[SUB]馬爾地夫驅逐印度 阿根廷投靠拜反習近平? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20231120 (字幕版)

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Audience friends, let’s take a look. After the Xi Jinping meeting, mainland China approved MasterCard to enter the mainland market. So is it a green light ? It seems that the relationship between China and the United States is still a fight but not a break. What you see is this card MasterCard . It is now going to enter the mainland China market. It is called Wanshi Internet. It has become the second clearing institution for overseas bank cards approved by mainland China. So it can be seen that it supports cardholders to spend at more than 100 million merchants in mainland China and abroad. This is very important for this company. It’s a huge market. In addition, we have seen that the annual decline rate of foreign investment in mainland China in the first 10 months was 9.4% , and it was the fifth consecutive month of decline. So are foreign investments now a little hesitant to move forward in mainland China? And in addition , We also know that mainland China has been reducing its holdings of U.S. debt to reduce risks. Analysis says that this has little impact on U.S. debt. We have seen reports from Voice of America that this number has indeed dropped by about 41% from the peak 10 years ago. % They speculate that this is a way to put pressure on the United States. Some people want to hype the concept that U.S. debt is unsafe. However, they believe that there are two main reasons why China sells U.S. debt. One is that China is currently in a tight foreign exchange situation , so it needs to stabilize its currency , so it can buy it. The technology they need is chips, energy and minerals. In the face of geopolitical friction and tense relations between China and the United States , they intend to reduce their exposure to U.S. debt. At the same time, have Chinese chips broken through the limit? We have seen the Dutch Asmore now. Most of the so-called exposure machines we see, almost half to half 46%, are sold to mainland China. Mainland China is crazy about buying this so-called exposure machine. What are they going to do? Develop their various wafer production capacities , while other Chinese companies Grab the exposure machine , so for the exposure machine produced by Asmore , a Dutch company , their revenue has been greatly improved. In addition, in addition to Huawei, there is another chip design company in mainland China called Loongson. Kota will also join the ranks of challenging U.S. technology controls. Now they have also announced that their products will begin to march toward 7 nanometers. In addition to Huawei, there are many companies. Are they challenging to break through the U.S. blockade? Let’s take a look at Central and South America . Something big happened. The results of the presidential election in Argentina came out. The far-right Argentine Trump has a nickname like this. His name is Mirej. He won the election. He is a far-right man . He said he is anti-communist. So does it have any future relations with China? It will also cool down. We have seen that Argentina has joined the Belt and Road Initiative and the BRIC in the past 2 or 3 years. Now many places use RMB for settlement , including 70% of beef sold to China . If the far-right Trump of Argentina Is it possible that these so-called interactions with China will change in the future when we are in power ? We have seen that Argentina was actually going to buy China's Xiaolong fighter jets and their weapons. Later, the United States took action, so it bought the F16 instead. Now what about Argentina's Trump ? After he was elected as the next president, even Trump himself came and sent a congratulatory message. Is it possible that Central and South America will have some changes in the so-called position due to the change of the Argentine president ? We can see that if the Beijing authorities decide to Stopping the purchase of Argentinian meat or other food products in retaliation will further expand Argentina's trade deficit with China. So in the future , including the victory of the pro-American Mirej, does Biden have already won a victory in South America? Let ’s ask Brother Liang what he thinks. Including the presidential election in Argentina and the current economy of mainland China, foreign investment seems to be a little stagnant. Indeed, last month , Europe and the United States sent a large amount of remittances . However, this is mainly a financial arrangement because they It is expected that the United States may raise interest rates one last time , and because companies will pay dividends, it is not accurate to look at one month alone. You have to look at the entire quarter to be more accurate. China is not the only country selling U.S. debt. In October, China sold US$27.3 billion , which seems to be a huge amount. But the third and first place is Japan. The second place is the United Kingdom. So why doesn’t the title mention Japan and the United Kingdom ? Isn’t Japan the best ally of the United States? The United Kingdom is even more so. As a result, both countries sold nearly 30 billion U.S. dollars in U.S. debt . Why don't you ask this question? So I said there are some English-language media that are looking for trouble. Voice of America represents the U.S. government. Why don't you write about Japan selling U.S. bonds? Isn't it right? It's very simple for Japan to sell U.S. bonds because it wants to protect the Japanese yen from depreciating the yen . It is already close to 150. Then your U.S. debt because people think there will be another interest rate hike. If it enters a cycle of interest rate cuts , of course people may come back to buy U.S. debt . So this is completely a financial maneuver. I think because the transaction volume of U.S. debt is actually far more than China's sales volume, its daily transaction amount is hundreds of billions of dollars, China's 27.3 billion is nothing, so this is too overestimated. I think Argentina is an unfortunate country. The unfortunate country is that its current inflation in October is 143% , with 40%. % of the people are below the poverty line, so they are easily incited by populism. In fact, they can't do it at all. For example, this man won 56% of the presidential election and 10% . As a result, his party only had 10 points in Congress. 