i really wanted to experience freedom that god had for me that i that i hear about in all of these sermons all i would need to do was develop a better prayer life and so as a kid i would try to pray but even as an adult i wrestle with a little add and so i can be in prayer in one moment and then like in the nba finals and the very next and so so i would try to pray but it but it wouldn't work for me i couldn't focus and so that that just never led me to the freedom that i would try to find or i would hear messages about how if i only read my bible more if i only got in god's word more i would find the freedom that my soul was looking for and i would start where you think you would just naturally start genesis right but then you get like two books in and you're like leviticus slaughtering goats offering sacrifices i'm so lost i can't even pronounce half of these people's names and i just quit like i wasn't good at taking the information and translating it into change in my life and what what happens is over the course of my life of going to church is i accumulated a lot of great information about what i needed to do to change i had a ton of practical steps i knew exactly what i needed to do the only problem was even though all of these things are amazing and good things that will push you closer to jesus in your faith you should pray you should have a constant prayer life you should read your bible and if you don't understand your bible wrestle with it go to the bible project figure it out you can you can read your bible i promise you there are resources out there that will make this book that feels so intimidating so accessible to you and it'll speak life to you these are amazing things the only problem with this is none of these things actually changed what i believed in my soul as a kid i had all the information all the knowledge all the resources but none of this actually changed deep down what i believed in my heart as a kid and then you guys can start to make your way on up what i mean is this i knew that i needed to pray i knew that i needed to be in my bible i knew that i needed to go to church i knew all of these things were good and that they could help me in my life but whenever that temptation would rear its head in my life i didn't actually believe at my core that these things were better than the temptation that i was facing in the moment i actually didn't believe at the core of my soul that saving sex until marriage was better not just like a religious practice but actually had benefits was better was saving sex until marriage was better for me better for my future spouse better for my future marriage i didn't believe at my core that that god's way was actually better i didn't believe that forgiveness was actually a better road to walk down than harboring bitterness and and hatred and holding grudges and wanting to get revenge i knew all the things that i should do but i just didn't believe that it was actually better and so anytime i faced that temptation i gave in and i stayed a slave and it wasn't that i didn't have a discipline problem it wasn't that i didn't have a discipline problem it wasn't that i i had a knowledge problem i knew everything that i needed to do it was that i had a belief problem i had a belief problem at the core of my soul i didn't actually believe that i could trust god at the core of my soul i didn't actually believe that what god said was good and that his ways from my life were better than the current thing that i was i was dealing with in that moment of life if i'm being totally honest with you i believe that if i followed jesus i'd kind of be missing out on some things if i followed jesus that i would i would look back on my life when i'm 50 60 70 and i have regret because i never had these moments that my friends had in college and i never had these moments that my friends had at bachelor parties or bachelorette parties that like if i actually follow jesus and what he said to do i would live my whole life missing out on what is actually good i had this belief at my core and can i just have an honest moment with you guys as one of your pastors here of this community i believe that a lot of you in this room can relate to my story as a kid growing up in church i believe that there's a lot of you that come to young adults on thursdays and you know in theory and you know the actions you need to take to experience the change that you want to see in your life you know what to do you know that you shouldn't be sleeping together before you're married you know that that relationship is toxic for you and they're not pushing you to jesus you know you shouldn't be living together and shacking up and playing marriage you know that you need to turn off that screen and you need to find accountability for those things that you look at on the gram or on websites or whatever like you know practically what to do you know that if you go out to your friend with your friends downtown you're going to have a few too many drinks and you told god you wouldn't do it but every single time you go out you want to have a good time you don't want to be the weird person and so you know in theory what to do you know the actions that you that you need to take to be set free and you might even come in every single thursday night and be desperate you might even come in every single thursday night and lift your hands and cry and be like god will you change me i feel like i know what to do but i just don't know how to do it like jesus i need to change you know what you should do the problem is you don't actually believe that what you should do is better than the life that you have right now and so you so you stay stuck in the same pattern the same situation and the same lifestyle and it's not because you don't have the knowledge it's not because we don't have the discipline or the resiliency it's because deep down in our soul we don't have the belief that god is actually as good as he says that he is it reminds me of this scripture hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 it says this it says without faith it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to god must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him i believe that there are so many of us in this room that believe god exists i believe there are so many of us that come on a thursday night and we believe in jesus we believe jesus was real we believe that he was a historical figure we believe that he had a lot of good things and taught a lot of great things we believe that jesus maybe we even go as far to say we believe that jesus is god and that he died for our sins and rose from the dead there's a lot of us in this room that believe that god exists we're just not sure that if following him will bring us the fulfillment that we're searching for in life so we believe that god exists we're just not sure