Dassault Rafale Vs Eurofighter Typhoon Dogfight | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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good deal good kill hey good job [Music] what's up guys today we are simulating a dog fight between a euro fighter and a rafale this was a highly demanded video in the latest eurofighter series that we've been doing people have really been asking for this one and understandably as you know the the rafale was born out of the euro out of the french leaving the eurofighter program and we just went one circle with this rafale here please keep in mind that the eurofighter mod is not public yet okay as soon as it becomes public i will make an announcement i will let everybody know this rappel rafael's about to get rounds off he did get rounds off luckily it was a little too far a little too inaccurate [Music] look at this you just gotta stay away from that thing's nose and i'm doing it by like a few feet i think like his nose looks like it's pointing at me but it's just a little bit off he just doesn't have the reticle on there yet look at that thing battle of the canards as they say [Music] with these two a strangely even fight so far in terms of performance now one thing where i believe to be accurate is the euro fighter is a better rate fighter than the rafale that is my understanding um however it does appear in this situation that the rafale has better one circle ability and the vertical fight again i think is dominated by the euro fighter um so i i do think that the rafael is a little bit of an underdog gear like by the smallest margins but otherwise it is a very interesting matchup all right things are still going well here every time he pulls into the vertical i love to see that but again a couple of rounds there might have actually hit him all right one circle again he's always trying to force that one circle fight and you can see when he forces it he gets nose on first so that's definitely going to be something i'm going to want to avoid in the future there's one circle fighting with that thing because he is better than me that's a head-on so neither one of us shot there all right i might be able to get some rounds off here yep yeah i think i hit the tip of his wing there just got a little bit too slow as he was climbing he is leaking white smoke and we'll see if we can finish the job right here he looks like he's busted pretty bad oh yeah black smoke splash one rafael i think yeah that thing's dead should we go down there and just give it one more burst just to make sure there we go and there's the fire now he's really dead the fireball is the indicator and he should hit that ground and we should see a nice juicy explosion there we go splash one rafael [Music] so [Music] [Music] so those of you with a keen eye will notice that the euro fighter now has a new hud so those are some new changes that have been made to the eurofighter mod since we last used it once again into that one circle merge with that rafale the eurofighter mod continues to undergo [Music] development couple of rounds there that just went over my head that's the thing man the one circle with the rafael seems to be uh very much a problem luckily those rounds are just a little bit short um i don't think i can go down that road with him again i'm doubtful that i will survive but the uh the eurofighter mod is once again going through uh just last stages of development for the most part and they're just adding some nice little features to it which i think is very cool and it should be out in the very near future i don't want to give a specific date because i don't want to speak for them but when it's ready and it's good to release i will make an announcement here for everybody so you guys can get your hands on this great great mod but for the time being we are in a downward spiral with a raffel it's a kind of battle of the delta wings and canards very similar designs and concept between the rafale and eurofighter sort of you know i don't want to make it sound like they're super close in design a little bit of lag there apologize for that [Music] and that's the thing i i don't want to just pull the raphael into the hud this is one of the things you see a lot of people do it's referred to commonly as hud bfm it's uh when people just pull their band into the hut every time the situation it creates is high aspect situations that the bandit can use to force overshoots um here he did a little bit of a dip down that i didn't think he could survive but he did he hit me there because uh i went one circle with a rafale i'm lucky to be alive everything seems to be functioning well but he did hit me i did not expect him to do that once again i'm one circle he's forced the one sir you see that he beats me every single time in the one circle and this is not good okay just dodged the nose there and somehow he didn't hit the ground i'm surprised i didn't hit the ground i'm doing risky things to try to survive here but he is very much in the driving seat now i am totally defensive yep multiple rounds coming in now i'm on the deck and there you go he just slotted in behind yeah that's game over here yeah wonderful this thing is not flying anymore i'm just kind of stuck in the air oh is that part of me yeah i think yeah that's my weight speed all right time to punch out good kill look at that huge explosion you can actually feel the warmth from it i i almost got uh engulfed by that fireball there uh the new hud on the eurofighter in my opinion looks really good it's just navigation mode for now but it does look really good um we're gonna do one more round make the video a little bit longer for those of you who like the longer videos into the merge here you can see that rafael always forcing the one circle as he should he is better than one circle technically as we can see the rafael winning that one circle getting rounds off in the first turn you can often gauge how good your opponent is even if you don't know right in the fight you can see like he's pointing his nose at you and he's taking shots you know you don't want to be in the one circle situation with him even if you didn't know the exact performance of his aircraft as the fight goes on that should become increasingly evident to you but basically what i figured out so far is that the euro fighter does better in the vertical fight against the rafale so and the two circle i seem to be dominant so that's where i want to keep this fight now the euro fighter should very much be a better two-circle fighter than you know almost anything else which seems kind of uh strange considering that it's a it's a delta wing but it's not just that simple when it comes to aerodynamics like just because something is a delta wing doesn't mean it's going to be a terrible raid fighter you know there's a lot of other factors it's a complex thing but the euro fighter is good i don't think it's as good as an f-16 overall when it comes to raid fighting but it is quite good in the right fight so where'd he go [Music] oh oh great on my six okay those rounds are coming a little bit too close for comfort we're taking him into the vertical he hit me there but we're taking him into the vertical the one place where i know i can beat him [Music] and you can see that i am now working my way on to his sakes unlucky man but that's how clouds kind of change things they can take you from a neutral or oh [Music] that's a little bit of hud bfm there and it caused a high aspect situation almost got an overshoot but yeah the clouds um they may neutralize a fight or you know you lose visual on your guy and you know next thing you know he comes out of the cloud he's on your six this low altitude in the mountain dogfighting is extremely risky so i think we're both being very careful not to hit the side of one of these mountains here it can be difficult against the rafael to avoid being pulled into a one circle sometimes it does some very strange things especially at the top of like a vertical fight like what he kind of seems like he might be trying to do here but uh yeah he'll get up there he'll get slow speed and then he'll just point his nose at you and basically what i want to do is just kind of fly his flight path keep him in the assessment window which is about one hud length above the canopy bow and if i can keep him there um i will eventually have enough energy to pull him into the hud and kill as i see fit [Music] but the rafael can be problematic at times like i said it can do some unpredictable things the cloud layer is going to become a problem very quickly here [Music] a very nice sunset off in the distance there though [Music] not too sure how this is gonna play out but it may very well result in somebody hitting the side of a mountain before this fight is over because we're getting way low to the ground can i possibly pull him into the hud here let's try see if we can get rounds on target yes we can out rated we outraided him there we go i hit him man i hit him quite a few times there there we go got him locked let's give him a couple more yeah he's done four no smoke or anything but i mean that thing is done you can see it just falling out of the sky is it dead yet is flat spinning into the ground yeah there's the parachute ejection and explosion splash wonderful all right difficult fight but it can be done [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] wow [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 311,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, JF-17 Thunder, air combat, world war 2, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, mig-21, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, rtx, mosquito, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, il-2 sturmovik, battlefield 2042
Id: WxJCli12MVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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