Styling Sims as Different Doll Aesthetics in The Sims 4 // Sims 4 Create a Sim Challenge (CC)

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we are bringing childhood dreams to life today we're all about that Nostalgia lately we built doll houses recently on this channel and today we're going to go into Create a Sim and create five different Sims styled after popular doll type including Bratz Polly Pocket Monster High wings and Barbie and this video is brought to you by Squarespace an all-in-one platform to build your online presence so to do this we're going to take reference from the actual real life dolls specifically their hair facial features and clothing style body types are gonna stray a little bit we'll still try and get them kind of similar but we know those are unrealistic body standards ladies [Music] but first off we're gonna do the Bratz aesthetic and when Bratz dolls were released they took the World by storm pushing the boundaries with outfits that were way edgier than what was currently on the market I remember when Bratz dolls came out and let me tell you some parents were outraged they were the girls with the passion for fashion and for their time they were stylish diverse confident who remembers the Bratz Rock Angels game I lived and breathed this game alright so we're just starting off with like a random Sim here we're gonna start off with the face I think for this thing we're gonna do a darker skin tone I'm gonna remove the hair for now so we can just play around with the facial features and first thing we gotta do is get the Bratz lips they were known to have like these big full beautiful lips so we're gonna probably Max this out here I have this pre-made one here that I love to use we're gonna go off of that and just like expand these they're very like round also the face and jaw itself is very rounded we're gonna find obviously with like dolls that's gonna be a common thing here so more of a round face I'm gonna bring out the cheeks a little bit the dolls tend to have really tiny little noses too so we're gonna shrink the nose and the eyes the doll eyes tend to be huge so I think I'm gonna pick one of these as my preset and we're gonna go in and honestly probably Max this out these are gonna look very unrealistic cartoon like we're gonna have a little bit of a slant here I'm gonna bring out the corners of the eyes even further maybe we can go like this a little bit so pupil I'm gonna make like comically large and honestly maybe we can hold these in a little bit here I'm gonna use these eyes for our eye color and for the eyebrows brats have these like thinner brows it looks like if you see me looking over to the right I'm like have reference pictures in front of me and stuff okay we're gonna bring these down and kind of just reshape this entire brow I feel like I should make the lips even bigger like that okay we're gonna put on some skin details like that and you guys always ask me what skin details I use normally they're from symbians or I use this brightened skin here by link thank you Sims both you can find on Tumblr this is honestly the first time that I'm looking at my sim with the pre-made lashes and kind of loving it but for Bratz we're gonna have to go extra heavy on the lashes so I think we're gonna go honestly maybe like that and for the makeup we need a liner there was a lot of like ombre lipstick happening oh actually this one is really nice let's do that we're gonna get some Contour this is my favorite blush right here I think this one is from Mikko Sims on Tumblr and for my shadow we have to go extra with the eyeshadow the makeup perhaps we're always like full Glam they had a lot of like cut crease full shadow looks maybe we could do something like this here and we need a beauty mark I feel like I remember some of the Bratz dolls having that cute okay let's do the hair and for each of these I'm gonna go between a Maxis match and an alpha depending on if the doll had like that plastic hair or if they had the real like synthetic kind of hair Bratz dolls always had the real looking hair so we're going Alpha for this I think I want to do like a curly hair would look really nice I noticed a lot of the Bratz dolls always had like really long hair and they wore hats very often so I'm trying to find a hair that I think might work with a hat when we put it on and I'm actually tempted to use one of these like Curly ones very long like I remember they wore hats like this sometimes they also maybe would be rocking one like that we're gonna come back to it just to make sure the hair isn't clipping on it but let's get the outfit and do the body type so for Bratz I want to go curvy we're gonna play around with these adjusters here a little bit just making sure the hair isn't clipping there and okay for the outfit Bratz dolls were extra they had like all the accessories The Bling so we're gonna be modeling this Loosely after the Bratz party edition specifically Sasha's outfit so to do that we're gonna find some tights and these I have with like different levels of coverage so we're gonna go with I think these ones just like a very light coverage could work we're gonna get some shorts or a white skirt preferably one with a belt or some kind of F3 on it I do have some I can put on though oh I can see maybe a metallic kind of skirt or there's this one that has the chains on it already I think I might try this one and for the top I want to find something with fur on it I do have a fur jacket which we used in like the decades video like this jacket although we're gonna have some issues with the hair and I kind of want to put on some of these other accessories let me see if I have a fur top I have this one let me see if there's any like patterns in here we could go with we could