Stylized woodsman in Blender sculpting for a bit more than 1 hour

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yes okay now we will do this character so again this will be the whole character with clothes and uh with straps and everything but the problem will be or it's not going to be the problem the idea is that this character will be only a 3D sketch it will not be a complete character that will be ready for it will not be a complete character that will be ready for let me dial down the sound a little bit because it's too loud right now put the microphone a little bit more away from my mouth because I'm putting too much of a strain into your ears I guess okay control R now this will be the head obviously this will be the body again obviously why am I making the head so fast and the body so fast because I want to see everything what is happening together to be able to to see the whole thing and sometimes I do this and again as I said this will be a 3D sketch of this character not the complete character ready for production or ready for low PO for example no it will take a kind of a couple of more hours until this is ready for low po but we will be able to see the overall shape of the character with most of its things I mean straps even the weapon we will try to do last time I did it for hour and about 20 minutes uh in the Discord server but in the Discord server it's not recorded so I cannot post it here also in the Discord server I'm not talking so it will be probably a little bit longer here it will take because when I speak obviously some part of my brain is still connected to the speaking so I don't say too much bullshits I say bullshits I don't uh deny that but I try to not say too much that's the idea trying to say few bullshits just but we'll see how it will go now the nose is kind of short he has a short nose also has something like this this should be fine it it looks pretty bad now the face but of course it's always like that in the first couple of minutes almost always yeah if I become a little bit better than them now someday probably uh I will be able to do amazing heads from start to finish they will look amazing in every stage of production and that's my dream that's my dream but for now because for YouTube it's it's cool for production it doesn't matter matter at all for production if you're working for a studio or freelance the most important thing is the end result in between stages are not that important and if I spend one hour on one head it will look decent it it always does if I spend 10 minutes on one head it also look kind of decent but not that much so it depends on the time you have spent on the certain problem now we shouldn't spend too much time on on the head itself because it's useless we don't have this time uh we have to be super fast with everything so we have to hurry okay now I will make the the mouth although the mouth is not visible but I'm making it just to to have it to have something like a mouth and then I will make the mustaches these are the mustaches and then I will show you guys the most important um the most important primitive in the history of 3D and it's not the sphere but you will see those of you who haven't watched The Stream in Discord will see those who watch the stream they know they know which one it is and if somebody from the stream yesterday I think the stream was yesterday no the day before yesterday if somebody from the stream is here they can say in the chat which is the most important and we will use it a lot this primitive here on this character who will say nobody do we have some courses for the entire production pipeline for the character yes kind of I have so one of my courses is for zush uh blender substance painter course it's for uh uh High poly character of course highly stylized character and high poly low poly and a little bit of texturing and then rendering in blender yeah and the other one is the full game model course with the fat guy so I have but you know you shouldn't ask me just check out links in the description of this video and you will find a lot of things the Discord server maybe why not you will find even some courses wow amazing most of you probably know it already but some people are new they don't completely know so we have to give them so let me tell you guys uh when we reach 20,000 200 people watching I will tell you few things that people are asking for example I will tell you what kind of tablet I'm using I will tell you what shoe number I am the shoe size many people are asking that actually nobody is but still why not I can tell you I can tell you the specifications of my computer and all of that is doesn't matter if you don't have the skill but people in the beginning of of course when they are kind of wandering into certain field they feel that if a professional is is using this kind of Hardware or this kind of tablet or this maybe if I use the same I will be good as good as him which usually is not the case the case is that you have to start with whatever and you are okay I mean people have started with using Mouse for sculpting and they become pretty good sculptors at some point they are buying T buying graphic tablets of course it's inevitable if you don't buy a graphic tablet it's it's bad no I I don't want to to talk about it because it's too bad I mean you will you'll have nightmares if I tell you what's happening if you don't have the graphic tablet uh when you are a professional sculptor so yeah definitely have the graphic tablet and you will be fine so now the hit is too big for the body yes I know that but relax we are in the very very young stage of production of this character 7 Minutes in so we have time at least for now everything is fine the head is huge I know okay good just don't say it in the chat please you know those kind of uh messages that uh you made head too big or too small it's fine but if I don't read them they're not of no use right and I'm not reading messages right now too much because I need to get to this character like at least to put him not to put him to give him some more love and only then maybe this is a little bit too big but we'll see now we have to put a hair a little bit of hair so as as you can see I'm not spending too much time on anything I'm just working on everything adding some stuff quickly fixing it and whatever so a lot of things quick I just think will be done later if this become nicely nice nicely if it can become nice I probably will 3D print it at some point of course I will spend like couple more hours to fix it because as I said it's too row now a little bit too Row the mustache is a little bit too big I guess they could be that big it's not a huge issue but still okay yeah I will say why I left zbrush for blender when we reached 200 people yeah no I don't I don't say that you know my other channel will be for commonly asked questions I will make videos for commonly asked questions like for example how to find the job when I'm a young 3D artist maybe I will go to this topic because many people are interested and I always say my opinion it's always kind of the same and I have to make a video about it and then I will send people to it it's easier so I made a video about how I started in the industry I have it in my other channel how I started as a Artist as a whole is in this video I made a video about what tablet am I using I made made a video about why I quit Z brush for blender and this video of course is yeah and with two words is for the cash but not only not only but it's mostly for the cash because there are much more people using blender than zbrush and I can sell more tutorials amazing right yeah but it's not only and completely only