Subtronics (Cyclops Army TV Production live stream day) Twitch Stream

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hello which everybody yeah I am currently on discord with killfeed we are working on a song yeah hi everyone he says hi if you can't hear I'm gonna grind some materials and then light them on fire and then put them in my body real quick so let's keep we can I'll stay on discord until I finish that process real fast and then I'm gonna actually jump and do this twitch stream but feel free to play the thing that we're working on alright okay yep well this is still pretty whip I don't know if you guys can hear this also my MacBook is no longer connected to my sound cards so they'll be hearing it like from MacBook speakers into a microphone over twitch that's maybe the worst possible way you could potentially show anyone a song hello everybody today we are doing production if you're just joining us [Music] [Applause] gee feel gamers only if you're down to export just like a 8 bar loop II boy I can just like toss into Toronto consider it playable but then I'll work on it more as well or if you keep working on it and come up with anything cuz I think we still need that like interesting idea that makes it stand out you know like it's like a solid quarter note song right now but we want to make it memorable I mean obviously that's the hardest part and it's easier said than done I really like the full lot though yeah I think it's super sick very choppy yeah something like it I think anyone here I need to hear it uh well I've been hearing it on my monitors but uh I want to hear it like on my end for my monitors maybe or maybe just like a be it oh add this up real quick on the court and an alternation okay if everyone is wondering this is a song with killfeed cuz not too obnoxiously gas them up while being on discord with anybody is one of my favorite producers right now okay [Applause] that's so much better really great a large amount of better that's a large quality of a quantity of better it is I could in theory log into discord on my PC and still show your screen over twitch but that would probably be really shitty yes I mean we could try but then also its FL and I'm like I don't know really much I I couldn't really explain to anyone in the chat what's happening because I fell well I know what I'm doing well I just well I say all the time that for me Oh turned off the wrong thing it's so much it's for me it's really just trial and error like I'm sure everyone would love to be able to just sit down and write down a banger instantly but it really goes to like companies or like the virtual rides head would they produce they're like oh I know all of this I'm gonna do this I'm just like that's how you got smacked at f/11 huh you got smack f/11 I lost the picture of you um so for everyone wondering saying we want to go over inch roads I'll big up so much hearing bits the first thing we kind of really want to do ever with a dubstep song you don't have to do this and I even didn't start start doing this till recently but it'll help you visualize where you want to put things see this grid up here even when DJing because we were talking about potentially doing DJ lessons as well the idea of breaking songs down into 16 bar segments and approaching them every 16 bars it's like a separate thing is gonna be really helpful so if you kind of do the first 16 bars you set a locator and go like that's the intro right there right and then let's say you want your drop to be generally I mean you know it's not always right here but oftentimes the drop will be at 33 bars or 32 bars so normally you'll have like some sort of intro in this range kind of like your verse thing right here you'll have your build get intense here and then your drop will happen here your switch will happen here and then from here you can either do a mid drop build or you can do like another switch and then another switch really depends on my drop learning I've actually never done that like section by chance it helps but I mean just just for sake of like explaining like it especially with interest normally like I'll have like the most stripped back basic things starting here and then this is where I'll catch some sort of like intro groove thing like if I have intro drums they'll go in kind of this part this is the kind of the part we're either it'll break down and then this is the part rule to build up so actually yeah let's rename this break several quick it's probably to be so cool oh my god it's so much better Dave is it really better yeah oh my god like kiss like like that normal sub of the drop is like lower I think it gives things like it gives this like right it's so cool I kind of hear that yeah but wait I'm good Sony is texting me [Laughter] the multitask right now is like through the roofs big UPS clutch jungle for subscribing for two months yeah also for everyone wondering who subscribed that really subscribed for the live sets like if that's what you're really interested in here I'm going to be doing more of them and I think that in time I'm going to be pretty regular with them I'm just taking a current kind of pause with it because I did a lot really fast and I want to be able to save up a bunch of new music you know and have something exciting to present you guys when I do them so right now I'm kind of in like really hardcore grind production mode but uh very soon Oh Bing bong very soon we will be doing like more live sets but honestly yeah someone in here just said honestly production streams over set streams and considering a lot of the people in here because there aren't as many people in here today are probably the people that are more here for production so I guess it doesn't really apply to this group of people but am I going to play a song that I like from Thursday in my set yes I got a kill feed on discord we're still kind of working on their song our song a little bit yes so anyway I'm just here cuz I like hanging out that's cool just wanna hang out I'm gonna move my camera over here because I'm always looking at the chat oh how much better is that hey that's better yes so basically I mean you don't have to do it in this order I'm kind of just placing these down so you can kind of picture in your head what your main goal is gonna be so basically the way I lay it out is like you have your initial intro which is real kind of entry juice you know whether it's a chord progression or a melody or a sample this is where the initial song introduction will happen Daniel can I catch your first I already said this already but I'm just repeating it for anyone I just got here headphones suggestion I would recommend Audio Technica MTH I think it is and 50s the standards they're great also bear dynamic dt7 70s are fantastic as well but yeah so this is normally where my intro drums will come in so like I do a lot of inch like a trappy intro for a lot of my dubstep songs this is normally where that will take place then I'll do my breakdown which is where you start to build it down from the energy that you like you build up energy sustain it about 50 percent energy bring it back down in energy to like 25 percent energy and this build is we're gonna bring it up to a hundred percent energy and then drop is 100 percent energy you know if that kind of makes sense so this answer will be real trappy and then build it down maybe no drums here no like anything or you know you can start builder Lee if you want to if there are no rules build it up and then you're drunk so that's your basic intro oh I am on a PC and not a MacBook yes so let's just make a intro right m50x a th are the headphones I would recommend for sure I was mixing down a song actually last night with those instead of my monitors and I'll play it for you guys did I even upload it on soundcloud this song I started I don't think I uploaded the new version of it because I'm a dumb idiot okay do I ever use 808 so it's a mostly hip-hop sub base for intros I kind of use 808 berried damn it bears endemic t27 70s are great if you have the hi own version I would really really recommend a pre-op preamp for your desktop yeah so to start this intro I understand when we start with my drop so this is kind of weird but I guess we're just gonna write out a four bar chord progression let's get it since I'll probably pick on the sphere check donation messages will do oh do I use sonar works if so how do I use it I'm actually not familiar with sonar works or what that is I can look up to it though I mean I could I could look into it yeah I had the 250 on Barrow dynamics as well and I use the desktop for yep it made them better big up Clark for subscribing or that was two minutes ago Big Ups Laura Nash for gifting a subscription to Trishelle anyway we got honest here open we got our MIDI things open we want to write some just like chords that we can build this whole thing off of right so pick it up click this button right here to hear the MIDI notes hold down shift and press up to go over between octaves what key do we want this in alright chat what what key is this song gonna be in d e f g a e d that's too much doing it Almighty D that's 3 4 D 2 4 e 2 4 F all right everyone's saying D we're going with D [Music] so I honestly just like Connie use my ears and just stir together weird chords let's send it so [Music] you can also hold down ctrl click your MIDI note drag it up it'll duplicate it shift up to go up an octave down without holding shift they have two of the same note spread across octaves very tight cool and city um let me open to score down here real quick just to get super distracted really fast I'm gonna leave this chat for like a second it'll be right back yeah okay so you guys can still hear me alright killfeed oh you're gonna want to reset that private link immediately oh wait oh this is just a confusing this [Music] [Music] it sounds tight okay yeah that sounds tight that I see I