SUBMERGED Among Us w/ X33N, Skadj, Pjonk, LaWhoo, SophieTexas, and others

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the glitch hi guys i am lick glitch um my music on neat okay so i can sample a new person that's neat yeah i like that glitch can do a bunch of stuff i escapade 231 pull-ups um anyway welcome everyone to among us this is the submerged lifeboat uh mod i know some of you have been asking to see this one again so i'm here to give it plug leaks okay uh make sure to like comment and subscribe if you enjoy this kind of content and let me know what uh mod you like just surprise deceive me undertaker okay all right well um early on i was the first casualty of the of the game a certain a certain mohawk individual killed me and dragged me to the top left of the uh of the engine room and then and then um sailor so kindly revived me and then as i'm a ghost i see shep dragging another body which i go to report very conveniently was awesome with sailor at some point and i know pyong was on that level i mean shabb dragged both myself and sophie so oh so okay he killed sophie no no no no no [Music] you're not supposed to see all this information you have okay stay in your corner where i drive you and stay there okay you know what wow god okay i guess i will okay no i i invite i i i host this lobby i actually have car killed two though i think cars does oh [Music] i think she killed ralph down below where um you realize i'm in cafeteria right now right she is upstairs that's fine i mean i i have a pretty firm rule about not trusting killers yeah um in life and in game so i'm sorry because i have a reputation a guy with a mohawk [Music] mohawk was just a wig yeah brooklyn nine-nine i'm starting i'm trying to watch the new episodes knowing [Laughter] i am lockheed in here oh my god okay now we're good yeah germ how could you kill that person i can't believe you've done this how could you [Music] wait what is this that's oxygen [Music] oh thank goodness i was not near a thing to go to breathe how could you do this to scotch squash hey look i didn't do anything to scotch i like scotch you double back on his body white double button did i on my screen i just went straight to and reported it no it definitely showed you doubling back oh i'm sorry if i did i might have done it by accident but no i walked up on this um hooligan was right behind me uh the only other person i saw on top floor was germ and that's about it yup it's all i got who just i saw shadow just get the oxygen on the top floor who was that probably me it was either me hooligan or germ yeah i think i saw arena downstairs i was on the top floor i just figured out how to get by it like gives you the dollar bills and you're like i gotta buy something apparently uh but i was headed my way down to uh grab a mask what did you end up getting yeah i was about to ask what'd you get oh it was like 21 negative 21 and i got these little honey bun thing looking things honey buns sound kind of good right now i'm not gonna i want some buns oh got it well some of them hot buttons no no dude i don't know i i honestly have no idea who could have done this right i will say it's right by the elevator though oh so it could be somebody on the bottom floor and it could be old i don't know the elevator menace i don't think anyone is clear from this unless it's just i don't even i don't even think i'm clear from it but i'm pretty sure i am i think bianca is actually clear yeah i think i mean we we did do a um i got donuts first of all and then and came in after and i was like oh she bianca is also doing her thing and if she just got off i kind of believed it look that was confusing at first yeah it is because it's math i hate math i got i got a gut feeling oh what's gonna say i got a gut feeling it's rainy part of me thinks it's raining i've been downstairs the whole time i know but it's right by an elephant that's a lie yeah i don't know how am i gonna do this okay sampled rini [Music] i went the wrong way it's been a while since i've been here i wanted to do the fish tank or at least pretend to do the fish tank hello i wonder if the only way there's no imposters left is if scotch was one of the imposters and i [ __ ] up [Music] did you not see this squatchy no where was it it was in the communications room i think it's calm you just walked past me and then yeah there's a body in there the one we just walked past the one on the right because i don't know all that well uh i didn't go in there unless unless it was like right in the doorway i didn't see it i know it's actually rainy i came from the y it is rainy but i want her to live i don't know dude it looked like you came from this oh no i didn't if it's inside like if it's a deep room and it's in there i didn't i didn't even see it i came here is which floor again absolutely yeah top floor yeah okay this could i mean reena's bottom floor but she could have taken the it would have been like a vent up she was i i think i saw her on the bottom floor for dude classes i tried to go down twice and then uh apparently i don't know how to take elevators and then between you and cara i just like rolled the elevators for like the first half and then i didn't see your writing on videos yeah i did i think i saw that too how did you see that yeah oh no i saw a car never mind i saw a car come out of my house [Music] you walked right by me where are you i know that sounds like a freudian slip i mean baby again i did catch squatchy right over scotch's body so i just want to bring that back up in a recent memory oh you mean yeah from the last one when i reported uh looking really bad for me but i promise you i'm i'm a good bean sure mm-hmm i i believe it 100 really bad for me says the jester mm-hmm yeah right this is looking really really bad for me yeah right well i mean we do have an imposter out so like okay yeah so i think we can skip a body journey i do not like saying we can skip i've got a couple i know i know i gotta kill it we at least got one yeah okay i forgot about that yeah it's built still okay so i need to stay away from rini because rainey is definitely the other imposter and maybe squashy seems very soft i wonder if i should kill him and then we'll have lahu left yeah i gotta kill i gotta kill squatchy wherever he be maybe i need to actually you know it would be better better if i sampled rainy kill squatchy what rini is going to be close to me i don't want to get close to rene that's the not this is gonna available rough to figure out the logistics is that light i can't tell our lights off yes lights are off that was scary what if i just guard my kills it was walking backwards that means they just killed or so vented like someone's waiting in there to kill if my math is correct it's just us right it is just us okay yep i'm like wait that's one body two three four yeah i i knew it was you from like me took way through the game so so you guys should have a duel right yeah yeah yeah let's do that scotty were you jester [Laughter] i'm like she's not sussing me i'm keeping my mouth shut i know it's her i knew it was you i'm like i need you to kill more people yeah all right um how shall we do this how shall we do this i'm just gonna like stretch real quick okay you know such a disadvantage with people not knowing how to drag bodies correctly am i right dang that's cold i know i mean i could assess in a car right now but that's cold enough oh you guys do oh that's very noble of you rini how nice that's dull [Laughter] i'm not muted i'm just not yeah oh yeah start your engines the the good old-fashioned western like all right draw wait whoa whoa i don't have a drone you guys should stand back in the middle oh my god put one in the chamber let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go are you serious oh that was good i'm glad y'all actually did the duel though most people are just like nah let's just get this over with assassination i'm gonna be real i probably would have just assassinated so yeah yeah and then when you reported i was like oh beautiful report now she can just assassinate nope that was i literally went into like a corner and i started counting like okay i killed that wait i killed two people well who's dead it's just me and carl right we're at five okay were you waiting in that mom's room huh i was trying to figure out where you were and i'm like the second i opened the store she's gonna kill me yeah i'm like i wonder if like she'll i thought you were going to kill me like that during that round but this was fun this was fun i was so excited to get raph thrown out as executed i was also mayor i was also a mayor yeah wow you know my clients like a tin can yeah yeah discord does that recently we want to go back [Music] um also ref if you switch to the uh web browser version of this board it should also fix it uh like each time it happens or just like in general for like one moment lobbies like in general okay thank you okay if you care sounds good appreciate it all right we're all good everybody in oh hello welcome and mr zine thank you i appreciate it happy to be here real quick since we were here for the explanation oracle is a seer that's not as broken the grenadier it has a flashbang that will blind everybody in an area except the grenadier of course and lawyer is a third imposter for somebody on the ship you win with them or become gesture if they if their win condition is gone okay all right you love to see it that's that all right good luck everybody that was a good first game wow 10 seconds let's go gamers all right let's pitter-patter let's go scott all right my guy all right all right this is the best first client i could ever get it's gonna be really hard but i'm up for the challenge i irrationally like this song [Music] flippy's gonna kill me she's doing her her weird imposter shuffle adobe rap [Music] when he has a child [Music] [Music] oh i thought that was me oh no oh no so i'm not sure exactly where this body is uh in the ballast area but i got the report button as i came down from the top of the ballast room i don't know where that is yeah it looks very different to me it's much more like you were running away from the body and then i came up and you ran back to it and reported it yikes [Laughter] right out of i mean here's here's how it how it works is i mean this is the content or or there's the deacon town on both sides so either you killed her or i killed her [Music] i mean [Music] i have no idea i literally haven't played this enough uh for submerged but i i pause it to the people that you either tried la hooligan or myself uh because one of us is guilty here oh certainly most certainly um is that a jester play maybe i may get there why on earth would you skip i just walked in on a body with lagoon basically over it and there's anyone see jarrod like was he trying to rest this fight did you happen to see that his body there too i thought i saw a drone pop level but i don't remember that that skip button look real sexy [Applause] i know what i'm dressing for halloween i just like that song way too much i don't know i asked god it just taught it just speaks to me you know i'm just like oh yeah okay okay oh shoot what's the name of the song oh no um i looked it up recently and i forgot oh no oh what was it called show me all you know show me all you know show me all you know show me [Music] remember when decimal five and mike archangel that is it that's it wait what okay um what's the stitch i always cancel he just dropped out of nowhere wait are swoopers the thing uh yes okay this is probably a swoop because we were both on the um the what was the sea urchin like an enemy task where you shoot the things and they bounce you know and then i went over to do my numbers to the left and he was still on that task and then when i finished my numbers he was just dead on the task so he could not have shot me either because he was way too far away well i was just