1 seat , so you know that this is a thoroughly populist party. And then he also advocates that our central bank should be abolished and fully switch to the US dollar. Do you have any knowledge of currency banks ? Will the United States buy your Argentine currency? You want to go too. There is a certain amount of transactions with the United States , otherwise why would you have so many dollars on hand ? People will limit your quota, so he said We all have to switch to the US dollar. Who are you talking to? Is Biden willing to help you? And it is currently the largest creditor of the World Monetary Fund. It is not a debtor country and owes a lot of money. In the previous wave, China helped you use RMB to finance it because it The U.S. dollar hasn’t come out yet , so what I said is just whimsical. He thought he said he wanted to be pro-American and the United States would let you do it . Who do you think you are? Then he also said that we will become the economic locomotive of South America from now on . What on earth are you talking about Argentina? GDP is only over 480 billion U.S. dollars. Brazil is 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars , and Brazil has everything. So I would like to say that this kind of president who is completely bragging will be elected by a high vote, and I wish Argentina well. So what will be the fate of Argentina in the future for the president elected by the Argentine people? I don’t know , but I can only give my best wishes and ask Teacher Yongming for advice . I think the new president of Argentina is actually very familiar. He is another Argentine Trump or the former president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro . Although in international politics , we really don’t know each other very well. He is a professor of economics. He is a professor of economics . Later, when he went into politics, he didn’t know how to study economics. When he entered politics, his party really had a small number of people , but Argentina has a two-round voting system. His first round of voting was During the system, he was still ranked second. He lost to the current Minister of Economy named Martha 36% to 29%. The Argentine system says that if someone has more than 40% and is 10% behind the second place, you don’t need to hold this person in the second round. He was elected , but this Masha was 4% behind. As a result, the third-ranked one had 24%. So when the two of them entered the second round, the third-ranked vote was transferred to him. If Taiwan had two rounds of voting, it would be very difficult . It may be like this. I am not here to predict who will be elected. Some people claim this , but as Brother Liang said, his party has a small number of people , but because Argentina is a multi-party system, his politics and his statement are not easy to realize. But he will definitely do it, because every time he holds an election, he will use the chainsaw maniac. Do you know what he will do? He will cut off all government budgets and expenditures . He says that our expenditures are too much . Everyone’s question is that he wants to abolish all pesos. The Argentinian peso can actually be used in U.S. dollars because people are using U.S. dollars. Only the government has this currency swap with mainland China , which is 18 billion U.S. dollars last month and added 6.5 billion U.S. dollars. Then go back to trade with mainland China and then go back to the IMF . But the private sector has actually used the U.S. dollar. The private sector is using the U.S. dollar. This is another way to talk about this problem. He said I don’t like those socialist countries , so I don’t He likes to interact with China and Brazil. He believes that Brazil is socialist. Brazil is your largest trading partner. China is your second largest trading partner . In fact, you also imported 17.5 billion , mainly from Argentina . What is needed even includes technological products , but the bulk of the exports of 8 billion to mainland China are beef, pork, soybeans and lithium ores . So you said how much money you already owe others for currency swaps , so you said you should stop it now. It is completely impossible to have trade relations with Brazil and China. Therefore, in the end, the politics and economy will be completely chaotic , and then it will be like what we have experienced in the United States and Brazil. Their political economy came to an end during the process when Trump became the former president of Brazil. Later, the pendulum swung back and elected a right-wing and far-left person like Lula, right? Look at the same situation in the United States now. I think next year in the United States, the pendulum might swing back and become Trump. If today or next week is the US presidential election, It may really come to pass , so the current system tells us that in fact, this policy that has been completely populized has no solution. You really need to have some experienced and organized people. We just talked about Lai Qingde, the second place, to choose the Black Bear. Dean of the Academy : From now on, all our national troops will shoot paintball. Is n’t this a populist approach, right? We have seen the situation in Taiwan from Brazil and Argentina. The new president of Argentina also said that he might do it in the future. Opening up organ trafficking is also a very powerful policy in Argentina . So after he was