Sega SATURN BUYING GUIDE & Top 10 Games!

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MetalJesus is probably my favorite retro gaming channel. He has good taste in games and doesn't put on a whole lot of shtick.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good list, played most of them. :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kern3I_panic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great vid.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nintrader πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
metal Jesus here and I am back again with Anna how's it going it's going that's your thing it's my thing so why are you here today I'm here today to talk to you some more about the Sega Saturn it's awesome we can't talk about it enough on this channel that's right so today we're going to be talking about the Sega Saturn buying guide so that includes accessories games pretty much everything you need to know about picking up awesome stuff for your Sega Saturn collection that's right the Sega Saturn is so killer I love collecting for this so I think it's gonna be a good video I think so let's take a look hey so we're going to start with the console itself yes here is my console ooh now right off the bat you mentioned that mine looks a little bit different than yours he looked a little funny I don't know if that's true or not it looks fine but yeah I have the model 2 which has like the round buttons and there's nothing about the physical hardware that's different it just has a very different style to it yeah pretty much so there is two models and like you mentioned so this is model 1 right here and kind of going around the console itself first of all I like the look of the console yeah it looks good it does look really cool right I think Sega just nailed out of the park I just love look at this so a couple things here power button it is a top loader which is very nice so less things to wear out yes there's also a reset button here and then there's two controller ports in the front pretty standard stuff one of the interesting things is on the top here so when I first got my Saturn I was like ooh maybe they'll play Genesis games wouldn't that be cool that would be cool you'd be wrong yeah yeah what it actually does is it's a slot for expandable memory so those really graphic intensive games that say hey you need to insert a memory card into it when I first got into the Saturn you know doing some research everyone was like get this card right here yeah and that's really important because you know the the Saturn is considered kind of a failure here in in North America right yeah because it didn't sell very well it had a pretty short I guess you know shelf life but that's not the case in Japan and so while we got a couple hundred games over in Japan in total there's like a thousand games so mini game so many games and so when you want to start collecting for Saturn you almost inevitably start collecting imports and this thing is awesome it is everything you need it to be yeah that's right so basically you just pop this in on the top right here and a menu comes up that allows you to do a bunch of really cool stuff one is just you can enable cheat cheats yeah there's got built-in cheat codes also there is a save slot man your thing so basic and you can transfer over from the internal over to this cartridge plus it adds the extra RAM which is what yours does there so the games I need it it has it yeah so it's a three-in-one you don't need a hard mod your console you can just get get that cart because you can do everything you need to do and it's great for starting out your Sega Saturn collection yeah definitely definitely a must but although you mentioned it there that yours is modded so you didn't do this no mine has a chip and a switch on the back of it and you can get that done but honestly the action replay is just an easier way to go especially we don't have any soldering skills or you don't want to send your Sega Saturn to someone who can do that for you right so another thing that's kind of interesting about this is that when I first turn it on almost inevitably I have to type in or I have to choose what day it is in the time and that is because inside here on the back there is a watch battery and essentially you have to replace these every year or two it's a fairly standard battery it only costs a couple bucks you can find it pretty much everywhere but just be aware that when you buy one to use you probably will need to change the battery and that is how your save games are stored so when that battery dies if you haven't moved over to a cartridge your your save games are gone so something to keep in mind yeah definitely the other thing that's interesting about this port in the back here is that I haven't done this myself but supposedly you can get like a adapter or some sort of card that will allow you to play V CDs which was a movie format that came out before DVD I got very popular in in Asia but not so much here in North America that's why most people don't even know what that is I don't know what that was we kind of skipped over and went straight to DVD yeah also there's a karaoke option for this back here as well so seven i know Reggie loves karaoke songs he's played really I know then basically back here the only thing really to know is that there's obviously a power cable it doesn't have an external power supply to built into it which is really nice and then there's the video port right here yeah and so the video port by default will do