microwaving my fish so i really don't have much i was putting squash yeah so this happened like literally two seconds ago if that if you're with someone there i can clear scene then anyone all around having worked in corporate america i just want to say that the number one side of this of being an imposter or evil is microwaving fish in a communal microwave yeah yeah right it's one word microwave is fish i think we've got it out just for that oh my goodness no i don't i don't think we should i think we well if you're not getting kicked off you're fired because that's nasty okay well look i'm hungry and i had salmon in my lunchbox today okay eat it cold salmon is actually quite good it's really good gold yeah well it's in the microwave so it's too late now most food is pretty good cold to be honest i'm gonna throw some sauce on on squatchy but but no voting him on point i saw topside i think was sophie she was like by the elevator on the top right i have a quick clear scene scene was with me one time i bought a whole fish and i had to put a tape in it and take the scales off and i showed my mom and the showers that's not a big deal how would you see me if you were planning to i don't remember seeing you because i finished it and as i finish it i saw you come into my bubble tie breaker is that a thing oh my god not the bubble no one cared about my fish story [Laughter] no one cared just like my mom so she was born and raised in texas and so she would go fishing and stuff all the time so she had to like clean and gut fish a lot so like i guess gutting and and like getting scales off of fish is not very like it's not very impressive to her i bought a whole fish like it was just recently like caught and i had to take the scales off and like gut it and like bone it and stuff now oracle's death we just got double killed who killed you uh wait not that one uh rini i think one of these two oh wait we're just looking at you oh god okay well uh scotch is up in the y top level okay i was pretty close to uh oh my god being done microwaving my fish but then i found him so do we vote out la hooligan here yet or do we still skip for did you more rounds zine i want you to know i haven't killed anyone since pyong oh i'm probably not a single person i mean that works what did you want to vote someone else i'll vote with lehogan who you want um let's see shab was actually the person that i saw upstairs when i did run into these two bodies uh i saw uh let's see it was scotch's body and kara's body that were both in the y okay um so shab was the only person i saw up there and that's when i was having fun taking the whale shark task i ran to admin there was one in the telescope room there was one in the kitchen and then there was one more like i think uh lawyers like the opposite of it whatever that is besides the top side there's one body in there on the admin and then i don't know how to go down stairs on admin either so i only had top side info because i don't know how to check downstairs on admin something smells awful fishy here where did you come from you everyone in california i'm pretty sure you didn't do anything but oh my god i want to vote for you do it it couldn't hurt i mean if you do want to vote me out here i understand oh i wrote a chat okay yeah i was gonna i did kill thunk but [Music] who i would vote where she pointed she pointed at you like what is it refutable about this are you the lawyer i could be well i think it's raining microwave to fish hey it's it's not done that's right that's correct this is true psychopaths [Music] you can't vent down in that spot [Laughter] oh look at the double zine oh never mind oh i hope this time if she's in the 1v1 she assassinates wow what an enemies it's a lover's story look at these guys accusing each other now they're just treating them yeah yeah well i think that's a good play because like if they ever final three or something he'll just be like okay now i'm voting you and she'll vote him and he didn't have to do that all right do you want to admit to this one too no i super don't okay okay that's fair that's a good play no the thing is i know for a fact that zine didn't do this and i know for a fact i didn't do it because i specifically sought out the body which is sophie's body i'm sorry sophie uh so between reni and scotchy we do have a killer zine what do you think i i agree there is definitely a killer between one of those two i think it's rini personally i'm afraid that he is her lawyer i'm who's lawyer not you yeah yeah i could see that like if you are the killer squatchy then we have to vote who so here's the thing rainy why would zene have like outed me and then voted on me every single round since that first round when he caught me killing piano best thing that could happen right now and then miss guesses yeah that feels stupid it's a weird cover-up but if it works it's a really big player he doesn't know what he's doing he's watching distracted give me a give me another fish pun um oh god i have a i have a pirate pun will that work yeah let's hear it all right all right um why couldn't the pirate finish the alphabet because you're the jester no because he got lost at sea okay i'm sorry um yeah no i do think it's hard you said that he was the gesture personally i just got a gut feeling is my favorite cuddly sociopath and we've i've said this about her a million times uh so if i was i don't know if i don't know if squatchy is playing too hard at jester that's my only no i just think it's raining i honestly like i i have very little go off i'm here by the way i'm putting reading i have very little to go off of here but i think squashy told the bad joke last time because i think he wanted to be voted that's all i have it's like the the shot in the dark suspicion the only reason you make that joke is if you want people to vote you off it's fair no that's that's totally fair that's just the only joke that came to mind right away i'm not going to lie wait reena what i didn't think who are you gonna vote just shoot her then that's rich so she can't say a word yeah and another way to shoot him like just yeah you could have won that right there this is going to be interesting whenever you're [Music] no it's actually not a crewmate win it's it's it's like a stalemate yeah oh they changed it yeah they changed it for when it's only neutral there's no way that it's gonna just be two crewmates left though this time oh four it's interesting oh where's lohu oh she's downstairs with zine [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] oh he did hit the button do something oh there is no buttons by the way oh yeah that's right this is a no button is going to figure this out very soon he doesn't realize uh oh and there's no button [Laughter] [Music] oh ring around the rosie huh i cannot tell you yeah my chat was like go button dude go button and i was like are there buttons [Laughter] yeah i i was ready with the hack anyways um zine i appreciate you i'm here for you so lindsey popped up when i got down on the elevator and zine was right there i i i swear i sounded like a little girl screaming well to be fair so very specifically was uh like after zine and i teamed up i was just morphing into zine the whole time yeah i saw him yeah i freaking love that real quick question how are we getting two gestures i was like until hooligan killed her and that's how i knew that [Laughter] and you guys are like chester and i was like okay well i'm not winning so you wrote the executioner at first stop voting people out just because they're nasty the goose is on fire hey you know what i can i can appreciate that i want to play a good win dude yeah i'll give it to you i was rooted thrown on a fish joke and i have like it's funny because like you can actually microwave a fish as part of the test yeah yeah yeah i just wanted to oh nothing i was waiting to start that's why i don't do tasks i was really hoping y'all were going to go for it just upsetting i'm just a little impatient little girl i'm hungry i'm so hungy i'm so hungry i'm like talking who does that let's play games more brain stuff oh my god do the i make it yeah i can make it i did order food i ordered top one chicken and mushroom fries it sounded intriguing and i wanted to try it mushroom fries i've never heard of them either that's why i'm like i gotta try this only one kill interesting so this is pretty fresh i just ran high fived the killer didn't notice who it was in the dark though um but so that was you okay because i was feeding the fish and i had a report button and i'm trying to look for the body and then i see you like sneak by i was going to do my task down there i crossed over someone and came into a report area i i know this wasn't la hooligan we were yeah this was in the meeting room together was on the whale task for a while so the whale never shows up right now you know it'll be there you gotta be funny you gotta look at your [Applause] [Music] so this is in uh the meeting room right see senor and xena apparently high-fived the killer and pianka is the one that said that they high-fived i guess i guess i i did i assume that it was the killer because i high-fived someone and like two steps later had a report button uh but i i mean if pyeong's saying that's her then great i i didn't see who it was i'm not claiming to know who it was that's just the situation as it happened but i was feeding the fish i go to go down to do another task and i did see the report button i was like okay where is this body and then there's a telescope and he was like kind of moving around right there and so i was like whatever that thing is looking for the whale thing oh the manta rays the manta ray here oh the manta ray like that's halfway across the ship from there though no no no no there's another thing on the bottom oh yeah i never even got that far hello zean i don't trust them after last game you know fair [Applause] all right all right let's see what we can i don't have a button oh i forgot i might need to do this and i might need to run around in ballast or something i should go upstairs wait what are these what do i have over here i'm just gonna have to get lucky okay um we'll do this one and we'll wait i've done two already i think that's the last one oh no i've only done one oh my god there's so many tasks [Music] five seconds four three two one give me that fish i'm going to just hide in ballast until something happens hopefully there's a dead body that i can report right after i finish my last task oh man no nice wrath okay maybe nice i don't know oh well that happened yeah oh my gosh now have i been singing fudgy the whale to myself and then oh no right there yes all right so you're welcome this is interesting all three bodies are in the me are in the meeting room oh oh i did see in the meeting room did you yes i did hmm but you're you're also still there piank yeah i know i shot rini oh oh oh oh okay and this is a killer young he's been you are accusing an innocent person why is he a killer i mean he the bodies are all in there and i see the whale what i didn't i just i still have the task all right i mean let's let's roll this back let's roll this back a second three bodies then you literally hopped into event if you saw me vent in the meeting room were there bodies in the meeting room when i vented away not that i saw but that doesn't delete the fact that you could be a killer these buds are a little hard to see it doesn't delete that uh i also came from the top and i saw your ass going into event and i was like ah cool i was like ah cool all right super fast like bee-lined and i said all right and i shot her and i was like okay so she was a killer i i'm just saying that i have have left no bodies behind me and i i've done no wrong and you're voting for a very innocent person [Music] well i don't necessarily feel bad i'm gonna skip just in case okay you all know i got a skit for z jonk has a kill