[SUB]完全不踩雷不掉漆?在地人林莎帶路吃高雄「七大美食」!| 林莎.李易 SuperTaste New Taipei | 食尚玩家瘋狂總部 完整版 20231228

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Kaohsiung arrived... I arrived at my hometown, my beautiful hometown, and I went home again. Brother Yi got up. It’s impossible to sleep in a fake sleep. I’m not sleeping in a fake sleep. Get up quickly... Kaohsiung has arrived . How about we have no theme? What do you mean? Why are you back in Kaohsiung? What do you think of Kaohsiung? There are so many delicious foods in Kaohsiung . We have been here so many times. First of all, let me ask a question. No need to ask. I will tell you . You can just follow my footsteps because I have prepared a lot today. There are so many great restaurants in Kaohsiung, but there is one problem. It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to use it. No problem. If there is any problem, then if you want to tell me, tell me quickly... These are the top seven must-eat delicacies in Kaohsiung. I will take you to eat them today and then turn to Paint the walls , what are you talking about? Hurry up! Life is too short to listen. You are really good. Anyway, this is the top seven Kaohsiung delicacies that I will never let you step on , and I will never let my paint fall off . Then I... It doesn't matter, just sleep well and wait a minute. Follow me and I'll take you to eat delicious food. Let's go. Kaohsiung 's Top Seven Food Overlord Seafood Meal . Bone Broth, Comprehensive Winter Noodles, Shantou Hot Pot Casserole , Fish Head Super It's delicious. The winter limited edition rice cakes, porridge, noodles, tea, iced roasted mochi, and grilled black flakes are just like this. It tastes so fragrant. It 's so delicious. I can't stop. It's so delicious. Living in Kaohsiung is really a blessing. I can't still be sleeping, right? . Wake up... I know you should be hungry. Let me tell you about the first one. I will take you to Kaohsiung first because the one you love is the first among the top seven , and you only know it in an alley. But it is not in an alley. Because it has been open for 40 years and there are so many people. I didn’t just tell you that good food waits for no one. I just want to ask a question . Does it have a toilet? You really don’t need to ask if there is a toilet... If you want to go to the toilet, don’t tell me early that you don’t. Give me a chance to speak. It 's such a simple question. I'm telling you that next time you need to go to the toilet, just say it. Okay, okay. If we don't go , it will be sold out after a while. There will be a huge queue, so we must go quickly. This is really in an alley , and let me tell you, although their noodles are beef noodles , their noodles with soybean paste are really delicious . Yes, there are a lot of people here... I finally found a location in the small restaurant on Kinmen Street. Come on, hurry up... I think it must be delicious before you eat it. Let me smell it for you . Can you smell it... This is very fragrant. Can this not be fragrant? It's very fragrant. In fact, you know that I think a beef noodle restaurant is delicious. The key is that in addition to the noodles, it is actually a side dish. Every one of the side dishes that are cut now is very fresh , and everything looks super delicious. If I come here by myself, this is the side dish that I will definitely order . I cut some of my favorite braised meat platters like this , but I think the pig scalp is delicious. There are also many people who don’t dare to eat pig skin , but their pork skin is processed very well. My mother loves it so much every time we come here. I also order a lot of braised side dishes, yes, and then you can add a little chili oil. The braised food is really delicious , but I want to eat it first. Let’s eat the noodles first . I really can’t wait for the noodles. I can’t wait for the delicious food . And yours is wide, right? I heard It’s also limited edition, right? Their wide noodles are very good , and because their noodles are all made as you just saw, there is a noodle making place inside, where they will grind and cut them freshly , and then like this noodle, maybe 11 o’clock It's open , but maybe it will be sold out at 12 o'clock , because they open until 2:30 , so of course if you have noodles, of course you can order noodles. Do you want to share a small piece with me? No, please beg me. Okay, no, then I'll eat this . .. . I have a lot of questions for you. I ordered it myself. I’ll order another bowl. Hurry up. Eat this fried noodles. It tastes different from the ones you usually eat. It’s true because I’ve eaten it before. It actually looks very dark in color. But you You can also see that the noodles are a little translucent and bright. This handmade noodles is really delicious. I also like your beef noodles. I eat the beef quickly. My impression of the beef is that it is moderately soft and hard , that is, it is not too whole. It's thin , but it still has a little bit of beef tendon feel. You 'll know after you eat it. I think you'll like it. I like its texture. And its soup and noodles are actually different from what I imagined. How can I say Manduo ? Because I originally thought that this situation would have a stronger taste , that is, a really strong taste. But I found that it is not a very strong taste, it is a beef stock soup. Boss lady, this soup is yours. The bones are boiled for a long time. It has been boiled for several hours . The bone broth is then boiled with the cut beef and beef pieces . And there is a new one, right? Because I have never seen dry wontons before. Children's innovation. Children's innovative dry wontons are right... You can join us too. It feels a bit like Chaoshou. You can mix it up. It 's similar to Chaoshou . There is fried sauce on it. Is it fried sauce? It's fried. Sauce, a little chili oil. If you want it spicy, add a bit more spicy. This one is what I said before. My