for that but this is one of the best reasons I would say okay let's take this one and just get it out now I have to deform it a lot it's not easy it's not easy at all but we are trying we as 3D artists we have to try and do something okay this will be one of those here coming from this side and I have to smooth it then control R of course we're losing a little bit so let's bump up the resolution inflate it controlr now it's fine yeah I probably will not be able to make it completely as the concept why cuz it's not needed usually and yeah if it's needed if it's needed to be completely like the concept let me just go to topology so I can move just one of those things sometimes it's needed to be exactly like the concept yes but it will take a long long time to become like the concept exactly that's why we will do it relatively like the concept for the time that we have which is not long because my wife is now uh she's making fish she's cooking fish in the kitchen so I have to be hurry because she may uh you know finish the cook and I'm a little bit hungry so I have to go to eat and that's the reason that we have to finish this fast and furious maybe who knows okay the face is relatively well like the concept I would say not quite but it's getting there but since we don't have too much time to work on the face we will just jump on the rest of the body so let's add a sphere this will be our arm amazing arm I know and let's continue when we start doing the the props then you will see the amazing and most used primitive of them all I will do mostly almost everything with this primitive and back to the Primitive [ __ ] all your politics SE I think was this song Back to the Primitive [ __ ] all your btics not sure okay what do we need now we need symmetry or mirror and we will get it we not only need it but we will also get it some people need things and they don't ever get them but we we are different we'll get it it's not a question of if it's a question of when and people will say but Nico what are you talking about exactly exactly I don't know and that's the whole idea when I'm sculpting I can talk about whatever and it's not going to be pretty and it's not pretty but you guys love it so that's why watching me I know so ah it's fine okay is he similar to the concept probably the hit could be a little bit smaller but for now we will leave it as it is as is we'll make the arms a bit bigger and stronger we need strong arms he is a strong guy obviously and they are kind of stylized they have this sharp angles here and there which if we do we will achieve a little bit better likeness Bea likeness better Bea whatever okay this will be our fist which is holding the axe and we will spend a little bit time of time working on this because it's not going to be easy but at the end I don't promise but I wish that it will be nice and we will will be able to finish it and it will look relatively fine like the thumbnail by the way yeah many people probably will ask but what you have a thumbnail of something that you are you're doing right now so you probably are cheating right you have done it already and now it's recording and you are speaking like if you are actually working I'm wondering why not many people are thinking that because you know it's obviously it can be true right it's not but it could be it could be true but not many people are talking about this and I told you this is the thumbnail of this video right now is from the Discord server when I did streaming and why I'm streaming in Discord without recording yes why I'm wasting my talent to do that uh couple of Reason couple of reasons because because it's uh it's it's it's just something like relaxing you know I turn on some music I cannot turn on music here because YouTube will you know delete my video so I turn on some music Michael Jackson BG's bittles whatever and I'm working and I rarely speak but I'm working faster than even now so okay you will say but this arm doesn't have a hand and you will be completely right but don't worry about it it'll be fine we will do we will fix it whatever hopefully everything everything is all right with the stream no problems no issues with the microphone no issues with with the camera all is good okay how much time has it passed 17 minutes we have to be faster because 17 minutes for a bust of a character is it's a okay time yeah let's be honest it's it's fine we should be fine unless we lose the speed somewhere along the process we'll see we'll see what will happen and we will lose the speed because some at some point I will just rest a little bit answer some things in the chat and then we will lose some minutes and that's why this will become longer than hour and a half probably we'll see hopefully it will not be longer than that but if it does become longer than 1 hour and a half know that this is because I'm speaking constantly and that's a problem I will have to stop but I will never stop why because that's what differentiate niik from the rest of the crowd you know I'm fast and also I'm always talking nonstop we have a song in Bulgaria nonstop nonstop indis kop nonstop marijuana it's about you know marijuana it's it's an old song now they don't they don't talk about those things I think anymore okay symmetrize and then symmetry it's fine let's control r we will have some knees kneecaps we have to differentiate the knee from the rest of it a little bit if we can okay and this legs will be very very thin in the bottom part okay let's see how it is as a whole it's looking relatively fine I would say not the best but I I'm never saying that's the best so it's normal it's normal and it's fine let's put some uh belt so this is what you see here is uh just a little cylinder yeah a little cylinder and this cylinder you will see is everything so with this cylinder with the cylinder we can do all the straps belts even the handle of the axe will be a cylinder and you will see that the cylinder is one of the most powerful things in all the blender or all the 3D World for yeah by the end of this character you will be changed uh your opinion of the cylinder as just a geom geometric figure geometric shape it will be changed after this video you will know and yeah we are above 200 people so let's let's go my shoe size number is 46 it's uh I don't know I think in American Standards or some European standards it could be something else but 46 uh I am 1 M and 94 cm tall I weighed about 103 kg these days so I'm uh on a heavy side although for my for my uh length for my height it's not too much so it's fine let's get a little bit more anatomical here with the arms I will do arms Anatomy crse at some point if the laziness comes to an end someday someday it will come to an end end of laziness end of laziness we will do this okay his by the way his chest muscles are very very small on this guy I don't know why but on the concept they are like tiny maybe that's kind of putting a little bit more interesting shape of the character I'm not sure but we will do them a little bit bigger now let's try to do something here with those arms if we can to rotate them so uh I'm using a tablet which is called one by Wacom not Wacom one Wacom one is a display tablet I don't use display tablets my tablet is one by Wacom and it's the cheapest Wacom tablet you can find okay this will be how he's holding it and now you see it's looking bad but it's not a problem because we'll fix it ah easy we'll just fix it my computer is with some ryzen processor 16 core 32 logical processors and uh my Ram is 64 GB yeah many people will say but this is ridiculous why do you need 64 gabt okay I try to open Photoshop 3D Max and no 3D Max not these days but blender zbrush when I