Subnautica but every 30 seconds a REAPER SPAWNS (mods)

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sup gamers welcome back to subnautica but today we have a special mod that every 30 seconds a reaper spawns how it works as in the beginning it starts a reaper spawns like every two minutes and then as the game goes on it goes from two minutes all the way to like one second where it would turn to absolute chaos like this oh my god did i just go down there and see what happens i can just die instantly i will take it i'm a man i'm like a fish i am not food i do not taste good i do not taste good i do not taste good i don't need that i think we're ready as you guys know this is from my subnautica let's play where we downloaded every single mod but we have windmills and even like a laser rifle so that's gonna be a great help against the reapers that will go against us and of course our amazing sock drawer here's my aquarium look at this aquarium yeah the fish with legs i have to take him outside yeah look i can play with it oh there he is the first rebreast bond spam little fishy swim well he's outside now he's gonna have to protect us i'm going back inside well you left a little fishy outside well of course i left him outside i mean he's got to protect us right he's scared does he look like he's sad i'm pretty sure that reaper there is a vegetarian this is my water machine it makes water you don't have enough water fresh water blossom i can't drink that water out there what do i look like maniac fish i have two subs this is my more stealth one you see how it's like blacked out do you have weapons on this thing i don't have weapons on this one this one's just for movement oh well you gotta need to hear me that was scary oh my goodness a blue one oh that's the ghost leviathan they're so much worse a ghost one they're they're ghosty they're like see-through you see like their organs and stuff oh that's disgusting i don't have any weapons on this thing but i think i can take out this first wait i have a torpedo i forgot about my torpedo shoot the torpedo open fire you missed i missed how do you i missed that target is so big i'm moving in spam the microphone how do you like it oh no i got another i got another one he's charging firefighters he's got my ghost how expensive was that ship it's very expensive man i gotta take him out he broke my ship no the whole thing the whole thing get over here laser him are you hitting him i'm hitting him but it's angering him oh there's another one in the ground there in the ground look at him he's a ground leviathan or something man and you have bigger artillery or something underneath you he's coming from the ground right we're going inside it's getting nighttime too as well so we don't want to be outside right now oh god is that not the same one that is not the same one does that look like the same one look at that thing it had like 10 arms all right i'm going to bed i am not going out there during the night time no no no i think you know what we're going to need my cyclops the my big submarine oh the big boy the big boy the big submarine but it's not here it's not at my base it's at my other base oh oh god i told you it wasn't the same one that's a sea dragon what that looks like our little fishy but like a giant version that one can literally spit flames but he's underwater but he's a rapper we're surrounded we're surrounded did it see you i i i i saw you get inside get inside there it is i don't see any monsters nearby we're fine we're all good he's trying to burn down my rockets not the rocket there's explosives in there he's leaving he's leaving go go go get into the upgrade station get into the upgrades portal aliens we must go that's where we need to go hopefully we do not get caught by anything on our way here oh gosh do we look fine look at all those things okay we're almost there only 500 meters it's been smooth sailing right what is that swim just start swimming just starting out all right underneath you just keep swimming just keep swimming it is nice here we come nether portal we made it was everything red no yeah welcome to the lava zone oh my god it actually didn't matter we have to go to lava socks it's one level higher time to go time to get back we got to kill these guys if we want to get out of here shoot him oh boy which one all of them get out of here oh touch and weave dodge and weave dodge and weave get out of here you're not allowed in my territory i hit him once i hit him once i hit him twice i think i hit him actually quite a lot wait i think he's dead oh you got him i got it we got to make it here oh my god he is actually dead oh we're in it we're in the prawn suit here's our objective we have to make it up there it's kind of hard because there's a lava lake here oh my god this is like the matrix of suits no time to look back ignore the scary noises just keep moving forward it's not someone i don't like these noises why is it blossom i see it we're right there everything we've been working for there it is the cyclops get it we're getting instead a ship it's got my good sub as well i missed you baby should we actually go in here because as soon as we're in here they're gonna want to attack us activate the laser cannons where are they show yourself oh shoot oh do you like me now oh they're hitting me i got one i already killed one oh but these things are powerful they're very powerful okay turn on the ac it's kind of hot here yeah i did turn on the ac don't worry there we go creature attack they're already attacking us our health is going down i told you as soon as they see us they're going to want to attack oh god oh gosh ghost leviathan coming in i can't i can't this this candidate doesn't go high enough oh there's so many i got another oh my god i think i might have to repair we got to go outside of repair ship okay get the repair thing that means we have to go outside we have to go outside oh god i gotta fire him on myself hey you hey you loser get lost you're not allowed i have no more power source oh my god he ate me hard quickly quickly repair come on repair where's my repair tool you don't have time for this sucks i don't know where my repair tool is i don't have a repair tool are you kidding me i was not prepared for this we must enter our backups up our main one enter into battle formation we got to draw them out far away i got laser cannons in here as well that's a lot of warpers oh god they're starting to spawn more rapidly they're starting this one more rapidly ah no but you're gonna be shooting him i'm shooting him i'm shooting him he doesn't care why doesn't he care for fire with no repair tool i can't see anything this is not good maybe if we if we quickly dock this we can make a repair tool real quick come on we have enough resources we got to make it to our cyclops that's the only way we will craft a repair tool there oh here it is repair tool there you go we got it okay quickly quickly back we got the repair tool we're set oh god oh god don't see me he sees me he sees me swim like the wind okay i have to drop it and then i got to repair it well i don't want to be in the water but i got to be in the water why do i have to be in the water to repair this thing come on where i don't like that sound all right this is good this is good come on where's the repair area please just shoot it down i don't want to play with you get out of the way no no no i clicked farewell on him no i don't want to leave you no come back come come back please stay okay please stay stop pressing buttons we did it there we go we did it oh my god oh no not the sub no please i don't have any nah no we got to repair this up we got to repair this up we got to be able to repair this bad boy before it's too late before there's too many quickly repair repair repair come on quickly before he sees me is that is that the old he already sees me go he's attacking there's another one get in the ship come on turn this baby on start the laser cannons yes shake it get out of here get out of here we got one we got one get the other one yes we got both oh my god oh my god oh my god three more [Music] i gotta turn out the emergency shield keep firing keep firing how many are gonna spawn there should be spawning every about five seconds now two new three new ones does that look like two three more oh god we're too low we're too low captain carrot couple of enemies outside they want the sandwiches oh god they can't get us right our shield is too strong we're getting flipped over we're going sideways we're going sideways i have like three nuclear reactors in here the shield is holding strong look how the enemies what is that what is that oh boy captain can we overcharge the nuclear devices i wish i think we're just gonna have to call it here that's we're just gonna call this a stalemate they can't get through our shields so we're safe but we lost two subs i call this a tie i call this a tie if you want to see more subnautica make sure to subscribe and smash life for more
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 1,801,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, subnautica, subnautica gameplay, subnautica update, subnautica mods, subnautica but i download every single mod (part 5), subnautica but i download every single part 1, subnautica game, subnautica mod, subnautica precurser, subnautica emperor, subnautica tutorial, subnautica precursor, subnautica second gun, subnautica multiplayer, subnautica atlas, subnautica taming, subnautica ghost leviathan, subnautica sunbeam, subnautica cyclops, i played subnautica for 24 hours
Id: cXw_QqfuG8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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