[SUB]中東七國訪中制以色列?拜登杜魯道鬼打鬼? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20231120 (字幕版)

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Their support in the United States has been declining, especially for his age, because he will celebrate his 81st birthday on November 20th, which is today. For many American voters, this is Aren't he too old? Many people don't want to see him run for re-election now . We saw this Wall Street Journal editorial saying that Biden's insistence on running for re-election in his current physical condition is too selfish. Even a former CBS reporter said The Capitol Hill newspaper said that in fact, most Americans don’t want to see 81-year-old Biden and 77-year-old Trump re-elected for president. But why don’t they care? It’s because both Trump and Trump are selfish and only think about it . What you want and ignore what the voters want. An Associated Press poll conducted in August mentioned that 77% of Americans believe that Biden is too old to serve as president for another term. Even the Democratic Party’s supporters In fact, as many as 69% of the interviewees thought so . They said that because it seems that Biden has no way to be promoted now , how can voters believe that you can't even run a campaign like this ? You can be the president for another four years , and maybe they think it will include being shaken awake in the early morning to deal with the critical moment when China invades Taiwan . You are still asleep , and you often wake up as if you are asleep, which makes everyone feel a little uncomfortable. Don’t worry, our programs often introduce him to the feeling of shaking hands with the air and sleepwalking for some reason. Then again, he is currently involved in two wars, for example, desperately supporting Ukraine. This Russo-Ukrainian war also has strong support. Israel has also triggered a lot of backlash in their country . In terms of the death toll on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian war, Hamas’s media office announced that the death toll in Gaza has now exceeded 13,000, and more than 30,000 people have been injured. Thousands of people . The Israeli government's data says that about 1,200 people died on the Israeli side. So this war means that both sides caused a total of about 14,400 lives. However, the United States did not play a role in calling for a stop . So now there are many The countries in the Middle East feel that the United States has always been biased towards Israel , so they feel that it is turning to them instead. The foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries also arrived in mainland China today to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian issue , because they include the deputy prime minister of Jordan and Egypt. The Foreign Minister, the Foreign Minister of Indonesia , the Foreign Minister of Palestine , and the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation are all going to make some related visits. This trip is expected to end on the 21st. They hope that they can mediate a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine , and the first stop will be mainland China. They formed such a team and they said that the first stop is China. We will go to other countries to send a clear message that a ceasefire must be announced immediately and assistance must be provided as soon as possible to end the crisis and war in Gaza. In other words, they feel that if they rely on the United States It seems that there is no way to stop this war. They must unite and rely on their strength in the Middle East . And they seem to trust China more between China and the United States . So we see that China will play a role in exploring and quelling this conflict. Beijing plays an important role and has become the dependence of many countries . Now many countries hope to have some opinions on the United States on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict because the United States has shown itself to be more biased towards Israel. They hope that mainland China can exert influence in the Middle East. Playing some important roles in the historical process, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated in an announcement that during the visit, China maintained in-depth communication and coordination with the joint delegation of foreign ministers of Arab and Muslim countries , which was to promote Israel-Palestine relations. De-escalate the conflict to protect civilians and resolve all Palestinian issues fairly . In addition, let’s take a look at Jordan’s harsh criticism that this Arab country will not clean up the mess created by Israel because the Israeli military ’s attack on the Gaza Strip is a blatant aggression against Palestine. It has endangered the entire Middle East, so we Arab countries will not clean up the mess for you. They also emphasized that the two-state solution is the only way to achieve peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For many years , the countries in the Middle East have actually been fighting independently. Now there is finally one. The situation of the great alliance is because the United States is a little biased on the Israeli side , which arouses the anger of the Middle East countries and accelerates the speed of the Middle East alliance . So this now seems to be the situation that Americans least want to see. The analysis is that the United States aims to bring chaos to the Middle East by supporting Israel and stationing a large number of troops. But now it seems that Arab countries are interested in strengthening cooperation with China. Arab countries have begun to have a strong sense of strategic independence , which has also determined the Middle East region . The geopolitics is undergoing a major shift towards de-Americanization, so first let’s ask Brother Liang about this. In fact, Biden has also seen it, so yesterday Biden personally published an article in the Washington Post expressing his views on Israel if He also said that the Palestinians would want to return to their homeland of Northern Gaza. He said several things, not including that