OTHER ROLES Among Us w/ ZeRoyalViking, CaptainSparklez, Junkyard, Skadj, LaWhoo, and others

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welcome everyone to a mangas this is my lobby so it's my rules and let's be honest my rules are the best anyway so here we go oh of course we're going hentai car is like the default car now like come on this is me now if you can't accept me at my hentais and you don't deserve me at my monika uh is this [Laughter] it makes sense it makes sense don't worry i feel like z is evil he's got to be evil right got a body oh i just rap yeah just rap whatever it's like right in the entrance to weapons it's also pretty recent when i got off of vitals to go check both reactors as as it was going off um no one was dead yet so he died while i was running around last 10 seconds maybe wait where was this sorry entrance of weapons no not nico probably not ozza probably not sparkly i don't think it's possible no i didn't probably not see you because i was in love um just peeking through the door at me and top deacon time yep so not myself i and i can sort of vouch for scottish story because i walked by him at viola zaria was sort of just sitting on like the left side weird like below the card swipe i thought maybe she warlock killed at something at first because she was just standing there but no one was dead at that point yeah no i've made sheriff shots on her standing in weird places before she just stands in weird places sorry when did you check when did you check vitals uh both checked before reactor yeah i was almost the entirety of the reactor going off yeah i grew a beard on the right one no so this like just happened maybe like five seconds ago wow uh i would say ten because i had time to run two left and right reactions probably not rain even yeah car and i went to left reactor after right reaction yeah no one was on left where did you come from in july i'd take it back ozza could have done it i wasn't i was in lab from the very beginning went straight back is the first thing i saw when i came out so i mean unless he just just did this i would be surprised i'm between shab and ari it's definitely not nico or rini or z or sparkly i ran into specs um the thing is i wouldn't have time because i followed scotch towards the reactors yeah so i feel like it's shocked it's not me i ran in the specimen after i passed scotland vitals and literally just came out oh i'm skipping anyway it's only first round yeah there's only one person there there's a pressing issue only right whatever my thoughts exactly definitely let me wallow alone i want to shoot shab if i see him casually i'll shoot him but i won't seek him out hmm that's unfortunate i what happened what happened i saw this body flop and like i wasn't paying the best attention but i thought i saw a white character running away from this body no but yes so i was on wires so i was on wires in o2 and i saw the report button i walked down i microwaved it as i walked down to report z is already there and it looks really bad for me yeah someone someone had ran out of o2 like bottom side of o2 who was it me reading oh it was you then okay it was a lighter color and cara in there so this was hold on was this in o2 like where the trash is yeah by the trash i just ran out of water wheels when shabb ran in after yeah you're clear for this and i passed rainy and car coming in then i ran down the water whale and you were coming out so you're clear thank you well sparked basically not right i feel like it was the person running out of o2 that did it yeah no i was alive no cara flopped over i'm already in office uh trash chute that's what i do i was on wires you there's no there's no left wires oh there's tougher actually there is but uh not quite big i came from the wires cara came out of doing the canisters and nico came in and then chad came in and then zeke oh that's smart got it bro what is like cherry shot it would be on rini it would be on rini or sparkly no wait on me i didn't even see cara i saw you i saw you walk up from water wheels i know you didn't kill [Music] oh no the three of us were walking around in there no i think it's really i don't know last round cara cleared for me oh no car cleared me owned don't touch me i was right to take away the aussie player [Music] wait wait what happened oh scotch must have died as soon as they reported that body oh okay i guess we just correct it's probably that's funny he didn't say a single word okay okay yeah we just skipped well do we have you know yeah this is just one of those it's not lovely i like how he didn't even say by the way guys i'm not alive anymore i didn't know if i showed up or not i wasn't sure australia because it looked funky on my screen i think scotch did it [Music] hello friends hello hello i was wrong oh yeah scotch by the way she killed me three seconds ago not not not 10. rini killed you oh i had no idea i know and i heard the clay i was like scott she she killed me and ran right into office in front of you oh [ __ ] oh no the funniest part was i was like oh man i'm seeing her and i'm going through all though to doing all of my tasks not us i'm like wow really no kills no kills at all walk into ready oh oh no well i'll be ari's dead at vitals i see rini where did you come from i came from weapons this just happened i swear i just passed her uh i didn't see the body flopping over i i was doing wires in office and i just walked over to the right and found are he dead where did you come from because you weren't especially door again um i was in labs and that's where i was asking my reni came from because i did i went to do my vials and then rini's where are you nico i'm between electrical putting a cup of water with it hmm what does that do where are you how does that help what was that for your left hand that's interesting i don't think it's sparkly he was on the top left not too dry oh just finished oh thank god okay we might actually have like a vampire warlock too we can't forget really about that nico might be yeah oh i'm ready to take a random shot here if we're not sure but i was cesarini from that roniko also said you were standing on the body because i was not there yeah i don't know i had gotten there and i didn't report it immediately before like i realized that that's a good idea i do it for bread and rice who ran away from the body so i was just kind of like sitting there trying to think about it then i recorded it i passed you under calms and i hate to do this but with scottish death technically we were all at o2 wouldn't that just leave aza now for scottish death that's god just does yes because scotch died f oh yeah that is true that is true it wasn't sparkly or nico who killed scotch because i had both of them on my screen when i reported that body yeah we were all at o2 that's true i had only just left o2 because i went up i was down there with sparkly and i did my canisters and i went up and did my wires at the top it could be a rini who killed scotch but then that means briny didn't i don't i don't know that eagle's not vouching for me makes me think i don't spark it i'll vote with you because you're doing a safeguard rainy rainy i think it might be awesome oh this is great this is very good this is fun all right good game everybody great jumper i mean there could be some killers then it may not end we'll see [Music] rip oh no yeah it's the first game reena even said she went to office last round or around before or whatever poor nico's just a snitch dude thank you sure they can do it go engineer go go engineer oh no where's this by dwayne the oh the rock johnson yeah oh man i feel like a dunce i saw i think i passed aza near there when i was walking at a lab i saw shabb walking into lab and i know how did you get into lab i walked in through the front door um i was i was near that at the very very start of the round i pre-run to top right reactor um i know there's a trickster box on the med-based scanner i saw that there i think i'm pretty sure there's also one on vitals as well this one on cameras too i was wondering what that was so like i could imagine shabb vented from med bay to vinyls and killed by the rocks well i'll just up a lot too um i've been in that twice but i wasn't this friends as have i nico too um yeah there's definitely one between vinnie and nico yeah yeah but who just saved the game between randy and nico oh it's true all right okay see are you andy session also here the only yeah i am what if sparkly was bait it could have been i forgot [Laughter] [Music] and that's it you and i'm going to vote exactly what you vote even if it's me oh god oh my god that person makes me think he's this okay i'm gonna vote for you [Music] like for realsies yeah no i voted for me okay oh no oh see don't swap swap with reeny swap with rainy the fact that you haven't voted yet makes me [Laughter] um are you trying to are you oh my god oh my god oh my god holy cow i was gonna hold him out anyways wait which one did you guess me i guess nico oh [Music] [Music] i guess it was just a process of elimination right speaker i already yeah like the timing was actually so perfect that like i wasn't even certain yeah yeah i don't know if it showed his dead on your screens but he was so nice one of the co-parents of my child my turtle babies so i'm very sorry that's all right all right i've turned jackal to a hundred percent because for some reason didn't show up in that last game so here we go yay oh yeah i did it good luck we didn't have jackals yeah she guessed from snitch arrow likely if it looked like he had seven left if it looked like he had seven out of eight done that was probably the arrow all right it's time to be a hacker orangies and whitey's okay orange and brown and no one's dead that's useless that's useless why do ads always play well in the lobby now because um we play as well in the lobby so that you don't get ads during the game so that oh my god oh my god there's four dead like immediately what what [Music] i have a question can um the sidekicks also kill right now no they shouldn't be able to there's probably a lover death in here yeah yeah i think scottish and shab were lovers no where are you no i was already dead um it's quite recent because he came to check on me and dropship before i came down and quite touristy these all died around the same time i i checked vitals no one was dead i did download once i was on download i check again they're all dead kara is clear from the sky and jungkook did someone get a kill tacular um [Music] i know scotch were you in were you in drop ship um i was in drop [ __ ] scott came up to check on me um probably like 15 seconds ago um and then i left and went down into to lab i didn't kill him i won't kill him twice i killed him last round uh-huh yeah you probably killed someone else though no i am pretty creepy i'll tell you that jordan was in lab i'm down in specimen right now uh i got locked in o2 no one's been here i am absolutely positive that i'm in specimen all right i believe you i think ari where are you i'm an admin right now okay from there i thought you came out of an event which is why i'm asking because i would wait i was on the third