Korean War 1950-1953 - Drive South and Battle of Pusan - COLD WAR DOCUMENTARY

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[Music] the Korean War is often called forgotten mostly due to the comparisons to be later conflict in Vietnam however this bloody war and its results were crucial for the Cold War and in many ways continues to shape our present day as the chances of reconciliation on the peninsula look dimmer every passing day welcome to our series on the Korean War if you were interested in the history of this era don't forget to check out our second channel the cold war the link is in the top right corner shout out to the sponsor of this video war thunder this free to play online military vehicle combat game is available on PC ps4 and Xbox and in cross play between the platforms with no purchase necessary just download and play great graphics music sound effects and realistic physics and damage models fully immersed it's more than 20 million players worldwide into the massive battles three different modes allows everyone to select the level of realism suitable for them the developers are very active and constantly provide free major updates to the game and add new features vehicles and maps so what are you waiting for play war thunder for free on PC PlayStation 4 and Xbox one support our channel and get a premium aircraft tank or ship and a three-day account upgrade as a bonus by clicking the in a description following the Japanese surrender and defeat in the Second World War Korea formerly occupied by Japan was divided by the USSR and USA along the 38th parallel the Soviet Union took control of northern Korea while America occupied the south with the capital Seoul Korea was first administered by the US Soviet Union Joint Commission which aimed to grant independence to Korea in five years following riots against this decision the u.s. declared martial law soon the work of the Joint Commission was considered ineffective paired with worsening relations between America and the Soviet Union the situation brought about a deepening of Korea's division the u.s. proposed elections in Korea under the UN's auspices which was rejected by the Soviets and the Korean communists who did not believe that the voting would be fair as a result South and North Korea held separate elections with pro US forces solidifying their power in the south while pro Soviet communists did the same in the north in 1948 North Korea became a state under the name of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea while the South declared independence and became the Republic of Korea both Soviet and American troops had left Korea before the start of the Civil War but they had an instrumental role in preparation for the war the leader of North Korea Kim il-sung and South Korea's assumed manry wanted to take the rest of Korea and were encouraging their respective Soviet and American allies to support them the Soviets wanted to avoid a direct confrontation with the US and believed that the Americans would not interfere given their non intervention in the civil war in China said civil war in China was over and China's desperate need for Soviet aid paired with Soviet pressure on China to provide military support to North Korea led to the Chinese decision to assist Kim Ilsan militarily even prior to the start of full-scale military operations in 1950 occasional skirmishes on the border and guerrilla warfare were employed by communists in the south as a result of this up to 8,000 Security Force personnel were killed in South Korea and the process of establishing the South Korean army was hindered the North was better prepared for the war by mid 1950 NOAA enforces called the Korean People's Army kPa for short numbered between 150 and 200 thousand troops including thousands of Chinese Civil War veterans from Korea they were organized into ten infantry divisions one tank division and one Air Force division with 210 fighter planes and 280 tanks ready for deployment along with 14 fighters 78 bombers 105 t-34 85 tanks and some 30,000 soldiers stationed in reserve in North Korea in comparison the army of the Republic of Korea ROK for short had 98 thousand soldiers 65,000 combat 33,000 support no tanks and a 22-piece air force this drastic difference and the unprepared nosov the ROK army predetermined early success for North Korea on the morning of the 25th of June 1950 the North Korean army passed the 38th parallel and this is considered the start date of the Korean Civil War it is unclear who fired the first shot but the North Korean army started an orderly advance throughout the third parallel being supported by tanks and heavy artillery the South Koreans did not have tanks or anti-tank weaponry and instead of gathering all available troops at strategic points they were scattered across the front they did not stand a chance against the North Korean army the principle offensive conducted by the kPa 1st Corps with fifty three thousand men drove across the Indian River towards Seoul the second Corps with fifty four thousand soldiers attacked along two widely separated axes one through the cities of Qin Qian and injured to Hong Chen and the other down the East Coast road towards Kangnam on June 27th to 