potentially try that and then we bring in the chains I was talking about we gotta do the nails too let's do like maybe some of these I added the boots we have the hat back we're gonna add some jewelry maybe this chain necklace here and hopefully we can add some bracelets too if they're gonna be showing underneath the top or you can kind of see them okay so we've got bracelets on that side I'm gonna maybe try and get some on the other two or rings even I changed the hair here to this more full like Curly one and this is going to be our Bratz doll super cute I love her outfit here moving on to the next one which is going to be Polly Pocket okay so we talked a little bit about Polly Pocket in my dollhouse video which I'll link down below by the way if you guys want to check that out but as a reminder Polly Pocket was known to be super tiny usually coming with tiny little outfits and even tinier shoes when Polly was first released in the 80s she was much smaller than the more modern version we see today because in the 90s Mattel bought Polly Pocket and she was made larger and came with her iconic rubbery clothing pieces our poly here is going to be muddled after that 2000s rubbery style okay so let's start off again with the face we're gonna remove all of the jewelry and whatever else we've got going on here so Polly Pocket again had like the rounded face but we had a little bit more of a jaw we're gonna bring out the cheeks again just to get that doll style their noses all of these dolls have these tiny like non-existent noses and for the eye shape Polly has very like round shaped eyes I'm gonna again like Max them out here and I'm just kind of playing with the adjusters until we get something similar it's so fun trying to do this cartoony style it's a lot different than like I normally we would do okay it took a little bit of maneuvering but I think I've got the shape we've got the jaw there a little bit the rounded eyes and these super thin brows we're gonna add the lashes and for the hair I'm excited about this because I literally have a Maxis match one that looks exactly like the hair that she's got in this one picture I actually specifically had this Polly Pocket too so I think I'm gonna model my outfit after that one as well oh here it is okay with that like yellow blonde I think we have to go with this one the yellow hair that updo is so similar to the one in the picture for her makeup it looks like it's a lot of like pink pink lipstick pink eyeshadow so I'm thinking of doing like this pink gloss or I have a few options to choose from I think we'll keep with the hot pink I think I'm gonna use the same blush I love the shades on this one I just keep finding myself coming back to it and for the eyeshadow I'm pretty sure I do have like some pinks in here maybe we'll do a little bit of eyeliner but actually no no no no eyeliner we're gonna do a slender body type and I'm seeing a trend here Polly wearing a lot of pink purple and orange I think I actually do have a skirt in here somewhere it's one of my favorites that I use pretty often and it's gonna look a lot like the one in the picture oh this one here okay this one might keep the purple but there's also some really pretty swatches in here there's some pinks there's even some more like out there colorful ones and for her top I might try and look for like an orange or a pink maybe preferably something with that rubbery style let's do this orange halter top pink and purple skirt we're gonna do some pink strappy heels hopefully these ones are from the luxury party kit and I'm Gonna Keep it pretty simple with the accessories again A lot of it was rubbery so no really like gold or silver jewelry maybe we can compromise with the heart purse actually perfect because it reminds me of the cases we used to have for Polly Pocket should we do some of the traits I feel like it would be kind of funny to be like okay what are the Sims trades gonna be for the dolls let's do lollipock is gonna be outgoing cheerful and maybe Insider loves being with their friends for Bratz we're gonna do party animal cell phone absorbed maybe a little bit and ambitious this would make for a very interesting like gameplay idea we're gonna take a quick break here to talk about our sponsor Squarespace I've been using Squarespace to create my own website shown here and it was really easy to get started with their best in class website templates and customization features I found a ton of inspiration to get started by browsing their entertainment category and Squarespace makes it easy for everyone to have their own professionally designed website allowing you to pursue your passion online you can connect social media accounts displaying posts from your social media profiles on your website you can automatically push web content onto your social media profiles so your followers on there I can see it too they even allow you to embed videos for third-party hosts directly onto your website the head to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to thin Mac to save 10 off your first website or domain thank you again to Squarespace for sponsoring this video and let's get back into it okay next we're moving on to Monster High which again we've touched on a little bit but let me remind you Monster High dolls came along when the world was ready for something different and Mattel absolutely delivered these Monster High dolls were modeled after occult lore with each of the Dolls being the daughter of a monster these dolls rocked more of a Gothic style they came in different colors than we were used to seeing like for example doll companies at the time tended to stay away from orange and green because they weren't seen as girly enough but they're huge sales and success of these unique Gothic