Stupidly EXPENSIVE & Rare PlayStation 1 (PS1) Games - COMPLETE!

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hey guys mle Jesus here and I am hanging out with radical Reggie how's it going dude it's going good man so tell people why you're here we are here to talk about rare and expensive PS1 games uh as you guys know I'm pretty much like a like a big Sony fan and um PlayStation is just where it's at for me so I want to tell you guys about some of the rare expensive games that are out there you know lot of lot of people might not even know about these games yeah and the reason why you're here too is that you have an epic collection the first time I was there it blew my mind I was pulling this game here going you have the what this game here this game was amazing and I was lucky enough to to get the games like around the time that they came out you know they're not like like triple double the price they are now so uh are you ready to do this man I am let's do [Music] it [Music] all right guys so before we start I do want to emphasize that this is not necessarily a hidden gems video right right we're not saying that these games are great or that you should play them although some of them certainly are really good but we just want to be clear that this is rare and stupidly expensive games and when we say rare and expensive you know a lot a lot of prints might not have been made of these games you know sales might have been bad and you know they might have just had one print run or something like that so yeah that's that's that's basically what we're trying to tell you guys so uh I guess we could go ahead and start with the all right uh a lot of you probably know that I was going to start off with this game first but U Soden 2 uh sooden 2 though a great game sold poorly so uh people are always looking for this game people love it it's insane because it's one of those games that uses kind of like what I'll call the zap system where you played the first game you can use that uh data and transfer it over to this game so that it's pretty cool but this is definitely yeah I would consider this the best game in the in the in the series story-wise as well I mean yeah a Coden two uh difficult to find uh not lot a lot made and just yeah expensive and highly sought after yeah definitely all right uh next game here yeah I'm going to kind of cheat here and uh two games Tes of Destiny uh one and two and you know what's weird Tes of Destiny 2 has always been expensive and rare but the first game just somewhat went up in price recently so oh really yeah people are after this one so they this one is really r as well I mean they're pretty much equal each other out um a Namco RPG yeah I know right I know uh but they got that Ser they got their Flagship T title the well not title but the the series T which you love you love the series yeah it's it's one it's defin I have to say it's my top dude I love this game yeah they keep everything original and original to me and and you know some people maybe get tired of that but that's that's fine with me you know I'm used to it so there's something to be said for that because you could argue Final Fantasy has gone in too many weird directions that that long-term fans like us were kind of like no I don't even know stick to the classics right I think I was talking to Kenzie about it you know Final Fantasy 9 was probably the last great one that we could really yeah definitely uh but yeah the TA series uh it's very tough to find well well what was I what was the word I was looking for uh expensive sometimes expensive and yeah there we go sorry and next game is uh burgund deine I think they have brigine I don't know they're going to get me sorry guys riine uh this is a strategy RPG atlas of course you see the atlas on there uh I haven't really I got I actually got this maybe about 6 months ago and I haven't really played it that much it's it's I it's not really to me it's not that fun you know like n but you know I got it for the cheap luckily and uh well you are a big collector obviously and so when you run into these games that you don't have and it yeah I definitely had to pick it up so yeah it's it's definitely a game you don't really see too much of uh you know it's expensive and very rare so uh burgundy if you like strategy RPGs uh pick it up or not or not it's up to you uh next game here T kerto I think I said it right T conto yeah okay that sounds right okay cool by Atlas uh the game did not sell well this came out back in I think 1999 2000 did not sell well at all and uh and you know with that the game came rare and expensive uh it's it's basically a a 3D platform game kind of like in the way of Mario 64 oh okay but you're riding like a like a a little like a little robot to kind of get around you're a police officer okay uh and it let you guys know this too a Solo solo Robo yeah you told me this that on the DS that yeah it's actually the spiritual sequel to this game so you'll see characters in that game from this game so but another really rare and expensive game yeah I know right but uh I think it's a good game but it's like I said it's gone up in price it's very rare it's and expensive so just be on the lookout for it yeah if if you can find it for a good deal go for it this is one I did not expect I did not expect it either and now I see why Casey was trying to get it from me uh AR type Delta uh an AR type game that is rare and expensive yeah I know right uh this is I this is actually one of my favorite ones aside from R type 3 okay um I had no I had no idea this has gone up in price I got this for a a regular price or I think it was around I think I got it for around $ 20 $30 and now it's just shot up in price like it's insane so well they're saying that this has uh all new 3D Graphics so it's not 2D like the original or at least yeah they definitely went tried to go in another Direction with this game but it still plays like a good shoot them up I don't know if a lot of people like the direction they went in with this one but you know they they continue with it in other games so wow okay that was the first 3D one definitely but yeah AR type Delta uh a somewhat tough shoot them up uh yeah I think I'm pretty good at it you know but the art type games I'm not great at I'm not great at the horizontal ones I'm much better at the vertical I don't know what it is well the thing about art type games is they start you get killed and they start you back at a checkpoint that already takes that takes a lot of like energy out you're like man forget it