was using it and all the programs at once uh so you'll be able to go in one and the other quickly and I will ask you how much RAM you will need also even Chrome these days the browser is taking a huge amount of ram sometimes so Ram is needed also my new video card is from uh less than a week 470 ti no no it's not 470 TI but it's close it's 470 super it's close to 470 TI although it's not and we are spending too much time on this arms we shouldn't we should just go to something else but I'm obsessed with arms and also if we don't do the arms properly it will be a disaster we should do them completely nice these are his shoes as you can see amazing shoes I know everybody's saying those are the best shoes that I have ever seen and you will be right because Nik is always making the best shoes he's a shoe maker like Shoemaker but shoe maker and uh yeah that's cool let's try to make this a little bit thinner this area here yeah it should be a lot thinner though we have to um make sure we are true to the concept because the concept is nice so when you are finding some nice concept staying through to the concept is the best possible way if you are going away from the concept then you will have problems and why should you choose a nice concept if you staying away from it I don't understand so yeah I would I would say stay true to your Concepts it's for the best if you find a bad concept then you can stay away from it it's not a problem but if you find a bad bad concept I would say it's not a good idea to use it at all bad Concepts will all always especially in people who are not that experienced they will always lead to a bad 3D if you want a bad 3D model which nobody does I guess it's fine to use a bad concept but using a good concept stick to it stick to the concept as much as possible it will be cool if you do that now we'll smooth a little bit this is his shoes they should be a little bit probably not so huge but I think we are fine like this okay maybe a little bit thinner legs in some areas could be better and then the mighty cylinder will come to the rescue and it will come here this will be the top of his boots but again this is just a 3D sketch we don't care about the the true about anything we just do it like this and then mirror it to the other side and yeah move it if we need to but not too much okay move it like this now we have this it's looking not so good so we have to do a little bit more how much time almost half an hour and we don't have the we weapon even and we have to color this guy so we are a little bit in trouble so that's why I will not see the chat and see what you guys are talking about okay let's make this a little bit sharp here it's always for the best because in the concept is sharp so we will do it again like the concept Sharp but you know when you are doing concept like this stylized you have to try to make it work from all angles not only from one angle although working from one angle is also a possibility some people are doing that and they're making it completely like the concept only from one angle which is a little bit more easy but what kind of 3D artist you are so we have to be able to see it from all all angles and to look for our model to look nice from all angles that's the goal usually now I will separate the arms completely apply and then I will smooth this one and I will make a cylinder and you will say but niik why you making a cylinder because the cylinder is the ultimate shape and you will see I rotated it this we don't need this rotation so the ultimate shape is the cylinder and why we'll see this okay we have some issues because I rotated it somehow I shouldn't I should only rotate it in the red now it's fine or at least should be fine we'll do this this and then this will be our hook but niik how do you know how to do this ears of experience usually are helping some years of experience other than that just that a lot of practice now delete from here to let's say to here faces faces now control R double click now this inflated and then we'll just adjust let's just adjust so you can see this Hook is not exactly circular and that's what I'm about to do I'm about to do it not circular at all not circular at all if I have to be completely Slavic with you not circular we do yeah sometimes I go Slavic and also it's not only Slavic my name is Count Dracula and you see the same accent almost from romanas so yeah probably it's something like a balcon accent I don't know maybe I'm wrong but you see I'm a human and I'm allowed to be wrong not on a professional things so for professional things I shouldn't be wrong I should be always right but for other things related to politics related to whatever I'm just a human that's that's it and although I'm old human relatively and now you will see again cylinder another cylinder for what it's for the hook thing here amazing and yeah some people said but Nico can you do some modeling on the stream I usually don't do modeling but now I had to do modeling why because it is inevitable for this model if you if we want to do it like the whole thing then we have to do some modeling and the modeling as you can see is not difficult it's even very easy now it's not the the easiest thing ever but especially when you know what you're doing and I have so many years of experience of modeling and sculpting but first it was modeling when I was young it was only modeling I started like this you know with modeling and yeah so let's see where we can put this hook I will put this a little bit more down here I think it will be nice and then this hook it will come and rotate and go like this and it's almost nice okay now we have to do another hard surface modeling for the other part of this model which will be the a so the X will be time consuming because it's a whole weapon but not too much because it's very simple so if we can do the ax for 5 minutes or a little bit more we will be fine if we can't we'll be doomed so fine or doomed we'll see what will happen first let's do the handle from a sphere I'm joking I mistaking to make a sphere made a sphere so now we will do it from a cylinder and this is how you do it if I have to sing it it's this is how we do [Music] it yeah all days WAP you know now this is the handle maybe it could be thicker but it doesn't matter right now let's go and make a plane why Nico why you making a plane What's Happening Here what's this plane why you crazy you you need an ax not a plane okay I know but we will do a plane for now the axe has to point down so oh I will make it like this here this will be our ax and of course some of you will say but n is crazy this is not an ax at all yes but it started to look like an axe don't you agree a little bit yes so bear with me here scale it scale it no scale it a little bit okay this looks like an ass not quite like an ass probably like an ax a little bit but not too much okay those will move it forward and now suddenly I'm not ax the way I used to be there's a shadow hanging over me or axe today came sadly why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say I said something wrong now I long for a today yeah yeah yeah a today there's [Music] no okay this is something like an X Let's uh let's do a little bit more axing like this probably this could be a little bit thinner okay and this front portion okay let's collect only the front portion from here to here and move it forward so it's sharp and make maybe make it a little bit bigger like this all right we have an X now this x we have to put it on his hand so I will select it like this in object mode is very important and just put it into position and it's a little bit on the small on the small side we may say I will just make