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this is the Joo underground podcast it's number 86 86 the term MH you you had that in the in the what the bar Community the nightclub Community that's Echo Charles talking on the other side did you ever get 86 from a bar I have never been 86 I have never been kicked out of a bar I've never been anything yeah no I'm very I was always a very well behaved uh Patron person Jack all right well that makes one of us So speaking of which I got asked by a buddy of mine this weekend if I didn't get assigned to Seal Team 1 when I graduated buds would I be different and I just wrote back you he was texting me and I wrote back yes so the basis of the question is and you may have heard me talk about this back in the day otherwise no back in the day and it's not like this anymore Seal Team One used to be known as Stog team one and the reason they called it that was because it was the most militant team on the west coast anyways it had uniform inspections it had haircut inspections it was kind of like the equivalent of SE Team 2 on the East Coast which is the second team that I went to and there's a reason why I wanted to go to Seal Team 2 when I left Seal Team one but he he knew me this is this is a friend of mine that was also in the Navy but it's someone that who I knew growing up we knew we were childhood friends so he understood the Navy he understood the differences he'd actually been to Coronado understood you know the Navy understood understood that the different teams had different cultures and so he knew that uh Seal Team one was kind of regarded as like the strict of the SEAL Teams I remember at some point he had this back in the '90s mhm back in the 90s he like saw some picture and it was some seal and he had like a skateboard sticker on his gear right Skull Skates by the way I don't know if they're still around but he was kind of like well that's kind of crazy I go yeah it's not they're not from Seal Team One you I kind of was like hey bro we're not doing that over here so this friend was asking me do you think you'd be the same if you didn't go to won and the answer to me is no which seems obvious because I was young and impressionable impressionable and malleable as a 19-year-old buds graduate checking in to team one but I was also and this is sort of just the kind of known factors of my life is I was a rebellious kid I have a rebellious streak I've always had a rebellious streak I have that psychological reactance don't like to get told what to do I've told the story about the fact that when I joined the Navy my dad was like you're going to hate it cuz you hate Authority and you don't like listening to people he's 100% right he was 100% right so I was a rebellious from birth had that rebellious strength I grew up I was way into hardcore music very rebellious attitude the hardcore attitude listen to crom mags listen to Bad Brains listen to Agnostic Front that's what I was doing antisocial antisocial I was outside the realm and so what turns out or the way it turned out I think I actually got what I needed from Seal Team one I think that if I would have been at a team that had inherently a more rebellious attitude I would have been totally out of control I would have taken that be like oh that's what we're doing okay I got it so if I went to a team that would have been more laidback I would have been like oh it's cool to have long hair cool oh it's cool to be a biker cool oh we're fighting everyone like okay right on and look SE Team all the seil teams had some of that stuff going on but when I went to team one there was at least a at that time there was an underlying culture of military professionalism like an underlying culture I mean I when we got there we were going on our first run as new guys and one of my buddies wore a visor you know what a visor is it's like a hat without a thing yeah without the top yeah at the top yeah well that's not part of military uniform and the master chief Master Chief of the command so like the senior enlisted guy there sees him walks up to him and says like if you ever wear a visor again at Seal Team 1 I'm gonna have you sent to the fleet I was like God like that was insane like thinking about getting sent to the fleet after you graduated from Buds and checked into a team and now you're getting sent to the fleet like this is insane and he's and he's a mass Chief and he means it he wasn't like trying to be hyperbolic he was serious like I will send you to the fleet if I ever see you wearing a my again so military professionalism was held in high regard and there's a chance that I could have like rebelled against that like this place sucks but like no because I was it's weird I was rebellious but I was also young and malleable like okay that's that's what the master chief is saying that's what we're doing we're wearing the right uniform that's so I think it helped me and this is what I was thinking about that after my buddy asked me this question if I would have been the authoritarian type it would have been better for me to go to a team that was a little bit more laxed and a little bit more open-minded about things because essentially what I think happens is in the teams the way you now look the teams are all kind of the same now they're very much more the same than they used to be not that they were all like totally different but there's a definitely you had a culture at each one of the teams MH and now the teams are much more