if he's a rewarder for those that follow him and here's what's crazy right we'll come into this room and we will believe god for our salvation but we won't believe him for our sexuality we'll believe god for eternal salvation but we won't trust him with what he said is good and right in our sexuality we'll we'll believe god for our eternal destiny but we won't believe what god says about forgiveness we'll believe that god can save us but we honestly don't believe deep down in our heart that he can transform us now in this life not just in eternity but right now in this moment and this is why as i was reading this story and reading this father who is so desperate my soul so identifies with the words of this honest confession one of the most human confessions i feel like all of us in this room can resonate with in this moment jesus i believe [Music] but help my unbelief jesus i believe in you god i believe in you but when that thing keeps on coming up in my life or when that text keeps on popping up on my phone or when this relationship keeps on presenting itself god i would you help me follow you in the areas that i don't believe jesus i believe but will you help my unbelief jesus looks at this dad and says everything is possible for who not for the person that knows what to do not for the person that lives a moral life not for the person that even tries really hard jesus says everything is possible for the one who believes you know what that means for you tonight is that it is possible for you to be free from your addiction to pornography it's not just theoretically possible it is actually possible right now that you can walk out of this room and never look at pornography ever again for those who believe it's possible for you in this room right now to heal that deep hurt that hurt that you know you never tell anybody about because it would just expose you a little too much that hurt that somebody did to you that you didn't deserve but it's marked your life and you've walked around being a victim because you were a victim that hurt that you carry around your entire life it is possible for you to walk out of here healed if you believe not just that jesus is but that he will that jesus is who he says he is and will reward will show up will be good on what he said he will do in your life everything is possible for the one who believes would you stand with me jesus jesus we believe in this room god we believe but would you help us in these areas of our life where we have unbelief jesus we believe but will you help us [Music] in our unbelief one of the things that sparked this man's unbelief into faith it's simply an encounter with jesus and i believe that there's so many of us in this room right here tonight as i was preaching maybe it's a relationship maybe it's a pornography addiction maybe it's an alcohol addiction or medications maybe i don't know you're frustrated you gossip maybe you have deep resentment in your soul maybe you wrestle with depression or anxiety or maybe you have been wounded and someone has taken advantage of you and you can't seem to shake it and the cry of your heart tonight because i know it's the cry of my heart it's jesus i believe but in this area that i can't shake or this area that doesn't seem to heal or this area that i constantly hide jesus would you help my unbelief i believe right now in this room tonight there is the holy spirit is going to work supernatural healing in this room and i don't necessarily mean physical healing but i just mean that he's going to poke on some of your hearts and he's going to say hey you come here every single week and you lift your hands and you pray and you cry and you know what to do but deep in your core you just don't believe man will you let me come in and encourage your faith and push you to that spot of belief i honestly believe that there are moments that mark us with god all throughout the bible you see these characters that were marked by god in a moment and i wasn't planning on doing this but i just want to open up this altar tonight during our first song of worship for anybody that might find yourself in a position where you come in night in the night out you come to church on sunday whatever you're just wrestling and you feel like the dad where you're at your most desperate moment and you say jesus i've come to you so many times but i need a change god i believe but tonight i want you to help my unbelief i want to walk out of this room different than when i came i want to put this into bed i want to end this relationship i want to tear down this addiction i want to see this wall fall down in my life not just a temporary moment but both now and forever if that's you would you start to make your way on up i want to pray over you as the band begins to play jesus i just pray right now for every single person with the boldness of a boldness of faith like this father who's at the end of his rope who said god i've done everything i know to do [Music] and jesus said it's not about what you do it's about what you believe all things are possible for those who believe so jesus right now i pray in this moment that you would break chains that haven't been broken in years god i pray for the person that has walked in here with a with a family history of abuse with a family history of anger with a family history of alcoholism god i pray right now for the person that says god i believe i can be the first person in my family to be free from these things but i've got a track record of unbelief because my dad did it and my grandad did it and his dad did it no tonight i believe right now god is going to speak to that unbelief and you will be the one that breaks that habit you will be the one man tonight is the night of salvation don't wait [Music] father god would you meet us in this moment could we have a moment with you that marks us for those that are struggling with addiction god i pray that you would fill them with belief in areas where they don't believe they can be free jesus we love you would you meet with us we just need your presence we don't need another prayer another song we need the presence of the holy spirit that breaks chains that sets captives free [Music] jesus do what only you can do it's our honor and it's our privilege to worship you tonight it's in your name we pray and everybody said amen
Channel: Red Rocks Young Adults
Views: 153
Rating: 4 out of 5
Keywords: red rocks church, church, red rocks, faith, love, jesus, red rocks young adults, rrya, red rocks ya, young adult, hope, jesus christ, god, christianity, christian, connor grim, thursday, nights, denver, colorado, holy, spirit, bible, spirituality, justin bieber, self help, motivation, sermon, message, series, bible character, gospel, good news
Id: eW9vbxA0DoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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