Suez Crisis 1956 - Cold War DOCUMENTARY

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I see all these documentaries and all I can say is I don't care. We need to learn from it, but Sinai is ours. We won the war.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 đź—«︎ replies

Nasser was an incompetent big mouth small action type of military guy We are still paying the price of his stupidity

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tamerrashdan1974 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 đź—«︎ replies
every Empire in the history of our world has a moment or event which we popularly envision to be the beginning of their final downfall even if they survive for a long time after it today we will cover one of these turning-point moments in history for both the British and French empires which declined in the wake of World War two in the aftermath the global balance of power permanently shifted and the events that happened in 1956 finally showed how much welcome to our video on the Suez Crisis of 1956 if you are interested in the history of this era don't forget to check out our second channel the cold war the link is in the top right corner shout out to the ridge for sponsoring this video the ridge raises the standard of everyday things like backpacks charges and wallets into sleek tools for better living their flagship product the ridge wallet was launched on Kickstarter in 2013 and now sits in the front pockets of over half a million men and women we carry so much pointless stuff in our leather bifold that they often resemble suitcases while the ridge helps you carry less but always have what you need it comes in titanium carbon fiber and over a dozen styles ensuring that there's a good fit for everyone the ridge has 30,000 five-star reviews a lifetime warranty and free returns gets 10% of rich products today with free worldwide shipping and returns by going to rich calm slash KNG and use the code KNG link in the description ever since its completion in 1869 the Suez Canal was considered strategically crucial to the British Empire who relied on it to link their home islands with India to keep control of the canal Britain took control of Egypt in 1882 and the country remained dominated by foreign will in various forms until after World War Two with the weakening of British influence over their colonies and the breakaway of India the importance of the Suez Canal increased because of its status as an artery as Britain ships the majority of its oil through it a military coup in July 1952 deposed the Egyptian monarchy and brought the Revolutionary Command Council to power and in 1954 Gamal Abdel Nasser secured power as the president the pan Arab nationalism favored by this faction was suspicious to both Britain's new prime minister Antony Eden who saw NASA as a threat to his nation's oil interests and Israel whose government believed a weak divided Arab world would be less of a threat to its existence a number of diplomatic maneuvers on both sides and REE intensification of the israeli-arab conflict began to ramp up the crisis to a fever pitch in this atmosphere Arab Federer in or partisans launched rates into Israeli territory from Gaza Egypt Jordan and Syria IDF commanders responded in kind while the Egyptian Navy blockaded the Straits of Tiran and prevented Israel's access to the Red Sea seeking high-quality Soviet equipment NASA conducted an arms deal with the communist satellite Czechoslovakia but in the Cold War climate this led the United States to retract funding from Egypt's Aswan Dam project it was this final straw that led NASA to nationalized the Suez Canal in July 1956 convincing Britain and France that the Egyptian leader had to go after extensive military planning the Allies decided to enact a revised Operation musketeer which General Charles K Lee outlined as such stage 1 was for Britain and France to gain air superiority and then a tenday arrow psychological campaign to overthrow NASA would begin through strikes on transportation and communication infrastructure along with economic centers the third part of the plan was an anglo-french airborne and naval assault aimed at occupying the Canal Zone initially not connected to these allied preparations Israel had already been preparing to invade sanai for months and this was made easier when NASA began to concentrate his forces near the Nile Delta and Suez Canal where his intelligence told him the Allied offensive would arrive IDF chief-of-staff Moshe Dayan drew up Operation Kadesh to exploit the situation and assigned for army groups to accomplish its objectives a northern line of advance attacking towards a LaRouche would be taken by three brigades two infantry and one armored under brigadier general hi aimless cough along the central axis stretching across the nigh from qetsiyah's to Allis Marilia was Colonel gununu Alex slightly larger detachment comprised of two infantry and two armored brigades while the lightly defended southern zone from the Mitla pass to Suez was assigned only the two hundred and second paratrooper regiment the fourth element near a Kaaba was assaulted by only one Reserve Infantry Brigade by October 29th 1956 the IDF troops had taken their places at staging points in the Negev region and it was at 3 p.m. the same day that operation Kadesh began with an aerial assault by IAF Mustangs on Egypt's Sinai communication network as this was happening the Knights Infantry Brigade in the far south captured the staging point of brass at niqab without