it bigger yeah now it's a little bit more appropriate it was funny but you know uh the Size Doesn't Matter many people will say yes it does Nico many women say it does but it's not I mean not the size it matters it matters your skill you know so even with the small X I'm talking about the X even with the small X he will be able to do it whatever it he need to do let's try something by the way face uh orientation we need to see yeah I guess that that was the case and it was alt n flip okay mhm okay now this thing could be bigger so alt s and I will inflate it a little bit but okay 0.1 ooh too much okay 0 Z huh I'm losing time here I know 0.05 okay now it's fine it's a thick ax you know okay let's select this and press G and move it oh I cannot move it with g y let's press one and G and move it it's interesting G is supposed to be moving it on certain axis it doesn't whatever doesn't matter for us why is every Everything blue Nico relax we'll fix it so now let me see again the arms fix a little bit some arms fix some things and let's continue with yeah we have the belt and then we will have a cube which will be yeah not not a cylinder this time I know I know it's U it's a disaster we should make a cylinder of course but we didn't so I guess I lied to you guys the cylinder is not the best form but still as you can see most of the things I did with the cylinder so it should mean something to you I will delete this face and let's make this uh the four the upper flap and from here I will add one thing like this and let's select this one press F okay good so we have the flap we have those things I don't know let's put it here let's put it here contrl B all right and then controlr probably like three of them will be fine double click and then we can adjust we can put a solidify modifier so we can have a solid form a little bit it doesn't look Ultra cool but it shouldn't look Ultra cool right Ultra Cool is not it's overrated Ultra Cool is overrated always don't worry about it okay not bad a bag amazing and now I have to do some straps for the back very quickly though so we'll do this like that and uh probably make it a little bit narrower put here that two of them two of those so-called straps or whatever they're called so I will just select this one and move it here so this is how you do a 3D sketch this is not how you do the finished thing this is just a 3D sketch so don't be mistaken you know I'm doing this very quickly just to be able to make it fast so I'm doing it quickly because fast so okay let's um join the body and the legs and uh put a little bit of a remesh now we'll make some you know fults in here wrinkle fults or whatever some here also we don't care okay maybe even some here a little bit then we make his big not the X the other thing that you were thinking when I'm I was talking about the X we'll do that and okay the belt should be a little bit more down I see like this mhm and then yeah you see sometimes I'm doing streams which I do a little bit of sculpting and then our Station reviews this is one of the streams that I do a lot of sculpting and not even one R Station review you know yeah we will do a lot of sculpting and nothing else in this particular video maybe answer some questions but don't keep your hopes too high because I need to make a nice model here because of the views the nicer the model become at the end the more views it will gather and we have almost everything but now we need to make a cylinder again the cylinder it's the best for I I told you the cylinder is the best so this is a cylinder and you will see how fast I will do those straps on the back so he has something like a backpack I guess okay X faces faces maces now I will take this uh let's say from here and up to here and detach it with P selection so now it's detached now we'll select it and uh oops make it smaller shrink it okay put it here let's see something else like this okay this is the one strap of course we will make a mirror at some point but for now we'll see what will happen I'm a little bit distracted because I'm hearing noises somebody is not making um a silent in the house which means that somebody has to get beaten we will see who that will be I'm joking of course I will not beat anybody I'll kill them no Nico stop it what are you doing yeah Nik is probably many people say Nik why are you so good yeah but Nik is a little bit of a psychopath as I always say if you have to be a good artist if you is if you if you are a good artist you probably are a psychopath and some amazing artists they are big Psychopaths I am not that big but still it's inevitable I am a little bit so yeah you will have have to excuse me but as I say always we the artistic Psychopaths we are uh not killing people we are using all the energy all the psychopathic energy to become better in something sculpting Anatomy whatever it is we are using this energy for that and this energy helps a lot because you are staying at home not going out because you don't want to go go out you don't want to meet too much people you like to stay in front of your computer and work and that's how you get better that's usually how you get better at least you will not get worse not too much okay let's do one more strap in here just this one which I didn't do didn't haven't done in the Discord server but I will do it here because it's part of the overall look of the character I will not do the strap though this uh Buckle here I probably will not be able to do but but we'll do a cylinder again Nico what's happening with those cylinders are we having a fetish about cylinders yes I have obviously because I'm only working with cylinders cylinders are my thing they're amazing don't touch my cylinders because I'll become mad cylinders forever especially for this character I mean it's different on different characters but this character is a cylinder cylinder character as you can see obviously also sometimes a cube character but rarely only for the bags and for the belt buckle it's Cube the other things are not they are cylinders and yeah we could make from a cube the axe blade we could make it but we didn't we make it from a plane which is also great okay how it is uh looking it's looking at like the concept kind of I am uh not mad it's not Ultra bad it's not Ultra good either but it never is for this amount of time how much time 45 minutes so for 45 minutes we have almost complete character now for the shirt though H for the shirt we will do a little bit of a cheating here so I will not make the shirt with uh how I will do it in production in production I will usually extract the shirt from his but I don't know what's happening here with with this part here it looks like an AI although this guy is pretty good but maybe he's using Ai and then he is drawing over it nowadays it's faster to do this maybe because this is completely illogical there in my opinion the the shirt so it could be but I'm not judging I mean if I was a 2d artist I would use AI uh for uh you know for faster results I will do some prompt here and there just couple of probably hours prompting then when I'm happy with some result I will put it in Photoshop and I will spend some hours refining it making it nicer as I like it on my style or whatever I probably would do that sorry guys sorry for everybody who is like AI will take our jobs we need need to kill it whatever yeah don't do this you cannot fight with the progress because this the AI is progress and yes I kind of don't want to work on models which are made by AI in production I mean for a freelance or whatever but sometimes I do or not I don't know maybe I have worked without knowing so bad extremely bad all right let's work a little bit more