absolutely see what you're saying with I absolutely see what you're saying with the sub layered underneath that uh that one layer is so tight that substance great different discord I'm gonna stretch these out by holding highlighting doing this and the way icon are right chords I'm saying shake my head why are you saying shake my head Oh like whatever you gonna smoke [Music] sonar works takes the EQ of your headphones oh I have heard about this actually um I have heard about that Lee has told me about it I don't recommend using opera it's stupid yeah I've had a few people tell me about sonar works and how it works and says that it's really really cool very neat [Music] choo-choo-choo testicles [Music] that's cool cord all right let me go through a note by note and kind of change it so that's kind of awkward with some of the notes going down in someone going up [Music] yeah I don't know I'm not feeling that second quarter I'm gonna start of trial and error trial in our trial and error [Music] I don't have a music theory experience it's experimentation I think honestly changing the on the sphere patch will lend help those are drums on the sphere is 1 million percent worth it absolutely hundred percent I love on the sphere I could use the MIDI effect to just do a chord and it would make it for me and now would probably be easier I often forget it exists [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that'll be like the root note what I'm doing here I did not really study music theory I didn't go to school for any of it I probably should be more experienced with it I probably should be more read up on it but I mean a lot of it I really just used my ears I guess it's kind of I feel like a lot of people do that and I feel like it's kind of proof that like don't say you can't do something just because you don't think you know how to do it like you can just and try and even if you're bad you'll be bad for a while and you'll eventually get better at it so I mean I hear a lot of this stuff in my head and then I figure out a way to transcribe it into the notes but I don't actually know how to like read music I know how to I know how to read drum music I play drums for like 12 years so I can read music in a sense but I don't actually know music theory just like rhythm stuff so this is all trial and error using my ears so this goes [Music] I'm like trying to figure out relative pitch like if what this is to this as this is to this then what is this what's the last note you know what I mean like I'm trying to fill in the blank if that makes sense it's almost like Sudoku in a way you open who's calling me what's happening life like my discord is ringing yeah who's calling me how do I see it oh no okay I need to actually put this cord and reopen on oh and never mind we're still good okay I'm saving this I thought a Moulton crash for a second on my macbook and I was afraid we did just feed the puppy put the red dandy unison mini chord pack changed my life not uh nad do I know John Casey i I've never actually spoken to him but one of my best friends this his best friend they got boneless pig for subscribing [Music] why was my I want to figure out what my discord was ringing but I also want to figure out figure finished building this chord progression so as I was saying it's kind of like relative this to this this to this yep that's right okay so then that's right yeah yeah I might harder I mean maybe repeating this if you hi I'm gonna actually do this make it twice as big command J and then highlight all command a and then hit this button cuz I didn't I wasn't 150 and it's really fast at 150 so that feels like a better pace anyway [Music] I'm gonna repeat that these top two notes wait 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 we are missing one yeah then we want to make this maybe an eight bar progression so what's good did someone say high G because high a actually [Music] I'm writing chords there pretty and I'd then from there I kind of just like picture melodies in my head to go over top of it to add to the chord so why can't I see you eat all of this are you eating all isn't cheese amazing you should check live enhancement Suites it's a software and adds a cheat to Ableton the more you know max for life is kind of like that the olives and cheese you said yeah where are you whoops like where are you in the world Belgium yeah it's all checks out sounds like a proper Belgian snack when the first tour ever went on was with ganja and when I opened the fridge the first time I walked in there on the bus they had only Stella which is the Belgian beer and he goes oh yes like proper proper any belch any proper Belgium fridge will look like this there's just 100% Stella that's it oh no you want to see the real Belgian beer yeah I'll send your pictures ganja's from Belgium to what God just from Belgium God you white night yeah you know what the funny part is your salt our soccer league is called the Jupiler League so that's like if our if our if our football teams were like the Bud Lights you know it's amazing it's not a football team it's like the Belgian League it's like though like the whole like like the like instead of the NFL it would be the Heineken wow wow idea riddim but upside down interesting okay let's add a counter melody to this I have an idea let's highlight all of them hit invert and then put in our Peggy ater on it that was a horrible idea don't do that [Music] our Pesci ater makes it go through the notes systematically systematic Holly and it will do it based on parameters you said I'll tell you what they are as soon as I move my dumb head out of the way because BAM there's the arpeggiator it's down there behold the arpeggiator it's right there really funny okay so you can control the speed with the rate you can unsink it why did I have to like that so much I might keep that I like that a lot with it going really fast [Music] so when I said you have a stripped back version for like the first intro part of your song also octave changing is a big part of moving your intros forward at least in my cases so we have something like this but when you have the actual rest of the layers come in we bump it up an octave it'll dramatically change the feel [Music] [Music] the unfortunate nastain factor fit part of it is that they're the same on the sphere patch so I'm gonna change them and then I'm gonna add a third that's an arpeggiator that's actually right and I kind of want to add an actual melody as well it's a central Forge here um it could be for our song if we really want it to be I'm just I got on production and I was like what you guys want to learn today and someone said intros and then after that I'll talk about mix downs as well alright so what are we on right now what's happening what's going on we have this fast our page and we want this pad to not be the same pad so [Music] bro oh my Christ it's good [Music] but it sounds like that [Music] I believe it's five or six hundred it might be more expensive than contact I'm not totally sure okay so I'm in love with this already it's fine I am automating things as y'all can see I automated the free rates down so it does this [Music] oh I thought I saw someone say clipping but they were say digging but I was so triggered I like immediately was like you but not actually stop clipping ten also negative ten I'm following the rules for this one guys [Music] if there's an echo that's bothering y'all let me know when she's wasn't offended that wasn't that was something else but you know you're preaching to the choir right now I'm like miss I'm like mr. cheese out here I would there was like a few month period we're like at least every other show someone would bring a big bag of mozzarella sticks listen did in Belgium if you ever come here the food is so much better I'm telling you so it's depressing pretty much it's not horrible but like we stole food I remember that uh Rwandan been like hated all the food in America they were like they kept on saying like the food in Belgium is so much better but I use I eat garbage and love it on a regular basis well like Alicia polish YouTube but like like like fast food I think it's amazing and think about like pizzas and like in bottles or hips right but like like actually like foo like they need make it so bad I hate it so they all got this cheddar cheese it's a real chewy bro I like below [Music] [Music] maybe not a guitar actually a guitar was a really dumb idea in the first place Whizzer provolone on a cheese steak both of them sub needs reverb good point if bluetooth isn't cancer then neither is Taco Bell well I say something so controversial yet so brave I'm looking for organs because or so [Music] people don't know this but organs go dumb hard [Music] I'm not sure if I'm sold on this rate [Music] organs might not go down hard in this case though [Music] this is the part where we need an actual lead melody to go with the soup of sounds that we are mashing together that are kind of cool I struggle with finding the synth leads in on the sphere and I shouldn't cuz there's so many cool ones but I think it's cuz there's this many patches in here I'm gonna steer takes up like so much space on your computer it's ignorant hey chat I'd rather be trying to do great and decrease gain on tracks but I've been trying to decrease gain on track okay what are you talking about Alec he was creating Headroom in the mix down oh did someone ask about me turning everything down 10 yeah instead of actually thinking about gain staging and by gain staging I mean gain staging is like the process of getting all of your tracks or lanes to all of the correct levels instead of worrying about gain standing now I'm just turning everything down ten so I have extra Headroom learning how to mix first or production well learning how to mix will turn will take you like a week learning production will take you ten years how does one develop their