28th Seoul failed and the majority of the South Korean army was essentially defeated all the South Korean leadership under assuming we could do was to order a massacre of communists in the South which continued throughout the summer of 1950 and took up to 200,000 lives the remaining South Korean forces formed a defensive line south of the Han River the only hope for South Korea was a US intervention at first the US was reluctant to get involved directly in Korea since the possibility of direct confrontation with the USSR and China could have potentially led to full-scale global war along with that at the time Korea was not viewed as being as strategic as Japan or Germany therefore there were only 200 to 300 American troops stationed in Korea the US had decided against interfering in the civil war in China but the triumph of the Communists in China along with the Swift advance of Kim il-sung in Korea caused significant concern for the Americans firstly they knew that a United communist Korea would be a serious security threat for strategic Japan secondly the Americans feared that if they did not intervene in Korea it might be interpreted as a signal of weakness and unwillingness to protect his allies u.s. public opinion was not against supporting South Korea especially after the condemnation of the North Korean attack by the UN Security Council which was boycotted by the Soviet Union at the time and its approval of the use of force to ensure peace in Korea we face a serious situation in the reason it was in August 1950 President Truman got the consent of Congress to approve 12 billion dollars for military action in Korea even prior to the large-scale deployment of US troops in Korea smaller units were transferred from Japan to thwart or slow down the North Korean advance the Battle of Osan was the first battle of the Korean Civil War in which American troops participated the 540 man strong task force Smith a small element of the 24th Infantry Division flown from Japan faced elements of the 4th Infantry Division and 150 are division of the North Korean army Korean ground units was haunted by 36 tanks in this battle against none on the American Society task force Smith were able to hold their ground for three hours but had to withdraw and a heavy North Korean attack while suffering 60 dead and 82 captured during the battle the 24th Infantry Division's 34th Infantry Regiment was able to set up in Pyong 10 50 miles or 24 kilometres to the south it would be similarly defeated in the Battle of yuntech over the next month the 24th Infantry Division will fighting numerous engagements to delay North Korean forces with similar results within a week the 24th Infantry Division has been pushed back to Daejeon which where it was again defeated the North Koreans overwhelming US forces time and again were able to push the eighth army all the way back to Pusan by August 1950 the North Koreans controls the majority of Korea while the United Nations command with South Korean and American troops plus a small British contingent controlled a small portion of the southeast including the port of Pusan which was strategically vital for the United Nations command as it allowed for the landing of American troops tanks and weaponry the Battle of Pusan Perimeter started on August 4th 1950 and went on until mid-september although North Korean troops had advanced quite rapidly through South Korea resistance by the United Nations forces had weakened them the North Koreans lost 58,000 of their troops and a large number of tanks which forced them to rely on less experienced replacements and conscripts at the beginning of the battle the kPa had 70,000 men and 40 tanks during the course of the battle the North Koreans brought a total of 13 infantry divisions and one Armored Division to the fight at Pusan Perimeter the total number of UN troops in Korea on August 4th was 92 thousand of which 47,000 wearing us ground combat units and 45,000 in South Korean combat units thus the UN ground combat force outnumbered the North Koreans 90 mm to 70,000 the UN troops were commanded by a celebrated Second World War General Douglas MacArthur in September more troops and over 500 Sherman and Pershing tanks were transferred to assist the UN troops the Americans also secured total naval and air domination of Koreans who were much weaker in that respect this was causing military and logistical difficulties the UN Command organized a defense throughout the Pusan Perimeter natural barriers such as the NAFTA River helped in this regard while full air domination allowed Americans and South Koreans to move inside the perimeter freely US forces demolished all bridges over the neck dog liver England retreat which caused the deaths of the refugees fleeing to Pusan North Korean forces had four possible routes into the perimeter to the south the pass through the city of marsan around the confluence of the Nam and knocked on rivers another southerly route through the nekton Bulge and into the railroad lines at Mir yang through the route into tiger in the north and through kyung-gu in the eastern corridor the aim of the UN Command was to repel the North Korean offensive and start a counter-offensive the North Korean 4th and 6th divisions