because we are almost ready ah we have this strap that's coming yes okay let's make the strap from what I don't hear you what cylinder yes exactly you know know it already cylinder is the best cylinder is the coolest cylinder cylinder everybody okay let's smash it and then work from it work on it from you know sculp mode is the best for this kind of things for example in 3D max if I have to do this usually I would have to move the vertices one by one or couple vertices at a time it's not artistic it could work it will be a little bit slower probably it could work but in blender you have the sculpting mode you can help your modeling with the sculpting you see this is a low poly I'm working on it and it's super super nice I can pinch it even if I want to make it narrower and I can go to edit mode if I want at some point just for some adjustments it's just amazing and if I have to sync for blender you're amazing just the way you are so I would suggest for the developers of blender don't change too much I mean relax just you know make things better but don't change too much as you have changed some shortcuts in the version 4.0 which was not good not something that uh huge issue but it was a little bit not good I would say I'm not a huge fan of some of the shortcuts but I don't care that much this is a free program they can do whatever they want usually and they are obviously so but yeah we have to be relaxed a program that you can just download and work without any licenses or whatever and it's that good it's good for production it's good for animation it's good for rendering it's good for everything what I mean now let's uh fix a little bit the pose cuz I don't like it I like it to be like this usually and yeah it looks a little bit strange and we have to catch the belt let's try to catch the belt no this is not the belt thank you very much let's catch the belt okay now we have C the build now we have to catch uh the belt buckle which will be difficult but let's try that okay we made it yeah how I made it I don't know this this was the most difficult thing on the whole model but I did it all right okay now coloring is time for coloring although we haven't made it for an hour it's it's 51 minute up to this point so we have a little bit more time to work on this arm because I don't completely like this arm and the Hand especially hands are one of the most complex things so let's say on one model the face is the most complicated thing the most complex thing and then the second is the arms usually it's very difficult to make arms if you think it's easy to make arms then probably other either you are Rafael grati or some other amazing sculptor or you're just crazy you know in my opinion but of course you shouldn't always trust people just try try to sculpt arms if it's your first time you will see how difficult it is if if if it's your 50th time 50 times maybe it's going to be a little bit more easy but not quite I have sculped hands and arms for hundreds time hundreds of times and still I find it challenging especially different poses challenging definitely but interesting and rewarding also that's the good thing a about it yeah this has to be a little bit more stylized so more flat okay it looks almost fine now this guy here we have to fix it so solidify apply then we have to no we have to just squeeze this and make this sharp CU this is a sharp angle we have to make sure it is and we need some nails and how to make a nail a cylinder is your way and the cylinder will have to go smaller because the nail is small we don't care now this and the nail on the bottom this is again the geometry is turned so let's try with alt F no it's not alt F alt n flip yes now it's fine yeah I can sometimes see when the geometry is messed up but sometimes I can't so so here extrude then select then extrude and scale and then just scale down and put down all right all right all right all right all right now this looks relatively fine let's put it in position and see how it will be a little bit bigger rotate yeah small things but they are kind of important for this character because they are applying to the silhouette you know they are part of the silhouette and when something is part of the silhouette usually it's cool to make it okay rotate this all right we have it now coloring if we are able to make this for 1 hour it will be amazing probably we will why not it's 6 minutes to 1 hour h no it's possible but uh I guess not okay we are making everything with with this col we don't need this but the face okay then the blouse will be a little bit of this color the T-shirt okay all right this is Faking it absolutely but it's not a problem we don't see it from the back we see it only from the front and that's how I'm able to do a character for 1 hour because I don't care that much about the back if I if I care about the back then it will not be 1 hour okay this by the way is interesting let's go and add a little bit more red on our character like this not too much though a little a little bit here a little bit there ears reddish nose flatten this ice more like this and then we should be able to color the pants okay nice then little bit of black color will be appropriate for not too black though I don't like complete Black this is nice this is nice okay nice now this good yeah the color is not completely right but still should be fine let's make the straps all the straps are kind of one color which is this one and the belt also and some of those are kind of brown this is brown and what else is brown nothing else the handle is let's say light brown it could be okay here we'll select this color and color this this color and color this it's nice it's always nice to say stupid things and we will add this interesting thing here which is a kind of a bandage all right the bandage is almost ready it's fine we will add a little bit of something in here yeah if we start adding many things we will start losing time and at the end it'll be bad okay this will be the color of the gold the compass is also gold the here though is a little bit more orangey I think so let's try that all right this this is fine for the hair I guess and the hat is going to be kind of this color but more like bluish yes yeah this is fine now for the eyes and the head I can work a little bit more on the head because it needs more work for example it needs coloring of the eyebrows are a little bit darker probably eyebrows than the rest of the thing here we need a little bit more dark here also probably this is dirt or something I'm not not sure exactly but if we have to if we have to do the face properly it will be way more than an hour and we are doing it just like a 3D sketch as I all already explained hopefully nobody is mad but we are approaching relatively fast at 300 viewers Mark I think our record is 400 I'm not sure exactly but I think so let's select this color and make it darker and kind of work around the eyes then make it on the nose and then maybe with black a little bit around the ice yeah the black is going to work and then we need to make white ice at least white we don't need to make the the iris inside although probably we will we'll see so we have a white ice and then let's do the iris inside a little bit like this yeah he's a mad guy and uh I want to say that this character is uh the concept artist is in the description of this video his name you can check him out in our station he's has very nice things but this is part of three concepts that are in one three in one and I chose to do this one but at some point we can do the other two we will see because they are interesting and they are different the other one is uh a let me show you so we have this which