[SUB]以軍陷加薩地道陷阱?陸四千億大單贏麻了 新聞大白話 @tvbstalk 20231013 (字幕版)

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When we see the Israeli-Palestinian war, it really makes everyone's hair stand on end, but we don't want it to happen in our own place. The latest developments include the shooting down of a Hezbollah drone over Israel , which will be close to the villages in southern Lebanon, Israel . Thousands of residents have fled their homes . Israel has launched large-scale air strikes on these two airports in Syria. Syria has activated its air defense system in response . Israel has assembled a large number of tanks on the Gaza border to prepare ground troops for the road. In fact, they were already gathering one after another yesterday. As they continued to advance, the Israeli army launched flares over Gaza to provide lighting for the attack , so the Gaza corridor was completely blocked. There was no electricity, no water, no food , no medical supplies. So what I saw on the screen was that the Israeli government had recruited 360,000 reservists to threaten. The ultimatum issued under the unprecedented response to the Mas invasion was actually probably the one issued this morning , requiring the people here to leave within 24 hours. The 1.1 million Gazans must leave their homes and evacuate within 24 hours. Go , otherwise I won't care and will kill without mercy and continue to bomb the ground troops . All the 1.1 million Gazans are going in. Where is he going to evacuate? Egypt is now sealing the border. Do they want to evacuate to Israel? Will Israel accept it ? How to take them in and how to get out. Is this really true? It is a big question. How can we take into account the humanitarian issue now? Is the Israeli military trying to make excuses when it is famous? This is a lot of different angles to think about because after Blinken visited Israel, the Israeli military expressed the brutal atrocities committed by Hamas members. Who is left with the concept of ISIS, the most hated organization in the United States, which has its flag here, so it means that Hamas is worse and more terrifying than the Islamic State and must be annihilated to the end. After US Secretary of State Blinken visited Israel, he also mentioned Hamas Mas' crimes are likened to the Islamic State, so U.S. support for Israel will never waver. Israeli officials said that the next so-called retaliation is like dealing with Hamas, just like the West treats ISIS. We do the same . Don't say I am inhumane to you, the United States. Is this the same way? So when it comes to the fact that Hamas has a secret weapon, let’s take a look at a news picture published by this related organization on the Internet. It shows 400 kilometers of underground tunnels filled with various traps . Many hostages may be locked in these underground tunnels. What are there? There are rockets in underground bunkers. There are also a lot of supplies and even food that may have been secretly passed through such tunnels. Today, when I visited Israel, a representative stationed there was once our ambassador. In fact, it is because the United Nations communiqué of 818 divided their land like cheese, so there is no way to have passages between countries in their own territory, so they might as well make some passages and underground tunnels themselves. What are they used for ? Those who had to transport supplies were forced to come out. Unexpectedly, it has now become a gathering place for Hamas. This place has a 482-kilometer underground tunnel system, which makes it difficult to carry out the subsequent guerrilla war. There is insufficient intelligence to fight, so the United States still FBI special forces were dispatched to carry out the rescue operation. The hostages included people from all over the world. In fact, the tactic of underground tunnels is what the US military should be most afraid of. It has historical experience. During the Vietnam War, the Communist guerrillas, the Viet Cong, used village tunnels to destroy many people . The U.S. military, who thought it was safe , suffered heavy casualties and got stuck in the mud. These large underground tunnels not only store ammunition and materials , but also covertly attack the U.S. military . It can be said to be a nightmare for the U.S. military. But now, after entering the territory, how to fight the Gaza Corridor ? It makes no difference to Israel. The attack has now caused a very dire situation in the Gaza Strip. If you look at the picture, you will know that the picture is of 6,000 rockets bombed by Israel. This is issued by the Israeli military. It can be fired at any time , regardless of residential or any place. After being blown to pieces , there were also targeted bombings. The most densely populated areas were the refugee camps and mosques. Mosques were also said to be strongholds of Hamas. Are there ordinary people in Hamas strongholds ? Of course, many families were destroyed and people were killed in these places. The bombing was almost an act of annihilation, which is why the United Nations special rapporteur said it was a crime against humanity. The population of Gaza was being wiped out. Albanese said that there was no progress on the issue of establishing a humanitarian corridor in Gaza, and there was no way to proceed normally. The reason why everyone was asked to leave was because Western countries supported Israel unconditionally. Before the hostages were released, the Israeli Minister of Energy used this method to threaten them and asked them to release the hostages. He said that as long as the hostages were not released, no power switch would be turned on. If the water supply switch is turned on, no more fuel trucks will enter Gaza. Israel will continue to blockade and bomb the Gaza Strip. So when the British Sky News