Israel should not forcibly repatriate Palestinians, but that they would not be allowed to come back, and that they would not be allowed to occupy Northern Gaza , and that they would not be embezzled . When Biden talked about any inch of territory to this extent , I was really shocked when I saw it published in the Washington Post, the representative newspaper of the Democratic Party. Of course, this is because the United Nations Security Council just passed the resolution. Of course, this is also operated by China . China happens to be the rotating chairman , so China proposed the proposal through Malta. This is a small country , but it is a neutral country , which is equivalent to giving face to the United States. The result was passed with 12 votes and the United States abstained. This resolution has been passed, which means that the humanitarian moratorium must be implemented immediately , and water, food, fuel , etc. must be transported in. He also mentioned that the core infrastructure must be able to be repaired and has been handed over to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to implement this. Everyone knows that Secretary-General Guterres has firmly opposed Israel and believes that Israel has violated international humanitarian law. Next, he is authorized to do so . This is a UN Security Council resolution , so it is binding. So next, if the UN Secretary-General decides The measures arranged were boycotted by Israel. Basically, the United Nations can impose sanctions on Israel. So if Israel still resists at this time, it will enter the sanctions stage. So I think this timing is very clever. Of course, the Arab countries have also seen this thing, so they started to look for big countries. The first stop is China. In fact, mainland China has already started. I think the resolution passed by the Security Council with 12 votes should be China's greeting to the United States. China must have told the United States that if you want to veto even this, I will keep raising it . I mentioned that you have abstained, so I think the peace process has already begun. In the future, China and the United States will have their own roles. Please ask Mr. Lai. I will follow what Zhengliang said because Biden published this in the Wall Street Journal. No occupation . Israel's Netanyahu in Gaza also opposed it at the first opportunity. I disagreed and he believed that the Palestinian government was incapable of governing the entire Gaza, so Gaza must implement Israeli military rule , which is military control . At the same time, Israel has launched an attack on South Gaza . The first leaflets have been dropped , asking people in South Gaza to evacuate. Which way should we evacuate? Then to North Gaza or to Egypt? Of course, it is to Egypt. You can't become The refugee boat ports at sea have also been occupied by Israel , and you can't move to North Gaza because the last battle is going on in North Gaza . Now the fight is starting in the south. Do you want the refugees to come to the Sinai Peninsula ? Egypt is being forced to accept the influx of these refugees in large numbers. In this situation, Natanyahu's ambition has actually been revealed. He wants to occupy the Gaza area, so he will not hesitate to destroy all the people , and then finally rebuild and control it. The reconstruction of South Gaza will mean that Israeli immigrants will come in and take control of another piece of land , making it complete and complete , and then confining the Palestinian government to this small area of ​​​​the West Bank. If Netanyahu continues to be in power and continues this way, then I think the conflict between Israel and the Middle East will expand the conflict between the United States and the people in the Middle East. Terrorism may become more active and start to emerge. So what should we do ? The first thing is that the United States puts enough pressure on Netanyahu to make him give in. Isn't it just to find a way to remove Natanyahu from power? Now we will see what will happen in the future, but it seems that the trend is in this direction. Now another problem has arisen. We have seen more and more diplomatic activities , and in this In diplomatic activities, basically the entire Muslim world places its hopes on mainland China , so their first stop is Beijing , and those who come are all heavyweights , that is to say, the Arab world is mainly Sunni. In the Arab world, we also see Indonesian Jokowi in Asia. Jokowi asked Biden to cease fire immediately during APEC. Biden has no way of agreeing to such a situation . Obviously, they are also very disappointed , so it is useless to ask the United States to help. Now it is obvious that their entire force is moving towards mainland China. Now the mainland will definitely discuss a set of solutions with them . That means how to impose pressure on Israel . If there is enough pressure , Israel must change its strategy , otherwise this war will become more and more cruel. But in the last sentence, I think since there are so many voters in the United States, more than half of the voters do not want Biden and Trump to run for office. Then why if Biden and Trump come out to run for office in the end , what kind of democratic system is this? Aren’t we the people who are the masters of the country? It turns out that in the United States, the people cannot be the masters of the country. Let me ask the captain. I followed Teacher Lai’s topic. Let’s talk about this first. On the day Biden was re-elected, did you see two rows of people from China and the United States sitting there to talk to Xi Jinping? You saw a group of senior officials from the United States over there, right ? I remember one person asked me what was their favorite person today. I can tell you what the main thing that people in the United States think about is that Biden must be re-elected and he must not be re-elected. You know that all these people will lose their jobs. This is why you obviously think that Biden is so old, right? Why do all the people who have seized power push him forward? Brother, come down, aren’t we all in trouble? So