is a kind of a strong but not as strong male character and this is a thin like Assassin girl character so some people in the Discord server because this is from Discord server challenge um my Discord server challenge my yeah feeling of property yeah and uh some people will do the other characters I chose this one in the beginning because why it's the easiest and he was but why is the easiest n why because his hands his arms are not posted they are kind of like symmetrical the other two characters they AR are not symmetrical they are post and that's a little bit more difficult it will take a little bit more time maybe close to 2 hours I don't know this one is as you can see for 1 hour and 2 minutes we have something of course the X we have to color so one hour not so much we couldn't do it for 1 hour sorry guys I failed you and um I don't know what to say it's it's bad so bad let's apply the mirror let's go and add subdivision surface for this one and then we select all the all the things and shift e this is fine yeah looks relatively fine and now subdivision up to this apply and then we can add a little bit of coloring on the ax itself like this because it has some color and I will just like this n not too much but still it's fine let's just pull from here make make it look a little bit more dramatic here we can add a little bit of this in the middle and I know this is not super important but still it's adding to the character of the character to the character of the character niik what's happening with you you're getting lost but it is it is really it's cool the axe has to be cool otherwise we are doomed now a little bit more work so hopefully this character will be done for 30 1 hour and 20 minutes we will be able to do the whole character let's try to apply a tattoo so the the two will be a little bit of bluish color but darker let's see if this will be fine it's not no a little bit darker okay now it should be fine and now we'll have to do a tattoo and as you can see it's not a real tattoo it's looking awkward but it's something that if done it will add a little bit more believability to the character and it will be a little bit more true to the concept when you are doing this for the art AR station challenge you can do whatever you want you can do some dragons on his arms or whatever it's going to be absolutely fine but since I don't have too much time I will not do this quite much he has also writings here I love wood yeah I love wood is fine something else nothing here maybe we can add a few things like this because he has it in the concept so we can do it when it is in the concept we can do it here we can add some also come on oh and I'm sorry guys this stream I haven't done any questions any everything but these days we are doing so many streams yeah this week last week I mean it was crazy like five streams or something of course most of them for the art Station reviews but it's fine I mean yeah let's select this color and make it a little bit darker and make this the skull why not skull good one oops select this then select this color this shift X thing to select is a little bit awkward for me still but I'm getting used to it when you're using it a lot when you use something a lot then you will get used to it eventually it's inevitable oh all right and then since I remove the symmetry of the shirt I will do this just a little bit of thing going on here and probably around here we will make a a little bit of fults but not too much I mean since this is a stylized characters stylized character we don't need too much faults and that's it for the character for now I don't oh let's make the nails a little bit darker I would say it will be nicer for them to be darker because now they look a little bit strange okay and here we need a little bit of let's say reddish of the hook I don't know this guy is a Woodsman but not not quite I mean he's a little bit more than that I guess all right so yeah 1 hour and a little bit more it's okay let's put a shadow and uh yeah too much Shadow probably it's looking relatively fine shadow on the [Music] wall maybe his head on the concept is a little bit but now I I I got it it's fine I think it's cool some questions somebody gave me 20 something which is great s sa YF okay SF y gave me 20 give me five 20 okay you love cylinders ni do not lie to us yes cylinders are my love any course in the oven uh yes it's in here it's not even started yet the course for arm and hand anatomy exercises it's yeah difficult yeah I don't found the pin in rendering uh yeah well hi sir how are you fine niik what's your focal length while sculpting 90 around 90 is fine let's add some cavity so it has a little bit more detail then I would like to make it this a little bit darker here shadow on the [Music] wall shadow on the wall this is fine and then what I would like to do is make a sharp corner in here but why because on the concept it is and it's nice to have it like the concept sharp Corners are cool when you put them in the right place us usually so I don't know if you like it guys but it's yeah it's a little bit dark overall because we need to make a render or whatever but it's it's cool it's let's try something Studio light this maybe maybe it's a little bit lighter it's a little bit more uh interesting and let's increase the the shadow this is a little bit better of uh this character is kind of a stylized so this I think is fitting it more n can you show other artwork you mean to show you other let's see the other one that I did yesterday a little bit different I think this one now it's better but as always this one was my first one this one was my second one so the second one is usually better than the first it's usually like this so if you're doing something some concept and you want to do it perfectly uh just try to do it couple of times not just once do it many times and you will be fine or not I can't see probably you will be fine as many times you can do it the many times you can do it the better you made multiple times the same mesh yes I did it once for for the Discord stream and now for YouTube stream and I'm doing this with my because it's it's itchy I don't know this one is definitely a lot better yeah it's it's fine for a beginner what you think is more important in 3D considering the person have a good level of anatomy knowledge and art at all U it's more important 3 if he has a good level of anatomy I don't know uh knowing the programs and uh have experience with the programs and knowing how to do stuff probably can you show other artworks from Discord of challenge ah the other artworks the other people's works okay I will show you no problem I understand what you mean right now okay let's see so Saturday I was what is this no this is not the challenge this is where I say that I will stream and the challenge started here and people are happy happy uh yes okay good and suddenly this is the girl this is what I did in the Discord I posted it here um because I was first that's cool this is some some guys starting to do the head this is nothing this is the same but from some other guy rala De Carlos then this girl is starting which is good I mean yeah a little bit more thinner if we have to be true to the concept but this this is more realistic for now of course this is work in progress again the girl work in progress although this is just a girl maybe not the girl but who knows hopefully she will be the girl from the concept I don't like the axe quite much here but overall yeah if if somebody hasn't done any whole characters up to one point probably making it watching my course or not my course watching this video and making a character it's going to be like revealing that