favorite is the kind that is small but full. Yes, I remember it. You need to add chili oil . Ah, the spicy oil will really make the whole level different. If you dare to eat spicy food, you can add a little spicy oil , and the spicy oil is very fragrant. This kind of spicy oil is made by yourself. There is another important point. I just saw this. Do you like to eat fried pork ribs ? This fried pork ribs are fried to order and braised the day before, right ? And their soups are very delicious. Like the pickled mustard pork soup and pickled mustard pork soup I ordered. It's also the boss lady, they have specially processed it . I just took a bite and the pickled mustard in it doesn't have that kind of pickled mustard at all. It may have a bit of a sour finish and some of it is not done well. It is salty and some of it is not done well. It tastes very thick and silky, you know? It is tender and tender , and it really smells like eating vegetables. I have been holding an umbrella for 40 years . Then you need to hold an umbrella. Why are you holding an umbrella? Otherwise, you are afraid of the heat. Ah, what do you mean, right? You are shouting this and needing an umbrella. I don’t understand . But we have crossed this love river. This side is the love river. Do you know? I know. I want to say what on earth are you going to take me to eat ? It is on the Internet. It was very popular before and then it was compared to it because it is a dessert shop. Yes, happy. Now this season happens to be in season. Is December and January the most delicious time? I heard that they recently launched a new one. It’s not called a strawberry baby, it’s for a baby. It’s similar to what a baby baby eats. The baby can also eat it , and it uses that kind of banana as its cake body. So for parents with children, they will go out to buy this flavor like this. Because there are relatively few people doing this, I'm looking forward to it because after all, I haven't had a good one. So it's in the Yancheng area. This famous dessert shop is actually very retro. It's a bit like a record store. Hello, boss lady. I heard about you. The cake is one of the top ten must-eat strawberry cakes in Taiwan. It’s so awesome. Come on... Why ? I just heard the boss’s introduction. Basically, I really want to eat this cake. Which one do you mean the strawberry one ? It's strawberry, because when the boss was talking just now, I think he said something that completely moved me. I told him that when he first started making this cake, he didn't have a major, so he just wanted to say that everyone just wants to eat strawberries, so I set it up. If it’s full , it’ll become popular, right? Since you really want to eat it, I’ll cut a piece for you first. Apart from the fact that there’s so much on top, it’s really full. It’s also the middle layer because I just thought Usually, it's usually the outside here and then maybe a little pudding in the middle, right, some other fruit fillings like this, but it's even inside, really, how much is on the top is how much is inside? It 's real stuff, I think, because it's like this It's seasonal, right? You all use Taiwan's Dahu Strawberry, Dahu Strawberry? Yes, you know at this time, I will be very envious of people whose birthdays are in winter. Why, because my birthday is in August? I can't eat strawberry cake on my birthday. Ah, no, you can do it for Lin Sha’s 100th birthday next time. It happens to be 100 days after her birthday in November. It seems ok. Yes, why do you sound a little weird ? I’ll give it to you. You just told me to cross the bridge . It’s just a gift of a 100-day cake. It’s weird. Yes, you know that the privilege of winter birthdays is to have fresh strawberry cake to eat. After the 100th day on August 21st, I will order a cake for you to eat as you said. Okay... Well, I can accept this cake because it’s for children, right? It ’s a baby cake, it’s super unsweet , you just eat it, it’s sugar-free, you just eat this fresh strawberry, this cake, this sponge cake is also delicious. Oh , and this whipped cream is so pure. I don’t know how to put it... Why do you want to make a baby cake? Because when I gave birth to my child, he was just 1 year old . I wanted to make a cake for him to eat and to take pictures of us. But it is suitable for children to eat. After I finished it, it turned out that many mothers needed it and launched it . Their baby cake, as you just said, is not very sweet. It is sugar-free. I think it is OK. I must try the strawberry cake. I bought it here because the boss actually just chatted with him because the time we were recording now was around November . In fact, Taiwan is too hot now and many strawberries are not ready yet. I can only use high-mountain ones . But in order to maintain the quality of his strawberry cake, the boss actually One kilogram in Gaoshan is now very expensive. One kilogram now costs hundreds of yuan . But he has not raised the price because of this. He just puts down the best ingredients and raw materials within his standard range, so I think this is very powerful. This place is delicious. It's OK. Next, I want to eat this . I've just been watching it for a long time . Because... why are there pineapple buns here? You know, because the proprietress is from Hong Kong. It's right for him. I want to combine that pineapple bun with their dessert because pineapple buns are usually filled with cream. Put a butter like this. Ice and fire pineapple pair. Let me try it for you. It’s my first time to eat this kind of pineapple and pineapple oil. I have a lot of varieties. It's ice cold, I think it's delicious. Compared to this one, I think the pineapple peel is a little sweet, but I think the middle part is iced and then the cream and the pineapple peel are all mixed in . It's a little bit icy and cool, but it's not so moist or crispy. It still has a little bit of a crispy feeling . And they