Minecraft but I become the RULER of PARKOUR CIVILIZATION

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I used to dream of being the champion of Parkour civilization but now I am and I got to admit being the champion is pretty awesome since I'm the best at parkour I make the rules of Parkour civilization when I was at the bottom level I always thought that parkouring to the top would lead to a better life but now under my rule people can actually live that better life you know what Evo you are so humble I bet it's no coincidence that everything in parkour civilization is now ebo themed okay I'll admit the Evo theme was intentional but let's be honest you would totally do the same if you were the champion I mean I don't know if that will ever happen oh you think that's funny let's parkour battle right now and see who wins I can't wait to be the new Champion okay come on let's be real here you vers me I mean you do remember our last battle right I mean oh that was rough I think you're just scared cuz you don't practice parkour anymore all right if you think you can out parkour me let's go for a battle honestly you might be right I don't even think I'm that good anymore who was that a three block jump with a 360 no way I can do that again right uh anyways do you still want to battle oh no fine all right you're still the best we all make mistakes it's okay like I said being the best in parkour civilization is kind of awesome not only did I save the world but now I have the power to change things for the better since I defeated the evil Champion I undid all of the corrupt rules that destroyed parkour civilization and now life is totally different so this is how it works now in my civilization every new player spawns at the bottom level of Parkour civilization as a parkour Noob there they will learn how life Works in parkour civilization and probably fail their first jumps but even if they do it's okay because they'll just spawn right back inside the parkour Temple once a noob gets more experienced in parkour they can attempt the course to rank up to try to get to the next level of Parkour civilization and yes I made sure this course was actually possible and not some evil way to make sure that people never ranked up if a noob completes the course they get their iron boots and they become a parkour Pro now they're on the second level of Parkour civilization and the jumps are are harder than the bottom level as a pro if you miss a single jump you'll fall back down to the noob level and you'll lose your rank the only way to get back up is to do the course again but if you can handle all of the jumps at the pro level you can try to make the course to go even higher in parkour civilization the course to rank up is impossibly hard and if you miss one jump you'll die and lose your rank but if somehow you succeed you get your gold boots and you rank up to become a parkour Master only the best players in parkour civilization can survive the difficulty of jumps up here but it doesn't stop there because the only goal in parkour civilization is to make it to the top to become the champion there's only one champion and the only way to become one is to beat the champion in a parkour battle which is me again man I can't stop saying it but I even changed the rules for myself so if I miss a single jump and I die I'll rank down and become a parkour Master again and to be honest I still haven't figured out who would be the next champion after me if that ever happened but I'm not really worried about that I mean when's the last time I've missed a jump no please oh okay I'm going to pretend I almost didn't just lose everything I worked for you see I could have just used my totem of undying and been fine but as the champion things are a little different I mean I got a reputation to maintain I can't have people going around thinking I can't make a water bucket but speaking of reputation so much of my time has been spent trying to rebuild parkour city for the better now life works a lot differently as a parkour Master the first big change I made was to the parkour Bank when I was a master you could only get blocks if you completed daily task but after seeing what life was like back in the old days I decided to make blocks free again now Parkour masters can get as many blocks as they want and they don't have to do daily tasks I even updated the second floor to the parkour Bank Masters can now get whatever they need to build the hardest jumps in parkour civilization but the biggest change was bringing back totems of undying totems are free but you're only allowed to have one at a time I didn't want people grabbing like 20 of these and living forever and never ranking down so one is the max the next change I made was to the food supply when I was a master faster you had to build your own jumps to get food and I was not a fan of that system because I almost starved because of it so getting food is now different as a parkour Master now you have to do two four block jumps if you want to get food every day Masters can make these jumps to get three golden carrots or if you're like me and you're the parkour Champion you never lose hunger so no need to do these jumps uh all right well I guess some Parkour Pros about to be eating good today and of course even if you do get the food you still have to make the two four block jumps to get back now on to the part that I don't really have figured out yet and that's buying skyscrapers when I was a master I did two 360s to buy a skyscraper so I kind of like the idea of building a jump to buy a house but the problem is is that there are no more daily tasks so I don't know who's going to sell the houses okay I don't have everything figured out yet but this is my favorite part of parkour city the new parkour arena being a noob or being a pro is just about building your parkour skills but becoming a master is when you actually have to learn how to fight with parkour and this is the new place to do it up here m MERS have everything they need to challenge