this group of people are the ones who are really running the election . They won’t let go, so the election will continue and it won’t change the second one. I think peace between Israel and Palestine, not to mention ceasefire, is Palestine . Peace between Israel and Palestine is about ten times and a hundred times more difficult than our Blue and White cooperation. It is too difficult. Because I asked you what to do after the cessation. Back to now, many people are talking about the two-state solution. Isn’t that right? The two-state solution was the land designated in 1947. To this day, the Golan Heights has been taken away by Israel. There are 45,000 people in the Golan Heights. It is a source of water and food for Israel and a production area of ​​agricultural products. Then forget it, there are only 45,000 people At present, 60% of the land in the West Bank has been taken away by Israel. It has 140 settlements and 100 military outposts, just like that police station. But the military there has killed almost 7 people every year in the past ten years. 8,000 people , and now Israel has immigrated there, 600,000 people. I ask you, if you want to implement the two-state plan, will everyone have to return to the United Nations? In 1947, I ask you, where will the 600,000 people in the West Bank go back? He didn't go to any place at all. Do you know that that place is too difficult and is a goal of Israel? Because he talked about destroying Hamas, I have been thinking about how you want to destroy Hamas. Hamas is an identity, isn't it? Identity Today I am a soldier of Hamas. I slept tonight and suddenly God gave me a revelation. Tomorrow I will put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. I will no longer be a liar. But today I am a 10-year-old child. Today, my parents are all killed by you. The bomb killed him. Tomorrow I will probably tie a bomb. I will go to Israel and blow it up, and he will become Hamas. Hamas is not an identity , but a mentality of revenge. When will retribution be repaid as it is now ? Mas cannot be eliminated , so is it possible for Israel to stop? What should we do if there is no two countries ? Then we have to send troops in. So all these plans now are actually like clouds in the sky in actual Palestine. Who are these clouds in the sky you are talking about ? To describe it, do you know that Zhang Liangren wrote something that is simply impossible? He had been the Israeli ambassador, so I saw him saying that after reading his, I realized that it is 10 times more difficult than our blue and white combination. So now, although the blue and white combination seems difficult, It’s heavy , but everyone has to have confidence , maybe it will work out. Let’s take a break for commercials and be back soon. Now the far right is calling this Argentinian Trump. Now, if you mention Trump, everyone will know that that person is very radical. So, Argentina’s Trump is Mire. Now that Iraq has won the election, he said that in diplomacy he will only consider dealing with anti-socialist countries such as the United States and Israel. He will never deal with communist regimes such as China , so he is very radical. He looks like a Trump-like character and is 53 years old . Mirej is actually an economist, and many of his positions are similar to Trump 's, which is why he is called Argentina's Trump. Moreover, he strongly advocates freezing relations with mainland China , so does he represent Central and South America now ? We have said before that it seems to be gradually turning to the left, and it is becoming more like this. The whole of Central and South America is gradually turning to the side that is more pro-China, but suddenly there is an Argentine turn. The United States has regained a little bit, and Argentina has now replaced Brazil. Mainland China ’s new darling in Latin America. In fact, Argentina has replaced Brazil as the main destination for mainland China’s investment in Latin America in 2022. Argentina’s Minister of Economy also talked about this in June. When he concluded his visit to China, he joked about this of mine. The name of the country should not be followed by Argentina, but by China, because the exchanges with mainland China are very close . Then, mainland China has also added 6.5 billion US dollars in free swap lines to Argentina . According to the currency swap agreement between the two countries, China The mainland’s central bank provided Argentina with a free quota of US$6.5 billion . Argentine President Fernandez, the previous president, said that he initially asked for US$5 billion , but Xi Jinping gave an additional US$1.5 billion , so originally In fact, they have a very good relationship with mainland China , and they have also promoted de-dollarization and used the renminbi to settle goods imported from mainland China. But now that this Argentine Trump has taken office , Trump also came to congratulate him and said Congratulations to Mirej on a great campaign. The whole world is watching and proud of you. Then you will change your country and truly make Argentina great again. On the other hand, we have seen some interactions between some other allies of the United States and China recently. Some of the above , even at the international level, feel a bit like watching Trudeau’s jokes. For example, Trudeau’s remarks at the Asia-Pacific Summit between Trudeau and Xi Jinping were that we had a short and good exchange , but in fact it was just Nod, so many netizens like this are talking about whether Trudeau has some problems with his IQ. Is his IQ lower than 86? That’s why there is such irony. So if you look at what he said, it will be discussed above. In fact, it’s all The world is communicating with mainland China , but Trudeau is the only one who is ignored like this. Then when we look at the Meng Wanzhou case, Canada is also on the same side of the Five Eyes alliance, which helped this incident happen. Shortly after being arrested by the Canadian authorities in December 2018, the mainland Chinese government actually arrested and detained two Canadian citizens for engaging in activities