sound practice and years of pulling your hair out [Music] silly putty what is high key ignorant and buses what what about buses we're not there yet Oh what are buses okay so I mean it's kind of a vague term and it's kind of dog dependent but a bus would be the Ableton equivalent would be like if I were to group all of these as like the intro music and I wanted to send an effect to all of them I would group them and put that effect like let's say we put like a chorus right so this is the bus of effects that will go to all of these channels right you could call a group of us there are also like NFL there's buses where like you have like a you correct me if I'm wrong I don't even use FL but like you have like in your bus you put a bunch of effects or processing whatever you want to do and you can send whatever channels to that bus to be processed by those effects am I wrong or is that right I don't know about buses to us Oh No what's to like I mean uh I'm honestly like yeah like brutal I'm not 1 million percent clear but like I would say that like for all intensive purposes groups are pretty much analogous with buses I mean like yeah it is more of a PC term almost because it's like something you like assign to everything else so like well would almost make more sense would be like if I were to have like a group for my sense and then a group for my pads and then a group for my subs and then they're all grouped in one thing and that big all-over group has a sidechain on it you could call that your sidechain bus that would be how I would describe it but oh yeah logic but buses are have Prime there's a lot of busing in logic but I mean another topic of confusion is returns and sins in Ableton what how this works is instead of like if you want to put a return track basically what it does is it duplicates the song with the signal on it so like instead of if you were to put a reverb on a regular track without a return like you just want to put that reverb on here it's gonna wash it out right it's gonna wash out the original sound and you're gonna lose a lot of the transients you're gonna lose a lot of the fact and you gonna lose a lot of transients you're gonna lose just gonna wash the out so you could just put that reverb on a return instead and send it to this so you won't lose those transients it's just layering on 100% wet version of it right next to it so like instead of sort of wetting it up you can get a 100% version and layer it and next to it instead that's a return I don't know if I explained that quite right I'm a little bit stoned but you know sparks in here and he says rhythm a very common kind of rookie mistake I see not necessarily rookie mistake but just like something that people don't realize that they can do that you can totally do when it comes to writing melodies a lot of people will be like this note then there's no then this note and then back to this note you can repeat notes actually like it's okay so if you want to do something more along the lines of like dun dun and then like change this you know and then change that these are all examples I don't know what they actually sound like but like or do something that like repeats like that and then change those notes over time so like they kind of match up with the chords over up top you don't have to be or you can do a combination of things so you can do like that Plus this you know and then you could potentially even this is what deadmau5 referred to as like a drone effect you can have these change over time you know but you keep the other thing the same now all of these notes are probably wrong I'm placing them randomly but the actual concept of like the way I'm working with them hopefully will give you guys some ideas if you're super stuck like there's just different patterns you can do now it will take a lot of trial and error with your ears but yeah what's the chat talking about tangent as someone with a big musical background but no production experience I'm very interested but I'm not sure it's worth it due to the high learning curve any thoughts or is it oversaturated I'm assuming you're talking about jumping into learning production and it's interesting you bring that up because a lot of people will talk come up to me and be like yo I know how to play guitar in piano and all these instruments so I think I'd be really good at producing electronic music and that might be true but in my own personal experience for myself it didn't help me fuck-all at all didn't come and I think producing electronic music is far more like using Photoshop or programming than it is actually like making music especially for dubstep or a sound design oriented dubstep I mean at least in my case being a drummer and I've played guitar and piano like growing up but they don't really help me at all yeah but it might be super fun and you will have an advantage for sure I mean like it will help you a little bit like knowing music theory and knowing chord progressions and knowing things about notes but I mean some of the people I know who learned the fastest out of anyone like uber dubstep is a good example he had six or seven years experience with Photoshop before he ever opened a doll and his tunes within the first year of him producing were fire like really good and that's because he had already 60 or 70 years experience of using a software to layer and process content you know what I mean whether it's visual content that you're processing and layering or audio content that you're processing and layering it's just incredibly intimidating I have a percussion and also a classical music background and a passion for electronic music is there a good resource for which progression of how to learn how to produce which to focus on production is really overwhelming to get into off the top because there's kind of like four or five main categories of things you need to learn and they all interact with each other so picking one category it's hard to learn parts about it when so much of the terminology comes from the other places you know so you don't know where to jump for I would say there's the order in which you need to do things first and I've said this before there's learnt there's two things you need to learn there's learning how to use the doll but then there's also learning how to create good music and that can be broken down into a bunch more parts as well so I mean the first thing you need to learn how to do is to get the doll and learn how to use it how to navigate what all the buttons do and all that then you need to learn like the concept of like song structure and framework you also need to learn sound design you need to learn mix downs that's the main stuff mix downs and you can that's probably something you can push towards the end the first thing you want to start wrapping your head around is navigating the doll figuring out how to use it the doll itself and then the next thing I would suggest learning is arrangement and song structure placing samples how to come up with patterns how to place drums you know coming up with you know just patterns and arrangement and flow and pacing then it's probably around time to learn sound design and then you learn mix downs or at least that was the order in which I learned personally but give yourself at least three four years for all of your music to be complete garbage yeah all my music was trashed for like the first five or six years and I still read a bunch of trash today [Music] so I'm like hearing in my head like I'm [Music] where you at where you at where you at where you at where you at where you at where you at where you at where you at [Music] I'm doing what I said not to do [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that lends itself so easily to go an octave up that was incredibly harsh in here my ears it's fine let's turn this off I've been playing binding of issac and enter the gungeon a lot but I also have a new puppy so I grew up on Call of Duty but I kind of fell out of it a little bit a little bit like like like modern warfare 2 I definitely put at least 500 hours into it for sure and honestly probably in Halo 2 I played more than any other video game and I'll so much fallout in Skyrim it's like upsetting and skate I think I've played more skate to than like any other video game ever what I really do love binding of issac and enter the gungeon recently [Music] yeah everyone's been playing Call of Duty but uh they were like I like I tried it I tried three in a row like when they were new Call of Duty's that come out three in a row and I hated all of them I was like like the one that's good do I know the scales by heart I don't know any scales yeah we make dubstep bro we don't know what the were doing I use my ears sorry when I was 18 I'm 23 you can pretty much start whenever yeah I started when I was about 16 and I'm 27 yeah but like there was also a really big difference between when I started taking it seriously as well 2016 yeah I think cuz like I started producing was like logic and I mean like if you really wanna go for it 11 or 10 or 11 when I got GarageBand like when we would have like those tech days in school so GarageBand there but then I interned in a recording studio when I was like 13 or 14 and I was always asking how to rappers make music like with computers and I wanted to get an npc but I couldn't afford one so I got logic so I was trying to make hip-hop beats when I was like 14 or 15 with logic they were trash and then when I discovered dubstep I was like well maybe I'll try making that instead and I got reason and I was trying to recreate old old Rusco songs with reason like pre whoo boost Brosco type and reason and I had that was like a lot of high school probably until I was 17 and I ended up giving up I was too hard III straight-up gave up like most people do after about the Year Mark two year mark you're like this is too hard and my sucks and I'm not getting any better so I