elected, some people are asking whether Argentina will have a national killing day in the future. Everyone will fight like this because this is a bit too much . But I think this is basically an election. It’s just a slogan . In the end, he really can do very little. With such a low number of seats in Congress, how on earth is he going to do these things ? Argentina is a very talented country. In fact, in the 1960s, they used to have members of Congress because of that . At that time, Argentina's economic situation was not very good. Some members of Congress directly said in Congress that we should declare war with the United States . Then we were defeated by the United States. After being defeated, we relied on the United States for our pensions. Indeed, some members of Congress said this, so this country has many ideas . It is very strange , but now that it has been selected, I think this is a rebound because the economy is really bad, because it was 1:80 with the US dollar more than 2 years ago and 3 years ago, and now it is 1:1,000, which is scary. Inflation is too outrageous , so everyone will think that although you are not necessarily good , let's change it and see what happens. It will become like this and we will take a gamble because there is no other choice. So I think this is actually A sad question is how long this man can do it remains to be seen and I don't think he will be able to live up to what he says in the end. It is so tough on China because it relies too much on China economically. If Argentina is so tough on China, it will immediately face a very serious problem. As for why mainland China is buying a lot of chips now , it is actually very simple because it is about to be banned. Hurry up and buy it. Hurry up. Before you are completely banned, I will hurry up and get all these machines in. It is actually a chip design that enters the 7nm process. I think there are more than one. It will be followed by several companies except Loongson Zhongke. They are also mission-oriented now , that is, no matter the cost, I have to do it first and then you have to hurry up first so that mainland China can escape this bottleneck and escape this level. So I think everything is a race against time. If there is no way to do it in a short time, If it is reached within time, it may be severely sanctioned by the United States, so mainland China has to think about it. But you said that after the Xi Jinping meeting, did China and the United States really heat up ? It's true, but you said that both sides will become very good again. I think China and the United States should never go back to each other, because in the current situation, the competition between the two countries has officially taken shape , but they are unwilling to talk about us . It's just hostility. In fact, it has been a hostile attitude for a long time . So I don't think this situation will change. The issue of Israel and Palestine has become a wrestling ground for international countries. We see that Arab countries and Muslim countries are now taking action. This is This includes ministers from many countries that you saw. They are going to Saudi Arabia on the 20th. The goal is to end the war in Gaza . The first battle is very important. Do they come to mainland China and hope that China will take action to urge the war to stop ? In addition, Biden also issued an appeal to you, hoping that Israel will stop attacking Palestinians in the West Bank. Why ? Because there are many extremists in Israel, he said that if you do this again, I will not issue you a visa . Who else will manage Gaza? Gaza is now in chaos and ruins. Biden is exchanging blows with Israeli Prime Ministers, including Netanyahu, who you saw. He said that the Palestinian Authority authorities do not have the ability to control the Gaza Strip , so the Israeli Defense Forces will be in Gaza . Does Operation Zone Freedom mean to take over? Several countries, including Jordan , including Turkey, are demanding that Israel cease fire immediately or else I will break off diplomatic relations. Iran also called for us to break off diplomatic relations with Israel. The Turkish Foreign Minister also said that we are considering it. What about the other thing? Do we see that Trump and Biden, both of whom are very old, will have to fight a war in 2024 to decide who will lead the United States? We see that there are actually already differences within the Democratic Party Different voices came out. Some people said that the 81-year-old Biden is already so old. If the Chinese Communist Party invades Taiwan in the middle of the night, will you be shaken awake? Can you get up? We have seen many people, including the media and the Democratic Party, asking whether it is because of you. It would be too selfish for Den to insist on running for re-election, including Trump, because Trump is also old. I hope you can voluntarily give up the election , but it doesn’t look like it is easy for both of you. In addition, we have seen the Biden team The firepower of the attack has now been stepped up to attack Trump because we have seen that current polls have shown that Trump is leading Biden in several key states. Among them, CNN's poll showed that Trump led Biden by 4 percentage points , 49% to 45%. So this is what Teacher Yang just said. If you vote today, it is very likely that Trump will be elected. In addition, we have seen that Trump has made some promises. He said that if I am in the second term, I will be ambitious and I will drastically reform the federal government , which may have been unprecedented before. Expanding the power of administrative units in unprecedented and drastic ways , including large-scale residence and deportation of undocumented immigrants, which means stowaways, and then purging federal employees and using vigorous law enforcement powers to confront political opponents, etc. I feel like I want to