Substance Designer - Worn Tarmac Tutorial Part 1: Tarmac Stones

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[Music] hi my name is nathan mckenzie i'm currently an associate lead environment artist at playground games in this tutorial we'll be creating a warm tarmac texture inside substance designer throughout this tutorial we'll be covering creating tarmac stones bitumen that binds them together adding directional surface noise creating a tool that adds cracks to your tarmac that can also be reused on any substance and adding a road marking by the end if you're interested in picking up the project files that go with this tutorial then check them out in the link in the description below they contain the substance file as well as the marmoset render file that i use to render it out so let's get started [Music] to start off we're going to be making our stone base shape for our tarmac base so before we get just get to that here we have the way i set up all my materials to start with is i put in a base material node with sort of the base gray value that you get and the roughness value just a little bit high and a little bit grunge expose the normal map the ao map and the hype map and then i attach a height to world normals an ambient occlusion with world units and a levels node just so i have three nodes uh for you know neatness um we have a 400 centimeters and a two centimeter height depth and then we have the ao 400 centimeters and three just so it's a little bit more intense and the radius is super small because we're using we're doing a tarmac texture and you have the rough the radius set to higher level then it can actually turn out looking quite gravelly rather than tarmac so this is the kind of how we're going to just structure this to begin with let's create our base stone shapes so if you've seen my previous video then we're going to structure this kind of the same way with our base stone shape so what we're going to do is just put down a clouds 2 and then we're going to plug in a cells four and change this to image input and we get this kind of pattern based on the cloud shape and then we're going to change these cells to 85 and a little bit of disorder and we have a nice sort of a higher value here so let's add in blend node and a fast white noise i'm going to overlay that onto my clouds at a value of 0.4 and then plug that in just to get a bit more randomness and then i'm going to duplicate the cells for with control d and then we're going to change the scale to 90. bring the distorter down to zero we have two different sizes and let's do a third and let's make this 120 and let's give it again a disorder back into that so we have three levels of of noises and we're going to combine these we're going to put an edge detect i'm going to put this to one with roundness of zero and then we're going to duplicate this so we can just do this for all three for the middle one we're going to keep this at one and for the bottom one we're also going to keep it at one let's blend these together [Music] let's put a blend node down and we'll start from the bottom plug them into the foreground background and let's put in a histogram scan and use this as the mask combine these two and let's put the contrast to one and the position to 0.27 and then we have these two different sizes combined together and let's do this again for the top one and our combined output here let's duplicate our histogram scan and use that into this section and let's bring this down to 0.2 and plug that into a mask now we have three layers of sizes let's plug this in to flood fill and then into a flood fill the grayscale the limits adjustments are zero and eliminates random of one and then put this into a distance node as the source input and we'll use our original edge mask as a mask input and we'll change this to only source and bring the distance up you can see that we get this with the black outlines filled in and let's put an auto levels in just to make sure that we're using the full range which it looks like we are let's put a little bit of noise into this so let's do a slope blur grayscale and let's take our original clouds noise but let's do a little bit of a blur on that quality to one and let's bring this down because we don't blurt too much 0.39 and we'll use that as our slope blur let's put our samples to the third two the fill let's bring this down let's change this to men so we eat into itself and let's put this at 0.01 just so we get a little bit movement there let's put an edge detecting just so we can get our final edge mask let's put the roundness to zero and the edge width to one and let's add in a slope blur put the samples up and put this to men and then let's take a noise that we've already used so let's take this closed noise here and let's blur this a little bit and let's put the quality to one and let's put the intensity to 0.39 and plug this into our slope mask and let's bring the intensity down to 0.01 and let's duplicate our histogram scan node and let's put this over here and keep our contrast up at one and bring our position all the way down to 0.01 and this is just going to take us from this fine consistent edge detect to something a little bit more organic great let's we can we can attach this into outputs here so we can see what's going on this is going to make our base for our tarmac let's make the noise and sculpting of our tarmac stones so again this covered this in a previous tutorial but we're going to do it again for this tutorial and sculpting these stones into shape so what we can do is we can put a flood fill node and then a blood filled to grayscale eliminates random to one limits adjustment to zero let's do a little bit of a directional work a purlin noise let's bring the scale the disorder sorry up a little bit to let's go 0.27 directional warp let's set