Subboor Ahmad is a Whiny Toddler Coward

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Hey everyone. You might remember a recent reaction  video I did on some Muslim apologists. It was a   solid three hours of me showing how they are  clueless toddlers who couldn’t pass a middle   school biology quiz, off the top of my moderately  inebriated head, despite their confident   giggling. Well they’re not too happy about it! The first thing they did was a very long Q&A just   a couple days after I posted the video, where they  spent 90 minutes complaining about how mean I am.  God willing, actually I’m  going to send him this clip.  What we need to do is bring him in front of a  live audience, where live audience can interact   with him, where I can put questions on him. As you can see, they mentioned the idea of   challenging me to a debate, but of course then  never contacted me. Then they made the video   private, probably hoping I wouldn’t see it. But  I think their brainwashed flock must have kept   bugging them about it, because they decided to  puff their chests up again with this little gem.  So we shouldn’t get happy that Professor made a  three hour video. He’s a charlatan. He’s a high   school teacher who makes YouTube videos, right? Awww! Straight to the slander and ad hominems! No,   sweetie. I used to teach organic chemistry at  a university. And when I started my channel,   it consisted of my university organic chemistry  lectures. You don’t need a doctorate to be a   professor, and I’m not a “high school teacher”,  I’m a full time science communicator, and you’re   whining about the name of a YouTube channel  because you have nothing intelligent to say.  Right, he debated an actual professor,  James Tour, and James Tour humiliated him!  Oh was I humiliated, Subboor? Which  part was that? Was it this one?  MR. FARINA! I think what you mean is   that I humiliated James and further exposed  him as a lying apologist fraud, but you’re   a reality-denying toddler, so you flipped the  result, and just whine about “personal attacks”   because you’re incapable of discussing science. And the video that we made was made last year, so   obviously this has been on his mind for some time. No, this hasn’t been “on my mind for some time”. I   don’t care about you. Some people sent me the  link to that video, and I knew it would be so   pathetic that I could debunk it as a reaction  video with zero preparation. So I did that.  And so I’m gonna offer him fully paid trip to  the UK, hotels, flights, everything covered,   anything else that he wants covered  will be covered as well, inshallah,   for a debate on “Is Darwinian Evolution a  Fact?” and “Is Intelligent Design Science?”  Wow, that sounds great! Did you wanna reach  out to me personally to discuss that? Oh,   you’d rather grandstand to your brainwashed  followers? Because you’re bluffing?  He doesn’t even have a PhD, and he  has the audacity on other people,   claiming that they’re misrepresenting stuff,   when he himself is in his very title  claiming to be a professor when he’s not.  If I was wrong about you misrepresenting  science every time you open your mouth,   you’d be busy refuting literally anything  I said, instead of continuing to whine   about the name of my channel and pretending  I didn’t teach at a university, which I did.  And the way that he attacks other intelligent  design proponents, like Stephen Meyer and Michael   Behe, who are all academics, who are all,  you know, people who have published stuff.  Published what? Books full of lies?  They’re fake academics. Just like you.   They don’t deserve respect and neither do you. Anybody with two brain cells would look at the   conversation between you and James Tour,  and say you just made a fool of yourself.  That’s funny, because everyone there who  wasn’t a science illiterate moron bussed   in from Jim’s church club was cheering for me  as I humiliated him right to his dumb face.  And when you take people like this from behind a  screen where they feel confident, and you bring   them in person, and you put the heat on them, you  stick it on them, that’s when these people melt,   and that’s when these people really break down and  you can see how faulty their arguments are. So…  The fool said, talking a big game from behind  his computer screen. Yes, if you were to find   the courage to debate me live, you would melt. I wanna see, I wanna see his reaction when he’s   making these claims, and I actually wanna ask him,  how can you shamelessly call yourself a professor?  Kiddo, if you want to debate me on scientific  topics, you’d better come ready with more than   whining about the name of my YouTube channel.  But we both know that’s all you’ve got,   or you would have said something scientific  by now. “They do insertion, deletion!”  I’m going to do what James Tour could not do. Tell the truth about science? Mmmm, I doubt it.  But James Tour still had to, you  know, just stick to the argument.  Oh did he have to stick to the  argument? Is that what this is?  MR. FARINA! The funny thing is that as much as James   is a complete liar and fraud who offered nothing  but incredulity and pageantry the entire debate,   he does actually understand chemistry. So it  was genuinely challenging to expose his lies   in real time. Multiple times he just flat  out lied about papers I presented him with,   and it’s not easy to counter those lies in real  time AND make the audience understand how he’s   lying. You’re a science illiterate moron  who can’t discuss biology at a 9th grade   level. So if I humiliated James that badly,  what do you think is going to happen to you?  This guy has no idea what they’re talking about,  and that’s when their public demeanor and their   decorum all falls apart. Because they’re in front  of a live audience and they’re getting humiliated,   right? And they start stuttering and  they start doing all those things. So…  The level of projection here is so intense I’m  actually starting to pity you. You’re clueless,   I will grill you on basic science, you will  fall apart in front of a live audience.  This guy has no respect for people who believe  in intelligent design, who, that’s enough for   him. That basically for him means I can talk  to this guy like he’s a child, simply because   he believes in god. Well, I believe in god. You act like a child, so you get treated like   one. When you pretend all of biology is wrong  just because you’re too lazy to learn about it,   you deserve mockery. Intelligent design isn’t  science. Sorry. And for the thousandth time,   it has nothing to do with a belief in god. I don’t  care that you or anyone else believes in god. You   should drop this talking point. It will backfire. I’m gonna probably take out this   clip and send it to him. Are you going to send this clip to me, Subboor?   Are you really? It’s been a full 24 hours. Too  busy to send an email? Or maybe you’ll make this   video private too and hope I don’t see it? We are extending the olive branch,   and we are being generous enough to invite you  and pay for your expenses. Come here to London   and have an engaging discussion, since you are  the so-called professor, the expert in the field.  Yeah, guys, this is the fourth time you’re  saying this to your army of sheep. Say   it to me, if you aren’t scared. According to this generous offer,   in which you will be paid to come,  and you will be able to enjoy London,   enjoy the sights and scenery or whatever, and  enjoy what you like to do which is have a debate.  A fifth time! You’re so generous  and charitable when playing pretend!  If he is actually as confident as  he makes himself appear, he should   have no issues with being fully generously  paid for travel expenses, and coming here.  Yeah, I don’t have a problem with it.  Which you would find out if you were to   actually email me like a big boy. Do you  have any idea how disingenuous you sound   when you keep repeating this over and  over again to yourselves and not to me?  Whatever silly justification that he will… My feeling is he’s going to   reject it. That’s my feeling. Yes, I know you are hoping that’s what happens,   Subboor. But tough shit. I’ve never been to  London, and I’d love for you to pay me to go   there and humiliate you right to your face. And  since you puffed your chest up this much, you’re   kind of stuck now. So I look forward to your email  where you will be outlining how funds will be   transferred over to me in order to book my travel  to foggy London Town. Alright then! Cheerio, love!  Donkey sounds (which are being made by the two  creationist idiots in the video, to be clear)
Channel: Professor Dave Explains
Views: 122,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subboor ahmad, the muslim lantern, muslim apologists, quran, evolution, darwinism, intelligent design, james tour, professor dave, debates
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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