quit so I did and then I was sent to rehab and live there for like a few months and then they finally gave me my computer back a laptop and I had a few hundred dollars saved up from unemployment that I had been laid off from my work right before being sent to rehab and all of the time in the world so I was like I have nothing else to do other than I guess keep trying to make music and now was when I started taking it seriously and now was when I started meeting people online and that was when I downloaded or that's when I made a SoundCloud account and started like promoting myself and now is probably when I was like 18 or 19 and now I'm 27 but I've been pretty damn I think I've been like actually like non seriously producing for ten years and like see producing for maybe like nine years I don't know but at the same time like that went on for probably like four years at least and when I dropped out of school and went full-time and like was like okay now I need to pay my rent with music there was a dramatic change like it went from like me working every day trying to get better to like this is my entire entire life now and if you want to eat you need to work so it was like wake up go to sleep all day every day working your absolute hardest for at least when when that started happening so like I went to rehab and started working really hard was like I'm gonna take this seriously I'm gonna make a sound side account and work on it and then it became my completely entire life when I dropped out of school and then now is when there was a noticeable attraction and then after about six months to a year of work like that then there was like the first Festival play and then fast-forward two years I started getting shows and then another two years probably where we're at now we had we had 14 left but we got through about 50 so I'm honestly grateful we made it through as many as we did started like really taking off you know right like this summer had like a lot of shows ya know I feel it bro but honestly I think quarantine puts producers there's obviously different types of producers out there but for producers like you who are the reason why there is hype behind your name is because your is really actually really quality like there's a lot of people who like there's hype behind them for other reasons besides music we're like your is like oh no he sounds better than every other dubstep up in here recently like entirely and well I think it's because producers that fit into that category are at a massive advantage during quarantine because you guys are the ones who can be flexing now like there's a lot of DJ's who rely on being put in front of crowds of people so they can play other people's songs normally there are yours but now that they're not playing shows and you guys are both on the same platforms promoting what you're making yourselves producers like you who are extremely talented around a big advantage and I think that goes for a lot of other producers as well I'm talking to kill feed but I mean producers like a Chios producers like heritage there's a lot of people right now who are like they put the grind and they put the work in they're really good and now it's kind of an even playing field to greet to some degree but I mean financially sucks balls without having show it's for sure everyone's hurt everyone's kicked in the face I'll probably I'll look for another job I was thinking about that a lot about how like I've been seeing so many up-and-comers actually really take great advantage of quarantine and just be posting all these tips and be like look I'm a really good producer Sam I'm Way too scared to like actually post whips I just put them on my story and if they like get a shitload of responses like I hope someone's screen recordings it and post it on Twitter and that's like it and like sometimes it does well but I'm too scared to actually post whips but that's what makes it so hard as we want shows to test them out to see if they're good or not I'm so sorry about how to how severe my ADHD is you guys going on rants to some degree hopefully you guys oh yeah say my name well see anyone who's been huge forever but there's a lot of really talented people who are getting really big opportunities as a result of quarantine I mean a live streams have been there's been some massive plays there's been a bunch of people who you know have a hard time in front of or not have a hard time but like who aren't often put on the shows that have the huge crowds you know and I mean or all of a sudden in live streaming in front of 50,000 people that's a big move you know it's like and really really talented people who said who deserve it Tsuruta the other day was on insomniac in front of like 50k people you don't see that happen that often man those kind of left field shows they're fun but admittedly when something is new and it's the cutting edge it's gonna have a slightly smaller audience so to sort of put someone that intelligent and forward-thinking in front of ya company as well another great example really really talented forward-thinking cutting-edge people being put in front of crowds that aren't even used to that and are gonna have their mind blown [Music] you've been to my house it still says so man it says so men on my whiteboard you with I forget was it you in like barracks okay Akira he messaged me today actually he prom set he proms another fantastic example i watch that you prom livestream the other day and was literally crying it's so weird that like i make such like abrasively ignorant quarter-note music but honestly my favorite producers are like EPROM and g jones and Sarita like like personally speaking that's what I listen to it's probably why I'm out here making stuff that sounds like this right now [Music] so then for the breakdown you like remove some stuff oh yeah Daniel obviously is another one but Danny's always been super crazy good people have been recognizing Danny but he's a very good example of like someone who's like that much better than everyone else you get noticed quick Tynan as well Jesus look I love Grady his music is incredible but to think about gee spaces he's just like my favorite human alive like I just like hanging out with him so much but I love Grady's music too and his music is really interesting and cool really good like he's doing he's like the thing that I have infinite respect for is people who do things that no one else does and gee space is definitely doing some stuff that you don't hear from like anyone else emulation also first time I met able ation he was wearing hoodies so anyway the build is normally where you start to repeat stuff repeat stuff repeat stuff repeat stuff yeah yeah and then you just do some sort of bolt I mean this is like if you want to go hell a dumb stupid crazy generic but this is like the basic cookie cutter template in a way and then you do drop and then your drop goes right there so that's kind of intros for you I mean well there's so much more to it basically like give your music and then you have your lead write your music and then normally you start adding in sweeps and stuff and such as well and drums I made a bunch of Rises one day [Music] when okay so fun tip that I totally just went over without saying anything that I should have said something here's an interesting way that you can take sweeps from sample packs and instead of people being able to recognize that it's a suite from a sample pack even though I did make this sweep from scratch and serum myself one of the ways you can make sweeps unique let's say you want to just go over to slice this rule actually no not even splice you want to go to Kashmir the most overused of the most overused why is it overused because it's really good go - we all are I use it - and this is something that I do myself so you go it's actually already here oh man did I lose it already no there's um you get yourself asleep I take a graham dab on Instagram live pretty soon actually I'm nervous oh no so when you just sent me a really gross text message Ellie pooped the pad then immediately shoved her mouth in it and I had to grab hoop out of her mouth what the just disgusting that's super gross I'm sorry you had to deal with that I think she found crack she's Wilding how do curves nipping okay so anyway you're over here looking how do you go automatically notice the same velocity sorry guys I am trying to read the chat as well that butane soup hold the up that butane soup sir I will have you know that this is hash rasen alright first off yeah I don't know what butane soup is no idea I have some stuff that looks like this can't even see it it's so clear oh it's just totally it's gone and literally just fell out of the container onto the carpet it's gone forever great I just lost a bunch of hash to my carpet bro I just dropped a bunch of hash on my carpet that sucks alright it's fine whatever but we're not doing it on Twitch because I don't want to promote the weed smoking anywho your sweep sweep ups for the sake of this I will pick a short one and then what you do oh you gotta do is you turn on warp you hold down shift you got a hold down shift and you drag it's just drag and then you can take any of these Christopher Walken and now I'll change how it sounds it won't be the same anymore another tip for sweeps honestly so instead of doing a pitch for this boy I'm probably gonna do complex and then click this button right here drag down here so you go back over to clip transpose and I like to do one of these numbers all the time as you can now see it's gonna go and do a sweep [Music] so that's what that sweep sounds like now like this as opposed to this very different but another little piece of advice I would give everybody when it comes to sweeps is it does kind of I used to always do this for every song I I did this for years because I didn't know any better I would do that for like every song and it sounds