button and she's not afraid to use it it's now here yeah [Music] well is this lobby broken right rainey and i have been killers three games in a row um same pair interesting and i'm the assassin every time oh get this away from me it is weird there is something going on there i i start doing it kill them assassinate okay oh oh my all my goals in my life have now been achieved you can vote me out but uh i i chased her around going if she's sheriff she's totally gonna shoot me and i just chased her and chased her until she fell over flopped over and she shot me i kind of believe my food is here i kind of believe it i believe that pyonk would have shot him after that last meeting absolutely i even wanted to say in the last meeting you guys kept going i was like is there a chance that you're actually just both good yeah they probably i don't know i figured she was she was sheriff like i walked in the room wanted to do it man she just wanted to get him i i i i get a bad guy here i voted him um in the world she's an executioner i'm i believe it i believe in you scotch i believe you scotch you're a great guy you don't know that gosh i'm hoping you're a great guy you're not a great guy [Music] i killed and just walked right by both of you [ __ ] and i was like damn they both saw me and neither of you saw me i was like oh all right yeah i didn't see you dude i saw zine i was like my blue probably you probably just thought blue and then started zine again and was like okay it blew the scene and yeah i shouldn't have shot him i was like [ __ ] he's gonna shoot me first or something i can't tell with him it's hard to gauge sounds like texas show hold him showdown hey [Music] oh [Music] hey let's follow this kid around [Music] what's he doing how do i destroy this plant how do i destroy life hey come on ralph do it all right who's uh who's who's dead i'm sad i am good i got the whale i don't want to say too much yet though just in case there's you know no twist i'm upset 50 000 on my neck no i mean i'm not i'm in a locked room right now somehow i i just i don't think it's going to happen for me were you a lover what were you no she got murdered no i got oh okay oh rini i was your lawyer and your friend killed me i can't you scratch him i'm ready you killed me what were you first round was the undertaker yeah you killed me first round why do you keep getting that round roll i don't like that i didn't kill you this time sophie i had a great chance to and i didn't take it right you killed me instead oh says says honest animal uh you know what i would i would kill me too it's okay oh raph killed me i'm alive ralph killed me i'm alive oh raph why would you do this because apparently both imposters are dead all right oh i was like i wonder if i can go for a pacifist round no then all of a sudden i'm like well uh nobody's dead on six i guess i gotta do all the hard work and then i go back i look for who's body i don't like good there's nobody here there's nobody here no i did the the best thing when you don't have a button is to just keep spamming the elevator button riding it up and down [Laughter] i transformed into you when i killed oh no raphael yeah that's so good are you voting no wait are you the jester huh oh i tried scotch i tried for you good i'm not the gesture did you dude i like these mushrooms oh well then damn [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah i was rini's lawyer and i got killed you son of a gun i it looks like you did it it looks like you drug the body i was like you stinky slimy she's going to kill herself on me and then i just chased it the reason why i shot rini was because rini like ran up to me like a bee line and so i was like nah nah well she was staying on my teammate's party so i figured she killed her so i killed her yeah scotch i had to shield you because vikram came into my chat and said protect my son in all caps so i did protect my son i need to do that fish first noise all right we're good nice gonna keep it are we doing this oh yeah oh you bet your sweet butter biscuit buns hawaiian rolls hawaiian rolls i wish i looked like a hawaiian roll is amazing oh no wait uh it's a longhorn steakhouse all right i am the assassin let's do it [Music] rest do you want to explain what my role is sure but i but i can't say it so yeah you you ping someone in a couple rounds their name will turn like green blue or purple if it's red they're bad if it's or green or crew if it's purple then they're like neutral or if they have to die to show it i think you guessed it yeah to show it so if you die jeans whoops whatever you uh put your little thing on will turn the color yeah so saxon you can just take your shot if you want which would not be fair i think that i think zine should be allowed to explore all that this particular role has to offer and maybe give him a round yeah let him let him explore it would be really funny if you kill him in the middle of a game i also could just be luring out an assassin you never know true or could be a big gesture play too these are all facts now i do need to say true uh i did in fact find germs body uh in storage by by where y'all don't know how to put away bins um i'm very organized that's not me so scotch is probably jester after not reporting that body coming from there uh and cara was riding the elevator where's the body it's in storage okay when i passed through that was not there storage is bottom level right it is bottom level it's the bottom right corner okay then i don't think this could be raff okay i mean i did see scotch right there but i really don't want to give him a gesture when i don't think this is dovey either i deserve it you know scotch you do he does he doesn't deserve it it's not no i deserve it definitely not adobe don't deserve my vote back i would have given it to you [Music] i like the mushroom fries but i think they could have picked a better sauce i might get like my my male ketchup sauce for it does this like sweet chili sauce does not work with this with the mushroom fries yeah mayo chip hell yeah mayo chip the lights went off anyone over here to kill zine yeah they're making me do math i hate this stupid task [Laughter] where's the body young no why she was so young zean you can invent her okay i know we can give her a five honk salute yo honk monk that was beautiful her body is top elevator [Music] this is making it so hard to focus i love it anyway who did it it's this top elevator squash you did it i did what voting shout out did you do it and zine is hardcore i can hide koizene he he's good you're goddamn this one is absolutely impeccable thank you uh i don't think he's showered this week and everything i mean maybe i think it could be scotch zane is 100 a shower this week [Music] uh but yeah gosh guys you don't every other day every other day no doesn't it doesn't that mean yeah because otherwise the the fruit roll-ups would get too sticky listen we're in a dress here i'm doing my part together like that it's like really good like a big one bathe in my musk so here's what i started though so i started squashing kill and then with the lights off i shake squashy down and squashy turned into so adobe oh i was with sophie the whole time so adobe killed okay yeah no you said this was on the right side elevator right yeah yeah i'm pretty sure it's not her ah almost on my game again again why would you both see him he's clear i feel like hmm that tastes much better i'm not getting any good kills [Music] not being a good fellow imposter i actually just like chilling the vents burbs aren't real who did that oh no who the [ __ ] did that oh good they're dead oh no i i unmute two oh good they're dead right the other ghosts are angry okay so i don't know where schaub who's the other one that died was it raph a wrath uh there were three yeah yeah do you think i was gonna report raph yeah i reported who she's um it's like the like the elbow on the bottom level going up you know what i mean who cool again yeah lol i've never heard that before wait what guys here's me posts let me make my shitty jokes in peace well uh yeah i don't i don't have any info on who could have killed hooligan but you might anybody else might have info on anybody else i don't really know i've been how do you kill this round squatchy corner of the map no sophie you can fully trust me okay i was gonna report raph's body but you know i was gonna do something i got into it understandable understandable that's right elbow downstairs like the top where's oh i'm in the meeting room watching what do you say where's the button sailor yes oh did i report holy okay that makes sense hey do you report hillary clinton or swatchy wait no or jet ralph wait whoo no i reported who i'm pretty sure ref is in the meeting room where i was i was feeding wait where am i why are you sure it's rough and not chad [Music] oh because he was uh he was following me for a for a time i i was at the observatory doing tasks and he was there and then i left him there and i thought he would follow me i mean he left his head no not sophie where are you i'm biting squatchy for a more thing into me again i'm not morphing into here i don't want to talk about it i think it's dopey as well oh okay it's squatchy guys well some people i think it's dovey because i i didn't you morph into me when i was with sophie i have to kill sophie hmm these motion fries are pretty good [Music] mmm mushroom fries hmm freaking good i want to keep an eye on sophie and then killer when the lights are go out i also want to eat my mushroom bird things oh jesus wait what wait let me just see that scotch thank you the next person i see where is everybody come let's just graveyard it up just kind of graveyard it up yeah that was going to happen i was going to vote scott what what i had [Music] [Laughter] the rock just flipped over and i am dead yeah like it was quite something [Music] because i saw you kill and i chased you down and your name turned into sailor i didn't even were you on the elevator no i walked i came right out and you killed right on top of me hmm yeah you were nowhere near me when i killed you it's like stacked on me yeah you weren't i was your lawyer i was so excited to be a lawyer after the last couple of rounds we had yeah yeah we were we were ready to win we were so ready to win i was ready to do the whole come from ready to do the whole like the defense rests and yeah you're also the type of executioner at the same time so i mean it was an interesting round for you you just didn't know it huh question well i think we're going to play a few on 11 for now yes i mean if you're imposter and the glitch turns into your imposter buddy can you kill them yeah yes i think so yeah you can't kill yourself did you what color was yours you do it on accident yes one time one time some people some people do it purposely we're gonna play on eleven all right i updated oracle so you can button from the start nice love that it was wyatt oh man this is like a feast i'm having such a good time eating this food is she had my lawyer i think chad might have been my lawyer [Music] tarantula so yo oh boy oh sorry okay germ needs to be able to play the same body wait i didn't see a body in here yeah i it's like right on the doorway the doorway that i came through not you so then you killed him no i honestly just stood there for a second like okay this kind of sucks and then i saw you and i was like i don't know if i believe you i didn't kill him i'm voting swatchy i wouldn't please don't i'm voting splatchy please stop hold up squashy i don't know i don't know if i should trust either of them i'm gonna escape you should trust me i didn't see the body at all and if you said he came in through the bottom and he only reported it when he saw me coming through the top then it makes me believe that it's squatchy cowards it wasn't me i swear i would like to say i am incredibly brave i am incredibly brave i'm sorry i