endangering national security. One was a former diplomat, Michael Kovrig, and the other was businessman Shi Recently, Peiffer actually asked the Canadian government for millions of dollars in compensation. He said that I was involved in espionage activities without knowing it. Spiver also talked about one of the reasons why the two of them were arrested. It was Kovrig who conveyed North Korea's message to the Five Eyes alliance formed by the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Spavor served as an adviser to promote business exchanges between Canada and North Korea. He was also one of the few Westerners who had established relations with Kim Jong-un , so he put some The information about North Korea was shared with Kovrig. Kovrig claimed at the time that he had resigned from the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was working at an international relations think tank. However, Kovrig was actually still in contact with the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs , so it became like a leak. intelligence Spavor is very angry. Now he wants to sue the Canadian government for compensation. Let's see if Kishida also tries to save the polls because his approval rating has dropped to a new low since 2021. According to Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, he said now There are only 21 left, setting a new low since taking office in October 2021. How dangerous is it? In fact, if his approval rate is lower than 30, public opinion will say that it has entered dangerous waters. Now if it falls, If it exceeds 20, it means that the water level is down. The gap is not that far because it is only 1 percentage point more than 20. Where does this come from? It may be related to the nuclear wastewater. Because the aquatic products imported from Japan by mainland China collapsed in October. It has decreased by 99.3 per year. According to the latest trade statistics released by the General Administration of Customs of mainland China, you can see that the total amount of aquatic products imported from Japan is only 2.4 million yuan, which is only 0.7. The original quantity is 0.7. Kyodo News will talk about August. In the second half of the year , Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant processed the discharged nuclear sewage, which had an impact on imports. Not only can it not be sold to mainland China, but it is also very difficult to process and sell it, so it has to turn to Southeast Asia. CNBC said that because Food safety issues and fraud are very serious. Even tourists from mainland China are now reluctant to choose to travel to Japan. First, let’s ask Brother Liang about Argentina’s current far-right elected president. I think he will go the way of Brazil. Tropical Trump, Bolsonaro, brought turmoil in Brazil. This is destined to bring turmoil in Argentina. To what extent is this populist? He formed a political party of his own, and it turned out that it was called the Liberal Progressive Party. It had 72 seats in the Senate and only got 7 seats and 257 seats. The House of Representatives only got 38 seats. How can you govern like this ? And you are still bragging that I will change it to all US dollars. Does the United States dare to take your Argentine coins? We made it clear that it is now the largest debtor of the International Monetary Fund, and mainland China is helping. It is doing a favor by allowing it to use RMB to repay mainland China. Now holding its Argentinian currency is equivalent to taking a huge risk. Do you think the United States will be willing to follow you? Let’s see how much US dollar quota you Argentina can get. He said that the country should switch to US dollars. The U.S. dollar will not be traded with you because this is about how much the central bank uses. Why was he elected ? In fact, it is a tragedy for this country. In October, its inflation was 143. Then the poverty population in the country accounted for 40, and there is no way out. Just give it a try, that's what it is. Brazil is also Brazil, and Bolsonaro is even more outrageous. He also advocates opening up guns. As a result, Brazil's current gun ownership rate is full of guns. Now, this sequelae, Lula doesn't know what to do , he just touches them all. If Trump is elected next year, let’s see how many dollars Trump will give to Argentina to see your sincerity. I’m telling you, in the face of the economy, no matter how crazy you are about politics, It’s easy to bow your head and ask Teacher Lai for the same reason. Is there any way or will Argentina withdraw from the BRIC? The BRIC is not 5 countries now , it is 5 plus 6. Should Argentina withdraw again because there are many socialist countries in it ? Should it withdraw? I believe it will not withdraw from the second France. When the Socialist Party was in power, it was a socialist country and the left was in power. So at this time, do you want to break off diplomatic relations with France and stop communicating with the French? I don’t think you can do it because all European countries There are leftists and rightists , and his leftist side is socialism, so he must define socialism more clearly. In addition, he wants to use U.S. dollars as the country's currency. First, he cannot get so many U.S. dollars. Second, let go of all the central banks. The functions, roles , and national currency no longer exist. I don’t believe he can do it, but I think the level of the Argentine people may not be very high. What he said cannot be done, and they will still support it. I admire him for this . This is the set of national values ​​and national politics that we admire most. I really like this system. As long as it is linked to democracy, family democracy, submarine democracy, everything is great. This democracy is the best. I really love it to death. This system , so we see that you missed the democratic grouper, the democratic grouper, democratic guava, and the democratic egg. Just add democracy and it will be fine. The last thing we want to ask is the Japanese government. Are you draining sewage for Japan? The people are still for the TEPCO consortium. If