do something , but this may not be the same. The Democratic Party or some of the spirit of the current United States are somewhat contrary to the spirit of the United States . Of course, we have seen that China and the United States are still confronting each other in the South China Sea. We have seen many agreements between the United States and the Philippines , including the 123 nuclear agreement signed by APEC . This is What is the Nuclear Energy Peace Protocol? It allows for the peaceful transfer of nuclear knowledge, materials and equipment without nuclear proliferation. This means that the United States will transfer some , including allowing the Philippines to obtain nuclear power generation and get rid of carbon emissions. This means that it will allow them to enter a nuclear power generation industry. Countries to stabilize energy supply, Marcos said we expect nuclear power generation to become part of our energy mix by 2032. So you see that including every country is now doing some development and quietly you see the Maldives, the resort it Is it necessary to strengthen cooperation with mainland China? It has made demands for India to withdraw its troops. Because India had some troops stationed here in the past , the new president of the Maldives asked you, can India withdraw your troops and let our subjectivity go ? Because you It has violated our sovereignty and subjectivity. We have seen many reports saying that the new government of the Maldives wants to pursue the one-China principle, so it must actively strengthen the joint construction of the Belt and Road with China and drive away Indian influence. It must be said . India and China have actually been competing for influence in the Maldives in recent years. If the new president does this, China can be said to be superior and win a city. I would like to ask Brother Liang, what do you think of Biden's personal appearance in Washington yesterday? The Post published an article that issued a serious warning to Israel for the first time. When the conflict between the United States and Israel came to the fore , he warned that Israel could not occupy Gaza , annex any inch of territory , and force the Palestinians to relocate. These three points are exactly the opposite of what Israel is doing now. Israel immediately responded to Biden's remarks. An article said that they do not believe that the Palestinian government has the ability to come back and take over Gaza. He said that the result of taking over would be the resurgence of Hamas , so he insisted on military control . Now let’s look at the resolution just passed by the United Nations Security Council plus Biden’s It means that Israel is clearly against you. We have to see how much confidence the United States has to show. Because the Security Council passed a resolution and the United States abstained from calling for a humanitarian moratorium , all kinds of materials must be able to be transported in. Next, it has to draw up an implementation plan . Secretary-General Gudres wants to implement the plan. We all know that Gudres has been at odds with Israel for a long time. So the next step is when you implement the plan. If Israel does not let the United Nations implement the plan , the United Nations can launch sanctions . That’s me. I think Gudres will definitely mention sanctions because of his personality , and it’s really too much. I think you mentioned in the previous paragraph that Arab and Muslim countries are visiting various places. As long as Israel does not cooperate with the United Nations’ humanitarian suspension, I think sanctions will be enforced. It will unfold with great fanfare. Then the Arab countries will follow suit , because the Arab countries have already proposed an oil embargo. As a result, Saudi Arabia opposes the UAE and Bahrain opposes it. Once the United Nations starts to argue with Israel, I think they will start. So I think it has actually entered the final stage now . Because of Hamas, frankly speaking, no matter how hard you kill now, you can’t kill a few people. The next step is whether Israel has to make these two major decisions. Is it going to change ? Is it not a response ? Are you going to continue the occupation ? Are you sure you don’t want them to come back? Because the United Nations resolution also includes the restoration and reconstruction of the core facilities you destroyed. So now that the United Nations has come in and supplies have come in, it will start to promote reconstruction. Then do you want Israel to block it? Because after reconstruction, of course, the expelled Palestinians will come in. What is he doing now? Israel not only continues to occupy North Gaza, but also bombs South Gaza, bombs South Gaza. You know that. Excuse me. When you bombed southern Gaza, where did the Palestinians go ? But Egypt refused to let them in. Then you asked them to go to the sea, right? Or to the US aircraft carrier ? This is just a joke, right? So I think Biden must do it in the next one or two weeks. Come up with a decisive decision , otherwise the United States will really be pulled down because I think international public opinion has reached its peak. The United Nations has passed resolutions , and Israel is a member of the United Nations. If you don’t abide by the resolutions of the Security Council , you can just withdraw... So I I think we are about to reach this turning point. Let's see how China and the United States will cooperate in handling this case. So Saudi Arabia is now visiting mainland China. Let's go into the advertisement. Two old people want to compete and ask for advice . Mr. Yang, I think there is still content that is not very good for a while , but this result will affect the whole world. Returning to Gaza, do you think that the article published by US President Biden in the Washington Post will be provided to the public first? Israel looks at it , or