water wheel and your name like popped out and then like miko weren't you in lab no i was by oh i was originally i went to third water wheel uh you mean you vented the third water wheel how would you know that i was there how would you see me wait where'd you find this body niko it was outside of um yeah oh they don't call you no luck nico for nothing [Music] i think it could be nico as well i think it's awesome now there's so much that could have happened with this that's what i love about these mods there's so much that could be happening they just you just don't know and i love it i love it i love it two pinks two pinks i think this um i think this was z what you saw me walk in the o2 with you yeah i know let me explain uh it's in security yep that that would not be me never been there yet so the security cameras were on for a while until i got to o2 i see z running down from death valley left of comms where that vent is that links to the security event this accusation doesn't even deserve my time i'm gonna skip i did freaking and z also really jumped on that nico accusation very good that was me i was the one that did i think no z did too oh he did okay okay i can't handle it i went to storage this round i filled up i filled up both engines then i went to o2 where i met up with cara around death valley and then she saw me go to the tree room so oh wait yeah oh no wait this is actually true you guys were like running never mind it's raining it's raining when you guys got there the cam lights were still on when i left bottom o2 god you're right oh my god i think it's cara i think is something neutral or evil so we should go shoot inside i'm actually above tom's right nico i believe that i was i ran past you and z and then rainey was where with me i surprised rini ran out a while ago though oh i did it i'm filling out yeah she was running out while the lights while the camera was still on so it can't be rainy god oh i did see uh shoot me you see you were right in office i was in specific all right it's awesome shirt today that my dad got me for christmas and it says it wasn't me i was in mexico that's actually so great [Music] oh [ __ ] he wasn't he was there god damn it he was jeez man i don't know god ugh ugh i don't know me it was lahu i only guessed it after a long time though [Music] oh that was horrible for me see i i didn't do it i promise the lights were out and i went and i wanted to hide in bottom decontamination for a good reason while the lights were out i know you didn't get this kill wrapped this is loaded with this where's this i can give you some info oh okay where's this was this body like exactly admin table-ish i think nico was the evil guesser you think oh just kidding maybe he was uh oh god i followed cara into lab right and then i wait this is just c this is just c i'm telling the truth god i really i don't want to can i give you can i give you the synopsis of what just happened here i went on a specimen with nico nico went down there first he might have been he's coming i finished my doing my simon says i go back out left side to go to office to go check vitals and z is like inside all right don't vote because i want to say something before you guys vote okay i'm gonna pray that the guesser isn't alive i was hiding in bottom o2 because i wanted the sabotage to finish so that way the imposter couldn't sabotage because i have two tasks left as the snitch but you've been slow doing your tasks buddy oh shut up you were hiding in bottom d content yeah and you're snitching that and as soon oh my god i just explained it because i wanna i wanted to hide there because the lights are out and i was gonna go finish my last two tasks can i do that then i button saved the day that's what i was going to do also where you've been this round i know so we're going to be playing it uh on saturday i went back and i've just fixed lights i oh still voted are both evil yeah yeah probably my story was too good there's no way you didn't believe that i believed it for a second for like it was my story was too good [Music] was actually super easy because um niko was spying out nico was spy and as soon as nico's so wait what happened first round i got i was the bounty hunter and i got shab and junk as [Music] i saw you go into the right reactor i was like what is she doing that's so weird and i see on cams you're coming towards me i'm like oh no she's going to kill me if i see pam's light on what happened for you did you sidekick a sidekick i kicked him right when he was down there as soon as she walked in all right all right here we go i'm gonna do this little number right here that worked out for rev and huh right in the light cage oh i i i just saw nico flop um i want to say he might have just tried sheriff thing in there yeah so z i'm like right on top of you on the lights panel and i think niko tried to shoot one of us i mean his body flopped like unless someone else was on lights and just ran away i didn't could be a vampire could be warlock who's on the panel though you myself from the who oh shabby right there too yes yeah the last one was i think the fourth one that you guys flipped on it was like the first three were on and last one were on anything i don't remember that um i just closed the light panel and saw the body flopping i walked over there from uh storage with sparkly and junk bolts yep stuck in storage yep yeah i opened the door but then i went to do my gas i did i have only done half my gas i got to go unload my gas oh not really not alright he's got gas problems yep yeah we're happy um [Laughter] no one came to look but i met base canned [Music] is is the meeting really long yeah it seemed normal someone here i'll check it next time it's like you just actually had a discussion instead of jumping to vote which is why it seemed long ah i don't know why he would kill like on the stack though he's not a stack killer usually oh i made it so jester can sabotage i forgot what in front yeah i just ended my gas and then there was just a report and no she didn't see me block it that's exactly what happened yeah i had the gas tank up and then i just finished it as well and then i saw the exact same thing for some reason i knew it was sparkly it was doing it so wait you guys saw the who kill no i didn't see it thank you it looks like she did could that have been a warlock that quick it could have been i don't know yeah i it's possible nico was really close to me and lahu um wait kara both kara and ralph died it could have also been lovers maybe oh that's true they caught wait did you just see cara like just randomly fall over that's what laura was at the entrance like the door to laboratories yeah that was kind of what i saw as i crossed kara died yeah on my view i was like the closest i was below z and z was behind me in that direction she could have been in like walk but she could have been cursed yeah she could have been more locked in yeah like shot her that way but for my vision it looked like who killed two people yeah that's fine but that queer is also sparkly junk and z because they were all above me and and mourinho yeah yeah a vampire maybe as well could also be in oh god that would be a bad combo maybe you were locked the body on lights around one anyone touched you round one uh z was there that was the only one i've been near both bodies and so has i feel like there was a lot of crossover at the reactors why are you incriminating yourself see it could have been something who says i'm incriminating myself hmm interesting yeah they're not listening to whoever said the thing like that in front of six people yeah did you see if aza actually lunged at me or did he bite me i think he bit you yeah it was just really close because i died like up here it was so weird yeah i didn't see you die yeah i was coming down here to see your body i was like oh no it's flopping over and then i get to here and i'm like dead oh oh my god i'm never okay we are sparkles we are never going to load this gas up are we uh sorry yeah you just stood on this yeah he like fell over on top of me oh my god oh i think that makes sense i don't know it was like it was kind of fast [Music] you stood over this for like probably like two seconds before you forced it maybe just one or two seconds yeah cause i was like wait what the freak and then i reported it what the freak he just like flocked we were just like standing there by by the reactor oh you are an adult yeah the z just like flopped over hey i don't think this is the who though who and i went towards left side uh reactor junk and sparkly not anyone left again we're still finishing our gas task over the course of three rounds did you guys remind me to check the time on the meeting literally awesome jester sabotage i don't think there was a warlock or anything there's no there's no way he waits this long to shoot no way there's no universe unless unless what if he already took a bad guy out yeah he could have yeah well here's the alternative did zeke get sheriff well arie seems genuinely confused and i didn't see anyone else in there i don't know why she wouldn't she could have been bait too she could have self-reported bait nice yeah i was like standing there first oh a few seconds there's like a second and spa there's no delay for bait is that what they were saying there was like five or six of you over on the right one i got nothing yeah no more eyes thanks not even some junk rory jester voting for herself yeah i'm super happy with the moxie thank you i never know whether to like correct game mechanics or not is it what do you think is off right now well no no i mean like they're saying like they don't know that guess there's 100 and they also don't know that bait is a no cooldown report i mean you could still have nice guesser right oh that's true that's 100 that's true that's true i think just like reminding you you could probably correct that but just say that a guesser is 100 and it may not necessarily be evil and as far as the bait thing just like kind of remind them in between games where they were unsure it's like all right well there's no time delay or there's one second yeah you know i've seen a slight delay sometimes i i don't even see a body flopping other times i do see the body flop then it reports i know children has it like a one second delay oh it's the first time the body here oh where is the dead body uh in upper uh d-cam and it's it's who came over there hooligan was in that area oh what else was that yeah i don't like the name guesser either i saw you next to a med bay uh med bay door that's all no you didn't i'm not i'm literally not there junk yeah i saw you coming out of re the um ari passed us to above storage yeah and i are on scotch and i just checked uh vitals and the admin table together in the office right before that's true definitely not shop because he was over on the left side and i got finally got to finish my freaking gas thank you very much um wait i'm walking into mid bay and i'm going down to d.com um what should we call it and there's a box yeah specimen door so i guess well i know it's not shop i don't think it's scotch either i don't think the scars are drunk because walked up