any casualties by midnight on October 30th bypassing Egyptian positions and attacking from unexpected angles slightly further north ariel sharon's two hundred and second parachutist brigade began its militarily negligible but politically crucial drop deep into san i an hour after Kadesh began it was a raid which would trigger the so called server a protocol giving Britain and France the excuse they needed to enter the war nominally to expel both Egypt and Israel from the Canal Zone this force advanced towards a heavily garrisoned Mehmet and struck at dawn when the Sun was blinding Egypt's defenders Israeli armored quickly overwhelmed opponents at the gap and then took the area despite subsequently suffering aerial attack by some Egyptian aircraft Sharon then managed to take net learn by breaking Egyptian morale with artillery barrages a masterful tactician but a dreadful strategist Sharon then disregarded the overall aims of his mission and entered the heightened defile on bad intelligence attacking a well-defended Gorge and a feature known as the saucer after a day of heavy combat which costs 38 Israeli lives night favorite the IDF commandos and they secured the area the real fighting however was in the center and north where Colonel Joseph Hart passes fourth Infantry Brigade moved to storm alkis a mirage night moving through difficult terrain and using a pincer maneuver to encircle the city they collapsed the Egyptian forces and the city was captured just after 3 a.m. Israel was now free to march towards the indefensible city of Abu availa a vital transportation hub with nearby roads leading out into the entirety of Sanai which if captured could lead to the fall of the entire peninsula what was defensible worthy series of ridges east of the city Rapha boom Sheehan and in quor'toth known collectively as the Hedgehog for three days 3,000 entrenched Egyptian defenders held off around 12,000 Israelis beating off attack after attack eventually the IDF managed to encircle the Hedgehog with the 7th Armored Division after Al Cosima fell but resistance still proves difficult to crack along the northern ratha salient Colonel Benjamin give Lee's first infantry and Colonel Hayne barbells 27th armored brigades were faced by Brigadier General Jafar a labs and his reinforced 5th infantry brigade along with a reserve at RAF Air itself it was a formidable defensive zone with dunes protecting the south while 18 small hills in the north and center provided high ground and ambush positions from which the Egyptian troops dug in with bunkers barbed wire fences and mines protecting them could attack moshe dayan plans to use three similarly powerful spear heads in order to get through this position with each instructed not to spend time reducing enemy positions and to instead concentrate on making a breakthrough somewhere before converging at a place called the crossroads three miles west of the salient while fighting in the remainder of the Sinai continued Dyanne waited to launch his three-pronged assault in the north until the Egyptians were distracted by other military considerations at 8 p.m. on October 31st thirteen hours after Egypt had rejected the Allies ultimatum to withdraw from the Canal Zone ordnance dropped from RAF Canberra bombers started hammering airfields and faces eight in the Canal Zone at four the nile delta at night with the bombardment of egypt underway Dianne's northern attack began without much success due to still intact enemy defenses however after infantry cleared several hills with rockets the 22nd armored brigade super Sherman's and amx-13 managed to smash through the northern flank after a costly three-hour fight before the pincers around Rafa could close Egyptian commander a lab complied with NASA's second directive to withdraw pulling what remained of the Egyptian 5th infantry out of danger and leaving the Israeli success incomplete as the infantry mopped up flying columns of the 27th pushed quickly west towards a LaRouche after being stalled for a few hours at the narrow Gerardi pass by levs troops managed to break through but Egyptian artillery fire forced them to hold as Twilight on the 1st of November by this time NASA's armies were withdrawing wholesale from the Sinai Peninsula those pulling back from Rafa were joined by units from the Hedgehog whose defenders had to flee through the desert and fell victim to the environment in their retreat Israeli success in the north severed Gaza from Egypt and Moshe Dayan who considered the strip to be a bridgehead for Egyptian assaults on his state commanded the 11th infantry and 37th armored to secure Gaza City and Fang Canyon after a 58 our campaign Gaza was conquered far to the south Israel's main priority in operation Kadesh was to reopen the Straits of Tiran by securing dominance on the Gulf of Aqaba coast and securing Sharm al-sheikh since the beginning of the operation the 9th Infantry Brigade had been ordered to remain at rassolnik AB as Moshe Dayan feared Egyptian air attacks would obliterate them in the open Sharon's two hundred and second pivoted south along the Gulf of Suez to open a second front while the 9th infantry advanced in tandem after retreating all the way to Sharm el-sheikh Egyptian commander Zaki was hit by ground forces behind a withering screen of airstrikes and surrendered at 9:30 a.m. on November 5th operation Kadesh had finished but musketeer had barely even begun West from the land theater in Sinai the Allies were intensifying their bombardment campaign in hopes of