this to 50 and angle 18 and let's switch these around so we'll go from that to that let's put a blood fill to gradient let's do angle variation of 0.83 and then blend this down sorry blend our previous or directional warp down as a min darken and we'll leave that at one and let's put another one of these gradient nodes down and let's go in and we'll leave that as 0.83 but we'll change the random seed up a little bit so let's go with random seed of three and let's blend this down again on top of our previous one then darken gradient node in and let's keep let's put our random seed uh we'll just notch that up to four and let's men darken that down on top of our previous one again let's change this up a little bit we're going to just add a gradient node in here change this to grayscale and go to gradient editor and let's add in some colors here so i'm going to just put um i'm going to change our this bottom one here to black putting one in here in the middle put that to white let's bring this up a little bit and move that up and then we can put okay one here and then just slide that gray value up a little bit move these both a little bit and then get rid of that and then bring this up a little bit bring our bottom black value up a little bit something a bit there let's add in a flood fill to binding box add in an auto level straight after and let's multiply this down multiply at a value of 0.35 and let's duplicate our auto levels here and just make sure we have the full range like that and then let's flatten off some of these peaks we can use a blood fill to rescale there you go with a limited random of 0.57 and a limits adjustment of 0.37 just to bring the value up so we don't clip off every single stone and then min darken this down on top and that way it flattens off some of our stones so they're not all angular and if you want more flat stones then just increase or decrease the luminous adjustment so we're gonna create turn this into its own node and we're going to type here up here so we can just kind of bring our graph size down so let's have a input grayscale let's name this edge mask copy that into the label value and let's bring this into here and we can right click and create output nodes [Music] and then we can do all this sculpted and then select all the nodes right click create graph from selection sculpted tarmac okay and then we can drop that in to our scene and delete those nodes and then if we just drag in our histogram scan node into our scope the tarmac node we get the same result and to see this in play we can actually just right click and open a reference in context if you don't have this enabled it can be enabled through the preferences and then we can see it work coming through the node then put going through our node selection here and enter it and then let's put that to our edge here and then you can see now have a bunch of angular stones add an auto levels onto the end of this node again just to make sure we're playing with the full range and let's add in a non-uniform blur grayscale i'm just going to blur it on itself with a low intensity 0.5 let's put the samples up to 16. and we'll add in a few more blades go all the way to the top and that kind of rounds out and flattens out some of our stones there let's just duplicate that so we can have two variations of this our intensity to 0.1 and we'll leave everything else the way it is so we just want some sharper stones and some more rounded stones and let's blend these together we need a mask so let's get a mask uh let's use a blood fill and a blood fill to grayscale put the luminance random to one and let's do a directional warp with a purlin noise let's put the angle to 90 and the intensity to 50. let's rotate that around so it's actually the parallel noise is going into the input and the intensity is the flood fill and let's put a histogram scan node down just so we can capture a few of those few of those these values here let's do a position of 0.27 and then let's bring up the contrast to 0.77 and it's only going to capture some of these stones and put that as the mask so some of our stones are going to be rendered and some of our stones are going to be sharper let's add in a little bit of noise to these stones let's put an slip blur and a moisture noise let's add a multi-directional warp grayscale and warp it on itself let's add a little bit of this disorder to our moisture noise value of 0.21 and let's put the intensity of our mole directional warp here to 8.05 and then minus 14 to our angle and let's change the mode to chain and then we can put that into our slope for our samples up to 32 and our intensity 0.1 and our mode to min and there we're getting some surface noise and break up there this may be a bit too intense so let's just blend that down on top of our previous version which has no noise on it a value of 0.78 [Music] let's continue adding some more surface noise so we'll just bring this up here a little bit let's duplicate our slope blur let's add a clouds one set the scale eight and the disorder to 0.5 and let's use that as our slope blur now let's change our in intensity up a little bit to 0.03 and we'll set this to blur and then we can blend that down like we did before so it's not as intense 0.74 let's add some more surface noise on top rather than blurring our texture based on a mask let's put a blend node down move it away a little bit let's take a high pass grayscale put our multi-directional warp that we used before into that let's put a radius n of [Music] 3.51 let's do a directional warp of this one based on let's see we should base on let's place on this just so we don't get all the noise that we created in this node here let's change up our direction work values so let's put our intensity down to 0.98 so we don't want a lot of this minus 88 for our degrees let's do another