boring and lame so what you should do instead is drop a reverb and just send a reverb throw I heard this term the other day reverb throw you throw the reverb like this you throw it out so you can do a reverb throw like that or you can just leave reverb on in general you don't use this kind of reverb either you can do deco delay or echo or anything that's not enough so I didn't do both I'm gonna do kind of a throw for the same time like not you know well throw it right there I want a little bit more so I'm gonna do an echo throw echo through echo throw put some reverb in there as well you just lob that exactly lob that over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I don't know if anyone caught what I just did but i duplicated it and i frequency shifted the other one so now that there's two layers of it damn man said Kobe yike does weed help you produce for sure it does help me so that continue to make it more interesting I'm going to group these little pieces of garbage right here sweeps get a little watch you anyway taking it outside of the group because inside of a group for some reason run them down because turning sweeps too loud is like the most common mistake ever [Music] and there's not any tail on that so I'm gonna throw another reverb and honestly I think I'm gonna scratch this echo but I'm relieving the other one on [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you probably should have some sort of impact sound not the same thing that's reversed but something to signify that a 16-bar period has passed since either indica is mass so let's get some sort of I guess impact or we can change that [Music] so I'm going to be using this to give it a more interesting tale this tonal delay effect so I'm gonna turn tonal the way all the way up we're actually now I'm gonna do something like this and then I do something like this no I'm not just being affected by the reverb in the group I don't want it to be it's got an awful lot of low-end now I get a little bit of echo and honestly for good measure let's do the old Bing bong i duplicated it pushed one to one side and once the other side that's gonna make it wide it's the same thing as a house of fact actually no this would be the same thing as a half effect I put one to one side one to the other side and off cited offset of them just ever so slightly with the delays over here creating a widening effect I think sub tronic should produce with Seth Rogen we actually asked him for a watermark for volume 5 and he said no we offered him money we were like we will pay you we reached out to like literally everyone for volume 5 watermarks like JK UTA was like oh I'd like we can like hit up every comedian you got Shaq yeah someone's in my shot likes DVDs a myth okay bro bro that's way too harsh and it's because of the delay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I got way too ahead of myself here I'm gonna delete this half the fact but uh I mean like nah I didn't really it's just that the way that this delay worked out I'm not crazy about it now I have two of them so I got to do it to both [Music] well we'll also be having drums to like kind of smoothing this thing out so we can go ahead and add some [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you wanna step up this a man yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see what I was saying how you can like repeat notes sometimes and it's like totally okay [Music] [Music] I'm putting them on Tripp look red [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so this is not the thing I want to bring in here is this I don't like any of these instruments though to be honest this is where this changes I'm gonna bring this whole thing down actually [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Romek sound what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is a cool patch but it looks like doesn't work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you yo play sorry bro good yourself go away quit I don't like you anyway bye-bye bye-bye probably sick see I was I was not emotionally invested in that at all let's put that on record Abelson really just pulled in FL Studio see here's the thing when projects crash on you enough times it like stings the first hundred few hundred times it happens but you learn to cope pretty fast [Music] we can't undo any of that though I just like it all up out of frustration [Music] SiC the dreaded red arrow of death good thing we landed like six lanes going on how do you kill tonics I'm sorry Mabel tonight you might now maybe you'll do the thing that I asked you to [Music] porque ya why's my CPU is being an absolute dick for a second [Music] what doe it reset itself that's fine whatever this has been a struggle session bro all right I got something bro so much kind of annoying don't seem upset II have some spaghetti I get frustrated with technology sometimes and it's also like it's a fresh Tronics it's a it's tricky when you're working on 80 songs at once starting a new one Dead's dead DC is that actually DC bro are you really from says dead I really almost just fell over I really did I really almost just like my chair really almost just fell over and I almost has died it's fine I'm strongly considering avoiding well let's see if in memoriam sounds cool because that's like my favorite my favorite omnisphere boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so we lost the arpeggiation fun time this going on sync on six rate why are you so out of control my dude because of that spaz out I had earlier bro the dynamics of this one synth are so all over the place it's ridiculous I am queueing at the high end I am in queueing up the low end I am ot teeing to flatten the ridiculously intense range as dr. fresh in here we got DC from zeds dead popping by you got kill feed on discord right now hello [Music] right in memoriam is the best on the scare - I kind of like that better in a was that in f-sharp [Music] [Applause] dubstep bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam bell pepper want you know so there's an unbelievably base I could have done this so much faster if I didn't have him sit really severe ADHD and computer problems and what's better at things but it's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's 100% in memoriam that's like my favorite omnisphere patch I use it in everything this is around the time oh someone is raining with 28 people right now oh my God look at all those fire emojis hey Sony you're going insane where is she right now great is she tired did she fall asleep no excuse put her in a crate yeah we're getting raided right now I don't know but they brought a bunch of people they're all spamming emojis a partisan partition let's look this person up okay so did you google how to get them and X dollars big big big anyway this is like super basic anyway we were talking about doing intros so I just kind of pooped out an intro basic concept build some chords you know general things this is like very simple there was just your essential gain staging using my ears the main thing to keep in mind is not making your sweeps too loud thank you for subscribing shortness of breath 420 420 breath not making your sleeves too loud grouping the right things I mean I really just use my ears next thing down interest is so different than mixing down drops and it's so much harder and different so it's a very different approach like this I'm turning things down and trying to get them even with each other and so I can hear everything clearly probably the most important part of the mix down is that you can hear everything individually if you want to single it out nothing is being pushed out by anything else everything is is playing with it together correctly do you think about how easy a song will be to mix in sets while making it no I mean a little bit but not really what do you mean turnarounds glitches I just do like a bunch of crazy automation on like a bunch of random stuff thoughts hi passing everything I recommend it we need a mixing it high-quality I'm gonna put some drums down that's better all right let's see what's a cool kick drum none of those myself it I'm on my PC as this is my normal production computer and I truly hate all these kicks Chang I'm going to low test this history because there's in the intro and you do not want your insurance to be full force also it's got so much tail that I'm gonna shorten it a little bit as well seems to have a theme of triplets going on so far so let's kind of looking for a red shot and house chat doing so I used to - yes just not on this computer acoustic panels what am i using they're from Guitar Center I don't know the basic ones where's the dog upstairs in her crate I shouldn't be using cymatics actually or it could be using cymatics I say that because like everyone uses it but I mean given that it's just the intro it doesn't really matter as much am I ready for the devil no not really thank you tone being the weekly for gifting a sub to of marigold [Music] frustration [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now for the intro a ghost note it's how I do my ghost nose well tedious bro oh my god okay [Music] now I'm gonna sidechain this whole intro to all of these ghosts right here they've just gone and Undead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] another good thing you should be doing in your interest is filtering things and opening them up slowly over the course of each bar change so like for this intro I'm gonna low-pass this for the majority of it and then bring it in right here like this like thusly [Music] [Music] ways to make the first hits on it a little bit easier on you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you get this with one and octave down what's the chat going [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's make an 808 all right we're gonna make a 808 guys [Music] let's say we're done [Music] yeah