Stunt Woman - Inside Job

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hedgebop ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 28 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Polish presents inside job extraordinary women making their dreams come true hey and Luci Romberg I am a professional some woman and a professional freerunner most recently a double Melissa McCarthy on identity thief my work on Indiana Jones the Green Lantern TV shows the Lab Rats heroes I've worked on so many I can't remember this done business is very you know it's it's a it's a boys club no doubt about it but it's cool because women before me have done really big strides to get us where we are today I mean now a lot of the time the guys are hiring more women for ND spots which before it wasn't like that I feel like if you train hard enough we can do just as well as the guys can I don't really think about it I just I work hard I try to meet the people that I need to meet and then when you finally do get hired you do a good job and hopefully get hired again it's all about building positive and good reputation for yourself you have to kind of prove yourself even more if you're a woman I didn't always want to be a some woman I actually didn't even know what that was I was a national champion gymnast in college one of my teammates she was out in LA doing stunts and acting she came back my senior year was like hey you should come out to LA and try stunts I'm like okay what's that okay so I was a major in kinesiology I had no idea what I was gonna do with my life after I graduated had my stuff my mom drove me out to LA and just been trying to get into stunts and live the dream ever since it's a fun career but it's it's really really hard for the first five years that's all I did all I thought about didn't date anyone cuz I got so focused and dedicated on what I had to do in order to make my dreams come true if you're gonna sit around and just hope that it's gonna happen it's not going to you have to work your butt off to get out there and meet the right people train have the right skill sets and you know it's it's a hustle it kind of sucks to be honest at first but then once you start working you start making connection becomes more fun and the reward the payoff is the job we have to hustle train do all these things send out your resume a million times if you want the reward you have to put everything you have into it there's ten other girls right behind me ready to take that job the way that I started freerunning I was working on a movie called The Changeling with Clint Eastwood and two of my now teammates and we're doing like this crazy chasing on the rooftops of universal I was blown away by what they're doing parkour is basically about efficient movement and getting from point A to point B as fast as you can and the freerunning is adding style creativity unnecessary moves like flips and things like that if you train with bad people you're gonna be bad but if you train with the best your standard of what is good changes drastically I'm fortunate enough to train with some of the best athletes in the world and so I see what the standard is I train so hard and I love what I do because I know I can keep progressing and I know I can get better I still feel like there's things inside me that I can't do yet that I know I can give you never know what kind of situation you're gonna be in from rolling underneath a jackknifed semi truck to jumping off the building to fight scenes to just basically just getting shot and falling down I'm a member of the Summum is Association and it's it's a really cool thing to be a part of it's cool to have the support and the love from all these different women that understand what you're going through nothing comes easy in life and I think failure is important failures in an important aspect of life that that kids and adults alike need to experience to know what it feels like and to know that I need to try harder push myself harder overcoming fear is one of the reasons that I love for you're running so much within your heart you know that you can do this jump but your brain is telling you no no you can't it's it's being able to shut off your mind and and overcoming that fear and doing what you know you can do that's one of my main goals is to inspire not just women but his adults everybody to find their freerunning to get people to get outside of their comfort zone and truly give it give something that their passion about they're all feeling inspired click below for more extraordinary stories
Channel: Polished
Views: 23,721
Rating: 4.9355879 out of 5
Keywords: Polished, Polished channel, inside job, polished inside jobs, extraordinary women, Stunts, stuntwoman, stunt woman, stunts
Id: tS3hyIOrNVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 09 2014
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