you are just for your TEPCO consortium, you have made the Japanese people suffer so much health risks, you have made the Japanese fishermen now bear this huge economic loss, you have made your Many cosmetics companies and even more Japanese products are in trouble. I think Fumio Kishida is really the sinner of Japan's economy. So no wonder the Japanese people 's support for him has dropped to such a low level. I think it is because of his profiteering consortium . Regardless of the Japanese people, this is another set of democratic systems. It’s really awesome. In other words, Japan’s favorite mentor of the Democratic Progressive Party, the Liberal Democratic Party , serves a consortium and then abandons the interests of all Japanese people , thus causing Today, Japan's economy is in such a bad situation , and the Japanese hate this political party and hate this person , because at present, more than half of the people, 56 or more, believe that Fumio Kishida is very incompetent, and Fumio Kishida has caused their entire country. Decline , but this person can still continue to be the Prime Minister of Japan. Great, great , great. Let’s ask the captain. Today, another retired general of our navy was arrested today for being involved in a communist espionage case. Let me talk about this now. I would like to advise many of you. Maybe all of you are retired admirals of the Navy who were captured in the past. There are probably a few people I don’t know who are very good to me. I can tell you a few common characteristics of these people . Let me tell you first, these people are very easy-going, have good tempers, and are forthright. If you ask them for help, they are all like this. If you ask them to organize any event, they will try their best . So you know that in these many cross-strait countries, How do you say it is a communist espionage activity? How do you say it is not? Sometimes it is difficult for you to define a very clear one. Let me give you an example. I once saw a certain communist espionage case and there was one person I knew among the people who went there. He almost went there from beginning to end. I immediately called him and asked him. I said why did you go all the time? He was a former officer of mine because they organized golf every time I went there . My officer was the number one leader in golf in the Navy. So every time he goes there, it’s hard to decide whether he wants to go or not. Teacher, you want to come to our competition. If you don’t come, we won’t win the championship . Although he only has many such activities, he just goes . Usually , I help with this kind of thing. What's wrong with some exchanges ? When doing these exchanges, your good intentions usually turn into bad consequences . Just like this time when this person in Canada was arrested, he didn't know that he was breaking the law. He was also doing those people a favor , so you have to be very careful. I would also like to specifically advise these investigators not to make up charges such as advocating one country, two systems for peaceful reunification. Is this propaganda of communist espionage? Then if they say it is like collecting military intelligence and sending it to the other side, of course it is not allowed. If they say it is to incite rebellion against active professional soldiers. Of course not, but other than that, when everyone must do these activities, I advise everyone. Fortunately, I am a colonel. If I retire as a general, I may also target a target. He rarely arrests these colonels. He must arrest those general representatives . Speaking of their status, they can join us for discussion. Guest international affairs expert Lai Yueqian, host, good audience friends, hello everyone, former captain of the Zhangqian ship Huang Zhenghui, host, dear viewers, hello everyone, Guo Zhengliang, Ph.D. of Yale political science, everyone is safe and well. Let's first take a look at the current blueprint . Regarding Bai He's situation, Commissioner Cheng Lai-wen was choked up when she went on a radio show this morning. She just defended Ma Ying-jeou , and then she also asked whether it was time for the Kuomintang to admit defeat. Let's listen . So there are many supporters of Ma Ying-jeou. Perhaps it is also in this mood that I want to say that Ma Ying-jeou has already taken a lot of arrows by standing up. Many voices in the party have said that he will no longer be in office and will not seek political power. But now that we have reached a deadlock, what can we do? I can’t understand it. Now everyone is still paying attention. Let’s see that Ke Wenzhe also went to his swearing-in meeting and said this. Let everyone interpret it and say that it seems to be a bit stuck. Let’s listen to it. It’s a good fight. After all, there are now many interpretations of this sentence . It means fighting to the end , but what he said is not that he will run for the election to the end . So now that people are talking about it, it may leave some foreshadowing and room for discussion . Let’s see what Hou Youyi said, no matter what the outcome is. No matter what , we respect Chairman Ke's decision . Blue and White have changed from "I" to "I" and now they seem to continue to be entangled in personal interests. This is a comment in the United Daily News. He said that Blue and White should calmly think about and weigh the situation. Is it more important to serve personal interests or to remove the Democratic Progressive Party from power ? Of course, based on the public opinion poll in Taiwan, 60% of people want to remove the Democratic Progressive Party. So no wonder there are so many voices hoping that everyone, blue and white, Let's put aside all the past grudges and talk about cooperation as soon as possible . Let's take a look . Qiu Guozheng also told the truth because the DPP and the Black Bear Academy are now co-organizing the cross-strait government-military war game. He said that they can cooperate with this The purpose of the Black Bear Academy cooperation is to help Taiwan cultivate national security talents. Black Bear Academy has been constantly mentioned in