started out by making cheesecakes , so you see they have all kinds of cheesecakes . The flavor is Tokachi, Hokkaido , because my favorite thing to eat is cheesecake . It's really a simple cheesecake with the following biscuits. The taste is very American and country. It tastes really good. It has many flavors. You can try it later to see which one is right. But I personally really like strawberry season because after all, the limited quantity of this kind of thing is really too early for girls , so I think everyone will arrive in November. If you see it in about 5 months from 3 to 4, come and grab it. There is really a strawberry cake . If your friends who live in Kaohsiung want to chase Lin Sha , remember that November is 100 days old on his birthday. Will you buy a cake for him later ... He will be very happy. Yes, the strawberry one... The strawberry one , and we can order 9-inch ones here. Audience friends, Lin Sha can tell. I've been relegated to the cold palace. Oh, that's not right. Why are you sitting in front of me at this stop? I want to take you to a small store now. You go to a small store. I want to go to a big store. I want to take you to a restaurant. Which one do you want to book ? Listen to your top seven hotels. Our hotel is great. Let’s go to a famous hotel in Kaohsiung. Please listen to it . Kaohsiung famous hotel is a long-established five-star hotel in Kaohsiung. Everyone in Kaohsiung knows this. Then you are wrong. Oh, it means you come back to Kaohsiung often and you haven’t updated it to the latest information. In fact, the famous hotel is considered a time-honored brand recently, but it has actually done some renovations in the past few years. The renovations on the floors must be specially for young people like us. Do they have a hot pot restaurant in a high-rise building ? I'm telling you, this is... Yes, I remember there was a hot pot restaurant with a view... Yes... Your body looks really good, right? How about it, because we'll wait a minute. Is it true or false if you want to eat it... Because in fact, you can see the beautiful scenery of Kaohsiung from the landmark in the famous hotel area... So whether you are a resident or just go there to eat. Everyone can enjoy that view. I think it’s pretty good. Sister Sha, we’re here . We’re going to take a look... How is the modification? Hi, hello, hello. Hi, hello. We are food fashion players. We are here . Right for us. Food players welcome you. You have worked hard all day today, so I want to take you to taste the desserts and drinks in our cafe first . I heard that it has the style of Internet beauty. What is special about this cafe is In addition to the desserts we ordered today , it is open from 11:30 until 9 o'clock in the evening. It also has some hot food, such as pasta dishes, cakes, and drinks. It is really like an ordinary cafe with Western food and coffee. It's the same as the restaurant, so you can eat at any time in the afternoon. It's a set meal. This one is delicious. This one is lemon. It's just right. It's sour and sweet , a bit like lemon frost. It feels right, so it's sour to me. They all use seasonal fruits. For example, there is cantaloupe right now. This is the cantaloupe cake. And the cake body is the kind of soft sponge cake that I like very much. ..Then the cream is not sweet, which is not bad. I am very surprised because we are staying today , but there are actually shopping malls on the 2nd and 3rd floors here. In fact, many people come here specifically to just have afternoon tea. Just have a drink and relax. And after eating, are we going to get a room? No, we have to take a look at the room to see the renovated room. 500 00:14:49,221 --> 00:14:48,988 Here we are. Who are you here? I am 2503, I am 2505 , this room is yours, right? You are here... Next door, you are Lin Shaye 03, Yeah, next door, next door, what does next door mean, what is disgusting, what is so close, I will post a limited message today to talk to my fans. Look , the photographer is really horny . He immediately ran over and everyone ran to take pictures of him. That’s why a Kaohsiung man came to stay in a hotel in Kaohsiung and didn’t go home. It was beautiful. It was completely different from where I lived before. It's so new , and I think this color has a very high-end feel that I like very much . And our bed has an extra feather cushion, so it will be more comfortable to sleep on. There is an extra feather on it . Look at how cute they are. You are very considerate. Welcome to the warm and warm Kaohsiung. I also have my photos. And you are so considerate. I saw this. It’s so cute. I went to look for my photo again. It ’s super cute. It’s so thoughtful. This photo looks like a photo from 10 years ago. What 10 years? This photo is obviously from 3 years ago . It's so cute. I don't know what Brother Yi 's room is like. It should be the same as my room. I'll take a peek . It's very considerate. Mine is bigger than yours. Is it right? I'm twice your age, that's impossible... If it's a real bathroom, it's a flexible space and can be locked up. If you have friends living with you, you don't have to worry about embarrassment , so it can be moved all the way to the right and we can lock him in. Inside , we can be careful about your hands like this. I said this section is so realistic. You can’t carry it with you. What a rubbish photographer. He even locked him up . We just agreed to divide it into two sides. Okay, divide it into two sides. You never mentioned it. Say which way you want to go, you just don’t look back. The two people who helped me fix the lights went to Lin Sha. I really want to say, you are really disgusting, right ? You can enjoy it well. It’s okay even if there is no bathroom. And then the point is. My favorite thing is that you know that when I stay in a hotel, I must have a sanitary toilet. A sanitary toilet is really important. Did you see that snack