reporter connected with Israel's former Prime Minister Bennett, he asked, " Will you cut off the entire Gaza corridor?" After electricity, it will cause tragic situations , such as what to do with a baby in an incubator. Cut off the power supply. The life-support system has been shut down. The former Prime Minister of Israel said that he would choke the reporter. What's wrong with you ? Didn't you see what happened to us ? Of course, when we are fighting the Nazis, we will not provide water or electricity to our enemies. There are only enemies here. Of course, there are also ordinary people. The current polls in Israel show that its political situation is very turbulent. As you know, the polls show that there are 56% of the people and public opinion demand that Prime Minister Netanyahu must step down after the war and take responsibility. This means that from the initiation of the war to the subsequent handling, the people are not satisfied . What does Professor Yang think of the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian war in the past 24 hours? It is really an impossible task to evacuate 1.1 million people within the country. The message is incomplete. It is correct. The message this afternoon was requested and confirmed by the Israeli military. He didn't talk about it for 24 hours. He asked the 1.1 million people in northern Gaza to move south . Instead of leaving it, it is equivalent to cutting it off. It is to first target these cities in the north , especially Gaza City. It's in the north , so they ask you to move to the south of the Gaza River . But everyone, if there are 1.1 million people in 24 hours, this movement itself is so contrary to humanity , and there is no gas, and the car can't drive. You can't walk. You see. Look at the bombing of the road like this, right? So, this is confirmed by the Israeli army. What does this mean? In the next few hours to a few days, it will move its troops into the northern part of Gaza , which is what it looks like . This may also be a smoke bomb , because it may pass through a tunnel or directly enter the southern Gaza in a focused or beheading manner, because it knows that when this message comes out, Hamas will definitely move with it , so this is a current The latest news , do you know that 1,500 civilians in Gaza have died due to air strikes ? This is confirmed , and this also includes 20 personnel from United Nations agencies. Therefore, the United Nations is called this UNRWA , which is UNRWA, which is the Palestinian humanitarian agency . It has been Move completely southward or even evacuate most of the people, for the sake of the lives of the staff of its own United Nations agencies . BBC In the past two days, a Palestinian ambassador to the BBC and the UK was interviewed. The BBC host kept asking him, do you condemn it? If you don’t condemn Hamas’s behavior, do you condemn it or not? He explained that when Israel is attacking us in Palestine, in the past 75 years, every time our civilians have been injured and killed , and the ratio is 1:21, did you BBC come to them? Come and condemn them and ask them to do anything like this . Everyone, think about it. Imagine that if you were to be reincarnated today and you drank Meng Po soup, you would forget your present and your past. But the King of Hell also gave You have two choices. Are you going to choose to be an Israeli or a Palestinian? How will you choose? It is very clear what everyone will choose. One is a science and technology country with an income of 55,000 US dollars in GDP. There is such a situation. One is supported by the West. The other is in Gaza . In such a place, 2 million people are crowded and deported. Is it the largest open-air prison? Apartheid. Which open-air prison do you want to choose? This is called the Veil of Ignorance. This is called the Theory of Justice. This is the most important key to the Theory of Justice. So when When you are talking about terrorist attacks, can you commit crimes against humanity just because of terrorist attacks ? But don’t talk about the United States. When you attacked 911, you killed 4,000 people. Of course, the whole world was sad to support you , but when you attacked Afghanistan, 20 How many civilians died in Afghanistan during the year of occupation and you used this reason to attack Iraq. How many tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of civilians died. Is this proportional? Is this just? Professor Lai, right? The situation is getting worse and worse now because of Israel. This action of ordering the military seems to be a fact. The United Nations has expressed strong opposition. The Secretary-General of the United Nations has also called the Israeli government and their leaders and believes that this is inhumane and that you are going to kill 1.1 million people. Withdraw south of the Gaza River within 24 hours. The first one cannot do it. The second one, Hamas, said that we are ready for all kinds of battles with Israel , so the Palestinians must have confidence in them and not move, so stay where they are. In such a situation, we have seen that it is a tug-of-war between the two sides. If the Israeli military cannot enter after 24 hours, if the Israeli military enters and enters the Gaza corridor , the problem lies in the Gaza area. There are more than 1.1 million people moving in the north , but not the absolute majority. In this situation, civilians are mixed with Hamas , and Hamas has set up various combat turrets in the underground passages of various military facilities. After Israel enters , in order to protect its own safety and annihilate the enemy, it is very likely that it will fire indiscriminately as ordered by their defense minister. Shooting indiscriminately will definitely cause heavy casualties to civilians. When these scenes