How I Learned to Hold My Breath for 4 Minutes

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did you know that in 2014 a guy called Bronco Petrovich held his breath for 11 minutes and 54 seconds that is insane that is the longest anyone has ever held their breath without breathing an oxygen enriched gas beforehand like what David Blaine did when he said record of like 60 minutes or something like that it's almost difficult to believe that that's possible however I did a better reading on this and apparently with a little bit of training and the correct technique and activating something called the dive reflex normal people average people can drastically increase the amount of time that they're able to hold their breath I've heard of normal people extending their breath holds two to three and even four minutes within just a matter of weeks of training and that's exactly what this video is about I'm going to try and learn to hold my breath for four minutes I've never tried anything like this before I don't know if this is achievable I'm gonna see how long it takes me this is day one hour zero I'm Mike Voight and I'm pretty average but over the last three years I've been trying to learn new skills as quickly as possible this series is all of our attempted challenges they're out of my comfort zone I want to try things that are extraordinary this is average Mike so I think the first thing to do is to find out how far away I am from my target now who knows I might be closer than I think so I'm just gonna do the longest breath hold I can manage see what the timers see how much work I've got left to do three two one [Music] Walmart well we got a lot work to do so I have heard that an effective way to train for this is to actually use an app because there's an app for everything right so I've downloaded this app called stamina it's an apnea trainer it trains you to hold your breath for longer and what this is supposed to do is to improve your tolerance to see you to build up in your lungs because apparently that's what gives you that feeling that you want to breathe so that's one start do now training using this app let's go [Music] [Music] ah so I can't even complete the easiest training cycle on this app lots of room for progress day two I managed to call for two minutes and almost 5 seconds that's my personal best yet I think that's a 52 second improvement in three days so how is it possible for people to hold the breath for such a long amount of time how is the world record 12 minutes and how does an average person get to 3 or 4 minutes so if you remember that diving reflex I talked about earlier on well it's basically an exploitation of that let's let Patrick from tears who explained this hidden ability a little bit further in order to maximize the amount of time your character can hold their breath you need to take advantage of an exploit called the mammalian diving reflex this is a hidden ability that was a key part of the amphibian built way back during the Devonian expansion it's a special triggered ability that activates when your characters face hitbox touches water it slows metabolic rate reducing the speed at which your o2 meter drains it's essentially a bit of legacy code that the devs forgot to patch out of the game when they added the most recent factions like mammals and birds all vertebrates use this glitch but its most pronounced in mammals this exploit is what has allowed builds like seals otters muskrats beavers dolphins and hippos to function so effectively in the aquatic and marine biomes it can even be used by humans so here's a tutorial on how to make use of it how to activate the diving reflex so you can hold your breath longer trust me when I say that this really works and you can try and lesson fifteen minutes super cheap heart rate monitor off Amazon and it tracks my current hair a first try and relax and get your heart rate down to a resting level next perform to breath holds to about fifty or sixty percent of your current best time take a minute stress between each of these two holds after the second breath hold splash your face with some cold water ensuring you cover your nostrils properly this will trigger the dive reflex relax for another minute and then perform a third breath hold you'll notice that you'll be able to go much longer and be much more comfortable your heart rate will have decreased by up to 25% watch as my resting heart rate drops from 70 to 50 beats per minute this is the diving reflex pretty cool right seals are one of the best at using this ability to see just how well adapted they and many other builds are when in the game of life check out the channel tears ooh seriously this is a fantastic channel guys there'll be a link at the end of the video and in the description [Music] subha is the first time the I have broke the 3-minute mark I cannot believe the progress here so there's no way a YouTube audience is just going to believe me if I say this challenge is done if I do it on dry land it's just too easy to fake this with a little bit of editing so after breaking the 3-minute mark on day 7 it was time to start training properly that is facedown in the water no room for cheating as soon as I began training in the water I started having problems my mind and my heart was racing I was freaking out it's really scary to be facedown in the water holding your breath and I wasn't able to deal with that and these problems are reflected in my times they were dismal I felt like I was starting from scratch I had a long way to go me too just the problem really was a mental one I was panicking in the water I looked into meditation techniques to try and calm down but they were all heavily based on the same theme just take a nice big deep breath and I begin to tune into your breath allow your awareness to move to your breath all you have to do is focus all of your attention on your breath a big deep breath breathing in flows through your nostril expanding breathing in through the nose and all true I found the only way to get over this was to just spend lots of time practicing in the water [Music] eventually my time started improving by day 13 I felt ready to break four minutes [Music] my stopwatch broke halfway through how do I do what was the thing ha stopwatch broke and year was close by also dere was it four minutes it feels like there's not much more to there's nothing more together I really pushed it 339 I think as all I've got to achieve a time of three minutes there and I really did have to push it so to see if four minutes was even doable I contacted Ian Donald a free diving and apnea expert I'm wanting to train to hold my breath for four minutes or more do you think that's an achievable goal most people you can split a breath hole into three sections as far as their the experience of the actual breath hole goes the first third we could say once someone start holding their breath is going to be relatively comfortable second third is where the co2 builds up and you start getting to that threshold where your body just tells you you want to breathe the final third is where your body starts to contract so your diaphragm and your intercostal muscles start to spasm as if to try and bring air in basically so you get this kind of gulping swallowing spasm sensation the reality of it is at the beginning of that last third of your breath hold is exactly that's the beginning of the last third so you can actually go through a significant amount of contractions without being any real risk as long as there's people with you they we all have it in us to be able to hold our breath for longer it's just getting over the initial discomfort which is only there because we don't hold our breath for a long time normally during the day so the takeaway point here there is more time to be hard it's just a case of pushing through the immense discomfort I'm gonna try my hardest to break today okay so clearly this would be the easiest thing in the world to fake so for all the dubious keyboard warriors out there I'm gonna upload an unedited clip of my longest breath hold whether or not I make my target this will be an unlisted video that's linked in the description just in case you're daring me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the end of the year is quickly approaching and many people like myself I want enough fresh start in 2019 and perhaps that's learning a new skill maybe just for work or maybe even just for yourself for personal reasons so my advice to you is to start now hit the ground running in 2019 yeah head start jump in the deep end today so if you want to pick up something new but you want to avoid the minefield of online boring overly long tutorials then Scotia is a good place to start it's an online landing platform with over 24,000 classes taught by people who know what they're talking about you can pick up whatever you like animation film production app development and if you just can't get enough of my face I even have two classes on Skillshare - one how to solve the Rubik's Cube and one a beginner's guitar course so here's the deal usually Scotia air can be as low as just eight dollars 25 per month but since Skillshare sponsored the show they are offering my viewers two months of unadulterated premium access across all the classes for free and there's no commitment to stay on after the offer ends so if you want to learn something new quickly and support the show check out Skillshare using the link in the description and thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Mike Boyd
Views: 3,786,124
Rating: 4.9470797 out of 5
Keywords: breath, hold, apnea, long, minutes, mike boyd, average mike, learn quick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
Reddit Comments

Oh, he's a speedrunner. Nice to see this game's community branching out some.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
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