to jumping on the left reactor there's got to be honesty no i'm not i'm in water i haven't been anywhere near lab also didn't you go into a specimen yeah admin oh well then you could have gone up that hallway killed down no no no no i passed zealot is a good word in general yes psychic killing is not on sidekick i don't think he has the vision of a baddie because like he only saw me standing on top of z's body he didn't see the flop [Music] well then if it's not here it's gotta be scottish [Music] clear for this kill right now well we don't know where rini died though that's i'm gonna i'm gonna assume it's la hooligan i'm sorry i saw you in that general facility i what my eyes didn't work i saw you you guys this was a massive mistake yeah you're a jester no oh [Music] you didn't kill me yeah you know i absolutely did all right i just wanted to see if i could get away with it yeah i figured i'm like aren't there so many people here yeah it did work for a while yeah come on ari come on ari shoot the first person you see not shoot scotch shoot the first one you see ari just go for it but then don't do it all right there's no one here all right there's no one here though i i knew ari was sheriff though when like shoot all right oh no no no no no not him not him [Laughter] i don't think she's gonna shoot oh uh i just got the report and run into lights above storage it died about three seconds ago and i'm pretty sure it wasn't ari i see junk die on vitals i close the vitals ari admittedly but like [Music] i think kara said last time she put it to 100 yeah okay i see a world where where who was definitely bad but shop also bad yeah uh well i'm not bad here like i said i i s who killed on that door i could have been wrong it's not you yeah i mean it's not a self report so if i'm bad i remember specifically when i ran into admin you and junk ran up yeah so i'm assuming he went back to fix lights like that here where are you bad this couldn't be me though because i'm only bad at this i finished my o2 test i already just passed scotch coming out like left side admin as i was walking into edmond from weapons side because i finished my o2 stuff i didn't go near lights because it's perfect time to kill this late and i just passed scotch coming out so if he can clear aria i just want to vote oza and i was pushing the who super early and i feel like that's probably why someone just kept calling reactor because we did have a warlock easy way to have people stack and no if someone's keep calling me out to that stats adjuster it could be too i don't know if gestures can stab one i don't think that setting's turned on uh it is going to turn off my bed oh okay yeah i okay i just i try i don't think scotch is a bad person either i feel like he would have killed me in during lights when there's another dead body so i don't think it's him if i killed him if i killed him here then i turn lights off kill junk stand over junk weight right yeah [Music] so i think instantly i don't know i literally left though two though all right i got the three of them and no two they all left i literally just messed up i think lahu was bad i think shobs jackal yeah something like that what wait what wait scotty no i just can't make my mind up oh huh well this is bad one of them has to kill the other there's a chance there's a chance there's a you just chance it's i think oz is going to go straight for ari shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot take oh wait just all he has to do is just all right all right do it do it ariel just kill him he's probably better already yeah all right you gotta do it you gotta kill you gotta shoot sorry just go for it girl oh my god oh my god what happened do it ari don't shoot scotch i can't see anything all right all right [Music] please don't be a sir no no no we're gonna do this we're gonna do this the honorable way all right so was that who's your partner i was just at a disadvantage here i didn't even know you were bad i was just trying to get you voted out instead of me shut up you're the worst all right let's go uh i'll go electric you go wow wanna go like outside lab or deep end [Music] just deepen all right a fair fight can only kill on the uh better not kill him in garlic don't kill him in garlic don't let kill him in the garlic shop has to stay in the garlic i don't want her to stay in the garlic don't do it don't do it he knows he knows [Music] it looked like they both died to me good job can you only it would have been great i i i know i that's what i thought happened you know i voted it at the very end i was trying so hard not to kill scotch i couldn't find you should have just done it you should have just forgiven me you could have shot anyone but yeah yeah scarf is the only one showing up though my favorite i curse rini i can't accidentally kill her oh no it's just a sheriff [Laughter] what if i just cursed sparkly the whole time i'm just gonna miss his gremlin laugh for the rest of this lobby if i just exclusively cursed sparkly i think that'd be funny [Music] let's try that hope i don't kill rainey though hmm it is sparkly oh he went a different way yeah oh there he is this hacker could kill me i could kill me all right oh [ __ ] i forgot uh so do we know that that was a sheriff on shab because if so i was more locked yeah that was either yeah for warlock on lights that entire time though well yeah yeah i just ran into lights and he exploded on me so i might have warlocked him or he tried to share with me but if we're convinced that it be scott also ari i didn't believe that but it was like right as i ran over him there's there's three people dead though i i met these again i don't know what we're talking about and ari both met based skinned at the same exact time so i wasn't sure which one well the animation she tried to do just didn't look good oh which one are you rini um i i don't know i oh want to say if it is warlock um uh let's see i think it was ara and ari and kara i combine the names you know for a bunny ease of use i loved it that was good what's funny about ara is every time i go to starbucks and i say cara they always put ara like a-r-a only that's not even a real lion i know it's like so i've [Laughter] [Music] damn well he might think it's ari i wonder if i can get him while he's like like on a task and he won't see me or something mm-hmm [Laughter] ara orvis why is ari being weird my little guy moves when that happens oh wow he just died oh okay it's cara it's kara for sure what warlock why isn't he just died though because you were running out of lights last round it also lines up so absolutely just died ari you're reporting ozza where he just died oh wait i thought that was junk reporting yeah never mind i'm sorry my bad my bad all right electrical right now i thought you would stood on a body i thought joe died too and i was confused this is on top i'm so used to being brown but i'm a different shade of brown this is on top of where like med bay is that lines up like the hallway left of calf um i was confused because i like like i thought i walked past aza and ozza like went all the way to the left and then it said report i was like oh weird did ozza kill someone i go back it's austin's dead body no ari you're literally reporting this one second after ozza died i think ah so was bait i think this is a self-reporter um yes i do was he medic huh i i am i know for a fact that ozza just died i think i know are you are you jackal now because you you were sidekick oh that's absolutely it got it in one card ari you're bad you didn't even either she was shielded she's now jackal or she was seared that's what i think but i know for a fact that ozzie died exactly one second i also had just no you don't i do who is it i can't say i don't think it's weird that's right she's dead doesn't matter god dang it i knew it too you did you knew it oh my god she warlocked me really wait ari you had a medic report that you could have read yeah yeah it was a darker color but i i just found it and i had to process i i couldn't think about who what a darker color i legitimately thought it was you for a second i i invented right in front of you but i was just engineering right it's fine i've just never had see her before so i was just like oh my god this is the coolest [Laughter] do you want to know what happened there yes i honestly did did he get did you know i was i i sidekicked him and chat used dicksburg to make me spam my kill key and it killed him instead oh my god chet used what now dicksburg i rated jester meetings i don't like that oh she's the cleaner that's cool oh that was so disrespectful gosh wait either junk or scotch was the sheriff and bet his lover's life that he was correct oh my god look what happened right on med-based scanner yeah they jump at the same time scott is [Music] don't know who the actual sheriff was shabb is also dead guys there's also a possibility of someone shooting one of junk and scotch but no didn't you just see it well that happened what happened someone shot on z this but you guys don't believe me that's not awesome no the lights were off it's kind of hard to see i guess yeah they were coming back on it wasn't wrap either because he was hiding bad things happened on the med base back and yeah shop i don't know i haven't seen did you did anyone see shop i haven't seen chad no negative negative negative okay i went to go fix lights but kara already did it um this is sad are you sure you're not the sheriff i wish i was are you sure you're not a killer i feel like you'd be dead already that is true yeah always correct as the sheriff what do you mean we've all seen the youtube video we all know you're you only get shots was it only you in there with them z three other people and no one else saw what happened well i saw the two bodies drop there were two of my bodies on someone so if i'm dead they're bad but i'm not gonna say who it is i just throw him under the bus he's dead he's dead [Laughter] uh we gotta kill someone but there's too many people here where's the who where's the who where is she where'd the who go [Music] excuse me oh god i thought there would be one just i was this is our only goal that's our one button so it would appear should have called it out the person yep he's dead oh wait a second doesn't that just oh yeah there's just there's just saying that that means that it's he didn't die on the table again wait someone did die no no i shifted on someone last round yeah we were next to each other he obviously didn't shift on me he wasn't on medbay was he i'm not accusing you there are plenty of other people who he could have crossed before or after where was he in the med bay group i thought he was no i thought he was i don't know if oz was in the med bay group then it's possible it could have been anyone yeah he could have just did it immediately at the drop ship or yeah i i'm pretty sure he was at least in the beginning there'd be a cleaner oh there is a cleaner it said no bodies found no that was awesome as i said he shifted what was this wait sorry was this a button or was this this is a button if if he shifted last round wouldn't he be dead at the table that's round no no no