the same because people get switched more like youed to like I I spent freaking seven years at Seal Team One like seven years bro I mean I got there and just stayed there and that was very common there was a lot of guys they were just team one guys there was team Five Guys there was team three guys out on the East Coast there was guys there was guys when I got to team two there was guys that have been in Seal Team 2 for like 20 years bro they were in in the game they weren't going anywhere wait so you can just so it's more you think it's more common to jump not jump but just nowadays you you'll do like two tours at team one two tours at Team three two tours at Team five or two T tours at Team eight then you'll go and you'll do like you'll go to trading trade that then you go back to and you won't be like all like dude I'm not I'm waiting to go to to team one no one's saying that they're like oh I can get orders I can do a platoon Chief or I can do my lpo slot over at Team two cool I'll go they're not likey I want to go to this team they don't really care as much as they used to again the teams there's still obviously tradition and history at the teams but it's not as there's not as much of the differenti differentiating culture as there used to be but this is the thing that I think is cool is if you if you leaders that want to control everything you will find out that you can't control everything M and that's a positive thing the other end of the spectrum is leaders that want to pull the that don't want to pull the reins in and just kind of like oh I'm kind of laid back I'm just everyone's cool eventually you'll watch things get totally out of control so depending on the type of leader that you are it's good to go into the environment that's the opposite you see what I'm saying so if I would have been like a super crazy leader or a just a crazy guy it was and I kind of was a little bit right I was kind of rebellious I went to team one it was very good for meh if I would have been like a like a very militant person that was like oh I went to a military school it probably would have been better for me to go to another team where it's like hey dude you need to chill out like occasionally they would take guys and they'd send them officers they'd send them to Ranger school and Ranger school is totally militant totally strict and sometimes they would come out of that and it would enhance their militaristic attitude and you'd be like bro this ain't the Rangers yeah yeah like you don't we're not doing that and some guys were so wild you'd have to send him to Ranger school and it was good for him because like bro this is the military yeah you're not just able to do whatever you want so I got put into an environment as a rebellious cocky kid that kind of corrected that attitude and if I would have been a militaristic tyrant if I would have been a militaristic tyrant type of guy mhm team one would have been good for me me in the short term like like I would have been like heck yeah and then I would have been the type person that's like hey you need to get a haircut right and I was never like that even though I came from Team One and even though like in task un Bruiser was like hey we need to wear square to wear uniforms I did it for the mission I wasn't doing it for my own authority you see what I'm saying there's a huge difference yeah like when we were on Camp Markle I didn't care what you were I didn't care at all I don't care what uniform I wasn't like hey Le when you come into my office to talk to me you better be in a freaking uniform no like dude you roll in with flipflops shf shorts shirt is optional like we're in the team bro I don't care when we go out and talk to a battalion Commander be freaking squared away that's the way it is but if someone has a militaristic tyranical attitude it might be good for them in the short term because they fit in but in the long term in the long term it doesn't develop them as a person yeah so I had kind of an open mind and team one focused my mind a little bit right if I would have had a closed mind it would have been better for me to go to a team where the atmosphere opened up my mind and the reason that I'm saying all this this is a long way of me for me to get to this point is that it's good to put yourself in environments that challenge you and your belief systems yeah it's good to put yourself in that type of environment now that being said there is a I just got lucky that I got sent to team one yeah no one was like let's do a personality assessment of jonco oh this guy listens to freaking hardcore and punk rock music and he's a wild kid and we we need to give him some more military they didn't say that they just randomly I got team one me and GIF going over to team one actually a bunch of guys from my class went to Team One um and a bunch of guys went to other teams as well but what I'm saying is so you don't necessarily get a chance to select your environment but pay attention to if you are comfortable in that environment because if you're comfortable in that environment it may not be conducive to your own growth as a person you may be you know with like we're doing Jiu-Jitsu yeah and there's like a class where they're doing a lot of takedowns MH and you're like dude I love takedowns I wrestled in high school this is awesome you're stoked right but once you get to the ground hey we're just going to stand it back up you're kind of stoked on that so you go to that class more