Su-35 Flanker-E Vs F-14 Tomcat | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS | INTERCEPT | DOGFIGHT

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thank you hey guys welcome back to another video today we're here in the F-14 we're carrying the aim 50 for Charlie variants we'll talk about those and what that means for this fight in a little bit uh we are fighting a Russian Sukhoi 35 here today he's carrying the r37 Hypersonic missiles he's also carrying the Russian r77m which is better than the 77-1 but uh you know the Hypersonic missiles I think are probably the scariest thing he carries we'll have to deal with those now he does obviously outrange me which again is a weird thing to say when you're in a tomcat with the Phoenix missile but those Hypersonic missiles are going to be a serious problem he's already locking me look at this AI that represents uh air intercept so we have an Airborne uh Target Bandit bogey whatever it is but it is locking me and obviously that's him using his modernized Sukhoi radar to get that lock so I'm going to climb up here but we are going to have to defend I don't know when he's going to fire the Hypersonic missiles but I mean it's probably already on the way for being honest so we're gonna go ahead and go into notches go into beams change aspect change altitude everything we can do to try to break that long distance lock we are like I said carrying the Charlie variant of the M54 which is very similar to like a modernized amram Seeker at least the first mm Seeker in the sense that it will go Pitbull if I break lock it's not as good as an M Seeker but that concept Remains the Same if you break lock it will find the Target on its own the old aim54a variants didn't do that if you broke luck before they went pit bull they were dead they were essentially dead in the water so big Improvement using the Charlie variant and for those of you who are maybe unfamiliar with the Phoenix missile the way it works is depending on Range to Target once you fire these things they come off the rail and they just climb up they'll go up to about 80 000 feet and then they'll drop down you know they'll hit speeds of like Mach 5 on their way up and down and they'll drop down top down on top of their target which is extremely dangerous because a lot of aircraft have rwr blind spots 45 degrees above and below the aircraft so when that missile comes top down on top of you the possibility exists that you don't even hear it so we're recommitting into them uh a similar problem exists with the Russian r37 Hypersonic missile if it hits me I'm not gonna like there's not gonna be any warning time you know we'll be flying here and then I'll just explode because that thing might hit me at like Mach 7 Mach 8 like that thing is super super fast we are now reducing altitude in an attempt to break any luck that he might have on us or at least the missile might have on us I continued to be alive which tells me that we must have defeated at least the one of those Hypersonic missiles maybe two I don't know the Locking seems to have stopped uh he's picking me up again but we're still alive so we're still very much in this fight this is one of the issues when you have you know a bandit who has massive standoff capability on you like you end up in situations like this where the first few minutes of the fight you're just defending against the abandon the Target that you have no chance of touching right um so we are slowly closing into the Phoenix range hopefully the f-14's radar pick him up here in a moment let's roll out the aircraft because Jester actually does have a tws lock we're gonna Fox three and then watch how this thing climbs up to 80 000 feet and drops down on top of it that's a fox 3. there it goes thank you the Phoenix is such an amazing piece of technology like think about it back when that time period when everyone else was firing these dumb Fox One missiles you just show up with that thing you know like a giant 80 000 feet missile at Mach 5 that drops down on top of your head and it has its own radar for terminal guidance like that thing is scary imagine like dealing with that when it first came out look at that they had climbed all the way up to probably close to 80 000 feet of course how high it flies before it drops back down is dependent on the Range demanded the farther he is the higher it'll climb to try to maximize that Arc and of course it's doing that to get into thinner air you know all that kind of stuff there's a lot of principles that use there we're gonna go ahead and recommit here because we are finally in the fight and I would like to keep this Sukhoi defensive again the way the Charlie variant differs from the A model Phoenix is that if I had the a model and I broke lock before it went Pitbull that missile would be dead it's it's kind of like a fox one until it's a fox 3. very primitive Fox threes will like that um got him off the nose here I am gonna just I only have so many phoenixes though so we gotta be careful here I also don't think gesture can get him let's see if he can find a lock for us no can do all right of course unable okay right unable still unable I love this guy oh Jester you're the best buddy okay we're defending because of our Rio's inability to find that Sukhoi in time and also considering the fact that he is shooting r77 M's those are very dangerous missiles as well so I'm gonna go ahead and