Subterranean bee hive removal.

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hello mr. an here today is September 1st 2018 I mean Bush Louisiana about 23 miles from the abbey but actually this location right here where I am today it's only about seven miles from our yards involved in Walheim our be yours in Waldheim and today what we're looking at got a man Tony here from Ziegler trees they cut the tree down yesterday and are they gotta grind your stump and they've got bees in this in the stump so they need to get the uh we need to get the bees out of here before they come and grind the stumps so today's Tony's out here he's cutting the stump up so that we can access the bees in here so i'ma grab the camera show you where the bees are inside of here and we're gonna see if we can wrangle some beans by the grace of God you stop these these bush Stumpy's they're coming up to the Abbey in just a little while let's wrangle ready ready well here's our bees in the stump and I Tony is just trying to whittle way around it trying to expose them I'm actually gonna go ahead and grab my everything be back and I'm gonna start vacuuming as he's doing this as we Whittle down these bees and there's not there's no power out here so we're just going ahead and using the battery bee vac today all right let me grab the bee vac and we're gonna start a vacuuming some bees and open up this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh guys ring gun run us into the truck right now we got most a lot of those beats still haven't found the Queen but I mean it's been patchy rainy all day today the it's held off pretty good I really think we only have about ten more minutes of vacuuming to go I'm planning on framing all this stuff up back in the Abbey not a lot of honey very little brood but there's a lot of bees so this is where we are I've got all the comb out but there's a big cavity down in the bottom a lot of these I cannot get that anymore at vacuuming down in there so deep so it stopped me to run the beads out my funny robber who sprayed down there and I know that Queen's in there hopefully we'll chase around all right let's do that thing and see if we can find us a queen folks I'm just not gonna believe cuz I can't believe it I was out there I love this stump and I had to run the bees out using the honey Rama and I'm vacuuming the bees and I saw the Queen and that stump it's just like so raggedy there was just no spot together and I'm trying to get my queen Kenshiro onto her and I had her in the cage and she flew out the cage and she flew up I pushed her down with my hand I pushed her down with my hand and I thought she went back into the hole but I lost her and because there was still a lot of these and so I just backed into all the bees and I was like really bummed out I was really bummed and so I came back up to the Abbey and turned the bees loose and what I was doing so maybe I did that I don't know and so I thump little piles of bees out at a time little pause bees out there and I'm looking looking I'm letting her walk into the box I'm letting her walk in and I emptied all the bees out they were just 10 bees left in the box and I look in there and guess who I found thank you Jesus wow what a blessing look at this folks look at that oh my gosh I just can't believe it was down to the wire to the wire to the wire and then she's in there look at her she's up here at the top the little tenders are taking care of it so I'm gonna go ahead and just go ahead and release her on into the box right now I don't I don't have to worry about her wanting to fly off there's I framed up I think three frames of brood and a little bit of honey but I've got the feet of the internal feeder and I'll be feeding these guys starting tomorrow thank you Jesus for a while what a blessing let's go ahead and turn her loose go ahead and turn the loose I want to hurt frames and he and there she is Wow that is great that is great alright let's put her in the box all right folks well it was an exciting day and at least there's a really good end to it so that's all I got for you thanks for watching you're gonna watch I'll be making on God bless mr. it I'm out here until the next video [Music] well here it is Sunday morning and I'm back out at the stump tree where I took the bees out yesterday I come to do a little bit more vacuuming and I left the nuke box here just to catch any straggler bees and I just came out here Sunday morning to pick all this stuff up and bring it up to the Abbey but folks I got a surprise for you look who is in the car with me they love you guys think to say let's go wrangle well I got the work order for Mom so uh let's go here and see what we got I'm not gonna actually show you the the hole that the other bees were in and all it all looks pretty good very few bees around here [Music] now this is the cavity in here there is nothing in it anymore I mean there's not even any bees or anything in here and the box I left it's got ants in it there's no bees in this one either so that's not surprising I I vacuumed up man so many so many bees yesterday now this is one thing that's interesting and the love bugs they always come in in in seasonal changes you know spring into summer fall into winter but they also really good signs that net that flows get like here it is every second we were getting ready to start all right that's really all I got for him I pick up this box and throw it in the truck and head up to the Abbey and go feed those girls from yesterday
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 31,792
Rating: 4.9156909 out of 5
Keywords: bees, bees in a tree, bees in a tree stump, subterranean, bee removal, subterranean bee hive removal., getting caught in the rain, bee vac, battery operated bee vac, tree cutters, cutting a tree down to remove bees, cutting a tree down with a chainsaw, removing a stump with a chainsaw, removing a stump by hand, bees in the ground, love bugs, feeding bees sugar water, catching a queen bee, catching a queen, releasing a queen bee on her comb, The Everything Bee Vacuum
Id: Cr9L1GWIcHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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