often that's what I'm saying what you need to do is you need to go get engaged in those classes where they're doing a lot of ground workor or vice versa you're like hey dude I'm a jiujitsu GU I'm not a wrestler well okay let you need still need to get some takedowns on so you can't just conform and accept what feels good you need to push back on yourself you need to feel some resistance in the world and if you can't if you don't feel any resistance in the at atmosphere that you're at that you're in then you need to check it and make sure you develop some resistance and you think about things from an outside perspective that you detach so that you can use that resistance you might have to create some resistance like hey man look I I know I could just skip the warm-up and skip the takedown part of this class but that's not the right thing to do yeah I can do it but it's not the right thing to do you know I'm going to get in there I'm going to make it happen I mean that's what we want to do we use that resistance to get better because we don't improve if we are staying in an environment that's not forcing us to reassess where we're at kind of a long way for me to say that but yeah does that make sense oh yeah fully so you know how and I guess the the what's the idea right the saying there's no growth in the comfort zone but that you're this is interesting I never really thought about this until right now like this very specific thing it might have been came in my mind before but not really think about it where you're talking about from a physical perspective like physically placing yourself in an environment or being in an environment that challenges you outside of your comfort zone like even like a dayto day or just like just in life you see what I'm saying you ever watched the movie American History X yes good that was a solid one so so remember right where uh what was what was his name started with a d right was it Darren or I don't know the main character Ed Norton Ed Norton yeah so he go he goes to jail you know and he's a white supremacist dude he goes to jail and he does not like black people at all dislikes obviously white supremacist you know the gig all right so he goes and he gets paired up in the laundry room right with a black guy and this black guy's like kind of on the surface like real stereotypical he's talking a lot he's doing all this stuff and he's like he doesn't like him he won't even say one word to him but he has to work in that environment got to work with him so over time because the guy's talking he's making jokes all this stuff over time he kind of like essentially in a nutshell slowly opens his mind slowly opens his mind maybe these black people aren't as bad as I thought kind of a thing this here's OB you know this one right here he's making jokes we're actually and they become friends and his mind slowly gets open he gets to stretch like that you what I'm saying but physically being in that environment you're right man you're right it's funny like with I used to go um to competition training with Dean lisst at other schools and that's kind of the same gig where you know when you're a stranger in a oh yeah they're G to bring that heat oh they're bring that heat if you're a teammate if you're target practice like you're a Target you might as well just be a grappling dummy yeah and there's more stuff on the line too so like think about it in your back in our competition days you come to the main spot you come to victory for competition training you know the guy I'm Joo Andy all these guy know these guys you know there's no there's an element of comfort in that no matter how hard the training is but you go to the if you're a stranger in another you know Academy and they're doing competition training that level of comfort is gone straight up gone but you get used to it and you can actually feel it when you go back home to Victory you're kind of like oh this is like real kind of cruise it's easier to be honest with you and it's more from a mental standpoint it's easier unless you're a foreigner coming into Victory and then you're like oh these guys are out the camp oh right which is the same gig just flipped around yeah exactly right so yeah you apply that kind of in life where yeah put yourself in those physical physically put yourself in those the the weird thing too is and we covered this on the psychology of military incompetence but a lot of times people that are attracted to that is a little excerpt of what we are doing on the Joo underground podcast so if you want to continue to listen go to Joo And subscribe and we're doing this to mitigate our Reliance on external platforms so we are not subject to their control and we're doing it so we can give you more control more interaction more direct connections better Communications with us strengthen this Legion of Troopers that are in the game with us so thank you it's Joo it cost $818 a month and if you can't afford to support us we can 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Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 114,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jocko willink, podcast, discipline, defcor, fredom, leadership, extreme ownership, author, navy seal, usa, military, echelon front, dichotomy of leadership, jiu jitsu, bjj, mma, jocko, victory, echo charles, flixpoint, underground
Id: 0YrpCh5Ti14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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