you're just a ghost and sparkly oh okay i see oh yeah then oh nico where were you finish the thought all right arie's gotten it i i love how i decided i was like going around the table and he was awesome wasn't there oh my gosh we have to shoot someone because we can't skip jordan we were making that mistake oh my god i kind of think jordan is jester but i am not confident enough to guess on it isla who let's go i'm like let's do it anyone here anyone oh my gosh yes [Laughter] nice [Music] it's okay there's no button there's no button i just saw the bent flaps yeah and someone invented in decon someone went to med bay from vinton and decon really yeah when the three of you were up there on the other side of the door i was on the outside trying to get in and then oh okay so i was like we're in here and no one vintage so i i think i might have been warlocked again um i was gonna point a big finger at you oh wait where's the body it's it's in it's with us in the hallway was there with it yeah in decontamination wait what and i don't know how you didn't see that flaps right like i saw a car there from there it was cara you and who else art was it ari i saw a pink character go into the event and jordan's reporting uh hold on there was three people coming down okay did she go if she went into the vent i didn't see yeah i saw that i didn't see that either i can solve this all right raph where are you uh in in a reactor right now all right sparkly like i'm with cara and decontamination and ari just dropped on me i'm well who was in reactor though i know but hopped out of the event and i think ari orini or whoever's being reported was like engineer and he just killed on the vent when he saw someone vent i don't know i thought this game i didn't even see it i didn't even i don't think you could you can you can you can't you can't i mean i saw i saw her i got killed that's true too i know she was bait oh z wait why is her [Music] did you not see me die i didn't i was too concerned about the snitch arrow oh he's looking at the snitch arrow and the sheriff killed jester yes they can yeah yeah all right so yeah i misfired [Music] yeah i was too busy looking at the snitch arrow to see sparkly vent and kill yeah that's funny i was blessed i was so like i was the one who vented raph because at that point i was like i just need to get the snitch before someone reports yeah wow unfortunate oh my god amazing good job z wait i don't know why he's even got voted i was not suss of z at all well like i didn't consider z to have any sus it was weird this is going to be a rough time [Music] ah lylers why oh scotch and sparkly yeah except no well if anyone it would be ozza because that would yeah that was i don't know scott just i think did an instant share trying to find out who did this you shut up [Laughter] okay so yeah he uh tried to share with aza so that's it yeah he was he was clearly like waiting for his kill cooldown at the beginning because he was just kind of awkwardly dancing on me and then he walked up to sparkly like looked at him as if he was going to shoot him turn back around and shot me yeah it was literally uh watch this bro maybe ozzy killed him i think it's awesome oh i see okay you know what is clear [Music] let me show you guys the uh the meme i'm talking about let's see i want to show anything does this show it it says uh we're all trying to find the guy who did this and just use scottish sheriff the only one did damn it [Music] hmm oh i saw where are you mister mr sharp yeah wait a second where are you uh i lurian and bob armory is he's still on his task and are you in that which task am i on uh when i walked by you you were making your super chef mail thingy again because this is dead above memory and i saw a shop running towards engine room oh someone took my sample then um shab was not in the kitchen with me i don't know how he was he was probably not rini it was you were he was there in the beginning either either someone's shampooed sharp and immediately transformed into him and killed or sharp is just killed so it's a really good morph and said that they're close by i have like just to put a little bit of sauce on himself but also clear himself you know um what's wrong definitely not z and it's not sorry someone could have hit me when it was an army task i don't know because obviously i'm on the task rap where are you right now uh i just left gap room doing download i know i left you guys on um whatever that was towels i i do think this is shabb i think shab has put themselves nearby so you know to kind of make himself a little bit cersed but also clear themselves if it is shab it's also ari because she's vouching for him i think it's me i will say i'm a shifter um so i guess i'll see if i die wait who did you say that that yeah says it was turning high together and i'm very in shock oh i didn't vote you last night all right [Music] i have no unreachable itch spot yay we're dead yay yay i was snitching that wasn't happening on this map anyway yeah that's all right [Music] a security guard for the first time and i didn't know i could place a thing over events so i walked over to event that can vent in i just boarded it up and i was like well whoops i did it in front of somebody i think i don't know it doesn't show in front of other people only shows up next round it doesn't show until next turn yeah perfect they never knew job you wait this is the bait oh this was a bait get wrecked crazy no way man i was literally just killed this uh you were doing the o2 thing chunky knife both who ran off and i said oh that might be a good time because i have eyes on that that is true on this one actually who did the right side sparkly i did the right side yeah where are you at was on left gap room i saw him like when i was bringing the platform and then i took it back he's definitely definitely didn't just go okay if you saw him taking it back this part is more on the doorway you got some sort of vision then i didn't see anything to body but i saw ozzo uh because like you said drunk and i ran down like we went back conveniently been next to all the dang bodies exactly no i've been next yeah oh i have i have yeah the first one was in the first round ari is dead she was shifter and i don't believe her body showed up she was not murdered i think she i think she shifted on the shop in kitchen which is how she knew he was going to get it sounds correct no we walked by her in kitchen and i walked i was like you killed this one yeah yeah i got never shot first round buddy no you don't okay god just fell over first down best defense best defense shab is a really you man shop you you got imposter vision you should have seen me lead those two we got you shab it's all good maybe my next life you'll get them next time but an ambulance i think car would be a really good ambulance [Music] i wasn't listening bounty targets to have i gotta wait i'll write you out shop but you could have just killed aza too i i wasn't gonna pull oh really i i specifically went up there knowing that i was gonna get killed yeah that was good good job thank you thank you my purpose here is to die hey go ahead and kill me it's fine [Music] yeah you were my target and then niko was right afterwards and he was already dead he's like why does it give me a dead guy as my next time yeah that happens i don't know why that happens really i've gotten my lover as a target too before oh so i can really yeah because the game ended when i died that one time but as seer um is it set that you like can see where people guide with a little ghost this is insecurities standing on top of the uh tape machine that doesn't seem like an efficient place to you know stand on top of the machine you're trying to do the tape on but you know whatever works for you um [Music] i did not see anybody i haven't seen anybody either you saw me junk but i can't remember where i saw you i i did see z at the beginning i did see sparkles uh fixing the toilet thank you very much and then i went to the cockpit and then the doors shut off i'm in the process of swiping the freaking card they're all in different teams though so maybe it'll work how long ago did you get to uh cockpit junk i'm there right now i'm in the uh the button room okay uh the last i saw rini we were leaving armory she went right i went to do my burger and then do my upload and that's where i am at the bottom of viewing doc hmm rini's probably dead within the last i want to say so once again ozzo where's aza um i always win he was up on together and then i went up um towards record room i think that is true oh oh [ __ ] okay well then then california is roth rough i just said that i was down in off what should call it um viewing deck doing my upload as he said he was in yeah that's a general sounds like the area where uh yeah it is that that's not by that by that logic all three of us are unaccounted for junk i don't know oh okay [Music] okay is he not saying kicked i might be smart i'm not the only one who broke it today let's go [Music] bro uh junk did a cursey worsey yeah i don't think anyone heard it is that why jordan said short okay yes i was wondering why he said short i didn't hear [ __ ] did junk not sidekick anyone yet oh there he goes oh there he goes you think i'm paying attention no sparkles is a bad boy which is good because he was the only good guy yeah that was a good one [Music] that's really weird i i was just thinking it was probably joan i was just these toms just got called i saw your passion you're probably like oh you know jordan do you not realize your sidekick comms your side kicks jackal what are you doing i'm telling you z you were the one standing next to comms in that area you were stepping in sparkly who was in like near the gap room that i just yeah i saw i saw sparkles up in vault what i'm saying is i'm on my couch i was i was on um sorry i was on the download up near vault and um then i ran down going to tecom's um and boz's body was on [ __ ] so i don't know the last person that's why i said junk because who's the last person i saw um i didn't see the the body or anything like that where were you i was down i actually passed jordan when i was going to showers i ended in showers doing the hammer task okay well uh it's not me so i know it's not news i mean from last round i still felt inclined to do wrath i couldn't have made this kill if it's all the way in comms back in no the ari oh yeah but the point is that we got a killer out unless unless there's a oh god there could be an imposter are there two killers in this meeting right now probably probably i would assume so yeah a weird comment you made like you just know we got to kill her out yeah because i know we had one out ralph oh god oh i was not expecting to at the very end of the game get sidekicked [Music] i kept trying to make somebody my partner and somebody would hit the damn button an imposter and two jackals yeah uh oh yes it will oh okay no no killing rolls left yeah i i wanted to know if i had to like if it mattered who i shot in what order sparky wasn't converted yet he was still engineering yeah i think if jackal if you shoot jackal um you would still also need to kill the