won't do it again incredibly brave well that's gonna that's gonna be rough how am i gonna pull this off all right i think this is gonna be my last nug and then i'm gonna put it away for next time i'm good he just doused me i think he just [ __ ] doused me the little oh i think he doused me yeah janitor can clean their own kills correct okay well this is great oh great well that lasted long well he's gonna find out real soon that he's the only one left just a bit tired why have you been up since harold was accusing squatchy and squatchy was accusing cara um i don't know if guachu was accusing kara i think squashy was giving away imposter vision i just like to imagine that like well the good the bad and the ugly was playing somewhere and these two were sitting there facing each other making squinty eyes and smoking their their old cigars exactly yeah what happened i did have a kill button that's a good way to tell you you're impostor buddy doesn't cara and i i have a gun i'm the sheriff and when i smoke oh cara when i saw cara i got i got scared and i just pushed it like that did you do the same thing i did i just paid my respects to the dead yep same we have a rule putting your nuts on their head yes yes we have a firm rule oh it was me i did it well now i don't know it's probably raph i couldn't tell who's over and then yeah i mean am i wrong yes okay she just admitted to it what yeah but like she said she's the sheriff no the the ritual is always they are claiming that she's wrong i think it's fine yeah i mean i was gonna kill either squatchy or or uh cara whenever i saw either of them well okay this is fun did you kill which red was that hara you called what well all right medic medic shield you too well [Laughter] so when you started blaming me i was like oh no come on don't worry because that was my imposter buddy so i thought you were sheriff yeah no honestly i just walked in saw him dead stood there first like how i was able to get her if she had a shield because swatu was already dead yeah before that oh that means rap [Applause] but no he tried to kill me and then he booked it out of there i was wondering what that was about exactly what happened okay so it's all clicking now got it yeah all right well let's wait for it okay so raph killed you jerm yeah you 100 dead i'm gonna i'm waiting for them to all get out of uh ballast and i'm gonna call ballast oh well the snitch has almost finished their tasks yo what's up zine well dovey just came in and killed sophie in front of why are you purple that means he's a neutral neutral role we love very neutral okay but someone just came in and now that i see that dovey's dead i probably should have waited until they unmorphed but instead i'll never know but someone morphed his dove he came in and killed sophie in front of me and my client rests eternally yeah it was me sophie and i met at the top of the decontam and then we went kind of up and left i think yeah i went into the elevator went up to the top floor who was up there right now scotch was barely in the elevator scotch was half in the elevator and your child was not in the elevator i actually kind of was scared for your child in that scenario literally if you could see anyone it wasn't them uh i saw lahu like three seconds ago i would be really surprised if she got down in the elevators and went down and did all that you've been voting me for me no i have not i actually just got off cameras uh one of them by the elevators was going on i saw scotch go in when i went into camera room and then i saw the door open but i never saw anyone come out and then i saw the the door go back up i didn't see anyone come down though that's where i ended so what elevator are you saying you saw scotch go into luhu uh center left because i was i was joyriding it so um where's the bodysuit uh bottom floor kind of the upper left area i think i don't remember i don't know exactly is that where like the sea urchin like pinball game is or uh it's uh it yeah i think okay i think it's raft rini where have you been i've actually been downstairs but not left side i think it's raph wow okay i abstained now you didn't yes i did i did not did hey that's [ __ ] up can't believe this what else right in front of me raph right in front of me the imposter right in front of my whole little house oh i finally get a redemption round with cara after the first time i ever played him possibly the first one down there i'm so sorry as lawyer you literally have nothing to do other than stare at your client and it was really fun watching sophie be like what the hell is going on with this guy i'm just like i've got eyes on you don't worry we're in this together yeah that's what i think it was i was like i have to kill and get out i have to do it i kept trying to follow you last round as your lawyer and you like kept ditching me in like elevators and stuff and like all right well i hope he survives oh wait yeah who was [ __ ] for the kids i need to make dinner okay is that why you were hanging around me for so long i was the arsonist i was just dousing you oh okay and then we just straight up murdered you and cleaned your body yeah then jerome just straight up came down and just like don't even know i was like [Laughter] thanks for joining for joining us we got a rachel in our in the mix yeah [Music] again we'll play on eleven since the sailor i'm just gonna give a warning guys so don't get stuck in the elevator with scotch he will bite if you keep tramming the elevator like being trapped [Laughter] oh [ __ ] he is undertaker oh god i have to protect him oh god all right oh [ __ ] now [ __ ] he don't kill me okay shabby [Laughter] oh god is there a body in here maybe i could just hide in the ballast i think rita's a jester gods died very early on oh really god died first and i'm upset about that because i was on the top like with the see-through glass and i saw scotch walk down uh like through that uh metal-graded hallway at the bottom level and then and then i went to med bay no no no not in ballast in the uh like the one that leads to the water bottle you have to fill like the l bend oh he went up that's what went up right so i was i was like okay cool saw scotch hello and went to bed bay checked on a whim and scotch was dead immediately so rini was upstairs with me i think i saw raph as well so i know that not um so i started off with sophie in the filtration area um and when i walked into the elevator um top right or bottom right and then i got came up squatchy came in so i'd like to and i don't know where sofia is at the moment scotty went to the bottom right elevator i remember that much yeah and then i came up and passed rainey i don't remember what task greeny was doing but downstairs on my body i didn't cara and squatchy but that was electrical tape long afternoon okay we're just turning off the cameras that i turned on rini i mean maybe i know that if you didn't go back it looks like the i did go back nice so i just i left trophy in the elevator with me because she was trapped in the elevator with me too for a little bit when she finally made it out on the bottom door so she's probably dead downstairs somewhere on the left uh that's why i think i can clear a car because everyone that was trapped in the elevator with me is being killed so high observatory irini by observatory you are sinister well i want i want you to play for more than 10 seconds i'm sorry one sec one sec sorry okay i didn't realize rachel was playing this tea is making me all jittery and it's great [Music] then i'm here to protect you oh okay where's this body literally in med bay she just blew up on me i don't know what happened the eagle is safe eagle is safe yes i don't i i i guess she didn't find the killer uh yeah i'm concerned because i don't know what happened there's no vampire in this right correct no no no this isn't it this is an o2 right there yeah it's probably it's either sheriff or shifter i don't know yeah it's definitely not o2 because i didn't have my mask on yeah so i would have blown up um so you killed it to report it to save your life yeah that's exactly what i did i'm proud of you this reminds me never figured out how raph died that first game shab oh okay um okay well i mean if this is a sheriff misfire i guess we can skip question mark uh if we take his word for it never is tough for right top right yeah i mean correct yeah [Music] yeah he went left but i don't know where he came from was hooligan the only one that died yes okay yeah no she just blew up right on top of me don't know what happened okay so you can take my word for it i can be clear or you can so this yeah i just got done stabilizing my heartbeat which is pretty high i should probably see a doctor yeah you probably should yeah i don't think it's carl i think carl's okay this wasn't car or so i can tell you this one where were you john did you kill him yeah yeah i did i know i was bottom for the whole time all right time to protect the package i repeat yep protect the package don't touch me anymore okay thank you protected [Music] all right where's the package i'm trying zing can figure it out protect the package [Laughter] come back here zayn get back here [Laughter] we lost him where'd he go where is he there you are there you are [Music] the package has been found [Music] oh my god he killed his own lawyer oh no oh my god you truly do i'm gonna give hints i can't believe it oh i got it immediately didn't even have to look up everything that happens between you and me is is incompetent strictly confidential yeah oh man not anymore wait i win still that's cool you still win i i think you killed your lawyer wait a minute yeah i was trying to protect you because you were my package there's a guaranteed gesture between the two of you i almost shot one of you oh you should have shot her i outed her right away i'm like you're turning off all my cameras what i thought i made it up it is you got it turn off all the cameras then they never think you're a jester they just think you're an [ __ ] [Laughter] all right so in this next round uh germ and scotch are both going to make it to the second meeting right yeah all right bet maybe cool most likely no sure no [ __ ] zero percent [Music] very hard [Laughter] i don't like being called a coward i do yeah no i'm really liking these games without buttons i mean everybody's into something oh god i love the no button i love it i do too yeah it's great likewise all right um all right i think we're everybody's in okay we're starting good luck let's oh god [Music] da [Music] is [Music] well huh well i just gotta say someone's a big dumb dummy not no really okay [Music] and i'm like going up and down because i just feel like that's my purpose in life right now oh yeah um and he just jumps in and then he jumps out because i'm not gonna trap him in there with me so i let him out and then um he jumps back in and he explodes and i'm like oh ah the more you say he jumps in it sounds like he's venting but i guess not no he just walks in okay the door the door like destroyed him way yeah a trickster yeah it's like final destination too got it yeah it was it was rough he got cut in half i was very upset damn dude um but like he i mean he he did he brought it on himself thinking i'm anything but just a little old me i'm just worried this is the best swooper kill that this killer has ever gotten that would be [Laughter] uh royalty now you are the i don't understand [Laughter] i like it yeah i love that laugh it's kind of scary but i love it we'll be seeing you you're fine like if they put that laughing asthma would be crazy do you think we are we are without police now she got this kill though if there is a chance that's coming a favor when i vote for him okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna go up to one of the elevators kill the first person who comes in and just ride it up and down forever and just keep killing whoever comes