Summary of the game by Michael Redmond

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Redmond is so good at rapid, succinct commentary. I wonder if he even realizes it sometimes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheIronMarx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven't seen this posted yet. It looks like it's published by Asahi, the Japanese newspaper, so it probably passed by those of you who are subscribing to Go-specific channels.

This is a 15 minute summary of the first game of this year's Meijin. It's really a broad overview of the game, a few variations, and it stops after B establishes a solid lead. You can find other videos that go deeper into analyzing specific parts of the game:

It's nothing you didn't see from the live commentary, but I just really like this format! I always found the giant magnetic standup boards to be kind of clunky and I'm really enjoying seeing the game played out more naturally on the tabletop. Also it's a treat to see Go videos with production values like this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GHOMA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here is a playlist of all videos featuring Redmond (that I could find) from the Meijin.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aeium πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

got I love this real board set up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IPlayGoALot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello this is Michael Redmond I'm done and I'll be giving commentary for the maygene tournament title match first game and this is going to be a summary so I'll be starting from the beginning of the game and I'll quickly go through through the game to talk about some major points or turning points of the game so the game started with Yama as black playing three four points and Cho playing four for four points star points which Cho didn't use to play star points so it's a bit unusual for him but he's changed his styles the effects that strong computer programs being having on all of us and black jumped into the three three points so this is with the high summary here and the three three point invasion this is a very a I like game it's a it's a modern way of playing and at this point white has a choice of the double honey or the cut both of those would have been so tacky but up to this point this is actually become one of the main line variations so this is in recent professional play this is very common but this this is a point where the game began to get a bit unusual the most common joseki move would have been this one and maybe one points more on the side and white would finish off the letter this looks like it would be about an even result but perhaps black was unhappy with the idea that white was capturing in a ladder in this case a ladder does figure white so black played the honey here and the idea with this move is to save save this cutting stone before playing on the side and jumping here was again one of the sharper variations would have been simpler if clackett extended but this is inviting white to get into some of the complications that we're gonna see in this game and this is a double threat the obvious first threat is the ladder here so black answers on this side and the other threat is this wedge here which if black captures the one stone white can play here to capture the corner group so this is the threat the other threat when white cut here black bumped against and connected underneath to make a position that's going to be a KO here in fact white immediately started the KO this is a very big ko almost impossible to calculate the value because it involves the life of blacks group and the destiny of the whole side here but white does have this one very big culprit so it's a code that white can win and also if white wins this going the black group dies here that would be a disaster so blacks only ko threat is going to be a local coal threat with which black one might say white black has captured this group but actually it's going to be a step code that favors blacks so usually this white group is going to die but it there is a KO here which is going to happen fairly soon white sets up for the call this exchange is usually not very good but white is building setting up a KO threat there for this Kuo [Applause] so white continues in the corner and this shape is a core in the corner but black has an extra Liberty which makes it a one step in one step Co so white needs to capture the one stone here before it becomes a direct call and that could explain why will clack played a relatively soft you might say colt red allowing white giving white a chance to start the co actually so white played once here and then took the one stone to start this call and the professionals studying the game in the press room thought that blacks should connect but taking here is also a very big move the difference between black winning this goal and white winning this goal is about 45 points so it's a very big coal and the result here it actually looks like it's it's hard to judge in fact the players themselves were saying they had trouble judging the position but black jumps out here and locally black actually has a slight aggressive potential in this local fight black has a lot of territory on the on the left side more than forty points and a territory upper left upper right corner so a lot depends on what will happen with White's territory here white played a low corner enclosure when actually what could have played a high this this was suggested by by the comment the Japanese commentator Yamasaki Bo suggested that White's just play high and if this works if white if black cannot invade here then this would actually be much better in the game white played low and then started to expand into the center and black started the third KO of this game in the lower left corner we had two coats concept to coast in a row in this corner and now black starts the third so although Cho is the player who really likes loves to play with clothes I'm getting the feeling here that it's llaman in this game itself who is leading the game into coke position so he's showing that he likes cause also [Applause] and might pulled back here for us and so black