you know I just want to start at the same spot keep going forward but are are do you do you prefer the horizontal shooters or the vertical both okay I I started to like both of them you know uh I think vertical mostly but horizontal I accept two so yeah I don't know what it is but okay okay uh next game here would you mentioned this one before yes if you like Mega Man Legends uh the Misadventures of Tron Bond now I was this is the first game back in the day when I bought I bought it when it first came out I knew this game was going to be rare but this is before the video game hype everything you know uh it just it just was one of those games that you just you weren't going to see a lot of and and I was right you know um don't you think it has something to do maybe with the title that's a weird title for a Mega Man Legends game it is it is and is it's focusing it was trying to focus on a character that was popular in Japan but but wasn't really popular in America so uh it was kind of strange so a lot of people just like what is this and just didn't pay any attention to it so even though it definitely says it right there on the front but yeah you have to kind of pay attention right well they tried to throw a Mega Man Legends 2 demo in here to kind of like show it off this part of that series is that a separate disc or is it's a separate disc and U but you know people they want to if it says it has to say the name on there in big letters before they recogniz it so unfortunately a tough game well expensive game to get um I would say uh uh it is I like the game it's a good game so it's definitely if you buy it you I think you'll like it but depending on your price range for it you know I don't know you have buyers for more so just be aware well I have this game but I have it digitally and that's fine yeah I mean I mean you know I mean I I just I just mentioned that because yeah if you want to check out a all these games it's like you know I paid I think $6 for this through the PlayStation store and and you played you played it fairly a good amount of it no I was gonna say because then you know one of those sales you know what I mean they they'll do and so like yeah it's like oh actually I think they they first put it on the store and I was like oh this is a game that I can never possibly afford so I'm going to download I just haven't had time that's but again my point is that yes you could get the physical version which I always you know I always love the physical version but you want to see what the hype is about and at that price you say hey is this the price is going for so yeah definitely all right now well maybe I should save these for last but uh we'll go with the next one here um Psychic Detective now uh when you showed this I was like first of all the box is heavy it is it has like three disc in here so it's like one of those FMV type games you know FV took a lot they took up a lot of space on CD so this game is full of it uh I'm not good at it you know it's really it's kind of the story is all over the place but uh definitely if you could follow this game you you're you're a smart person uh but definitely a game that you don't did not see a lot of it did not sell well at least on the Playstation system and uh it's going for a high price now it's uh it's got a lot of like like good actors in it like before they were well known I can't remember their names right now but but still it's it's well I think a lot of these full motion video games are kind of coming back because a lot of people like you and I uh we're looking back it's like you know they don't make these anymore so when you want to kind of have these cheesy experiences these are some of the funnest games to play now right right you know yes they can be hard and frustrating and often the acting's horrible but that's part of the fun right it is it makes it campy it's it's just hilarious I mean just if you want to feel nostalgic you know pick up a play a FMV game oh absolutely all right all right so uh next game here talked about this before on the Channel star blade Alpha uh this is a game I want yeah this game it's a rail shooter it's it's really cool I mean uh I I used to see these games in these type of games in arcade a lot but like somebody else is always playing them so I never I could only watch from the side but yeah this is my first type of game like this and this is it's it's really cool but like a it's unfortunately it's just it didn't sell very well and it's just oh gosh I mean it's sold poorly and there just not that many out there so uh so let me ask you this is that the last two that you just showed here are in the long boxes yeah so does that sometimes affect the price like like what like I guess what I'm getting at is like for instance was this particular game ever released in like a CD case nope okay but some were some were but not that one I'm pretty sure Psychic Detective wasn't either so that's why yeah yeah it's interesting that they switched formats so drastically isn't it I know right huh cool cool game uh all right where was I uh here we go uh now we're down to the other games I was talking about a shoot a cute them up shoot them up yeah harmful Park oh gosh this is the game you always want me to show my house uh harmful Park uh oh gosh I I don't know if whether it was just made in limited quantities or just didn't sell well but this game goes for a high price I mean it's like it's very sought after and it's actually a really good game I mean if you like shoot them up you'll defin you could definitely get get into this game now this is not a North American release no this is an import release I got you know with a test PS2 system I can play all these games so so that's important to know though so you're you're you're moving a little bit here from North American releases to yeah I wanted to kind of make it a worldwide thing with the with the games because you know we stick to like just America just limits us you know yeah absolutely some of these games that didn't come out like this that we want right yeah yeah definitely but harle Park definitely another one that's like whoo a weird cover too again you would never know that's a shooter yeah it makes you like like it's a picnic yeah get something to eat all right uh next game here I talked about this on the channel before too gy now this is probably my favorite shooter of all time I mean gosh I mean it it was it was really rare in in Japan and I don't know why it was it was just the company just probably didn't they just I don't they were just