into the elevator okay this is a few more people that i wanted okay i'm not get me out of this elevator i'm not doing this one that elevator's cursed i'm gonna do this elevator instead [Music] come on in i want to get the apartment hopefully they just come in and they're like what is this [Music] okay let's see maybe they've given up on that elevator [Music] okay oh okay oh my god the sound still continues okay so germ is bad germ out this is this is a little awkward this is this might be awkward this is a little awkward give me one reason why we shouldn't vote you out right now um i'm cute all right you know what that's fair i'll skip yeah you're not valid i'll skip all right all right i don't think any i don't think anything i say is going to fly over anybody's head and be like oh i believe from 100 i trusted you man you're wrong it's like what 90. anyway um no it's it's not wrong when he's wearing the dream face is terrifying i looked down for a second and then i looked up and i was like oh oh god right right right see i i i i was i'm kind of sad because i was looking for scotch so i can morph into him with him but uh i was looking for scotch for a different reason and stop only spawning on the bottom stop only spawning on the bottom i have to continually try and catch you via the elevators and it's impossible stop it you know what they say um but like anyway it was a nice scene what are they gonna open a door what do they say what do they say what's up [Laughter] all right so we're skipping here because germs cute yeah yeah that's exactly oh no i you know what i voted germ i did i skipped i'll be [Laughter] that's all you got left one more no not nope okay i'm gonna do the same thing all right who wants to come in supposed to come into my trap no one okay next who wants to come into my trap [Music] maybe i'll just follow people who go into elevators and then kill them in the elevator and then ride it up and down maybe i'll do that [Music] hello rini byrini hello squatchy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow hey oh man maybe maybe someone didn't kill the others in the over here to compress them [Laughter] i wanted to just accumulate a pile of bodies that no one else was getting in the elevator yeah that was that was funny you went up and not not one of them questioned you either like going up no questions it's like did they not get that hell of their opening their car on the body it was like oh all right well rachel just killed me she's the one who saw it so maybe she just wanted to shoot me crew is she sheriff no that was me how'd she kill me then um that was me actually what no i also i also i also morphed into squats i i i cannot believe how how jam survived there i wanted him to keep killing to help me win but then i got killed i'm sorry i'm sorry i saw it happen i was like both of you have already faked this so why are we all going into medical and i was like oh okay that works so i i knew i was a murderer i knew zine was following me around because he's a little [ __ ] and then i also knew cara was not either you're telling me you're telling me lawyers aren't little [ __ ] yeah no i was like same thing same thing yeah little [ __ ] i am i don't know what i'm doing on this map because that was my second time playing and then the first time i was here was my first time playing so i just learned how to use doors [Laughter] okay um yeah don't forget to get the oxygen mask when you call it yeah yeah yeah stop dropping oxygen that's what you should do yeah that's your priority you will not live long pop it you can't do not uh excuse me i don't support polis or town of us right now so please don't bring it up or promote for them because i don't agree with what they're doing and if you're someone who works for polis or whatever um well don't do that in my stream i don't care to talk about it but i don't promote other stuff in my stream please oh so this is not town of us this isn't even town of us this is called lifeboat so autonomous is not relevant right now at all i guess i could do my tasks hello i was delayed interesting that is the top right elevator didn't need to open it i just walked there and uh she's yep on the upper level by comms that's recent-ish then because that's where i came from to get to midway then zine and not [Music] seeing who when i say ish i mean like ten seconds i wasn't i was there but um obviously i'm reporting so i'm not clear um rachel was there yeah rachel was around there i think that car is hard clear just cleared herself yep yeah who did you entertain got him because the first meeting everyone always just [ __ ] around and then we skip let's just get it over with oh you've convinced tell me they got some antlers oh team canada say it ain't so really so oh i mean so there's still 400 of us so i skipped uh i do still want to know zine who who was in whale shark room with us i thought it was rachel but it was rachel as well because when i walked in rachel was still there yeah yeah i'm going to be honest i like i stared at the whale shark and i didn't click on it until it rained and i had like four seconds and i panicked and then i got it yeah you can still click the tail i think squatchy's a little sus anyway i voted myself okay i'm great love that love that i hear the ls stands for little sus yeah yeah all right we can just drop it now that's all okay so i can only use it once and i used it on zine like an idiot [ __ ] [Music] you think your zoom's gonna be probably gonna be something boring like medic medic or something [Music] [Music] good job chad but good job where is this body it's on the elevator that was the most flawless kill i've ever seen in my life no one saw the thing we should skip why can't i report it from congress three of us and jukebox goes running by and hops into a vent bye guys all right all right well normally i'd like to play around with it but that was just like your body is in the in unless they're jester play which would have been amazing but they did hop into the vent after what happened with germ i don't want to skip again jeremy you should know not to go in that elevator okay that elevator said that oh there yeah stupid thank you bye-bye okay okay good play i don't know how to do my task love the play cara i just don't want to do my tasks i'm going to float yeah who who's whom did you i did seen and i'm like he's probably good so there's a waist [Laughter] yeah he is that was like squatchy was like swapping between the elevators i was like why do you why are you trying to go up these elevators when comms is this way and here i and then here i go and the killer's in the elevator and i'm awful i wanted to go back down but for some reason i couldn't it was just like nope you're not doing that yeah i i saw i'm staring into your soul was it oh is it the music i'm stirring into my i'm not going to sleep rough oh that's not why i didn't even get to see it it was the most what would you predict work and you do me like this [Laughter] right sophie and i are just trying to be nice elevator people and you all keep killing us no you know what i let you live at the cost of my own life and she turns into me and kills me also rachel you're my client by the way oh honestly dude jukebox's kill is one of the funniest i've seen just because we like several of us come up and it's great it's great it was it was just wonderful it was just like it's 4am give her a little bit of time to you know recover in her brain circling man you weren't circling i don't know if you have a kill or not have a kill button it seems to suck [Music] oh no that's so bad wait what the frick am i 200k we mean 200k that's so bad i want 200k followers for my birthday but i'm not gonna get it when's your birthday monday someone buy me um 15 000 followers okay please thank you freaky freak um nothing yeah i might not make it yeah probably not okay i forget do they all have to be down or up oh [ __ ] they all have to be up looking for a body looking for a body looking for bodies i'm looking for the bodies looking for bodies where are the bodies [ __ ] it's weird okay man that's a lot of people yeah i just found jukebox on the uh upper level where the glass floor is oh where exactly is it like on the right side because i yeah it's in that way it's like close-ish to uh the oxygen thing like under that were you being that [ __ ] that we talked about turning off all the cameras i learned that i've been putting in more effort than i needed to first screen it means that it's already off so i don't need who was with you like the first 20 seconds in the game because somebody tried to shoot you so that would be the it was me probably yeah it was probably rini or i want to say rachel but rachel's dead now why would you say it would be a glitch and not like a natural killer if it's that early only the glitch has a cooldown that quick [Music] so the sheriff oh for sure that is true oh i didn't notice it when i was sheriff no definitely the sheriff i'm probably gonna die but why are you saying that chev because i'm the one that actually shielded him uh no because i showed him in the first 20 seconds he got attempted someone tried to kill him right and the attempt happened during the the sabotage by screen flash lime green like his like him i'm a little suspicious i have some sauce on rainey who has been walking [Music] i have a question guys about my mascot so if you look at this image here isn't this just the cutest thing ever but also do you think the tail is actually a darker color or do you think it's more the shadow and it's the same color as the wing what do you think what is it actually i i even i don't know it's a darker color it's a shadow darker seems start looks darker you think it's just a darker okay cool i'm trying to figure out what would be best for the plushie the tail is darker okay maybe i should just ask the original artist it's darker a shadow would be on the ground no it's not shadow would not be on the ground darker and shadow darker but i thought it was a tail feather it is a tail feather the wing is definitely a darker color it's a different gray but i didn't know if maybe it was supposed to be is it just 107. you are supposed to do math someone said you're not supposed to do math but you are clearly doing math here uh was that 117 okay yeah who microwaves eggs i agree it would look better as a darker color anyway okay oh if it's under 100 you don't have to do math if it's over you do okay i've actually never used the middle thing i feel like it's too easy to be seen [Music] i was like i don't want to kill zed and then you just stayed on him like i got to do this i don't think you're friends i didn't want to kill zine and i didn't i just [ __ ] that's it that's just him a good friend i was just i mean if i'm gonna make a mess then it should be cleaned up right so exactly you're lucky you had that shield you were dead in that elevator your rap was dead a lot the first several games so i was like i gave him he would have been again he would have been again yeah well uh never glad i couldn't finally accidentally sheriff shoot you you know i know that's the trend i prefer that i prefer with you i don't know three times i'm literally just going to photoshop you on accident i will not kill the who on accident this is going to be my last game [Music] okay sounds good oh is this the kill zine uh jean's uh deafened but sophie i'm gonna kick i'm gonna kick the game's butt for you okay thank you you're welcome yeah like a swift a swift swift kick yes swift hoof who was he what happened no what happened i'm still in i'm still in somebody was um ah there we go okay all right i know we stopped again good luck everyone have fun good luck don't die doing your best eric time to my your it's time to mayor maybe i should be a corrupt mayor and and use my power for subs what is this [ __ ] oh where the hell was that oh i got some good news and some bad i know that