sidekick yeah i meant if i had shot uh z first as jester in the meeting would the game end oh yeah it was it would keep going yes yes okay okay cool wait did you think i was just a hundred percent i said i went on stream hovered you as jester because i saw the one vote on you on five and i was like yeah should i just shoot him here made the kill thank you for the sub yeah i'm surprised again especially when you didn't make that kill and it was just a one ball i'm like okay oh no i know but i'm like but i don't win on three so i had to be 100 yeah it was some fortune too my bounty was car so i killed her then it turns to nico who's already dead oz is right there and my next target's lahu she's right next to us it's like stop putting all my people next to hazla look shab i know how to bait okay the bounty hunter just said go go kill the bait does anyone remember if rainey was mayor rainey were you married he was here now okay here we go let's go oh i'm slapper kept saying it was wrong huh i don't know why it's with the dead isn't it konichiha sir that was a murderer so um i've watched way too many snapchat reels of sparkly doing this to everyone else's sheriff so i was like get him out of here stop copying sparkly pants that's rude just just have to give him a taste of his own medicine see you guys because i think it's written as konichiha but it's pronounced you should just do it yeah i agree hold on i have a question are people taking my content and putting it on snapchat yes oh of course i've seen your reels on snapchat there's a there's a whole so it's uh called emergency buttons it's the whole snapchat series is it about maybe you're just a random dude oh okay yeah someone had like there's some of me on there sparkly chilled gets featured on there all the time all the time it's time to sue flattering man as long as it's a montage did they put my twitch channel on there got it do they give us credit at least uh yeah they put your names at the bottom i guess that's okay um the only one still giving them among us content i guess don't kill me wrath don't kill me yeah i'd like to talk to the manager of snapchat oh nico is a good boy hmm all righty are in yeah okay don't swap to nico nico is a good boy [Music] she's dead next to the hole on left reactor i'd like to confirm that nico is a very good boy i could have sworn nico came from a vent okay no he's a he's a good boy uh you went to specimen right he was made yeah aria was the doctor and she gave me a shield no and i was so happy stop crying junk where's that buddy okay i'm assuming just after reactor did anyone go and check left reactor uh just me literally no neither one yeah i feel like i can soft clear the three of us then i don't know it seems like we're too far away from this kill yeah i had actually been in specimen and i think i saw raph in there i was doing my uh simon says came up okay i i was unfortunately i was asleep during the first meeting why did we all vote ralph at the beginning is he saying sparkly i don't know if i buy it yeah all right that's fine i voted myself and i didn't go over i mean but did you shoot this around nope uh i saw ari dead or rainy dead one of the two uh on vitals went up to storage saw z because that's where i thought the dead body was and then um so the other one died very very recently but this one's above a terrible actor don't vote for yourself oopsies oh okay what the hell swapper has a big peepee swapper has a big peepee that's like one of two people i cleared this room i need to do luhu i wanted to do someone else i wasn't thinking i was like oh wait they might actually vote rap what do we have a trickster oh wait that's right swapper can't do the lights i keep forgetting i just there what seems to uh be the situation here yeah i'd like to find that out too who's on camp camp mr junkyard's on cams and i was observing the situation i got there i clicked over to that camera when i saw cara and scotch was trying to cover up the camera yes he was asking yes and then i saw z walk out the door so i know it's not z like i don't think scotch did this because i saw him at vitals then the door is closed this literally is not cara or probably not uzi because you came from behind yeah he came from labs more than me because i was in there with scotch on vitals was on my screen the entire time yeah what because the body was not there before i switched to that kid and i walked out we opened the door and the body was there that's literally what happened no that's literally yeah [Laughter] i missed huge [Music] i'm sorry no scotch that was so good i was so excited to be killers with you in the second i found out you were cleaner i was so stoked and yeah yeah yeah well so ari gives me her shield i'm all happy and then shop comes over and kills ari and then gives me a psychic yep i went oh this is [Music] okay so junk did know who killed i see what the [ __ ] how come it's always there's always seems to be an orange guy dead at the beginning thank goodness it's not me i keep seeing that and i'm like wait am i alive still i think r is running away from him so i think it was me scotch junk and chad in the drop ship correct junk or [ __ ] i was there killing i no no not me i ran away oh is this where the body is yeah in drop ship oh i ran away no i'm on my way to turn on the lights and i are on lights right now i'm not there yet i'm i'm at the door i'm not going to see why any three of us oh it's definitely not me but maybe it's a vampire or warlock falls to kill cara first in her own life i would that's quite yeah i feel like the person with the ball is big enough to do this is actually ari oh i'm pretty sure already killed scotch though hari was not in drop ship like i'm telling you yeah it was not me drop [ __ ] it was z wait rough how did you see me the lights were off like i don't know i i was running towards right to do that i don't believe him he's screaming later i think it was junk i'm the lighter oh no no not me but i can see in the dark i wasn't even there so i feel like they just might be jackal and sidekick together rini don't claim my role when he's born partner at all aria wasn't there he wasn't there he left let's also try to let scotch live next round barring his okay [Music] very rude very rude very rude it's okay how was snitch anyway uh did no sparkly filled me like he doubled back to kill me in the dark rude a little targeted it sounds like yeah a little targeted sweep it wait why am i doing my tasks we don't care about tasks yeah we don't care about tasks like this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this you ready chat we're doing the boring part while we can uh-oh ari is in danger yeah there's no way this is an ari anybody planning on fixing lights so this is trying literally killed junk in a stack on lights it's a junk i mean i thought i thought junk was the killer last round i thought we made that very cool okay and like it kept going off and on and on off and on so i got off i was trying to see like who was on lights and i couldn't see um like the colors because we were all stacked so i decided to go up to look at the names i saw shab and i saw lahu and i said okay one of them is probably bad i went back down and there was a report and i reported it and now shabba is dead and lahu was the only one there so ari you were standing there over junk's body i came off of lights to shoot shab because he was specifically doing the jester play of screwing with the lights ari is bad you guys i don't care what you do after you vote her out or he's bad i i'm not passionate confirms my suspicion of the first round and either z is lovers with ari or their partners but why are you watching on this i always said it wasn't re for the for the kill and dropship because ari wasn't there yeah i saw her running away from it so so hold on confusion here he was saying that ari was not responsible for cara's death which was in drop ship correct see no that was scottish death okay i thought i thought it was junk who killed scotch in drop ship i'm voting are we voting or skipping because it said did i trust the wrong people just to play huh wait okay who is it who was it like who is sheriff i don't know why she was so adamant about you because it was the second dead body there i quickly got off the lights hit my queue and got right back on lightning oh so sharp okay that's what i was suspecting like maybe shop got the kill shot killed me shut up killed me i thought junk on the bike why would you kill a stack of bodies like that is it hard because i was [ __ ] with the strong police i know but who killed you who killed you stack kills are so 2020 oh wait you reported a buddy huh wait why is everyone muted i'm not sorry i was trying to talk and i was muted uh this was inside of [ __ ] also uh who just tried the sheriff shoot me i'm pretty sure so it's rini what um wait how do you know anything about you ralph oh wait did you destroy you no she what how are you in o2 because i dip set because i didn't trust you so i ran over of through electrical and down into into o2 there's no way you do that note and not go into lab yeah i didn't trust you i didn't want to go in the direction or pathing that i thought you would likely go i didn't see anyone else in lab by the way well that's funny that we both didn't go into lab i mean you could just be a jackal and telling us that she tried to share a few no who just tried sheriffing me it happened like i thought i reported lahu's body she popped right on med bay her body's still standing and then i saw white got reported actually no there's no way i believe this because she would have just shot ari who was there at lights i know i meant the previous round she would have just shot her if she was at lightsworth greenie okay okay please tell me there's not an ambulance i'm so confused by what just happened ari was dead this round not this round previous round no who said she killed me raffle all right that was referring to two killers poor aries [Music] actually had killed junk that's what yeah jackal because there were still two imposters i didn't even see junk's body i was like shot killed me shop killed yeah i saw that and yeah really oh my god i was bounty hunter i'm trying to kill my targets and they just kept ended up dying before i could get to them because she sheriff shot me thinking it was just her so i was just dead being a jackal and then she heard a cue sorry because there was two bodies there so yeah yeah i was like i was busy looking at the body and then i got i got captained i had a bling it was a good opportunity because i saw the body in lights me that was a good kill i hate you but it was good all right let's scotch live i'll take it into my own hands scotch will live scott you will live don't worry guys i got this don't worry [Music] oh he's probably evil but it's okay he's not holding a balloon he's holding a boxing gloves um hello either i was warlocked he was vampired or he shot himself on me i think scotch did something to him would would i would like to let you know he's holding a balloon why are you holding a balloon jordan did you did you bring balloons for my birthday no because i was i was bad last time