that's like Loki not terrible [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so yes that's the boy so it's like I'm gonna give up I'm trying to just play it I'm just gonna do it I don't know this is something that's gonna go right here but it's a melody I thought of that I don't mind no that's not triplets - triplets I said headphone bro [Music] [Music] someone's like this low-key slaps [Music] you know you do too this knows what you do to this you get an auto pan [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] I mean why wouldn't we OTT this right [Applause] [Music] key with the song we're working on we could just mush them together all right we could I wonder if this intro I'm making is in key with the thing we're working on we could just mush them together chief you'll taste the gamer any time G fuel gaming time pick up one more gotta set this Drive I need one more slugger I've never had youth of my life all right I know I can't think of a slogan G fuel filter gamer G fuel Alexa play G G fuel do a kickflip I'm gonna make I'm gonna literally put like the most ignorant 808 which I was supposed to make last time I put serum in here but now I'm gonna do it for real G fuel whirlwind check wait G fuel please play pattern screaming alright I'm gonna pick I'm onna I'm on a roll I'm on a drop it okay base of shapes I'm gonna pick a triangle wave I'm gonna low pass it I'm gonna give it just a wee little we bit tad of a pitch bendy based business envelope stuff alt shift click your pitch bends there's a lump in my diabetes okay there's a lump in my dipey someone said that in the chat there will be a lump in your diapy if you don't let me know aggressive first off yeah first off that was all right I sent them on the Facebook that is kissing I'm looking for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] you think just ajust a hair of FME will bring us some nice harmonics let's find out oh I know why that's happening it's because it's pitch bending it's not pitch bending identically they're both I sensed it okay [Music] what uh onion rings it's true um I'm sorry is there a reverb on this no there's not that would have been concerning [Music] why is this resetting weird this is more of a recent yeah I'm gonna although then it's kind of neat how the FM does that I don't like it for this [Music] but what I will do is erode the goddamn out of it [Music] [Music] [Music] you've a little bit of a clique going on [Music] here that not super with that with that clique we'll figure it out I'm gonna do like literally the lightest amount of amp ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I said be [Music] [Applause] guys reverb your sub always put reverb on your subs but reverb on your sub don't do that this was like you did say though you did like you've said it for sure [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm just not all the way satisfied with this kick-drum experience right now let's see how I can continue to improve it hold up oh that is cool artwork check this out Simon oh whoa cool Oh Cory guys I'll show you guys I'll show you guys soon but I can't show you know oh I like the second one ooh the second one with that that color when I check it out Simon change the background color kicks are in they are in stereo look how up that is the thing is I don't drop but this is the intro widen your base everyone it's crucial make sure that sub is as stereo as it goes why is this actually sound I already have you mano-a-mano I mean back there that's the mono boy right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] just lead with it I normally later out my 808 bro there's like three Manos on this chain already sake train delay on the master great idea you know what I'm all for experimentation grain delay on the master with big spray [Applause] [Music] why is that low-key like really interesting it's very interesting sounding I mean they're not sounds you hear much honestly I think I'm gonna resample some of this stuff because it's pretty crazy sounding [Applause] was the wrong pitch [Applause] this is definitely the dumbest thing I've ever done top five it's gonna be so out of key it would have been cool but it like changes the pitch so much so [Music] fine it was cool [Applause] I'm an idiot I had a random pitch on [Music] gee fuel on the master what now I'm soft clipping okay top ten most craziest things I've ever said not even know it doesn't even cut the top ten get way worse than that bro [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gee fuel on the master because literally literally the police like hard [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] honestly for sake of time y'all saw how I make my 808 but I couldn't get one to fit just right in this one so you know it's okay to use samples sometimes my dudes and in the case of a toe it's in my opinion I got the stems I'll let you know if I get anything neat I might use this as an intro maybe let's do it I'll talk to you later have fun being here say you later he was in Europe's I'm like see you later good have fun being in Europe where it's actually probably far superior to being here because we have like a trillion coronavirus people and we're gonna be able to go to dubstep shows in like forty five years from now but like not even so as you can see by my Ableton project file over here I'm just kidding I know I'm really big I was doing that on purpose I unsubscribe from him because he thought he was really funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] nice here's the fun little trick for everyone at home to do I want this to follow this but it's an audio so I'm gonna put it in sample and I'm gonna tune this to follow its so it's the right pitch what I rarely use sampler normally is simpler so let's see if we can't alright I don't know if I can do it with this I'm gonna do it with sampler I could probably do it with simpler I just don't know exactly where it's located and I'd rather do it with this cool so that should follow that but as you have probably noticed it is a negative 12 yeah it's exactly what I wanted it to do and then it did it fantastic you'll love when a plan comes together but if you don't sidechain your plan it won't matter [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kenny beets probably said never sidechain free never sidechain your ADA waits for a super valid reason and I don't know what that is I personally haven't heard that before but he definitely knows more about making hip hop than I do so I would listen to him but personally I'm sad chaining them I might be wrong in doing so I don't know I am that's kind of the fun of art is that you don't have to really follow any rules but I like how that sounds personally when i side shade them that's just me you might be saying don't side shame because you're gonna get that obnoxious clique I mean you can remedy that with the EQ as you can see but I mean the reai mean that's one reason not to sidechain yeah well I mean it will add a transient but you can EQ out your transient it's pretty easy to get rid of that other than that I'm not sure why he would say that do i late drop this [Music] [Applause] [Music] it would be pretty hard to because like you want to lay drop it on the root note you wanted to go to the doll and I mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] dubstep part happens now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] honestly I did the whole 808 late drop in my last song so I'm just gonna run right in into it it's gonna send it off the bat [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ban is an insurer I made it in two and hours and 15 minutes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm I'm honestly like a teensy bit unfamiliar I thought that would affect the sound I mean I thought that would affect like the a SDR I'm trying to in you see Oh probably this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] overdrive where are you I am blind there we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] next up this horrible clap your horrible your horrible is horrible [Music] something that makes the the the clap more interesting some interesting clap choices that can make this stand out and be a unique interesting thing that contributes to the artistic entirety our community I don't know the are you bro super-old sample pack from loud pack that's actually a phenomenal sample pack in my opinion let's do the interestingness ourselves so I'm gonna do a flanger we definitely need to turn it down and we definitely need to EQ it sorry if I'm not looking at the chat it's loud pack really mostly candy beets because I I talked to him very nice person and I really liked his sample packs they're phenomenal if it's candy beets to do this said don't sidechain the 808 because if he did say that I would honestly listen to him unless he's saying don't sidechain it because you'll get a clique in which case I know how to fix that quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah the kik needs to be exactly on top of that and it wasn't and it was causing a distress sound and by distressed I mean there were two transients because this has a little bit of its own transient right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need to use the bathroom swatching eliminate I like I should do my own switch stuff while twitch screaming but I'm sitting on my phone watching the eliminate thing come to come to cyclops RV TV where incredibly unprofessional and in a way it makes it [Music] would make it cool but it made it which is a big theme hip-hop is distortion is uncharacteristic to the sucking feeling rap what hip-hop is distortion it's uncharacteristic to hear a sucking feel unwrapped better than fake I'm confused by grammar big up cancel dubstep for subscribing envelope on amp of the sub whatever do you mean sir let's see we got an amp somewhere in this rack I believe