whoever news this is glitch or morphling the bad news is that they actually no they have to be uh more fling because the sabotage was literally timed perfectly with when they killed this so i couldn't like follow the morphling and report it because it was dark where was this exactly this is in the observatory top floor okay so this is interesting because they were disguised as rachel and that's who they killed yeah um okay yeah no i just passed a rachel in med bay um i don't think this is yeah that's the fake one so this is not zine i don't think if it just happened maybe i don't think it's me either wait maybe they had a fake rachel yes med bay had a fake rachel they ran uh when how long ago jeremy just now like right before the report no that's me no no no i know it was rachel that passed over yeah why would you think he'd confuse you with rachel because the lights are out and probably just see his feet or something because i know i literally just walked into med bay rachel definitely wait until next round like you would still see being honest about where i am maybe he's there but yeah like zine said what did i say yeah i'm just gonna skip i mean yeah [Music] i'm feeling pretty good i've got some crown in my tummy so we're doing some doing great my [Music] i know how it works on this mod because there's no abstain or anything okay scotch don't kill me uh the other rules it's just an extra vote [Music] yeah we'll see if it increases [Music] [Music] is scotch my lawyer did he just shoot himself oh yeah we know you're good well scott just shot himself on me so i guess i'm doubly good did he shoot himself on you or did you not make it to his mask in time where was this that could have happened too that does sound like a scotch thing wait was this on top was this uh the central room it was uh at coms comms oh he could have just not gotten his mask he was standing i was not yeah i was not paying attention to when he exploded anyway i found another body and i see raph running from it it's in top excuse me where do you see me running uh top floor central room uh i am an observatory uh i'm definitely top floor because i i left i guess i got my mask uh with shab on the bottom floor went into the elevator and then went to the observatory i believe you jeremy i think he did kill it you don't ever need a reason to vote me shab you just vote me no i voted kyle last round [Laughter] i you know i could see it not being raph i think raph's good somebody morphed into ref then because it because it was like very not i wouldn't be surprised if that happened honestly that's not surprising did you morph into raph sophie nah i think he just killed it she would but i don't think josh did you go into someone else's stream and and bribe them to accuse raph [Laughter] no okay this is just pure coincidence why would i do that oh my god wait did you actually do that now i don't believe you all right who's the next one oh my god oh dishes these days so easily primed wait are you seeing this this is how they were arranged huh it's pretty cool my name is will because the uh oracle checked my name or checked me [Music] oh [ __ ] was it all up or all down [ __ ] this makes no sense why would it be all up [Music] f oh we're in trouble oh thank god oh my god all right germ what did you do i think zine's gonna kill me [Music] or anymore right it was 21. i knew it i knew it zine what there's a body in the ballast room oh and where are you coming out of i don't know where you're talking about the room i don't know what you're talking about jeremy you can confirm zima's in the ballast room he sure was there's a buddy oh sophie no i'm i'm thinking because zina and i zina and i had a staring contest but i think he could have he could have done it were you right possibly there's no way i could have done this i'm running with zine also we only have a glitch left really oh yeah because are you snitched yourself i've just been hanging out with zine and i feel like i am being marinated well with the two of them it's not me i literally was struggling with that freaking manta ray task i like i cannot do it for the life of me no it's not i don't like that giggle all right he solved it don't don't vote me cara and everyone else i gave you a gift of protection you give i gave her a gift for protection because she was queer mystery song definitely me yeah jeremy why did you kill all these people that's how are you how are you doing this germ i did lose sight of sophie shortly in the palace room it could have been sophie you know i think i think the blue box is going to cara's head right now [Laughter] i think it's cara it's probably yeah [Laughter] oh my god i don't know i don't know who it is it's probably a sophie scene lawyer glitch situation get the [ __ ] away from me luke you gotta help me you gotta help me lahu we gotta go we gotta go let's go yeah i think ralph's fine i think graph's fine mere watch the [ __ ] out of me that was the funniest thing i've ever seen by the way okay listen i was afk trying to figure out a fill situation and i was like oh we're about to die yeah hmm who could have done this did you do this no no uh-huh i didn't do this where did this happen i i lost sight of cara with the elevators i don't know where she went to what we were together in our purse right i'll give you that but then we were together in the first part but then we got separated i i'm just [Music] um oh no what do you think it is between the two of them oh and zinchet says he's interesting oh yeah because it doesn't change that for everyone else so that i mean i just ran into social media where where did did not do a double back you definitely did though no i didn't i did scotch die on music we did though i'm not sure oh oh i think she's winning the award for the the biggest oscar right now the best performance like the award goes to i'm not i'm not she's like you've been marinating me this whole time but then all in the end it was her hey i'm the one doing the mayor managing i actually am a very good actress but this time no i i have to go with sophie german this ain't asking him you can tie it sophie if you can if you skip okay you lied to me you lied to me i hate it here same it's cold i must admit i was paid to vote you and throw all my mayor votes on you oh god plus how much was i worth but how much [Music] that's cheap you guys uh ralph dropping out of the game just yeah i know i got i crashed i crashed i crashed i didn't do it intentionally this was not malicious okay well uh disconnect anyway [Music] oh i'm still taking that win i am still taking that oh that was all yours that was like i didn't realize i crashed which took away my kill button uh the submerged version of town of us i can't believe it no car you are great no cara i had a strict rule that entire time that i was only going to uh morph into every single person i killed and then run away from the body um and then unfortunately sophie didn't go into the elevator with me you did so yeah yeah i was trying to follow you because like i'm like let's hang out yeah i'm trying to be friends with lahu several times and all it does is get me killed yeah i did not kill you that game you'll notice is this the medication for your relationship i think so yeah nobody better warn my boyfriend of 13 years 13 years that's amazing though congrats that's commitment thank you that you're definitely going to pull off i was absolutely good with that that was so loud who the hell was this inside your microphone my bad yeah you are ruining that mic hold up hold on putting but i don't think i know you well enough to make this joke um do it anyways take so many lobbies at least [Laughter] there was no other code all right so this new mic is working great there you go have you played with the lawyer yet um yes wait which mic is it robba uh is the uh hyperx uh mike [Music] like that yeah same all right we're all good okay and you could use like a compressor or a normalizer or something as well yeah there's that i also do have rob a bus set to 82 percent in the uh discord volume exactly 82 yeah and i was like he could be a little bit that's a bee no joke i checked rubber buzz and he is at 82 for me as well yeah i love the magic number i got something like 82 as well all right oh no i can only go 80 or 83. oh oh no oh all right let's see what we've got here okay i think i liked the uh the idea of the i like the elevator idea so let's just speed round these [ __ ] as i go insanely slow for the first couple that's cool that's cool okay and i just die immediately that's cool too uh i don't think i'm supposed to have all this vision nice are you sure lighter like it it looks like i have vision of the whole map i didn't see who killed this obviously but i i i just saw the i which would have been nice this was on the top level uh yeah i probably need to restart the lobby after this one but um yeah it's top level um by a camera i want to think that it's it wasn't me it wasn't me he was fixing a camera dude it wasn't me it wasn't me stay less i'm boating you what camera was it on the the left one left right next to the observatory i don't think it was scotch i think scotch is clear did you guys i know that look it's bad but it wasn't me guys do you guys did you know that you can get an egg on the microwave like it's literally yes a sunny side yeah [ __ ] microwaves an egg who would do that oh no and by the way right the hardest of overheart i've ever seen like it's basically a uh hard-boiled egg but like in flat form but like gross right yeah yeah yeah exactly so so you either have that i think there's a sandwich that you can microwave to and then there's a uh and the other one is a fish yeah so i i i just want to know what five of people were thinking when they decided this you know probably just trolling um yeah i don't have anything so um on a real note would you rather eat a super hard-boiled microwaved egg or a microwave fish i think i'll take the fish i wasn't going to get anyone to vote out lou anyway i probably wasn't going to finish all my tasks anyway i had a shot at jester though i was hoping she would just die then in a video game in a video game oh yeah in a video game always found your hat oh yeah it's in the trash can what a place to put it on oh who put that there rude well that's good [Music] hey i'm dead for this uh germ shot on me hey shab literally right now someone attacked you right now okay like a second ago maybe uh by the way jukebox killed lahu i i don't know if she's yeah no look who got killed by jukebox right in front of me because lahu and i were vibing jukebox why are you trying to copyright right now what's going on with that no yeah okay so oh on yeah we're on six now though yes i have no idea what happened to zine but yeah yes correctly who else has been there zine who who started to do a magic trick or something i've honestly seen nothing this whole game yeah like i spawned topside with squatchy germ scouts and all them [Music] but rainey just admitted to being assassin did she not no how you said that you guessed right no i said this yes right because then you had a master you had a maniacal laugh behind it as well though like this together though oh i feel better okay okay okay [Music] all right tell me her name skipping tell me your name all right all right all right i don't like this nope nope nope nope the mayor said something otherwise okay oh my goodness oh jeepers swell wait right now and and it's crashed on me yeah sure why is it automatically you vote for the person who's assessing you can't they just be wrong i just have no idea how i guess is uh disguised as his assassin partner and killed me upstairs next to you so are you kidding me it looked like jukebox had actually actually like clipped into the elevator and rode up with us and killed me there but jukebox did get out downstairs and shabb killed me as jukebox i was so [ __ ] sure that it was a scene that killed you no no no i was just like how the hell did she get me his glitch like what the okay yeah because it was it was completely fortunate that she guessed you based on i would have known you that was god shielding me and you being on me but i can't reveal that because then you know you know i'm the killer yeah so that was my first time being on the case since graduating from law school and i'm really glad that you didn't need my services i was not confident uh yeah no i was i was just a straight-up crewmate so i was very glad to have almost helped in some capacity because crewmate on this specifically is just useless all right the bigfoot has arrived also on my uh internal uh microphone volume settings and i did set my microphone to 82. there we go nice yeah so the reason why i uh the reason why i shot squatchy is because i knew that's i mean i knew with out of game knowledge because of the glitch that i had that zean was a killer so i was like yeah i'm not going to add him like that so i'm going to have a hacker wait how did you know i was a glitch because i didn't do anything oh yeah no no oh that's right that's right because it killed you saw me kill uh i didn't see you kill but like i saw you hovering around where you knew that i wouldn't see but i had i saw it because i should because of the glitch so yeah hey i have a i have a a question sure what if we make the oracle prediction not a hundred percent i think that's interesting um i was thinking about trying that actually so i'm going to make this let's try it make it like a 75 god i think it's only 70 or 80. 