Stuffed Pizza Bread!!! | Sorted Food

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now for many people out there including Mike bread is the enemy but this thing here today is our hero this is our blooming pizza loaf yes so many of you said the pizza was the guilty pleasure for cheat week and this is the version we're doing so it's a bloomer loaf stuffed with cheese meat and awesome tomato you've seen the thumbnail and my goodness so it's called blooming because it kind of opens up like a blooming flower and to do that we need to cut deep slices not all the way to the bottom along its length and right across its width so you almost end up with a checkerboard so it should all hold together because we haven't cut through the Bottom now what we want to do is pluck out seven pieces then what you can get is more stuff in lost count and one more can you get any more in there now say Chubby Bunny now for all the pizza flavors we're going to place this onto a baking tray so it catches all of the mess and we're going to dribble tomato sauce in around get a good tomato sauce you can make your own if you like or you can buy if you want a recipe we've got one over on now cook it go check it out this has got loads of Basil in it cuz you guys said basil was important when it comes to decent Pizza yeah you want to make sure that later on when you tear and share there a bit of tomato sauce everywhere and then into all of those crevices we can stuff meat you guys said lots of meat was important on Pizza we've got some pepperoni and some ham we're going to tear it up and push it in now I've never in the past spoken ill of our community but there were some idiots out there who recommended we put pineapple in this you guys also said anees could be an option and that was also kind of a little bit controversial put my microphone on specifically to say if you don't put pineapple in this Mike and I are out it's raining inside when it stops raining Mike and I we are leaving now two types of cheese Mozzarella for its stringiness and we've gone for the slightly drier version that's already grating not the buff stuff cuz it's too wet perfect for this and some cheddar I think the last thing that's kind of a little bit crucial is to make sure that some bread still shows cuz you want the top to toast as well as the cheese to kind of gratinate cuz it's now going to go into a preheated oven at 180° C and it'll need about 20 to 25 minutes in that time it should melt all the way down to the base warm through but crisp up the top as well there was one little tip that we learned with making World Class Pizza at the top of the World Trade Center just dropping that in there um we learned that a little bit of Honey a little bit of chili goes a long way on top of a pizza it just raises the game doesn't it so basically this is cheap meat but it's not just about stuffing your face with carbs and proteins and stuff like that you want to make it taste amazing too so equal ratio of honey and water warmed up few chili flakes and when it comes out of the oven a drizzle of that with fresh basil and some jalapenos banging boom whether you are cheating or just looking to impress and share this with friends it's our blooming pizza bread sorted i' leave my wife with that have we got any tinned pineapple no just enjoy get out and because it's a deep bloom a loaf you get the soft bits of the bottom but you still get these lovely crunchy crusts as well where's Mike he doesn't like pizza the only thing that's missing is that fresh hit of pineapple you guys you need to comment down below yes or no to Pineapple yes for pineapple no for don't be ridiculous you're a madman and don't forget to come back on Sunday where we are having an ultimate cheesecake battle with a special guest and I guarantee you he's going to make a big splash no no he's no I think the idea is not to do that right click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the Right video for one of our [Music] favorites
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 459,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloomin' onion bread recipe, pull apart bread, bread pizza recipe, pizza dough, pizza monkey bread, pizza challenge, pizza eating challenge, pizza recipe, bread recipe, pizza bread sortedfood, blooming pizza bread sortedfood, stuffed pizza bread
Id: 9v53gm5bDZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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