defend here um because you can also hear him locking me so like you just make the assumption that he fired a missile you know like why would he be locking you if he hadn't fired a missile or if he didn't have the intention to right with these bvr fights there's a lot of logical very common sense assumptions you need to be making we're going to go ahead and commit vertically here and see if we can get a lock to get another Phoenix out that would be ideal let's see if we can find him here here nothing on radar nothing on rwr nothing on radar it's kind of concerning it's too quiet out here we're Joker fuels by Joker fuel we got a spike one o'clock Spike one o'clock okay so he's committed let's do this tws luck and fox 3. and remember that it's range dependent if that Phoenix missile climbs up to 80 000 feet that one didn't look like it was going to do that hey the sink rate is too high and it looked like that probably because he's not that far away if I'm being honest but he's close he's much closer than like 40 50 60 70 miles which is when the Phoenix would probably climb up to 80 000 feet once I recommit I'm gonna have to have a look at that range it was very important information that I don't have right now I should have looked so I'm gonna recommit 11 o'clock high five eleven o'clock high because I'm not going to worry about that right now it doesn't seem to be tracking me let's see if we can get yeah so 25 miles 26 miles I'm seeing for range so that's good let's go ahead and give another one fox three five miles and that thing's gonna climb up like that oh straight up uh I don't I don't think it's supposed to do that that thing went straight up it didn't even try to Arc and calm back down I wonder if that missile malfunctioned on me or something look at it it just went straight up you go backwards what's up that missile trail go backwards yeah look at it it arcs backwards I mean I'm no I'm no expert but I don't think he was behind us [Laughter] so that Phoenix muscle definitely I don't know that thing got wasted so I guess we're gonna have to recommit here that thing was completely ruined so that's why he's you know coming back around because he realized nothing got fired at him of course that'll probably hit a UFO on the moon or something I got to become offensive here quickly and push that flanker off before I let him run and run me down okay rudder okay give me a laptop here we go Target 26 miles 12 o'clock good man Jester right okay we're gonna send one at him oh what the rock rock climb a little bit come on pick him up pick him up just address the luck come on man thank you all right he got him send this one Fox three come off the rail man there we go okay Target 22 miles all right let's hope that one is actually gonna do what it needs to do it went up too oh my God what is going on it's going backwards too what is going on with these Phoenix missiles man foreign again look how it arcs back what is what's going on I don't understand what the issue is here I got two Duds what are the odds of that I have four missiles and two of them turned out to be Duds yes I'm down to sparrows now so I guess we gotta find them hopefully hopefully he's out of missiles too got him locked here let's push him see if we can get him with a sparrow that'd be real nice to get a Sukhoi 35 kill with a sparrow and usually 23 miles usually when you're when the Bandit kind of outranges you and has massive standoff capability on you you can generally beat him if you get to the merge um that's not the case here because he's a flanker if I get to the merge he still has you know a massive advantage on me so uh not a good situation to be in for sure these sparrows are really my my only hope look at this I actually can see him on the TV here I don't know if he can see me or what's he is locking me so 14 miles hold this for me real quick bud to see that he got the launch notification he looks like he's breaking off or something he's trying to defend he's going cold it looks like great thank you Jester we lost a lot so that missile scrapped I have another Sparrow here Rock The Block got it is that him I can't oh we just rock rock yeah Target eight miles okay got him eight miles Fox One so I think that flanker uh hasn't been shooting at me because he's out of fox three it's he's probably down to Fox News only um that Sparrow looks like it didn't hit him unfortunately so the bad news is we gotta go to the merge we lost the lock how convenient thank you Jester let's switch over to Sidewinders because we're going for the merge hopefully I can catch him you know not paying attention or come up 11 o'clock four miles 11 o'clock four miles I don't see them I don't see him he's got me locked though oh I see him I see him right there he's already flaring and he's got a fox 2 off we're climbing dropping flares there we go whoa just dodged that one and we are merged with a super 35. it doesn't get much worse than this I can't see him in all the ground clutter oh never mind he got us thank you I honestly couldn't see him at all in all the trees and after that second Leaf I never saw him again and never saw him until he killed us good kill good kill [Music] foreign
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 157,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: BBh5LR7IsgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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