at least at the same time. According to diplomatic practice, it should be at least 5 or 6 hours in advance , and they may communicate first. Because of the relationship between Israel, the United States, and Israel, I think there may be differences and even quarrels during the communication , and then I want to tell the bottom line. We even have to tell you that because the United States has diplomatic pressure, the United States also has internal pressure, especially Democratic Party Biden. This internal pressure, his internal pressure within his party, is getting more and more intense. Of course, how did this pressure come about? How did this diplomatic pressure and domestic pressure come? Because you Gaza continues to have more than 12,000 dead , more than 5,000 of which are children . Now it is being fought from the north to the south. So he is drawing a bottom line. This bottom line may be to make his position clear to avoid being criticized . Israel was really involved in Natanyahu because he realized that Netanyahu was basically protecting his own power , so he was afraid of being involved. But I think it is not easy to solve the Gaza issue through diplomacy . The United States can block the United States through its diplomacy or the diplomacy of the United Nations. It just needs to write this letter first , and then it may seek bilateral pressure between it and Israel. Then you use diplomacy , the United Nations puts pressure on me , and I put pressure on you instead . It would not be like this if the international or the United Nations were to directly attack Israel , because the United States still has to make its own decision in the end. The Philippines' 123 123 is the United States' Atomic Energy Law. Article 123 is provided to non-nuclear-weapon countries . The peaceful use of nuclear energy for scientific research and medical treatment has been accepted by 47 countries, right ? Only Taiwan is pursuing denuclearization, right? Is this really going against the trend? Or is it that green electricity makes too much? I don’t know who makes more, right? So there are other This thing reminds everyone that the United States once wanted to sign this thing with Saudi Arabia, so it is not 123. To some extent, everyone is questioning whether Saudi Arabia wants to obtain the technology to develop nuclear weapons , but of course this thing was stopped. Because it is based on the premise that Saudi Arabia and Israel will relax and establish diplomatic relations. Now because of the Gaza War, this is gone . Let’s take a look at advertising first. In fact, the United States now seems to be fighting all over again. Two elders at home, two elders at home, two treasures at home. They are really two living treasures. I must say that of course many people are doubting Biden's health condition. This drama was played 4 years ago. Do you want to watch it again? But I must say, don’t blame the old people. What are you young people from the Democratic and Republican parties doing ? Why can’t you compete with the old people ? Have you ever thought about what happened to yourselves ? And the difference is very far, right. The polls are very different. Logically speaking, if he is so old and his health is not good, there should be someone in your party who can challenge him. Why is your reputation even lower than his? So this is for you to review yourself. How can you review these old people? So I think this is You, the democratic republic, have to think clearly. The Philippines is now telling you why it wants to build a nuclear power plant for the sake of carbon emissions. The issue of carbon emissions has been made so clear. I think the United States and the United States are basically trying to defeat Tsai Ing-wen by signing this agreement with the Philippines. The easiest way to solve carbon emissions is to build nuclear power plants. There won’t be so many uncertainties. It can also be used as airborne capacity . So I feel that every time Americans say everything, they are right , but when they encounter these things When the DPP doesn't want to admit it , it just pretends it didn't happen. But it will affect Taiwan's future energy development, Taiwan's future commodities, and we don't know how to solve our carbon tax in the future . This is very troublesome . Many people say that it is moving towards mainland China . Of course, the new president was considered to be pro-China before the election. But in fact, I don’t think he really wants to move towards mainland China . He just wants to Reduce India's influence a little because the Maldives's national policy has always been that it does not get involved in regional geopolitics. Because it is a small country , it is a country mainly focused on tourism. It cannot be tolerated by any big country to get involved, so it thinks it is best for you to say The forces in India are also keeping a little distance from us. First of all, Guo Zhengliang, a PhD in political science from Yale, everyone is safe. Senior media person Xie Hanbing, host, hello everyone, former deputy secretary-general of the National Security Council, Yang Yongming, Qian Zi, hello everyone, I get knotted every time I come here, but my audience friends, Let's take a look. There are very serious issues to face now . Terry Gou said today that he would just wait for Ke Wenzhe to nod and say a word. Is it possible that Guo Ke is going to merge? In addition, we see that the Kuomintang ranks Han Kuo-yu as the first one without division. Can he? Rescue the chicks in the blue camp? Let’s take a look at how seriously Han Guoyu has played the role of cheerleader recently. Over the weekend, we can see him start. Yesterday, he went to Kaohsiung to assist in the election of Chen Meiya. He said that many people are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the Kuomintang. I have no confidence, and then I feel that the Kuomintang is