so i thought i'd be pennywise [Laughter] so so cara did you see is he right next to you yes he died he is right next to me he was on me basically i did my my task where you line up the center bit in navigation and i only did it for a second i come off and he's dropping yeah i saw the body there yeah oh i probably vampired i think you should shoot me out i think you should help me out right now no please don't please [Music] what is wrong with this lobby oh my god you gotta get raid downloaded wait there it goes yeah sky jazz ari's lover it seems like [Music] rock beanie [Music] y'all just standing over a body here process processing mostly i'm i'm processing i think they're giving it a proper burial i just saw three people standing over a body weird like who are you the one in security uh i was in security and then like after looking at the cams really quickly i just went down and found uh scotch aza and ari all standing over nico's body which was on top of that [Music] this really is some of the longest that scottish have been alive so touche buddy thank you thank you i'm really trying to get thrown out i really really want you to vote me no we're not voting no do you want it do you want to do not want to vote scott no that's about scotch lots of scotch i'm gonna die oh no ari [Music] i'm sorry i missed your ceremony mikko i just said scotch is how you pronounce skip right dang it why scott why oh my god it is not worth okay that was the most useless shield i've ever done useless shield useless so alive i thought you were a lover i was what did it get shifted off did i get shifted so much shifted me wait wait who was it who was it who is dead it was rainy it was raining [Music] okay so i think aries i think ari is clear because that's clear all right it's clear and i've been hanging out with aria for quite a while uh i walked over there i did weapons and i came back and she's still standing there so trust me myself myself and kara are the ones that fixed react to just now correct okay so let's see yeah i don't think it was done i've said a lot of things all right where's the body sorry i didn't find i have i buttoned because i didn't know if i was dead i was like oh my god uh raph probably would have killed me by now but i do hate that as like a clear yeah i know that's fine around the block so i i do think it's probably jump but i don't have like i don't have any evidence against him how many others i have against junk is that he had weird movement after the first lights but that's super stupid i have is that i haven't seen junk at all i just told you i was hanging out with ari in the cafeteria yeah walked over no like the whole game i haven't seen you oh well now i haven't seen you either so that makes two of us so with that said it's is that uh is that like acne on your hat or is that blood oh oh there is a little blood yeah so i get voted out and just because you guys want to vote me out no i don't think you're ready for yourself there's just no one else seems yeah sorry sorry chuck that was great it's just that no like everyone else seemed innocent and you're the only one that was neutral themed is the key word [Laughter] [Music] right off the bat in line junk um so popped ari in that meeting can we talk scotch about what happened there can you just let everyone who was still alive no what happened what's up oh no i just i literally walked out and found a body and i shielded you it was my lover so she didn't want to say anything and oh yeah started meant in a bunch yeah that was weird no so so scotch not only was the warlock i recruited him as my sidekick cara shielded him he was the lover he had everyone vouching and clearing him because not me i'm wonderful [Music] love triangle love triangle um okay so i have to look nazas i have to look sus enough to the imposters i was gonna dance in front of everybody like usual one body falls in the dark i fear for my life and his body falls and talking no one's around to see it did it really fall yeah no i definitely saw it in my bubble but i don't know okay or if it was a sheriff shot or whatever well i don't care there on the scan all the scales who else is there i've scotchganged oh well ari and shaub and me are just leaving dropship so yep oh where am i i'm on weapons right now all right where was this body this was literally on top of the scanner i saw it i don't think i saw a lunch but admittedly it was dark and i wasn't paying close attention because i was laughing uh i didn't see a lunge either i was right there on top of you guys as well attention to be honest your character specifically teleports to you yeah target [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] wait junk [Music] no french man is us look at those baguettes they've nearly killed me correctly it's a baguette not unbegin i forgot i was spy i look like i'm doing my my things too well who's shab doing i'm being weird wait who was down there when i left because ozzie was in captivity someone walked out it was either i mean i you just walked out of a cafeteria right oza was very much alive when i left i think who was down that junkyard on wires right now sorry who z who did you say just walked out of cafeteria jordan i think walked out or you i saw both of you and i think cara as well like up by admin jordan i saw junkyard earlier as well all right to the left i was in that area but i'm not there now how did i go how did i get to admin i did weapons and then i did wires and i ran to admin like pretty straightforward though yeah those are in separate cafeteria i i mean the thing said that you had just uh like crossed over the north sensor so i was just trying to wait where's the body uh like outside of storage in the cafeteria but on the wire panel um all i got is jordan's coming out of cafeteria but there's also vents everywhere and this person could uh [Music] he was how far left i was left but not like two left is there anyone in reactor i was uh just about to go no okay i was not no no no no not cara okay well actually i was in reactor um there's a dead body there oh i was trying to see if i want to come out but excuse me cool cool i see you in postures i see you [Music] oh no i didn't see grid runners what is that one about no one come in no one come see no one come see hmm damn it nico this is oh my god oh there's two dead uh la who is on the sensors and i'm pretty sure [Music] someone just passed by um because they just like they were flopping over wait she was she was oh i thought you were reading logs i thought we were about to go like long i think this is a uh bait kill here i think that's why who just kept hanging around logs easy way to base one killer and she has information not just white so junk where are you just at i am in admin admin oh okay yeah where are they myself and i just walked in there i don't think i said yeah i think you're the jester um yeah same place i'm saying i roll and i'm gonna get shot and they think i saw a veil that's what you get from being jester i saw a vent flap in o2 and i'm pretty sure ahri is something i did i i i what the freak he was the guy who just killed the who that's why i was trying to be like i know who didn't i didn't want him to know that i knew but he did okay then i want to test something i'm not the engineer obviously you knew well then i think you're a jackal or sidekick then because the impossible nothing in general if you venture might have just uh oh he probably took jordan's feet well no he probably took jordan's pain he gave me his chest okay um okay okay i'm i'm i'm not i'm not evil i feel like we probably got one out though yeah let me skip oh my gosh oh no i should have said something oh oh he was the evil guesser okay i was scared that like someone guessed junk at some point [Music] i am 100 the worst guesser in this game i am percent of guessing it wrong since this this uh mod came out 100 percent i don't think i've ever done it is hilarious i'm less confused there's so many dead people i'm a lot less confused now that i see who's alive so was it um was ari your partner no no was she no she uh i don't know i voted her what did junk do then huh he so he passed by cara while she was alive and i was in an event and then i killed cara so i blamed him wow i i thought she was a jackal or sidekick well best of luck to you sir yeah i'm not i'm not gonna mute there's no point in muting there's no point no point oh look lights are out this is a real pressing issue [Music] i don't know how to defend myself up in the back come on z you could do this you got this z here we go you didn't hop in the vent hey look at that good job nice junk i knew it was you cara was doing her little wiggle on people trying to uh wiggle back at this time nope i know i was an arsonist i didn't know if she was the best and then i go into the chat and scarge is just trying to convince parker that he's better than me and they're a better match again oh well oh man oh man i like heroes that's esther oh never mind okay guys such a bullish never mind huh yeah i guess i can't wiggle anymore oh my god i guess it doesn't matter now no no nico no huh i just i saw him over um what sucks is who shielded me and then i go like ah yeah i was off it and then my shield goes away and i'm like oh no so i go back to where who was and she's dead where is this hotel oh it's running away [Music] yeah i was coming in behind you and then i i think i saw someone running away i think it was red like bright red um it was uh because i know where i'm at you're ready to see my electrical electrical no i was um down i'm wearing straight down your salmon from drop ship he did run straight down yeah i'm not red i'm like i didn't see red run away you're like a fish yeah i thought i saw a lighter color it might be sparkly then or it could be scotch i'm in drill [Music] and she shielded me she was medic she shielded me and then my shield pop not enough information i wasn't waited you go though because you didn't cut back a million clears it's not in my mind i just don't know which yeah i i did i am i left lab and i got to above storage i see you in yeah it's probably just a marvel nico oh [Music] jesus jesus christ ari is something that can see she's she's gonna try to shoot me i know it alright you need to get the frick away from me girl get the frick away all right go ahead who's in specimen right now not me and cara yeah i can come from that no one wants to come clean huh because the killer's in the specimen raph is dead going in the specimen decontamination the clouds like the door was about to open was that yuzi yes and there was one person ahead of me one cycle gotcha just killed raph but did sparkly do it no i'm behind him then oh you're i didn't see oh oh one cycle going into specimen ahead sparkly's incriminating himself wait what if what if lp was the uh a raf was the uh bait that there's no universe where that happened does anyone buy those they would have vitals i didn't see nico there though yeah no i just ran to o2 it looked like a pinkish color to me behind you so i i saw a little bit more what like i saw someone going down when i was coming in to the left last round how would you see more if i was trying to chase