80. really um and zine i want you to know when i hopped in that elevator i was gonna be your seeing eye who because you have a box on your head and couldn't see oh well i mean i actually like i thought well when i was writing in the elevator i thought about just kept keeping keep running into the walls and seeing if you could figure out what i was doing yep no i like i literally was like oh man zine can't see right now i gotta get it right that's tough all right we're good we're goody all right and we're starting good luck good luck everybody get scotch voted out okay this shouldn't be too hard right oh shab have a lawyer and an executioner i say skyjack let's see sponge oh my god they're traveling together spy on i don't know if i can use spy i'm going to say scotch did they leave oh good okay badge left oh hi scotch is there a body here i think i should wait till next it's just about by my croissant man wait never mind i thought it was shab not really yeah no not not accepted i had a heart attack huh it's in the middle yeah who's in the middle i don't think it's totally bottom no sorry i don't remember because there's no shades of blue it's rainy okay i was i was about to say i just left rainy with germ right what yeah is it topper bottom floor scotch uh this is tough no i wasn't so what i did was i went to um i went to caf i did my microwave and then i went into um the observatory because the the shark was about to leave and i got there just in time to touch the butt and then i walked over to body and scotch reported did you ask me if you could touch its butt i'm voting was this consensual i wouldn't vote germ wait wait wait don't do that i think it is germ here though because he came on the telescope at the end of the round there and he was just like on it for two seconds and comps got called and then he walked away i yeah the fish wasn't native ten more seconds okay i counted for me it's sorry before something yeah but anyway i yeah that's what it said two seconds for me and i walked i did it and i came from cafe i saw scotch in there and then oh so who's a purple raf yeah i mean you can suspect go ahead squashy was just in cafeteria in the shark room uh rini had been doing shark but like left before actually done chad was on shark i was on shark uh a couple kara was there too i think i was there too yeah okay no it's i'm not a kid i'm skipping because it's first round i'm skipping in honor of zean's memory exactly exactly three people didn't agree with this would have wanted this interesting tactics we'll see what he pays off he's one of the voters okay scott you gotta get you voted out but it looks like shep could be your lawyer someone gotta be extra strong about it maybe i could say i was hiding in a vent hmm how am i gonna do this how will i do this how will i do this hmm why shall i do this i could say i was on cams okay or i could just die i could just die what was that in the elevator uh one sec one sec uh before you guys start you need to ban someone i put it in general um yes priority high priority okay uh understood got it uh i think it was in the elevator which elevator uh central-ish one bottom floor it would have been the right one i think okay squatting i walked over the i walked over like the like through the hallway shad was behind me uh i'm pretty sure this wasn't him by the way but um i don't remember ever seeing like the body well i think so i i mean i would i was in central i did um some tasks in a meeting room um i walked kind of with raboba and he went up to the right so i don't think it's him going towards i think he was going to conjure something but squashy is dead around the ballast area me and him were like walking together and now and then now that you're reporting in scratch he's dead i don't know where what would have happened i see raph in ballast but that's it before it came out oh oh before that yeah so i am currently working on the pipes downstairs um and they're awful so i need to start from the end pipe and work backwards i'll be honest i've played this map very little and not in a long time so i'm not exactly i go to german again why do you think i am in a very messy room and it's down middle but i don't know if i'm on top or bottom floor that's something that would be storage i think you're in storage yeah i'm in storage i i'm not a killer and i don't know why you're voting me here why it's the same three people i was the difference no no i voted on jerome the first time and then i skipped this time don't touch me [Music] thank you for the sub am i the only one that plays words on stream when i'm dead yes yes god damn it okay it's fun don't talk to me about that game yeah i heard you guys at level 300. 369. and then i said we're stopping here there we go there we go oh niche that's a good one [Music] i prefer niche i like that oh my god i just missed the [ __ ] shark 60 seconds is my last [Music] wait uh this body is down in storage and rachel's sort of dancing around it and away from it oh raph ep and raph lp i was like what happened yeah i didn't see who killed the body but i was looking around for who killed the body i mean i left i left both robba and rachel there but i don't think they would ever kill dumb bottom why would they kill after i saw them both down there because it's wrath i don't know it's a weird kill so who do you think of this then i think scotch is pretty good here i'm up in med bay ish i don't think i don't think it's schedule i think it's i think it's just you shabb do you think it's just me yeah why would you think it's just me or like i'm pretty sure rachel what input do you have since you were the one who ran away from it i don't know i haven't seen anybody i really haven't seen anybody to me the only two the only two clear people are scotch and rob for me yay but you said rabab and rachel have been together yeah but i don't know well again i don't gather with anybody like for a long period of time at all i just i mean because the sabotage happened and i walked over to them and they were there and i don't i don't think they would stay in the area if i say start wrapping went left side two towards uh the elevators on the left so if you were on first floor and you saw them okay then they may have killed raph and i don't know rachel and i am going to vote i'm voting interesting who in the world voted me yourself no i wouldn't try to vote myself here when i just got cleared twice okay well this isn't gonna end well yeah all i wanted to do was kill juke why don't you get the joke no i mean i get the joke but i really hate it look i'm a little i know i also can't get a glitch wooden to save my life it's okay you just gotta act like a crewmate until the very end i tried that and then there was no killers left that didn't happen why are there three imposters because i was your lawyer always thank you for the games i appreciate it it was so clean it was such a clean round i looked at rachel i'm like don't do this dad oh wow yeah also i was that vote for scotch at the end because i knew scotch was a snitch yeah that'll happen jeremy i protected you somebody tried to kill you i'm kind of surprised yeah i'm sure it was robba i did i thought he was back oh no i killed him the assassin if scotch hops in to chat and says how dare you deprive me of the sweet release of death he's probably snitch [Laughter] i will eat the engineer for not crafting me this time oh no i said i'm going to kill and eat the engineer for depriving me of the sweet release of death yeah okay and i i was the engineer i was just like man i don't feel like going mask right now my bad i got some bad news for you all right hold on let me let me turn into like a chicken nugget or something here what do we have in terms of the perfect perfect you don't want to sell it oh brown sailor oh goodness it might be what is that tiny thing on a buzz head it i think it's fresh buttered toast it looks like buttered toast i think it's just very small yeah it's really tiny i guess it's relevant in high school i thought you're gonna say that was my dick day was really tiny it's really small but her toes um all right good luck everybody i'm gonna be a teddy bear i guess why i can't get snitch i don't want to get snitch more no i don't want to snitch i die every time no stop it snitch you gonna wait for that okay man maybe i'll do those two at the same time yeah maybe we'll do that yeah planning out my path oh the whoops i don't want to do this niche it is a snitchy night i just want to do class with puzzles do doing very pretty thank you okay please don't kill me in the dark i do not want to get guilt in the dark do not do it okay what what what okay i'm just gonna do this real fast [Music] okay i don't blame her but also you silly so um i found raph's body at the water but i want to do my pipes first so i did my pipes for fast and i'm going to report it and right as i'm reporting jukebox tries to shoot me a sheriff yeah this is quite a sight to walk up on literally walk up report button flashes and then i see a an explosion and then cara reports a body it was the weirdest thing um i i honestly couldn't even tell you if that is the true narrative or not it is the true narrative it was so it was so quick i didn't have time to respond surrounding turned out a little bit yeah ralph has been dead for a while uh i was in med bay doing the pulse uh ralph was the only one dead when i checked that i did pulse lights came back up a little bit germ was leaving med bay and is now dead so that was it wait there's no like wait what how do you know rap is the only one dead because there is a vitals in medford what did you not know that yeah it's next to medbay scan yeah i'm skipping i need to see this figured that out today so hey you're not alone yeah i've been i've been using it this whole night no idea are you kidding me why did nobody tell me this vital information oh my god you know get out i see what you did i see what you did but i do need to note that germ was d uh alive about six seconds ago and probably died right jukebox i was having fun in the elevator rating okay hmm okay fair value clearly clearly [ __ ] played this out bad i didn't know it was a [ __ ] battle as well yeah i'll lead you to it oh my god what i did i did not know there was what [Music] oh my god i had no idea are you are you [ __ ] kidding me i've never