weak and has no power, and is getting further and further away from the people. We must face this problem, it cannot be solved by running away. Please, all Kuomintang members, don’t steal, don’t steal, and build a glorious Kuomintang. You can also read rhymes . The schedule for Han Guoyu is full. Starting from last Friday, the 17th, I helped Lin Jiaxin stand in Taichung. The next day, I helped Chen Ruocui stand in Kaohsiung. In the evening, I went to Taipei to help You Shuhui and Zhang Sigang to raise the platform. The next day, Sunday morning, I was in New Taipei. Lin Jinjie arrived at Chen Meiya's place in Kaohsiung in the evening. Finally , he came to the place where he lives. Yunlin helped Qiu Liangyue stand . You saw that he was very serious about the auxiliary selection . But now whether Blue and White are still compatible is still hanging there. Then we don't know. Let’s take a look, including Hou Youyi’s words. He said that honesty does not mean cowardice. I am willing to endure humiliation and bear the burden . Brother Zhao Shaokang has already spoken out. He said that political parties are based on strength. Yesterday, he said that he hopes that Ke Wenzhe will turn around and become the commander-in-chief. You must have your own opinion and don’t be betrayed by those around you . Pulling along with You Shuhui, she also publicly announced that she hoped that former President Ma would take action again to resolve the impasse, and that she was counting on former President Ma. However, when we saw former Kuomintang Secretary-General Li Qianlong, he said that Hou Youyi was actually not weak at all. He did the math and said that in New Taipei If blue and white combine in the natal area, he will win 450,000 votes from his opponent. If blue and white do not combine, he will win at least 300,000 votes from his opponent. Together, Bei Bei Ji Tao will win 1 million votes . Hou Youyi is stable and feels very confident , but some people say that Why should you choose your own choice? Who is to blame for the Blue and White breakup? We saw that Huang Shanshan actually looked very tough in the first two or three days and even shouted this sentence. She said, "You are Lanying, you are a fat tiger, you want to If you bully us, then Ling Tao will choke Huang Shanshan and say that you are Nobita and want to kill Ke Wenzhe. Isn’t it funny? One of the adults in the political world said you are Fat Tiger and the other said you are Nobita. Back to Tinkerbell and Doraemon. In the kindergarten years, we saw that including Zhanjiang Village, he is a Taoyuan City Councilor from the Kuomintang. He said that the situation has evolved into this at this moment. The blue-white alliance has benefited the DPP. The hatred value of each other's supporters has been returned by Fat Tiger. Nobita's remarks have stirred up the discussion. Even if they are combined, no one will be convinced in the end. In other words, in the past, blue and white 1 plus 1, although it could not equal 2 , at least 1.8 1.5. Now maybe it is only 1.1 or 1.2. Many supporters did not vote. Let’s take a look, including Blue and White, which is on the verge of breaking up and reaching a deadlock. Scholar You Zixiang cited the Prisoner’s Dilemma as a metaphor. He said that I can’t lose, so everyone loses together. What you can’t get , I can’t get , you. Don’t even think about it , but who will save this child of the political party rotation ? In addition, we saw Qiu Fusheng , a very senior member of the Kuomintang and a media tycoon in the past. He said The last chance for Blue and White is to negotiate the strongest combination. As Peng Wenzheng said, he believes that the poll is like a mock test for the joint entrance examination. It is for the big test. The big test will not give up points. What is your current joint entrance examination score? It's just a simulated state. In 2004, the DPP only won 0.27% with two bullets . That time, Chen Shui-bian won a little bit, and won with a huge amount of money. We have seen the alliance between Lian and Song, including the so-called agreement coordinated by Ma Ying-jeou. Six points and six points actually wrote about how the Kuomintang and the Kuomintang will allocate positions. He thought it was not good to write such a bold statement, as the voters would think you were making regular arrangements to divide the spoils. He warned Chairman Zhu that this was blue and white. This is the last chance for cooperation. I hope Chairman Zhu can have great wisdom to promote cooperation. In addition, we saw that the face of the underground group leader turned green. The combination of blue and white combined to force the president to reshuffle the gambling board. Let’s take a look at the report below. The gambling card of the presidential election has changed a lot in the past two months. The changes in the past two months have not changed much. Originally, if Lai Qingde and Ke Wenzhe were to let Lai Qingde give Ke Wenzhe 800,000 to 900,000 votes, then Lai Qingde and Hou Youyi would almost give up in mid-to-late May. Hou had 800,000 votes , but by the end of June, he had 1.3 million votes. Because Hou’s momentum had gone down a bit, he had 1.3 million votes. If blue and white matched, the number of votes would have to be readjusted. If the numbers didn’t match, they would have to be reopened. But I must remind everyone of this . It's illegal. Don't do it. I'm just telling everyone that such behavior exists among the people. Let me ask Liang Ge what do you think of Terry Gou? Lao Guo said, just wait for Ke Wenzhe to say a word. So it is possible that Guo Ke is the best or Ke Guo is the best. Is it possible for Guo to be his deputy? I don’t think it’s possible. He should ask Ke Wenzhe to say whether he wants to be my deputy. Let the eldest brother be my deputy for 4 years. As far as I know , if the eldest brother is not allowed to be my deputy for 4 years, the