them hold on aria listen last round i ran straight down to weapons ish shab saw me running down right by this you go down there but yeah yeah okay then someone morphed out you or something because i swear i saw like bright red and no one's bright okay where are you inside your hat uh you you vote me if i say i actually don't remember i don't want to vote ambulance all right ari you're [ __ ] dead you're dead you're on my list [ __ ] you're dead you're dead girl you've seen too much ire you saw too much i gotta bump you off now where is she oh has is dead there's ari eating dunkaroos he's been dead for a wee bit is this in storage it is oh i think this is sorry then what it's live weird outside of storage for a little bit why are you choosing so weird i'm an admin who was just on um uh cameras me really okay so really i keep getting those two colors confused really i know i i do i think he was i think he was evil guesser shad looked like he wanted to kill me thank you i think this is either you know what i think this is either ari or junk because i saw junk on the node outside of storage i did i'm so okay with voting all right i did and then i went and then i went and i went to my every round i get stuck and i don't know how to defend myself because i don't want to tell my role that's good yeah you got to defend yourself another way okay i'm going to skip but it's not we are on seven what if the evil guesser is not because of that i'm going to skip i mean that's true might have just been guessed in which case that's not good yeah exactly [Music] what why that was my fault but you know i'm not the guest right now well we don't know that we don't know that no the rule of thumb does not apply in this mod definitely not i do think junk is evil though i think junk is one of them i'm going to be very careful around junk where's he going where are you going junk office lab i'm gonna leave him alive because lady junk just passed over each other okay um i can't be the only one left right the camera was supposed to add 10 pounds not 10 years so i guess it's a miracle that you don't look a day over 21. happy birthday cara i knew it i didn't know it so uh i always say that but i didn't really know it then they flop of uh left side literally just like i saw her body flopping and i just chose the wrong direction to run it was great all self-report but okay so where did you know i walked in on scotch like standing over here back like i and that would be such a weird thing to do that i don't think it's i don't i don't think it's sparkly because i checked no no sparkles yeah sparkles was on sparkles was on cams 100 cards maybe she just checked maybe rainey was on cams when i entered and then rini left when i got on and really i passed rini going into admin when i came out of admin and i went up because i wanted to see who was on cameras so i went in there saw sparkles then i went over the lab again and then i came back because i saw the cameras were off i went oh [ __ ] i hope nobody died in there oh sure over there oh short oh short oh sure way to go junk uh i said short what are you talking about yup and i said uh oh short uh somebody did over there and nobody and then you sparkles wasn't in there so the body where is exactly is a body in admin hall right smack in the middle of the hallway wait a minute i saw rini going in there then yeah nobody was dead and then i left you with her outside of left side office i checked vitals nobody was dead i went into labs and now i'm in space jesus what what is this i don't think it's rooney get this off of me i mean you did suggest the evil guests are still alive are you voting yourselves a little sauce i think junk's gonna try and share okay you realize you're the jackal and that's why you're trying to defend nico yep i knew you had imposter vision because you saw that that's why i'm running from you you're on my list sorry i was going to kill you but then someone was leaving yeah and people you were around people too much you know i was gonna like kill you but then i realized wait cara always like suspects me so let me like try to like pretend to protect her or something and then no i knew you weren't trying to protect me no car's not that easily fooled and dead oh not bad oh run run sparkly run okay oh wow didn't kill sparkly [Music] nope take the shot junk oh where is he oh there he is uh what i was saying before though nico thank you for killing me so early on because it really gave me a chance to go sulk and eat my dunkaroos for the first time since elementary school i bought a pack of dunkaroos and i'm very stoked for them what's it dunkaroo again they are like the uh little cookies that come with the funfetti icing and they basically their mascot is like a little uh i yeah i did it i get it oh holy crap [Music] not gonna bother checking vitals uh so okay oh wait a minute i thought that was a long run okay so where's everyone right now because i like on three or something and i'm just hitting the button i think that my report button just flickered as i was running up i was going between office and electrical entrance running by the the comms thing and i think my report button just flashed and yeah chuck just seemed so surprised though like i feel like because i'm looking for you and i can't find you anywhere are you looking for me because i'm a sheriff and i'm going to shoot you uh i think c is innocent so that would be about it i was in specimen i came right out of specimen i hit the button but you went into specimen ages ago yeah because i was on admin and the doors closed and your name was just hovering eyes were on cams for a while and i kind of trusted him he'll use sparkles she he she could have killed you more than once no i know i i i kind of trust yeah sparkles i don't know about the rest of y'all i lean towards junkyard i'm sorry wait you think it's i'm a sheriff junk they're lovers uh what they're loving i wish i were a lover that'd be an easy win that would be you guys trust each other way too much right now well yeah we've been on cams like multiple times together we're together that's why z hi junk no why would you vote me i'm a sheriff i'm a good guy junk oh my god uh is he the jester he has 100 digester i have to be oh my god i just gotta kill somebody before i gotta die cause i'm gonna die i think reedy can go no well she thought he was dressed around me no no he's got shoes no he was looking for something oh really rainy just wins because junk gave his role as long one butt joke and then yeah he just has to kill someone and then report yeah yeah yeah yeah reporting guys here it goes [Music] okay so there's not lovers it is rini it's it's rini all right which one of you am i gonna assassinate [Laughter] take your pick i mean honestly you you know both roles you know both rules you do take your pick i say i say try junk because i don't know if he's actually sheriff he sounds like you're a sheriff i mean i'm more confident i am i am getting the i'm getting worse and worse at this stage should have shot rini man should have shot rini i couldn't i was looking for you why do you want to kill me when there's a killer a foot i mean you were the foot i thought you were the killer i'm doing clock suggester plays john classic i hit the button oh look you can't stop like if he actually shoots oh no wait i could have just guessed him okay okay yeah okay yeah yeah yeah bye everybody bye it's nice knowing you guys nice knowing your junk oh you go for it you went for me yeah she totally marinated you i know get marinated so much really big anytime she could have killed you and i was like all right i can't think it's her that's why the more i play this game the worse i get him he was gonna me too me too it just gets tiring using the big brain you know i'm sure it's time to sure for someone time to be a sure anyone dead no one dead yet i'm too sure [Music] sure yeah sherf got a sherf as a junk one's to kill whoever comes near me about to surf i'm gonna sheriff so hard i'm gonna sheriff so hard i was shooting i was shooting what happened that's a lot why are you just blocking the bodies i was spamming cute and killed what the [ __ ] raft did it nope nope i was literally spamming my cue and clicking on the kill button what the [ __ ] just happened what did you see so in cafeteria you just said like you come to raph's defense here i'd like to come here uh rainy yeah i think you're right barry manahi cap so anyway in cafeteria you just had shab and i think it was really just like you know standing trying to they were standing over body where is where's the body i'm sorry i'm sorry kitchen kitchen not cafeteria you know raff oh cause i ran out i ran over it in there either so funny okay i ran over it i fixed lights in viewing deck saw a dead body and then i went to go do my tasks you know he is doing his desk he's up in i just passed drunk in meeting room yeah in the meeting room that's what he's doing so with the two people standing over the body like to i don't comment anything at all uh i was just rocked off the bottom i was just protecting harry's dead body you know keeping it warm and stuff yeah i mean yeah i'm just trying to see if they like saw anything or you know i don't know anything about it they were not on admin is trying to mention though yeah we were chad and i we're on anime table while the lights were off and then we came down there was two people in there there was a lot of people down there there was three at one point one on dealing deck one security oh there was one on viewing deck i thought maybe they were there yeah that was me yo who if i had a button i'm beat you should kill z i'm bait you should kill me oh yeah rini's definitely jester no i'm not i voted he was the baby i think anyone else voted you well why didn't chad vote with you then i don't know because i skipped right now what oh my god i'm so mad what happened i was spam i was uh standing in a like killable spot spamming q because i'm sheriff and like somehow i still got killed i was i was spamming that button like a mad lady you know i will say like um i feel like to get the kill you have to like move yeah like move on to them which is unfortunate but that's what my stream was saying too yeah i feel like every time i try to do that as like sheriff i always die or even like imposter or something not shab or scotch easy yeah okay okay so argue was last seen in the photo room two words double kill i think very say um why do you think several killers are the two bodies right there they're not but sparkles and i were walking through main hall into engine i went up to do my wires and then as i was coming down i saw the uh and saw an o at the end of a name and then i went over and then i saw ozza dead on top of oh my god it's junko he hasn't said anything i got nothing sparkles why would you say that no he's dead in armory that's where you did it lahu it was above armory it was like in the comms hallway all right good enough it's just too close to sparkle's body yeah two kills i'm an electrical two kills i only i told you sparkly arsonist sparkly left me in main hall lights got turned back on i went down it's raffle it's raffle it's rapping okay i'm