are played again and again, I believe that many people in many countries can no longer sympathize with Israel because Israel’s bombings in the past 6 or 7 days have injured more than 6,000 people in the Gaza area. The number of injured in the wave attack has doubled, and the number of fatalities in the second wave has also exceeded the Israeli death toll. So that means that Israel’s retaliatory actions in the past 6 or 7 days have actually doubled. Theoretically speaking, you have completely In retaliation, you have killed and injured more innocent people , including many children, and you still want to go inside and carry out massacres. Under such circumstances, I think many governments that are completely supportive of Israel will be under increasing pressure. Generally speaking, the governments that are completely supportive of Israel , except for the DPP government, are also the US government and the British government. However, European countries have adopted a balanced attitude . On the one hand, they condemn Hamas, and on the other hand, they urge Israel to do so. We must abide by the laws of war of the United Nations. We must not cut off water or electricity. We must not use this white phosphorus bomb on innocent people. They think that if you Israel violates the laws of war and violates these rules, They have no way to support Israel. I think they are trying to balance this situation, so they decided to stay in Israel for 24 hours and see if Israel wants to send its army in. Once it does , I think the situation will fundamentally change because the US attitude is very It is clear that Blinken is also very special. We saw the picture today in the news. He came to Israel and told him that I will give him my full support because he has Jewish ancestry. He said that we have vivid memories of the experience of massacre in the past , so we will definitely give our full support. What support can we support? Should the massacre continue? Because we know that there are a lot of Jews in the entire U.S. business or in many high-level elites, so the U.S. makes such a statement. We also know that the closest country to the U.S. , besides the United Kingdom, is Israel, so it supports it unconditionally. But then, because Israel is now I think it was very angry when I was raided, just like when the United States was attacked on September 11, it was very angry. In order to explain to its people, it immediately wanted to find someone to vent its anger on. Of course, Hamas is the one to vent your anger on, because that’s what it does. 911 was not done by Afghans. Bin Laden was not an Afghan , but he was implicated. It has been occupied for 20 years and Afghanistan is unlucky . It means that Americans think it is good. Arabs are the same anyway . But this time, the situation is more special . These people in the Sa Corridor have actually been under house arrest by you for so many years. In fact, they are unable to move. Every child is a refugee when he is born. He has no place to go and he has been suppressed so much. It means that This is a reaction of people who have been suppressed, suppressed and exploited for a long time, so many people around the world sympathize with him. The most serious sympathy for him is that many Arab countries have publicly stated that or Islamic countries such as Turkey , Malaysia, etc. The two sworn enemies in Malaysia, Anwar and Mahathir, both spoke out in support. They are sworn enemies in politics, so you can see how it could become like this. So if it comes down, the United States itself will also have to consider your instigation. In the Russo-Ukrainian War, your enemy, do you think that we mobilized the elites of Europe to fight against Russia without using its energy to resist its goods? Now you choose a battlefield. What is this battlefield? The Taiwan Strait. Look at what we just mentioned. Are you still going? How about tracking the Shandong ship ? The second big enemy that provokes you is mainland China . Now you are looking for the third enemy, the Arab world . Can the United States sustain it ? So the United States itself must also consider it. I think this war actually makes As you can see, all wars are everywhere and will happen soon. They are all unexpected. The same goes for the Russia- Ukraine war. The same goes for the Israel-Palestine war. The same goes for the Taiwan Strait. If we follow the DPP's approach, what will happen if it happens ? I'm afraid that those four words will cause the gun to go off. As long as someone dies, it will be out of control. Because in that rage , all the bombardments and all the tragic wars will happen immediately and absolutely cannot be stopped. We Kinmen people know best how to be authentic. Dear friends, we use the entire Kinmen Tunnel, which is a few kilometers from Kinmen High School to the station. We all know how to walk. You know what you do when you walk underground in that kind of war , to avoid or to ambush those things. The fragile Taiwan must not go into war. Of course, the Western view is to fully condemn the Palestinian attack. However, some voices from different angles are also speaking out about the Israel-Palestine war. For example , 34 student groups at Harvard have signed a petition calling for Israel . Wall Street executives are responsible for this, so they call out to these students and ask you to publish the list and we will never hire them. Why is Israel responsible? Why does he support Palestine ? He believes that Palestine has been oppressed for a long time and has humanitarian concerns. Therefore, they believe that Israel must also be responsible. As a result, the international law firm lost its job. These different voices are actually not allowed in the Western world now. The mainstream opinion is of course to condemn Hamas in Palestine , but the scene of the entire Gaza corridor being bombed in retaliation just now We have also seen how tragic it is. There is also a well-known writer. He is a British writer. He said that Western countries have long-term acquiescence in supporting Israel, which has led to today's results. Palestine has long become a genocide. This behavior makes Israel his adjective . What made Israel follow in the footsteps of Nazi Germany ? In anger, they wanted to retaliate. The current actions were described as the same as the Nazis. Didn’t they say they were here to kill Nazis? In the past, during the Israeli elections in 2019 , the former Israeli Defense Minister In a video, he detailed his great achievements as the leader of the Israeli military region , including bringing the Gaza region back to the Stone Age , which has now been fully achieved. In 2016 , Golan, then Israel’s deputy chief of staff, also said that Israel’s national development is It's like Germany before World War II , so all the retired generals describe Israel as more and more like Nazi Germany. This is sad and not a good thing, but it is true. This is from Israel 's own statement. So now we see the casualties of civilians. On the left is the Palestinian mother. The sad one on the right is actually the Israeli father who is very sad. The people in these two places are all victims. Listen to this scene in Palestine. Just now, this mother in Palestine felt sour when everyone heard that her child was in After the entire Gaza corridor was blocked, people lost their lives without even having to eat. So now many other countries have different views, including Turkey . Just now, our professor mentioned that Turkish President Erdogan believes that the United States attacked the aircraft carrier. The group is moving to Israel , which will cause a serious massacre in Gaza. It is still ongoing. Turkey is ready to mediate on both sides to ensure the stability of the situation and not to continue the killing. When will it end? When will revenge be enough? So The President of Iran also called the President of Syria and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia called on him to support Palestine and Saudi Arabia to oppose any kind of attack on civilians. Assad also said the same thing. Leahy said that all Islamic countries and all free people in Arab countries must cooperate to prevent Jewish restoration. Is it the focus of Wang Yi’s call for an international peace conference to formulate a roadmap for a two-state solution that China may commit next crimes committed by the nationalist regime ’s oppression of Palestine ? But now China’s chips are said to have harmed Why did Sri Lanka suddenly and inexplicably launch an attack this time without being discovered at all in the intelligence war ? Even Israel was killed and was caught off guard. It is said that the mobile phone was a Huawei mobile phone and a computer. Are these information systems the key? So the leaders of Hamas? It is said that only by using mobile phones and tablets made by Huawei, the West will not monitor relevant information. Huawei is active in Israel and is now being condemned by the American media. Israel has provided China with advanced technology, causing a tiger breeding problem , and it can avoid Israel. The intelligence network has rumored that Huawei’s R&D center in Israel, which was disclosed last year, not only did not fail in the confrontation between China and the United States, but also continued to recruit talents with high salaries. The engineers are all from the top companies in the United States , so they are put to use here. Has Hamas obtained an intelligence system that is completely unmonitored? Of course, many chip technologies have been released repeatedly in China, including Tsinghua University’s release of the world’s first memristor integrated chip, which can increase the performance by 75 times and consume 75 times more energy . It’s only 1/35th , or it was reported by Bloomberg that after the senior executives of Arm Technology China resigned, they helped Shenzhen to form a chip design company. This is a chip design from the United Kingdom. Of course, China’s prospects have added a lot of uncertainty, and there are also many Possible Developments: German BMW’s battery order worth 400 billion yuan has landed in China. So why did the Chinese media say it won this time ? Because in the future, these technologies may find their own way in the confrontation between China and the United States. Professor Yang, I think this time Blame Huawei for blaming the blame. Your Israeli intelligence organization Mossad has made great achievements in the past . But now you have no information at all. You are now blaming the blame on all Israelis because they use Huawei mobile phones. Including this, do all Palestinians use iPhones, right? In fact, this is to blacken Huawei and black China, which is the final goal of the international media. In fact, it is still looking at the technologies that target China and Huawei. The power of the United States , its most important thing is the confrontation between China and the United States . So So far, the situation from Hamas to Palestine tells us one thing. The international community still regards power as the most important core. You must have power, right ? Today, Palestine has been extremely weak . It was defeated in every war , and it was only with the assistance of the United States that Israel achieved such achievements. This was true from the War of Independence to the 6th War to the Yom Kippur War. This was a display of power , and those Wall Street tycoons were also a form of persecution by power. Harvard University, you gave me the list. Of course Harvard University will not hand it over to Harvard University, but it also cuts it and says