just now? I did. I saw it as soon as I walked in. I was so touched. Yes, you are. What is it? Mine is a macaron. Mine is a 3-inch cake. Yes, it’s true. It’s double-layered. It ’s true. That’s it. Take it out and look at it. Let me look . Folks, it’s a strawberry. Yeah, he's going to be filming now. Look at his acting skills. You only have two cans of water. I have a box. Yeah, we also have whiskey. It's really beautiful after the modification, right? It can switch between different light pairs , and there's makeup . I have to use white light on the side so that the painting won’t look like a ghost. Lin Sha can come to the live broadcast . Why do you already have shower gel over there and you want to give another set here ? This is the exclusive room type and we will prepare different brands separately, so it’s .. .If it is a room type like ours, there will be an extra travel group. If he wants to take my things away, do you want to steal mine? You haven't said it just now. I haven't thought of it since you Okay, he just made a gesture. After the camera was taken, I didn’t expect that I wasn’t the one who left to eat hot pot... I’m not that bad. I’m not that bad . I’m the head of the three-handed group in the crazy headquarters of the food-loving player . He’s the one who doesn’t have it. I don’t use it. I also have a bottle in my room . It’s on the 30th floor. Today is the 30th floor. The shooting speed is quite fast. Yes, the break wasn't very long. Are you sure they've finished filming? It's so beautiful. Yes , it's actually different from what I imagined. I originally... you thought it was a restaurant. I just said that here. It’s a landscape , so you can sit by the window , and the landscape on both sides is also a hotspot for New Year’s Eve if you don’t want to crowd around with other people , because you can see it from the north to the south , and there are fireworks before and everything. From this side, you can see the skyscrapers facing... Come on... It's too ridiculous, isn't it? There are only two of us , there's dry ice and so on . What kind of seafood is there on the menu ? This is an exaggeration. I can't even count. I don't know how many. It doesn't matter. I read it to you. It has Boston lobster, king crab legs , extra large clams, grouper fillets, white jade clams, white shrimps, angel red shrimps, live abalone, small rolls, oysters, and king crab. You have to hide your feet in the back, yes, there are too many, yes, there is no place to put it. There is no place to put it here. Apart from this , in fact, there is a saying that he will help you shell the seafood and then let you go down after it comes back. Cooking it saves you the trouble of peeling the shells that girls sometimes have, right ... Then let's ask him to help us deal with it , otherwise we really don't know what to do. This is the state of the table. Thank you, they are really all It is advertised as very natural , so the color of the soup you see is actually made by the master using fruits and vegetables. I think the base of the white soup is also more special. It uses pepper, pork belly and chicken, so you can choose it. Then we chose a kombu, there are several types. I just saw... kombu, kombu and bonito stock , and Kyushu chicken bone soup , and then there are Nanyang style or spicy pot and sand tea pot base. I want to start with it. Is this meat good? Which... do you add some or...good? This is the Yeping... this meat looks delicious. I want to ask you why you keep boiling meat for me because I only have meat now. You can wash it off . Then why don't you eat it yourself? Do you want to eat seafood ? You can start by talking about whether you like to go to amusement parks. You are such a little person. You are very strange. I'll let you go first... This is a Lady. The concept of first is good, don't eat it... I'll take... you can eat that, eat some vegetables, don't want anything, it's very rich , and do you know the reason why you should eat more vegetables ? Because after eating this, you can add more. Okay , I don't need to eat meat. I still have a lot of seafood. You can add more because they only have this seafood meal because they just said it serves 5 or 6 people. So after you finish eating this dish, you can add some more... Yes, it's very considerate. It doesn't matter . I still want to eat my seafood and meat . Your seafood is mine. Did you just say my seafood? Yes... OK, I will take it seriously. You ate the seafood first. You said my seafood. Hurry up , but I can't finish it by myself , yes, hurry up, and it's really considerate. Look at that table. The shrimps are all peeled for you... all the shrimps are peeled for you. Oh my god, they are peeled so beautifully. I'm so honored. Look at how to peel this tail. I really want to learn. Why can the tail be peeled off so cleanly ? It's amazing. It's so fresh. And one of the advantages of it is that after you remove the shell, you won't be able to make soup again. Then the protein that has been soaked and cooked will not always come out , and I think this angel red shrimp is great . In fact, I think my personal experience with some hot pot restaurant owners is that you have to finish the shell before cooking. Is it true that the shrimp meat cooked by it will not be so pink ? Because generally, when it comes to angel red shrimp, everyone will think that if you cook it with the shell on, the meat will look like pink. Is it true or false? But this is not true. Yes... I didn't throw one just now. So you throw one in ? Is it really because of the shell that the hot pot restaurant owner told me ? They said it was because of the shell. This is what I heard. So if you say When cooking angel red shrimp , you can remove the shell first and then cook it. If you come here to eat, you don’t need to remove the shell. They will do it for you because some of our seafood is actually raised. In the kitchen, things