it's not that difficult to kind of make the overall 3D sketch of the character of course to make it the best you can make it you need to make it couple of times yes but if you don't want to make it couple of times it's every piece of practice is useful if you have to make one concept like 10 times it's better than make it once and say I cannot do it you know so this is the dragon from the last week this is this guy this concept started probably it will be nice this is this guy by the way I like this one a lot because he has details and uh it's kind of visible it's much better than mine in terms of um detailing and uh you know overall finish mine is probably a little bit better at overall likeness to the concept but yeah this one is cool this one has a little bit uh the head is a little bit too up in the in the air probably oh this guy I haven't seen this guy wow this looks very nice amazing actually who is this guy this is m i don't know sometimes people in Discord are just just letters m what are you m I don't know who is M he's just m probably he's not M but here he's M I don't know why but it's very cool anatomy of the arms and everything and the face of course the hat has to be a little bit different but overall it's looking great from M how is he looking he's looking angry I would say and the ears are a little bit awkward so yeah needs more work as always but mine also need more work it's not finished uh in any case it's just a work in progress this one and it's also a 3D sketch I may say but it gives you an idea of how the character will look when it's finished so as I say a 3D sketch of a character is something like this very fast way of making of throwing things around just moving them putting them into position to see overall proportions and everything and then when you are having like this is okay the proportions the overall look the silhouette is fine and then we start to refine everything like we start to work on the backs on those backs here on his waist we work on them like for 2 hours make them nice then we work on the this belt here we work on it to make it nice we put the detail because I haven't put any detail on it we put detail then we make the the other straps then we make the backpack he has something like a backpack which I didn't do because it's visible a little bit here and behind but I didn't do it it's not that important it doesn't uh have too much to say in the silhouette so it's fine uh then we do everything we refine we make it better and everything and then we make a nice render and we we'll be fine the idea is that this is just to show you that the 3D sketch can be done quickly of course from experienced artist I always say don't try to do it as quick as me because usually if you're not that experienced it will end up to be something not so good so spend time this from a normal artist not that experienced as me will take more than two hours so double that usually so yeah stream yes we are streaming streamer mode on oh this is streamer mode on probably yes disable which is just adding a phone to a two Factor indication we will add a phone later ah so yeah okay thank you guys so this is mangrove Mangrove Jack 12 very good he has nice things I wish I can just click on somebody and see all his messages so we can see if the guy has posted in whips for example let's say this one ah looking good if he has post by the way whips here is the channel with the most active activity people are posting in the whip constantly I wow this is looking nice I haven't seen the whip lately oh this is the Rhino from Spider-Man the show of Channel not so much posting there but still yeah sometimes people are posting this kind of things in the in the showof channel which this is a sketch so it's not about showof uh if I have to post this thing somewhere it will be on the whip Channel or in the challenge channel of course this is the weekly sculpt challenge so we will post it there most likely but the idea is that yeah you know what I mean let's just rotate the ax a little bit and move it slightly if we render it from this direction or just see it from this direction it would be better if the x is more visible as in the concept because it gives you more interesting silhouette if the a is like this for example it will be the most uninteresting thing we have to make it like this and then probably rotate it a little bit put it into position and make sure he's kind of holding it it because sometimes yeah it's it's relatively fine it's not the best but it's relatively good let's push it back and then pull it up all right looking good right yes now scale it with s a little bit more I think it's needed yeah when I see it now after I just get got away from it I can see some things that I can can do better and that's what I'm you know doing this with the axe because I think it could be better but overall it's fine it's overall yeah Nico how much money could you charge a client for a model like this but finished and with the to done oh with low Po and everything this model I will not charge less than yeah since it's a good model it will be fun to do I will not charge him Ultra huge amount but most like L it to be on the ballp part of uh $1,500 or something maybe even more probably a little bit more Nico do you think the Lobo course is good idea to try after rabbit course it's a good idea but don't expect it to be very nice result because if you are a beginner it will be hard you can write High username on the search bar you can search his name at the top yeah but streamer mode was the problem yeah and you can see all the messages he had put ah High username on the search bar uh-huh and you can see all the messages he has put to write High username on the search bar let's try that where's the search bar search bar hi uh I don't remember his name m ah let's see uh Hartman okay Hartman has post ah recently that's nice by the way Stefan Hartman this guy is uh I think he's from Germany and he's one of the best guys here in the in my Discord server he's just the professional and very very cool things he is doing he's doing this kind of interesting projects a little bit strange but yeah that that was a good knowledge thank you about this Charles thank you Charles niik do you contrl f in one channel then press on form and search their user I control F and press yeah but yeah this is contrl f you say let's try contrl F why not many people have interesting things on about this SC contrl F so yeah this is INS sculpting challenge we will see mang mang Ro Jack okay he has posted in the other challenge only and it's not a bad thing and in this challenge only two posts he has in weekly scope challenge but uh let's try to post from whatever okay he has some other post too nice not bad his Anatomy is pretty good though yeah pretty much on point I would say he's a kind of close to professional artist maybe he's a professional artist nobody knows but yeah it's a good thing add the rip on the right shoulder sleeve okay okay I do it let's add the Rip but many people will say oh you're still working on the model so this model is like uh for a long time you have done it it's the not for 1 hour just you know it's for longer yeah yeah probably probably it is it's fine I lose stream don't lose the stre when I color the object and change the render the coloring disappears yeah when you when you go to the render it usually disappears everything disappears you see nothing we have nothing but oops but if we go to world add new wow we have something then if we go to m and occlusion and then we increase this and disable this and then we have amazing m clusion stuff going on and if we add a light then maybe let's add a sunlight and you see