in North America it'll do composite or s-video yes very nice so actually s-video looks pretty decent on an HDTV but if you are in Europe or you want the best quality you want to go with RGB which is scart which I haven't done yet have you done that I haven't done that I know I people you know people always try to get the best quality out of a system for good reasons yeah the games on this look awesome so why wouldn't you want it but I just haven't done it yet I don't have a converter yes yeah so that's my excuse but yeah at some point I probably will convert a lot of my consoles over to RGB scart yeah that reason because it is technically the best way to view these games so and it can't notice the difference you do yeah definitely cancel all right well we blew through the hardware I know but you have an amazing collection and you brought over a bag of accessories and there are a ton for the system yes all right let's take a look all right so let's talk about accessories yes we got a lot of them to go over and that's just fine because there's pretty much an accessory for every type of game so we're gonna start out with kind of your fighting accessories we have some awesome arcade sticks here I have two versions this is the asking Saturn which looks really nice in the buttons they just they feel so good yeah I feel a button I do yeah oh yeah thank you - yeah yeah and then we got this one no clicky now that's the official Saturn it's the official Sega Saturn I do that's got turbo low on stuff on yeah it's really nice for shooters you just bump up the speed just like that yeah but it's really really great when you want to play Street Fighter or any of those other games to have an arcade stick and these are just a yeah that's that's my favorite yeah I can tell me twice oh cool living right alone we got every console had a light gun yes even the week yeah and so there's some great like on games that you know we might talk about later on but if you have a CRT TV or you should get one so you can play some like I'm games the Saturn also had this has accessory hmm cool yeah and then here is the very first version of the controller that was released in the u.s. it's a cool looking controller I think it looks very futuristic oh yeah there's a lot going on it does have that very future you know mm yeah however that said I don't like this controller yeah that much it's the d-pad is a weird concave thing and I don't know something about it just doesn't feel very exact also these shoulder buttons barely move they're not great buttons I like said I like a look of it it's not my favorite well let's try this one I know I know let's see if this is the controller for you so okay so this is the second controller that was released for the Saturn and this is considered one of the best retro design controllers of all time I love it it's just so easy to hold all the buttons are right where they should be everything clicks and responds the d-pad feels like a solid well-made d-pad yeah and there's a good cable length on it too so it yeah it's a great controller and they those those shoulder buttons right there for those shoulders yeah all right and then there's another accessory another controller yes and you have the box for someone yeah I do it would have been smart to have it but you know surprise surprise yeah so nights into dreams came with a the game and then introducing the 3d control pad and so this is iconic sega saturn controller look at that spaceship i mean i know actually it looks like a Star Trek spaceship right on its own it doesn't but it's not it's not bad it's a decent controller as well and coppered analog triggers yeah but you feel really nice and the thumb there's arguments back and forth was this the first analog control on a console or was at the n64 it depends on who you ask I'm sure there is an official answer out there but this is definitely a really nice controller especially for that game where we're here look around in here and you're flying and it's very fluid movement it definitely is night day and there's a little switch in here so you can go back and forth if the game supports it between that and the d-pad so you get the best of both worlds you really do then also I have a controller here which is a bit of an odd one so it looks like the Sega Genesis with the attachment yeah it's got a lot going on yeah I know this reminds me of controllers you see on the PC I mean back in a mid 90s there was a lot of flight Sims that came out of PC and they you know Thrustmaster made tons of these this is a really cool and I like a lot for one specific reason you can unbolt it here and it swaps over and it can either be left or right now that is really awesome that's going love to left-handed Android yeah this is a pretty cool control and actually a lot of games that came out on the Saturn do support it like some one that we're going to talk about like Panzer Dragoon there's a bunch of flying games arcade shooters and stuff and pretty cool controller really awesome anything else as far as the accessories I think that just about does it okay let's talk about some games that go with this accessory hood okay so you see the hardware you've seen the accessories and I need some games that's right so let's kick it off with super Puzzle Fighter 2 turbo now this is one of my favorite games for the Sega Saturn because it has great 2 player modes on it pretty much kind of like Tetris attack you on do combos and that messes up the other player and you get these Street Fighter animations and it's just a