like lobsters, shrimps , and live ones like the nine-hole ones are fresh, so they taste more tender. In fact, there is this here. At the end , he will help you cook the porridge because we all You know , in fact, when eating this kind of more delicate shabu-shabu, you will end up cooking a mixed dish , especially seafood, and then put this in . And while you are talking, he has already peeled it all off . You see, he is really good at it. It's all because the ingredients are actually fresh enough. When peeling them, you can pull them out whole. We don't need to touch any shells. Really , and even the lobsters... There is absolutely no need for dipping sauce. Don't dip it in the sauce and really bite slowly... Is it because we haven't eaten lobster for a long time? Because I think lobster is so delicious. First, I think it is cooked just right , and then the super Q bomb is full of the umami flavor of lobster. I want to keep the rest. Why do you want to stay? I'm telling you , you have some seafood. Don't rush to eat it because you can scrape these things in when the cook comes. Then your seafood porridge will be It's very rich, you know, but once you take one bite, you'll want to take a second bite, so I want to save it first . Oh my god, it's so tender, so tender. This... and the king crab, I haven't eaten the right king crab yet. Their main specialty here is king crab , lobster, and live abalone, etc. All kinds of fresh seafood are all on a whole plate, so be sure to have one of each for you to eat. You can see how fresh it is. You will eat it immediately after picking it up. Oh my god, can I use all the good ones? I won’t today because I think it tastes a bit too good. If we come to dine here, we will end up with this soup , and then use a new soup and make another one. A bowl of mixed-cooked porridge made me feel like I had to eat the last bowl of hot pot. It really feels like an ending . Take a bite first. The original version with crab paste is really delicious . The shrimp paste is shrimp paste and shrimp paste... it's really delicious and a new feeling because we used to eat more delicate shabu shabu. Most of the pot is cooked with the soup from the original pot, so there will be no extra soup , so the taste will be thicker and may be a little more complicated. Although it is delicious , it is very light . The taste is quite good, yes , and after he put a little bit of the shrimp paste in, I thought it was just right. But I seem to be more accustomed to the seafood , so I have to pour my seafood in. I also have it. We just prepared this one for me. The eating method I shared with Lin Sha is that when I go to eat this exquisite shabu-shabu , I will save a little seafood because it is impossible to keep it every time I finish eating , and then borrow scissors from him to cut it into pieces like this. Then pour it in, and you see, mix it in and upgrade it. You see how powerful this is. The whole bowl looks like this. I think it’s okay. This is another feeling. You know, so my suggestion is to come here and you can eat it. It depends on how I eat it in my own private house , and every bite you take is different. The bite I just took was smoked. My current bite is abalone, so all seafood has a different taste . I think the time-honored brands are delicious . This will give you a new feeling. Besides, after we eat, we can take a walk and look at the night view. It’s really from Beigao to Nangao. Just come here . Have you seen my partner? I’ve been waiting here for a long time. Where did he come from... Hey, where are you going ? I'm going to buy this. What kind of famous braised food ? This is what I want to bring back to Taipei . Just tell me . I'll help you deal with it. Why are you doing it yourself if it's real or fake? It’s okay to go and buy it because I like to eat it. There are several items in it that I always come here. Whenever I come here, I will eat it here. I will take it back to Taipei . I confiscated it first because I want it. I 'll take you to eat here at Qixian Road . I'll give it back to you later... Please, I'm tired of eating it, right? I'll give it back to you . I'll tell you how delicious the rice blood is. Do you know that I love rice blood so much? Come and eat, aren't you tired of eating... How do I know what you want to eat? There is one on Qixian 3rd Road. I also grew up eating snacks . It is a famous snack bar with winter noodles . I like to eat winter noodles in front. For fans of powder, there are also offal. It has a lot of powerful offal, real and fake, pig offal and the like. Can I bring braised food in to eat it? You hide it, hide it, you hide it in your belly and you are not allowed to eat outside, right? You're hiding in... Without you hiding here, don't pull my clothes. This is such a big room. Have you ever been to this room? I haven't been here . There seem to be fewer people who eat rice noodles. It seems that in the south, rice is better than noodles. Hello ... Hi, I'm here again. Hello, boss lady. I'm sorry . It's his first time here. It's his first time here. I brought him here to eat ... You shouldn't be full of braised food , right? No, braised food is. I bought it and wanted to take it back to Taipei. This is the restaurant. When I come here, I will definitely order a dry glass noodle and a soup . Sometimes when there are many people, I can cut it into plates and also have their signature preserved vegetable... I One person can eat a whole plate because it is not overly salty and very appetizing . We often go to noodle shops and rarely have dry winter noodles. This option has dry noodles and dry rice noodles , but it is really rare to see them in stores. Dry winter noodles , so I order them when I see them , but usually they have dried meat sometimes , but they have their own seasoning and I will add it... mix it together, make sure to mix it well, I will Everyone eats it like