there's actually no amp on this there's an amp on this one there's not weird that I guess I'm not using an amp on anything at the moment thought I did I don't even know there was an envelope in amp is there I don't see one unless you mean like automate an envelope on the sphere honestly if you can't afford it and it won't set you back to gnarly I'd really recommend it not to you I was asking someone yeah okay fair enough a lot of times I read the chat not realizing it's people talking to each other and not to me so big up cancel for subscribing I need to poop really bad and I've been streaming for two and a half hours how many people are in here right now because this is becoming an emergency very quickly we have more people in here right now than we did like an hour ago which is actually pretty cool because 300 is a pretty good you guys really want to wait for real you guys don't mind waiting I'll be quick I could just would you okay I can you put this on looper I can just play my likes here I'm gonna go to my soundcloud and I'm just gonna play my likes for you guys and during that time I'm gonna go poop and I'll tell you guys if it's blue or not where's the cool song all right I'm gonna be really fast you guys I love you and I appreciate you guys being patient but if I don't do this now it would be a problem for sure if anyone's seen anything they really want to hear because I'm kind of like you guys obviously can't control this all right this is a great string of song so I'm gonna do this [Music] I'll be right back wish me luck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up was not blue let's see how many people left are there like even anyone still here oh my god like no one laughed hell yeah thank you guys you guys are awesome yeah alright let's keep this going thank you for being so patient while I sat on the toilet and scrolled through my phone forgetting that I was on twitch streaming and should probably hurry up it happens [Music] all right I'm gonna be like a reasonable normal person right now and take this Crandall and put it on this this bus right here oh my god thank you for donating sir he has a question as well should there always be low end and sub throughout the entire song to fill out the frequency spectrum or is it okay to have I don't see the rest of this question I know that those are okay to have the low end in some parts honestly um so I like to kind of hold back from having the low end be present until the drop unless I'm doing an intro like this but it is it is not a bad rule of thumb to say that you shouldn't have to low end come all the way in into like the actual real drop over here and what I might also even do with with this right here like this super low end I might just turn it down like by five and then have my regular sub be full volume so it there is low end but it's not like when you're there in person it doesn't blow your hair back you know it's just like registering down there [Music] I don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know man there's something about this isn't quite right something that'll help Auto filtering is in I'm stripping away components from the first hit so that when the 808 hits there will be more juxtaposition more change which will kind of ease that transition a little bit so I do that oh my god donated $5 that's so awesome turd vibes also dude get on discord more so we can chill in the holy land boys chat true I will I'm sorry I've been slacking I've been writing so much music that I like haven't even been in discord like I literally wake up work on them I my song from the night before until I pass out and even past that I have a ten week old puppy upstairs that requires damn near 100% supervision and Sonia is being nice enough that she's standing upstairs with the puppy so I can do this stream right now because we've honestly just been upstairs but I appreciate your donation sir I feel like social media kind of gives off in air the DJ's make more money than they do and I mean obviously I'm fortunate enough to be okay during Corona but I mean it's looking like I might not really have show money for over potentially a year so I mean we're all struggling more so I mean it's moral as we'd really everyone no matter who's streaming me or anyone you're watching donations are really really largely appreciated especially considering that the people watching these streams themselves are also probably out of work so we understand how hard it is to give money you might need it yourself so let's play a game called I have not drink enough water today at all yeah everyone drink water I have not done enough water and Roman checks that's all eliminate dude his first world one check on a livestream earlier today congratulations eliminate let's try number three remember how long it's it the other day was horrible four tries man doing lighthouse with analog and Damas is harder been doing lighthouse with sweets but analogs are so well made - they just feel really nice I love sweet and analog honestly equally they both have their strengths and weaknesses I like analogs a little bit more for balance tricks and I like the weight of the tama the tom is real heavy so like honestly I think analogs are better for juggling and stuff but I like sweets for doing ball tricks like Lunars and uh lighthouses I like using sweets but juggles are really satisfying with analogs although I can't get one right now what the double whirly I got triple once let's get the double double can flit real quick not only does double I think the string got caught oh here it is mr. spike it's fine analog they're great even when you can't get a Earth turn Jesus there's another hand looking down I got this is gonna come on oh my God thank you for donating $5 karna Vader Carnivale TV you're a cool person and I like you Oh bigger Natalie Ginsburg for donating 333 that's my mom's lucky number whoo shredding all right let's go donation raid boys oh my god you guys are too nice I don't deserve y'all well I'll do my best Karen how nice everyone is six-six-six is my mom's lucky number that's awesome my mom would freak out if I said that she's Jewish but she's very superstitious that might be the move right they're actually holding it back until here I was pressing nine I meant to press zero zero deactivates oh my god nin Gendo donated 420 as i pick my nose you know what that means where's my lighter just turn my microphone up all the way I'm definitely gonna die in this doctor fresh dab off for sure and set up deactivating is right here because it starts right in the middle middle of the mini note and having to go into the piano roll I'm just muting it instead because it's faster workflow eyes [Music] now they both have really ugly harmonics to them that I don't like so I'm not doing I know [Music] [Music] [Music] we got another situation in the double transient right here yup look at it right there [Music] bro your uh I want to with the attack here a little bit all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you watch my tutorial last week on [Music] serum this will all be very familiar-looking why do I group why don't i group the kick and the transient and copy/paste is a group confused by the question what do you mean the kick and transient themselves are pretty standalone like group and then copy paste as a group I mean I'm kind of confused what you mean I don't know why I just don't I mean I could I guess cuz it's also connected to the collapse as well I mean yes to clean up and organize the project file like I could go for rule and do like holy someone's donated 7:10 yeah pick up Alec thank you sir sorry nice of you I honestly am more inclined to group all of the kick and the clap and the ghost altogether but even then I would really just group them once more like this like that in church rums kick and clap because the kick is only one channel for the intro like that I don't know if the serum tutorials on my YouTube page it should be I should just do one I should really give more attention to YouTube probably this is easier though I just opened this program and press GO and then just start talking [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on here with this yeah why is that happening right there [Music] there's nothing on there I mean it's it's honestly essentially like a super basic super-soul I mean it's yeah it is just a great kind of super song with chorus and this and then but also there's ott as well and I'm just very generally cueing I'm just taking out the loan [Music] that's the other layer though [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man I don't like that actually [Music] bro hold on I totally missed two enormous donations what the someone donated 25 bucks paying my ticket now since I had work at the venue and got to see you for free oh my God thank you so much and holy someone donated first-off MOG Walsh stripe thank you very much because that's insanely nice no Forks given this was a while back but I was able to go to Shambala and witness you live I will never forget that thank you for blessing us oh my god thank you so much no Forks given that's like I don't take that lightly that's a lot that's a really big donation and I really really really really appreciate that a lot damn take it back thank you it's so cool it's so nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I hate this supersoft sounds corny and stupid [Applause] but I will beef in this up with something [Applause] [Music] [Music] massive wave tables [Music] [Music] kind of don't like that it's just really flat sounding it's like really kind of just boring this part for a second is like pretty interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] dum-dum-dum dum-dum-dum we got it [Applause] if you brought this back oh yeah we're bringing that back like we're bringing 88 back oh that's 100% what we're doing for sure that's absolutely the plan are you kidding