it is not in line with our school's stance. It is not courageous at all, right? But what does this mean? Why should this information be made public? These Wall Street tycoons have to go through it . Such a message tells these young people in the United States that if you dare to be anti-Israel or anti -Semitic , you will not have a good job in the future because high-ranking officials in Wall Street , some law firms, and politicians in the United States are mainly Jewish, and American politicians have all become Israelis . I am a lawyer. Due to the entire lobbying situation, a small number of Democrats originally wanted to propose a two-state solution, but all of them were suppressed in the U.S. Congress, right ? So I think now it’s about how Israel restrains itself and what goals it sets . It is too optimistic to say that we will end as soon as we meet , because all of them, whether it is Turkey, Iran or Saudi Arabia, are already worried about the current situation. They are not anti-Israel in the future . They are actually against the United States and the West's role in the Middle East. What is more intolerable is that when the common people see that the people of Israel and Palestine are so miserable and the war continues, how long should they take a rest and come back soon? Now there is a technological news that the leader of Hamas uses Huawei My mobile phone and tablet have been saying for 30 months that I have been using Huawei phones for more than 2 years and have not been monitored. How to read this news? This news is obviously that the American media wants to blame Huawei. The American media wants to blame Huawei . To smear and sow discord between Israel and mainland China , it will also have another effect. This effect is to make it obvious to all political or business leaders around the world that the US and Israeli intelligence agencies cannot monitor the use of Huawei . Obtaining this will be very attractive to many business leaders and political leaders. Of course, if these political leaders are attractive, many people in their countries will think so. We cannot suppress Huawei. We must allow Huawei to exist in our country and make Huawei stronger. Only by making Huawei stronger will the United States not be able to eavesdrop on us like Merkel did . I think it also has a negative side, which is to help promote Huawei. This function is not bad , so Huawei should also give them a thank you. Thank you for discrediting me , but let Huawei know that I am unbreakable because the intelligence agencies of Europe, America, the United States, and Israel cannot monitor it. But why do I say this to the American media? We have also seen their ignorance and short-sightedness. In this Hamas operation, they drove many cars , many of which were Japanese cars. Could it be that Japan is funding this Hamas ? Using high technology to fund Hamas is an attack on Israel. Attack? This is someone using a knife to kill people. Is this knife guilty or killing guilty ? Hamas is guilty , Huawei mobile phones are guilty , Japanese cars are guilty , or kitchen knives sold in the United States and sold to Hamas are guilty . I think this is very simple. It doesn't even make sense. If you still call it American media, you can tell how far the American media has fallen. I think these Wall Street executives threaten and intimidate college students. You will only make more young people think that these executives of yours are against you. The influence controlled by the Jews feels greater resentment. You will not get more support. You will only get more opposition. Take a break and come back soon. Of course, Western views are mainstream now , but Huawei mobile phones have been used by several Hamas. The use of leaders has also become a focus of discussion. In fact, when the United States boycotted Huawei, it said that Huawei would be eavesdropped and would be eavesdropped by mainland China. In fact, the real reason was that Huawei could not be eavesdropped by the United States. All mobile phones could be eavesdropped. Huawei has no choice but to simply say that it has no backdoors. If there are no backdoors, it will make the US military security personnel and intelligence officers unable to monitor them. It will be very disturbing for them. This time, they have released this news again, saying that those Hamas Those terrorists use Huawei to prevent us from monitoring, which just illustrates this matter . Moreover, they also increase the number of people he hates and bring him in. The weapons they use are North Korea's weapons in the past two days. Are they the weapons of North Korea in the second hour? Regarding international and domestic issues, the first invited guest is Dong Zhisen, a senior media person. Brother Dong is Hello everyone. Professor Lai Yueqian, an expert on international politics, is the host. Hello, audience friends. Hello everyone, Mr. Yang Yongming , former deputy secretary-general of the National Security Council. Hello everyone, come and take a look . The latest important news , but the election campaign is currently underway. Of course, several candidates in Taiwan have thoroughly covered the issues that need to be addressed in Taiwan . We have already mentioned in the previous section that Lai Qingde went to Taoyuan. In addition to talking about peace , he went to participate. Xiang also emphasized that peace is the mission of the president , so dignity cannot be sacrificed for the sake of peace. So what is dignity? Only with dignity and reciprocity can peace be taken care of. This is true peace. So what is peace? The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Russian-Ukrainian war , and these are now The United States has put us on the same level as Israel or Ukraine, so do Taiwanese people need to worry about the situation in the Taiwan Strait? Listen to what Han Kuo-yu said. So Vice President Lai wants to be president . Is there any way to really let Taiwan get it ? Real peace is a matter of war and danger , but what Taiwanese people should worry about most is the incident in Israel. There are some overseas emergency aids. Our locals, whether tourists or expatriates who want to evacuate , have some complaints on the Internet. Many of the rumors above say that they did not receive help, and even a special plane was not dispatched to call for help. They said that you should find a solution on your own. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that this is called cognitive operations to damage the morale of colleagues . There was even a Soochow University official. The assistant professor jumped out to speak. He said that the media has created everyone's giant baby mentality. Taiwan will not send special planes to evacuate overseas Chinese for the time being. There is no need for you to find your own solution. Don't forget. He said that this happened in the Japanese consulate in the past when a diplomat was slandered and committed suicide. Who caused the news ? I’m afraid it was our ambassador himself or the cyber army. Now if expatriates want to return home or tourists are stranded locally and need help, shouldn’t the government help? Let’s look at other countries. Just like all countries have sent special planes. Some citizens in the United States have died because 27 people have died , so they sent out special planes to evacuate their nationals. So is this a special plane called a super giant baby? If you want a special plane to assist, it is called a giant baby. What about other countries? So what should our government do? Reuters reported that when China invited the U.S. military to attend a meeting at the Xiangshan Forum, it hoped to have some space for dialogue. However, the person invited by the U.S. was not the Secretary of Defense but was present . Other representatives , of course, since Li Shangfu's whereabouts are still unknown in Austin, they simply don't go. Is that so? Liu Zhenli, chief of staff of the Central Military Commission 's Joint Staff Department, is now reporting in Reuters that he is expected to succeed Li Shangfu and become the new leader of the Xiangshan Forum. Minister of Defense , but scenes of military confrontations like this between China and the United States are becoming more and more common. On the 12th, the United States rarely announced for the first time that the PLA Su-35 intercepted the P-8A in the South China Sea and flew over Taiwan. The news about the Straits came about an hour after China also issued a response . The U.S. Naval Institute actually published a long report on its website , which described the U.S. Navy P8 patrol aircraft. An encounter during a 9-hour patrol in the South China Sea. Two hours after taking off, I encountered an encounter in the air near the edge of the South China Sea. After refueling , I flew west towards the Paracel Islands . I found that the Sukai-35 fighter jet came back to monitor and even intercepted this P. -8A was intercepted by a Su-35 near Woody Island in the Paracel Islands around 1:30 pm. So what did the Privy Council say on the 10th that the American media said the P-8A was doing when it was intercepted by the People's Liberation Army in the South China Sea ? The one he was following was the Shandong ship. Is there such an action ? Therefore, the U.S. Naval Academy initially regarded the Su-35 as the J-11 and the U.S. Navy endorsed it. Of course, after this disclosure, the Chinese side immediately responded for an hour and said that this was all false and even slanderous. Therefore, the US military flew across the Taiwan Strait. The Communist Army's eastern theater responded by organizing fighter planes to follow and monitor this. The US military dispatched a P-8A anti-submarine aircraft to pass south to north through the Taiwan Strait. After that, the center line of the strait was drawn with a track, which seemed to express to the mainland. Don't act rashly . Therefore, the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army criticized the US side for its open hype , saying that it has organized fighter planes to monitor and monitor the passage of US aircraft and handle the confrontations between the two sides in accordance with the law and regulations. Brother Dong , when we are talking about peace in the Taiwan Strait, Lai Qingde He talked about it very easily and lightly. What exactly did he do about the so- called dignity and peace ? In fact, we know that because of Taiwan’s nine-in-one election last year, it was obvious that many people felt that the DPP brought unrest across the Taiwan Strait. Everyone also knows that the most important international event last year was The incident was the launch of the Russo-Ukrainian War. The people of Taiwan were regarded by the whole world as a very dangerous place. And we also know that the atmosphere at that time was that the military service was to be extended from 4 months to 1 year. This shook the entire Taiwanese society, so the DPP was Let’s talk about whether to choose war or peace. Last year’s election played a very big role in voting for the Democratic Progressive Party. The youth went to the battlefield and everyone was catchy . Lai Qingde didn’t want to have such an atmosphere again this year, so he hurriedly said that we must have peace. So this peace. Of course, everyone just needs to compare it with Ma Ying-jeou's 8 years and Tsai Ing-wen 's 7 and a half years. Has anyone mentioned the insecurity in the Taiwan Strait? In the past, we have seen provocations. In fact, peace has now become more and more important. Why ? Because there is a war between Russia and Ukraine and a war between Israel and Palestine, right? They are all happening before your eyes. When you turn on the TV, the international media is reporting on you every day. With that kind of atmosphere and feeling, you would think that it would be Taiwan's turn. No one thought that Han Kuo-yu was right. 