dolls begged to differ I feel like we don't have many opportunities to use like a blue skin tone here so we're going blue for Monster High we're gonna remove the hair again just to play with the facial features we're still gonna see the massive cartoon eyes obviously I wish I had the option to do the multi-colored eyes I don't think I've got that option in my cast it would be really cool if we had that option though in like in-game most of them had Fuller lips not to the Bratz extent but they definitely did have some full lips here so I think for Monster High this is gonna be our face we're gonna go and get some skinny tails on here I don't know which one to try I do like this one from symbiance here I have a few different options from that Creator or we could do the Brighton one I'm gonna try this one we get more of that under eye there for her brows I went with this like thin black brow and I think this it means an eyebrow piercing which I do have some custom ones we've also got the in-game ones there from Eco lifestyle we're gonna get some lashes again with like the full lash and for the makeup maybe something like that could be cute actually I think I'm gonna stop at that one for cheeks actually I was kind of wondering how this would look on the blue and I kind of like a little bit of that pink under there and I think for this thing we can go a little darker on the liner and the shadow maybe like that there and then for the eyeshadow maybe we can try like a purple okay now for the hair we're gonna go Alpha with this one again Monster High dolls always had that real looking hair so I would love to get one with the black and the white I don't know what options we're gonna have but I would settle for a really pretty blue like this I feel like this could work maybe with those like white stripes in there we have the black and white okay we're going with this one our Sim we're going Curry V and I really want to bring in some purple some plaid I do have a few plaid skirts in here that could work this one might be a little too bright for what I'm going for but we're on the right track this shirt is actually perfect it almost mimics that high school uniform style they go for we've got the bow up there and the arms almost give like a bone-like shape to it perfect for Monster High I want to find a better skirt though okay I found this one here this is from Aretha B I think for our socks we're gonna get some leggings that come up pretty high like these could work and Boots I'm thinking the same thing we could do these ones here with the heel I think we're almost done I really want to give this Sim some tattoos though and a choker necklace like that can work and for tattoos I feel like of the things we have definitely the Monster High one would get a tattoo so maybe we do a leg one so it's showing a little bit there oh and we gotta do some black spiky nails perfect for jewelry I might do a little bit of a belt honestly maybe with that wrist cuff there from vampires okay she is Iconic might be my favorite one so far we need to get some traits this is actually kind of the hardest part let's do like Bookworm we're supposed to be in school maybe geek and let's do creative okay so there is our Monster High Sim like I said definitely my favorite so far moving on we're gonna do Winks wink stalls come from a magical Universe of fairies and pixies these highly collectible dolls have more of a fantasy vibe with their beautiful wings and Majestic appearances each with their own lore and abilities for example we had Bloom who was my favorite as the Fairy of the dragonflame and Musa the fairy of music I'm really excited for this again because we're gonna use some accessories that I don't normally have like fairy wings so for face shape again we're gonna go in and round out the Cheeks getting that doll-like feature we're gonna make the eyes huge well wink stalls had more of like this eye shape a little bit the corners pulled up like this we're gonna do blue eyes with the pupils again maxed out okay for now I think we're gonna go with this I did a thin red brow we're gonna go with red hair for this Sim we're adding the lashes I might just do a top lash haven't really decided we might do a little bit of liner we're going to do the blush the full makeup maybe this one will just lower the opacity a little bit for my eyeshadow I'm thinking again like a pink but not too bright and for her lipstick I might use something like this this is from Urban X Sims or again this gloss this is the one we used on the Bratz doll this is really pretty too okay let's do the hair and for the hair maybe more of like an orange and the problem is I have some really beautiful like long hairs that I can use for this a lot of them are gonna be Max's match though like the ones that I'm picturing in my head that could be perfect for wings or like these really long almost anime style hairs like this one too just very fantasy inspired so I think I'm gonna break what we've been doing with the alpha for wings only we're gonna be doing this hair here and in the back look how cute that is there's a little heart on there it's so doll like and perfect we've got to use it let's get her outfit and then we'll add the wings after it'll be like the final reveal I have these arm cuffs here we can change the color of them maybe to like that one would look pretty I think I have another one for the other arm oh we can also add these maybe in like a blue Swatch oh I do have one for the other arm okay so we're definitely putting that on there I want to get a blue skirt maybe a pink this one here is really pretty this one is another really nice option and I think maybe matches those arm gloves a little better and for my top I think I do have a butterfly top that could look