actually more inclined to vote wrath i voted um no all right luhu i watched your kill in round one on the spy oh wait there you go you've done a good job of making me think you're the bad guy then exactly i am did she try to guess her impossible wait did you try to guess your imposter buddy is the spy lahoo sorry did you try to guess your imposter buddy as the spy junk yeah bummer i saw you like standing out there on the thing and i'm like cars something this car is something that's going to try and take me down i was spamming cute the whole time which is why i was like i gotta get her i gotta get her first god damn it [Music] we got a trickster too who did it i saw a big box in comms oh no no no no well it's not z it's not scotch and it's not me well you better take that so then that leaves me you're better too why oh because your child is walking off a body [Music] main hallway where is the body inelectrical that is yeah that's a morphling then because i'm with junk and z how did he get which means it just has to be shad i didn't chunk it literally has to be a morph yeah cause i don't see how you could have gotten over there that fast for the record i haven't seen scott that's what i'm saying she's lying and oh my god no no no he's [ __ ] around he literally spawned on me every round he did it again this could all just be a made-up story i don't know i don't know what happened are a little all over the place right now it's concerning what did you see i voted for you oh no should you know what i'm gonna keep my my vote to myself that's a good choice skipping then you [Laughter] that was hundred percent bad guys that was all bad guys you deserve this loss you all deserve this i thought you were a lover for a little bit i was the one i'm sorry i thought we were all bad people yeah you were you're all bad following me they were just through two jackals than an imposter oh no oh you're passing on me was so weird i was like uh i walked in i saw that i didn't have any tasks what's that like all right let's do it you're my guy now dreaming oh chef is so small wait what the [ __ ] come here z come here is that's so crazy and then i passed by rini and sorry characters so confused so rainy why'd you do it well before you say anything shab and i have something to say we were all in med bay and then i think ari kills junk and then z kills ari and then shabb and i are we're just like what just happened so i can confirm that junk was the first one dead because i was on cams happy birthday chad jeff can you confirm unless chef how are you i didn't really see cause i was scanning but i i then got off of the med bay and tried to just get out of there who was on vitals i was yep and ozza came in from left side office uh no no no what car said is what happened 100 yeah all right well i think we're hurting right now i don't know what happened to this part of this meeting oh so rini probably killed z and then tried to blame me so i voted i opened the bottom door to go into security you're three feet away from the body as i'm crossing you i guess that does look a little sass so i mean unless you killed them in trying to you have a name nico uh i think nico might be jester nico was all the way over why did we do it oh lord why why guys [Music] i skipped oh my god oh my god oh my god both impossible today everybody i have a very serious question for you all yeah when you look at my logo what do you see you're low-level wait right let me get the captain's tacos logo yeah like a c right oh yeah cs i see a cs okay you don't just see an ass it's not just an s i see mostly in s i i see a c with like a line under honestly okay i've just learned that apparently half of my chat thought my logo was only an s and i'm i'm having problems no how did you use that logo for like 10 years i i'm close to that yeah and apparently everyone has thought it was an ass like the way that somebody would see that as being an s is if they like grew up doing that superman logo where you do all the lines does it look like the superman logo superman superman's chest that's cs yeah what i can see yeah you know people might think you're superman i see a cnns i don't know what they're talking about i can kill arie [Music] i decided to do my o2 tree before i reported it why is it always you too they didn't kill you in these situations are you lovers with shab and then he killed no i can't keep getting away with this i'm voting one of them i just don't know strawberry i'm not going down with you chad i really like the descriptor fluorescence i did it i really like that color we were all just hanging out why did you kill him why did you wait wait did you see him kill rainey yeah yeah oh okay all right i'm still having a crisis so i am just going to go along with everybody that's all right i don't know what's going on you're the only one who's right jordan what's happening is that because the like circle of the logo is outlined in red it looks like the red of the c and the s are also an outline which means that the empty space in between is yellow looks like a yellow ass but i think it's only because i don't see that look on twitch who they like they see it's really small on twitch primarily right i think that's where the issue is but then i'm also like i thought most people came from youtube and it's very clear on youtube yeah it depends on how you view the negative okay yeah i guess i can see the negative space being an s i can see that i always read it as it looks like a cnns small on my phone and then i was like oh you could read that as an s that's pretty cool too but i've always heard it as a scene me too literally came in and reported a body healed really killed though she killed it what you just said you did uh what is one of them jackal i need p poor jordan he's used that logo for so long and he never realized that people can't read it right so hmm that's a lot of people that just came out i was gonna kill aza oh either the baby is bad or cara wait what someone that came in from lab where's the body what i'm not the body the body's in the hallway i'll wait lab i'm literally i just went to top bottom decon i thought she was still in lab and uh not cara okay um well sparkles got the the megaphone what do you got i i ran into the hallway lab and there is a body there i did not i spent most of the time since i saw junkyard that round not seeing people um i did see people i can tell you i can tell you it's not scourge it's not rini and it's not nico true they were all together it's not nicole yeah no nico came in from bottom deacon well no wait did he cause they because he passed over me in specimen from behind yeah okay nico went in from bottom and that was right now weird am literally standing doing absolutely nothing and i'm hiding nico came from he he was a specimen he crossed over me and specimen coming from lab specimen but i don't know where i don't know because i finally got a roll where i don't have a gun and i'm scared shitless shortlists shortly come on man that's a lot of subs i got a vote drunk for that i earned a skit because i said short i actually kind of the those two people that just put a junk is that you car no i did because he demonetized me i did it for the same reasons well now i got kilozza excited by the raid countdown what raid countdown maybe we just gotta kill really fast here yeah uh i decide not to kill her i should just killed her ah dang it it's not cara not rainy i need to know where let's i want to see where everybody is right now because i saw something and i want to see if what what people are vital admin table just came off of vitals crossed over sparkler okay you had to think about it i'm a little guilty on him all right go ahead me and me and rainy are in lab are you two yeah smart okay so then it's nico no i'm a good mini i swear no you're not you weren't eating that's what all the minis say i can i can prove it all right because cause literally this just happened um i passed cara and and then something happened that made me want to turn around and go back the other direction to go see what happened in the area where cara was and i found cara where in lab that's the opposite side of the map that's top right on bottom left i understand that but you know one pouch that you're there uh i just saw shoot who was it um i did just see i think it was either one of the oranges oranges i don't think i saw you oh no i'm an admin yeah i came from oh no i mean you guys can shoot me but i'm not correct and if you shoot me then you should shoot someone else if we're oh wait are we calling an ambulance no he i don't think he can no that wasn't oh he didn't self vote okay or maybe i did the chaos of it all wait where did you die car blab in lab i i don't know why junk is just believing them but if jordan can get a good kill on the lovers he has a chance of bringing this back but i'm not holding my breath here yet i i just just put a hit on him in a lover's chat oh uh i just came out of weapons sorry for button flash and hit it all right here's i i i trust g scotch from uh from our specimen hang earlier yeah that that means yeah right oh yeah you were doing science that's right pink was in there too i think this has to be the orange man the one who reported the body no the dark orange man why i'm about to fix lights i like the orange man he's orange it's somewhere outside of weapons but have you noticed that his orange has become slightly darker and more corrupted oh yeah yeah that's because that's because i definitely got sunburned by the blood uh okay so i was not there um i'm running into fixed lights which side and where uh from from bottom o2 um so where are you two i got walked into um what's called storage and then i was opening up uh the outside of the electrical i'm just i was using uh-huh i could but before i went and sparkles was outside outside of what storage i what wait when was i outside of storage well if you're on your way to fix lights then you have your storage right yeah no not if you're going for not if you were an o2 i didn't kill this welp rip in pieces oh i mean you were bad right and you were in love yeah okay wait junk hold on junk my body was in lab and ozo said him and rini were in lab what no they said yeah they said they were in lab and the body was alive dang it yeah me too i thought junkyard was a jackal yeah and the blue flash happened that's why i came back yeah i never even heard them say they were in lab i didn't even hear them say that oh my god anyway [Music] [Music] all right thanks for watching everyone make sure to like comment subscribe and catch it live at twitch.tv corvus goodbye
Channel: Kara Games
Views: 7,268
Rating: 4.9029126 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft lets play, vanilla minecraft, funny minecraft, kara corvus, kara games, corvus, streamer, girl, girl gamer, cute girl, callmecarson, captainsparklez, smplive, smp live, antvenom, smpearth, wilbursoot, technoblade, philza, among us, dream, amongus, gumiho, among, tubbo, tommyinnit
Id: HpQgJpbDyEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 28sec (9688 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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