whole lot of fun that's cool yeah so puzzle puzzle game for the Saturn collection look out for it ok so give that to you thank you hold that and then I want to talk about a Japanese import here now before I do let's do a comparison here yeah this is a different cases this is important so this is the North American releases that we get over here and actually I read that the reason why it is like an internet rumor or not but the reason why we got in these long boxes here is because they had leftover stock from the Sega CD you know that would make sense it would totally make sure there but it's such a pain these are high this is this one the worst formats because they're often broken mm-hmm they often don't stay close yeah and because there's so much space in here for the CD yeah like in shipping sometimes that are often the CD falls out and in rumbles around in their scratches and get scratched yeah it's so annoying yeah I mean it looks cool on the Shelf yeah and it feels like you have a game yeah you know you look I'm playing that game yeah almost like a neogeo like you pull it out it's like yeah I'm out listening to a CD right game but over in Japan they were a little bit more sensible and they had CD cases yeah make sure did which definitely I actually I do like one of the things to know about this is that they would often come with spine cards and so in order for them to be considered complete they'll have sometimes in their tucked in the manual this like little yeah the spine curved spine cards yeah something to keep in mind yeah definitely so it makes it very easy to store your in Japanese imports because they take up a smaller footprint which is great because there's so many Japanese import games to get for the Saturn yes I could talk to you about them all day but I won't I'll just talk to you about a couple of them so this is the game paradise this is absolutely if not won't be my favorite game l7 yeah you have it but it's great it's a shoot-'em-up and you just fly over in our Kade and there's wacky that wacky 90's anime villain humor to it if you know what I mean and I just love it I love the cutesy teddy bear turn on you know blow you up in it so it just to have 16-bit um it's so good there's so many great aspects to the game I love it you know one thing I forget to mention here too is that often on these imports in Japanese on one side and in English on the other very handy yeah party in the front and the back you like my hair oh Jesus okay well great segue into the next game called pocket so you saw the arcade stick you should get pocket fighter because there's so many good animations for this fighting game they're straight fighter and there's that other game that I always forget night stalkers I don't forget I totally know what I was talking about and they have such great animations you play as like this pyramid guy and uh it's just we're like we played it many months ago but we're just cracking up at these animations and you before you know it you played the game for over two hours so you know in great great that reminds me is that one of the the great things about Sega Saturn was that it is considered to be the best 2d console like as far as sprite work and backgrounds and like technically people consider to be actually better than the PlayStation one like it's the pinnacle of 2d and so that's why you know it's it's not surprising it's there's so many great games like these fighters because they were amazing on the system yeah they really are yeah so pocket fighter pick it up cool and then if you can find this go to your retro game shows and you know look at Craigslist and all that stuff but um this came with the purchase of your Sega Saturn but there's three in one and these are just a great way to get three games for a pretty low price they're usually not you know the the high ticket items and you get three different kinds you get a like I'm game bruh to a cop you get Daytona USA you get your racing game and then you get Virtua Fighter 2 you get your fighting game so it's just a great way to get three different games that are you know these games are actually all pretty decent so I come in getting this three for one Oh classic our arcade games so that's cool cool I'm not switching it up we got a very fun title here I know three dirty door it sounds like an adult-film right I don't want to watch it but but eight up to three players you can have up to three players and it's a beat'em up and side scroller you got like 15 levels and you a very funny story go underground you got safe people you get to hit people with baseball bats and pretty much sports equipment you know it it's pretty good it's yummy and you're gonna play with other people it's pretty great that's cool yeah all right well I love my shooters horizontal vertical they're all good and one of the best ones is I'm gonna say this we were having a chat is Darius or Darius Gaiden or guidance I think it's Darius Gaiden I want say Darius Gaiden yeah but I don't really know and we talked about this in the hidden gems emphasis you know what you said means it means at the beginning of the game that that guy who says the name yeah right yeah maybe it is I don't remember but yeah no I'm just focused on playing the game because it's awesome oh it's awesome if you like shooting weird floating ship or like what fish ships fish ships I'd see that carefully yeah in space yeah but this is such a fun game especially when you have one of those control sticks those arcade sticks been turbo on it yeah oh my god you just destroy