this. It looks good , right? Do you want to take a bite? Put it on my plate . It’s too high... I can’t take a picture. It ’s too bouncy. Wait a minute. It’s too bouncy. It’s too high... It’s good. Theirs The combination of bean paste and black vinegar is really delicious in Kaohsiung flavor, because it is not greasy at all, right? You know, it is not meat jerky, and it has a refreshing meaty flavor , and you add this vinegar to make it even better. It’s very pleasing. It’s sour and sour just right and very appetizing. Just a little bit is good. Really don’t want too much, just a little bit is good. Then what I ordered for you is the mixed rice noodle soup here. I just looked at it and it has pork liver, pork heart and kidneys. As for the pork, the pork is all very tender. I think the offal is delicious. It’s really one of our top seven delicacies this time. I want to eat the preserved vegetables you mentioned. You can do it. The pork is also delicious. It’s great . The preserved vegetables are delicious, aren’t they? It’s very sweet. I’ve rarely eaten preserved vegetables that are so sweet. This kind of preserved vegetables is delicious. It’s really the signature ancient flavor. I have a bowl of this here for you. What is that? Why don't I know what it is? What is it that I just secretly ordered ? Bone broth. Bone broth. Because actually, I like to come to the south to eat that kind of bone broth, bone broth . Do you know? Usually they are picked into small pieces , but every piece here is so big. Look at the bone broth, this one is very... It looks super tender, and the boss said that you can only make less than 30 bowls of this a day. Then I think he should have specially reserved it for you, because at this time we are here, there should be no more. It should be a little bit more tender and softer than mine. I like this, it tastes good, yes, and here it is. We go to this area because there are a lot of delicious food nearby , so there are really desserts and drinks nearby . There are also a lot of delicious drinks nearby. You know when we celebrate the Chinese New Year in Kaohsiung, there is a Xinle Street where many people will go shopping. Then we Every time after shopping, I go inside to enjoy the air-conditioning and then eat. It feels like the Chinese New Year. This store means to me that this episode will be aired soon. When the time comes, my friends will follow this itinerary and walk around this place. It seems... is it familiar? There is Sanfeng Middle Street near this place. We used to buy New Year’s goods and then go shopping. Chaocheng accompanied my grandma to that Zhongjie Sanfeng Middle Street to buy them. But I rarely come to this market. What are we going to eat? According to reports, there is one of the top seven in Kaohsiung. If you want dessert, it is dessert. In fact, it is the first choice for Taiwanese afternoon tea. Everyone will like to eat some. Babaobing, rice cake porridge, and then some mochi, red bean soup, and the like. Is this right ? It’s been an old store for more than 60 years, and there are a lot of people here... Hello, boss ... .Hello... I saw this is only available in winter. It is more popular in winter, right? Yes, only in winter, there are winter things. It is limited in winter. Then it is rice cake porridge. Kaohsiung people love rice cake porridge very much. For example, everyone eats eight-treasure ice, and then the red bean and peanut series , and there is a signature here. After eating the ice, everyone will order another roasted mochi, mochi roasted mochi, which is also commonly eaten in the south. What do you recommend? Yes, I have roasted mochi rice cake porridge here. I ordered noodles and tea ice. I’ve never tried the old-style noodles and tea ice. I really want to try it. Let’s see how it works. I can only think that you live in Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung people are so happy. It’s the end of November and you can still eat shaved ice. You eat it so fast because it’s too hot and it has this ingredient. I really want to eat it. The boss is next to us... The one you ordered is Babao Babao. Yes, there are eight kinds of ingredients. Yes, eight kinds of pineapples are delicious. Pineapples. I thought they were sweet potatoes, pineapples, pineapples, and pineapples. Then there are also sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes. The pineapples are very fresh. Yes, because we cook them freshly. This is very delicious. Fresh pineapple, you eat the crispy round ones? Yes, crispy round balls... When you taste them, you know they are freshly cooked because they are very fresh. The fiber and pulp are really delicious. The crispy round balls are also my favorite. I just asked the boss to add more ingredients to the crispy balls. They are super rich. They are more QQ than QQ balls. I ordered rice cake porridge because of the aroma of longan. I felt that I must eat it. Although you think it is very hot now , I still want to order a bowl of this winter-limited pair. And you didn’t eat it for the show. You said you wanted to eat this as soon as you came. You didn’t order it. I just heard the taste of the pair. You know it’s scooping. When it rises, a little bit of rice wine will be sprinkled on it. In the winter, the little bit of wine aroma has a unique aroma. It is delicious. It is really happy to have a bowl in winter . We rarely eat this . How to eat noodle tea iced noodle tea iced just stir it, stir it a little bit, make it moist like this, eat it wet and stir it... It tastes better this way, more fragrant, the Taiwanese word for the boss is really wet. Boss , but it will keep flowing down. Is this the way it is? It will keep losing fans, okay... In this way, I can't eat it. You can eat it. You have more fans. Yes, I can eat it. You can keep losing fans. I can't do it. I don't have you as a fan base. You can eat more ... I don't want it. Wait a minute... They