were up against the American 24th and 25th divisions in youngsaeng Masson and mieh yang the North Korean second and third divisions were up against the US 1st Cavalry Division and the 1st and 6th South Korean divisions around tiger in the northern part of the Pusan Perimeter the 13th 812 and 5th North Korean divisions were up against the 6th 8th 3rd and cap divisions from South Korea the Battle of Pusan Perimeter consisted of a series of battles which started with the USAF Army counter-offensive from marsan to chinju with an aim to push the North Koreans out towards the Combe River and break up the North Korean forces near Tager the battle started on August 7th when task force keen was confronted by the kPa sixth division which the Americans failed to achieve their aims of taking chinju and breaking up North Korean forces near taker but inflicted significant casualties this can be considered the first successful large-scale engagement by the American forces on the night of August 5th to 6th the kPa 4th division started its advance towards young san and caught the 24th american division by surprise which expected an attack from the north around take food the North Koreans were able to continue pressing forward and take globally pill and oblong nybridge critical terrain astride the main road in the Bulge area by August 11th the attack on Yongsan started the attack was repelled by the first Korean traditional Brigade in conjunction with Task Force Hill which nearly annihilated support kPa division another kPa attack started in the north of the perimeter the 8th 12th and fifth divisions attacked with an aim to secure the tiger Luang line initially this offensive was successful young doc was captured while ROK A's 3rd division was encircled and the area around Pohang dong was taken the ROK a 17th 25th and 26th regiments as well as the ROK a first anti-guerrilla battalion marine battalion and a battery from the US 18th field artillery regiment were organized into task force Hoang dong and the 8th Infantry Regiment and 2nd Infantry Division were organized into task force Bradley to counter the kPa 5th division and 766 infantry regiment along with that our Kas 3rd division was evacuated from their encirclement by the US Navy and brought to you obey to join the defense the UN forces successfully repelled the phase kPa attack and forced them to withdraw on August 19 another kPa offensive was planned towards the UN Command headquarters in Taegu with five of its divisions participating the city was defended by the u.s. 1st Cavalry Division and the ROK 1st and 6th divisions of the ROK ii poor again despite initial advances the KPA failed to achieve its aim after suffering significant casualties largely due to carpet bombing conducted by the US Air Force in the largest airport towards the end of August 1950 the initial kPa offensive on the Pusan Perimeter was repelled by the UN forces which was accompanied by large losses for the kPa and increasing difficulties in supply due to the complete air superiority of the US for example by September 1st the North Koreans had less than 100 tanks in comparison with 600 American tanks nevertheless the kPa was still a formidable force which received reinforcements to launch a new offensive Kim il-sung ordered for the war to be over by September this time the kPa command decided to make a frontal attack instead of trying to outmaneuver the UN forces this attack known as the Great Neck tongue offensive started on September 1st and push both sides to their limits again the North Koreans but by September 6th the UN forces were able to stabilize the perimeter the final blow on this offensive was the American landing at Inchon which took the North Koreans completely by surprise and allowed the UN forces to end the threat to the Pusan Perimeter war funder has an unrivaled arsenal of more than 1200 historically accurate tanks planes helicopters and ships from the 1930s to the 1990s available across 80 major battlefields of World War two and the Cold War support our channel and get a premium aircraft tank or ship and a three-day account upgrade as a bonus by clicking the link in the description we're planning to talk more about the Korean War both on the kings and Generals channel and our second channel the cold war the link to which you can find in the description or in the top right corner so make sure you are subscribed to both we would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters as channel members who make the creation of our videos possible now you can also support us by buying our merchandise via the link in the description
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 1,023,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: south korea, north korea, korean war, korean war (military conflict), united states, kim jong un, history channel, soviet union, 38th parallel, old movies reborn, united nations, us army, south korean, north korean, republic of korea, douglas macarthur, yalu river, kim il sung, history of korea, cold war (military conflict), kings and generals, six day war, 6 day war, korean peninsula, pusan
Id: 2uwl0xEtwAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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