me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I've been producing like seriously for 10 years but like as a fun just interest that I've had probably 15 but I've been producing as like like my life depends on like my life depended on it all day every day for about 7 years I don't know it's been it's been a ramp up into intensity but like I would say that I've been uploaded making and uploading music to SoundCloud for like 10 years but there's gray area on either side of that because like when I first started uploading music I wasn't like working everyday I didn't I didn't consider making a living off of it a possibility I didn't think that'd be even we made jokes about it we literally made like a running meme was a quote-unquote I'm just waiting for rhythm to pay the bills because like we all assumed that rhythm would never like make any money like no one would want to hear that it's so weird and like intentionally stupid you know and like ignorant and goofy that we were just like yeah dude writable never like we're never gonna make a career off of this we're just gonna like we're having fun with it because it's we're making friends and it's fun to experiment and then all of a sudden it blew up so that's why it cracks me up when people call rid of mainstream it's like what the are you talking about I mean I guess it got popular yeah but like bro I like remember when the only EDM shows near me were martin garrix and like hard well and you're gonna sit here and call rhythm mainstream like what kind of meth or you smoke anyway enough of my soapbox but it's real written yeah you raise a good point uh because real rhythm isn't the one that blew up quarter notes Tapia's is the that blew up that's why yeah I used to I mean like I understand the elitists that get mad cuz like I used to also get mad and then I just got over it [Music] like it's all art whether it's real or not literally doesn't matter at all there was definitely a moment when I realized that I was like wait a minute this is artwork and who cares and I don't like no one's allowed to say about anything examples of real rhythm like I see apples of like I don't even like the word real rhythm textbook original actual rhythm would be like in fact or akhirah or subtil tronic monster savage society the Wizards Akatsuki all legit rhythm clans if they're a part of a clan on soundcloud it's real rhythm six sinister six that's like the newest clan in my opinion Oh wobbly gang bad nodes all gangs of kids running together collabing there's like it's like their individual groups of friends that have formed collectives and like I remember like the first ones around were like monsters and savage society and Akatsuki I was in one called fridge gang that like no one knew about and I wasn't even really all the way in it I like tried to be in it that was like haunted Invictus but those are also original real rhythm people that a lot of those elitists who are talking for things not being real rhythm or an even around for that kind of stuff so sit down [Music] invictus does still produce he's really good he's been putting out stuff recently old Rutger [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that comes out of nowhere [Music] I'm esteemed too I follow him on Instagram and his life is crazy that kid is really into fashion and he like really knows his I mean he's always been into fashion but you should follow deemed on Instagram it's he's like a crazy guy yeah he's like made beats for like really big rappers too people don't realize that like deemed has produced for some people came in here cuz I'm bored and puppy is asleep sounds big nice thanks Tony I gotta take a gram dab in front of people watching me taking a gram dab in an hour and I feel like I'm gonna call my brains out and make a fool of myself and then everyone's gonna say we hate subhanak so my career is gonna be over cuz they don't like the way I smoke weed anyway [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] definitely one of those times I wished I had soothes because there's some frequencies in here that are like crazy loud whoa my lagging there's some frequencies yeah what the is sigh rhythm what I don't know if dr. fresh is gonna win I watched his dab from last night and I was like I got this dude like there's no way I'm gonna destroy this guy but then I've been watching videos of him all day and he has been practicing and I have not been practicing so I mean we'll see I'm gonna take a bunch of small dabs and get like in them in the frame of mind for it honestly so let's do that I already have my gram weight out and everything but I mean yeah dude he has been like practicing all day he's like taking it so seriously and I'm just over here like derpy derp derp I'm gonna die I'm trying to like take big dabs to practice this is definitely a big dab oh no this is a really big dab we'll see if you're already incredibly dabbed out when you're trying to take big DAP it definitely makes it easier I think and we're gonna cold start but remember I'm not actually smoking anything right now this is actually just me talking about it I don't promote marijuana I'm not smoking marijuana right now and if anyone asked I don't smoke on my streams because I'm a responsible boy and this is a kids show and y'all should listen to your parents and stuff where's my car cap there it is and once you're doing your homework if you cold start you get a gold star so the John Mulaney kids show yeah we're not actually smoking this is vapor first off so you know yeah I turned my FaceCam off because I don't wanna get in trouble really really really really big dad part one actually let me get my camera out it's practice time [Music] trying very hard not to cough that was obnoxiously large look I don't know if you guys heard how many times I had to reheat that but that that took several reheats I never actually I gotta like stop vaping and tack you today that'll help let's see trying very hard nothing yeah there it is all right sorry I'm taking a while it's gonna be this dab challenge gonna be on Instagram it's in like 45 minutes that was probably I would reckon like a little bit probably like a point to route Joey on Instagram is my favorite thing in the whole world man I'm gonna die it's fine we'll be fine it's gonna be fine worst case scenario I lose and everyone laughs at me but whatever still coming in so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't like how it sounds later on in the sound at all actually I'm wondering how I want to fix that what happens if I lose I have no idea there's nothing really to win or lose it's just so like we're both gonna take really big dabs and probably call for a raise out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then that is where I would start a build let's see I got these stems from kill feed forget where you sent them Wow Wow yeah Darcie below very epic and cool yeah Oh Tony I just took a large tab and now I'm really high um what was I doing right I was bringing the stems I honestly truly doubt that they are in key where they go okay now can i download i'll do i download this I would like to know oh okay um download preparing I could in theory just change the key the Zen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] isn't that the most convoluted way to bring stems into a project file I figured it out really early on before I knew anyone and knew anything and now I'm just in the habit of doing it that way there anything on any of these I should clean this up I was not really expecting on actually starting a song today at all but here the we are we do need an intro for this thing so let's see I believe there are 150 ok command oh geez I guess it would actually be like here Oh going to group all of these cheese it warp and then so the way I normally do this and I don't know if it's the most effective way just go back and like make sure all the work is turned off because I'm pretty sure he did him in 115 make sure that they start at the beginning [Music] yeah that's definitely not right because that sounds totally different from what he sent where was I where do you send it it was on Facebook something is definitely not right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no I don't think that's gonna fit I don't think that will work on that right now especially not on this computer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah there's the intro I've been streaming for a long-ass time now so I'm probably gonna stop streaming because I look a really really really really big dab and I don't feel inspired by this anymore but I'm gonna eat some chips yeah it was three hours in 30 minutes it's a lot right real quick how do I before I go I wonder how this sounds the thing I actually cared about that I was working on you that's one probably gonna work on but it's on my macbook and this is all my pc bigger carnal TV first donating five books big up that's awesome donation everyone who donated Big Ups guys thank you Cubs for following I don't shout of followers but I'm super stoned I'm probably got to die on Instagram or whatever alright thank you guys for coming this Thursday will be feedback stream and then thank you effort and then a big up single base singles eight eight eight and then yes Saturday I'm gonna play video games and then I'm putting sets together I have some livestream stuff coming up there will be live streams on this channel soon I promise like sets I will be playing set soon but I'm gonna be playing of enter the gungeon on Saturday but anyway I love you guys thank you for coming Big Ups have an awesome night thank you I press the wrong button oops excuse me
Channel: Musical Streams
Views: 20,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kIv6cH_TxRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 14sec (12734 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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