3 days ago. Who could have imagined ? No one would have thought that it would suddenly attack on October 7th. After the attack, everyone was caught off guard. How come everyone knows the two sides? There is a huge disparity in military strength. Israel has the backing of the United States, and its weapons are so sophisticated. Hamas and these people dare to suddenly raid and kill so many people and capture so many people. This is asking for death . But you would never expect that the war still happened, so it’s OK Seeing this unpreparedness , he may launch an attack with a momentary thought or anger. Death cannot be recovered. So when these will cause everyone's fear of war and the need for peace, Lai Qingde and Pi Liyangqiu came out to talk about me . The mission of the president is to pursue peace. So why is the Democratic Progressive Party in power so fierce and dangerous? You have to first say that you are also on the ruling team and you have also been the executive president. Then your provocations are a big factor in causing unrest in the Taiwan Strait. Otherwise, in the Ma Ying-jeou era Why not? We have seen Lai Qingde. In fact, a simple example is because the golden grandson of Taiwan independence has been suppressed in the United States. What dignity do you have? You have no dignity at all in your trip to the United States. Everyone knows that no one wants to meet you, a dignified vice president. Crossing the border is such a small corner , so everyone knows that there is no dignity. So why do the Americans treat you like this? Because you may bring uneasiness in the Taiwan Strait, so he keeps suppressing himself and says, "I am definitely not Taiwan independent, and Taiwan does not need to change the country's name. How about... just talk about that Of course, everyone knows that in the past , when Lai Ching-te was a delegate to the National Assembly, he held up a sign to the then President Lee Teng-hui and wrote "Long Live Taiwan Independence." This label cannot be escaped. He went to the Legislative Yuan on his first day as Executive Yuan. He said that I am a pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence. I will not change any position in any position . Of course, any position, including vice president and presidential candidate, you will not change. Everyone on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is very clear that it will bring unrest in the Taiwan Strait . There is only one reason. Even if Taiwan is pursuing independence, everyone is very aware of it . The United States is also very aware of the impression that Lai Qingde has given others. Now he is saying some tricky things for the sake of the election . I believe it is difficult for the Taiwanese people to accept it. So no matter how much you talk about it, you have done so much in the past . In fact, everyone My distrust of you has become a stereotype. I think what Lai Qingde says now is unreasonable. But we can also see that the uneasiness caused by the DPP has actually cast a big shadow in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. Professor Yang , will we? No one wants it to become the next battlefield, but what we see is that our expatriates received limited help when the Israeli battlefield happened. Can't this matter be reviewed? The United States is already evacuating its citizens. The United States is a super giant. Not for us in Israel There are not many Taiwanese businessmen who are expatriates or students doing business. Our representative office in Israel is actually quite small. How can we have such an attitude in such a sudden crisis event that is attracting the world 's attention? You go online to book your own flight. Then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said This involves personal information. How can I give you personal information? You are a government unit, right ? I should ask you for help, right ? No, you are not a private enterprise. I think it is unreasonable to respond in this way. I want to talk about Tsai Ing-wen’s speech on National Day. Do you remember her speech? Taiwan spoke 36 times , and then the Republic of China spoke 5 Taiwan, the Republic of China, spoke twice , and then she kept talking about maintaining the status quo, maintaining the status quo, maintaining the status quo from beginning to end . Now I see Lai Qingde talking about dignity, peace, dignity, peace, very literary and youth-style words , as if she is rapping, maintaining the status quo, maintaining the status quo. Dignity, peace. When you went to see Pelosi McCarthy, who caused this military exercise , whose dignity was affected, and whose safety was affected ? And when you said Taiwan National Day, did you feel dignified? Do you think it would? It will not affect the stability of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. So is it actually for your rights, for your election , or is it really a correct and wise policy for the security and stability of this land? It is very clear, right ? Then we will talk about it This Xiangshan Forum is actually a message, that is, China and the United States have encountered something that has not been touched this year, that is, military dialogue , and it is very critical. The Xiangshan Forum has been established in 2006 until now. It is said that the United States may now send The military attache at the embassy in Beijing last year sent a deputy assistant minister. This deputy assistant minister was not last year . When the Xiangshan Forum was held a few years ago , he had already come down. Now