cooperation between Ke and Guo will be worse. If there is no division, Guo himself will not be elected. This is my current understanding. So why the People's Party has not announced the decision of not dividing the division ? Because it is waiting for Gou Taiming's decision. In case there is no way to accept it, if Ke Wenzhe wins in the polls, then you It 's impossible for you to ask someone to be your deputy , so do you want to cooperate with me without dividing the division ? Of course it would be best if Lai Peixia is the first. Isn't that symbolic, right? Of course, we don't know if this will work. But as far as I know, in fact What was true that day was that the Kuomintang insisted on insisting on their understanding of the poll and then announced it to the outside world, which caused a breakdown. The Kuomintang thought it was 3 to 3 and you thought it was 5 to 1. Frankly speaking, if it was more political, If someone wise , such as Wang Jinping or Ma Ying-jeou, is at the scene or Han Guoyu is right... he may say okay, then we will not announce it for now, and we will coordinate the next day , that is, 5 to 1, 3 to 3, everyone will not know what will happen the next day. If Ke Wenzhe still maintains the original version of being the deputy, then it will be announced to the public that it is 3 to 3. We are tied , but Ke Wenzhe is willing to be the deputy because he wants to save Taiwan, etc. Do you think he may agree? Even if it is 3 to 3 , this is not very satisfactory. As a result, you insist on saying that I won 5 to 1 that day , and then there will be a lot of operations, including a press conference, and you are limited to 24 hours to answer me . Let me tell you that Ke Wenzhe is a soft person rather than a hard person. It’s not like we haven’t been in contact with him. The harder you get, the harder he gets. As a result, he’s already fighting with you . Then there are a bunch of people saying 5 to 1. Why don’t you accept it? If you say you’re still tougher in the polls, then it will change. It's like this. In fact, it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. You have to use statistics to tell this. This is one aspect. The other is that Ke Wenzhe has understood from the beginning to the end that the 3% increase is the same. Even Zhao Shaokang did the same. Otherwise, how could he raise 5%? Isn't it right? Then a lot of people discuss it on political commentaries and they all think that letting 3% is the social perception of others. What is your original intention of doing the poll? It is to get the support of the other party's voters. You have to force me to win 5 to 1. If you win 3 to 3 , will you get people's support? So I said this is the process of handling it. It really happened. I can only say that the political skills are too rough . So what about now ? The only chance now is to go back to 3. If the ratio is 3 to 3 , do you want to negotiate ? Now you have to insist on 5 to 1. I guarantee you that it will not succeed. This is not the case. Social perception is not like this, let alone the People's Party. The one in Banqiao is called Deep White Big Party and Deep Blue. Dark green and dark white people also have dark white and dark blue. Not the Kuomintang. Of course they have dark blue. I said that on that occasion, there was no dark blue. They were all dark white . They were loyal Ke fans . So let me tell you that that day, some friends from the Kuomintang relied on me . At 3:48 in the middle of the night, I was so angry that I couldn't tell you. I was so angry that they were still talking about 5 to 1 with us. I said, why are you talking about this? I really need to use political wisdom to talk to you about this kind of thing. The solution is to stand on the majority cognition of social cognition. Does Brother Liang really think it is the majority cognition? Because I saw many scholars and I said 3:3 vs. 3:3. Is it really social cognition? Because many scholars came out to say it. 5 to 1 doesn't have that... a lot of that is based on statistics. I guarantee you that when Ke Wenzhe came out that day , his cognition was like this. Let me ask Brother Bing. I think it is 3% or 6% now. Or how to calculate statistics? In fact, it doesn't make any sense . It doesn't make any sense , because both sides have their own opinions. If both sides still want to talk, they should break up and continue talking. I think that's the way it is. This is the only way. Otherwise, we should not talk about the current situation. At least at this stage, they still say that they want to talk. Since we want to talk, let's give him a little more space. As for whether Guo Dong can cooperate with Guo Ke or Ke Guo, I am optimistic about the success. If they can cooperate, it will be OK . I think no matter what, if two of the three people in the opposition can unite first , it will definitely put a lot of pressure on the third one, and he will be forced to unite. So as long as the three of them can unite , I don't know how to unite. I don’t care as long as they are happy, so this is the most anxious thing for everyone , because now I feel that after going back and forth like this, the relationship between each other and each other has become very deep. Now 1 plus 1 is definitely less than 2. I think 1.5 is not even possible . This is not necessarily a very serious matter. This is definitely not a joke. You have synthesized such a thing until now. I really don’t know how to fry a poached egg. So it really looks very bad . I think Li Qianlong said this . I don’t know how to estimate this vote. You didn’t win that much in the nine-in-one general election last year. Now suddenly you can win 1 million votes from Beibeiji. What are you talking about? Tell him that if Hou Youyi, Beibeiji, gets 100 Did the New Taipei City Governor Hou Youyi win the poll ? Isn't it right? I just feel very strange how he calculated it. It may be a statement