nice yeah this one oh my gosh it's so perfect okay we're gonna get some high socks like these ones could work and then for shoes I'm just gonna do some heels oh like those okay so now we can add the jewelry and finally the wings we're just gonna find some simple jewelry here maybe like those and for our necklace I think a pendant necklace could really fit I have this one here kind of looking a little bit occult there's tons of swatches on here maybe that one with the colorful pendant there we're gonna do some pink nails and now we have to find the wings which are under hat for some reason oh my gosh this makes me miss fairies in The Sims so much so I have these ones there's some color in here I feel like for Winks they always have really colorful wings those are so pretty but I also have these ones these ones are probably my favorite ones that I've got oh in that blue Swatch okay this is it this is our wings doll my favorite was Monster High but now I gotta go with wings I'm having such a hard time picking a favorite here let me know what your favorite is going to be in the comments down below her treats were randomized here okay let me see we're gonna do maybe cheerful loves the outdoors and for the final trait I'm debating like child of the ocean could be really fun let's keep that just overall loves nature we'll do a nature aspiration there just kind of going back and adding aspirations I think would fit here too I did Romantic for Bratz leader of the pack for Polly we've got Renaissance SIM from Monster High and we have outdoor enthusiasts for our winx doll we're gonna do one more today which is going to be Barbie people all around the world know who Barbie is she's the queen of all dolls she's so famous and recognizable after many years in the spotlight seriously the first Barbie was introduced in 1950 59 she's been around for a hot minute there are so many variations of Barbie too this day she's had many different occupations she's been styled up for different skills she's always serving looks usually in pink or pastel fashion so I haven't really decided what style we want to go for for Barbie today I think we're gonna just like play as we go so we're gonna remove the hair in my dollhouse video I went for a Malibu Barbie but I think I want to change it up this time so for brows we're gonna go with like a blonde brow Barbie is known for her blonde hair I couldn't see us using this lip preset here this one has like a little Gap in between which Barbie is always smiling with teeth as like the doll so this is kind of fitting we're gonna do blue eyes for Barbie again huge kind of like this a little bit again with a ridiculously tiny nose I think for Barbie I'm gonna use the Brighton skin maybe we'll actually do the symbiance one okay for makeup you might go back in and adjust a little bit but we're gonna need the hot pink lipstick I find sometimes these lipsticks change the lip shape so much so I'm just gonna go in and adjust depending on which one we use Barbie might actually be the hardest ones so far because she is so recognizable we're gonna do pink eyeshadow for Barbie and let's go in and find the hair and again we're gonna do the alpha I had to change the lips the lips were kind of driving me crazy so we're going forward with this one here and I'm thinking like this hair could maybe work or we could do more of like the princess Barbie and go with something like this actually with her hair like this we could do the movie like princess version of Barbie so in some of her movies she wears these like beautiful pink princess dresses which I definitely have a few I can see this one here with those sheer sleeves working I don't know if the one in my head is from Nutcracker Barbie or Rapunzel Barbie but this one is totally working for that we could go with this or we could go for this one which I hate it when dresses cut off the sleeves there or I actually have this bridal dress which comes in some pink colors like that there is so pretty for Princess Barbie I'm torn I think it was a princess and the copper Barbie okay I'm going with this one we're gonna dress it up a little bit with some gold jewelry I wanna add a tiara or a crown or something I only have this one though I wish it was a little bit more subtle I do have like a headband like this which looks really pretty I like how it looks like it's just tucked into her hair a little bit so I think this is gonna be our Princess Barbie SIM for our choice we're gonna go ambitious we're gonna go over achiever for Barbie and self-absorbed and she's gonna have friend of the world at fruition so this was our creating Sims as doll Aesthetics in The Sims 4. let me know how you guys like this video and let me know which one was your favorite let me know if you have any suggestions for what you want to see me do I have a whole list of ideas that I want to do for cast coming soon but I'm always checking the comments adding suggestions to that list if you guys like the video don't forget to like comment and subscribe and thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one foreign
Channel: Syd Mac ♡
Views: 226,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims 4 challenge, sims 4 challenges, sims 4 build challenges, sims 4 build challenge, sydney macoretta, sims 4 builds, sims builds, sims 4 house building, syd mac, sydmac, the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 2022, the sims 2022, simulation games, simulation gaming, sims 4 build, sims 4 house, sims 4 create a sim, sims 4 cas, sims 4 cas challenge, sims 4 dolls, sims 4 barbie, sims 4 bratz, barbie, bratz, polly pocket, winx, monster high, create a sim, sims 4 cc
Id: RW0jqcDhSPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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