everything such a great game great graphics it's awesome so I actually I was playing it this week again yeah yeah it's fun do you always go back to absolutely fish and chips fish and chips okay moving right along we got magic knight rayearth working designs - mmm that when you say that pink a company logo you know it's gonna be a quality game and and also the covers though they got everything it's like the Pokemon foil card is just it's everything that you want it to be and if you like the anime this does right by the anime there's a lot of cinematics in it there's great gameplay it has a very super nintendo feel to it so if you like those style of RPGs definitely get magic knight rayearth and it's a long game too so you're gonna get a lot of gameplay out of this one very cool yeah and then next up is again one of my favorite games Saturn Bomberman so this reminds me is that like at the Portland retro Expo occasionally people will be doing tournaments of this game I mean this is like people love this game yep they love it and you can get the XS to expand up to ten players I believe eight or ten players alive it is it is a lot yeah and it it's just there's not enough good things I could say about this game it's your typical Bomberman game really where you go through the levels and don't get blown up and and beat the boss yeah it's just it's it's it's really great considered a classic for sure yeah and then a series that I think pretty much launched on the Sega Saturn and was certainly one of the series that people are like you have to go and use buy them that is Panzer Dragoon one and two these are on rail shooters and they're just so unique they're like kind of futuristic post-apocalyptic feeling though but it's kind of like a fantasy world the first one's really good the second one improves it in pretty much every way as far as the controls and the graphics just you know just amazing games and I can't recommend it enough so if you like unreal shooters you know definitely check it out but we have to mention that there is an incredibly rare game that is on the Sega Saturn yes there is and that is the third in the series I guess yes Panzer Dragoon saga and the song it is because there are four discs that's right but this is an RPG that's in a universe and a lot of people consider this to be one of the best RPGs ever made which is so cool the Saturn has a game of that caliber on there I mean I know it was in in the making for a while it came out at the end of the Saturn's life yes so it's this amazing game yeah that just didn't sell a whole lot of copies yep and they didn't make a whole lot of copies either so it's that perfect storm of you have a really great game at the end of the life cycle where there's not a lot of copies available and that's why it's such a pricey game right yeah but it's definitely one that if you have the chance to play you should check it out because again it's very unique specific to the Sega Saturn so it's cool you have a copy of this it is fatal definitely alright well that is our buying guide for the Sega Saturn yeah so you guys have so much so much things to add to your wish lists here you have a lot of great games that would just give you a really holistic view of the Saturday night hiding shoot-'em-ups beat-em-ups RPG is just so many great games on the saturn it's amazing yeah there's over a thousand like we mentioned before and so I'm kind of curious that you know specifically myself I'm always looking for those import games that I can play without knowing Japanese so if you guys down in the comments would like to recommend some games to us that would be Japanese imports to us and the other people who are collecting for it we greatly appreciate that yes the awesome well thanks for coming on and working people find you they can find me at my youtube channel circuits and coffee and I talk about games and I can't get all that good stuff yeah definitely some of the cool stuff she does is tech specifically so if you're looking at like I was just mentioned to you that your colored lights though that was really cool and a bunch of other stuff too like what you're reading and yeah yeah if you like nerdy geeky culture and come over to my channel yeah alright guys thanks very much for watching my channel thanks for subscribing and take care one of my favorite videos that I've done with Anna was a game room or lady loft tour at her house and what was so fun about that video is that we shot at all MTV Cribs style and so she was totally playing up the rock and roll heavy-metal lifestyle it was a ton of fun and she's got a really cool game collection as well so you should definitely check that out there'll be a link in the upper right one of those YouTube cards and also remember to be subscribed to my channel I release two new videos every single week alright guys thanks so much for watching
Channel: MetalJesusRocks
Views: 523,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal jesus rocks, metaljesusrocks, metal, jesus, console, system, review, gameplay, video, game, cartridge, reviews, history, retro, retrospective, gaming, collection, collector, Sega, Saturn, Buying Guide, games, Anna, Action Replay, Pocket Fighter, Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Magic Knight Rayearth, Three Dirty Dwarves, The Game Paradise!, Darius Gaiden, Circuits and Coffee, Japanese, Imports, Rare, Expensive, Hidden Gems, top 10, best, guide, buying, セガァターン
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2016
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