this election. Even the second place in the Democratic Progressive Party's non-district is included in the Black Bear Academy. However, Qiu Guozheng is the president of the Black Bear Academy. I really admire what Qiu Guozheng said. Many times , what Qiu Guozheng said is the truth. He said that you should treat him as the Black Bear Academy as a club. It is a group of interested people who go to the wild to play paintball , so it is a folk. The civil society that plays paintball is not as powerful as the Black Bear Academy described itself. He said that from the perspective of combat, such troops would become guerrillas. Unless it was absolutely necessary , they would not consider it. But the Black Bear Academy was very angry when he heard it. We sincerely invite the Minister of Defense to come to the civil defense course for guidance. Don’t be easily led to the wrong direction. We believe that Qiu Guozheng will not be confused about the difference between civil defense and national defense , let alone other media or unreasonable media who already have this position. People are talking nonsense , so he is questioning whether our Minister of Defense has been infiltrated, so he was led to say this to him. In fact, it is a very serious accusation. What kind of simulated wars did the Black Bear Academy do in the past ? For example, using tomatoes Why is this fake amputated limb bleeding ? I don’t know if it’s ketchup, maybe it’s plasma , and cardboard boxes are used to simulate the ruins of the battlefield. Anyway, they think it’s very realistic, but is this really the real situation on the battlefield ? Why don't you really go to hell on earth and go to Ukraine and Gaza ? You will know how terrible war is. You really don't need to rely on these cardboard boxes or plasma to simulate it. Everyone does not want a war to happen in Taiwan. It is wonderful to see Lai Qingde. Now he is using Xi Jinping’s words as his own words to prove that there will be no war. He said that Xi Jinping has denied the plan to invade Taiwan in 2027. Xi Jinping rewards He said that he would send troops to attack Taiwan in 2027 or 2035. Xi Jinping has denied this to Biden. This is tantamount to a slap in the face of the Kuomintang. He also said that the opposition youth who voted for the DPP to go to the battlefield were completely lies . To put it this way, young people don’t seem to agree. There are discussions on the Internet among young people like PTT. Will Israel believe Hamas? Will Ukraine believe Putin? If Xi Jinping said he won’t attack Taiwan in 2027, will he do so in 2026? Is he not going to attack Taiwan in 2025? Does Lai Gongde really believe in Xi Jinping so much? Or is Lai Qingde himself a traveler of the Communist Party of China? So is it the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council or not the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council? Lai Qingde may have to listen carefully to what they said. If Lai Ching-te comes to power, it will be conducive to accelerating the reunification of the mainland. If Lai Ching-te comes to power, the mainland will be able to deal with it and we will follow our own path. If Lai Ching-te comes to power, it will be conducive to accelerating reunification . It is very clear. In addition, if we look at the current war in the Taiwan Strait, it seems that there is no such thing. So far away , because the news now confirms that the Chinese and American warships on Taiping Island did indeed enter within 12 nautical miles of Taiping Island. The Ministry of National Defense also confirmed this news. When Chen Yixin was questioned in the Legislative Yuan , he said that he had obtained it from some foreign media. The satellite image shows that the distance is only 10 nautical miles. Is this true? Has our Ministry of National Defense got such information? He said that the Ministry of National Defense did indeed see it on the radar. It is different from what the coast patrol said. The IOC said that there is no such thing as Biling. They told us that there was no such thing, so now it is confirmed that they were all there, just like the Dongfeng missiles flew over again , and we only realized it afterwards, so it was true that they entered 12 nautical miles. Previously, Qiu Guozheng said that the communist army would shoot when it entered 12 nautical miles of our territorial waters , but The captain just said that the situation seems to be different. Let's ask the captain to supplement it later. Let's take a look at the exclusive news. The United States has provided 80,000 sets of these combat suits and the submarine M240B platoon has been airlifted to Taiwan with machine guns . The situation is that it will be used in urban warfare. So is this news true? The Ministry of National Defense currently says that the relevant information is based on the tacit understanding between Taiwan and the United States, so it will not comment. Let’s first ask Brother Liang. Lai Qingde is really sad and he will not do it. I clearly understand the context of what Xi Jinping said. In fact, Xi Jinping took the initiative to tell Biden what the American media said: China will unify Taiwan by force in 2027 and 2035. I have not seen such an official document, and no one mentioned this plan to him to see his intentions. It is to say that the United States does not want to have holidays all day long. His intention is here. But it is incredible that you, Lai Qingde, used it to help himself in the election. Then why don't you quote Zhu Fenglian's words again from the spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council ? This is enough . Is she authoritative? People asked her that Lai Qingde wanted to have dinner with Xi Jinping. What did Zhu Fenglian say? Do you know? She said, please Lai Qingde stop saying these shameless words that are asking for trouble. Do you want to listen to this sentence? I can use it to help you in the election. I won’t do it in the future. When you talk about having a meal with Xi Jinping, people say you are asking for trouble. They also say you are a scumbag. Let’s talk about it directly. Let’s