he is a civilian. He was also invited to go this time. So in fact, to a certain extent, Track 1 and Track 1.5 means that when you have been an official and then participate in such an important official meeting, it actually means that there is this connection between China and the United States . But I must talk about the relationship between China and the United States, especially At this stage, the United States must be cautious and restrained in these military operations around the Taiwan Strait because it will affect Taiwan's elections. Especially like this time, there are two P-8A incidents . One is in the South China Sea and the other is in the Taiwan Strait. The Taiwan Strait is the US Seventh Fleet. On the 12th, he rarely announced the news that our P-8A reconnaissance plane flew across the Taiwan Strait from south to north. This news aroused strong doubts on the Communist side if it happens again next time. Will there be an accident or some kind of collision? What will be the impact on Taiwan's internal elections ? So don't add new factors at this time. I think since you are here at the Xiangshan Forum, you may have to start this separately. We must use the platform to communicate with each other, especially those around the Taiwan Strait where unexpected conflicts may occur. We must be more cautious and cautious. We ourselves must understand what a truly dignified peace is and what it means for all human beings. The people of Taiwan can continue to maintain a stable life here. The dignity of Mr. Lai Lai seems to be that when the military communication channel and the risk-avoidance mechanism between the United States and China have not yet been restored, a misfire like this can happen at any time. We can only rely on press releases to shout to each other. I think it can happen at any time. That is to say, from last year’s When Pelosi came to Taiwan, mainland China thought that the Americans were going back on their word because before Pelosi came, there was a Shangri-La meeting in Singapore. China and the United States established a military hotline. In the past, the military hotline was from the level of the Secretary of Defense to the Chief of Staff level last year. At that time, it was established at the theater level , so it means that China is willing to manage the crisis with the United States. As a result, once this hotline was established, the Americans used a two-handed strategy. That is to say, I did one thing and did another. With one hand, I established the military hotline, and with the other hand, I supported Taiwan independence Pelosi. As soon as the West comes to Taiwan, China knows very well that you Americans are playing tricks on the mainland. You are saying one thing and doing another. You are engaging in this approach of de-Sinicization, removing the Chinese connotation and removing the Chinese connotation. Therefore, the mainland immediately urgently The hotline is closed all the way from the war zone to the Minister of Defense, so the two sides may have a misfire at any time, and a military conflict may break out at any time. The United States also knows very well, so every time an American fighter plane arrives in China's waters, for example, in In fact, the United States is always on tenterhooks in the South China Sea or in the Taiwan Strait because it is afraid that a war could break out at any time. During the current Shangri-La talks, the United States proactively announced that Austin would not go. But when a reporter asked who China would invite, I did not tell them. My judgment is that the United States was not invited at all. The Secretary of Defense , and perhaps not even high-ranking American generals, have been invited . In other words, mainland China has positioned the Xiangshan Forum as a think tank, so when we talk about academic topics from the United States, they are still academic topics, or track 1.5 or even track 2. Even the first track of formal talks has not been established or resumed. Under such a situation, in order to save face, the Americans said that Austin would not go and did not announce anything else because everyone was asking who the American Pentagon was invited to be. The building just won’t announce it Why shouldn't this be made public? There's nothing hugely confidential. But I think this assistant professor at Soochow University is still young . But if he is young , then he will ignore the fact that a country's government wants to protect the safety of overseas Chinese and our people in Taiwan. When his safety is threatened while traveling overseas, the government certainly has the responsibility to protect him and bring him back as soon as possible. The U.S. government does this, but the government of the Republic of China does not. And this so-called scholar actually condemned Taiwan The media has created a giant baby , that is to say, these Taiwanese people who traveled to Israel are giant babies and are over-protected. I think this attitude is wrong. The last one, I think Lai Qingde, your Taiwan independence has provoked cross-strait relations. Tsai Ing-wen, your tearing up the 1992 Consensus has provoked cross-strait relations. Because you have provoked these, you have destroyed the status quo. The status quo has been destroyed. The central line of the Taiwan Strait is gone. The air defense identification zone is gone. You, Lai Qingde , were treated in a low-level manner when crossing the border, and there is no dignity at all. So, Don't talk about dignity there. You've disgraced Taiwan. Of course, war is a serious and cruel issue.
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Id: W11OVPVcnb0
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Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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