each other to parkour battles they can battle for fun or they can battle to the death I haven't really figured out if I should set a rule on that but anyways this is also the place that Masters go to if they want to challenge me to become the parkour Champion but I probably got to change some things because I was not ready for the first day all right well parkour battles are open to the public oh look at that I already got some Challengers wait how many bro what how many people want to challenge me I realized that Masters usually never saw the parkour Champion so this was new to them hello Champion Evo I can't wait to die in this parkour battle oh yeah good luck to you too wait what all right let's do this parkour battle Starts Now wait wait wait can you please attack me with a 360 jump you want me to attack you with a 360 yes please okay I guess I can do that bro what is going on can this guy do a 360 all right I'm attacking you with a three block 360 jump no way you actually did the 360 I am so confused what is this parkour battle wait you didn't even try it I know I get to die by the champion of B 360 this is the best day ever you wanted to oh shoot okay this is so weird if this is how all of the challenges are going to go I need to make some new rules on parkour battles overall it's safe to say that things are going great in parkour civilization people are now free and life is what it should be like but even though things are going so well there's still one small thing I haven't been able to wrap my head around at the edge of Parkour civilization there's a bridge that leads to Nowhere my friend who found this said that this wasn't here before meaning that whatever or whoever made this must have done it recently the thing is is that no one knows what's outside of Parkour civilization once you reach the edge the jumps just stop and there's nowhere left to go so far my friend and I haven't figured out anything new except for now all right man what's going on this is strange something's stopping me from building the bridge even further but this is where it gets weird I tried throwing blocks and they just disappear my friend was right he gave me a block to throw and when I threw it it just disappeared instead of falling it's like there's something here something that I can't see all right well looks like there's nothing left for us to do I got to go visit the old man I said I'd visit him like a long time ago and I never did before we found the bridge at the edge of Parkour civilization the old man said he needed to tell me something that he should have told me a long time ago but I just got so busy with champion stuff and trying to change the entire rules of society and whatnot and I forgot to come down here all right old man I'm ready for your story and of course he's gone bro why does this guy always disappear when I need him I need to put like a tracker on him or something I looked around the neighborhood and I had no clue where he went until I finally saw the old man just standing in the distance oh that's a relief I thought he was trying to pull another jump in the void move on me can you at least leave a sign or something when you go places so I can find you wait what why are you taking damage what's going on FBO you made it quick I don't have much time I'm old and I'm dying but I needed you to hear this no no no no no this can't be happening why why didn't you say anything I could have done something I don't get it you know I have the command blocks we we could have found you a cure there's no cure for old age my boy it is not my destiny to live on but it is your destiny to keep going and to save parkour civilization once more I should have told you sooner about the fifth layer of Parkour civilization but it is too late I fear that evil is returning the fifth layer of Parkour civilization Beyond the Edge you'll find it if this evil returns parkour civilization will be destroyed that's where the bridge leads to another level of Parkour civilization My Time is Here Evo I need you to end my suffering with a parkour battle no that's not fair you can't ask me to do that I'm not asking Evo I need this please I never would have thought this was what it would come to but the old man gave me no choice and I had to honor his word thank you ebo for everything you are an always will be a better Champion than I ever was I hope to be with the parkour God now and just like that the old man my mentor and my friend was gone without him I would have never become the champion of Parkour civilization and now now there's a new evil that I'll have to face alone without the help of the old man but he trusted me he knew that I was the only one capable of saving parkour civilization so now wasn't the time to stop now was time to honor the old man's Legacy by finding this Lost Civilization and getting rid of this evil before it destroys all of Parkour civilization all right well this is it somewhere beyond this bridge is the Lost Civilization and I think we both know that the only way I can get there is to just jump look I don't know what's going to be on the other side but if anything happens I trust you with parkour civilization just make sure you get better at 360s while I'm gone we'll both be doing 360s once we make it back together see you on the other side no no no wait but before I could stop him my friend jumped off the end of the bridge and he just disappeared in thin air of course he did that all right well I guess this is now not a solo Mission I have no way of knowing what lies beyond the bridge and there's a very real chance that I never see parkour civilization ever again but I spent my life fighting to save parkour civilization and if there's an evil out there that threatens to destroy the world then I'm going to fight again at the very least I owe it to the old man to try
Channel: Evbo
Views: 2,617,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m8Q4P0cQBvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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