destroying the egyptian air force in order to gain aerial supremacy before a land invasion began as the sun appeared over the horizon on the morning of November 1st carrier-based Sea Hawks sea venoms and Corsairs joined Cyprus based as Thunder streets in strafing and warning Egyptian planes which I have already by the end of the day 200 of NASA's aircraft had been destroyed with aerial supremacy secured the allies wanted to destroy enemy morale by attacking refineries and petroleum installations but worries about retribution against British oil interests in Iraq made this a non-starter instead a watered-down Aero psychological campaign began with the bombing of Radio Cairo's headquarters and the destruction of its transmitter while elsewhere aircrew balked at having to drop propaganda leaflets over Egyptian cities when push came to shove limitations and fear of civilian casualties rendered these morale attacks a useless sideshow compared to larger military concerns at the same time preparations for Phase three began with multi-purpose fighters switching to tactical and operational targets such as armor and trucks capable of reinforcing the Canal Zone infrastructure on which they could travel and vehicle concentrations in the area with the coast fully clear boots were now ready to set foot on Egyptian soil in the form of anglo-french parachutists who were given the objective of securing valuable points in the Canal Zone before UN talks resuming on the 5th could call a halt to operations after taking off from Nicosia at 4:15 a.m. on that day the 3rd parachute battalion group began their airdrop over a designated area five miles west of Port Said within an hour of landing they had captured Camille before beginning their advance on portside itself ten miles southeast minimal Egyptian resistance allowed focused French parachutists to easily seize wrasse WA which contained crucial water works for the port Allied air superiority allowed French commanders to circle about the battlefield in an airborne command post allowing effective integration of air support subsequent offensives also managed to eliminate all Egyptian resistance in Port Fouad by late afternoon on the 5th of November at about the same time the commander of portside Brigadier selahaddin morgue I requested negotiations after repelling an attack by parachutists but after around 4 hours at about 9:30 p.m. he rejected all terms by which time the Allied Amada was offshore and ready to initiate landings before dawn on the 6th attack aircraft strafed portside and allied destroyers shelled it supporting Egyptian soldiers to and their defensive positions and flee inland when 7 a.m. came men of 40 and 42 commando made landfall and began to immediately use blitzkrieg tactics to thrust straight for strategic objectives in land after gaining this beachhead the amphibious assault troops were continually reinforced for the first time in history by helicopters operating from carriers ocean and thisis Egyptian resistance was fierce but the disembarkation of centurion tanks gradually muted the amount of bases in such buildings as the Customs House at Navy house while resistance in port side still slowed down operations a column of paratroopers reinforced by Centurion tanks began a swift advance in land towards Alcantara they had been informed of the upcoming ceasefire and wanted to get as far as they could however the darkness of night a cratered road and confusion between various mixed units executing the unplanned operation prevented much progress instead by 2 a.m. on the 7th they were entrenching in darkness near Al Capp a canal station four miles north of Alcantara once the Egyptian forces in the city realized that the British were so close they set up their own blocking positions half a mile away from the enemy's front line for five days after the British troops suffered small arms and the threat of a full-scale attack during the ceasefire on the 5th of November the United Nations emergency force or UN EF was created in order to provide a neutral peacekeeping unit to replace the occupying forces Danish Norwegian and Colombian troops would replace the entrenched anglo-french throughout the ceasefire the war was effectively over US and Soviet pressure had forced an anglo-french withdrawal from Egypt and an Israeli retreat from the Sinai Peninsula we are planning to cover more modern conflicts both on kings and generals and our second channel the cold war the link to which you can find in the description or up in the top right corner so make sure you are subscribed to both we would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters and channel members who make the creation of our videos possible now you can also support us by buying our merchandise by the link in the description this is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 835,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: six day war, kings and generals, full documentary, history lesson, documentary film, world history, extra credits history, decisive battles, First Arab–Israeli War, Palestine, Israel, Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War, jerusalem, america, USSR, cold war, Third Arab–Israeli War, DOCUMENTARY, strategy, sinai, golan, yom kippur, suez canal, history channel, valley of tears, anwar sadat, west bank, history documentary, golan heights, animated historical documentary, suez crisis
Id: Ck8sNXREHvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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