how this is looking relatively fine of course the color is gone because you don't have materials you have to put materials on that's cool you don't need to put high in the beginning of the searching good good H could do you think the Lobo course is a good idea to try after the rabbit course I told you yes probably but you have to not have huge expectations Nikos I'm 18 years if I do 3D every day how many years it will take to become professional like you like me probably around 3 to 4 years if you work for 10 hours every day 10 hours every day so yeah not too much Nico do you have any advice for someone who wants to improve at blending I don't know blending is something that I don't do we don't do blending here in this channel blending you can search the M guy on the top left bar yes I did that Nico what's the reason of using 90 focal instead of 4750 when they print it it doesn't goes back to the 50 focal I don't know but uh for faces especially because now if I use let's say let's go here and go 50 and for the whole character it will look fine you see it's looking fine but for the head if we work on the head never use 50 use 90 and the whole character also looks nice with 90 so we don't care 90 is what it is you know otherwise you will have huge problems with 50 uh head modeling you can use the color attribute as the color for materials yes Nico have you heard about uh 10,000 hours Mastery tier yes I've heard about it and that's that's relatively what I'm talking about you how to convert the paint colors to materials I always show that in the end of my streams almost always but it's easy just go to you know render select one of the meshes go to materials and add a new material and then the magic will be to go to base color this little tiny thing in here not the color itself but this thing here and color attribut and you will have it and then you have to apply this color to everything just select everything and contrl L link materials it should work that's it easy easy peasy amazing right when's the next live nobody knows hopefully tomorrow maybe not we'll see but the next live will be mostly for our Station reviews because we are far away we have to do them everything looks way better on a 8500 um who knows do you use a graphic tablet with screen no in the beginning I said I'm using one by Wacom if you check it out it's a normal stupid tablet without screen it's Wacom it's the cheapest one niik I have a serious question I recently started watching your cses super anatomy and I have a couple of questions how many episodes should I watch per day it depends on uh how you want to learn and how fast learner you are that's it uh in my opinion two episodes of day with a little bit of practice I think it will be fine Nico are you working on another course yes in my head for now soon uh in reality why is bad to use 50 instead of 90 when sculpting hands you will see because 50 it will be like uh shooting the head from um GoPro camera it will just make you know you will not see the ears or what whatever it will be bad so yeah just do it with 90 how how do make the hairy things on arms I don't do them no hairy things on arms thanks for your videos you help a look I work 5 hours a day and I start to be better every day that's cool very cool what about XP pen Deco Pro I guess every tablet these days is fine I don't know about XP pen but many people say it's fine Nico how do you meet your wife that's a good question that could be is um um a TV show actually how I met your wife no How I Met Your Mother but how I made your wife also how you met your wife whatever so yeah I met met her online in her this website like Tinder but it's only Bulgarian it I don't know if it exists anymore but um we met there we kind of uh write some letters few letters few messages and then we met we liked each other a little bit but then couple of months we met just couple of times nothing happened too much and uh when summer came then we met on a pool and then the magic happened you know in the pool it's easier because everybody is kind of half naked and everything and the hormones are starting to go yeah this is my second let's say wife you know I beg sculpting because of you thanks uh but you see you can begin sculpting because of me but you have to continue sculpting because you like it if you don't like it if you think only about the money it's not going to happen you have to like it you have to like the process you have to like making characters you have to like playing God creating man you know it's something like this hello niik from Mexico City yeah I have to go there by the way Mexico is one of my destinations niik I doubt to say pneo ultra microscopic CIO volanis very nice a cool word Nik I struggle to model the ice and make it look nice and correct what do you suggest me to do in order to learn how to sculp the ice I was struggling with the ice even couple of years into my professional career so I just started to practice just started to look at the eyes in picture in my in the mirror just to see the shapes and to try to replicate them and with couple of thousands of no not thousands couple of hundreds of practices and everything is started to get better bro I love you you're my inspiration that's cool yeah how many years you have experience in blender in blender about three years not more than three but it doesn't matter it's a 3D program I have experienced with 3D programs for almost 20 years I was using Max before that and zbrush of course for the soft poly modeling I started cost the money but I discovered that I love sculpting that's cool which section in your Discord can one post results from your courses uh you can post them of course in in uh figures from streams you can post them or you can post them in whips or in showof if you think they're good for show off Batman and Superman this is Batman Superman by the way would be a nice scul he's like huge usually scope Superman is not as huge this this is this could be a Hulk I mean I like the process yes I like it too do you love sculpting from the beginning or did you make yourself enjoy it more over time I think I loved it from the beginning and uh yeah when I started to become better I started to enjoy it more because everything happened quicker and effortless but it took a lot of years to get there in the beginning everything was not effortless you know Nico do you believe you're a fast learner yes definitely I was at least when I was younger now I don't know probably yes how about you fish isn't it ready yeah probably it is I have to go and check it so we have to finish this your wife same as ages you she's 2 years older did they have material artists in gameof when you were working for them we had some technical artist and they were responsible for making materials five years of experience on each strand of hair you're amazing yes 5 years on each strand of hair so 20 years of experience does Humanity still exist in you it's it exists more and more on each day and for this uh my my daughter has uh the fault for that you know what she changed me for the better I was uh much bigger psychopath I may say before my daughter has born all right guys goodbye for now and hopefully you have enjoyed this amazing stream tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we'll do some art Station reviews that super useful so don't miss them or miss them and be sorry for the whole life for your whole life thank you
Channel: Speedchar live
Views: 23,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: af8DTfyBe6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 29sec (5609 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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