all fell down. You can lose fans. You can keep losing fans. It doesn't matter. You have 1 million fans. It doesn't matter . Is it like this? Right... This way is the best for you. It's the most delicious like this, yes... it's so delicious. Oh my god, I think because I'm a person who thinks that the opposite tea is not special, I have to eat it because I think it's bitter and has that nutty taste , but it's like this After the seeds have changed, it is sweet, and then it is not as rich as peanuts , but has the aroma of nuts. Boss, this noodle tea... you fried it yourself . We all fried this ourselves. I recommend that everyone here must have it. Take a bite . I have never tasted this taste before. I have never tasted this taste before. It tastes delicious. I recommend this. It tastes great. I think this is super recommended. It tastes so good . It tastes so good. I can’t stop. It’s so delicious. Eat, this is very strong. I think you can see it. It is full of chopped ice and then sprinkled with flour and tea powder. It made us both like... It was amazing and people were full of praise . Everyone really has a lot in Sanmin Market. It's delicious, but I'm here just to eat this bowl no matter what. There's also roasted mochi. Wait a minute. Burning mochi needs to be explained carefully, because there are 3 or 4 previous programs that have already taught the same method. There needs to be a new method of teaching. Oh just the appearance of this powder . The particles of peanut powder seem to be not as fine as the ones I have eaten before. It has a little bit of graininess , and it’s very Q. You can tell by just cutting it before it bites you. Very good Q... it's obvious that the taste must be very Q, because indeed, if you look at it, the peanut powder is actually crushed peanuts. It feels delicious. I understand. It's an old store that has been standing for 60 years. Look at it. It’s overcrowded, right , and it’s open until 11:30 in the middle of the night. I know why the boss is so delicious. It’s delicious. It’s much more delicious than the two of us making mochi in Taitung. Please don’t tell us what we are talking about. Don’t tell us. I'm really cool with this mochi. I think this time I will put this store in the top seven of Kaohsiung . I want to recommend it to my friends. One of the top ones is that it's delicious. Let Lin Sha learn from that. I 'm so shocked that I also think it's delicious. I want to learn from them. You see, Zeng Ziyu is so delicious. Brother Yi, let me tell you because there is another one here in Sanmin Market. This is what I just told you. I know you want to tell me. What? Because I just said that I came here. In fact, I have been here twice in my memory . Because we have actually filmed many times before. Are you going to take me there? I first guessed whether you are going to take me to eat a grilled black wheel. How do you know ? Because in fact, I know so many grilled black wheels in Kaohsiung . This is the first time I have eaten there. I think it's delicious. Let me tell you that Kaohsiung's grilled black dumplings are really great . If you go to a place leaving Kaohsiung, the grilled black dumplings must be written as "Kaohsiung black dumplings"... There are some comparison options in Taipei. There are many salty crispy chicken restaurants, and they will definitely write about Kaohsiung Black Won or some Black Won slices, etc. I will tell you about the most amazing Black Won in Taiwan and the most delicious Grilled Black Won, Fried Black Won, etc. It's this one in Kaohsiung ... Let me make sure it's a well-known black wheel shop. I know this one. Hi boss, hello. I'm asking if this is the one where Chen Yirong used to come to buy . That's it. Is this the one? Because when I first got to know Kaohsiung’s Black Luncheon, my friend took me to eat here. I remember it was in Sanmin Market , but I forgot which one it was. The boss was too busy. It’s too busy. There are so many people inside. Yes, look inside ... Thank you. I like it the most. In addition to the grilled black wheels, there are so many people living in Kaohsiung. I am really happy . You can see the handmade ones at a glance. Compare here. Thick and slightly thinner here, you can taste many different textures. It’s very fragrant. It has this taste, and in addition, the purity of the fish paste is very high. It doesn’t taste like powder. It’s Q. We are a group like them, that’s them. The most popular grilled items are these three grilled black noodles , black noodles and rice noodles. I have been eating rice noodles all day today. When I was eating glass noodles in the morning, I went to buy the famous braised food and also ate rice noodles. The taste of this one is completely different from this one , but I personally still like this the most. I also recommend this ancient flavor, this favorite , and the large intestine wrapped with small intestine. The glutinous rice intestine of Little Prince is hand-made in Kaohsiung. Afternoon tea has always been like this since I was a child. The Kurowa stall under the tree , and then the Kurowa stall under the arcade after class. We... Yes , because usually we have a restaurant that really knows how to cook and bake Kanto. Yes, some stores will also have this , so it really feels like after school. The afternoon tea is very good, yes, it is so rich. The food can really bring back memories of a certain time and space. I actually just really enjoyed this sweet and spicy bite of this black cake. As soon as I took a bite, I instantly went back to the memory of when I first came here and ate the black cake in Kaohsiung for the first time. That feeling was their oden ingredients. There are so many. This is just part of it. I just saw that there are so many choices for oden on the menu . There are all kinds of them... Hey , why did you suddenly raid us during dinner time ? Let me tell you about the seven