noticed that i have i've never noticed that i've never noticed that no people have not been saying there's info on vitals like someone will say like oh they just died i'm like how do you know that and they'd be like oh cause i just saw him or they'd be like oh he died like pretty early on and i'd be like how do you know that it's like because i went and checked and he was dead like right after and i'm like what no one has ever said that it was recently added was it wait but it got voted out did rachel just kill scotchie no i think she just killed lahu no i saw rachel kill what i thought was rachel but i think it was actually squatchy oh that's yeah you saw that right where was this down below i was on the top floor okay they double killed then because uh whose body is also there or maybe maybe you only saw the who and like the glass made it look weird anyway yeah rachel uh i mean yeah rachel rachel rachel yeah yes can i help you all what did you what did you do rachel sometimes i think the whole crowd was watching sometimes um sometimes people approach moose a little bit too quickly um and a lot of people don't know how dangerous that can be because when moose are frightened a lot of the time they could charge or that's when they attacked the person who's nearby so um i think the lesson here is just don't do that again moose yeah just maybe chill maybe chill all right and it was it was a mistake so we should skip right yeah yeah yeah it's just it's just the most do moose things it's fine it's not murder i don't know if people skipped though probably they didn't no probably [Laughter] say it bye bye yes oh hi [Music] okay i gotta quickly finish this [ __ ] in range for 17 seconds [Laughter] okay i do upload and then all the stuff in there and then i'm going to start my by going up and downs the elevator i knew rini was part of it she probably double killed lahu so whatever you do don't call comms if you're the other imposter socoms right now that's the best place to call okay but have you considered comms i just want to make a public service announcement i have my hot dog shirt on and i feel like a hot dog now so is it made of materials oh you know it rinses without a doubt oh where's the body the body is in storage the adobe kills recent ish um i had i just checked vitals and uh she died in the time it took me to walk from vitals to admin up top that is like across the map but she died in that time frame and uh cara was already i didn't hear you all i heard was ready uh i said leaves you as a killer you're bad does it not leave one of you two i believe scotch i've been on round scotch a lot plus i gave him a gift early on he hasn't lost his gift yet though so he could be bad i guess i think it's me guys how about scotch i'll boat scotch sure i'll vote scotch hm it's new you haven't lost a show though i did give you scotch which is a little song cool as of july when you first spared me are you the assassin cool no she must be yeah they're faking that um okay let's see i'm the lawyer no you're not well ready decides i checked my vods the vitals is new i said it's been there for like maybe two weeks yeah oh it's always been all right i'm not crazy i thought it was losing my mind okay bye shabb gave him a gift it's a setting too so so i was just making sure all right so who are you the lawyer for you because i voted me because then you're gonna win and i'm gonna win you know i don't believe you and i voted you that's how it works i win even though i'm dead oh she didn't even vote i didn't click come on man vote i was hoping you were jester well she didn't what a lawyer doesn't become gesture when the client no no it has to be a neutral it has to be a neutral yeah oh okay okay yep shrimping i think shout out he no but are you are you jester on yours no no no okay was sailor what was sailor i was [Music] yeah yeah i was like which other thing gives a quote-unquote gift and i had oracle hoverboards i was hoping with chester i wanted to win no anyway um how many more games are we feeling like maybe like one or two more is that that sound good sure i think i could do one more more than me yeah all right we can make this lg then let's do it all right i don't know it's for a great lobby tonight my friends i just don't want to be glitch anymore i just want to do a task every time i'm glitch everything is killed all right i'm like dying i just don't want to be a glitch hitter patter let us go chab all right chad i guess i am protecting you here we go shaboo boo is all oh god oh but you're oh this is the worst client to ever have are you kidding me oh scotch i'm so tired i'm on eight hours right now oh maybe next time scotch i'm tired worst client ever where we going chad it's all you bro let's get your [ __ ] done my client is uh oh we're safe in here we're locked in oh true as long as crew wins clients know they have a lawyer well they know now this is great whoever he altruists i can then protect after and protect my client's legacy god bless you so many people are going through med bay now because now we all know there's finals i found raph in the doorway to the admin table yeah jukebox is right we do have a janitor yeah i was about to say that because nobody is going to find dovi or rachel yep nope right well raph wasn't janitor just yet so no he's big dead raph is very fresh yep yeah was anybody who's who uh you know what because yeah yeah it's literally on the door of admin table up top um i don't know the map um although she was in the top floor but i passed her i wanted meeting room germs clear why am i clear i've seen you a lot while you're doing your test so you probably didn't see me oh okay i'll take the clear i was gonna clear raph but i mean now he's dead so that sucks unfortunate i'm down in storage right now i left dobby with scotch oh she's dead no i'm in vitals with like four people right now i'm just coming out no no but jukebox in vitals uh in med bay looking at vitals earlier i went there i said the future i'm like i don't even know if i'm in the y yet i was just on my way out because i turned it around looking again because there were so many people and i went ah this is cute chef where are you i'm in the bottom glass room where you spawn bomb one was there for a while i think right i'm like right there i was there by security okay i thought you were trying to do that what's going on cara i was finishing your test but then i said no you're clear i am okay i believe it definitely i think germ's too cute i can't i can't vote based on what i don't you think it's the who i do i think it's fine to be honest based on what don't touch me swapper small peepee all right shabba-dabba-doo let's do this squatchy and sketch running together huh i don't like that um hmm um [Music] germ just died not dobby not shab has this died on vitals when they were there i don't think i would either okay one at a time but uh scotch was behind me and we just ran up on this body uh in the upper hallway right by the central um central elevators so you're saying it's raw below oh to the left yeah okay yeah i don't know did anybody see anybody go left i don't think i don't remember seeing anybody left well left from where it's either right again the o2 both scotch and squatchy well i think scotch and i would just be too big-brained to be because they're following each other a lot i've literally not even been paying attention i've seen you a lot true i don't remember seeing spirachi okay i agree with you that quachi and raw are cess okay so i was checking uh i was checking vitals and we haven't had like a clean or a kill so i feel like one of the people like let's see if sailor and rachel were both cleaned then rach uh then ralph may have been one of the imposter that i mean i feel like there hasn't been any action on that the best defense i can make for myself there is that if it's me and squatchy cara why don't we just kill you and clean you up there like because i was with shab a lot i was always with someone she was one after the uh sabotage she was with me up top a lot no but i mean are you bad before is when we were all three together a lot apparently so yeah i'm not gonna lie to you i've only seen there's always because somebody brought up the point that somebody hasn't been clean since [Music] vibes [Music] [Music] i don't like this hovering this is scary hovering [Music] hmm okay jukebox is on the is it the is it the whale shark yeah that's it the whale shark thing why do i feel like everyone's like trying to kill me here i feel like you know everyone's family who always grouped up it was me and well not me but scott driney car and shop right i didn't play vision on the squad yeah he definitely was chilling in the cafe when did dovey or sorry i made a jukebox uh it must have been right when you got on because i i saw her die got off and saw you on the screen so i don't know so jukebox has been dead so probably not really scratchy or me yeah i can well shad when i was coming up 102 was going off where did you come from elevator man where else would i come from my children i don't know so we just built rob right what about hooligans she's been awful quiet uh i mean i i'm still sussing squatchy and rob over here i was in i think squatchy is jester i'm wondering if rob maybe a lawyer i can't tell i don't think he's good i think he's a neutral role look my client okay wishes to plead the fifth so i'm going to talk i'm going to vote rob i guess i'm going you know what robert buff you get a jester one good for you bud i would love for rob a bud to end the night with the jester one i know g gesture win i could i could live with that i could live with that okay i mean i would love a jester win but i i i'm just doing my task i'm learning the map i'm having a good time right okay that's what they all say i have really good streak i hope you're the jester for yours now at this point i would like all of you to retrieve your uh telephonic devices and just just dial for one of those [Music] yeah it was me it was me no i i knew it was squashy because i knew that raph was the uh janitor they were hanging out in the whale shark room trying to kill me um i was not trying to kill you [Laughter] who cares if they see us together we didn't find any bodies yeah yeah i i don't know how to yeah i've i've been in lobbies where i became dancer and we like somebody disconnected and we agreed to vote for the gesture and end the game and still that was my first win as a jester even when we agree with the jester i've lost as jester i'll be honest when you when you started like i was going to we were obsessing you and you just didn't say anything i was like okay i could see this i'm okay with giving it to you my knowledge of the math played in my favor because i oh without a doubt that's what i didn't have to say also i just want to point out i love that like i had it on point being like yeah no i think ralph might have been the cleaner because you haven't had a clean and you're just like that's a really good theory i'm like really good would you ever say that because it makes me look like a jester and hey that's what you all thought [Music] [Music] okay thanks for watching guys uh this has been submerged the lifeboat mod make sure to like comment and also subscribe if you like this kind of stuff and catch it live next time at slash car corvus it's k-a-r-a-c-o-r-v-u-s bye
Channel: Kara Games
Views: 5,708
Rating: 4.9125681 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft lets play, vanilla minecraft, funny minecraft, kara corvus, kara games, corvus, streamer, girl, girl gamer, cute girl, callmecarson, captainsparklez, smplive, smp live, antvenom, smpearth, wilbursoot, technoblade, philza, among us, dream, amongus, gumiho, among, tubbo, tommyinnit
Id: 6HsK5yOeYpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 31sec (11071 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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