levels and then overlay that down on top of our tarmac stones and a value of one put this in and then let's add a little bit more a little bit more interest here so let's bring this over bring that over to the left i'm going to add something in here so let's do a blend let's add in a couple of nodes here so let's add in a dart one and a dart four we can just leave these as they are standard and let's blend these together with the max lighting let's multi-directional warp these so we'll just take this and duplicate it over multi-directional work piece together with an intent lower intensity than before so let's do 0.85 and i'm an angle of 91 and let's subtract this from our high pass gray scale so let's set this to subtract then and bring our value of this to 0.2 let's add in auto levels at the end here make sure we're using the full range let's continue adding in some more surface variation here let's just drag these over and let's put in a tail sampler and let's put in a few grunges let's do grunge o2 so i want some vertical noise grunge oh 7 and grunge before let's bring our contrast down on all of these and our brush pattern up right there let's bring a brush pattern up on this one as well a little bit higher for this one and then let's put this and put these inputs these grunges into our tail sampler and change the amount we have so let's do five by five [Music] here and our pattern to pattern input the amount of pattern input we have two three and then attach these in our scale to 4.32 and our scale random to zero point six six let's change our position random to four point b two let's do a little bit of rotation random 0.05 so just a touch and let's put some color random at 0.45 now let's directional warp this let's do a blurred version of it quality to one let's put a lower value so 1.29 to do let's directional work best based on our edge mask back here and then let's rewrite node than this just to neaten things up our intensity to 5 and 4 degrees to 90. let's add in auto levels just so we're playing with full range and then let's do a men darken on top of our tarmac and then darken at a value of 0.71 and we're starting to see a little bit of directionality there a little bit directional noise we can go in and give it some tessellation just so we can see add in isolation and bring the scale up a little bit let's raise up the level of a few of these stones we're going to add in a flood fill sorry a blood fill to rescale but let's just do a foot fill to random grayscale and use our flood fill from back here let's do a histogram scan and let's put contrast to 1 and the position to 0.22 and let's do a screen just to lighten up some of these stones here and let's put this at a 0.56 let's add a little bit more variation into this before we move any further so let's do a blood fill the bounding box and again use our flood fill from back here doing auto levels let's invert this node here so let's add an invert grayscale blend this together with our histogram scan node and let's multiply this down so that i can just have the gray values with the black outline and let's put under histogram scan from this let's do a zero position of 0.2 and then add these together that way we get some of these smaller stones and with some of these bigger stones and then add that let's have a look here and i think this looks a little bit noisy so let's go back to one of these nodes here i think it's this one here so let's let's change this up to a cloud 2 so we get a bit of a softer noise for the disorder 2.5 and the scale to 8. and then let's swap these over and that looks a lot nicer let's add in a larger scale gradient curve bring this over here and let's add in a blood fill to gradient and let's multiply that down on top of our tarmac we have here let's multiply and then add angle variation of 0.74 and then let's add in a mask and we'll just take this mask we already have down here so we're adding it in and then the stones that we're adding in we're giving a gradient to let's see what that looks like if there's a bit of variation there let's take a multi-directional warp grayscale and let's take our this noise from over here and we'll warp it on our tarmac height let's put an intensity of 3.98 well let's put this to average and in my directions of four that's fine and we keep that angle at zero that's fine just to give it a little bit of movement based on our height let's do another flood filled to random grayscale just take this and let's change the random seed let's change that to one and then let's do a blend take our original tarmac and let's add that on and let's take this as our mask so let's put in a histogram scan let's put this at 0.35 leave the contrast to zero and let's plug that keep that plugged in there for our add and then let's bring that down to 0.22 and then let's throw that in and a bit of variation there now let's bring the value of this multiply node down a little bit let's put that to 0.7 before we finish off this part let's just do a little bit of housekeeping let's just frame off some of these sections just keep everything organized a little bit let me just take this section here frame that off and we'll call this our base stone shape and then we can take everything in this section up to here and we can call this our surface noise and then let's call this our height adjustment as this is where we added in some extra height information via these this area here and a mask to say where we want this extra height to be [Music] you
Channel: Nathan Mackenzie
Views: 5,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: substance designer, substance, designer, materials, game art, digital art, procedural art, textures, tutorial, art, stones, tarmac, road
Id: 6JjsWIYZ618
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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