talk about the deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai. He directly said that Lai Qingde’s election is to speed up the reunification process. I originally thought that only mainland netizens were making trouble for you . You know, this is the first time the official has said it. What this means is that if Lai Qingde is elected, the possibility of military conflict will greatly increase, so it is very likely that military reunification will occur. This means that everyone has to return to that context. Only then will you know what their intentions are. What Xi Jinping said to Biden was to refute the United States' cognitive warfare. Don't make a mistake. Zhu Fenglian is really talking about you. The deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai is really talking about you. Therefore, future quotations must be quoted correctly . But you see If he uses this thing as an election platform now, you will know how helpless he is on the issue of war and peace . Because he can't come up with a solution, that's why you have to talk about this blue and white. This blue and white is a big tragedy. So far... Because I saw Cai Zhengyuan today, he used the existing polls of the United Daily News to make estimates. He said that if there were separate elections, the turnout rate would be about 71.7. Lai Qingde would get 6 million votes, Ke Wenzhe would get 4.5 million votes , and Hou Youyi would get 350. What is the result of 10,000 votes ? This result is that brothers climb mountains and fall under the cliff with their own efforts. Just the two of you combined, the potential votes are as high as 8 million votes . But because of your separation, do you think it will be successful if you abandon the bail like this? I will tell you. If you talk about historical abandonment, the most you can do is to give away 30 votes. Suppose Hou Youyi has 3.5 million votes, how about you give up 30 votes? Then Hou Youyi only gives up 1.05 million votes. If you add 1.05 million votes to 4.5 million votes, you still lose to Lai Qingde by 6 million votes. That is to say, our logic and our election must be logical , which means that you have to express your logic. How do you win the election ? Hou Youyi’s campaign energy is really relatively small, and Ke Wenzhe also has shortcomings because of the election in central and southern China. I even think that Taoyuan is different from Taipei . It’s because you can’t use the Internet. To put it bluntly, you are campaigning for the election everywhere from the south of Taoyuan to the end , and then people use aerial cameras to take pictures there. your live crowd Then various betting markets began to appear. Think about it. Does Ke Wenzhe have such a betting market? Does he have such an election campaign betting market? I dare say that the DPP will start with 30,000 people in every county and city by then, so people will always bet on it. I will publish aerial photos of counties and cities for you , and then the betting market will be one-sided . Lai Qingde’s optimistic rate may reach 90. I even think it will be linked to Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe. If you all run individually, you will have difficulty raising funds. Because people think you won’t be elected , you really have to think about the consequences of this. Let me ask the captain to quickly explain the question that the host just asked is that our territorial waters are 12 nautical miles. The island is quite special , so it has an additional regulation on the outer islands. It is called restricted waters within 6,000 yards. If you enter within 6,000 yards, I will take action. Prohibited waters means you are absolutely not allowed to come in. It is 4,000 yards. This is the first one. The second one I want to talk about is the blue and white combination. I have been in a really bad mood these past few days. I was so angry today that I even forgot to bring my suit jacket. Let me talk about it first. The Kuomintang and the People's Party are currently in the polls . There are three different differences. Let me talk about the first difference first, which is the difference in proportion. Let me give you an example. Brother Liang competed with me in the same party today , and Brother Liang got 49 and I got 48. Our theory is whether Brother Liang won. 1 Yes, that 's right. This is everyone's general theory . But what is the People's Party's explanation ? Because his opponent has 1 more and his opponent has 1 less. So it's like saying that our opponent is Teacher Lai. Brother Liang has more 1 and he has less 1, so he looks like this. One minus 2, the People's Party looks like this. When he subtracts the opponent's, he is not talking about our separate thing. So at any time, the ratio is 1 less for the Green Camp. The result is 2. He has doubled it. This is the first one . This is related to us. You can say that all of your perceptions are reasonable. The second one is that out of the 9 polls , why did the People's Party delete 3 of them when it came out? Then why do you think everything you said is reasonable ? Then let me ask you, the other 6 are all in line with yours. Is that true? Why did you delete 3 if you said they should be deleted? And all 3 were won by Hou Youyi. If I were the Kuomintang, could I say that all these polls would remove the two most extreme ones? One was won by the Kuomintang. 