small company so uh the game was extremely rare even in Japan and this was back in the day when it first came out it was rare so um it's a really outstanding shooter I mean the story is really cool in it it's just man it's just really like I don't know it just makes you like want to watch SciFi channels really awesome and I I think if if I'm not mistaken this is another game that I've actually bought through the the PlayStation store that's right it's on there too yeah right so I think I played on my Vita if I remember right so yeah that's really cool very cool game uh limited and sought after all right so we're winding it down this next one I know you searched for a long time for yeah and actually with this next one the funny story is uh I I got a little money when my tax return and you know I was doing well in school so I said man just time to treat myself cuz I always saving my money and I said you know it's time to splurge yeah you know I did good so I got the men is a little Ralph now I freaking uh like I I had lost out on so many bids for this game and I finally just won one thankfully there was no snipers out there uh but this game was made by a company called new and um I I believe they only have two games under their record record and uh they just kind of fell off after this game but this game's amazing if it came to America it would have been like I think it would have did really well but this is definitely one of my favorite platforms of all time it's just this game is insane man I mean yeah it it sucks that no one knows about it because it's so rare and limited man like you just they're like what is that so I also think too again I hate to go back to the titles but you know the adventures of little Ralph sounds like a kids game maybe I think they have a movie similar to that or no it's called King Ralph over here I can't remember yeah but but some but sometimes again you know just coming from a background of of software development sometimes titles and covers are so exp or so it makes a difference they make a difference I mean it's you know whether people just glance at it and buy it or not so you never know with that cool all right next last game here uh cool John uh yeah I'm sorry we were doing some research before this video and he asked me what I how I thought it was pronounced I have no idea well I remember I used to pronounce it properly like when I first got it but H I just I forgot it so I'm sorry guys guys but anyways uh this game is a up came out for PS1 in Japan you love your UPS this game is awesome dude I know it's I was like whoo like this I usually don't really care for them unless they're like harmful part but this one is like really good too man even has a cool intro theme song that's really awesome uh this game is very hard to find in Japan and it's hard to like even type and look it up on eBay you know cuz it's not really written in right so you usually come by U on this game by luck you know really yeah seriously so wow God there's so many Playstation One games that I mean it's it it's just an amazing system I mean there's just a little bit everything for it yeah even me as a ad PlayStation collector I'm still finding stuff like whoa what is this I didn't know this existed so it's gosh this an amazing system and amazing system to collect for I mean happy to have these games in the in the inventory I wouldn't want to really be looking for them now I know well that's part of the reason why we're doing this video series is to kind of let people know that when you're out and about and you see something either at an expo or if you get really lucky it happens occasionally at like you know a pawn shop or like a Craigslist you may run into some of this stuff and be like oh you should probably snag it you know yeah yeah immediately you know uh not all these type of not all these games are great but you know it really depends on what you think of them you know uh well some people are going for complete Collections and that we've mentioned that in the past on this channel before that those type of collectors sometimes do drive up the prices of these games because if if want them all those really hard to find ones whether they're good or bad you're going to to pay the price for you know it's pretty crazy John Hancock knows well yep awesome dude so where can people find you on the internet hey radical Reggie on YouTube um actually actually going to start a patreon and all that I'm taking it seriously now so if you like my content you know come check me out and and and to tell on you a little bit you have like 30 videos ready to go for your channel yeah I took precaution cuz I knew I was going to take this seriously I uploaded 30 videos just to get the ball rolling you know I haven't like displayed them yet but they're on the channel after patreon launches and I'm just going start releasing them so uh it was tough because I did them all on the cell phone so hilarious it's amazing what you can do on the cell phone though it is it really is man so that's cool all right guys love to know what you thought about this video uh please let us know down in the comments yeah and if if if you like this video maybe we'll do a part two yeah he's got a lot of them and he's got other systems keep going for a while all right guys thanks very much for watching thank you for subscribing and take care another system that reggi could do this type of video for would be the Sony PSP the PlayStation Portable not a lot of people know that there are a lot of collectible games on there and between he and I we pretty much have most of them another system that would be kind of interesting would be the PlayStation 2 especially with Reggie's collection because he collects Imports and not a lot of people do that so it's a very unique perspective all right guys thanks for watching
Channel: MetalJesusRocks
Views: 980,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal jesus rocks, metaljesusrocks, metal, jesus, console, system, review, gameplay, video, game, reviews, history, retro, retrospective, gaming, collection, collector, Radical Reggie, PS1, Playstation 1, Sony, PSX, Rare, Expesnive, Expensive, Suikoden II, Tales of Destiny I, Brigandine, Tail Concerto, R-Type Delta, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, Psychic Detective, Starblade Alpha, Harmful Park, Gaia Seed, Adventure of Little Ralph, Kyuin, hard to find, テレビゲーム, レトロゲーム探し, playstation, games
Id: 7g4n-ewugCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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