of confidence. If you make such a statement of confidence at this time , it means don't. Is this what it means to be together ? Is this what it means to have such a feeling ? We are also very strong ourselves , just like Ling Tao came out to call Huang Shanshan. I don’t care what you think about Huang Shanshan now. Do you think she is the main war faction ? She is causing trouble, do you want to let them talk about it? If you still want them to talk, shouldn't you say a few words less and let them close the door and slowly talk about why Ling Tao talks about him like this? We don't know whether he was instructed to do so . Because everyone saw Ling Tao's intuitive thought that he was Zhu Lilun's disciple soldier . Did Zhu Lilun instruct him to say this? Zhu Lilun instructs him to say this. So, do we still need to talk about it ? There is no need to talk about it at all . Isn't that the case? If it is now, if both sides are looking for war criminals, then they are not talking about negotiation, they are talking about breaking the situation, isn't that what it means? So I think at this time, because of the Wednesday deadline, I really hope that everyone will stop talking for two days. Tell the people with real power to talk quickly and tell us what the outcome of that talk will be. Then tell us what the outcome of that talk will be. Han Guoyu is so aggressive right now. He is really working hard. I think he is working harder than Hou Youyi. Fu Xuan ’s trains are like this everywhere from south to north. Run , but I have to say that if blue and white are not combined, he will run in vain. I really won’t lie to you. Han Guoyu finally helped you raise 3% , but you lost 5% if blue and white did not combine. Is this a negative? There is no statistics. There is nothing in the data , plus or minus 3% , it is just like this . Today there is a latest poll by Yan Kuanheng. Originally, your TVBS won 10%, but when ETtoday did one, it was only 1.5%, and it won 1.5%. Now it is only 1.5% worse. Do you think Yan Kuanheng will win? So many situations have been changing. Now the situation is so serious. Everyone is very worried. I know that everyone , including Chairman Qiu and You Zixiang, have put forward their opinions one by one , but I am more concerned. What do I prefer? Let's not raise our opinions in the past two days. Let them do it by themselves. Now is the time for them to negotiate. The more we talk, everyone thinks that if you say this, you should give 5% to say this. What's the point of what we're talking about? This only has ratings. Brother Liang knows that it has ratings for you , but in fact, the higher your ratings are, I'm afraid it's not good for Blue and White's union. This won't work. I'm afraid the audience will run away. It won't work, come to Teacher Yang. This afternoon a friend told me that he used LINE to ask a friend from the People’s Party if he had decided yet. I don’t know yet, so that should be considered good news. I think there are three realities that everyone knows now. The first is that it must be a merger or it must be a merger. If the second major party wins , the polls are low. This is reality, right ? Because if we don’t talk about concessions, the 6 polls are actually 1 to 5. Hou 1 Ke 5. The third reality is that the text of this negotiation is not clear. Let’s look at the third one. Both parties agree that if the statistical error is exceeded, the winner's points are within the statistical error range, and Hou Ke will get 1 point. Everyone is calculating that the statistical error is 3% 6%... Brother Liang said that everyone knows it is 3 % should be like this, right? Why does it suddenly become 6% ? It turned out to be plus or minus 3%, plus or minus 3%, which adds up to 6%. This new math is OK , but I think there is another way of saying that yours is more like Hou Ke , because both It was Hou Ke versus Lai Xiao. Xiao Meiqin is back today, right ? Then, not only is he more and more inclined to the United States , but the second male number one he mentioned regardless of division is also the dean of Black Bear College. Then today, he was appointed by Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng. The club that said it was a paintball BB bullet If the BB bomb association says that Lai Qingde is really elected as the president , then of course our national army will shoot BB bombs, right? So now everyone is comparing Hou Kekehou with Lai Xiao , but the other one is an error . Do you know what the gap means ? In other words, in these 6 polls, the gap between Hou Ke and Lai Xiao, the gap between Ke Hou and Lai Xiao, what is the gap, that is a big difference. If we look at that again, In fact, it’s 1 to 5 , which is the same as no concession. If we use 3% to calculate it, it’s 3 to 3. So now I feel that not only do you want to avoid making bad remarks, but the Kuomintang side, you know that your major party polls are low and you have to cooperate. In fact, you should show a certain level of talent and height. During this period, which is less than 2 days, don’t talk about 24 hours a day. Don’t talk about the so-called Nobita or Fat Tiger. Isn’t this sentence constantly stimulating you? Supporters of your deep blue, your deep white, this kind of grudge, if you really reconcile it, you may not win in the end, right? So this is less than 2 months left. If you really reconcile it, the friction period will become very short. So I think actually everyone should give the two parties two days now because we know that they haven’t decided yet. Especially the Kuomintang wants to show its greatness and height. Friday is the last day to register, November 24th , so there is still time.
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Id: vAbBov5n-Pk
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Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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