must-eat foods in Kaohsiung today. The top seven is the only one that the two of us have reached a consensus on... It's not the only one. We all have a consensus on the list. For example, the only list we mentioned that collides with each other like this is this one, because in fact, I always recommend starting at the beginning. Are you the same... and this one was brought to us by Lin Sha. We have been here before and I just asked him how many times you have been here. He said it was just that time. After the introduction, he said he didn't come again. I said that I won because I came 4 or 5 times later ... Wait a minute... Let me first say that before the introduction was completed, I came 10 times, but we were after the introduction because of the modification. You were before. It was before the modification, yes, it was the first time I had this kind of treatment, one person and one pot... That's ridiculous... Is it true that we have no differences in the Big Eater Competition? No , no, we are just... that thought We ate so much that we didn’t agree on the hotpot here. There were many choices, like mine, which was a casserole with fish head, and then later this Chaoshan hotpot, etc. Because this Shantou hotpot, their sand tea is super strong. At the beginning , they made this casserole fish head casserole. They must use a lot of sand tea. Their sand tea also won an award this year. They have won the award 3 times for 3 consecutive years, so it is very good to dip it in a little bit of their special sand tea. Great, I've told you before. Don't think about your weight when you come here. Just dip it in the shacha sauce. After dipping it in the shacha sauce, go back and talk about the rest. That's right , because in fact, I usually don't dip it in shacha when I eat hot pot . But come here. When I go to Shantou, I will definitely dip it in sand tea. Look at it. The meatballs are also super big. Each one is made of real ingredients. This one is a seafood ball. Seafood balls are like shrimp... I think it has shrimp paste. I also like that the shrimp content is very high. Today we ordered the whole beef. Wait and see . Don’t look at this fish head casserole. People who come here to eat will regard it as a hot pot. So any extra things you order can be put in and cooked because the soup will not be as salty as the fish head we usually eat in casserole. The umami of the fish is completely cooked into the soup and then it is The taste of sand tea has a strong and thick aftertaste , and it is not overly sweet. Moreover, this pot of sand tea casserole with fish head is so good that they have vacuum bags and some chain supermarkets. They also sell their fish head casserole. After rinsing the meat, I will rinse the one closer to me. This one and that beef short rib are just ordinary fish head casserole . Everyone drinks it as a soup. But here It is to let you drink it directly instead of drinking it as a soup. Eat it as a hot pot. Like what we just saw on the menu, there are so many. There are Korean , Hong Kong, and preserved eggs. In fact, I think it is here. It’s very good, because generally we eat a lot of Shantou hot pot, and most of the meat is relatively biased and the selection is relatively small. Most of them are just what kind of beef the store prepares for you , so you may not be able to taste it here. You may also be able to eat beef. You can eat the short ribs all the way to the wings and eat several parts. I don’t know that time. I don’t know that after that time you came secretly so many times. I came many times because I might... I really don’t know. You came to Kaohsiung so many times because I am not as busy as you. So I can come to Kaohsiung very often. Come to Kaohsiung, right? Don’t you all go to Taichung or something? Taichung is relatively close. Sometimes I just come down to Kaohsiung ... why do you want to change the subject to eat some beef gourmet ? What do you mean? I didn’t change the subject. Ah, he is afraid that I will continue to ask. I don’t have... I have a lot of friends in Kaohsiung, so I will come to Kaohsiung to hang out. I want to introduce this to the audience. I introduced it last time. Last time it was the online version. I want to eat right. That’s not right, because most of the pot dishes we eat are scientific noodles, udon noodles , and very few shredded chicken noodles. Let me tell you, you can pick it up later and add it to the sand tea, which is a bit like dry noodles. It feels like you add it with sand tea or chopped green onions because their shredded chicken noodles taste different from those outside . It’s a little bit Q, a little bit right, a bit right, and the noodles are a little thicker, and then you mix in their unique sauce. The tea is super delicious. Wait a minute. Make a bowl and see. There is also this bubu pot with many clams. Is this also a hot pot? Is this a dish? It is a dish , but you can drink it as soup. After mixing it for a while, you can drink this soup. It’s so good. It’s cooked really well... I really want to eat some of this shredded chicken noodles and make one... Yes, do you want some? Yes, but I want to mix it with sand tea. It's so spicy, so perfect ... Come on, come on , come on! 1462 00:46:29,054 --> 00:46:26,418 Do you think I can't mix it? Do you really think I can't mix it ? Put some chili pepper for me below. You are wasting noodles and annoying. When the audience watched the broadcast, they knew that there was a voice next to me that kept asking me to talk and to film. He really thought that I would be stupid enough to just pick it up and eat it. Someone said it. Doesn’t the tea need to be mixed? Help me take a picture of the one with the handheld camera. He asked me to add it. It’s delicious.
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Id: bBFyJx0w1yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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