plays this attachment there were a lot of choices black had but the idea with this attachment is to get for instance enforcing lyrics here if white is submissively answering then a few forcing moves would make an attack on that white group in the upper right very effective so what just ignored it and extended all the way to here so this was the last move played on the board for Dane foot for the first day and the next move was black sealed move which was expected to be either the Tasman here or the invasion which was played in the game so maybe white should have pulled played one one space one one length of towards the white group which would have been a safer group a safer move and the game looks like it's just about even now it looks it seems to be undecided but blacks invasion was a very strong attack and where the co here is going to continue we're gonna get some more cool complications so white has a cut here next so black connected and white connected underneath and black jumped here so this is the strongest move for a white white played here threatening to cut here and and setting up the coal on the side and this has become a very big coal because if white cat wins the call this is going to be about thirty points of territory in a connected shape whereas if black wins the code will be this shape in which white has almost no territory because why it's connected on the first line and this group will not be sailing and the corner territory is mostly gone so it's a very big code that's started here when white takes this call black pushes through once and white use this both red black use this one and this is where it was suggested that white played this moves later in the game but it was suggested that white should play it immediately we hear and it's a very a very subtle difference because if black plays the code that black played in the game white has a bit more leeway in how to play heroes it's difficult for black to kill the entire white group without this exchange on the border already in the game both players played one extra ko thread each and black ended up getting this exchange so it's better for white not to have that exchange on the board so it's a very subtly complicated position let's just get back to the game sequence in which white played one more ko threat here so this was wife's final valid ko threat and took back the call and then black black used this Atari as a KO threat and that's where white played this move and black started the cohere so this is if black connects here and white captures free stones and black plays here then white would still have a good shape in this corner and black would only have one eye yet and white would have the potential cut here so this would still be playable for white but it would be much more damaging for black to play here win the ko and then capture the stone which would give black a strong attack on white next and better I say for black too and of course a lot more profit in territory so black starts the co here and used this as a KO threat after which white cut once and finish the call so black captures the one stone and this was a point again when it was suggested that maybe white should have played one Atari here which would have made a difference if black answers then white can return to this side and if we assume this variation then white will have time to escape so this would be better to the game but there's a lot of variations here which are complicated this was probably a very important turning point in the game in actual practice black might not actually connect that call but just play a connection here and a KO here would continue but black actually has a vital ko threat here and white runs out of coal jets at this point and so it becomes it still is a coal here but it becomes a bit painful for white when black is already connected in the center of the board so there's a lot of variations that could be good for either side but at this point I haven't seen any variations I'm seeing a lot of variations that seem to look to be working well for black so we had this position and white immediately played this move and then protected here after which black captured one stone and and closed the white group so throughout the game it seems that Yama is attacking a lot and Cho seems to be on the defensive a little bit but they are playing a lot of codes and so I know that this is a kind of game that Cho would really enjoys and he probably had fun even though he was having a hard time as far as the game is concerned so in this trade White has saved the group here and black has gained a lot of territory on the side and I think it's safe to say at this point already black is starting to get a lead the game continued this way and although what the white group looks in danger at any point y can play this connection which is forcing and make a life incentive so why it's just not not playing that quite yet but can play it at any point so black attacked here so I think that the game is already pretty already looking like a win for black at this point black has gained a lot of territory in the trade that happened here and can decrease White's territory on the lower side and also black does have the defensive on the upper side and it turned out that Yemma played very solidly after this he did not do anything all that adventurous and he took the game to a win very comfortably so I think that the fight here on the right side is the fight that probably determined the outcome of this game and it was a very complicated fight I'm sure that there will be some more details coming out as people study the game more but I'm gonna call this a day for for this summary of the game and I say that they're probably going to be fighting like this in the following games in this series in the match it's a seven best-of-seven match so they have at least four games but I think it's going to be closely fought and there's going to be more codes and more fighting in the series thank you
Channel: 朝ζ—₯ζ–°θžη€Ύ
Views: 54,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asahi, 朝ζ—₯ζ–°θžγƒ‡γ‚Έγ‚Ώγƒ«, 朝ζ—₯ζ–°θž, ε‹•η”», video, Michael Redmond, 第43ζœŸε›²η’εδΊΊζˆ¦
Id: 7tyY4xPEaKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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