6 You can take away the ones with more than 5 on the left and right . There is also one that the Kuomintang won. The highest one is probably a little over 2. That one has already been taken away by him at the beginning of the 3. So after I take one each, do you know? Knowing that it is not harmful to the Kuomintang, the People's Party will be less 1. If we put these things into consideration, everyone has an opinion. Which ones are unqualified? After the completion, they will lose. Then the third one is this called statistical error. Recently, everyone has been discussing these things . It’s academic theory, not who said it. As long as there is a change in the three things I just mentioned, the Kuomintang, Hou Youyi, will win. As long as there is one of them, the Kuomintang insists on negotiating without moving. In fact, the most annoying thing is that negotiation requires mutual concessions. That is called negotiation. Do you know that depending on where you stand, what you say is right and others are wrong. This is an unreasonable negotiation. The second thing I think we need to worry about is that we must not be led away by those hawks. At present , I think it is different from everyone else . I have full confidence in Ke P because Ke P has great wisdom. Ke P no longer plays tricks . These staff members below are all smart. Big wisdom goes a long way. Little wisdom plays some tricks. It’s not long. I think Ke P will still choose Blue and White in the end . Finally, I will quickly talk about the Black Bear Academy. I think the biggest obstacle for the DPP to govern the country is national defense. Look at how many famous speakers you have in all the green media. People are so-called national defense majors , and you don’t trust professional soldiers at all . You treat soldiers as enemies. Let’s first ask Teacher Lai, what do you think of this Black Bear Academy? It’s like Qiu Guozheng slapped Black Bear Academy in the face. The style of play is that of guerrilla warfare. The style of guerrilla warfare is basically to fortify the wall and clear the field. If this is the case, it is very close to Hamas's style of play . In other words, it is not a direct contest with the regular army . Generally speaking, we The purpose of the military is to say that once there is a contest between who wins and who loses , we just give up resistance or admit defeat and basically try not to hurt innocent people and then enter political negotiations. This has been used in the past. The method is to constantly compete with each other . So the formal style of play, as you can see in Europe and the United States , or the Japanese style of play, generally adopts this method , which means to fight one soldier and one pawn or one person and one people . This kind of thing is basically genocide. In Qiu Guozheng's opinion, it seems that this is not even a guerrilla group. He said that it is called a society to play outdoor paintball, because we all know that if we want to fight guerrilla warfare , it is basically What will happen is like what is happening in Gaza in Israel , that is, they will fight inch by inch. That is because once it is a guerrilla war , it will be impossible to distinguish between the civilians and the common people, and the entire town will be destroyed. Some people will say. After the war , the reconstruction speed after the war was actually very fast. We all thought that after the war, the entire town was destroyed. In fact, the speed of recovery was very fast. We have done a lot of research and statistics in the past . For example, Germany during World War II You see, the Allies have been bombing like this... Even London has been bombed continuously . However, in about 10 to 15 years after the war , the entire reconstruction of Germany will be completed , so once it is built at this post-war speed , The speed is very fast . In fact, Israel has also calculated that if Gaza is destroyed and the Palestinians are driven away and the entire Israeli army takes control of the Sinai Peninsula, it will bulldoze the place where immigrants come and then build houses. It might not take 10 years. A new city will be built within 10 years . This is all possible. But the problem is that the number of casualties will be unimaginable. Therefore, I think the people in the Black Bear Army are too naive and too optimistic. They think that I Guerrilla warfare by waging a strong wall and clearing the country can intimidate the opponent so that he will not dare to take action. If you really want to do something or unify, you are willing to pay this price. I think this must be calculated clearly , so I really suggest that what your organizer proposed is that these Black Bear troops organize a group to go to the Gaza area or to these areas in Ukraine to fight a town war. After the fight is over, I feel that because of Ukraine They need to recruit soldiers. I think they should fight once to see how the town battle is done and then come back and talk about how to fight this battle. I think it would be better not to play paintball, which is the club style of play. The club style of play is very fake blue and white . I was happy for a few days. It was not a question about blue and white. I was happy for a few days after the combination of blue and white. Now I have returned to my original judgment that it is difficult to combine. Because my original judgment was that it was difficult. That was very confusing. Later it was reported that blue and white were combined. I was very happy when the white combination happened. I was so happy for a few days and then it disappeared and I was back to the original point. The purpose of cooperation is to fight a difficult election. Cooperation is to win. Cooperation must have a good atmosphere. There must be a good atmosphere. There is a very good atmosphere , a very good atmosphere must be created with great effort , but it seems that there is no effort to create it , but it is filled with a lot of design and a lot of ingenuity , and then it eventually breaks up and is unhappy. Now the atmosphere of both parties is not happy. There are many people like Zhenghui who are very unhappy, and supporters like Ke P are also very unhappy. Both sides are very unhappy. It would be very difficult to cooperate, so I think we will cooperate on this on the 24th. In fact, Zhenghui is very unhappy about it. Ke Wenzhe has this great wisdom. I think it may be difficult to come back together again because this also requires Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi to have this great wisdom . Let’s take a break for commercials and come back soon.
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Id: WOzbLP_kD7k
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Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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