Stupid Game Show Answers - Jam-Packed

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[SGSA theme music] A reason for kneeling. [Buzzer] Ian. Church, Les. When you go to church. [Ding] To pray is the top answer. [Audience applauds] Mark. be beheaded. [Audience laughs] [Wheel of Fortune toss-up music] [Buzzer dings] [Pat]: Karen and Steve. STRAWBERRY LIP GIRLS. [Pat]: Er, no, that's... [Audience laughs] [Ray]: ...slang term that means wife. Bitch. [Audience boos and applauds] [Ray]: Good answer! Name something you might buy that could turn out to be phony. [Buzzer] Yo. A horse. [Audience laughs] [Richard]: The dreaded phony horse gag. [Incorrect answer buzzer] [Alex reads out the answer] Gary again. What are public, uh, toilets? [Alex]: No. Sorry. [Audience laughs] Harvey. What are libraries? [Alex]: Libraries, yes. Name a sport husbands and wifes can play together. You said...kickball. [Audience laughs] You know, you're not usually married in third grade. [Audience laughs] [Richard]: Something you squeeze. Peanut butter. [Richard and audience laugh] [Bob]: Next question, gentlemen. What is the one thing the people on the other side of your street have more of than you do? Cars. [Bob]: Cars. Your wife said they have more...more...grass than you do. [Female contestant]: They have more grass! We're having none! [Male contestant]: I wouldn't bet on that! [Everyone laughs] [Audience applauds] [Richard]: Name a part of the telephone. The...bottom part. [Audience laughs] [Bob]: Girls, what one word beginning with the first letter of your last name best describes your chest? That's really hard. I don't know. I think I'll say tasty...[Laughs] [Bob]: Tasty! [Audience laughs] He said...tiny. [Male contestant]: Tasty? I can't even find them! What do you mean tasty? [Audience laughs and applauds] Name a city in the state of...Georgia. [Buzzer] [Contestant on left]: Alabama. [Richard]: Pardon? Oh, I'm sorry. [Indistinct] [Everyone laughs] [SGSA theme music] [Richard]: Alabama! [Incorrect answer buzzer]
Channel: Stupid Game Show Answers
Views: 1,560,215
Rating: 4.8406525 out of 5
Keywords: stupid, game, show, answers, family, feud, fortunes, newlywed, dumb, idiots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 22 2008
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